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» "Birthday in the style of" Dinosaurs. birthday in the lost world happy birthday kids dinosaurs

"Birthday in the style of" Dinosaurs. birthday in the lost world happy birthday kids dinosaurs

Dima was 7 years old. And for the first time we decided to make him a big holiday with the children. At first I wanted to limit myself to just contests, but then after reading the Internet and considering that I am now sitting at home, which means there is a little more time and my creative potential is not used to its full potential :)), I decided not to waste time on trifles, but to make a real costume party. I thought for a long time on what topic, so that Dima would be interested, and the invited boys and girls would like it. I decided about DINOSAURS - all modern children are passionate about them.
It was not difficult to adjust the script and competitions for dinosaurs. Maybe with some stretch it turned out, but I'm sure the children did not notice this at all. The most time-consuming, or rather the longest, was to draw posters with dinosaurs (9 - according to the number of invited children). Dad doubted a little about my idea, he didn’t read the script and didn’t even know how and what would happen, besides, I was finishing everything on the last night. However, he honestly completed the part of the work entrusted to him - he drew dinosaurs for us and made two costumes. But everything is in order - according to the script and with illustrations.

For the organization of the holiday, 9 posters with dinosaurs and 9 costumes of these dinosaurs were needed. The posters were drawn by my dad, the costumes - we bought something, assembled something from the existing one, made something by hand. I did not stint (to walk like this) and specially went to the Children's World in Moscow for props, bought a lot of things, including various masks more or less suitable, horns, hats, etc. (In the course of the story I will dwell in more detail on the costumes).
The posters were hung in advance, each of them had a funny photo of Dima pasted on it (in the beak of a pterodactyl, in an embrace with a diplodocus, on the back of a gorilla, etc.) and a hint of the upcoming contest, some of them even had time to write information about the depicted dinosaur. I also wanted to cut out dinosaur footprints and lay them out and paste them from poster to poster, but they didn’t have time and abandoned the idea.
With treats, I decided not to fool around, because my experience shows that adults value troubles, and children just need something to grab and run away. Therefore, at first I put different fruits on the table, then we had a planned pizza order, and finally a cake. To this were added pancakes, suddenly baked by dad at 6 in the morning on a impulse of the soul, and pies brought by the mother-in-law, who came to congratulate Dimka and sit with Timosha while we celebrate.

So, at 11.00 the children began to gather. Dima met them, escorted them to the room, examined the gifts. When everyone gathered, we started the celebration.
We had a bag with dinosaur emblems, everyone put their hand in there (blindly) and pulled out an emblem for themselves - what kind of dinosaur they would be. They gave out a costume, helped to dress up, wrote a name on the emblem, hung the emblem around the neck (just in case for the slow-witted :)))) Dima chose a costume for himself in advance - a megalosaurus - and he met guests in it. The mother of one child knows how to sew, so I instructed her to make a costume for her child herself, she inspired him to make him a chic Pterodactyl costume. Two kids couldn't make it, so my dad became the triceratops and I became the gorilla King Kong.

And the megalosaurus with the pterodactyl is already hamstering something :)))

Everyone dressed up. And I started the holiday like this:
- Well, here you are all gathered. It's time to start our journey to the land of dinosaurs. Let's get acquainted. Name your dinosaur and what is your name. (Everyone calls his dinosaur and name).
Let's check if you are real dinosaurs. Well, growl!!! Click your teeth!!! Stomp your paws!!! Show how scary you are - make scary faces!!!
It looks like real dinosaurs. Then we go on a trip.
On our way we will meet several glades and caves where one of the dinosaurs lives. Each of them has a task for you. Who will do the job well, will receive prizes. Are we leaving?

Dinosaur number 1.

Dinosaur number 3. Pterodactyl.

Is there a pterodactyl nest up there (on a baby bed, on the second floor)? Who is a pterodactyl?
- Sasha.
- Well, pterodactyl Sasha climb into your nest and watch the task.
Assignment: "Tell me, how are small dinosaurs born?"
Answer: from eggs.
While dinosaurs have not yet hatched, they are very defenseless. Any other dinosaur could accidentally step on an egg. Now we will check how clever, neat and kind our dinosaurs are. This competition is held only once and only for one dinosaur. I propose to fulfill it to our birthday man - megalosaurus Dima.
Competition: ten raw eggs are laid out on the floor in a room. The task is to carefully walk blindfolded and not crush a single egg. And we all tell you where to go. Dima was blindfolded and untwisted. We warn children not to give out the secret. At this time, we remove the eggs. Dima is coming. We all suggest. He tries not to step on. It turns out funny. When he reached the end, the eggs were laid out behind him: “Wow, Dima, what a clever dinosaur you are, you didn’t crush a single egg!”
Some children didn’t understand humor :)))) Of course, it would be funnier if he crushed all the eggs right in the room and got in trouble :))))))

Props: poster, 10 raw eggs, scarf, prize: dinosaur egg with puzzles. The costume was sewn by the mother of the child (well done, mom!)

And this is the cave of the spinosaurus. Who is our Spinosaurus?
- Veronica
- Look what a powerful back this dinosaur has. Looks like a camel. Do you think it would be fun to ride on such a back? And now we will try. And let's check which of the dinosaurs will be faster - who will be able to ride, and who will not have time to jump on his back.
We arrange all the chairs (6 pieces): backs to each other.
“Well, why not a spinosaurus?”
Competition: I turn on the music, and the children run around the "spinosaurus". As soon as the music stops, they should quickly jump on his back. Who did not have time, receives a small prize and leaves. And so we wait, who will be the fastest and most agile dinosaur.

Props: poster, computer with music, chairs, prizes: Alpenliebe sweets, 3rd, 2nd and 1st place - Drakosha soap, Drakosha toothpaste, toothbrush + Dinosaurs stickers were added to the candies. Costume: made by ourselves from corrugated cardboard - back and muzzle (she rises on her head like a hat), + my yellow beach pareo, wrapped around the body.

Here is the diplodocus valley. Who is Diplodocus?
- Olesya
- Despite their huge size, Diplodocus were fairly peaceful dinosaurs. They were humble, calm and kind. They liked to wander through the fields, admire the trees, lazily nibbling leaves from them, enjoy the beauty of the world. And now we will have a creative competition of a beautiful drawing. We will draw postcard dinosaurs for our main dinosaur - Dima, who has a birthday today. He will keep your postcards as a keepsake and for many years they will remind him of our today's holiday.
I will give you magic leaves (so thin, translucent). If you attach them to a picture with a dinosaur, then you can copy this picture onto your postcard. Whoever wants and knows how can draw a dinosaur himself, and not copy it.
Color your drawings, who can write - sign. And give it to the birthday boy.

Props: a poster, pictures of dinosaurs and magic paper (I ripped up a coloring book with dinosaurs), a basket of pencils, prizes: Chewing gum for children "Orbit" - everyone. Costume: I donated a green bath towel for the skin, cut it around the edges with a zigzag, the remaining (cut) “zigzag” went to the belt and long tail, on the head a ribbon from the dragonfly costume + a green mask-glasses.

Then the pizza finally arrived and I had a break

And dad went to meet Timofey from a walk, undress him and feed him from a bottle, and then there are almost no photos from competitions.

Dinosaur #6. Kentrosaurus.

(the poster was not photographed separately, look for it in the general photos, it hangs near the table, to the left of Dima)
- This is the lair of the Kentrosaurus. Who is the Kentrosaurus?
- Alyona
- Look how ferocious the look of the Kentrosaurus is, what frightening spikes are on its body. What do you think would happen to our balloons if they hit such huge spikes? (They would burst!)
This is the kind of competition we have. We will check who we have the most ferocious dinosaur.

We tie a balloon to each leg.

Competition: I turn on the music. The task of the children is to try to burst the balloon of another dinosaur, and save their own. You can't pick up balls with your hands. Whoever bursts the balloon receives a small prize and leaves. And so we wait, who will be the most ferocious dinosaur.
Oh, and the enrage was :))))

Props: poster, computer with music, balloons (removed), threads, prizes. prizes: “Halls” sweets, 3rd, 2nd and 1st place – “Drakosha” soap, “Drakosha” toothpaste, toothbrush + “Dinosaurs” stickers were added to the sweets. Kentrosaurus costume: Veronica's light green robe and corrugated cardboard cones sewn on it (yes, I had to fool around, tinker), yellow goggle mask.

Dinosaur number 7. Funny dinosaur of unknown breed.

Here is King Kong's Gorilla Cave. Who is Gorilla King Kong?
- Oh, yes, it's me :)
- Gorilla King Kong is a very smart and cunning animal. Therefore, it is she who will help you find a map of the world of dinosaurs and a SWEET TREASURE!!!
Read the Gorilla riddles and follow the directions.
This is where I screwed up the trouble with the map. I drew a map on my computer.

She cut it into pieces, tied it on its backs, under its tails, in the mouths of numerous toy dinosaurs, and hid them around the house. The children opened the tasks on the poster. For example: Open the gate to the dinosaur world as soon as possible And take a card from Dimetrodon (this dinosaur was outside the front door), A cold wind blows over a huge abyss. A modest Euplocephalos awaits you there (this one stood on the balcony), The volcano seeks to burn, hisses, boils, boils A ferocious Tyrannosaurus with a note is standing there (this one is near the teapot), You visited the Triceratops today You just didn’t take a piece of the map from him (under the poster of the Triceratops), The glacier is like in Antarctica. And Pachycephalosaurus freezes there to give you a map (in the refrigerator), Spinosaurus lives in a cave, and under its mountain A snake crawls and a map with it - rummage around there with your hand (under a child’s bed), Ankylosaurus ferocious went to a watering hole A piece of valuable map he took with him (in the bathroom). The map has been collected. And the last note on the poster: Fold the cards to shreds, think over it Follow the dinosaur trail alive And look for sweet treasure! And eat quickly!
They glued the map with adhesive tape, stupid for a long time :))))), ran around in the wrong places, thought that the rock was a closet, etc. But in the end, they found a cake.
Props: poster, notes, dinosaurs put in their places in advance. Cake! No prizes. Gorilla costume: hat (bought) + slippers-paws (borrowed from grandmother) + for children there were also brown pants from Veronica's wardrobe.

"Dinosaur" No. 9. Saber-toothed tiger.

Props: a mop stick :) (the ropes sag under the prizes and are uncomfortable to hold), prizes wrapped in paper, scissors, a scarf over the eyes. Tiger costume: lion mask (bought), fur collar from my coat, belt from a striped terry dressing gown as a tail.

Phew. Here the official part is finally over.

I should note that, of course, there was a child who was shy and tried to evade the costume first (replaced with another one that he liked better), then from competitions (here the magic worked: “Oh, what a pity, then you won’t get any prizes”). There was a child who, “But I don’t eat pizza!” When the pizza was brought, he ate it.
Despite the skepticism of Veronica and dad “What are you doing, Lera won’t dress up!”, 13-year-old Lera dressed up the fastest and still had fun and ran along with 7-year-olds, I even had to whisper to her once “let’s lose in this competition, clearly if you win right now, settle for 3rd place, ”she treated with understanding and humor.
Dima had to be instructed clearly before the holiday - this is the first time he has such an event: do not be capricious, do not pout, do not be offended, be polite, meet all guests, and not bury yourself in gifts, see everyone off and thank you, if you don’t like something, don’t show it, and if he “starts”, I will affectionately say “megalozaaaavr” to him like this, and this will be a signal for him to pull himself together, in general, the briefing was great ... He did a good job, kept diligently (it was noticeable to me), the spacing did not go away, he held on well and I hope I got the same pleasure :)
Unfortunately, I didn’t give a briefing to Veronica, and now and then she broke into command and habitually indignant “Dimaaaaa! Mom, and he…”, “forgetting” that Dima still had DR, constantly tried to seize the lead and rushed to “let's do it again”, when everyone was exhausted and the journey was over. I had to slowly besiege it, slow it down from time to time. Next time I'll have to instruct her too.
In general, I was very satisfied. Everything went according to plan. It was possible to successfully alternate frenzied competitions with calm ones, no one actively protested, on the contrary, everyone eagerly rushed to complete the task, no one seemed to be offended, no one was capricious, everyone won a lot of prizes and went home with impressions.

In fact, children love to learn. Their growing brains yearn for new knowledge, and their growing organisms for new experiences. But if you ask a child if he would like to learn new things and comprehend knowledge on his birthday, for example, then at best he vigorously shakes his head and yells: “NOOOOO!” Everything is clear with him, he immediately imagined a desk, boring lessons, you can’t run and “Children, sit quietly!” He's just never been in a really interesting learning party.

Serious science is always real adventure. Imagine how exciting it is to travel the world in search of the remains of dinosaurs, fearlessly meet dangers, and then, under the glare of cameras, present to the whole world a new, hitherto unknown species of dinosaurs. Tempting, huh? That's great, because it is around the dinosaurs that we will build our children's holiday.

Dinosaur-party is a popular children's party all over the world. These cognitive holidays take place in a variety of forms, depending on the age of the participants. Today we will consider an option for rather big children, about 9-11 years old. Which on our holiday will act as scientists-paleontologists.

The scientific world is calling!

A real celebration begins with a real invitation. It will be boring and frivolous if you simply call the future luminaries of dinosaur science by phone or send them a postcard bought in a store. The invitation should look adventurous and smell of unsolved mysteries. However, about the smell - it's a metaphor.

Here is one of the invitations:

Small digression. There are two ways to prepare children's holidays - a surprise holiday and joint creativity. If you follow the first path, then everything should be exactly the same surprise for your child as for his guests. This is a great option! If you want him to actively participate in the preparation, come up with contests and do all kinds of decor with you, then this is no less a great option. Choose the one you like more.

Here is another example of an invitation:

Well, for the kit - the third option, the most creative. The invitee receives a box with mini-digs:

What to write in them?

Dear colleague!
We invite you to take part in an important scientific and practical conference dedicated to the problems of dinosaurs. Real excavations, scientific games and a buffet are planned at the event.

scientific instruments

For the conference to be successful, each invited scientist must receive their own scientific case.

In addition, this is a spectacular start and will set the children in the right mood. What can be in the case?

1. Pith helmet or tropical hat.
2. Notepad and pencil. Dinosaur notebook, of course. If your nearest bookstore doesn't have the right ones, buy dinosaur stickers and use them to decorate regular notebooks.
3. Badge with a name (scientific titles and titles will appear there a little later ...)
4. Brushes. The ultimate paleontologist tool!
5. Dinosaur figurine. Just for the mood. It is taken in sets of plastic figures, they are sold in any toy store.

All these items can be presented in different ways. You can pack it in individual bags or cardboard boxes (with dinosaurs, of course! Today everything should be with dinosaurs), you can lay it out on the table next to the nameplates (to make it look like real scientists), you can even hand it out in advance, along with invitations. At your choice.

Meeting and introduction

Not a single scientific conference is complete without introducing the guests and listing their merits. You can make a real game out of this. We put four cups on the table. Each contains words printed on self-adhesive paper.

  • In the first - leaflets with academic degrees (Candidate, Doctor, Master, Bachelor). Better not even just a degree, but with adjectives - Dear, Honored, Honored. In different variations. Let there be a Dear Doctor, and an Honored Bachelor, and a Honorable Candidate. Ideally, if there are different options for the number of guests or more.
  • In the second - leaflets with sciences with the corresponding case. Only let it be funny sciences. Approximate inscriptions: bone sciences, excavation sciences, dinosaur training sciences, etc.
  • In the third - a scientific position - Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, etc.
  • In the fourth - a scientific institution. Also in the appropriate case: the Institute for the Domestication of Tyrannosaurus, the Academy of Pterodactyls, the Center for the Study of Triceratops.

Each participant goes to the center, and the task of the rest is to pull out his title from the cups and present it loudly. You can make Mr. Dmitry Ivanov, venerable doctor of excavation sciences, senior researcher at the Triceratops Research Center. After reading out the title, the others applaud. As a result of the game, everyone gets four stickers that he can stick on his badge.

Decorations and table

If we were making a dino matinee for kindergarten kids, then the walls should be decorated with bright figures of dinosaurs, an inflatable diplodocus should be placed on the wardrobe, and hats with stegosaurus crests should be put on the heads of the participants. But we have serious scientists with you! And the conference! So there are science posters on the walls. But remember that these are still children, so there are more pictures, less text. Let the most famous dinosaurs be depicted on the posters, their names are written in large letters and briefly - information.

You can get information in different places, for example, on this wonderful site - Dinosauria.ru.

The rack can be turned into a museum showcase by placing dinosaur figurines and explanatory labels.

As for the table, then let your imagination run wild. As an example, here are a few design options:

In general, there are no canonical options. Foreign online stores sell ready-made kits for such events. If you want to save time, you can simply order the delivery of dyno dishes, dyno flags and other dyno attributes. And you can do needlework and decorating yourself.

A separate item in this section I would like to mention the birthday cake. It can be simply decorated with a picture of a dinosaur, or you can arrange a whole game out of eating cake.

Dinosaur Pie - This workshop will show you how to turn ordinary cake eating into a game.

Games and entertainment

We remember that we have an educational party, right? So we need to arrange scientific debate. You have already posted the information on the walls, you have given time to look at the posters. It's time to arrange a contest of minds - a quiz. Ideally, if with prizes.

- The biggest dinosaur?
- Diplodocus!
- Correct answer! Diplodocus reached a length of 35 meters. Next question!

When you get tired of being smart, you can move on to outdoor games. For example, transportation of dinosaur eggs. For this game, you need to divide the children into two teams and give everyone spoons. Ordinary canteens. Still need chicken eggs. Boiled, if you do not want to scrub the floor from the contents of raw. Eggs should be painted so that they look unusual and not even chicken at all. You will also need two more boxes. With a washcloth or sawdust. We are going to transport eggs, which means we need to soften the road for them!

The initial disposition is on one side two teams of children and boxes. On the other hand, eggs laid out at random and anywhere. On a signal, one child from each team rushes forward and drives the egg into the spoon. And they run back to quickly unload the egg into the shipping container (a box of sawdust), as soon as he did this, the next team member runs forward behind the egg.

The team with the most eggs wins, of course.

Paleontological excavations

It's not like a competition, it's just a fun activity that captures not only children, but also adults.
You will need an inflatable paddling pool, sand and fossils.

Children's stores sell sets of dinosaur skeletons, sometimes even luminous ones. And what, excavations in the dark - this can be a very spectacular thing! True, purchased skeletons are quite small, and our dinosaurs, as you know, are large. If you want to impress, you can ask the butcher for large bones. Then boil them for several hours in a large saucepan, and they are ready to eat, in the sense - to excavate.

Of course, such a game is best played on the street, because in the apartment you will then have to fight for a long time with sand scattered everywhere. However, it may not be so scary if you prepare ...

Giant carnivorous dinosaur egg

The time has come, we have already written about it on our website. This time, the scientific world was struck by the discovery that one of the eggs of the most terrible dinosaur survived and is ready to give birth to a monster. And it must be destroyed, otherwise humanity is in serious danger of getting a monster for dinner.

In addition, as studies have shown, it is not just a tyrannosaurus rex hiding in this egg. Under the influence of time and solar radiation, he turned into a real Godzilla! So, comrade scientists, arm ourselves with bats and go ahead - save humanity. As a reward, sweets and small souvenirs will fall from the broken piñata.

Important scientific discovery

This is a completely optional item. Dino parties without a through plot are fun and spectacular. But if you want to do something completely memorable, then you should also do this item. If there is a birthday boy, then the through plot revolves around him, of course. One of the points of the scientific-practical conference is the work of your birthday. What all participants are initially informed about. And they themselves, the luminaries of paleontology, are invited here to help your child complete the study. Here is one example of how this can be done.

  • Order a puzzle from a large dinosaur figure. It must be a really big dinosaur. So that on a sheet of paper it does not look like a cockroach that wandered there.
  • Take a sheet of drawing paper, circle the outline of your dinosaur on it, and write its name on top - a derivative of the name or surname of the birthday man.
  • Make a bamboo frame. Beautiful, effective and inexpensive. And hang this poster on the wall.
  • Hide the puzzle pieces in different places. And keep some of them for yourself, so that later you can pass them off as a victory in contests or competitions.
  • At the very beginning, tell the children what their help to your birthday will consist of - find the pieces of the puzzle and stick them in place, into the dinosaur silhouette on the poster.
  • Notes can be glued to some of the puzzle pieces, which will contain information about the habits and habitats of this dinosaur. Mention your birthday person's favorite fruits and favorite activities. Let the dinosaur love apples, swim and climb trees, for example.
  • If the kids are dumb, help them. Tell me, slip the pieces of the puzzle closer and all that. The riddle must be solved!
  • The climax of the through game is a scientific report, when the birthday boy stands next to the finished poster and reads out the known facts about this new dinosaur species. And the presentation of awards from institutes and academies, in the sense of gifts. And scientific institutions by this moment have long been written on the badges of participants.
  • Loud and prolonged applause.

If you want to add drama, you can tell at the very beginning that the scientific research materials were villainously stolen by spies. They were caught, but they managed to hide everything in different places.

Photo for memory

There is such a concept in English - Thank You Card. It can be translated into Russian as a “thank you card”, but this is somehow very official ... In fact, it is such a material “thank you” that you can put in your pocket. You can argue about the philosophy of this item, but we better use it to make a great keepsake. Of course, the whole holiday is worth capturing on camera. Then, armed with Photoshop or calling someone who knows how to use it, make a collage of photos and print postcards in memory of the past holiday. Ideally, if you make a portrait of each of the participants and the postcards will be individual. However, if it does not work out, then you can give them uniqueness by signing each with a scientific title. And thanking for the gift and help in scientific research.

For example, a couple of thank you cards:

Of course, such postcards are made and handed out after the holiday.

Well, that's probably all we can tell you about the dinosaur-party. We hope you get something useful or interesting from this.

Illustrations found on the Internet

In a recent article, there was a script for games about dinosaurs from Nastya Kondratovets. Today continued - how did it happen birthday in the style of "Dinosaurs" .

The word to the main dinosaur-conductor - trodon - Nastya.

Charming trodon - Nastya

We decided to celebrate our daughter's birthday with children and adults at the same time. The difficulty was that the children were 5-7-10 years old. Will the adventure be interesting for everyone? The theme was "Dinosaurs". We celebrated at the cottage. On a playground planted with grass (3x5 m) with a sandbox and a small mulberry tree. We drove to the "stations", running around the dacha.

Birthday background in the style of "Dinosaur".

So that the figures do not wrinkle, I printed them on whatman paper (look for large templates and a complete holiday scenario in the article "").

But the paper was very thick, and the printer did not print everywhere. I had to put it on by hand. In addition, I noticed that in the process of cutting, the paint "flew" from the sheets.

The eldest Katya (10 years old), when I announced the start of the game, did not want to participate. The rest began to choose dinosaurs with interest.

Katya - Argentinosaurus, Karina - Pteranodon, Eric (7 years old) - Tyrannosaurus.

Game 1 "Traces of dinosaurs along the paths."


The children tore the grass with pleasure, jumped in the tracks and fed Plateosaurus several times. I even had to moderate their ardor so that at least a little bit of greenery was left)))

And in gratitude, he arranged a picnic for them: sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits and cookies were laid out on plates. And my friend and I had time to eat.

Game 2 "Building a house"

It seemed to me that it was difficult to build a tower with closed eyes. But everyone except Eric quickly coped with this task.

At this competition, what we are doing is interesting and adult Katya became interested. And I was also surprised by the house that the children built together. Specially prepared 21 glasses for a pyramid of 6 floors. But they began to build in a circle, alternating inverted and non-inverted glasses. The only thing was to take paper. Plastic crumbled from a light wind.

Game 3 "Search for dinosaur eggs"

For this competition, perhaps, there was not enough space. For 12 hours, the iodine spots became barely visible, and the brilliant green also brightened. And in the green grass it was difficult to distinguish. It is advisable to color them 2-3 hours before the competition.

Game 4 "Flower-seven-flower"

Making a flower: I cut out a circle (middle) from yellow paper using a saucer. I cut out petals from colored paper, pointed at the tip. On the reverse side, next to the tip, I wrote a number. On a sheet of white paper, circling a yellow circle marked where the middle would be. I evenly spread the petals along the contour, after lubricating the very tip with glue. I applied a drop of glue in the center and applied a yellow circle. Since the flower turned out to be large, I decided not to make it heavier with a stem, and added only 2 spreading leaves of green paper.

The competition turned out to be very fun.

It so happened that Eric had the task of running around the birthday girl, Katya to congratulate herself. And the adult Katya regretted that she did not start playing first, because it was she who had the chance to portray her dinosaur. At first they wanted to give the task to another, but then they decided to take pity - she showed a diplodocus who was visiting.

Game 5 "Dinaball in a new way"

I hoped that the children would jump to their heart's content. But either because there were sharp twigs in the grass, or the balls failed - it was all over in 30 seconds.

Game 6 Hadrosaur Gifts

Eric was drawing a Tyrannosaurus rex, but the balloon burst, they gave him a new one, which also burst. Could not withstand the pressure of the predator. But the others didn't last long either. So you can see the balls were of poor quality.

When we “arrived home,” I quietly put Kinder eggs in the hat. And I say.

See the magic is over, but the dinosaurs handed over a parting gift.

Birthday prizes in the style of "Dinosaur"

After the competitions, I gave out small prizes to the children. These were:

  • dinosaur stickers,
  • printing,
  • whistle,
  • beads woven from beads - minerals,
  • shells for decorating aquariums - ammonites.
  • splices of rock crystal (sew-on transparent flowers - I saw them in a fabric store).

Holiday - " Birthday in the style of "Dinosaurs" ”- was a success, the children went home happy. Separate Thank you mine parents who made the hat of the conductor and our godmother - Ole Malygina , for helping to organize the holiday, without her I would not have coped. By the way, the adult Katya, inspired, the next day in the yard organized a holiday for the kids with contests and prizes.

If your little one has a birthday coming up, throw a kids dino party for them. The theme is universal, both boys and girls like it. And this means that you can invite a large company of young researchers and paleontologists to the holiday.

Big dinosaurs and baby dinosaurs are the favorite characters of books, cartoons and films not only for children, but also for many adults. The guys are attracted by the prehistoric era, excavations, mysterious footprints and giant skeletons of creatures that once lived on our planet - tyrannosaurs, triceratops and diplodocus. So be sure: the idea of ​​a fun children's party in the style of dinosaurs will be a success.

The sooner you start preparing for the celebration, the more ideas from our article you will be able to implement. Do not forget to invite children's animators from smartzone.dp.ua,

Dinosaur Decor

The design of the hall should resemble the natural habitat of dinosaurs.

1. Hang green corrugated paper creepers over the door, wrap faux ivy around the walls, arrange live palm trees in tubs in the corners.

2. You can draw or scatter huge cardboard "footprints" of prehistoric animals on the floor.

3. Stylize balloons under the ceiling as dinosaurs - attaching to them the head, wings, paws and tails of colored paper, like a pterodactyl.

4. You can order an inflatable dinosaur figure or put a large themed toy at the entrance.

5. Lay out green napkins on the table with treats, arrange plates with thematic pictures, name plates for each guest.

A dinosaur-style birthday can be not only entertaining, but also educational. Therefore, hang posters on the walls with pictures, names, and brief information about the most famous fossils. Children will look at them and memorize them. For the same purpose, you can build a "museum showcase" - a rack with toy dinosaurs and explanatory cards.

Children's menu at the festival in the style of dinosaurs

Even the treats are themed at the dino-party! Children will be delighted with the liver with "prints" of dinosaur paws. Make sweet "fossil bones" - from marshmallows and straws, doused with white sugar icing.

A truly “volcanic” delicacy can be obtained by pouring chocolate pudding into glasses and decorating it with jelly figurines of prehistoric pangolins. Make your own or custom candies and cakes reminiscent of dinosaurs.

Remember: dinosaurs were carnivores and herbivores. And therefore, in addition to sweets, you need to provide hearty cuts, bright salads, chopped pieces of vegetables, fruits, watermelon and melon.

At the end of the table, you can offer the guys a cake depicting a dinosaur or a pie with “fossils” inside, which young researchers need to get to the bottom of while eating sweets.

Dino fun at children's birthday party

Excavations. Fill the paddling pool with sand and mark the bottom of the dinosaur 3D puzzle pieces for the kids to assemble.

Tyrannosaurus nest. Surprise the kids by placing surprise eggs and other keepsakes in the paper scrap nest.

Photo for memory. Do not forget to arrange a photo zone with dinosaur attributes: tails, felt paws, toy heads. Print the photo after the party and give the guests a Thank You Card - a postcard with words of gratitude for a great time.

Big piñata. Papier-mâché in the form of a dinosaur egg, from which souvenirs and sweets spill out - a bright end to any children's holiday.

December we got sick. Not all, but half. First the boys, then me. Protracted illnesses, poor health, and here the holidays are one on one. We all tried to organize them, invite guests, there were three home events planned - and all failed. The biggest upset for Rodion, because he was looking forward to his birthday - 3 years old. And he chose the theme of the holiday - dinosaurs. But here is 1.5 weeks of illness, but there is really no improvement. The holiday had to be cancelled. More precisely, the guests, and I quickly prepared the holiday, because you can’t leave the baby without an adventure. Unfortunately, everything was done quickly, between treatments, with a foggy head, because there was not much entertainment, and I had mistakes, but still it turned out fun, and most importantly, the birthday boy was happy! Today I decided to go back almost a month ago and finally tell you how it was.

From the very morning the children followed me and asked: "When will we play? When will the holiday be?" And I still didn't have everything ready. Wet sand did not have time to dry completely, the monolith for excavations did not dry up to the end. The posters are not up. In general, I delayed it all the time, and closer to dinner, I decided that it was useless to wait further - if you didn’t eat enough, you won’t get drunk, we’ll play with what we have and quickly decorated the places of celebration. Ellinka was assigned an important role - a pterodactyl, her daughter prepared the costume herself and disappeared into the vestibule. The children and I settled down in the hallway and merrily took pictures next to the dinosaurs on the wall and a large balloon dinosaur that Rodion received as a gift.
And then the doorbell rang.... On the threshold of a Pterodactyl with a box.

The boys recognized the guest immediately. The flying lizard reported that the box contained a gift to Rodion for his birthday, but instead of a gift, a note was found ....

A certain Sam Tirex stole the gift and warned us not to follow the tracks. Of course, we immediately followed the tracks and moved).

First, the tracks led us to two hungry dinosaurs - a predator and a herbivore. It was necessary to feed them by putting appropriate food into their mouths. Food was scattered all over the room in abundance - vegetables, fruits and meat-containing products.
The boys were happy to throw the right food into the mouths of the dinosaurs.

And then, laughing, they themselves were swallowed by dinosaurs. Even the herbivore happily ate the boys))).

And they ended up near a large coloring book with dinosaurs.

The task was to find and color all the lizards. In eight hands we set to work.

In addition, we found two absolutely identical dinosaurs. They searched for all tyrannosaurs, stegosaurus, triceratops and other pterodactyls. Counted them. Found the biggest and the smallest. In general, there were enough tasks. The coloring is printed on 8 A4 sheets. Can be printed in any format entirely. Download

During the excavations, dinosaur eggs were found, but not a single gift.

The path of dinosaur footprints led us to the next task. We depicted dinosaurs by drawing cards with their appearance. It's time to fool around.)

Children showed how this or that dinosaur ate, how it walked, hunted and slept. In general, everything about his life))).

And the tracks led us to an interesting place. It was evident from everything that we had to carry out archaeological excavations.

I got this stone with dinosaurs immured in it from cat litter. I spied the idea on Julia's blog. Such a big little world. The recipe and filler features can be found in her post. I will only note that I overdid it))). I put in too much filler. It did not soak well with water, so I poured too much of it. Maybe he would have dried up, but he had only 18 hours of time. Really, much more is needed for such an amount. But I did not cancel the archaeological event. However, the children with great enthusiasm hollowed out a block and scratched out dinosaurs.

But I had a hard time. Not dried filler is a very sticky thing, washing it, especially from small parts, is not an easy task. But I didn’t look for easy ways, drying up and didn’t wait here, nevertheless I cleaned out all the dinosaurs, and hammers, and even children))).
During the excavations, the gift was again not found. And so the tracks led us to a new place. The boys were asked to temporarily become dinosaurs and run in their "paws". The idea is not bad, but not thought through to the end, the paws still needed to be fixed more firmly from the heel side too. However, the children ran with pleasure, and they still get these paws for games. I made them from fiberboard.

And finally, the tracks led us to the last point of the journey ....

And Rodion found his gift! Cake and clockwork dinosaur!

The cake is like this. Rodioshka was delighted.