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» How to protect yourself from energy vampires. How to protect yourself from energy vampires and save your energy

How to protect yourself from energy vampires. How to protect yourself from energy vampires and save your energy

Many people, having heard about "energy vampires", think that we are talking about something supernatural, mystical or even occult. However, even in everyday life, we often hear stories about how someone "sucks" the vital energy of a person, negatively affects the mood, causing aggression and irritation, depression and fatigue of his "victim". What is really happening? Are there "energy vampires" in our lives, or just some people, under the influence of the media or the stories of their acquaintances, try to shift their own psychological problems onto other, completely innocent people?

So, who are these "vampire" people and how to distinguish them from the rest? The most important criterion of the townsfolk is very individual, it is something like this: if after periodic communication with a person there is annoyance or irritation, anger or depression, headaches or fatigue, then there is no doubt that you have a real “vampire” in front of you.

The generally accepted classification divides "energy vampires" into active and passive. Active ones act openly, provoking quarrels and conflicts. Passive prefer to get energy, exhausting a person with long conversations, complaints or overprotectiveness. Some authors introduce their own typology.

Up to eleven types of "energy" or "psychological vampires" can be found in the psychological literature. In fact, it is not so important to which type or type each particular “vampire” is attributed, because they all have one thing in common: the desire to receive a certain emotional reaction from the interlocutor.

It is no secret that communication is extremely important for the normal functioning of our psyche. And not just communication between people as a kind of information exchange, not formal communication, but emotionally colored, communication as an exchange of emotions. For example, in infants deprived of the necessary emotional contact with people, irreversible changes in the psyche occur, which subsequently prevent them from adapting to social life. An adult person is just as hard to endure emotional hunger. For example, prolonged solitary confinement causes fear even in people who can endure severe physical punishment.

When a person experiences positive emotions during communication, this means that at this moment some important needs of the psyche are satisfied. Mental needs are not associated with any practical benefit, but, nevertheless, are very important. These may be the needs for emotional attachment, security, recognition, respect and love, self-identification and self-realization, awareness of one's own uniqueness. The need to be meaningful to others, to express feelings and be the object of feelings of others, to feel community and unity, belonging to a circle of people, to share something of value, to influence others, to tell and be understood, to listen and understand, to discover a new vision of the world through the eyes of another person and thus expand the horizons of their own personal experience. This is not a complete list of psychological needs, and the priority of one or another is purely individual for each individual person.

As you may have guessed, the type of "psychological vampire" depends on what need of his psyche he satisfies at the expense of his "donor". This happens just at the moment of the emotional reaction of the "donor" to the corresponding influences of the "vampire". The reasons for such destructive behavior may be different, but usually they all come down to some kind of psycho-traumatic situation in the past, as a result of which the psyche of the "vampire" chose exactly this, destructive for itself, way to satisfy its needs.

In general, we can divide "psychological vampires" into four groups: "aggressive", "pathetic", "helpless" and "overly caring". "Aggressive" species are distinguished by the fact that during communication they look for the most sensitive and most vulnerable point in the psyche of the interlocutor, and then skillfully strike at this sore spot. And when the “victim” violently and irritably begins to defend himself, expressing his emotions, the “vampire”, having received what he sought, may even smile in response.

The “pathetic” constantly demand sympathy. These are people who, despite their completely normal state, still represent everything in a black light, just to arouse pity in the interlocutor.

The “helpless” species differs from the “pathetic” one in that it constantly needs help. It seems that he is not able to solve his own problems. And his actions are aimed at forcing the "donor" to do it for him.

The last type of "psychological vampirism" is observed on the part of overly caring people who often have psychological problems expressing their own interests and therefore passing them off as someone else's.

And although from the point of view of official science "energy vampirism" does not exist, psychology studies this way of interaction between people through the laws of the functioning of their psyche and helps to correct this interaction for the benefit of all its participants.

How to protect the boss, and if the boss himself is one of those?

The situation with “psychological vampirism” in the work team is becoming more complicated: firstly, it is difficult to get away from it, because it is quite difficult to avoid contacts with a colleague with whom a person is associated with some working moments. Secondly, the hierarchy of working relationships initially implies some inequality, which can create additional favorable conditions for possible psychological pressure. For example, you can’t run away from a conversation with your boss, and this conversation itself may not take place on an equal footing.

Nevertheless, when it rains, we sit at home, and if we go outside, we take an umbrella with us, but do not scold the sky and clouds. What can become such an "umbrella" when meeting with a "psychological vampire"?

Often provoking a conflict, the "vampire" always encroaches on the personal psychological space of the interlocutor, which should be immediately told to the provocateur.

There is a fairly simple and effective response scheme:

1. Stop someone who crosses your psychological boundaries. Sometimes one word is enough: “Enough!” or "Stop!".
2. We say that a person invades our psychological space, and how exactly this manifests itself (in other words, HOW he invades)
3. We ask him to stop doing it.
4. If this does not help, then we warn of negative consequences.
5. If this does not help, we will implement the promise (therefore, the negative consequences should be real and only those that you are ready to bring to life).

What could be such a negative consequence? Anything: refusal to communicate, help, and so on. The main thing is that it be undesirable for the offender.

Of course, you need to speak in a calm voice, without aggression and as unemotionally as possible, because, as we remember, the emotional response of the “victim” is precisely the goal of the “vampire”. But at the same time, you can emphasize that you are open to constructive, respectful communication.

The same person very often turns out to be both a "vampire" in relation to some people and a "donor" in relation to others, how to contact such a colleague?

Almost always, a "vampire" in relation to some people becomes a "donor" - these are two sides of the same coin. The obvious encroachment of the "energy vampire" on the psychological space of the interlocutor indicates his problems with his own psychological space:

  1. On the one hand, the “vampire” has a destructive fear that his sensitive spot may be hurt.
  2. On the other hand, his sensitive place is already hurt, or was hurt in the past, and therefore numerous attempts are being made to satisfy his mental needs and “lick” his wounds in this way.

In any case, it is important to remember the five basic rules for effective behavior in a pre-conflict or conflict situation:

Politeness is the key to safety

Do not start being rude yourself, especially when the situation does not require it. It happens that, feeling their own rightness, people do not realize that they themselves are too active, and sometimes even somewhat tactless, to impose it on others. Thus, they unconsciously, on the one hand, provoke an aggressive reaction, and on the other hand, act as a target for the "psychological vampire", exposing their vulnerabilities.

Balance and emotional stability

If you control your emotions, then you control the situation; if your emotions control you, then your opponent controls the situation. Remember that it is always up to you and only you to choose your emotional reaction. As long as this is the case, you decide which one to show to the “energy vampire” or not to show at all. Be emotionally mature and the leverage of the situation will always be in your hands. Remember the phrase Gandhi said to himself mentally: "They are not able to take away our self-respect if we ourselves do not give it to them."

Awareness and understanding

Situations are very different, but in each of them it is important to realize your own goal. Why do you need communication with this person, what do you want to achieve as a result? And, based on this, build your line of behavior.

“Whoever owns information owns the world”, remember this and enrich your knowledge about the world around you and about yourself. Be interested in other people and improve your ways of interacting with them. This will help you better understand the motives of the behavior of others and, as a result, build more effective communication with them.

Learn to manage conflicts, maintain inner self-confidence, draw useful lessons from your life experience, ask the right questions, which, when used wisely, can become tools for controlling the interlocutor's thought.

Relieve stress if the provocation of the "vampire" still hooked you

Mental health is no less important than physical health, take care of it, keep it in good shape and use the help of good psychologists who will help you work through problem situations, find the causes and understand ways to resolve them.

How not to fall for the provocations of "energy vampires" and learn how to control relationships with them?

In a certain situation, every person can unconsciously become an “energy vampire”. All people are connected by different ties: family, friends, relatives and, of course, workers. What to do if you notice that you have become a target for a "vampire"?

Smile but stay away

As soon as the “energy vampire” tries to engage you in a conversation that is unpleasant for you, try to smile and remain silent. All that is required of you "energy vampire" - an emotional reaction. If it is not there, the “vampire” will be left with nothing and after a couple of attempts he will understand that in communicating with you he will not get what he wants and will stop wasting energy on you. Abstract yourself from your own emotions and sensations that suddenly arise during your communication with the “vampire”. Try to look at the situation as if from the outside, take the position of an observer who, by and large, does not care how this communication goes.

Don't let the guilt take over you

The often occurring false sense of guilt is typical for communication with "psychological vampires". Remember: you are not responsible for the other person and for their experiences. In no case should you blame yourself for the fact that someone feels unhappy. In addition, it is important to get rid of the idea that you have to offer each interlocutor a solution to the problem. Some people sometimes just have to part so that they can take responsibility for their own lives.

There are no coincidences

If it seems to you that there is simply nothing to hurt you, since everything is equally important to you, and suddenly your opponent finds a way to do this, then be grateful to him. Because he groped for your value, which you attach excessive importance to. It helps you to identify and recognize your own erroneous beliefs and irrational thoughts so that you can eliminate them. Each person has his own set of ideals, and it is them that the “vampire” worries about, trying to cause irritation. In fact, he is your doctor, because he shows what is excessively dear to you. Consider this and try to be grateful to this person. He is a kind of catalyst for moving forward. If not for him, perhaps you would have remained a hostage to routine, optional, difficult relationships or life situations. Being a kind of stimulus, "vampires" make us move forward, look for ways to solve the problem, reach a new level of awareness in life.

If a particular person with frightening frequency brings you to white heat, think about why this happens? Analyzing your inner world and emotions that were a reaction to the negative, you can understand a lot about yourself.

A psychologist can provide very important assistance in this, for example, to find a way out of a difficult situation that a person faces at work and is unable to cope on his own, or help change the quality of his life, if a person is seriously not satisfied with some moments. in its relationship with the outside world. In the Center for Psychology and Training of Maria Minakova, the best specialists who have passed strict quality control of work are always happy to help you.

In any case, remember that the more positive you have inside, the more likely it is that the surrounding negativity will simply go unnoticed by you. Learn to enjoy every moment, every day. Learn to forgive. Get used to living in joy, harmony, love, and then no "vampires" will harm your health.

Case Studies

  1. Irina came with complaints of poor sleep, as a result of which her working capacity was greatly reduced and problems began at work. It turned out that a bad dream is associated with a sense of guilt that Irina experienced in relation to her elderly mother. The last few months, after the death of her father, Irina's mother constantly complained about her loneliness and depression associated with it. Irina organized various classes and events for her mother, at which there was an opportunity to make new acquaintances with people of her age, but if she attended them, she behaved very passively there. Acquaintances were not made, and my mother continued to complain about her lonely fate. Irina felt strong guilt before her mother for not giving her enough time and attention, for not inviting her mother to live with her or in some other way not filling her loneliness.

In this situation, Irina's mother was an unconscious "psychological vampire", her subconscious goal was to make her daughter feel guilty. After the therapy, Irina realized that her mother herself was responsible for her experiences and no longer felt guilty for her mother's feelings. As a result, Irina began to sleep well and her working relationship improved, and her mother, having ceased to receive the necessary emotional reaction from her daughter, switched her attention and made new acquaintances in her own entrance. At the same time, communication between Irina and her mother began to bring joy to both.

  1. Konstantin had a difficult relationship with the new head of the department, to whose sharp remarks Konstantin reacted very aggressively, as a result of which he could not concentrate on his current affairs for a long time. While working with a psychologist, Konstantin became aware of his inner attitudes, which made him react so violently in a conversation with his supervisor. Having decided to change these attitudes to more constructive ones, Konstantin, together with a psychologist, developed a new line of behavior for himself with the head of the department. After two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to provoke aggression from Konstantin, the leader completely stopped finding fault with him.
  2. Lyudmila wanted to improve her relationship with her husband, which had deteriorated after the birth of their son. In the process of working with a psychotherapist, it turned out that the reason for the deterioration of relations was Lyudmila's strong irritation at her mother-in-law's constant remarks about raising a child. In addition, the mother-in-law often tried to take on some of the responsibilities for caring for the baby. All this caused a violent emotional reaction of Lyudmila, which was the subconscious goal of the mother-in-law. There were grievances against the husband who remained aloof from conflicts, which worsened the relationship of the spouses day by day. As a result of the psychotherapy, Lyudmila's negative emotional reactions (irritation and anger) were worked out, which completely changed her attitude towards the behavior of her husband's mother. Gone are the reasons for resentment against the spouse. After five weeks, the interference of the mother-in-law came to naught, and the relationship with her husband improved significantly.

Communication with an energy vampire is fraught with big troubles: sleep disturbance, bad mood, health problems and prolonged depression. However, it is not always possible to end such relationships: “dangerous” individuals can be surrounded at work, in the company of friends and even in the family. For those who have to communicate with people who feed on other people's emotions, the following tips will help protect themselves from the aggression of an energy vampire.

Peace, only peace!

Getting a boost of energy from a stranger is not so easy. In order to destroy the biofield and overcome the natural defense, it is necessary to introduce discomfort into the emotional state of the “victim”.

Stress, worries, anxiety of the donor - an ideal option for a vampire, when you can safely proceed to your "nourishment". Therefore, the main rule for those who want to protect themselves from nervous and emotional exhaustion is to remain calm in all situations. It is clear that there are cases when it is very difficult to maintain equanimity, however, most often a potential donor may simply not succumb to provocations.

Telephone conversations with an unwanted interlocutor can be interrupted as soon as it turns out that he will not report anything important. It is enough to confidently refer to employment, and, without waiting for an answer, hang up.

A good means of protection at home and at work is to go on the counter “attack”. When an energy vampire at a meeting begins to complain about endless problems and worries, you can safely tell him about your sores, evil management or noisy neighbors. It is not necessary to lay out all your innermost secrets frankly: the main thing is to make it clear to the interlocutor that energy can also be “drawn” from him, and in this case he will not be able to replenish his resources.

Special amulets will help protect yourself from the evil actions of a vampire - rings, bracelets, hair bands or other round objects charged with the positive energy of their owner.

Family and home are the most vulnerable places that need protection

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an energy bloodsucker to be a close and dear person who, despite close, warm relations, does not miss the opportunity to “use the services” of a donor. How to protect yourself from a husband, father or other relative - an energy vampire in the family? After all, with your loved ones you can’t reduce communication to zero and delete them from your life ...

Experts have proven that energy vampires can gain strength, not only drawing on the energy of others. A powerful boost of energy gives them closeness to nature. Family trips to various picnics, joint outdoor sports, walks in the forest - all this is a good protection against energy vampires - loved ones, especially when it comes to young children (signs of vampirism can appear in a person from the age of five or six ).

Vampires become not only from childhood: overcoming a half-century milestone, people do not have enough of their own energy, so they learn to receive strength "from the outside" - from others, most often, children and grandchildren. To protect yourself from energy vampires at home, you need to try so that potentially "dangerous" relatives do not lack positive impressions.

The main thing is that a person at any age should have something to do, then he will not have time to look for a donor. You can captivate relatives with some hobbies, hobbies, offer a business of interest. Helping around the house, knitting, fishing - these and other activities can distract older people and help them overcome the "crisis of their years."

Aromatic oils and aroma lamps are good home charms. The smell of citrus, coniferous trees, field or garden flowers can fill the house with an atmosphere of harmony and peace of mind, setting the home aggressor in a positive way.

What to do when the energy absorber is a husband?

It's one thing - when people of "vulnerable" age - children and old people - try to take energy away; but a completely different situation - if the energy predator is a husband, a person with whom it was once promised to be always together, both in grief and in joy ... showdown, throw a scandal and even resort to assault in order to get another portion of the coveted energy?

To protect yourself from an energy vampire - a husband, you need to learn how to correctly respond to his provocations. It is best in every disputable situation to go to another room or even leave the house in order to protect yourself from empty nit-picking and hassle. Of course, every time you won’t be able to run away from your own home, therefore, experts recommend developing your own behavior strategy - completely ignoring all attacks.

For all attempts by the husband to arrange a loud quarrel, you must immediately switch to a whisper - this is a very effective way to calm the brawler. No one wants to tear their vocal cords when the opponent answers in a calm whisper.

The spouse does not scream, but constantly, with enviable regularity, complains about his health problems, work or car? This is also a kind of vampirism, when the wife, sincerely worried, gives the vampire what he needs - her emotions. Tired of listening to the same moans every night? You can clearly and confidently tell your husband: “Unfortunately, I can’t fix the carburetor in your car, but what are you going to do about it yourself?” This simple and impartial question will make it clear that the vampire will have to deal with the problems himself, and he will not receive the expected “dose” in the form of a surge of negative energy.

Home amulets can be a good protection against vampirism: you need to decorate the space so that the design contains as many drawings in the form of a circle as possible. Ideally, circles or rings should be embroidered on textiles (napkins, tablecloths, bed linen) on their own, with an ordinary red thread. The so-called "rings of fire" do not have to be huge; even a small ornament is enough to fill the home with positive and mutual understanding.

Very often, a husband becomes an aggressor under the influence of bad habits - alcohol or drugs. In this case, in order to protect yourself and your children, you need to make a decision to eradicate the underlying problem.

Video - advice from a psychotherapist:

Energy bloodsuckers at work. What to do?

Often, while performing their official duties at the workplace, a person feels a sudden breakdown, a sharp headache, a change in mood. As a rule, this happens after communicating with a certain person, who may turn out to be an energy vampire that feeds on someone else's energy. How to protect yourself at work so that someone else's thirst for negative emotions does not become the cause of office troubles?

Amulets and charms will come to the rescue, which you must always keep with you. So, you can put a small round mirror on your desktop, the main thing is that it should have a reflective surface to others.

Good amulets from energy vampires are fresh fruits with the power of nature. Few people know, but even after drinking tea with a slice of lemon, a person significantly strengthens his protective field and becomes less vulnerable to the negative effects of vampirism.

No less powerful amulets and amulets are pure bones of fresh fruits. After a cherry, pomegranate or apple is eaten, you do not need to throw away their grains: it is recommended to wrap tiny bones in a white handkerchief or napkin and put the bundle in a bag so that it is always there, and the force of nature could protect the owner of the amulet.

It is important to remember that these and other amulets will be ineffective if you do not cultivate resistance to empty provocations. Even the most hardened energy aggressor will stop his attempts to get a portion of emotions if he sees that a potential donor remains indifferent to his tricks.

Now the vampire theme is so fashionable that I could not ignore it.

True, in this article we will not talk about blood-sucking handsome men who grow fangs at the sight of the white neck of some charmer, but about no less dangerous creatures that live among us and thanks to us.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires- the topic of today's conversation.

Knowledge, without which it is impossible to protect yourself from energy vampires

Fortunately, only a few have a powerful gift that allows them to feed on the energy of others without resorting to any actions.

Smaller bipods need to try hard to suck on your energy flow.

Most energy vampires resort to the simplest method: evoke a strong emotion in their victim.

It can be either a negative emotion (anger, irritation, anger, resentment) or a positive one (sympathy, happiness).

Easiest protect yourself from an energy vampire- Do not give access to your emotions.

There are several classifications of these monsters.

According to the methods of influence, they are divided into:

  • unconscious - those who do not understand their own strength and stick to our energy source, not understanding their own actions;
  • conscious ones are already real demons, because they know perfectly well why and why they bring you to white heat.

Given the strength of the impact, energy vampires can be divided into:

  • elemental - act with short and rare attacks: they attacked, “ate”, retreated;
  • permanent - they eat in small portions so as not to cause much harm to a person, but they do it constantly.

“Defend yourself from energy vampires?! It's all nonsense!"...

In itself, the topic I raised is rather delicate.

I know that there are many skeptics who are sure that these same energy vampires do not exist in nature, that these are all inventions of suspicious young ladies and elderly women who invent problems for themselves.

So thought my friend Tamara, well, a very sane (I would even say, too sane) lady who believes only in what she has personally seen.

Once we argued with her on the topic of subtle matters.

Tamara convinced me that there are no people with special abilities in nature, that energy vampires are created by the imagination of people who do not want to treat their illnesses, that texts like: “ How to protect yourself from energy vampires"- a breeder of gullible suckers, etc.

The argument ended with Tamara's phrase: "Until I see it myself, I won't believe it!"

As if in punishment for the girl's skepticism, fate soon introduced her to evil spirits, in which she refused to believe.

Tamara has changed jobs.

Joining a new team is not so easy, everyone is wary of you, they study, ask questions, but keep at a certain distance.

Here, everything was different.

Already on the first day, Tamara found a friend who literally did not come off her.

It would seem that this is terrible - just a good person got caught, wanting to help the new one.

And what is it that an employee pours out all her life grievances and sorrows on a colleague? Maybe she just doesn't have any friends!

However, after a week of such close communication, Tamara began to notice that she quickly got tired, irritated over trifles, and did not sleep well.

My friend complained of headaches that hadn't bothered her before, lack of appetite and other unpleasant symptoms.

I advised her to reduce communication with a new colleague friend to a minimum.

It was not so easy to do this; even a bull terrier would envy the grip of an energy vampire.

However, as soon as Tamara, albeit quarreling, stopped communicating with her annoying colleague, her symptoms seemed to evaporate.

The girl no longer laughed at this topic.

So how do you protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recognize energy vampires at a glance.

They look like ordinary people.

You will understand who is in front of you when serious harm to your health has already been done.

However, there are several signs that will allow you to identify the energy vampire in time and protect yourself from it.

Take a look at which of your friends:

  • constantly trying to piss you off with his remarks or actions;
  • needs constant contact with you, although there is no special reason for this;
  • as if rolling over you with a skating rink - after talking with him you feel tired;
  • often talks about some horrors, deaths of people, cataclysms, savoring the details;
  • cannot find a common language with cats and plants;
  • starts long conversations with which it is difficult to interrupt;
  • likes to bring down the unpleasant truth on people.

10 tricks to protect yourself from energy vampires

The simplest and most effective way is to stop any communication with the person you suspect of this bad deed.

If you can’t completely remove it from your life, then you can protect yourself from energy vampires by other methods:

  1. Don't get into long conversations with them.
  2. Do not fall for provocations, do not quarrel with them, do not get annoyed even by the most stupid phrases or actions, in general -.
  3. Take a closed posture: arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed, etc.
  4. Avoid direct eye contact.
  5. Get a talisman.

    It can be a cross, a natural stone that suits your zodiac sign, a small pyramid, etc.

  6. Learn how to confuse the vampire: laugh out loud, change the subject abruptly, get up and leave, start moving something on the table, etc.
  7. Fence off the monster with an imaginary wall through which it cannot penetrate in any way.
  8. At the end of such an unpleasant communication, be sure to wash your hands or at least wipe them with a damp cloth.
  9. Do not focus on what the energy vampire says, especially if they are unpleasant things.

    Better dream about something pleasant.

    ... let it itch for itself, when it realizes that it cannot reach you, it will leave itself.

    Reward yourself for such disgusting communication with a chocolate candy, a piece of marmalade, some fruit.

    Sweets will replenish the spent energy and cheer you up.

Very interesting and informative video about

what are the types of energy vampires and how to protect yourself from them!

We watch and remember.

I hope now you know for sure how to protect yourself from energy vampires?

So do not give these creatures the slightest chance to profit at your expense.

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We are all used to considering people with aggressive behavior, causing you to conflict and fueled by negative emotions, to be energy vampires. But there are no less dangerous "energy suckers" that can deprive you of vitality gently and imperceptibly. These virtuosos of psychological nourishment have a number of distinguishing characteristics and certain behaviors that you need to be aware of.

If you feel discomfort for no reason, catch yourself thinking to end the conversation as soon as possible, and after the meeting you feel emptiness and loss of strength, then you can be sure that you have an energy vampire in front of you.

The main sign is your internal state during and after communication with a person.

Someone calculates "energy suckers" by date of birth, others pay attention to the sign of the zodiac, but the easiest way is to recognize a vampire by behavior :

  • trying in every way to cause others pity and sympathy;
  • love impose one's opinion and teach others;
  • incredulous in everything;
  • deceiving in small things hypocrisy;
  • make people feel guilt and remorse;
  • provoke surrounding on conflicts;
  • know how subdue the will others.

Psychologists have created a certain portrait of the "energy sucker". An arrogant look, pronounced wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and around the mouth, fused eyebrows, a pale face, an unsteady gait - give out a vampire with a head.

How do energy vampires behave?

Modern vampires have little in common with their mystical counterparts. Most often they are excellent psychologists with carefully thought-out methods of taking energy from their “donors”. It is not easy to calculate them, because sometimes, even the most charming smile can hide a real “energy sucker”:

Vampire always trying to find the culprit in their troubles: a boring husband, a cruel mother, out-of-hand children, greedy relatives. A randomly thrown phrase and you will be instantly written down in the list of enemies. At the same time, you will feel guilty about the vampire, even just remembering him.

Provocation- the easiest way to get energy. They deliberately provoke quarrels and conflicts, ignite easily and rush with their fists.

Likes to gossip savoring other people's failures and problems. If someone shares his successes with them, then in return he receives only gloating and envious phrases.

A pity- Another way to get someone else's energy. By talking about his problems, he is trying to get you to maintain negative emotions, and not solve problems.

Calculation of the energy vampire:

Sometimes vampires suck out energy from those around them unconsciously - this way of replenishing vitality is given to them. from birth. With a simple test, you can determine your involvement in energy vampirism:

Write your date of birth in full. For example: 02/24/1988. Now add up each number: 2+4+2+1+9+8+8=34. If you get a two-digit number, add them together to get one digit: 3+4=7. Remember the resulting figure and check the result.

One or two - energetic vampire;

five or seven— people who give energy easily (donors);

Three, six, eight- people with innate protection against vampirism;

Nine- people with the most powerful energy protection;

Four- unconscious vampires.

Zodiac sign

Each of us, to one degree or another, has the ability to feed on energy from those around us. The whole difference is whether we replenish our reserves with positive emotions or unconsciously cause negativity, drawing life forces through the opened channels. You can also determine your type of energy vampirism by the sign of the zodiac:

  • watermarks(Crayfish, Scorpions, Pisces) - sophisticated vampires. Their manipulations can bring anyone to tears. The toughest of the trinity - Scorpions - skillfully play on the feelings of their loved ones, invariably causing them to feel guilty.

  • earth signs(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - they teach others, sometimes without thinking about the feelings of their loved ones. By criticizing, they hurt a nerve and get their dose of negative energy.

  • fire signs(Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) - they achieve superiority over others with their arrogance and sometimes cruelty of criticism. The safest of the trinity - Aries, often become donors themselves, generously endowing those around them with their energy.

  • air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - they can unbalance others with simple chatter, exhausting them and forcing them to share their energy. For the sake of their goals, they can deceive and make excuses to the last.

Calculation of a vampire according to Krivonogov

Another interesting way to calculate energy vampires was developed by cosmoenergy specialist Yuri Krivonogov. The calculation is simple, but very accurately revealing the energy exchange abilities of a person:

Multiply the date and month of birth by the year: 2402*1988=4775176

By adding numbers, we bring the sum to a simple two-digit number: 4 + 7 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 6 \u003d 37

If the resulting number is less than or equal to 21 - the person is a real energy vampire, specially or unconsciously fueled by others.

Within 22-29 are representatives of the neutral sector. They can both give and take someone else's energy.

Donors are in a numerical value above 30. Moreover, the higher the final number is 30, the more communication a person has with space channels. Many people constantly cling to donors, in an effort to recharge.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Recognizing a vampire in real life is not so difficult, they are easy to figure out by their appearance, habits, and even taste preferences:

Energy vampires are cold to sweet and hot, often refuse tea and coffee drinks. But refreshing drinks with ice and spicy-peppered food are consumed with pleasure.

Pets and indoor flowers subtly feel the aura of a person, it is easy to calculate the “energy sucker” by their behavior and condition. Animals try to leave the room where such a person appeared as soon as possible, and in the apartment where the vampire lives, the plants will die for no reason.

Vampires try to set up with their donor body contact . Pat on the head, hold on to the shoulder, take the hand, push - so the exchange of energy is even faster.

Vampires often have sudden mood swings . When they managed to feed on someone else's energy, they are excited and in a good mood, without someone else's feed - these are gloomy and confused personalities.

How to deal with an energy vampire?

The best way to protect yourself is to stay away from energy bloodsuckers. But what if your colleague, relative or even loved one turned out to be a vampire?

To begin with, it is worth understanding yourself, because most often people with a shattered psyche, an unstable emotional background, overly gullible and prone to care become donors.

Calmness is the main trump card in the fight against energy suckers. Do not give in to provocations and maintain your inner dignity.

If a vampire provokes you into conflict - mirror his. Make it fun, smile back, and don't try to make eye contact. Learn to stand firm on your boundaries and don't be afraid to speak the truth to your face.

If a vampire is trying to “stick” to you through pity and compassion, then do not try to delve into his problems with his head. You Not psychological support center, so just move the topic or tell a fictional story with a similar problem about your acquaintances.

Amulet, amulet from the energy vampire

For more active protection against energy vampirism, you can use special amulets and amulets. It can be both an acquired symbol and an amulet created by oneself.

The pectoral cross is a classic amulet against a vampire. It is important to believe in its power and, having felt an attack, touch the cross, ask for protection and read your favorite prayer.

The red thread tied on the left wrist is not just a tribute to fashion, but a powerful amulet against any energy influences.

A pin pinned to the inside of the clothes protects from the evil eye and attacks of energy bloodsuckers. The main thing is to pin it with a needle down.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family?

The most tragic situation is when a vampire settled with you in the same house. There is never peace in such a family: constant quarrels, scandals, home starts to hurt and stay at home as little as possible.

Most often, "home" vampires are children who have not yet learned how to replenish their resources and elderly relatives with weakened energy.

In order to solve a problem, you must first discuss it. Perhaps the vampire will become aware of it and begin to control his impulses. Arrange small holidays, outdoor picnics and walks for your relatives more often. Put a large aquarium with fish in the vampire's room, several large indoor flowers to replace the donor.

What to do after contact with an energy vampire?

After meeting with a vampire, a person seems to be “cut down” by fatigue, he feels empty and weakened, and begins to fall ill. To recover quickly, you need to learn how to quickly replenish the level of vitality:

  • water. A warm shower, bath, or just holding your hands under running water will help relieve excess tension.
  • Fresh air. Give up driving in favor of walking in the fresh air.

Aromatherapy with lavender, mint, cinnamon oil, as well as herbal infusions helps to restore peace of mind.

Prayer from energy vampires

Reading prayers helps to protect yourself from the destructive vampire influence. Turning to higher powers will bring you peace of mind and help restore vitality.

The most famous prayer to the Lord Almighty from evil, enemies and corruption

Head energy vampire

If the energy vampire is your immediate superior and it would be inappropriate to translate communication into a joke, then the following method of protection will help:

Imagine a mirror wall between you in such a way that all negative words addressed to you are reflected on the wall and returned back. The posture of crossed arms and legs also helps to protect against the vampire boss.

Conspiracy from an energy vampire

If you cannot avoid communication with the energy pump, then try to keep water or any other liquid between you and your opponent. Treat your friend to tea and read a simple conspiracy to yourself:

“You (name) have 5 strengths, and I have (name) 12. You can’t defeat me and don’t fool me.”

How to protect yourself from envious people?

To make a hole in your biofield and bring a lot of problems, not only an energy vampire, but also just an envious person can. Whether you believe in it or not, even unconscious envy can bring misfortune and take away good luck from a person. In order not to become a victim of envious people, follow the simple rules of protection:

  • never brag. No need to dump your successes on others, share them only with trusted people.
  • to neutralize the envious tell him about your problems and difficulties. In order not to frighten off luck, while talking about your problems, keep in mind the positive slides that this problem will be solved soon and will not bother you.
  • mentally create energy around you shell-cocoon for protection from envious people.

How to protect yourself from evil at work?

Surely, at least once in a lifetime, everyone has met a person at work, after communicating with whom everything starts to fall out of hand or suddenly an incomprehensible apathy overtakes. Whether it's your work colleague or a casual client, a simple ritual will help you protect your workplace from angry people and boss nagging:

Wait for the moment when you are alone at work and draw thirty small crosses around your workplace with a simple black pencil. These crosses will become a protective wall for you from evil and evil-minded people. It is important to repeat this ritual once a month.

How to protect yourself from the hatred of people?

Sometimes, without noticing it, we become a target for negatively minded people. These people do not always have vampire inclinations, but the hateful looks and thoughts directed at us can disrupt the positive biofield.

If you notice hateful looks on yourself, there is no need to panic. The most powerful defense against negative people is your mental balance and spiritual purity. In order to maintain the desired level of psychological protection, you can use any affirmations familiar to you:

"I love you! I am grateful to you! I'm sorry! My world takes care of me and gives me the best.”

In order for affirmations to “work”, they must be pronounced from the heart, feeling how they penetrate your energy biofield

How to protect yourself from unkind neighbors?

Conflicts with neighbors are a common life for tenants of apartment buildings. Endless holidays and repairs, noisy parties, all this incapacitates even the most persistent.

If you can’t agree “amicably”, a few simple ways will help get rid of unkind neighbors:

For the ritual, you will need a broom made of dry branches, collected with your own hands, from spruce or birch. On the waning moon, exactly at midnight, sweep the rug at your front door, in the direction away from it, saying the plot:

“I ward off all prying eyes from myself, I fence off harmful people from my house!”

Then, fry fine salt in a pan and say:

"Salt salt is strong, its strength is for centuries!"

Then, with a thin strip, pour the cooled salt under the threshold of the apartment where unkind people live, saying:

“May the evil noise never leave this apartment and disturb neither me nor others!”

Over time, the salt will darken and be invisible to others. After that, during the lunar cycle (before the moon becomes full), it is necessary, passing by the doors of the hated neighbors, to say the following conspiracy:

“Let this dwelling always be quiet and calm, and the tenants be polite to everyone. Let no one else's noise or someone else's cry harm my house.

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye?

Even if you do not believe in damage and the evil eye, it is unlikely that you will be pleased to hear curses from an unfamiliar passerby in the back. However, such statements can violate your energy space and frighten off possible luck. In order for all negative words to bypass you, you need to put some protection.

The easiest way to protect yourself is to cross a “fig” behind your back or in your pocket and say a conspiracy: “Whoever brings damage to me will die of damage himself.”

Prayer for corruption and evil eye

“Angel of Christ, I turn to you my pure, sincere prayer. I ask You to deliver me from the evil of haters, enemies and all those who wish me bad. May all demons, devils not be able to destroy my womb. Let all evil spirits burn with a flame in the fire. By the will of God, save and save me. Amen".

Each of us is familiar with the state when, after another communication with some people, you feel like a donor after donating blood at a transfusion station - almost bled and squeezed like a lemon - broken, tired and exhausted.

No wonder - most likely, you talked with energy vampire- a person who feeds on someone else's energy and lives off the energy of the surrounding people.

This happens all the time, so you definitely need to know how to protect yourself from energy vampirism.

Who can be an energy vampire?

energy vapirism is a disease that is spreading widely around in the modern world. Its scale resembles an epidemic. Any person from your environment can be an energovapmir - a picky boss, an evil mother-in-law, an ever-complaining neighbor, an ordinary passer-by, and even ... yourself.

Energetic vampire- This is a person with a negative balance of internal energy. When much less energy comes from natural sources than is consumed, an "energy imbalance" occurs and the energy balance is disturbed. And then a person (in most cases unconsciously) begins to replenish the missing energy in the simplest and easiest way - from his neighbor.

To protect yourself from an energy vampire, you must first recognize him. To do this, you need to understand its methods and mechanism of influence on others.

Types of Energy Vampires

Divides energy vampires into 2 types: solar And lunar. Their methods of "drinking vital juices" from those around them are completely opposite. Also, how different are the methods of protection against them.

solar vampire is an aggressive form of energy vampirism. They openly attack their "victim", by any means trying to bring a person out of balance. A jealous husband who suspects his wife for any reason, a grumpy wife who always “saws” her husband, an evil mother-in-law and mother-in-law who teaches her sons-in-law and daughters-in-law to the mind and mind, a picky boss who “beats” his subordinates, an ordinary boor in public transport - belong to categories of solar vampires.

Once attached to its victim, the solar vampire can continue to receive "his portion" for quite a long time. Whenever you negatively think, speak or even remember about him, through the invisible channel “laid” between you at the first contact, a part of your health (biofield, emotions, nervous and mental forces) will go to him.

After such a "session" you are completely de-energized, ready to "collapse" from impotence or burst into tears.

Lunar Vampire - a passive form of energy vapmirism. They "get" those around them with endless complaints, whining or discontent. These are “sticky people” and “energy leeches”. A neighbor who always complains about her health, a friend who demands your sympathy and support, constantly “whimpering” relatives - all these are representatives of lunar vampires.

From the goal - your energy in the form of your attention, your pity, sympathy or compassion. After contact with this type of energy vampire, fatigue sets in, mood drops, you don’t want to do anything, apathy and drowsiness appear.

It should be noted that lunar vampires are more dangerous than solar ones, since a person may develop a psychological dependence on "lunar bloodsuckers" and contacts will become regular. Which in the end can lead to a constant "leakage" of vitality and lead to various diseases.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

You can and should protect yourself from energy vampirism.

The most important thing is to UNDERSTAND and REALIZE that there is a vampire in front of you, and you are his victim. Because already at the moment of Awareness of this fact, you subconsciously build a powerful defense against it.

We have already described the most effective methods of how to protect your energy from external encroachments in our article:

Here I will give only the methods that exist to protect against energy vapmirism (solar and lunar).

  • Protect yourself with laughter!

Beneficial and life-giving vibrations of laughter are able to “knock the ground out from under the feet” of any energy thief. Just start laughing in the face of your offender and he will immediately deflate like a New Year's ball! Do not succumb to provocations and, in response to rudeness and rudeness, defend yourself with laughter and a cheerful smile!

  • Go away!

Not in every situation you can laugh, you say. If you laugh in the face of a “sunny” boss at work, you can instantly join the ranks of the unemployed 🙂 Here another defense technique will come to the rescue.

At the first sign of an attack, cross your fingers and mentally say: “Get out!”, while inside yourself laugh at some feature of the appearance of your offender. Helps for one-two-three!

  • Sorry, I'm busy!

The best weapons against Lunar-type energy vampires are to stay away from them and keep contact to a minimum. As soon as another whiner begins to “vampire” you, refer to your employment. “Sorry, but I don’t have much time, I’m very busy right now!” - do not let amateurs complain for a long time about their "dirty deed". Over time, they will leave you alone and find themselves a "new victim."

  • His own weapon!