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» What does a lily tattoo mean. The meaning of a lily tattoo in tattoo art

What does a lily tattoo mean. The meaning of a lily tattoo in tattoo art

Many girls like a lily tattoo, the meaning of which must be known before applying it to the body. For everyone, without exception, for the general development, it will be interesting to study the topic of tattoos with beautiful flowers.

many lilies

Often there are female tattoos, represented by a stem with several flowers growing on it. Such images symbolize immortality and rebirth.

lily tattoo: red on shoulder

lily tattoo : orange on the back

dark lily

Lily, decorated in dark colors, evokes thoughts about the beauty of the night and hidden desires. Mysterious dark lilies differ significantly from light lilies painted with notes of innocence and naivety. Flowers that are bright red or black are a reflection of passion.

lily tattoo : dark on the neck

lily tattoo : dark with green

White Lily

A delicate white lily, surrounded by thorns and weeds, is the epitome of innocence and purity that flourishes against the backdrop of a cruel, vicious outside world.

The white lily itself, without additional elements, can be a reflection of modesty, purity, innocence, modesty and naivety.

These flowers evoke thoughts of sinlessness, fragility and chastity.

lily tattoo : bouquet of white flowers on the shoulder blade

lily tattoo : water spatula

orange lily

Drawings with orange lilies in one case can indicate originality, independence and original thinking; in others they reflect hatred.

lily tattoo : orange with swirls on the shoulder

lily tattoo : realistic on the lower back

pink lily

Images of lilies in pink tones are imbued with the delicacy, tenderness and beauty of youth.

lily tattoo : purple with anchor

lily tattoo : pink on the shoulder

yellow lily

Majestic yellow lilies are associated with impregnability, pride and arrogance.

lily tattoo : large yellow on the side

lily tattoo : yellow with green on the shoulder

fairy lily

Fantastic depictions of the lily, used by dreamy storytellers and myth aficionados, represent the habitats of the elves. According to medieval German folklore, elves have an inseparable connection with the buds and end their existence with the wilting of plants.


Take a look at the images of the fleur-de-lis and you will understand that these drawings are far from the real outlines of this flower. Stylized drawings are unrealistic and have positive characteristics. In the classic version, a flower with three petals is pricked. The image has recognizable outlines, since one petal is located in the center, the other two, bending, deviate from the first. Most likely, the prototype of this stylized plant is the yellow iris, which belongs to the lily flower family.

Often a fleur-de-lis is applied in order to reflect the noble origin of a person, his wealth. For this reason, such tattoos can often be found on male bodies.

royal lily

The image of a royal lily changes its interpretation according to the color scheme used. When the buds are brindle, they show the independence, creativity and originality of a person.

Other meanings

In different cultures, there is an interpretation of the lily as a symbol of fertility; like the ancient Egyptians. But the most common interpretation is nobility. The ancient Romans and the inhabitants of Crete correlated the image of these flowers with representatives of the noble classes. In ancient times, the French considered the image of a lily to be exclusively royal paraphernalia.

lily tattoo : with skull from shoulder to waist

lily tattoo : purple with guitar on shoulder

Lily tattoos for women

As we have already found out, the meaning of a female lily tattoo changes depending on the color scheme and the concept of the drawing. These beautiful flowers are often included in religious compositions. The design can be represented by the Virgin Mary holding a bouquet or a cross entwined with flowers. Beautiful lilies may be placed under the feet of the Saint. Take a look at the bewitching icons depicting the Archangel Gabriel holding lilies or flowers very similar to them, and you will definitely be imbued with the tenderness and purity of this plant. The world of flower tattoos is rich and varied, masters are increasingly developing individual compositions that never repeat anywhere. For example, living creatures look gorgeous - dragons, birds or animals with lilies in their mouths.

Whatever type of lilies you choose, the main thing is that the drawing clearly reflects your position in life and fully conveys the characteristics of your personality. It is necessary to carefully consider the tattoo and be safe from the fact that its meaning is organically combined with the owner even after many years. You can choose for flowers absolutely any part of the body. Note that large lilies look especially impressive. To give the tattoo artist maximum scope for creativity, girls prefer to apply lilies on the forearm, shoulder, side, ankles, stomach and back.

In many sources, one can find indications that lilies on the shoulders in the long-forgotten past were stuffed by women of easy virtue. Apparently, this tradition has already lost its relevance. Ordinary modern girls calmly wear these flowers on any part of the body, including on their shoulders, and this has nothing to do with prostitution.

lily tattoo : blue with a dragonfly on the shoulder

lily tattoo : bright with curls on the side

It is not enough to figure out what meaning a lily tattoo can have, it is also important to harmoniously choose the color scheme of the sketch to match the skin color. Clear and beautiful flower tattoos can be applied to the body only with the help of a professional. You should trust your body to an artist who can show many photos of finished works and confirm extensive long experience in the field. female tattoos. The process of applying the largest tattoos can withstand the most patient of the fair sex. If a woman already knows that she is not able to unwaveringly endure pain, then it is better to give preference to images of a moderate format.

Tattoos are permanent images applied to the skin by traumatizing with the introduction of multi-colored dyes under the skin. The pattern that is applied to the skin is chosen only by the customer and most often remains with him for life.

Each image has its own hidden meaning. The meaning of a tattoo depends on the applied drawing and on the meaning of this symbol in different ancient cultures and religions.

Therefore, not all drawings can suit every person. If the tattoo does not suit the person, then there is some discomfort and a desire to get rid of it. And of course, some drawings may not be suitable for men or women in the semantic meaning. It is rare that a man wants to regularly see a flower or a butterfly on his skin, while women, on the contrary, will be happy with this. Flowers on the female body are like the identification of the beauty of the female body with nature.

In general, tattoos that contain images of flowers can have a rather deep meaning, much more than just drawings on the body. Flowers are the embodiment of nature, a manifestation of its mystery and beauty. In different countries and cultures, the meaning of images of flowers is diverse. The most famous are lotus, rose, lily, sakura. It is very important what color the drawing is made in, it can seriously affect the meaning of the tattoo.

Lily is the most common ancient symbol of peace, purity, nobility, glory, greatness, tranquility, pride and innocence. In terms of importance in countries, the lily is comparable only to the lotus, although their meanings are largely similar. Lily is often considered a female symbol, so it can mean youth, resurrection and, in rare cases, early death. Thanks to some beliefs, the white lily occupies a rather honorable place among flowers, personifying wealth.

In Christianity, the lily symbolizes the Virgin Mary and, therefore, modesty, purity, innocence, humility. In the culture of many peoples, the meaning of the Lily tattoo was fertility. In Germany, they believed that elves lived in these wonderful flowers. In France, the lily was the sign of kings.

The most important meaning of the Lily tattoo is nobility. And then this tattoo can be understood as fragility, tenderness, innocence, that is, directly as female symbols, the personification of female beauty. If this flower is surrounded by thorns or herbs, it means the sinlessness of the soul. Several flowers on one stem are considered a sign of immortality or rebirth. Yellow lily means arrogance and pride, brindle - originality, white - purity, pink - youth. If light-colored lilies are associated with day and purity, then dark-colored flowers are associated with passion, the beauty of the night. Drawing in the form of lilies in the Middle Ages was done to women of easy virtue, and because of this, some interpretations of such tattoos are still not clear.

In general, lilies belong to female tattoo because of its beauty and meanings. Although not all girls think about the hidden meaning of the drawings. In general, depending on the color of the applied pattern, it also depends on what the owner wants to get in the end. It is impossible to unequivocally name certain types of girls who will definitely make such tattoos, usually any tattoo is done by an independent and decisive person who does not care about other people's opinions and this tattoo is unlikely to be an exception.

The most common meaning of a lily tattoo is innocence, purity, tranquility, peace, nobility, as well as pride and glory. Such qualities were attributed to the flower in antiquity. In terms of significance for Western cultures, the lily can only be compared with the lotus - a symbol of the East. This is especially true of the white lily, which is in no way inferior to the white rose in beauty, and in some ways even surpasses it.

Lily tattoo designs are always beautiful with their delicate flowers. Very rarely this drawing is done using only black paint alone, it makes no sense. A tattoo is applied to different parts of the body: arm, shoulder, shoulder blade, thigh, etc.

Being a primordially female symbol, in Christianity the lily is the personification of the Virgin Mary, which means holiness, innocence, humility and immaculate conception. In addition, in different countries there were, and still exist, all kinds of beliefs associated with this amazing flower.

So, the Germans thought that elves lived in lilies. The Egyptians believed that they gave fertility and wealth. The Greeks and Romans considered the flower an essential attribute of chaste goddesses. And the French admired the lily so much that they even made it a symbol of royal power.

A lily tattoo can be depicted on the body in the form of a single flower, or in the form of several. The lighter the color of the flower, the more light, light and sublime energies govern it. So, a white lily symbolizes sinlessness, purity of thoughts and motives, fragility, tenderness and chastity. Several flowers on one stem are associated with rebirth or immortality.

Dark lilies carry somewhat different information; they no longer have the innocence and angelic purity inherent in white flowers. Flowers with a dark color are associated with the fragrance of the night, passion, passionate beauty and an unsolved mystery.

So, the special meaning of a lily tattoo lies precisely in its color design. The yellow lily has been a symbol of pride since ancient times. Pink color correlates with tenderness and youth, sometimes with sensuality. Orange or brindle color indicates passion, originality and independence.

The design of tattoos using this flower is most often quite simple - one or more lilies, made in one way or another; the color scheme is different, but more inclined to natural natural shades. Often tattoos on this theme are associated with religious symbols.

This may be the Virgin Mary with a bouquet of lilies in her hands; a cross entwined with several flowers; lilies at the feet of the saint, etc. Sometimes they depict birds, animals or dragons with lilies sticking out of their mouths. A lily tattoo can be several flowers tightly wrapped in barbed wire.

The world of tattoos using a lily in their design is truly diverse. This is an unusual flower with its own special character, which is undoubtedly a wonderful decoration for the female body. Be sure to ask the master to draw an individual sketch of a lily tattoo for you. And below you can see photos of lily tattoos from different masters.

Lily tattoo on arm, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOXsWbndqb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Heraldic or bubonic lily is an ambiguous design for a tattoo. This symbol is shrouded in legends and is repeatedly mentioned in many historical chronicles. When stuffing a lily tattoo, remember that there are different interpretations of the sign with a plus and a minus: purity, purity, idleness and debauchery.

General meaning of a fleur-de-lis tattoo

Initially, the “fleur de lys” pattern was used by the French monarchs, it was an ordinary lily. In the 12th century, with the light hand of Louis VI, the fleur-de-lis began to be used on shields as the emblem of the royal people of France. During the reign of Louis VII, the lily became the official emblem of the French royal house.

Historians suggest that the plant was associated with the Holy Trinity, the immaculate Virgin Mary. Those. the flower is attributed to the divine principle, the power of the Lord.

fleur-de-lis tattoo on neck

There is also an opinion that the depicted plant is not a flower, but an upside-down drawing of a bee, as one of the symbols of beekeepers. According to ancient myths, these plants served as a home for fairies. The Persian peoples, honoring flowers, decorated their temples with them.

For Orthodoxy, this white flower personified purity and chastity. According to the Bible, it was in the hands of the Archangel Gabriel, who brought the miraculous news to the Virgin Mary about the future child of the Mission. It is common for our country to give these flowers for a wedding as a symbol of love and purity.

But in the Renaissance, the plant became a symbol of depravity, betrayal, a sign of scoundrels and bandits. Already in those days, the fleur-de-lis appeared on women. But these were not tattoos, but the brand of a prostitute.

There is an opinion that the symbol originates from a stylized yellow iris flower, that is, it is not a lily, but an iris. The meaning of interpretation and the role of the flower for history are being studied to the present.

Lily tattoo meaning

Although some negative properties were attributed to the sign, most often it had a positive meaning, like a royal emblem.

The flower was endowed with such qualities as tenderness, fragility, spiritual purity, innocence. The plant is a symbol of female beauty. One of the properties that a sign endows its wearer with is calmness and poise.

The tattoo looks good on all areas. Her image can be found on the neck, chest, abdomen and ankles. More often they stuff a colored tattoo, preferring dark shades: red, brown, blue, dark green.

Lily tattoo on the body of women, its meaning

A lily tattoo is a female drawing. Young girls stuff a heraldic flower as a symbol of passion, falling in love with a man, loyalty to this man in defiance of everything.

There is an opinion that young girls acquire tenderness and femininity after applying the heraldic symbol. It is noticed that they begin to adhere to a certain girlish style in clothes, preferring dresses and skirts.

A tattoo of a heraldic sign can serve as a talisman when a girl wants to bring some events into life or develop qualities in herself:

  • - spiritual perfection;
  • - Love;
  • - luck;
  • - softness of character;
  • - self confidence;
  • — self-development and knowledge of the world.

In addition, the bearer of the heraldic symbol develops creativity. There is a flower in girls with a fine organization of the psyche, which are characterized by hysteria, and at the same time kindness, sincerity. Not always images of the heraldic sign of a woman are put on display.

What about men

The tattoo of the heraldic symbol is practically not found on the body. If a young man fills a lily, then he pursues the goal - gaining wealth and fame, the desire to succeed in professional life. Occasionally, a tattoo of a heraldic flower is stuffed as a symbol of belonging to a noble family.

There may be an image of a heraldic symbol among representatives of sexual minorities. Black and blue colors are used for such tattoos.

The value of the tattoo on the zone

In prison, negative properties are attributed to the heraldic flower. Lily can be found on the shoulder or chest of women of easy virtue or non-traditional orientation.

What is a lily tattoo? This is a very beautiful and feminine pattern. As a rule, a lily tattoo is stuffed in the form of a single flower. Although some people prefer to stuff even whole bouquets.

Flower sizes can also range from very large to very small. Sometimes pictures are applied along with heart-shaped leaves and stems.

Lily tattoo - the main nuances

So, in more detail. A lily tattoo can be associated with various qualities. With femininity, purity, virginity, modesty, rebirth and beauty. In Egypt, the lily has always meant fertility. In Europe - innocence (white flower), and orange - hatred. Such tattoos in most cases have a triangular shape. Apply to calves, ankles, forearms, shoulders, flanks, abdomen and back.

noble flower

A lily tattoo is not just a drawing. Such an image can be found even on the icons of the Annunciation. For example, in the hands of the Archangel Gabriel. It symbolizes this flower and the Virgin Mary herself. Therefore, it is held in high esteem by every believer.

In Egypt, the bodies of young dead girls were decorated with these flowers. People believed that in the next world they would have many children. In addition, the lily pointed, again, to their innocence and purity.

Well, if you believe the German medieval legends, then elves live in lilies - fabulous good creatures.

General value

Next moment. Tattoo "lily" meaning is far from simple. But first of all, the flower speaks of calmness, harmony, naivety and humility. However, the value also varies depending on the color.

After all, the yellow lily speaks, on the contrary, of disobedience and pride. Pink indicates tenderness and youth. Brindle or orange communicates independence, intransigence and even hatred.

Thus, when you meet a person with such a tattoo, pay attention to its color. He can tell a lot.

Among women

Tattoo for girls - a lily - is found in a wide variety of variations. For example, you can meet a girl with a heraldic (royal) flower on her body. This suggests that the lady is passionately in love with a man and wants to stay with him throughout her life. Such a lily involuntarily evokes thoughts of France around. It was she who was always depicted on the coats of arms of the French monarchs, and also spoke of faith in nobility, greatness and all the best.

Such tattoos are stuffed mainly by the fair sex. However, let's not forget one more thing. In ancient times, such drawings were stuffed exclusively by women of easy virtue. Today, the nature of such an image depends on what exactly the girl wants to invest in it.

In any case, it is worth noting that a woman with a lily stuffed on her body is beautiful and charming. At the same time, such qualities as kindness, modesty and tenderness are absolutely not alien to her, as already mentioned above. She can be a faithful and obedient wife, a reliable companion for her soulmate.

In addition, the owner of such a tattoo is a person who is not devoid of creativity. Such a woman has well-developed artistic abilities. She has a very fine mental organization.

In men

A tattoo (lily) can also have a certain meaning on the body of the representatives of the strong sex. However, only in a specific case. When a man has a lily on his shoulder next to a sword. This speaks of nobility, masculinity and fidelity to one's ideals. In addition, for such a man, the concepts of honor, friendship and loyalty to one's own word will be of great importance.

In prison

A lily tattoo on the shoulder in the underworld is found in most cases in women. Zonovsky drawing can mean unconventional orientation or easy behavior.

So, the meaning of this tattoo is very rich, heterogeneous and not always positive. Do not forget that it was already mentioned above: at one time, easily accessible women were stigmatized with such an image, prostitutes.

However, the more beautiful the flower looks, the richer and deeper its symbolism. The more difficult it is to fully comprehend and understand.

The main thing is that the owners of these tattoos cannot even imagine themselves without them. They seem to merge with them together. They complement each other. And let some people consider the lily a stigma. Doesn't matter. For the owner of such a pattern, this is a sign of distinction, a way to stand out from the surrounding gray crowd. Rest assured, such people do not go unnoticed! After all, a well-stuffed flower is also very beautiful!