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» Vase with flowers from seeds and grains of plants. Flowers from pumpkin seeds

Vase with flowers from seeds and grains of plants. Flowers from pumpkin seeds

Theoretical part. Variety of compositions. Composition principles: symmetrical and asymmetric. Materials for decorative arrangement. Ways of distributing materials and applying various techniques. Rules for the preparation of compositions from dry fruits and seeds. Tools and fixtures. Safe techniques for performing technological operations. Practical part. Drawing up an algorithm for manufacturing a product. Preparation of the necessary materials. Making a composition from seeds and fruits.

Target: To acquaint children with the technology of making compositions from seeds and fruits.


  1. Introduce children to different types of compositions from fruits and seeds. Teach children the technological process of manufacturing such products.
  2. To consolidate the skills previously acquired by children in working with natural materials and techniques for owning tools.
  3. To develop an eye, fine motor skills of fingers, imagination, memory, thinking, fantasy, artistic taste.
  4. To cultivate accuracy, attentiveness, careful attitude and economical use of material.

Lesson type: announcement of new material.

Lesson form: combined activity.

Teaching methods:

Verbal: conversation, explanation, artistic word.

Visual: demonstration of finished samples, slide show.

Practical: showing how the product is made.

Materials, equipment, tools:

Presentation with photos of floristic works,

Samples of seeds, dried fruits for the preparation of volumetric and flat compositions,

Straw, moss, sand, stones, cones, nuts,

Spruce and pine branches, snags,

tree cuts,

paint cans,

Aniline, watercolor and gouache paints,

Polyethylene film,



Didactic materials:

Finished work done by the teacher or students earlier,

Variants of products spacing of the degree of complexity,

Slides or reproductions of mosaic works.

3 minutes

1. Introduction.

Good afternoon dear guys. I am very glad to see you here at our lesson. Today we will learn how to make such beautiful paintings, panels, handicrafts.

(View an exhibition of works with children)

And now I invite you to visit the photo exhibition.

(Demonstration presentation).

For work, we need natural materials such as seeds and cereals. What do we know about them? A seed is a special multicellular structure of a complex structure, which serves for reproduction and settling of seed plants. The smallest seeds weigh 0.001-0.003 mg, and the Seychelles palm seeds reach the maximum size, their weight is about 20 kg.

Seeds and cereals, being an ecological material, can be very attractive in their natural beauty. They have a different size, different texture, color. The natural color of the seeds is very diverse, from white and yellow to black and red. In addition, in the color of one seed there may be natural blotches of a different color, which makes a simple seed very attractive in the product. The seeds of ash, maple, watermelon, melon, cucumber, zucchini, sunflower, pumpkin, various field and garden flowers are very beautiful. To create crafts, beans of various varieties are often used. It has different colors and different shapes. Cereals are often used: buckwheat, rice, millet, peas, lentils. You can use oats, rye and wheat. The bones of cherries, apples, plums, oranges, quinces, pears, etc. look good.

Crafts from seeds are very cheap. Indeed, often seeds of fruits are used for their implementation, which are usually thrown away after the fruit is eaten. Besides, new life may receive an unnecessary bottle or jar. With a little patience, an empty coffee jar that is usually thrown away can turn into an original pencil glass, a small box or a cactus pot. The variety of natural materials makes it possible to create unique souvenirs, gifts, useful everyday things that delight the eye, decorate the interior and cheer up: panels, photo frames, bottles, jars, vases, plates, create postcards and toys.

2. Main body

Product analysis:

- What do you think, what materials and tools will we need to work?

(For applications from seeds and cereals, the following materials are needed: base, cardboard, various seeds, various cereals, paints, felt-tip pens, dried leaves and glue, a knife, scissors, a simple pencil.
Plant seeds can also be dyed a variety of colors using gouache and acrylic paints. Sometimes you can use watercolor. In addition, the finished product is often covered with a colorless varnish. So it takes on a finished look and becomes more protected from moisture and damage.

For a panel of seeds, a base is often needed: colored or white cardboard, a sheet of plywood or a wooden board. To create decorative containers, pick up small tin cans. Glass jars and bottles, plastic flower pots, and more are also suitable.

Glue for gluing seeds can be taken anywhere, but PVA is better)

- Now let's remember the basic rules for working with tools.

(1. Blades of scissors should be closed when not in use.

2. Pass the scissors in the rings forward with closed blades.

3. Do not swing scissors - so as not to injure a neighbor.)

Work plan:

- Now let's determine the course of work together.

1. First, draw a drawing on the cardboard with a regular pencil. If you draw poorly, then use a template or carbon paper.

2. To give volume, you can use watercolors and acrylics, as well as gouache. Color the bright places of the future drawing or highlight with strokes. When the paint dries, you can get to work.

3. Cut out a part of the pattern from paper or cardboard that will not be filled with seeds.

4. Put a paper cutout on the panel, and fill the space around it with glue.

5. Seeds and cereals are scattered on the adhesive surface, and the paper clipping is removed. And so it continues until the drawing is completely completed. When working with cereals, you should be careful not to form hills or voids. If the cereal can be poured out with zhmenki, then it is better to glue the seeds and other materials one at a time.
6. When the seeds dry, they are tightly closed with glass and turned over. Small seeds of dark color can serve as a background, larger ones are used for ornament. Groats, especially rice and semolina, can be painted with any paint to give them the desired color. You can paint either after the painting has dried, or before starting work. Only in the latter case should you make sure that the cereal is completely dry.

Practical work.

And now let's get to work. Choose for yourself the product that you will make. I remind you that your work must be neat. Let your work be different from others, let it be original, unique.

(Independent work, during which the teacher is individually interested, helps those who find it difficult).

Physical education:

Today you got acquainted with a special kind of fine art, in which the drawing given by the artist is reproduced by the appropriate arrangement of pieces of some solid material, fastened together and with the base by one or another substance. It's about the mosaic. Artistic mosaic is the same kind of art as painting or architecture. Modern mosaic in Greek or Roman technique is created only by hand. Many techniques of artistic technique allow you to create both outstanding masterpieces and simple, but pleasant works.

Who first thought of creating mosaic panels is unknown, but they can be found in the ruins of Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Creating a mosaic picture required painstaking manual work. That is why mosaic panels laid out from small pieces were considered the privilege of very rich people. With the help of small multi-colored pieces, various materials, you can give the interior a completely unusual look.

Mosaic is an ornamental or thematic surface decoration using pieces of colored stones, fragments of multi-colored glass, pieces of paper, eggshells, cereals, sawdust, etc. The technique of making such jewelry is also called "Mosaic".

The art of mosaic has been known for a long time. The ancient Egyptians adorned various buildings with mosaics as far back as 2000 BC. In ancient Rome, floors and walls of palaces were laid out with mosaics. Roman mosaics were made from small cubes of very dense glass.

Many examples of mosaic art can be found in Kyiv (frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral). Mosaic works in St. Petersburg were created by M.V. Lomonosov, who made a great contribution to the design of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

In the modern era, wall mosaic panels adorn the subways of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv and other cities. Mosaics decorate the interiors, exteriors of buildings, walls, floors and ceilings, which makes it possible to give the interior a uniqueness and solemnity.

Mosaic (translated from French) means an image or pattern made from pieces of the same or different materials.

Mosaic composition can be an independent work. But you can also use this technique to decorate boxes, caskets, photo frames, choosing the appropriate drawings. Let's take a closer look at mosaic techniques.

contour mosaic - this is a pattern made of various materials located along the contour lines, i.e. along the contour of the figure.

solid mosaic - This is a pattern made of various materials that fill the entire figure.

3. Final part.

Let's see what we got. Please put your work on the table.

So, today we worked with unusual materials. But before, when you were bean soup or pea puree, you could not imagine that such beauty could be made from what was cooked in your plates. You all did a great job today. Products are original. After all, each of you showing creative initiative. Well done.

What technique did you use to make the products?

What material did you use?

What types of mosaic do you know?

4. Cleaning jobs. Let's put away the tools and tidy up our workspace. Our lesson is over.

Autumn is the time for harvesting not only the harvest, but also the seed. And if gardeners use seeds to grow vegetables and fruits, needlewomen use them to realize their creative ideas. Today you will learn how to make a beautiful vase with exquisite flowers from seeds.

For work you will need:

  • cardboard sleeve from a roll of paper napkins;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of thick cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • awl;
  • simple pencil;
  • thin wooden sticks;
  • plant seeds and grains.

Start by making a vase. To do this, take the sleeve that remains from the roll of paper napkins. Also, prepare a small piece of cardboard.

Put the sleeve on the cardboard and circle around the outside so that you get a circle. Cut it out.

Apply PVA glue along the edge of the sleeve and glue the circle. It turns out the basis for the vase.

Now start decorating it. To do this, use different seeds and grains of plants. For example, the first row can be laid out from brown beans.

Then, at a distance of 1.5 cm, glue a row of watermelon seeds, and then white beans. So alternate rows until you run out of free space.

Fill the empty spaces between the strips of large seeds with smaller grains. For example, rice can be glued near a row of brown beans, and buckwheat can be glued near white beans. On the upper edge of the sleeve, fix the millet seeds with glue.

The vase is ready! Now it remains to make a bouquet.
Take the rest of the thick cardboard.

Cut out 7 circles with a diameter of 5.5 cm from it.

Apply PVA glue to the circle, as shown in the photo.

Glue the pumpkin seeds - these will be the flower petals.

Do this with all the other circles.

As soon as the first row of seeds dries up, you can begin to form the second row of petals. Apply glue in the center of the circle and a little on the pumpkin seeds that are glued in the first row.

This is what all flowers should look like.

And to make a beautiful center, you need to glue a handful of black seeds in the very center.

Flowers are ready!

To attach the stems, turn over all the buds and glue 2 pieces of square-shaped cardboard with a side size of 1.5 cm on each.

After the glue has dried in each cardboard blank, poke a hole with an awl and fix a thin wooden stick in it. To prevent the skewers from falling out, pre-drop a little PVA glue into the hole.

It is better if the flower stalks are of different lengths.

Sowing seeds is perhaps the most natural way to propagate plants. Seed germination of different plants occurs in different ways. Some seeds need light to sprout, some need complete darkness. Some seeds require stratification, while others germinate immediately after sowing. But in any case, before you start sowing seeds, you need to prepare everything you need, namely:

  • containers, which can be pots, yogurt or sour cream cups, juice bags, in general, any containers; the main condition is that these containers must be very well washed and disinfected
  • container for soaking seeds
  • forcing potting mix (it is best not to use garden soil for seeding, as it is too heavy and may contain diseases, spores, and weed seeds)
  • seeds
  • stickers and markers (believe that later you won’t remember which is which)
  • plastic wrap or plastic bags to cover plantings to create extra warmth and humidity
  • water container for irrigation
  • light source (this could be a window, but if it's not brightly lit, you'll need something like a fluorescent light)

Before pouring the potting mix into the planting container, you need to knead it with your hands to remove any dry lumps. Then moisten it a little with a sponge. When pouring potting mix into containers, do not over-tamp it. Containers must be filled 2/3 from the top. After the container is filled with the mixture, you need to tap it a little on the surface, for example, countertops, so that the mixture settles, and gently trim the top layer with your fingers.

When all containers are ready, you can proceed to sowing seeds. But first, make sure you read the specific instructions on the seed packet. After all, some of them require preliminary stratification or soaking.

Small seeds can simply be gently poured onto the surface of the potting mixture, while large ones should be immediately separated and planted in individual containers, 3 seeds each. After sowing the seeds, you need to cover them with a small layer of soil mixture, following the rule - the smaller the seeds, the smaller the mixture layer.

Even though the potting mix has been previously moistened, the planted seeds still need to be watered to keep the topsoil from drying out and to ensure good contact between the seeds and the soil.

Next, you need to create a greenhouse effect, for which the containers need to be covered with plastic wrap, a transparent plastic lid or a plastic bag. This will help keep the heat and moisture in. As soon as the seeds germinate, it is advisable to remove the film to avoid the development of mold. Constantly check the moisture content of the soil mixture.

An interesting fact is that light is not needed at all for seed germination, only heat and moisture are needed. But as soon as the plant is born, it must be immediately placed under a light source. For normal growth and development, seedlings require 12-18 hours of light per day. Ordinary artificial light and the rays of the winter sun do not provide sufficient illumination, as does the summer sun. Therefore, additional light is needed, for example, from a fluorescent lamp.

The appearance of the first true leaves (not to be confused with the cotyledons) will tell you that the plant needs to be fed. To do this, you can use a balanced fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium, which will be beneficial for good root growth and healthy plant growth in general.

As the plants grow, they may need to be transplanted into larger containers to give the roots more room to develop.

Before planting plants in the garden, you need to harden them a little. To do this, during the week they need to be taken out into the open air for several hours, so that they get used to the light, wind and climatic conditions. Gradually increasing the time they are outside, you will see how the seedlings begin to gain strength, becoming more stocky, and their stems - thicker. This will be a signal that the plants are ready for independent development. It is necessary to ensure good watering before transplanting plants. The transplant itself is best done either in cloudy weather, or in not the hottest part of the day.

Autumn is harvest time in the garden. In addition to vegetables and fruits, you must also remember to pluck ready-made plant seeds. They will come in handy in the spring, when it's time to sow in the beds. But, creative needlewomen can always use natural material to make interesting crafts. What is not on the Internet: photo frames from cereals and seeds, whole panels with a plot composition from different grains, vases, coasters for hot and much more.

Today you will learn how to make voluminous flowers from seeds with your own hands. The manufacturing process is simple, and the result is simply magnificent.

What do you need to work? Prepare these ingredients:

A sheet of thick cardboard;

Tube with PVA glue;


Seeds and grains: corn, beans, pumpkins, millet (any, at your discretion).

First, take a sheet of thick cardboard and draw circles of different diameters on it. For example, two 8 cm each, three 6 cm each and four 4 cm each. Cut out all nine blanks, as in the photo.

Now proceed to the formation of the flower. Take one circle, generously cover it with a layer of PVA glue.

Read also: Do-it-yourself biofireplace: types, advantages, materials for manufacturing, biofireplace assembly steps

Lay the pumpkin seeds around the edge. Try to apply them more tightly and so that they cover the paper.

The second row, which is located closer to the center, fill with corn grains. Make sure that the nucleoli are located in the same direction.

And fill the middle of the flower with black beans.

A beautiful flower comes out from different seeds.

While the glue dries, proceed to the manufacture of other flowers.

Form the smallest buds from corn, black beans and millet seeds.

Those blanks that are the largest require more filling. To make DIY flowers from seeds, use pumpkin seeds around the edge, a layer of corn and white beans with a brown edge, and place black beans in the center.