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» Bear tattoo on the chest for men. The best bear tattoos by Russian tattoo artists

Bear tattoo on the chest for men. The best bear tattoos by Russian tattoo artists

Bear tattoos for men are an ambiguous drawing, which in one form can mean intelligence, courage and determination, in another it can personify anger, rage and anger. On the one hand, the animal is compared with kindness, calmness and spontaneity. But many cultures tattooed a bear to take power and fury from him.

Therefore, before stuffing such a tattoo, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the rules for decoding, choosing a style and a place on the body where the bear will carry the correct meaning. Also, a man needs to find out the interpretation of the prison, so as not to run into trouble in the future. The detailed meaning of a bear tattoo for men will be discussed later.

To understand the meaning of a tattoo, a man first needs to understand the lifestyle of an animal, its vision in different folklore and cultural trends. Initially, such an animal was stuffed on the skin in the Celtic tribes, then the bear was a symbol of warriors and a female symbol of childbirth. Much has changed since then, but there are some interpretations that have been preserved in the original version.

Most popular tattoos with a bear, meaning for guys:

Polar bear- a symbol of spiritual loneliness, fearlessness, love of life, as well as the desire for longevity. A polar bear can become a talisman that protects a man from death.

Brown bear- if the animal is in a calm state, it personifies peace of mind, unwillingness to argue, conflict, fight, wisdom and strength.

Grizzly- the owner of such a tattoo always copes with difficulties and tasks, the absence of fears of danger.

Bear with a grin- a symbol of masculinity and courage, readiness for battle with any enemy and ill-wisher.

Roaring bear- a symbol of danger, rage and ferocity, it is better not to conflict with such a man.

bear paw- a mystical symbol, implying the presence of superpowers, nobility and military prowess.

Bear- This is a symbol of childbearing, fertility, it is stuffed by men who seek to start a large family.

Bear with closed mouth- most likely, the owner wants to completely change his lifestyle, get rid of bad habits.

Panda- such a pattern is applied to the body by creative people who have a rich inner world, spiritual kindness, positive thinking.

A russian bear- a symbol of good luck, luck, courage and greatness of the owner, the animal is the patron saint of hunters, giving men courage and courage.

What does this tattoo give a man?

Among the Celts, a tattoo with a bear meant for men a symbol of military courage and courage, for women - childbearing, fertility. Also, this animal was associated with rebirth, the beginning of life from scratch. Until now, many men who want drastic changes put a bear tattoo on their body.

Northern peoples often stuffed a polar bear, thereby showing their readiness to defend their territory from strangers. Among the Vikings, such tattoos marked successful warriors who had merits and achievements in battles. Since then, there have been rumors that warriors with a bear tattoo possessed inhuman power, strength and courage.

In Egypt, only the pharaohs, demigods, half-humans, had such tattoos. And among Indian tribal leaders and rulers, such a symbol acted as a talisman and talisman, demonstrating a special title. Today, some men apply such tattoos to demonstrate their courage, determination, intelligence and nobility. Others stuff the beast to awaken similar qualities in themselves.

For reference! In esotericism, the most powerful and mystical symbol is the tattoo not of the bear itself, but of its paws. Many people with superpowers wear such tattoos on their bodies.

Where do men get bear tattoos?

The place where the master will beat the tattoo is another way to reveal in detail the meaning and significance of such a pattern. Since the bear personifies the courage, strength, combat readiness of a man, his inner core and mind, most often the bear is pierced on the back, shoulders and chest. Hands are also popular, but bears are rarely depicted in small areas of the body.


The shoulders of a man are a symbol of their reliability and security, which means that tattoos with a calm bear will look harmonious here. He will personify self-confidence, his own actions and decisions, peace of mind and harmony. But if necessary, the owner of the tattoo will be able to stand up for himself and his loved ones.

Examples of such tattoos:


On the forearm, you can depict any format of a tattoo with a bear, it all depends on the goals of the man. If this is a talisman, I stuff the footprint of the animal's paws, if this is a way to strengthen strong character traits, they stuff the bear in an active position, if the way to achieve harmony and self-confidence - the beast is in a calm state.

Examples of such tattoos:

Wrist tattoo

Hands are responsible for the influence of a man on the world around him, creativity and work. So, it makes no sense to stuff an aggressive animal on the wrist. Drawings of bear paws or eyes, as well as positive options for such tattoos, for example, a panda or a geometric sketch of a bear, will be able to direct you on the right path.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoos on the palm, on the hand and fingers

The hands are the energy center of creativity, so a bear tattoo in this place can differ significantly from standard ideas. It can be an ornament, geometry, an ornament, the symbolism of a bear on a hand. Those sketches of tattoos are pierced here that can affect the future and fate of a man.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo sleeve

If a man wants to demonstrate to the environment that all the qualities and strength of a bear are hidden in him, despite outward calmness and non-conflict, you can fill his entire arm with a bear tattoo. Thus, the owner warns that at any moment he can fight back, and if the bear grins, this is a kind of protest.

Examples of such tattoos:


Bear tattoos on the neck are a demonstration of courage, wisdom, high intelligence, openness of a man in relation to the outside world. At the same time, a man does not imply any aggression, anger, desire to enter into conflict. If the bear is pinned on the back of the neck, it can be a kind of amulet against evil people.

Examples of such tattoos:


This part of the body involves the image of a large drawing with a bear, here you can place not only the beast itself, but also the background, other details and symbols. In this way, a man tries to be visible in the environment. Also, the chest is an area close to the heart, which means that the meaning of the tattoo will be associated with love affairs.

Examples of such tattoos:


The side part of the torso will look harmonious with bear tattoos if the man has a toned and embossed torso. If the bear is on the side of the heart, its designation will relate to matters of the heart and family. If on the other hand, a man can thereby use an animal to imitate him.

Examples of such tattoos:


In the hip area, men are less likely to get tattoos and to a greater extent they relate to the intimate aspects of life. If the bear is active and aggressive, perhaps it means the energy and great sexual potential of a man. A calm bear can mean the stability and loyalty of a man to his chosen one, the readiness to protect and protect her from ill-wishers and difficulties.

Examples of such tattoos:


This part of the body is responsible for the ability of a man to defend himself from enemies and intruders, and a bear pinned on his back can be a warning to such people. The man thus shows his ability to repulse any attacks, and also hints that for all his outward self-confidence and calmness, there is also aggression in him. He tells women that he can become a reliable defender.

Examples of such tattoos:

shoulder blade

In this place, the tattoo should carry a very personal and hidden meaning, understandable only to a man and his closest associates. Most often, a bear will mean the spiritual loneliness of a man, the suppression of aggression and anger in himself, internal protest, disharmony of anger and justice, etc. Tattoos are applied between the shoulder blades that carry philosophical or religious overtones.

Examples of such tattoos:


Putting a bear in the form of a tattoo on a leg is a decision that only an extraordinary and self-confident man can make. If it is an aggressive grinning beast, it can be an indicator of determination and readiness to fight in any dangerous situation. If the animal is calm, it symbolizes male stability, a strong position and steadfastness.

Examples of such tattoos:

Before you decide to prick a bear, decide exactly on your decision, select a sketch, as well as a place for its application. Remember, that:

  • large tattoos or whole compositions are suitable for spacious areas of the body (back, chest, forearms, arms and legs);
  • medium-sized tattoos with a moderate amount of detail and a stroke look harmonious in areas such as elbows, hips, shoulders, palms and hands;
  • small drawings in the style of minimalism, inscriptions and symbols look spectacular on the neck, fingers, wrists, ankles or the back of the head.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

In choosing a place for a tattoo and a sketch of a bear, a man needs to observe proportionality. A small pattern will look sparse and faded on a large area of ​​skin, and vice versa, realistic flower compositions with detail will not be so visible on small pieces of skin.

How to choose a sketch of a tattoo in relation to a place on the body?

The bear is the perfect tattoo for a strong and courageous man. If this is a small sketch, it will be appropriate on the lower back, forearm or ankles of the lower extremities. Relying on the size and type of tattoo, they select the optimal place on the body for application. For example, for the image of the head or paw, a shoulder is more suitable.

A wild animal against the backdrop of a dense forest is an excellent choice to completely cover an arm or leg with a sleeve, as well as decorate a embossed male back. The head of a bear, personifying strength and power, can be applied to the shoulder or chest. The whole bear canvas is more appropriate on the back, you can immediately combine it with another animal.

celtic style- resembles ornaments and symbols;

geometry- looks effective on small areas of the skin in a small size;

old school- a bright and colorful sketch, as you can see in the photo of the example.

The main colors for bear tattoos are black and white or a color pattern with red, green, blue, brown, yellow colors.

Symbols that a bear tattoo can be combined with

For tattoos with bears, such symbols are most often used to complement the composition and meaning, such as:








Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Beating tattoos is necessary only in specialized salons. You need to choose a master with experience in applying such drawings. If the question arises, where on the body is it best to get a bear tattoo, since this is a complex pattern, the following places are most often chosen:

  • back;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • forearm;
  • hands;
  • shoulder blades.

When choosing a sketch of a tattoo and a place for applying it, consider the factor whether it will be possible to hide the tattoo in the wrong place and circumstances.

Examples of bear tattoos that are not recommended. Their importance in the criminal world

Most bear tattoos can be interpreted in a different context in the zone and among people serving sentences. Therefore, before getting a tattoo, think twice what an unambiguous opinion can be about you. The list of unwanted bear tattoos includes the following types:

bear Paw- can be interpreted as an indicator of a "bear cub", that is, a thief;

bear with ax- thief in law, a person serving a sentence for theft or burglary;

bear grin- the owner of such a tattoo can be perceived as an unfriendly and dangerous person;

scull- an inappropriate combination of a bear, as a symbol of rebirth, and a skull, a symbol of death.


The bear is a popular animal for ideas male tattoos. Since ancient times and until today, bears have personified the mind, longevity, rebirth of the soul and body, childbearing, strength and power. A man can not only adopt these qualities from an animal for himself, but also use some types of tattoos as amulets. It remains only to choose an idea and a place for application, having familiarized yourself with their designation.

Tattoos have been part of culture since ancient times. Some symbols have become popular relatively recently, and some have "passed" with humanity through the ages. The image of a bear was applied to the body even by the ancient Celts and shamans of the Indian tribes of North America. This is probably why the meanings of a bear tattoo are varied and contradictory.

Cultural and historical roots of the meaning of the Bear tattoo

The bear is a character often found in myths and legends, but each nation endowed it with different qualities.

The ancient Celts made the bear a symbol of strength and power. Warriors applied his image to the body and shields. At the same time, the bear was revered as a symbol of fertility, motherhood and femininity.

In the Chinese epic, this predator embodied strength and power, dominance and courage. In Japan, the bear is a symbol of wisdom and fair judgment.

In ancient Egypt and India, this beast was associated with the undeniable power.

The North American Indians of some tribes revered the bear as a deity and shamans made tattoos with this predator.

In Russia, the bear denoted courage and good luck, a cunning and lucky hunter.

Images of a bear in Islamic culture have a negative meaning, the beast is considered a symbol of evil, vengeful spirits.

Militancy and heroism were symbolized by Viking bear tattoos.

The meaning of a bear tattoo

Despite the inconsistency, the meaning of the Bear tattoo is positive. The interpretation depends on how the beast is depicted: a calm and good-natured bear personifies wisdom and justice, charity, an aggressive one - power, courage, confidence.

Maybe the image of this predator on the body means the beginning of a new life, as if a person, like a bear, woke up from hibernation.

What does a bear tattoo mean on a male body

The meaning of the Bear tattoo for a man is strength and power in the first place. The tattoo emphasizes masculinity, moral and physical strength, the ability to fight. Often the image of this predator speaks of the ability to overcome any obstacles. Drawing with claws of a bear symbolizes nobility, heroism.

A bear tattoo can mean an inflexible and domineering character.

The meaning of the bear grin tattoo is courage and courage, the willingness to defeat any opponent, to destroy the enemy. And the drawings of this beast with a closed mouth are chosen by those who are ready for cardinal changes.

Often the tattoo of this predator symbolizes precisely the beginning of a new stage in life, a reassessment of values, the desire to start everything from scratch.

Men who make tattoos with a bear, which is in their native element, are peaceful, emphasize their calmness and prudence, wisdom.

The meaning of the tattoo "bear" in women

Girls for tattoos choose cartoon or teddy bears. This speaks of a cheerful and slightly dreamy character.

Women prefer calm, peaceful images of a bear, complemented by flowers or eucalyptus, as is the case with a panda. A polar bear with small flowers instead of wool is a popular tattoo among romantic girls.

An aggressive animal with an open mouth is sometimes chosen by athletes involved in martial arts or boxing. Such a tattoo speaks of will and determination, the desire for victory.

Realistic images of a she-bear and cubs symbolize motherhood, family, love for children.

The meaning of the tattoo "Bear" on the zone

In the Soviet Union, tattoos with bears were made exclusively by “bear cubs” engaged in opening safes. Such a tattoo spoke of the authority of the wearer in a criminal environment, often about the status of a thief in law.

The meaning of the “bear” tattoo on the zone speaks of power, the primacy of the bearer. Bear cubs usually made tattoos with a bear paw, or an animal with an ax in its paws. In the criminal world, such a picture may indicate that the former prisoner was serving time at a logging site.

In the zone, they believe that the image of a bear on the body helps to heal mental or physical wounds.

Tattoo meanings depending on which bear and where it is depicted

The meaning of the “bear” tattoo on the shoulder (especially in the zone) speaks of the dominant position of a person, the desire for power. As a rule, drawings with the head of this beast are made on the shoulder.

On the wrist or on the part from it to the elbow, a tattoo with a predator against the backdrop of a forest will look great.

Usually tattoos depicting peace-loving bears are made on the chest, which symbolizes kindness and wisdom.

The drawing on the back speaks of the physical and spiritual power of the owner.

The meanings of the tattoo vary depending on which bear is depicted:

  • The polar bear is a symbol of loneliness, fearlessness. He speaks of vitality, and the ability to survive under any circumstances.
  • Grizzly personifies determination, the ability to cope with the enemy, to solve any problem.
  • A roaring brown bear speaks of the aggressiveness and ferocious disposition of a person.
  • Panda symbolizes good nature and positivity.
  • Koala tattoos are preferred by optimists.

Which bear images are more popular

Images of a polar bear are more popular, in second place is the grin of a predator, and in third place is a bear's paw.

If we talk about the personal qualities of people who prefer bear tattoos, then these are:

  • Self-confident people who are ready to deal with external circumstances.
  • Open to change and spiritual development, determined to work on themselves.
  • Honest and noble people.
  • Warlike and strong fighters.

Bear tattoos, even aggressive ones, speak not only of power, confidence and authority, but also that in the depths of the soul a kind person is hiding a wise and loving heart behind external strength and impressiveness.

The bear is a controversial and unique wild animal. This predator has such qualities as kindness and tenderness, strength and fearlessness, ferocity and deceit, anger and rage. The bear tattoo is popular with strong, self-confident men. And among girls, the image of a bear, a bear cub or a plush toy - a bear, of course, is a success. bear tattoo meaning- differs.

The history of the bear tattoo

For a long time, the bear has had its own meaning in various cultures and religions. There are many stories, legends, myths about him. In China, the bear means masculinity, strength, masculinity. In Japan, he personifies justice, patience, wisdom, charity. In Celtic culture, the bear symbolizes the moon, the feminine, motherhood. This predator has become the emblem of the Celtic warriors. The Indians considered the bear to be a peaceful, kind animal and attributed to him power over various natural disasters. Indian rajas and Egyptian pharaohs considered this formidable animal a symbol of power and wore bear tattoos. In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, the bear accompanied the goddess of hunting and fertility. In Islam and Christianity, the bear is rather the meaning of dark power - greedy, vindictive and cruel. Do not forget that for a long time this animal has been the national symbol of Russia. There are many legends, fairy tales, various stories about him. As a rule, it symbolizes hunting luck, courage, male courage.

What does a bear tattoo mean?

What does a bear tattoo mean?

Since the bear has a peculiarity - it falls into hibernation, it is considered a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. In addition, there are different types of bears: grizzly, panda, brown, white and others. Depending on which bear is depicted, in which composition, the meaning of the tattoo is interpreted. Usually, a bear tattoo is depicted as quite realistic, so in order to apply the image of this animal, you need to contact an experienced and skilled tattoo artist.

A polar bear tattoo means loneliness, love of life, fearlessness, the desire to survive in any situation. Such a tattoo can be applied with special white paint, which is quite rare in tattoo art.

Grizzly symbolizes determination, the ability to cope with any danger that has arisen.

A brown bear depicted on a forest edge, resting near a river, lying under the sun, as a rule, means strength and wisdom, unwillingness to conflict.

The bear grin is depicted as courageous, strong, courageous people, ready to fight any enemy that appears on the way to what they want.

A roaring brown bear means aggression, ferocity, rage.

The image of a koala or panda personifies the good nature and optimism of a person.

The bear's paw symbolizes power and a kind of mystical power. The trace of the claws testifies to military prowess and nobility.

The bear is a symbol of motherhood and fertility.

A bear tattoo is most often applied to the upper chest, shoulder, and back.

The bear tattoo, in general, has a positive meaning, because under the external aggressiveness of this animal, the mind, strength, kindness and caring are hidden.

What does a bear tattoo mean?

Tattoos have long ceased to be a primordially male decoration of the body, an increasing number of girls emphasize their individuality in this way. Each of the drawings has a certain meaning, so you need to study it thoroughly before applying the image to the body. The bear tattoo is very popular. What does she mean? Let's find out.

Representatives of ancient cultures respected this animal for its strength. His image was personified with warriors, their courage. Sometimes there is an opinion that a bear tattoo has a magical meaning, indicating a connection with the other world. Perhaps the roots of such an association are in pagan times, when the population of the northern territories considered the animal to be a powerful and powerful deity.

A few decades ago, bear tattoos were available only to selected and recognized crime bosses. Such a drawing meant the status and power of its owner, speaking about it without words. It had the right to wear only professional "bear cubs", that is, specialists in breaking safes. If a similar tattoo was made by a person who had nothing to do with this, he could be severely punished, even to death.

Nowadays, such drawings are quite common and nothing connects them with crime. The bear tattoo represents justice, denotes an affectionate and kind beast, which can instantly become evil and insidious predator. Another image implies power, the beginning of a new life, courage and confidence. If a girl tattoos herself with a drawing of a female bear, then this is considered a symbol of motherhood and fertility.

Usually, drawings on the body have the ability to tell more about their owner than any words can do. They must be selected very carefully, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances. How can you characterize a person who has a polar bear on his body? Tattoo speaks of a strong-willed, fearless and laconic personality, striving to find strong family ties. Therefore, if you are not ready for such a life, you should opt for some other tattoo.

When choosing a pattern, certain aspects should also be taken into account. For example, you can apply the image of an animal in its entirety or only its head - here the choice is entirely yours. There are many suitable places for such a tattoo: a bear on the shoulder, leg, back or chest will look spectacular. There are many options, so you need to think carefully about everything. Listen to the advice of the master in the salon - he will tell you the most successful place where the skin will not stretch and deform the pattern.

You should not immediately brag about a tattoo in front of all your friends, it is better to wait a certain period until everything heals. Believe me: on non-inflamed and calmed skin, the image will look much more beautiful. In order for the pattern not to fade over time and begin to wear off, it is better to choose a part of the body that can always be covered with clothing to prevent prolonged exposure to sunlight, as they tend to destroy the paint.

What do bear tattoos mean?

What is a tattoo? In fact, it is not only an adornment of the human body, but also a self-expression of the individual. The drawing characterizes its owner, talks about habits, passions, hobbies and even hidden

character traits. Bear tattoos are traditionally considered masculine. This strong and stern beast inspires respect, demonstrates power and courage. However, it happens that the drawing also carries a deeper meaning, hidden from prying eyes. It must also be taken into account when choosing a sketch, so as not to make a fatal mistake. After all, a tattoo is for life. Some drawings can be lightened with a laser and subsequently blocked. However, this will not work with large-scale art.

Tattoo Meaning

The bear can symbolize different things. It all depends on the traditions and culture of peoples. The Japanese attribute wisdom and prudence to the bear. Therefore, this overweight animal should not necessarily be associated with anger and aggression. Even Russian folk tales often showed these character traits in a bear. He, despite his slowness and sluggishness, always wisely and fairly judged the rest of the animals in the forest.

But for the inhabitants of North America, bear tattoos mean freedom. Indians from those places even devote a huge number of sacred rites to this strong and independent animal. Here the bear is respected and revered. After all, ferocity is only an external manifestation of the animal essence. Inside, the bears are kind and fair, according to the Indians.

The Chinese have always associated the bear with motherhood and care. And this is quite logical. It is enough to remember how reverently animals treat their offspring, protect and protect it from enemies. As you can see, bear tattoos don't always have aggressive overtones. Therefore, you should not take the drawings on the human body so literally.

In addition, you must very carefully choose a place for tattooing. In principle, the master will be able to make the desired tattoo anywhere. The desire of the client is the law. However, there are parts of the body where artistic tattoos are not recommended. It is better to depict a bear in the technique of realism - any professional will tell you this. So the character traits of the animal are better conveyed, its physique, movement, wool texture. In this style, the master, with the help of well-placed shadows and other color accents, can easily create the effect of a real picture.

So, where would the tattoo look best? Will a bear on the shoulder, chest or back look the best? All these places are quite suitable for drawing a picture. However, for a thin person, it is better to apply the pattern on the back or shoulder blades. But a man of a heroic physique with powerful arms can well afford a tattoo on his shoulder. By the way, such images are also quite suitable for women. Only they should give preference to the she-bear with her offspring. This will characterize the owner of the drawing as a caring, faithful and loving mother.

Since realism is a rather complex style, be sure to check with the selected master for works in this technique. Otherwise, the end result will greatly disappoint you, and the money will be wasted.

The meaning of the tiger grin tattoo

From the article you will learn about tiger tattoo meaning, the hidden meaning and history of this pattern in the art of tattooing. For those who have already decided to contact the tattoo parlor, after reading the article, we strongly recommend that you view the examples that we offer within the gallery:

  • Photo tattoo grin tiger
  • Sketches for a tiger grin tattoo

The meaning of a tiger grin tattoo - information about the meaning and photos of cool tattoos

The meaning, history and meaning of a tiger grin tattoo

Tattoos depicting wild animals have recently gained popularity. Tattoos with the grin of the beast are especially popular. Such images are most often chosen by the representatives of the stronger sex to show their courage and strength. When choosing such a tiger grin tattoo, pay attention to its meaning.

What does the image of a tiger mean in different countries?

The primary meaning of the animal tiger is, of course, ferocity and courage. However, in different areas of science and life, in other countries, the tiger has different meaning. In heraldry (the science of signs), the tiger carries a symbol of rage and strength. In literary works, the tiger symbolizes the dangerous forces of the natural instincts of these animals.

In China, the image of a tiger is a symbol of passion, power and strength, courage, heroism and military prowess. In Japan, the tiger is a sign of courage. In Indian countries, the tiger represents ferocity and aggression. In Thailand, the image of a tiger is a sign of sensuality.

Tiger symbol in mythology

The tiger is a predatory animal, in its power even surpasses the lion. In ancient beliefs and legends, the tiger was considered an intermediary between the earthly world and the world of the dead. The grin of a tiger was able to intimidate even the most daring travelers seeking adventure. Movement speed, disproportionate power and a sudden attack are the main characteristics of this animal.

Photo examples:

Tiger grin tattoo meaning

Drawing with the grin of a wild beast can be applied to the shoulder or forearm. This choice of image speaks of the courage of the owner, and his self-confidence. An image with a grin of a white Amur tiger will mean that the person who owns the tattoo does not want to be like everyone else, he wants to stand out from the crowd and show himself, his power and strength.

The selected tiger grin tattoo will mean:

  1. Superiority in strength over others and the desire for power
  2. Power and bloodlust
  3. Manifestation of independence and freedom
  4. Honor and Valor
  5. Ruthlessness and cruelty
  6. Internal inexhaustible energy

How many people - so many opinions. Each person who has a tiger grin tattoo puts his own meaning into it, which can be both positive and carry a negative connotation. Some believe that tiger grin tattoo meaning will help protect against troubles and troubles, others believe that such a tattoo is a sign of respect in society and a thirst for power. Negative themes carry the meaning of a person angry at life.


Girl tattoo with a tiger

Girls still do not dare to put the image of wild animals on their bodies. In particular, this is due to the fact that the female gender chooses non-aggressive, calm drawings. If the girl nevertheless chose the image of a wild beast, it will most likely be a small tiger cub, which characterizes tenderness, fragility and defenselessness.

In addition to the grin of a tiger, images of grins of other wild animals are often chosen: a bear, a lion, a wolf. Such tattoos will have a slightly different meaning, but they have one common characteristic: a grin means anger and protest.

Prepared by: Savopulo Ksenia Olegovna

The image of a bear is a unique image. It carries several very different feelings: tenderness, aggression, kindness, and great strength. Bear tattoo means:

  • the beginning of a life path;
  • strength;
  • fortitude of character.

Tattoos are very popular among both men and women. Girls often choose a tattoo in the form of a teddy bear, and guys - in the form of a ferocious big bear.

Bear tattoos are different. The grin of the bear, which makes the beast aggressive, and the sweet bearish smile, which inclines towards good feelings, are also popular. Despite its impressive size and ferocious appearance, the bear often carries tenderness and affection.

Bear tattoo and legends

Legends about bears are numerous. Among the most famous are the following:

  1. The Celts personified a bear with a woman who is responsible for fertility and the birth of children. Celtic warriors included bears in their emblems.
  2. The Chinese people considered the bear an exclusively male animal. For them, the image of an animal denoted a unique strength, superiority and courage. The Japanese peoples personified bears with wisdom and justice.
  3. Americans in the distant past elevated the bear to a deity and worshiped him. They believed that bear worship could eliminate natural disasters.
  4. In Egypt and India, bears were also revered and deified. Pharaohs in Egypt stuffed bear tattoos on their bodies. And ordinary people from India and Egypt did not have the right to put such a tattoo on their bodies.
  5. The bear is of great importance in Russia. There are many fairy tales and legends about him. People endow the bear with courage, ferocity, aggression.
  6. Mythology, which has Greek roots, made the bear a symbol of the goddess of the hunt, who was called "Christian Artemis". Islam believed that the bear has dark powers (cruelty, vindictiveness).
  7. In Western countries, the bear was completely associated with the sins of gluttony.

Bear tattoo meaning

The designation of the popular bear tattoo is different.

  • Grizzly bear means:
    • the ability to resolve any confusing situation;
    • the ability to get out of any life problems.
  • A tattoo in the form of a polar bear means:
    • loneliness;
    • striving for life, in spite of any difficulties and hardships;
    • symbolism of the northern people.
  • The koala bear (panda) is characterized by the following symbols:
    • good nature of character;
    • optimism.
  • The image of brown bears carries the meaning of power and serious struggle.

However, not only the bear itself has a certain meaning. An important place is occupied by the body parts of a ferocious beast.

  • The grin on the face of a bear means:
    • courageous attitude;
    • courage;
    • the strength of the spirit.

    Bear grin is popular with men.

  • Bear paws denote strength, power. The claws of the paws of a bear has the meaning of military prowess, nobility. In some countries, bear claws have a mystical designation.
  • The image of the head of a large ferocious bear means rage and aggression.

The meaning of a bear tattoo is different. The bear can mean not only wisdom and obedience, but also feelings of rage and ferocity.

Bear tattoo style

The most common bear tattoos are made in the most realistic way. The bear is portrayed as strong and powerful. Specialists carry out a successful combination of drawing with shadows, so all plasticity and movements are transmitted very realistically. If a bear tattoo is combined with elements of nature, then you can get a real work of art.

The cartoonish and humorous image of bears looks very interesting and relevant among young people. Many people ask for a Celtic or Scythian bear tattoo. The tattoo element includes braided elements. They look very organic and complement the picture.

The tribal performance style is quite common. This style includes a geometric pattern consisting of peculiar straight lines. The lines represent a bear. Geometric figures have sharp ends. The picture is filled with color.

0 Bears are more than just little toys in stores around the world. American shamans believed that bears were a link to the spirit world and still perform numerous rituals in their honor. In Norse culture, the god Odin was often depicted as a bear. I recommend that you add our site to your bookmarks in order to become more familiar with the meaning of not only tattoos, but also street slang and prison slang. Today we will tell you, as you probably already guessed, about bear tattoo, you can find out the value a little lower.
Before continuing, I want to advise you a couple of other news on the subject of tattoos. For example, what does Bat Tattoo mean; meaning of Barbed Wire Tattoo; what does Crocodile Tattoo mean; how to understand the Dragonfly Tattoo, etc.
So let's continue Bear tattoo on the shoulder, meaning?

Ancient people wore the skin and bones of bears, believing that this would allow them to absorb some of the spiritual and physical strength of the animal. Bears have long been associated with Native Americans who viewed these animals as great warriors, displaying incredible strength, courage, and fearlessness in the face of their enemies.

IN Sioux people, the bear is associated with Healing and Medicine. Legend has it that a sick bear was cured after eating mahogany leaves. One girl noticed this healing effect with a bear, after which she spread the word about the healing abilities of the plant to her sisters in the Sioux tribe.

Meaning of Bear Tattoo

For many, bears embody a range of traits that have different meanings to the wearer. Most often, bear tattoos symbolize:
  • Strength
  • cheerfulness
  • Protection
  • Motherhood
  • Bravery
  • Spirituality and deep connection with nature
  • Power
  • Confidence
  • Sunday (bears wake up after a long break after winter).

Bear Tattoo Design Options

From the vibrant hues of the Haida tattoo to the intricate patterns of the Japanese style, Bear tattoos have numerous cultural elements. Popular tattoo designs include:

Haida Bear Tattoos

Haida Bear Tattoos come from the oldest indigenous tribe in North America, the Haida, who live in British Columbia, Canada, and Alaska. In their tradition, the Bear represents motherhood, protection, spirituality and wisdom (the animal is usually associated with an elderly relative). Haida Bear tattoo images are either red, green or black.

Teddy Bear Tattoo

It is hard to imagine the world today without this delightful toy. The teddy bear is named after US President Theodore Roosevelt after rumors spread that he refused to kill a black bear on a hunting expedition. To create a toy to perpetuate the noble deed of the President, it occurred to the heads of two companies operating independently on opposite sides of the Atlantic, the American one - Morris Mihtom and Steins from Germany. The Teddy Bear tattoo symbolizes love, affection, innocence and is a typical symbol of childhood.

Bear Paw and Bear Claw Tattoos

Hip-hop artist Eva is known for her distinctive paw print tattoos on her chest. It is believed that Bear Paw and Bear Claw tattoos symbolize good luck, stability, power and mobility.

Tribal Bear Tattoo

Tribal tattoos have spiritual significance in the regions from which they originate. Although the exact meaning of each tribal symbol has long been lost, Tribal Bear tattoos usually embody spirituality, a deep connection with nature and Native American culture.

Celtic Bear Tattoo

Bear tattoos with Celtic influences are deeply rooted in spirituality and paganism. Wearing a Celtic bear tattoo design usually symbolizes your connection to the natural elements, strong ties to Irish tradition, and your spiritual side. I recommend reading more about the meaning of Celtic symbols.

Grateful Dead Bear Tattoo

The design of the Grateful Dead Bear was created by Bob Thomas as the cover for the band's album The Story of the Grateful Dead: Volume One ("Bear's Choice"). Released in 1973, Bear's Choice peaked at number 60 on the Billboard Top 200. The design pays homage to Owsley "Bear" Stanley, who wrote and released this album. Many people often refer to them as the "Dancing Bears" but don't tell Owsley about it.

"The bears on the album cover don't actually dance. I don't know why people think they do. But it's their choice and I still respect it."- Owsley Stanley.

Panda Bear Tattoo

Panda bears are one of the rarest and most famous bears in the world. Panda Bear tattoos mean good luck, harmony and balance. Pandas have long been associated with the Yin-Yang symbol in Chinese legends due to its distinctive black and white patterns.

Black Bear Tattoo and Grizzly Bear Tattoo

Black bears and grizzlies have a lot in common, including how to create fear in the hearts of people and animals. If you wear any of these images, then you associate yourself with a powerful bear with a strong spirit. The difference between these titans depends mainly on the coloration of each species, Grizzlies are brown, and Black Bears ... well, let them be ... black.

polar bear tattoo

Polar bears have spiritual significance to the indigenous peoples of the Arctic. In Inuit culture, the polar bear is the earthly embodiment of the Great Spirit, Tuurgasuk. The Eskimos revere these animals for their superior hunting skills, and the Nenets in Siberia believe that wearing polar bear dog teeth protects you from spoiling. The Eskimo and Inuit tribes have countless folklore legends that speak of the bear's devotion and love for its cubs. This is one of the reasons for the use of the image of a polar bear in the Coca-Cola Corporation's numerous Christmas advertising campaigns.

California Bear Tattoo

The California bear became part of the state flag in 1846 after a group of American settlers took control of the Mexican garrison of Sonoma. At the start of the Mexican–American War, settlers proudly raised a crude, homemade flag that featured the California Bear, a star, and the words "Republic of California." This project came to mean freedom and independence in honor of the settlers.

Koala Bear Tattoo

Koala bears are friendly, have no problem making contact with humans, and are known for their calm demeanor and cute teddy bear look. In the folklore of the natives, Koalas are the keepers of the memories of the Earth, who "came out" from the depths to bring wisdom to people, and then climbed into the trees to make it easier to follow them. Koala Bear Tattoos symbolize the connection with the Earth, Tranquility, Wisdom and Protection.

Cartoon Bear Tattoo

Most cartoon bear tattoos are a nod to childhood days and include beloved characters such as the Gummi Bears, Yogi Bear, and of course the adorable Winnie the Pooh. These tattoos are suitable for those who are nostalgic for the good old days.

Dark Bear Tattoos

Grim Bear ( Gloomy Bear listen)) is a popular Japanese character created by Maury Chax. Grim often attacks his friend Pitty, and occasionally someone else in his path. A lot of blood always accompanies him, after his numerous meetings.

Choosing the right tattoo design means looking for something that has special meaning to you.

By reading this short article, you have learned Bear tattoo, meaning for men, and now you can make your final choice.