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» New in the pension system. The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank introduced a new pension system

New in the pension system. The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank introduced a new pension system

The government once again raises the issue of pension benefits in the country, so the information that the Russians are waiting for new pension reform 2018 in Russia has been discussed for quite some time. The updated reform involves the development of a voluntary program of pension contributions, which will give every citizen the opportunity to independently earn their own capital for retirement and rely less on state assistance, which, as you know, is not very large today.

At the moment, it is known that most Russians are not available, so the updated reform should become something of a “resuscitation” for past pensions and it will differ significantly from what the Russians had before. The voluntary system of savings for retirement will be created specifically to ensure that Russians feel more confident and do not worry that they will not have to count pennies for themselves when they retire. It will also enable every retiree to withdraw money from their own account before they actually retire.

However, discussing the essence pension reform in 2018, Anton Siluanov emphasizes that few citizens will not accept innovations, because the price for them will seem too high for most Russians. In modern times, the employer pays 22% of the employee's salary to the Pension Fund, and 6% of this amount goes to the funded part of the pension (today it is frozen). You can use the funded part only after retirement, but modern authorities today propose to completely replace this parameter with individual pension capital. Each person will be able to independently make additional contributions to their account, thereby accumulating their own capital, which is good news, if you do not take into account the existence of two problems:

  • Russians today do not believe much in savings, which they literally cannot hold in their hands (in fact, they will have to save money, but this will happen in a virtual format);
  • Many citizens of the country simply do not have enough funds to to form your pension capital, therefore funded pension reform in Russia 2018 people with low wages are not enthusiastic.

As long as members of the government do not solve these problems, no one will have to count on the fact that the new pension reform will succeed.

State pension will remain

Today it is quite difficult to give accurate information about what will be pension reform 2018, latest news on this issue are quite vague, so the Russians constantly have a lot of questions that they do not hesitate to ask the authorities. Recently, the question was raised about whether the state pension will remain under the reformed system of pension payments, and the answer to it was given by the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina.

State pensions will be preserved because they are the social guarantor of the state to ensure a normal standard of living for Russians who, due to their age, can no longer continue to work. Moreover, Elvira Nabiullina says that the authorities will do everything to ensure that pension payments are just worthy, and one can live normally on them, and not just exist.

The pension reform in Ukraine, in addition to new requirements for the retirement age and insurance period, has led to complex changes in the pension system, incl. changes in the procedure for calculating and indexing pensions. An undoubted positive aspect of reforming the payment procedure, announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Cabinet of Ministers, is a phased increase in pensions throughout 2020, which will affect all Ukrainian pensioners (however, they increase the amount of payments starting from older citizens).

People want to know what to expect from the new pension reform. When and by how much will pensions be increased in 2020? What is the retirement age in Ukraine for men and women? How to retire? How much experience do you need? In order to understand how the life and income of pensioners will change, the Legal Portal understood the innovations of the Pension Reform.

Law of Ukraine No. 2148-VIII dated 03.10.2017 "On amendments to legislative acts of Ukraine on the promotion of pensions" provides for a gradual change in the pension system until 2027. In fact, due to the increase in the requirements for insurance experience, Ukrainians will retire every year according to new rules.

Retirement age and insurance experience

Formally, the retirement age for men and women remained at the same level - 60 years, however, the requirements for seniority have increased. From 2020, retire upon reaching retirement age only those Ukrainians who have worked and paid contributions for 27 years or more can.

With each subsequent year, the requirements for the number of required insurance experience for a pension will increase (+ 12 months). Thus, by 2028, you will need to have 35 years of experience. Those who do not have it will be able to go on a well-deserved rest only at the age of 63. If by the age of 65 a person has less than 15 years of insurance experience, he will not receive a pension. Instead, social assistance will be provided, the amount of which is determined based on the income level of the pensioner's family.

In addition, the Pension reform provides for the provision of Ukrainian citizens in the period from 01/01/2018 to 12/31/2020, a temporary state. social assistance. It is appointed to non-working persons who have reached the established retirement age, have an insurance record of at least 15 years, but have not received the right to pension payments. Cash assistance will be issued for the period until the acquisition of the right to an old-age pension for persons who have lost their ability to work.

At what age can women retire?

The new pension reform in Ukraine turned out to be more loyal to women, as it retained the possibility for them to retire before reaching the age of 60. The retirement age for women will increase gradually and reach sixty years in 2021.

In 2020, women born in 1960-1961 who have reached the age of 59.5 and have at least 27 years of insurance experience can retire (see table above). Women born in 1961 will be able to retire in 2021, after reaching the age of 60 and subject to more than 28 years of experience.

What is included in the length of service for calculating a pension in Ukraine?

As you know, the new Pension reform has made serious adjustments to the record of seniority for registration of pensions. In this regard, many Ukrainians have a completely logical question: “Does the insurance experience include studying at the institute, military service, maternity leave and employment center?”.

In accordance with the changes introduced by the Law of Ukraine "On the increase of pensions", the insurance period for determining the right to a pension, in addition to entries in the work book, includes the following periods:

  • military service (including in the Soviet army) - until December 31, 2017 inclusive
  • stay on leave due to pregnancy and childbirth (decree) - from 01/01/2004 to 06/30/2013 inclusive
  • studying at higher educational institutions on a full-time basis (budget), as well as postgraduate and doctoral studies - from 01/01/2004 to 12/31/2017 inclusive
  • being on leave to care for a child up to 6 years old - from 01.01.2004 until the introduction of the payment of insurance premiums (ESC) for women on parental leave until they reach the age of three
In addition, the period of doing business on a simplified taxation system or using a flat tax is included in the pension experience:
  • from January 1, 1998 to June 30, 2000 inclusive - confirmed by a certificate of registration of an entrepreneur
  • from July 1, 2000 to December 31, 2017 inclusive - upon payment of ERUs (regardless of the size of the unified insurance premium)
What to do if there is not enough insurance experience?

The new pension legislation provides for two options for solving this problem. The first is to buy an insurance experience. At the same time, the purchase of one year of experience will cost from 21 to 27 thousand hryvnia, depending on a number of factors (it must be calculated according to the formula). The second option is to continue working, earning the missing seniority, and take a well-deserved rest later.

Increase and recalculation of pension

Pension increase schedule for 2020:

  • from January 1, 2020
  • from July 1, 2020
  • from December 1, 2020

The increase in pensions in Ukraine takes place "backdating". Modernization of previously assigned pensions, incl. and for working pensioners, carried out according to a single formula, regardless of the year in which the pensions were issued. The average wage for the last 3 years, which is the same for all pensioners, is taken as a basis.

After the recalculation, about 1.3 million pensioners received an increase in their pensions in the amount of up to 300 hryvnias per month, and the amount of pensions increased by 300 to 600 hryvnias for another 1.2 million Ukrainians. Pension payments of almost 2 million people were replenished with an additional amount in the range of 600-1500 hryvnia. For about 1.1 million more citizens, pensions have increased by more than 1,500 hryvnias.

Also, from October 1, the living wage for disabled citizens was revised, to which the amount of minimum pensions is tied. In 2020 the amount minimum pension in Ukraine is 1712 hryvnia. For people who do not have the necessary work experience for a pension, the amount of social benefits has been increased to UAH 1,573.

The minimum pension for miners has increased by UAH 420 and now stands at UAH 5,914. The supplement to the minimum amount of pension payments for Chernobyl victims is: for category 1 - UAH 599, for category 2 - UAH 557. and 515 hryvnias for the third category of victims of the Chernobyl accident.

According to the PFC, the minimum pension for combatants is set at UAH 2,395, which is UAH 231. more than the previous level. Payments for war invalids also increased: for group 1 - UAH 4138, for group 2 - UAH 3702, for group 3 - UAH 3267.

Recalculation of pensions is carried out automatically, without additional application to the Pension Fund. The payment of modernized (increased) pensions in Ukraine has already begun.

New formula for calculating pensions in Ukraine

Prior to the adoption of the pension reform, pensions were assigned according to dozens of different laws using special calculations for each type of pension provision. As a result, with the same length of service and level of earnings, pension payments for certain categories of citizens differed significantly from the rest.

In 2020, the calculation of pensions in Ukraine under the new pension reform is carried out according to a single formula for all pensioners (regardless of status and place of work):

Pension amount = Sz × Ikz × Kc, Where

  • Sz— the average wage in Ukraine for 3 years before applying for a pension. In 2017, the average salary is 3 thousand 764 hryvnia 40 kopecks
  • ikz- individual wage coefficient, information on which can be obtained from the Pension Fund. This indicator is the ratio of the amount of income received in relation to the average salary with which contributions were paid.
  • Ks- insurance period coefficient, which is determined as a multiplier of the length of months of work experience by the value of the assessment of one year of insurance experience (until 12/31/2017 - 1.35, from January 1, 2018 - 1)
Who will not receive a pension increase in 2020?

As part of the pension reform, the modernization affected the pensions of all Ukrainians, because the recalculation is in no way tied to the profession or position of the pensioner and the type of his pension. Thus, an increase in payments awaits everyone: those who receive a pension by age, and in connection with disability or loss of a breadwinner, for long service, and even those who have retired on a well-deserved rest under special laws.

Recalculation of pensions for internally displaced persons was made on the same terms as for other Ukrainian pensioners. The Pension Fund has all the necessary information to recalculate payments to IDPs. But for residents of the occupied territories, the modernization of pensions is not provided. Moreover, if it is established that the IDPs have returned to the uncontrolled territory for more than 60 days, the payment of pensions to them will be suspended.

Pension indexation

Indexation of pensions in Ukraine will take place annually, starting in 2019. The new indexation mechanism provides for a revision of the size of the pension by at least 50% of the growth of the average salary (income) for 3 years and by 50% of the consumer price index. From 2021, it is planned to automatically recalculate pension payments without additional decisions of the Government.

Special and early pensions

From January 1, 2018, in Ukraine, as part of the reform, special pensions for civil servants, scientists, deputies, prosecutors, judges, employees of the diplomatic service, officials of local governments and other categories have been abolished. All of them are switching to the general system of calculating pensions, but at any time they can apply to the Pension Fund and return to special pensions. True, the amount of payments will not be recalculated and indexed.

In addition to special pensions, the system of granting preferential and early retirement pensions was reformed and partially abolished. In particular, for doctors, teachers and social workers, the right to receive a pension for long service has been abolished. However, for some categories of Ukrainians, the opportunity to retire early has been preserved. Namely:

  • artists (with 20-35 years of creative experience)
  • persons who worked in difficult and harmful conditions according to the list No. 1 and No. 2
  • tractor drivers, milkmaids, piggers, textile workers
  • women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children or a disabled child (at the age of 50 with 15 years of experience)
  • midgets and disproportionate dwarfs (men aged 45 and 20 years of experience, women 40 years of age with 15 years of insurance experience)
  • drivers of urban passenger transport (at the age of 55 and with insurance experience for men - 30 years, for women - 25 years)
  • fathers who have raised five or more children or a child with a disability (upon reaching the age of 55 and with at least 20 years of insurance experience)
  • visually impaired of the 1st group (blind) and disabled from childhood of the 1st group (men who have reached 50 years of age + 15 years of experience, women at 40 and with 10 years of experience)
  • military - participants in hostilities and members of their families (after reaching the age of 55 for men, 50 for women and with an insurance record of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women)

Pensions for military and working pensioners

The recalculation of monetary payments to military personnel is carried out according to a separate law. Modernization of military pensions began in January 2018. The increase in the amount of payments will be individual and directly depends on the length of service and financial support, on average, military pensions will increase by 62%.

Restrictions on the payment of pensions are removed from working pensioners, now the money can be received in full. Recall that earlier pensions, the amount of which exceeds 10 living wages, were taxed at a rate of 18% and a military tax of 1.5%.

Over the past 20 years, the system of pension payments has changed several times, and finally, two years ago, a pension reform took place, which establishes a fundamentally new procedure for accruals, which an ignorant person may not understand at once. Changes in the pension affected all the parameters that were previously taken into account when determining the amount of pension provision - length of service, average earnings, accrual procedure.

The essence of pension reform

The latest news for pensioners sounds disappointing - the country is experiencing an aging population, more and more categories of people are becoming unable to fully work, and their provision is becoming burdensome for the pension budget. Previously, the appointment of pension payments was simple and depended on the length of service, working conditions and salary of the future pensioner. This procedure may apply in the following circumstances:

  • the share of the population employed in various spheres of the economy significantly exceeded the number of pensioners;
  • All employees officially paid pension contributions.

In recent years, the situation has changed dramatically - about 40 million Russian citizens are pensioners, and their number in 30 years. of our century will be equal to the total number of those who provide current contributions to the budget. The pension reform was a forced measure that the Ministry of Finance had to introduce in order to provide a growing number of pensioners with money. The complexity of calculations under the current rules correlates with the unpopularity of the reform among the population.

The pension reform, divided into several stages, is designed to ease the burden on currently working citizens as much as possible and, at the same time, create all conditions for them to pay the money due when these people reach retirement age. In addition, a flexible system of combining solidarity and funded programs reduces inflationary and insurance risks for pensioners.

How the pension was calculated in 2015

Since the beginning of 2015, people who have entered the threshold of reaching retirement age (60 years for men, 55 for women) have encountered new calculation methods. For many, they were incomprehensible, because, after the reform, the amount of cash payments was calculated not in rubles, but in certain coefficients, and pensions at the same time directly depended on the following parameters:

  • The deadline for a citizen to apply for the money due to him. The state tries to stimulate as late as possible a person's application for pension payments.
  • IPC prices (individually calculated pension coefficient). He is appointed by the government of the country. In 2015, it was 64 rubles.
  • Officially declared income of a person and work experience.

Pension changes since 2015

The pension reform, according to federal law, states that the amounts of money that a citizen can claim from 2015 upon reaching the age established by law will be financed from the following sources:

  • a separate amount fixed by the state for a given period of time;
  • the insurance part of the pension;
  • storage part.

Fixed minimum payments are established to the citizen simultaneously with the insurance part, but he himself is responsible for the financial share of the pension from the funded part, since this part of the payments, although it is mandatory when the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund, is invested by the employee independently, in any fund that manages such deductions.

Formation of insurance pension and funded pension

To know how pension funds are formed, you need to imagine their sources. The employer from the personal account of the employee makes deductions every month in the amount of 22 percent to the Pension Fund. Of these, 16% goes to create future pension benefits for the worker. According to the reform, the employee can independently decide whether to divide this money into a funded and insurance part or not.

If an employee decides to secure a calm, secure old age and make funded contributions, then these 16% are divided as follows - 6% go to the funded part, and 10% go to the basic or insurance part. If no orders were received from the employee, then all 16% go to insurance premiums. The person making such payments must clearly understand that a special score, or coefficient, will depend on these orders.

Calculation of the individual pension coefficient

Since the right to receive money after the reform is provided by a special unit called the coefficient, you need to know how to calculate it. It must be equal to 30, so that a person has the opportunity to receive a pension based on the results of labor activity. It is calculated for each year of work experience, and then all the values ​​​​are summed up, and the points that were formed before 2015 are calculated separately. The general formula for the annual PC looks like this: the employee’s annual insurance payments (16%) are divided by the maximum amount of insurance premiums and multiplied by 10.

How to calculate points pension in 2019

The pension reform defines the principles for calculating the points-based insurance component. In 2019, you must meet the following requirements in order to receive cash benefits from the state:

  • have a number of years of total work experience of more than or equal to 8 years;
  • the number of points in this case should not be less than 11.4;
  • the age of the person must comply with the established legislation.

What is taken into account when calculating a pension

The calculation formula looks like this - ORP \u003d SB x CEC x PC + FV x PC, where:

  • ORP - total pension;
  • SB - the sum of all points;
  • CEC - the price of an individual coefficient;
  • PC - premium coefficients established by the reform, which are the greater, the later a person applies for pension payments;
  • FV - fixed payments.

The SB coefficient is calculated as follows - SB \u003d CB / CBmax x 10, where:

  • CB - insurance premiums (16% of the employee's income, unless he decides otherwise);
  • CBmax is the maximum amount of these contributions, which increases annually, correlating with inflation.

What periods are included in the length of service

According to the provisions of the reform, in addition to the total length of service, points take into account certain moments in a person’s life when no payments were made in the PF:

  • leave to care for children, the disabled, persons over 80;
  • urgent military service;
  • temporary incapacity, confirmed by sick leave;
  • unreasonable stay in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • the stay of the wives of military men, diplomats, consuls with them where they could not get a job;
  • the time the person was registered for unemployment.

The cost of 1 pension coefficient in 2019

Points are constantly recalculated - to the original figure of 6.6 adopted in 2015, 2.4 is added every year. In addition, the ratio increases with price fluctuations. In one year, the recalculation occurs twice - on February 1, when the government has a report on last year's inflation, and on April 1, when the general budget of the Pension Fund is approved. According to these data, the CEC in 2019 reached 77 rubles, but will constantly grow and be indexed.

The new pension reform, which came into force at the beginning of 2016, radically changes the system of pension accrual that was previously in force in Russia.

In fact, the pension system began to work in 2015, and is calculated until 2025. The full launch of the reform took place on January 1, 2016.

What years fall

Citizens who got a job after January 1, 2015 fell under it. Those who worked before the specified period do not lose their achievements, they are recalculated and fit into the new framework.

If, as a result of recalculations, the new version of the amount turns out to be less than it was before the recalculation, then there will be no decrease, the amount that is greater will be left.

The essence of the new pension reform - the main directions

The changes that the Russian pension system is undergoing can be called global. It was divided into insurance and savings. The insurance, based on the Pension Fund, will continue to be replenished by deductions from wages and other mandatory payments.

The right to a pension is now expressed in points, or in, and citizens who:

  • have reached retirement age, 55 for women and 60 for men;
  • have at least a minimum insurance period, this is 15 years from 2024 and 7 years in 2016 ;
  • have sufficient IPC, in 2025 it is 30, in 2016 - 9.

Sources of points are:

  1. The salary with which a citizen pays taxes and for which points will be awarded (about what it is).
  2. The working period during which the employee earned seniority.
  3. Non-working periods during which additional points can be earned.
  4. The age of retirement depends on the presence of additional points or their absence.

For a year of work experience, an employee is awarded points, which give him the right to claim a pension, subject to payment of contributions.

For those who worked before 2015, the pension capital is converted into PC. This is done using a simple formula:

PC= Insurance part (without base) / Point value

GIPC is an annual IPK, that is, the sum of points earned for the year is calculated as follows:

GIPC= The sum of all insurance premiums / The maximum possible amount of premiums x 10.

The amount of insurance premiums directly depends on the annual salary: this is 16% of it if only the insurance pension option is chosen, or 10% if the insurance and funded option is selected.

The maximum number of points that can be awarded per year will be 10 in 2021 and 7.83 in 2016.

They will be accrued depending on which pension option was chosen.

The insurance pension is regularly indexed by the state, while the funded pension is not indexed. For it, there are other sources of growth - the financial market and investment.

The basic formula for calculating a pension

Insurance old-age pension (StrP) for one year =

Total Retirement Points (PIPC) x Current Year Point Value (SPB) + Fixed Benefit (FC)

In short form: StrP = GIPC X St. Petersburg + FV

GIPC is the sum of points for the year;

St. Petersburg- the cost in rubles of one pension point in the current year is set by the state and indexed annually.

FV is a fixed payment dated 28.12.2013, art.16.

For 2016, the insurance pension is determined as follows: StrP \u003d IPK x 74.27 + 4558.93 rubles.

Since January 1, 2016, the 2% bonus has been canceled, and pensions for the military will be accrued for length of service. But since that moment, pensions for them and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been growing by 7.5%.

If, after the end of the service, pensioners are engaged in civil work, then they will go to the usual pension experience. All allowances will go to social needs. This is the equalization of civil and military pension payments, which is quite appropriate in a time of crisis.

Pension reform 2016 for judges of the Russian Federation

Judges are employees of state structures and, although they are not formally employees, they belong to professions whose work is paid from the budget. When the judge is about to retire, It opens up 3 possibilities.

  1. If his work as a judge lasted less than 10 years, he can receive a pension on a general basis, determined in accordance with the Federal Law No. 400 of 12/28/2013, as well as the Federal Law No. 126 of 06/04/2011.
  2. If the required length of service is available, then it is drawn up according to the length of service.
  3. If the work as a judge lasted at least 20 years and other conditions are satisfied, then you can receive a lifetime allowance (80% of salary), which is not taxed.

Education workers are anxious about the new pension reform. The main concern is about the right to an early retirement pension, which has been in place so far.

Until any changes are made to Federal Law No. 400 of December 29, 2013, the right to a reduced service pension for teachers remains.

However, only under certain conditions:

  • having 25 years of experience;
  • at least the minimum IPC (in 2016 - 9, in 2017 - 11.4);
  • compliance of the position with certain lists of professions, which is stipulated by regulations and legislative acts;
  • employment at full time.

If a working teacher refuses early retirement, then Federal Law No. 400, paragraph 15 of article 15 and paragraph 5 of article 16 come into force. That is, the teacher earns higher points. At any time he has the right to apply for a pension.

Pension reform for physicians

Physicians also have length of service and early retirement, as well as the concept of a preferential pension.

A necessary condition for obtaining it is experience, 30 years for an urban doctor, and 25 years for a doctor from a rural area. Previously, the accrual of such a pension was carried out according to other methods, and the new reform gives a completely different result.

The length of service, gradually increasing, will eventually become the same for both categories - 27.5 years. Therefore, the factors that keep doctors in the villages will lose their significance, which will provoke their relocation to the city, where there are many private clinics and the pay is higher. Concern for the retention of personnel in rural areas hospitals the government is completely absent.

According to the new procedure for paying pensions, a working pensioner can quit his job and notify the pension fund about this, after which his pension will begin to be indexed. If, after waiting for the increase, he goes to work again, then the size of the pension will remain increased.

Innovations in 2016 - the pros and cons of the new pension reform

The usual system of calculating pensions has changed dramatically, and will continue to undergo further changes. But something is already visible today.


The advantages include the opportunity for citizens to more actively influence their future pension, in particular, to try to work legally.

Basic values ​​for pensions are indexed.

It became possible to add military service and care work to the pension experience.

Here are the points that citizens additionally receive in non-insurance periods:

  • 1.8 for 1 year of military service;
  • 1.8 care for the elderly and disabled;
  • 1.8 for 1 year of parental leave, first;
  • 3.6 for 1 year - for the second;
  • 5.4 for 1 year - for the third and fourth.

The retirement age and most of the benefits have been preserved, and pensions have been increased for many categories of pensioners.


Many citizens may also face the disadvantages of pension reform, primarily those who work unofficially: they will not be able to receive a full pension.

No luck for pensioners who were working at the time of the launch of the new system. In order to increase their pension, they will have to quit and get a job again.

The minimum length of service will increase and triple, though not immediately, but over 15 years.

Pension reform 2020

We are talking about the pension head of the famous "Strategies 2020", it was developed by the liberal wing of the Russian government and is focused on providing high pensions for the middle class.

Since it is the middle class that is being washed out all over the world under the conditions of a long crisis, it is unlikely that such a topic will remain relevant by 2020.

Nevertheless, the creators of the pension reform 2020 offer such ways to solve the problem.

  1. Raising the minimum length of service for a labor pension.
  2. Reducing the list of dangerous jobs and early retirement.
  3. Pension for low-income workers, social and basic.
  4. For the middle class - the sum of the basic, solidary and funded.
  5. Rich - as well as for the middle class, plus everything else.
  6. Raising the retirement age to 63 years (by 2030), accompanied by an increase in the length of service standards.

Pension reform in Russia has successfully started. Her path will be difficult, various proposals, improvements and clarifications are constantly appearing, which can nullify all the efforts of past years. So the Ministry of Finance came up with proposals that stirred up the whole country.

It remains to be hoped that the government will be able to stick to the set course and not lose momentum.