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» Skyrim characters available for marriage. Skyrim candidates for marriage

Skyrim characters available for marriage. Skyrim candidates for marriage

How to make an offer?

How to make an offer?
There are several ways to get Mara's amulet. The easiest one is to go to Riften's Temple of Mara and buy one from Maramal for 200 Septims. However, these amulets can be found randomly while traveling or sold by merchants. One of the amulets can be obtained during the "Book of Love" quest, and it will be given to the main character at the end of the task.

The protagonist will not be able to propose marriage to anyone without first talking to Maramal, even if he already has Mary's amulet. Maramal can be found in the temple of Mary, but the first meeting with him will take place in the tavern "Bee and Sting".

When main character speaks to a character available for marriage, he may notice the amulet. In order for this to become possible, it is necessary to complete some task for this character. If a character is available for marriage, the Radiant AI system may not allow marriage with him, even if his task was completed. Therefore, just in case, it is better to choose a “reserve” candidate.

You can ask the candidate: “Do you like me?”. He / she will answer, but they will also be interested in the opinion of the protagonist. If the protagonist agrees, preparations for marriage can begin. To do this, you will have to return to the temple of Mary and organize a ceremony by talking with Maramal again. After waiting 24 hours, you can leave the temple, and then wait until the entry "Show up to your own wedding" appears in the quest log. Now you can return to the temple, and the wedding will begin.

marriage ceremony

marriage ceremony
Maramal opens the wedding ceremony with the words: “Here is our beautiful bride / our happy groom. Let's start the ceremony. Mara gave life to all things and since then has been looking after us as her children. Her love for us taught us to love each other. Her love showed us that a life lived alone is not a life at all. We are gathered here today, under the loving gaze of Mara, to witness the eternal union of two souls. May they be inseparable in this life and the next, in wealth and in poverty, in joy and in sorrow. Are you willing to love to tie your lives together - now and forever?

The potential spouse of the protagonist will answer: “Yes. Now and Forever". Maramal will ask the same question to the protagonist, to which you can choose one of two answers:

"Yes. Now and forever” - Maramal will continue the ceremony with the words: “By the power given to me by Mara, the goddess of love, I declare you spouses. I present to you both these rings, blessed by the grace of Mara. May they keep you in your life together.”
"Stop the wedding! I don't want to get married!" - Maramal will be surprised and say: “Do you want to leave your partner? Get out of the temple." If you try to talk to a rejected candidate, he or she will only say: "Get out of my sight" or some other remark in the same vein. Temple priests and ceremony guests will be much more concise, simply saying "Get out of here" or "Go away."
If the ceremony is completed as expected, the guests will congratulate the newlyweds. Before leaving the temple, the hero must talk with his spouse, discussing the conditions for living together. The second half will talk about it herself, saying something like: “Finally we are married. Perhaps we should decide where to live? If you want, we can stay with me." You have to make a choice between the protagonist's house and the home of the newly-made spouse. This is not important, because in the future it will be possible to move to another house.

After the wedding, the protagonist's spouse opens a trading shop. Now the main character can ask the other half about the amount that they managed to gain by trading. The next day, it will be possible to receive a daily income of 100 septims. In addition, if the spouse has moved to the main character's house, then there will always be a merchant at hand with whom you can trade various goods. However, trading with your own soulmate does not affect the daily income - it will still be 100 coins.

If the protagonist abandoned the potential spouse at the altar, then he or she can be spoken to later at their usual place of residence. When meeting, he/she will express extreme indignation at the behavior of the protagonist, uttering a phrase like “What do you want? There is nothing to talk about!" There are two responses to this response:

“It was a mistake. Can we start all over again?" - the abandoned candidate will forgive the hero, giving him a second chance to marry. After that, you need to talk again with Maramal, who will forgive the main character and agree to a second ceremony. You can repeat the whole process several times until you are sure that you made the right choice, or you can choose the option below.
"What makes you think that I love you?" - after these words, the protagonist will no longer be able to marry this character. Also, the abandoned candidate will begin to despise the main character. However, the possibility of marriage with another suitable character remains.

Benefits of Marriage

Benefits of Marriage
Once a day, the spouse will prepare a homemade meal, the use of which speeds up the restoration of health, stamina and magic by 25% for 600 seconds.
Spouses who are companions can still follow the main character at his request, you can exchange equipment and other items with them. In addition, as spouses, they will cook home-cooked meals, even when they are far from home.
Husband / wife can sometimes give something.
Husband / wife will open a store that generates an income of 100 Septims per day.
If the spouse accompanies the protagonist as a companion, then you can trade right on the way.
If the character was a merchant before marriage, then he or she will have the same goods on sale that were in stock before marriage. If the character was not a merchant, then he or she will trade in all sorts of things and some of the things that are in their inventory.
You should not worry that the spouse will sell to someone the things given to them for safekeeping. Like the other merchants in the game, they actually only trade with the player character.
Husband's product range is random and appears to be updated once a day (along with a daily income that can be requested from the other half).
The spouse will not give any discounts to the protagonist - the price level still depends on the mastery of the protagonist's eloquence.
Sleeping (even for just one hour) next to your significant other grants the temporary Embrace of Love ability - all skills grow 15% faster for 8 hours. It is worth noting that this bonus can be obtained even when using a bed that does not belong to the main character, including in dungeons and other locations, provided that there are no enemies nearby. Thus, this ability takes on a special value if the spouse is a companion.
This effect stacks with the effects of the signs of the Mage, Warrior and Thief.
This effect will not work if the character is under the effect of the Lover's sign. To save the effect of the sign of the Lover, you can use the DG ethereal crown. If you remove the crown before the character lies down in bed, and then put it back on, then any effect on it will stack with the effect of the Embrace of Love.
This effect will not work if the main character is a werewolf.


In the Dawnguard add-on, it is possible to turn a spouse into a vampire. This is part of the Volkihar clan quest called The Gift.

This doesn't technically make the other half a vampire - he/she will still be detectable with the Detect Life spell and he/she won't use Vampire Drain. The eyes will not emit an orange glow, and no other signs of vampirism will appear.


At the beginning of the game, there may not be enough money to buy a home, so it makes sense to marry a character who owns decent property and live in his house until the hero can afford to buy his own.

If the spouse has his own home, then you can move there. Items that will be left in this location will not disappear. If the main character owns his own property, then you can choose one of these houses to share. However, it is impossible to settle in empty empty houses, houses that are a reward for completing quests or belong to factions that the main character belongs to. You can live together only in those houses that the protagonist bought for money. If the Hearthfire add-on is installed, then it is possible to settle in one of the built estates, if they have a bed for a spouse.

The property owned by the spouse can be both residential and commercial, and can perform both functions at the same time. The possession can include both the whole house, and one room in it, or even a room in a tavern (which does not actually belong to the second half). If the husband / wife will live in their own house, then their daily routine will be the same as before the wedding. He/she will go to the same places and do the same things. If the spouse / spouse settle in the main character's house, then they will never leave from there, unless, of course, they are companions. It is worth noting that the spouse / wife will take some time to move, and he / she will not immediately appear in the protagonist's house, as in fact he will make the entire transition from one house to another.

If the protagonist is a friend of a character, they will usually be able to sleep in their house and take some cheap stuff from there, and it won't count as stealing. However, expensive items cannot be taken - this will already be considered a crime. After marriage, you can freely take even quite expensive things from the house of your spouse. The main thing is that the item costs less than 500 septims. If the spouse lives in the main character's house, then his/her own dwelling is usually closed. To get there, you need to move there and get a key.

The spouse's property may be only one bed. For example, Dravinia the Carver's home would be the Woodlace Tavern, where she owns only a bed in a small room that she shares with other characters living there, even after she marries. None of the chests and other containers in the room and other areas of the tavern belong to her. Given that you can sleep in her bed, and not marrying her, but just doing her a favor, marrying her may not be so beneficial for a prudent groom.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if other characters lived in the spouse’s home before the wedding, after moving there they will not go anywhere and will live there. If the spouse is a merchant, but another character lived in his / her shop, who can replace him for the time of absence or death, then the spouse / spouse will not be able to trade there as long as this character is alive.

Features of marriage in Hearthfire fashion

Features of marriage in The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire
If the hero has children, then he will not be able to live with them with his soulmate if there is no children's room in his / her house.
After the marriage, the children will move to where the spouse of the hero settles, even if they lived before in different houses.
When the wife / husband moves to a new place, the children will move with her / him.
In the conversation dialog with the wife / husband, a line will appear with a question about the health of the children.
If the hero has children in a city other than the city where the spouse lives, he/she will move in with the children.

Characters available for marriage


Shavi - can be found at the docks near Windhelm.

Muiri - "Witch's Tincture", Markarth. It is necessary to complete her task from the Dark Brotherhood.

high elves
Tari - Shining Robes, Solitude

Viola Giordano - Windhelm.
Gilfri - Sawmill "Pie".
Camille Valeria - Riverwood. It is necessary to complete the quest to find the golden claw.
Carlotta Valentia - Whiterun.
Riya - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Senna - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.

Grelha - Riften.
Isolde - Whiterun. You need to bring her a mammoth tusk.
Jonah is your home in Honey House, Riften.
Yordis the Sword Maiden is your home in Highspire, Solitude.
Lydia is your home at the House of Warm Winds, Whiterun.
Mjoll the Lioness - Riften. You need to find her weapon.
Nyada Stonehand - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Eagle - Temple of Dibella, Markarth.
Sulga - Stone of Shor, Rift. You need to complete her task.
Temba Broadhand - Ivarstead, Rift.
Uthgerd the Unbroken is a tavern in Whiterun. It is necessary to defeat her in a fist fight.
Aela the Huntress - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Airy - Anga Village.

Borgak Steelheart - Mor Kazgur. It is necessary to provide a dowry or persuade.
Gorza gra-Bagol - Markarth.

Anwen - Temple of Dibella, Markar.

Dark elves
Avruza Sareti - Sareti Farm, Rift.
Brelena Marion - College of Winterhold.
Jenassa - Drunken Hunter, Whiterun. She needs to be hired.
Dravinia the Carver - Keene Grove.


Derkitus is a mine in Black Ford.
Well-Knows-Marshes - at the docks near Windhelm.

Kosnakh - "Anthill", Markarth.
Octave Sun - home of Yvette Sun, Solitude.
Omlag - "Anthill", Markarth.
Perth - Soljund's Lair.
Enitah - Karthwasten.

Quint Naval - "White Flask", Windhelm.
Marcurio - The Bee and Sting Tavern, Riften. You need to hire him.
Pavon Attius - Kolskeggr Mine.
Sorex Vinius - Laughing Rat, Solitude.

Angrenor the Rewarded - Hearth and Candle Tavern, Windhelm.
Argis Bulwark is your Vlindrel Hall home in Markarth.
Balimund - "Scorched Hammer", Riften.
Belrand - Laughing Rat, Solitude. You need to hire him.
Benor - Morfal.
Vilkas - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Wilhelm - Vilemir Tavern, Ivarstead.
Vorstag - Silver Blood Tavern, Markarth.
Igrod the Younger - Morphal.
Calder is your Hjerim home in Windhelm.
Onmund - The College of Winterhold.
Roggy Knotted Beard - Keene Grove.
Stenvar - Hearth and Candle Tavern, Windhelm. You need to hire him.
Torvar - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Farkas - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Filnyar - Stone of Shor.
Eric the Terrible Assassin - Rorikstead.

Gat gro-Shargak - Kolskeggr Mine.
Gorbash Iron Hand - Dusnik-Yal.
Mot gro-Bagol - Understone fortress, Markarth.

Dark elves
Athis - Jorrvaskr, Whiterun. You must complete all the tasks of the Companions.
Revin Sadri – Sadri Used Goods, Windhelm.
Romlin Dreth - Riften.
Sondas Drenim - Black Ford.

If you want to somehow thank, you can put money on:
4276 3801 1194 2855
Thank you

How to make an offer?

How to make an offer?
There are several ways to get Mara's amulet. The easiest one is to go to Riften's Temple of Mara and buy one from Maramal for 200 Septims. However, these amulets can be found randomly while traveling or sold by merchants. One of the amulets can be obtained during the "Book of Love" quest, and it will be given to the main character at the end of the task.

The protagonist will not be able to propose marriage to anyone without first talking to Maramal, even if he already has Mary's amulet. Maramal can be found in the temple of Mary, but the first meeting with him will take place in the tavern "Bee and Sting".

Talk to your wife about your future place of residence. If you have a house, she will move in with you, if not, you can live with her. By the way, the spouse will get to the house herself; next time you show up there, she will already be waiting for you.

Why get married?

  • - it turns out that your wife is a good businessman. Every day, ask her the question: “Well, did the store bring in income today?” - and get 100 gold. Money is piling up; so you can apply for them, say, once a month and get a pretty tidy sum.
  • - sleeping in a marital bed gives you a bonus: within 8 hours after it, the restoration of health, mana and stamina is 15% faster.
  • - once a day, your spouse will cook dinner for you, you just need to talk to her first and ask: “Will you cook something for me?” After that, the so-called "Homemade food" will appear in your inventory, which quickly restores health, mana and stamina.

From the editor: dear readers! We plan to continue publishing this "Instruction" and in the coming days will offer you recommendations for purchasing real estate in Skyrim, along with an overview of suitable homeowners. Well, if you don’t have enough money for this yet, well, instructions from Computer and Video Games will help you earn extra money without embarking on dangerous adventures.

After November 11, newcomers joined the discussion of our news feed, and we are very happy about it! It's good that now with us Svetomech, yea And Foxundor! And also - Finardin, which we will mention a little later, and Raben, And Scorpionix2! Hello, Slippknot, Mithriacus, JFire- make yourself comfortable! Goshik Zmey– and we salute you! We hope you stay with us for a long time.

As always, we are very proud efficiency, professionalism and friendliness of the comments of our regular readers and some newcomers - no sooner does one of you ask a question than he immediately receives a detailed, accurate, competent answer! For such clarifications, we want to thank the guests of the news feed lorddedar-A, Finardin-A, Jukka And Pyromaniac-A. Thanks guys!

I’ll make a reservation right away: the images of the girls are original. I don’t want to get involved with the modified ones, because their name is legion. Also, I won’t tell you how to achieve the reciprocity of this or that lady, since a real man himself will understand what to do. So - the list:


Spoiler(hidden information)

Arania Ienith

Spoiler(hidden information)

Aranea Ienith is a priestess of Azura. Arania is the last of the priests of this Goddess remaining in Skyrim. The rest of the priests did not pass the test of the gift of foresight. Arania, on the contrary, having once received this gift, could not find the strength to give up her new "vision". In a conversation, she will tell that many years ago, even before the birth of the hero, she had a vision of his arrival, and will entrust an important mission for the glory of Azura. This is how the Black Star quest begins.
At the end of the quest, Arania will tell the hero that Azura spoke to her and said that the priestess had fulfilled her role, and therefore the last visions were sent to her, and Azura no longer needs her services. An immensely upset priestess, who devoted most of her life to the service of the Daedra and lost the purpose of life overnight, can offer help to the hero in his wanderings, if during the quest the hero chose the side of Azura.
If you purify the Star with Nelasar, turning it into a Black Star, Aranea will threaten to kill you for defiling the artifact, but the former will not attack.
She can be recommended to join the Blades at Sky Haven Temple.
Note: It can also be Dovakin's companion if you clear the star with her help.
She is a very powerful mage, able to summon atronachs. She mainly uses frost and lightning magic plus spells from the school of Change. However, she doesn't seem to use any Restoration spells, so equipping her with healing potions doesn't hurt at all. She won't wear any other clothes other than the blue mage robe that you can see her wearing when you first meet her (in some cases, sometimes not immediately, she puts on powerful magic items if put in her inventory). If she is given a helmet, she will take off her clothes (because a hooded robe cannot be used with a helmet), and she will then wear armor despite her very low skill level.

Aela the Huntress

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Aela the Huntress is one of the Circle of Companions and, as a result, a werewolf. In addition, she is a shooting skill trainer to expert level (75). She wears (the only one alive) ancient Nordic armor, a steel dagger forged in the Skyforge, a hunting bow, and a name shield (Eila's Shield). From communication with her, one gets the impression that she is a strong, strange and independent woman. All the women in her family had been Companions since Hrotti the Blackblade. Sometimes he offends Farkas, considering him slow-witted, but he is not offended.
Aela is also an ardent Daedra worshiper, following the paths of the Lord of the Hunt, Hircine, and mentoring the Dragonborn. Apparently out of gratitude for her devotion, Hircine bestowed on her certain abilities that were not typical of a mortal.
The Dragonborn first meets her at the Pelagio Farm when she and two other Companions are slaying the giant. She can later be found in Jorrvaskr, which is located in Whiterun.
Unlike other members of the Circle, Aela does not want to get rid of the bestial essence, considering it not a curse, but a blessing, and prefers Hircine's "Great Hunt" to Sovngarde.
You can marry Aela, but for this you must first complete the quests of the Companions. However, this does not stop the players, according to whom Aela is one of the most beautiful women in Skyrim. In marriage, Aela will be able to give you money daily. In addition, Dawnguard is able to repeatedly give you the gift of lycanthropy.
From 8 am to 3 pm, she can be found in the main hall of Jorrvaskr. From 3 to 6, she trains in the backyard, where she has dinner from 6 to 8, after which she returns to the main hall, where she spends time until midnight, after which she goes to sleep in her room in Jorrvaskr's living quarters.
The optimal equipment for Aela is light armor in combination with two one-handed weapons (for this, give her an ax or a Forsworn sword as a second weapon). She is also one of the best companions for players who prefer a stealthy playstyle. Unfortunately, even if you give her your best bow, she won't use it (see "Bugs"). However, it will use the best available arrows, so don't be greedy.
With Dawnguard installed, Aela can also be equipped with Auriel's Bow, Dragonbone Bow, or Crossbow. But the NPC does not have an inexhaustible supply of bolts, so do not forget to supply her with ammunition.

Borgak Steelheart

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Borgak is an orc warrior from the fortress of Mor Kazgur, the daughter of the local leader Larak and his sister Bagrak. Despite her incestuous origin, she inherited only the best qualities of her race.

The position of the daughter of the leader, according to the traditions of the orcs, obliges Borgak to marry the leader of another tribe immediately upon reaching adulthood, and not by her own choice, but by the decision of her father. The reason for this custom is simple - the groom pays a substantial ransom to the bride's tribe, in addition, such a marriage strengthens military and trade alliances. However, this does not fit into Borgak's plans. She longs for adventure and military glory, but does not forget the importance of tradition. In response to the offer to become Dovahkiin's companion in his wanderings, she hesitantly answers: “I can’t ... I will disgrace my leader and my mother with this ...”. You can try to convince her. If this succeeds, she says that "Malacath teaches us to create our own destiny ... maybe it's about me." You can also enlist the support of Borgak with the help of gold.
If by one means or another you have obtained the consent of Borgak to accompany you, she also becomes available for marriage.
Combat skills (in descending order of skill): One-Handed, Heavy Armor, Marksmanship, and Stealth. Doesn't own magic. Prefers to use sword and shield. Doesn't try to use the bow if the enemy is too far away.

Brelina Marion

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Breleena Marion is a mage, originally a student of the College of Winterhold, a pretty, proud and very cunning young Dunmer.
From her words, we learn that she belongs to the Morrowind House Telvanni, and, like Brand-Shei, is the "heir of House Telvanni". Brelina is one of many who left Morrowind after the Red Mountain erupted.
Since this young lady comes from an ancient family of wizards, then take her little quest seriously, because she will see and show you your 3 main internal essences and if she likes them, then until her spell is dispelled your magic will be restored very quickly. This is a good opportunity for pumping some magic skills (Illusion, Alteration or Destruction).
If necessary, he can use any weapon and wear any armor. He usually starts the fight with the call of the atronach, which immediately gives a tangible advantage. Atronachs, defensive and attacking magic are a serious argument, but for Dovakin - a thief, a magician - a companion who can sneak, is just a dream. By the way, the crimes of Hero Breline are indifferent.
Edit: Oak Flesh, Iron Flesh, Stone Flesh
Affliction: Summon Ice Atronach, Summon Flame Atronach, Summon Pet
Destruction: Firebolt,Fireball,Flame
Recovery:Major Ward,Fast Healing,Healing,Small Ward,Sustainable Ward

And she

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This is your housecarl in Riften. After you become Thane of Rift Hold, she will take up residence in your local home, Meadow. Like all housecarls, she never sleeps. You can marry her.

Although most of the phrases are the same for all housecarls, there are differences in the phrases when casting certain spells. When using the Healing Hands spell on Jonah, she says with sincere gratitude the phrase: "Thank you. I already ... feel better." When casting the Courage spell on her, she says: "Hands are itching to fight."


Spoiler(hidden information)

This woman is a dark elf and a possible companion of Dovahkiin. She can be found in Whiterun in the Drunken Hunter tavern, and for 500 gold she will go with the player into both fire and water. She says that she wanted to become a bandit, but she loves clean clothes and fresh honey too much.
Marriage is possible with her, but for this she needs to be hired. She is also a possible candidate for joining the Blades.
After marriage, she opens a shop in your house, and this will bring you 100 gold profits daily. So you can trade with it, as well as take it with you on missions.
Jenassa tries to keep her distance in battle using her bow and staves. The bow will use the hunting one it has by default, ignoring the more powerful models you give it. The exceptions are the Forsworn Bow, Falmer Bow, Flexible Ancient Nord Bow, Dwemer Bow, Auriel Bow. So find some of that, upgrade it and enchant it to the max, give it to Jenasse and her effectiveness in combat will greatly increase. Uses duals in close combat. It has a unique ability to make them from different types of one-handed weapons. Wears light armor. The immoral behavior of the player Jenassu does not care. Belongs to the best companions of the game.

Yordis Maiden of the Sword

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This is your Huscarl in Solitude. After you become Thane of Haafingar Hold, she will take up residence in your local home, Tallspire Manor. Like all housecarls, she never sleeps. You can marry her.
The characteristics of all Dovakin's Huscarls are the same. Any of them is a classic "tank", focused on heavy armor and one-handed weapons with a shield. General features :

Will automatically equip armor with the highest armor value, regardless of enchantment.

In early versions of the game, the bow that you give them is not known to use and they use the hunting bow, which they have by default and which is not visible in the inventory. In later versions of the game, any bow and crossbow is fired, with the exception of the Dwemer crossbow.
If you give a housecarl 2 staffs of destruction, it will use them from two hands, ignoring melee and bow.

Mjoll the Lioness

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Mjol was a traveler, exploring almost all of Tamriel, until she somehow wandered into the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim. There, she was almost killed by a Dwemer centurion, but she miraculously managed to escape. Mjol lay near the ruins, exhausted from her wounds, she would have died if a young man named Eirin had not found her and brought her to Riften, where he went out and put her on her feet. Mjol the Lioness will tell the player that in those very ruins she lost her blade "Fierce". The player can kill that very centurion and, taking the weapon from the Dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft, give it to Mjol. However, you can simply take the blade and run away from the centurion. After completing the quest, Mjol can be married.
She calls herself the protector of Riften, for her this city is a monster that needs to be defeated. After Eirin brought her to Riften, she realized that this was a sign from above and it was time to stop chasing wealth. In the English version, he speaks with a pronounced Scandinavian accent, as do the soldiers of the Stormcloaks.
If you take Mjol as your wife, then Eirin will appear in the family with her.
If Eirin is killed, Mjol will become upset and refuse to talk to the player. If Eirin dies in some other way, such as during an accidental dragon attack on the city, then his corpse may appear at your wedding with Mjol.
IMPORTANT! After the first conversation with Mjol, you need to increase the character's level by 1, and in the next dialogue there will be a line for the quest to find the Fierce. The minimum level is 15.
With good pickpocketing skills, the sword can be stolen. Also, if you take her as a partner and exchange things, you can simply pick up the sword.
In the Russian version of the localization of Mjol, the Lioness was dubbed by actress Tatyana Shitova, and in her performance, Mjol's stories about her childhood and life harmonize very well with the music of Skyrim, which makes Mjol an incredibly interesting companion.
Mjol often says that she used to often hunt rock riders with her father, but didn't Jiub destroy them?
Marriage with her is really eternal - it will not be possible to get a divorce or kill.
Her remarks are quite diverse, she likes to talk about her childhood and life.
Mjol is an expert with two-handed weapons and heavy armor, as well as an excellent archer, if you give good arrows (for example, Daedric or dragonbone), you will regularly replenish ammunition by collecting arrows from defeated enemies. One of the best candidates for equipping a giant club.

Nyada Stonehand

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One of the ordinary Companions, that is, she is not a werewolf. Like all Companions, he resides in Jorrvaskr. Expert Trainer in Blocking Skill (up to 75).
When you first visit Jorrvaskr, you can watch a fight between Nyada and Athis, in which she wins. Initially, it is rather cold towards Dovakin; even after his entry into the ranks of the Companions, he continues to issue caustic comments. Nyada sleeps in a common room for privates, the entrance to which you see as soon as you go down to the basement, right in front of you.
After completing the faction storyline:
Nyada can be taken as a companion.
Dovakin can marry Nyada if he puts on the Amulet of Mary. She will open a store in your house and will bring 100 Septims per day.
If you have the Hearthfire add-on installed, you can offer her to take the place of the steward in one of your estates.
Nyada follows the path of the Thief. As can be seen from the table below, she is no fighter: she does not know how to shoot at all, she does not know how to use armor, and her weapon skills are extremely mediocre. Even the Blocking she teaches is just above average. And the maximum parameters do not shine.
Summary: completely useless as a companion or ruler, as it will not be able to provide decent protection for your property and life.


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Imperial girl, member of the Companions. For the first time, you can meet with Aela and Farkas when the giant is killed on the Pelagio farm, or with Vilkas at Whiterun. This girl joined the Companions before you, but she tells you that there may not be more places, but it’s still worth trying to join (if you are not a Companion yet).
Ria does not teach you anything and the dialogue tree with her is not very developed. She can only tell you about the Companions and her entry into their ranks.
After completing the main line of tasks for the Companions, he will become a candidate for marriage and one of the possible companions. It can also become a candidate for joining the Blades.
Ria is a classic sword and shield warrior. Prefers heavy armor, so feel free to put on a stronger shell on it. Although her stats indicate her ability to use magic, she does not use it in combat.

Utgerd the Unbroken

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She can be found in the Prancing Mare Inn in Whiterun. In order for her to offer her company on a journey through Skyrim, you will have to defeat her in a duel with fists.
If you talk to Utgerd in the tavern, she will tell you her sad story: the Companions did not accept her into their ranks, considering that she was too unrestrained, due to the fact that Utgerd accidentally killed a young man whom the Companions put up against her in the entrance exam .
Candidate for marriage and entry into the Blades.


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Lydia may be one of the player's first companions and will most likely be their first housecarl. By race, she is a Nord, lives in the city of Whiterun in the reception hall of Jarl Balgruuf the Elder or in the House of Warm Winds, if the player has acquired it. She appears there after completing the "Dragon in the Sky" quest and receiving the title of Thane of Whiterun by the player for killing the first dragon, Mirmulnir.
The characteristics of all Dovakin's Huscarls are the same. Any of them is a classic "tank", focused on heavy armor and one-handed weapons with a shield. General features:
Will automatically put on the armor with the highest armor value, regardless of the enchantment.
Will automatically pick up the weapon with the highest damage. This means that until you've mastered blacksmithing enough to sharpen something one-handed well, DO NOT let them carry two-handers - they'll pick it up, but will be less effective with it due to the lower level of the corresponding skill (including Gregor).
They don’t know how to use the bow that you give them, and they use the hunting bow, which they have by default, and which is not visible in the inventory.
In game version Lydia can use Dwemer, Orc, Elven, Glass and Dragonbone bows. Ebony and Daedric bows, in battle, change to their "hidden" hunter's bow.
If you give a Huscarl 2 Staffs of Destruction, she will dual-wield them, ignoring melee and bow.
There are no spells. They can heal themselves by putting a healing potion in their inventory.
Sometimes they themselves pick up the staff of a dead enemy.

If you use any healing spell on Lydia (Healing Hands, for example), then she can say: “Healing spell, are you from the temple?”
If you use the Courage spell on Lydia, then she will say: "I can do anything!", If a similar spell has not been cast on her before.
Passing by Lydia, you can hear from her: “Honour to you, tan” or “I am your sword and your shield” and the like.
In a battle with an elf, he can say: “Why didn’t you sit in the forest, elf?”.
A possible candidate for joining the Blades.
If, wearing the Amulet of Mary, you confessed your love to Lydia, and the wedding was postponed indefinitely, then instead of the usual “Honour to you, tan”, you can hear from her “You need to immediately contact Maramal. I can't wait to play our wedding."

For some reason, Lydia does occasionally take on a Bow Beach mage.
If you put steel boots with bindings in her inventory, then the picture shows that she has put them on, but they are not marked as worn in her inventory.
If the House of Warm Winds has not yet been purchased, but the quest Battle for Whiterun on the side of the Imperial Legion has already begun, then you can see Lydia running from the Dragon's Reach towards the house and entering it, the house is still locked.
When you enter the house, Lydia (or any other housecarl) can say: “Wrong address?” or “I hope you're not going to cause trouble. How can I help?" and in the same way.

Also sometimes Lydia disappears:

When using the console command cos;
when ordered to leave.

To return Lydia when she disappeared from you, enter the command player.moveto 000A2C94 in the console - you will be teleported to her location. If you are sent to a place where Lydia will not be (which also happens), then it remains to enter the command player.placeatme 000A2C8E, and Lydia will be in front of you, only it will be an exact copy of Lydia, and not the "original" itself (so it is better before look for it well), and if in the future you find the “original”, you will have to remove one of the Lydias via the console (disable) or kill it. You can also type prid 000A2C94 to select Lydia ((000a2c94) should appear at the top of the console) and then type moveto player and Lydia (original) will appear in front of you.


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A middle-aged mistress of the sawmill "Anga village". According to her, it is she who is the main supplier of timber for the White Coast property. If you complete her task, then you can marry her. Unfortunately, the sawmill is not included in the dowry.


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Anwen is a priestess at the Temple of Dibella.
She can be found behind a closed door in the Inner Sanctuary of the Temple of Dibella. Even after marrying her, she will remain in the temple and will not follow the player. Available for marriage character.

Avruza Sareti

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lives with her sister, Aduri Sarethi, at the Sarethi Farm in the Rift.
She was previously an alchemist in Morrowind, where she had her own alchemy shop in Mournhold. After the eruption of the Red Mountain, she moved to Skyrim, where she bought her own farm with all her savings.
A few years later, the alchemist Sinderion showed up there, who asked to let him stay. He lived on the farm for several decades, conducting his research into the Roots of Nirn and teaching Avruz the art of alchemy. Thanks to his lessons, Avruza is the only one who knows how to grow Nirnroot "from a seed to a full-grown plant". To do this, she uses Jazby grapes as fertilizer, so she constantly needs fresh supplies of it.

Camilla Valeria

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Lives in Riverwood with his brother Lucan Valery and helps him run the Riverwood Merchant.
In Riverwood, two admirers are fighting for her heart: Sven and Fendal. You can complete one of them. When the quest is almost completed, you can approach her and say that they are both "not clean on hand."
Camilla is a rather pleasant young girl. She can be taken as a wife, having previously completed the Golden Claw quest. According to most players, she is one of the most beautiful wives in Skyrim (and one of the first contenders a player encounters).
If, after completing the quest, the golden claw is stolen, she can send hired thugs after the Dragonborn. Moreover, this does not depend on whether you killed her earlier or not, and also on whether she is married to you at that time or not.

If, after completing the quest, one of the boyfriends is invited to marry him (Sven - legally, Fendal - with the console), she will come to the wedding, and her facial expression will be worthy of a thousand screenshots.

In the event of his brother's death, he will trade with Dovahkiin instead of him.
If you kill Fendal or Sven, the messenger can send a letter of gratitude from her. After that, you can ask Camilla about the letter, she will thank us again, say how tired these suitors are of her, and that she wants to find a good man and start a family with him.

Dravinia the Carver

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Dravinia the Carver is a Dunmer sorceress who once lived and worked in Morrowind. He now resides in the Skyrim settlement Keene Grove, where he works to prevent collapses in the local mine and ensures the convenience of working in it with the help of a cooling potion based on frost salt.
She does not shun simple mining work - she spends a lot of time extracting malachite in the mine, and in her free time she relaxes in a local tavern.
She is an Expert level change teacher (capable of teaching up to skill level 75).
Gives a quest, upon completion of which it becomes available for marriage.

Gorza gra-Bagol

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An Orc blacksmith who works at Markarth's Forge.
During the day, she is in her forge. After 8pm, she returns to the Understone Fortress, where she shares a room with her brother, Mot gro-Bagol.
Gorza mentions that she grew up in an Orc stronghold (apparently Dushnik Yal) and served in the Imperial Legion. However, she will gladly explain why she did not return home:
"I left because I don't want to end up being the third wife of some scruffy chief."
When visiting her forge, you can hear her scolding her hapless apprentice Tacitus. She will also ask to bring her the book "The Last Scabbard of Akrash" to teach the guy at least the theory:
"In the Legion, they read books, and that's how they get their wits. Perhaps that will help now."
If you bring her a book, she will give you a free lesson and becomes a potential candidate for marriage. After marriage, she will open a store and bring in 300 Septims a day and you can buy goods from her at a discount.
She is an adept level blacksmithing teacher (can teach up to skill level 50).

TES V Skyrim is one of the games in the series where getting married is the easiest. Long-term courtship is not held in high esteem here (the developers and NPCs explain this by saying that life in the current world is too hard, so even relationships have been simplified to one ceremony).

Features of marriage in Skyrim

In order to officially consolidate your residence with the chosen one, the main character will have to take a special quest, discuss it with the priest, make and equip an amulet that will show others that you are ready to unite yourself with family ties. Prior to the conversation with the cleric Maramal, "marriage" dialogues will not appear in any conversation. It is easy to find the NPC you need for marriage in Riften, who, later, will connect you with the chosen one. It should be noted that even same-sex marriages take place in Skyrim, there are practically no restrictions. Console commands allow you to significantly expand the "range" of available husbands and wives, but among them there are no applicants from the Bosmer and Khajiit races. Among other things, marriage in Skyrim is often better concluded by calculation, meaning not the applicant himself, but the benefit that he will bring to the main character with his housing and property.

How to make an offer for marriage in Skyrim?

In addition to talking with the priest mentioned above, the hero will need a special item called Mara's amulet. It will show the other characters that you wish to marry. It can be bought for 200 coins from Maramal, found during adventures, received as a confirmation of the “Book of Love” quest - the choice is yours. Once you've obtained the item you're looking for, equip it in the appropriate slot and talk to the other characters. If the NPC is available to enter into a relationship, he will notice the amulet, and an option for flirting will appear in the dialogue (but only after you complete the character's order). If the quest is successfully completed and the NPC agrees to the marriage, you need to return to the temple and organize a ceremony, telling Maramal about it. After a day of playing time, a new one will appear in the list of tasks for the protagonist, marked "Come to the wedding." We return to the temple and start the ceremony. During the ritual, you can either agree or refuse to continue the wedding. If the celebration was successful, a ring will appear in your inventory. Until the end of the celebration, the second half will come to discuss the place of residence, but in the end it will be possible to move to any of your houses.

Advantages of marriage in Skyrim

A wedding in Skyrim pays off instantly and brings good financial support. The companion of life immediately opens a shop with a constant income of 100 septims, a merchant appears at hand. Besides:

  • the hero will be able to eat homemade food once a day, which speeds up the recovery of health, magic, and stamina indicators;
  • spouses-companions will follow the character, sometimes give gifts, have inventory and equipment, their own things and an assortment of goods for trade;
  • there is an accelerated growth of skills, subject to joint sleep;
  • there is an opportunity to have children, a house and other benefits of civilization.

In Skyrim, a lot of interesting events are connected with marriage, which bring a significant variety to the game. Robbers can steal a husband or wife, attack vampires, and the main character can be the previous suitors of a life partner. Even the other half herself can create a problem if she notices that you keep stolen goods in the house or took something from her expensive things. Officially, there are no divorces and remarriages in Skyrim, but with the help of console commands, you can get married and get married a significant number of times.

Skyrim gives players more and more freedom of action and proximity to life. Now many are interested in how to get married in skyrim.

how to get married in skyrim

The wedding ceremony in the game takes place according to all the rules: rings, guests, dancing to Verka Serduchka (this, however, is out of the game). The wedding itself takes place quite modestly and quickly. Preparations for this action take much longer.

First of all, in order to become a potential bride or groom, you should get the Amulet of Mary. When you put it on, all the "NPCs" in the game will see your status: "I'm looking for a soul mate." The amulet can be taken in the city of Riften, in the southeast. There it will be sold to you by the priest Maramal. With this new thing, you can pester everyone you meet and propose a hand and a heart. And when you find a suitable candidate who will reciprocate, run, sticking out your tongue for joy, back to Maramal and tell him about your plans. Then just follow the instructions. You can wait for the ceremony to begin right there.

The logical question would be: why all this rigmarole? The fact is that Marriage provides many additional benefits. For example, you can get a companion, that is, an additional combat unit to help you. You can also get a +15% bonus to all skills for 8 hours. If your significant other is a merchant (trader), then you will get an additional point of sale for your trophies and, of course, another store where you can buy all sorts of things. That is, you will have at your disposal a personal merchant. The most pleasant thing is periodic gifts from the second half. These are not all the benefits of marriage, but during the game you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things about bonuses and family property.

In order to get married, you need a suitable candidate. For beginners, the question arises: who can you marry in skyrim or whom to marry?

Dozens of characters of different genders, races and occupations are suitable for the role of a potential spouse or spouse in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: almost thirty female “NPCs” and more than thirty single men. There are specific lists of characters, but it will be much more interesting to find a companion in the game life on your own.

Interestingly, you can conclude not only traditional marriages. The sodomite contagion has leaked into Skyrim and now you can enter into blasphemous same-sex unions.

How to get divorced in skyrim

Marriage is not always considered and happy, both in life and in the game. Therefore, many players ask how to get a divorce in skyrim.

Divorce in Skyrim is not easy. More precisely, if you play without mods, it is not possible. You can get rid of a boring second half in one of the ways that often works in life. For example, you can throw away the Amulet of Mary and the wedding ring, and then just kill your wife or husband.

To whom this option is disgusting, you can act more insidiously: expose your spouse to a blow during the battle. However, after such actions, you will no longer be able to marry in the game. Plus, there may be such a manifestation of a side effect as torment of conscience outside the game. Therefore, and also in the name of democracy, craftsmen have created several useful programs: mods and plug-ins that allow you to bypass game mechanics and get rid of your spouse painlessly and even with the possibility of remarriage. attached to the program when downloading.

In Skyrim, you have the option to marry a character of any race or gender. To do this, you need to complete the Bonds of Marriage quest, that is, you need to talk about marriage with Maramal, put on Mara's amulet, which shows that you are ready to marry, find a character who treats you well enough to agree to marry you (marry on you) and, finally, take part in the wedding ceremony at the temple of Mary. After the wedding, you can determine the place of your further residence by talking about it with your spouse. If you already own a home, your spouse may move in with you. On the other hand, if your spouse (s) has a house, you can move in with him (her). Marriage also offers many benefits, such as home cooking.


There are many ways to get Mara's amulet. The easiest way is to go to Riften to the Temple of Mary and buy it from Maramal for 200 gold. Amulets can also be found in various locations or from merchants.

You will not be able to get married until you talk about the wedding with Maramal, even if you already have Mara's amulet. If you have not yet visited the Bee and Sting tavern, then Maramal is usually located there, and not in the temple.

When you get close to a suitable character, they will notice the amulet you are wearing. In order for this feature to become available, you must complete all quests associated with this character. Even if a character is marked as available for marriage, the Radiant AI system may not give you the correct line to do so, even if you've completed all the quests associated with that character, so it's best to always have a fallback.

You can ask the character if he is interested in you or not. He, in turn, will ask you about the same. If you answer yes, then you can start preparing for the wedding. To complete this event, you need to go to the temple of Mary in Riften and arrange a ceremony. If it seems to you that you have chosen the wrong character, you can simply not come to the ceremony. Then you need to talk to this character (he will be waiting at the door of the temple of Mary). Immediately after you say "I agree", you should talk to your spouse about where you live together before you leave the temple, otherwise your spouse may just get lost. In any case, you can always change your mind.

After your spouse moves into your house (or you into your spouse's house), you will be able to ask your spouse about the income received from the store they will open. Starting the next day, you will be able to receive a daily income of 100 gold from your spouse (regardless of who moved in with whom). In addition, if your spouse has moved in with you and not you with him, then your spouse (s) becomes a merchant, allowing you to buy and sell things to him. In any case, your spouse's income from selling items to you has no effect on your daily income of 100 gold.


  • The player's wife will cook a special homemade meal once a day that increases health, stamina, and magicka regeneration by 25% for 600 seconds.
    • Note that even if there are unique lines for each character (your spouse), the line about making special homemade food will always be the same.
  • If you married your follower, he still remains your follower and you can trade items with him.
  • Your spouse will occasionally surprise you with gifts.
  • Your spouse will open a shop somewhere and you can earn 100 gold daily from sales.
  • If a spouse moves in with you, they become a merchant and you can sell and buy items from them.
    • If your spouse was already a merchant, he will continue to sell the same items that he sold before marriage, and if he was not a merchant, he will start selling various items, including what you leave in his inventory.
    • Items in your spouse's inventory change randomly once per day (as does the amount of gold your spouse can offer you).
    • Being your spouse, the character will not give you additional discounts. Prices are still determined by your Speech skill and enchanted items.
  • If you sleep with your spouse in the same bed, you get the Lover's Comfort bonus, which allows you to improve your skills 15% faster for 8 hours.
    • This bonus does not work if you are under the influence of the Lover's Sign.
    • This bonus works if you are under the influence of the Mage, Thief or War stones.
    • This bonus does not work if you are a werewolf.
    • If your spouse is also your follower, you can move to his house (even if it is actually your house) and use the Lover's Comfort bonus there.

Spouses property

If your spouse already has a home, you can move there. Items that you leave in the house will not disappear anywhere. If you buy a new house, your spouse will move there with you. However, spouses cannot move to vacant houses or houses received as a reward for completing a quest, but can only move to those that you have bought. The property of the spouses is divided into things that are goods in the store, things used in everyday life and common things. Property can be anything in the house, or even a room you've rented for the night, such as the Bee and Sting tavern. The spouse will no longer be able to sell his goods if he moves in with you (if he was a merchant before marriage). If the spouse lives in his own home, he continues to live the same way as before, visiting other places and doing different things. If the spouse moves in with you, he will never leave the house, unless you make him your follower. Please note that the spouse will not appear at your house immediately, as it will take him time to get to your house from Riften on foot.

If you helped someone, you are usually allowed to sleep in their house or take some inexpensive items from their house, and this will not be considered stealing. However, if you take more expensive items, the characters will consider it as theft, and if you leave expensive items at their house, they will become the property of these characters. After marriage, you can take your spouse's belongings or items in chests and other containers in his/her home without stealing them. In order to get the key to your spouse's house, you need to move there, otherwise the door will be locked as usual.

The spouse's property may consist only of his bed. For example, Dravinia the Carver lives in Woodlace Inn, but she only owns her bed in a small room she shares with other characters who continue to reside there after you marry her. Other objects and things in the chests in this small room, and in general in the hotel, do not belong to her. Also, once you complete her quest, you can still sleep in her bed without marrying her, so marrying her won't do you any good. The room in Wooden Lace is rented for a day only and does not include any items in the chests. Also, if your spouse lived in a house with someone else before marriage, then these characters will continue to live there even if you move there. Your spouse will not be able to become a merchant if they are already living with someone who trades, however if that character dies, then becoming a merchant becomes possible.

If you just started playing the game and don't have enough money, you can marry someone who already has a house and use it until you have enough gold. The table below shows the property owned by characters available for marriage, almost all of them at least have a bed.

In Game "Skyrim" now there is an interesting innovation - the ability to marry, and this procedure is accompanied by very pompous ceremonies, rings, and in general everything that is needed for this. In the game, not only heterosexual marriages are possible, but also same-sex marriages, but polygamy is prohibited. You can tie the knot not with the first character you meet, but only with those for whom the developers have provided the opportunity to marry. To find out how to get married in skyrim, read on. Don't worry, the list of "allowed" characters is quite large, so you'll have plenty to choose from. You will need to get close to the selected character and get the "go-ahead" for the prospect of marrying him. To do this, you will need to complete special missions for loyalty. Also, you must have a good reputation.

What is required to get married?

In general, the process of getting married in the game is not particularly difficult, and it will not require expenses, at least serious ones. To be able to perform the marriage ceremony, you must purchase the amulet of Mary. The amulet is held by the priest Maramal, whom you will find in the tavern. Ask Maramal to tell you about Mara, the goddess of love and marriage, and then offer to sell you the amulet for 200 gold coins. It may happen that Maramal will not be in the tavern, then you need to look for him in Riften in the temple of Mary. But this is not the only way to get the necessary amulet.

One way or another, having obtained the amulet, you must decide on the choice of the candidate on which you will marry. Carefully consider this issue, because marriage, even in the game world, is a serious step. You can pick up any character you like, but the main thing is that he shows a certain interest in you (pay attention to the appearance of a dialog box).

Once you've made your choice, make sure everything goes smoothly. To do this, you need to put on the obtained amulet of Mary and go to your chosen one. Start a conversation with him, but there will not be any special romance. Your game character will simply directly ask the interlocutor whether he agrees to marriage and whether he is interested in your candidacy. If the potential bride (groom) answers yes (by the way, this may not happen), you will need to receive a request for a wedding event.

Where to go for marriage in Skyrim?

It remains to go to the temple of Mary and there to clarify all the details of the future ceremony of your marriage. You will be surprised how quickly everything will be prepared: in just 24 hours the ceremony will take place. Until that time, try not to go far from the temple of Mary - God forbid you will be late for the ceremony or miss it. When the wedding takes place, think about choosing a place where you and your spouse will live. If you already have a house that you have built, then you can continue to live in it. We hope we were able to answer your question how to get married in skyrim

Skyrim is a harsh place, but even it holds a wedding ceremony. Where to find a wife in Skyrim, why should a character get married, because Dovakin has no time to take care of his wife, right? However, in Skyrim, everything is not the same as everywhere else. Life is very short, therefore, according to the priest of Mary (goddess of love), there is no time to take care of a girl, so you can just buy an amulet of Mary and get married with someone who also wears the same amulet and who likes the character.

People in Skyrim usually like good heroes, like our Dovakin, therefore, the choice of the bride / groom for the character is quite large. However, the developers did not take into account one thing. A male character can propose and marry other men, and the same bug works with girls.

How and where to find a wife in Skyrim - how to get married, how to choose a wife / husband

The amulet can be purchased at Temple of Mary (located in Riften), as well as bought from random merchants or found in chests during adventures. After the character put on the amulet, some people whom the main character helped will have a new dialogue window. By selecting the desired dialogue, you can make an offer and start wedding ceremony. If both parties agree, then you need to go to the temple of the goddess of love Mara and talk with the priest and start the wedding.

However, during the wedding, you can refuse a partner, after which the main character will begin to despise the guests of the wedding, the bride and the priests, and insult him/her in all sorts of ways. And if everything goes smoothly, then you can already discuss with your lover where you will live. It can be done in any of the main character's houses, and if not, then you can settle with your husband / wife. However, you can move at any time, just by talking about it with "your soulmate."

How to get married in Skyrim - pros and cons

After the wedding, when there is already a place to live, the husband / wife opens a shop that brings benefits, and the spouses will share the benefits among themselves. And every day you can pick up homemade food from your spouse, which helps a lot during adventures. Some of the companions the character is married to can still follow and help in the battle. After all, what could be better than being together all the time and covering each other's backs.


1. Daily homemade food that's not bad heals and very useful when traveling through harsh regions.
2. The spouses share a share of the store, and sometimes it's a lot of money if the character has not visited his half for a long time.
3. If you have Dlc Hearthfire, then after the wedding the player will have a full-fledged family. New dialogues will appear.
4. If you sleep next to your spouse at night, the character will receive an effect that lasts 8 hours. All skills grow 15% faster and stack with any Guardian Stone.


1. If cancel wedding and then not taking a second chance and not marrying the same person, then this person will begin to despise the player, like the priests.

Video walkthrough - Where to find a wife in Skyrim

For your share from the store after a while you can save up for a whole house, buy or build this very house and move there. Also, if the character is a vampire, then through the task you can turn your spouse into a vampire and live together forever and even death will not separate you.

Sometimes bandits kidnap a spouse, vampires too, and the main character has to save him/her. Therefore, marriage is not only an interesting experience in Skyrim, but also interesting quests and huge benefits. With representatives of some races, marriage is impossible at all, even with the help of the console. Namely, with the Khajiit and Bosmer. If the spouse dies, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to remarry. Unless with the help of console commands. If you turn your spouse into a blade, then the opportunity to move will remain exactly. Now you know how and where you can find a husband / wife in the amazing Skyrim game!