Miracle Center - Women's Portal

Miracle Center - Women's Portal

Long hair, a surprisingly feminine decoration, which implies the presence of certain skills and knowledge. And, of course, every mother wants her little daughter to look beautiful every day, but keep up with all the newfangled trends in creating
Modern girls no longer want to be like defenseless princesses. Superheroines became their idols. Like Katniss from The Hunger Games or the fearless Lara Croft. It's just uncomfortable to perform feats with loose hair. The heroines found a way out
The period of pregnancy is filled not only with joyful experiences and events, but also with physiological and psychological changes. Sometimes it's hard for men to understand a pregnant woman, and all because they don't know what it's like! In every trimester of the future
Hello! Tell me, please, what could be the reason why a person first of all pays attention to the negative aspects of life? The fact is that my mother constantly complains to everyone about me, then about my dad (her husband), then about my MCH. special
Family relationships are complex and multifaceted. If the question arises of what to do if my mother does not love me, then it is necessary to understand it in a complex way, since the reasons for this may be different. Which is better: to love or to be loved? find out right now. Why do
Question to a psychologist: The fact is that I do not feel and do not see love and understanding for me from my mother. Since I always call her with the hope that I will receive support and understanding from her, kind words, but in response I hear just NOT kind words. To not be there
The son is on a bench in the locker room of the group. It's all your fault, he shouts. The face is red, tears are shining in the eyes. Instead of putting on pantyhose, he waves them, demanding: Say-and-and! Where is the front, where is the butt? Pantyhose fly in front of my nose. Lost from screaming at
Feelings take time to arise and grow. Often they live very effectively, but do not have time to live an emotional life. Not only to rejoice, but also to mourn once. Their life passes as in a tunnel - only light in the form of some kind of goal. If
Maria Sozinova, stylist at the Britanna beauty studio: “There are trends in hairdressing, just like in high fashion. In the cold season, it is customary and even considered good practice to give the hair a darker shade. In this case, the color palette should
Intimate styling is becoming more and more popular among men and women, but it is not so easy to achieve smooth and sexy skin in intimate places - this is a delicate matter and requires certain skills and abilities. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man
Many women become ashamed of their bodies as they age. One of the main reasons for this, often after the birth of a child, are ugly stretch marks on the body. Today the online magazine "Korolevnam.ru" will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home
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