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» Since what year is the day of the physician celebrated. Medical worker's day when

Since what year is the day of the physician celebrated. Medical worker's day when

The profession of a doctor is one of the oldest in the world, and at present it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to the doctor for help and treatment. Indeed, even at the very beginning of a person's life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

This professional celebration is usually celebrated at the state level. Medical workers are congratulated not only by the direct management, but also by the Minister of Health. The most outstanding and active employees of hospitals are awarded honorary titles. Awards are given for professionalism, long term of work, publication of works on medicine.

Awards ceremonies are also held at the local level. Employees come to the meeting, where they are congratulated and awarded. Traditionally, cash awards are given. Do not forget about the work of doctors and grateful patients who willingly carry various presents to people who have helped them. Students have a tradition of filling their glasses with alcohol on this day.

Medic's Day in 2018, which date will be celebrated in Russia on June 17 on the third Sunday of summer. It is on the third Sunday of June that the professional holiday of physicians has been celebrated since 1980, when it was established at the official level in the USSR.

A doctor and a teacher are the two most important professions for our society, and they thought so even in Ancient Greece, they think so now. People who choose their professional path as a doctor play an important role in the life of every person. Needless to say, but we expect from doctors professionalism, understanding, efficiency, a sufficient level of moral and spiritual purity, and just support. The Hippocratic oath, which is still recited today by doctors, graduating from a higher educational institution, says: "I will spend my life and my art purely, immaculately."

It is clear that in the modern calendar, like many years ago, back in 1980, there was a place for a professional holiday not only for doctors, but for all medical workers. We are talking about June 17, 2018, the third Sunday of summer, when the Day of the Medic or the Day of the Medical Worker is celebrated.

Interesting! On the third Sunday of June, all people who are in one way or another connected with medicine are congratulated. also needs to be emphasized. That May 12 is International Nurse's Day, February 9 is International Dentist's Day, veterinarians have their own professional holiday, which falls on April 25. Midwives celebrate their professional day on May 5th.

About celebrating an event

But this material is about exactly when in 2018, what date in Russia. The exact date of the celebration, and not the number, was established back in the days of the USSR in 1980. Since then, in many countries of the former Soviet Union, Medical Worker's Day is still celebrated on the third Sunday of summer, which means that in 2018 this holiday will be celebrated on June 17.

On this day, solemn events are held, which are timed to coincide with such an important event. It must be said that, as a rule, there are no special traditions, but during this period the best in their profession are awarded, festive concerts are held. By the way, in our country, a doctor has two state awards that he can receive for his work - this is the Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation or the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Both awards are a recognition of the talent and dedication of a person who gives his life to the hard work of saving people. But for every doctor, and this is absolutely indisputable, the main reward is the health of patients and precisely their gratitude. So, on Medical Day June 18, do not forget to congratulate those people who are representatives of the medical profession and are not indifferent to you.

It is clear that the most magnificent Day of the Medic is celebrated in our country among colleagues, as well as relatives and friends. Like any solemn event, the holiday is bright and fun, in nature or at the festive table.

Interesting! Doctors have their own specific humor, as well as examples. For example, patients with red hair are considered to have a low pain threshold, which means that they require a different dosage of anesthesia and drugs than other people. If a girl is born on New Year's Eve, this will be a good omen for an obstetrician-gynecologist, which ensures good luck for the year ahead. Happy Medic Day.

military doctors

It so happened that on the Day of the Medic in 2018, on what date in Russia this holiday has already been established in this material (06/17/2018), military doctors who worked at the front are remembered. More than seven hundred thousand medical workers worked without rest and sleep in the rear and at the front day and night, saving people's lives in a variety of situations. About 12% of medical workers died during the war years. By the way, this is the highest percentage of losses among a single military unit. So, on the third Sunday of June, be sure to remember these people at the festive table.

Also for modern physicians, an important figure is the father and mother of medicine - the Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates. It is the oath of this person that all doctors solemnly pronounce when they embark on their difficult, but so important and necessary professional path.

About the date of the Day of the medical worker

It has already been written several times in this material that the official year for setting the date for the celebration of the Day of the Medic was 1980. In fact, this is so, and it was then that the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR signed a decree that the Day of the Medic from now on will be celebrated in the country on the third Sunday summer. After the collapse of the Union in many countries, including Russia and Ukraine, the holiday date has survived to this day. And so it happened that in 2018 Medic's Day is celebrated on June 17th.

On this day, not only doctors are congratulated, and this is extremely important to understand. On this day, you need to congratulate people whose professional activities are somehow connected with the medical field. On this day, traditionally, doctors gather for picnics, sing songs around the fire and have fun. But, of course, not those who had hours of duty even on that day - medical posts are never empty.

Note! It is customary to congratulate your attending physicians or other people who are related to medicine and are important to you on the Friday before the professional holiday. If it was not possible to do this at the end of the week, then you can safely transfer everything to the beginning of the week, Monday, which immediately follows the Sunday Medic's Day.

Do I need to talk about the fact that the profession of a doctor is considered one of the most stressful in the world. After all, the lives and destinies of people are in the hands of doctors. Under any circumstances, a doctor, it is his professional duty, must save sick and dying people, and often at the cost of his own health or even life. By the way, statistics show that families where one or both spouses are doctors break up quite often. To be a doctor is to risk life and health, not sparing your time and effort to save people's lives, not for every person such a burden will be feasible.

So, Medic's Day in 2018, what date is June 17 in Russia, on this day it is necessary to send greeting cards or just text messages to relatives, friends or just acquaintances who are somehow connected with medical activities by their profession. Physicians who went through the heat of the war years deserve special attention. At the festive table, doctors always remember these people and what contribution they made to the great cause of victory. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

Once again about the importance of the profession

So, congratulations to everyone involved in medicine on the third Sunday of summer, June 17, 2018, on Medic's Day. When specific congratulations are chosen, you should always remember how important and difficult this profession is. On the other hand, it is difficult and impossible to live without medical care in modern society. At the moment of mortal danger, people forget about everything and only think about how to call an ambulance.

I must say that the modern Medic's Day has long gone beyond just a professional holiday. On this day, tribute, honor and respect are paid to people who, to the detriment of their health and often even personal happiness, help ordinary people.

Two honorary titles, which have already been mentioned in this material, can be awarded to doctors at the end of each year. Both titles are of national importance and can be given to those who have served in the country's medicine for at least 20 years and made a significant contribution to the development of medicine and healthcare in Russia as a whole. We remind you that in 2018 the Day of the Medical Worker in our country, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, is celebrated on June 17. Every year the date is different, you need to focus on the third Sunday of summer.

A doctor is a responsible, risky and unpredictable profession, vital and indispensable for any society. This is probably why, even on their professional holiday, doctors cannot afford a full day off.

What date is Medical Worker's Day in 2019 in Russia?

The medical profession has always been treated with great respect. After all, without these people, the development of mankind is impossible.

Previously, Medic's Day was celebrated in an informal setting - each region at its discretion, and only in 1980 the holiday was approved at the highest level - a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued in this regard.

The Day of the Medical Worker was first established in the Soviet Union according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council "On Holidays and Memorable Days". In the future, the idea was picked up all over the world, and now doctors are honored in dozens of countries of the CIS, Europe, Africa and America.

Today, Medical Worker Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Moldova, Armenia and Belarus.

How is it customary to celebrate this holiday?

On June 16, a wonderful professional holiday will be celebrated - the Day of the Medical Worker.

Of course, doctors on their professional holiday should be congratulated with words. I wish them strength in this difficult task and patience. No gifts. Usually these are sweets, expensive alcohol, souvenirs, flowers.

Doctor's Day in Russia is not an official day off in the full sense: firstly, the doctor's profession does not know rest, and secondly, the holiday itself always falls on Sunday. And yet, in many cities of Russia, concerts, conferences and festive tables are held on the Day of the Medic. Doctors and their relatives congratulate each other, give gifts and lay festive tables.

Hospital administrations also award their employees with diplomas and cash prizes.

They do not forget about their doctors and their grateful patients - they send postcards and SMS, sometimes they bring gifts.

And at the state level there are awards. The highest - "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation." Awarded to those who have worked in the profession for more than 20 years and have made a significant contribution to medicine.

The second state award is "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation". This award is also awarded for achievements in the field of medicine to those doctors who have been working for more than 15 years.

On Medical Worker's Day, it is best to congratulate with poems, postcards

To those who wear white coats

Proudly wears to work

Who took the Hippocratic Oath

Always caring for others

We are always your health

We trust you without looking

And today you with love

We heartily congratulate you!

Every day at your service

Let it go well.

May always, on all shifts

Everything will be easy for you!

On Medic's Day, we sincerely wish:

Let gratitude flow like a river to you,

And even for many more years

This work remains the best.

We wish to cope once or twice

With any problem, no matter what happens,

So that in your life more than 10 times

Goodness, love and happiness appeared.

People in white coats ... bow to you,

For sleepless nights, works.

For the lives saved once,

For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and very much needed by everyone,

After all, without you, a person is nowhere.

May earthly blessings come to you,

Trouble is on the side!

Health workers, angels of God,

Many lives are in your hands.

May the Lord grant you health

Happiness, joy, all the best!

Wish you good health

Very important and honorable.

For all the doctors myself

Ten grams will accept willingly.

For such a holiday

And Doctor's Day - once a year,

Here is what I wish again:

You are very lucky!

Who about what - I'm talking about one thing:

Joy, good luck in everything,

You will have everything in a bunch!

There is a category of people to whom we are accustomed to turn for help in the most difficult or controversial moments of our lives. And we are confident that they will provide us with this assistance. We are talking about healthcare workers. Medic's Day in 2019 when should be celebrated? After all, you probably want to congratulate one of your friends or relatives who have connected their lives with this difficult, but extremely noble profession.

On October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree according to which the Day of the Medical Worker in our country is annually celebrated on the third Sunday of June. This is a professional holiday of people who have dedicated their lives to an extremely difficult and noble cause - to preserve the health and life of others. Any of us may need medical help at any moment. This can happen at home or while traveling, on the way to work or to the store. Many have heard of cases where only the accidental presence of a physician at the scene helped a person survive in a difficult situation or in an accident.

But Medic Day is a professional holiday not only for doctors or nurses. Together with them, this day is celebrated by all those people whose profession is somehow connected with medicine - biologists, laboratory chemists, engineers and designers of medical equipment, and many, many others. Medic Day in 2019 in our country will be celebrated on June 19.

Profession - doctor

Who are healthcare workers? Well, it would seem that the answer to this question is clear - people whose profession is connected with medicine, that is, diagnosing, curing and preventing all kinds of diseases that poison our lives so much. This applies to all areas of health - physical, mental and social. The great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates named the medical profession among one of the three that a person receives from the gods. The other two are the judge and the teacher. The thing is that in order to become a medical worker, to devote your life to this profession, you must have not only a desire, but also a real vocation. Random people in medicine can do a lot more harm than good. Luckily, they don't usually stay here.

If an ordinary person saves someone's life, he becomes a hero - the press writes about him, people thank him and even present him for an award. Doctors and other medical workers save human lives every day - for them this is an ordinary, routine job and even a little boring. Medic Day 2019 is another reason to say thank you to them. Of course, a lot has changed since the time of Socrates and Avicenna - today's doctors are armed with all modern technologies, they have precise equipment and highly effective medicines. And yet, a medical error is very expensive, because its price is the health or life of a person. Therefore, to become a doctor, you have to study a lot, and then constantly improve your skills, being interested in all the latest in the field of healthcare.

Another feature that physicians have to deal with today is that the bulk of their patients suffer from chronic rather than acute diseases. They often have to be fought not with the help of drugs, but with the help of the patients themselves following the diet, the correct daily routine and a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, a chronic disease is practically not amenable to a complete cure. And the physician needs to be not only a good specialist in his field, but also to take on the duties of a psychologist supporting the patient in his daily struggle with the disease, explaining to him and his relatives the essence of the appointments and the importance of their careful observance.

Who are called doctors

Medical worker or physician is a collective name for several professions. All of them are divided into medical workers of the highest, middle and lower levels.

The top level includes doctors who graduated from higher educational institutions and received the appropriate education and practice after the university. For the most part, these are doctors who have undergone special training and received higher education in specialized specialties: therapist, pediatrician, neuropathologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, dentist, and so on.

The middle level of physicians includes nurses, paramedics, dental technicians, midwives, laboratory radiologists. The middle link of physicians receives secondary profile education in the corresponding educational institutions. Their duties are to care for the sick, carry out the procedures prescribed by the doctor and assist the senior medical staff.

Finally, it is customary to include nurses, junior nurses and housewives as junior medical personnel or junior medical staff. They are responsible for helping mid-level doctors, transporting patients, issuing the necessary equipment and bedding, cleaning the premises, and so on.

Representatives of all these professions will celebrate Medic Day in 2019.

What personal qualities should a doctor have?

To become a good doctor and devote your whole life to serving people, you need to have certain personal qualities. First of all, such as intuition, ability to communicate, patience, responsiveness, good memory, attention to someone else's pain and other people's needs, responsibility, observation, speed of reaction, resistance to stress and emotional stability. In addition, each medical specialty also has its own specific requirements. For example, a surgeon needs the ability to make small precise movements, as well as a good visual-spatial memory.

Unfortunately, in our country, in state clinics, even high-class doctors and other medical specialists cannot boast of high salaries. In private clinics, things are somewhat better, but not all patients can afford to go to a private clinic. Therefore, for example, the work of doctors in small rural hospitals often requires from them not only full dedication, but also frank enthusiasm. Such doctors are truly the heroes of our day.

Professionals who fight for human life every minute are timed to coincide with one of the most significant holidays - the Day of the Medical Worker. When did they start celebrating the holiday in Russia?

Historical facts of the holiday

The Day of the Medical Worker began to be celebrated in 1980, when at the official level, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the procedure for honoring employees of health care institutions. In the Russian Federation, the holiday is transferred from the number, so every year it is celebrated differently. It is officially approved that the celebrations take place annually on the third Sunday of June.

The holiday once again confirms the importance of doctors who save lives and take care of the health of other people. Not only hospital staff, but also healthcare workers are timed to celebrate, they include: laboratory assistants, engineers who invent medical equipment, chemists and biologists who study various strains of viruses and bacteria, etc.

Celebration of the professional day of the physician in 2018

Russia will honor doctors in 2018 on June 17. It is celebrated in every federal district of the country without exception.

Honoring medical workers takes place not only in Russia, but also in other states. Consider the dates on which countries that left the USSR and some other countries of the world celebrate Medic's Day.

Neighboring countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania celebrate the professional holiday of doctors, as well as Russia, on the third Sunday of June, which falls on June 17 in 2018.

In the United States, National Doctor's Day is celebrated on March 30th. In other countries, Doctor's Day is celebrated. It was approved by the World Health Organization and is celebrated on October 1 every year.

The meaning of the holiday of a medical worker

The significance of the holiday of medicine is invaluable. There are many other days dedicated to specific medical professionals (dentists, nurses). The day of the medical worker is dedicated to all professionals who work in the field of healthcare.

This day is an official occasion to once again thank the medical staff for their work. The day of the medical worker serves, as a small reminder, that we must recognize the merits of the defenders of our body, who save us from diseases, bring the body out of a critical state.

Medicine holiday traditions

Traditionally, on the Day of the Medical Worker, meetings, concerts, conferences are held in all healthcare organizations, where doctors who have distinguished themselves over the year are awarded, and the main directions for further development in improving the work of institutions are voiced.

Local administrations hold solemn awards for employees who have made a great contribution to the development of medicine. As incentives, the heads of medical institutions issue bonuses to distinguished personnel. They organize festive concerts, where they gather all medical workers for general congratulations.

How to congratulate doctors?

Both current patients and those whose lives were saved wish to congratulate doctors on their professional holiday. Congratulations can be conveyed verbally, sign a postcard, come and personally congratulate, leave congratulations on the hospital website. The main thing is to show attention to the employees of the medical institution. For each of the staff of the medical institution, your congratulations are of great value.