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» How to install sewer rings. How to make a sewer in a private house with your own hands from concrete rings, how much does it cost

How to install sewer rings. How to make a sewer in a private house with your own hands from concrete rings, how much does it cost

The simplest and most common option for assembly in a private house is a sewer from concrete rings. The device of a well from 1-3 elements assembled from special standard concrete components.

This concept, among other things, implies the use of the amenities provided by the connection of housing to the main engineering networks of the utility infrastructure. Not always in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence there are central communications for water supply and disposal of household wastewater. Therefore, conveniences, in the form of an autonomous sewage system, have to be created independently.

All property owners want to make permanent residence in a private house and seasonal stay at their favorite dacha comfortable. Consider what a sewerage from concrete septic tanks is

Benefits of concrete

A septic tank for receiving household waste can be made of brick, polymeric materials, stone, metal, concrete. The resulting structure is not too loaded, its durability is affected by the resistance of the source material to aggressive substances, constant humidity. The construction of the walls of the sewer well from concrete rings is considered ideal for the following reasons:

  • Concrete elements are used in the construction of a septic tank on various soils, their resistance to compressive deformations allows them to withstand pressure from the displacement of soil layers and groundwater.
  • Material availability.
  • High speed sewer construction using concrete products.
  • Sewerage from concrete rings is durable and easy to maintain.
  • Rings allow you to make a device of the desired depth and diameter.
  • The resistance of the material to aggressive substances, the composition of groundwater and temperature extremes.
  • Ease of self-assembly.
  • Large selection of waterproofing materials to protect the walls of the future well.
  • Thanks to the metal reinforcement elements, concrete products are highly durable.
  • Factory-made products are designed for tight docking.

The main disadvantages during work: weight, certain difficulties with delivery and loading operations, the possible need for the use of lifting equipment and additional labor.

Types and types of concrete components

There are two types - wall And additional.

Wall finished products in the form of a ring can have the following dimensions: inner diameter - 0.7-2.0 m; wall thickness - 70-100 mm; standard height - 890 mm. With their help, the necks of any wells are erected. For sewerage in a private house, erected from concrete rings with their own hands, products with an internal diameter 1.5 m.

Additional products differ from wall non-standard height. With their help, the required depth is adjusted when it is not a multiple of the height of standard rings.

The following types of rings are used in the work:

  • having a blind bottom. Needed for overflow sewers, whose settling wells accumulate silt at the bottom (periodically removed by special equipment).
  • without lock. Ordinary straight rings, for the connection of which a cement mortar is used.
  • with lock connection. This view is distinguished by notches on one side and protrusions on the other. Installation of products consists in fitting and fixing with the help of the protrusions getting into the recesses. Such a lock will prevent the elements from moving during the operation of the sewer well.
  • Filtration. Walls with a uniform arrangement of holes allow the liquid to go into the ground. These rings are intended for the construction of filtration wells.

Stages of installation of a well for sewerage

Consider how to make a sewer in a private house with your own hands from concrete rings. And if a decision is made to entrust the execution of work to a specialized organization, then the information received will help to carry out quality control over the installation progress and facilitate communication with employees.

Location selection

The location of the sewer septic tank is selected taking into account certain norms and requirements. It should be no closer than: 5 m - from the boundaries of the estate; 5-10 m - from a residential building (so as not to wash the foundation); 30 m - from the shore of the nearest reservoir; 20 m (50 m) - from the water intake on clay (sandy) soil; 3 m - from trails, roads, trees, shrubs, vegetable gardens. The bottom of the well should always be above the groundwater level in the area. To the chosen place, an entrance should be provided or later laid for periodic pumping of silty masses by special equipment.

Calculations and scheme of a septic tank

To install a sewerage system in a private house with your own hands from concrete rings, you will need a construction scheme drawn up according to preliminary calculations of the volume of water consumption by all residents. The volume of the septic tank must correspond to the amount of water consumed by residents in three days. Daily rate for one resident - 200 l. The final figure for the minimum internal volume of the septic tank is obtained by simple multiplication.

The resulting value is very important if you are building a sewer in a private house with your own hands. The scheme of the rings provides for the presence of 1-3 septic tank chambers. The number of wells depends on the composition of the family, the number of devices and mechanisms for sanitary purposes, and the intensity of their use. A three-chamber septic tank can be considered a real biotechnical complex. Its construction and maintenance will cost more, but the productivity and quality of wastewater treatment are significantly increased.

Of the three chambers:

  • 1st - settling of accepted effluents;
  • 2nd - purification of liquids (already clarified) from contamination;
  • 3rd - filtering chamber.

In the treatment chambers, the lower concrete ring should be with a blank bottom to protect against leakage of liquid effluents that have not yet been cleaned. The third chamber is distinguished by the presence of a lower perforated ring, as well as a drainage layer at the bottom of the well. After passing through the drainage, the purified liquid is absorbed into the soil. In the predetermined walls of the rings, inlets are made to connect the wells with overflow pipes. In the first chamber of the septic tank, a hole is also prepared for the pipe coming from the house. This pipe must be below the freezing level of the soil. All pipes are laid with a slope to ensure gravity flow of wastewater.

Each connecting pipe leading to the next chamber must be below the level of the inlet for drains in the previous well. Violation of this requirement will lead to looping of the thread and incorrect operation of the system.

For all wells, round concrete slabs with holes for installing inspection hatches and ventilation pipes are purchased.

Drawing up a preliminary sewerage scheme helps to prevent possible errors, outline the procedure for performing work, make high-quality preparations for a set of construction activities, and calculate the amount of necessary products and materials.

Soil development

The pit for the chambers can be individual (for one well) or common, in which all the structures of a single system for receiving and treating wastewater will be erected.

For a separate well, the dimensions of the pit should be 25-30 cm larger than the diameter of the outer surface of the concrete ring selected for installation. The resulting gap will facilitate the installation and displacement of sewer rings using special equipment. The main disadvantages of such pits are: work with the soil is carried out manually, the impossibility of high-quality sealing of joints and waterproofing works from the outside of the rings with a sufficient depth of the structure being erected.

A common pit facilitates all types of construction work. With the use of special equipment, it will be ready in 1.5-2 hours.

At the installation sites of the receiving chambers, the bottom of the pit is rammed, laid with a waterproofing roll material (usually roofing material) and poured with a concrete mixture. Such a pedestal is not needed if the lower rings were purchased with a ready-made concrete bottom. At the site of the future installation of the filtration chamber of the septic tank, a crushed stone pillow is arranged (from 0.5 m). It allows the purified liquid to pass to the ground without obstacles and soak into it. In addition, such a pillow performs the final post-treatment of the liquid.

Installation of wells

Installation is obtained by installing the main and, if necessary, additional concrete rings on top of each other. To connect and seal the joints, special adhesives or cement mortar are used. When installing each concrete product, possible shifts or distortions are aligned.

Note! Installation with the use of lifting equipment and the involvement of assistants greatly simplifies and speeds up the construction process.

Final work

Holes for pipes are punched in the designated places of the concrete rings. A house drain pipe is brought into the first well. Then pipes connect all the chambers of the system. The joints are carefully sealed with mortar.

The next stage is the waterproofing of the joints of the rings, the junctions with pipes, the outer (and preferably the inner) surface of the concrete well.

Now each well is covered with a concrete cover, monolithic inspection hatches and ventilation pipes are installed. The work is completed by backfilling the soil into the remaining space of the pit with tamping the layers every 0.2-0.3 m.

The resulting sewerage from concrete rings, it was erected with its own hands or with the help of professional workers, will ensure the removal and high-quality cleaning of household wastewater, protect the soil and groundwater in the garden from pollution, and eliminate the inconvenience of living in a private house. An inexpensive and efficient treatment system will last at least 50 years.

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Everything useful about sewerage -

Collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater from the site is one of the most important tasks to ensure comfortable living in a private country house. This article will describe the step-by-step process of building a sewer from concrete rings with your own hands.

One of the most popular materials for solving this issue are concrete rings.

Devices made of such elements for a private house are the most durable, practically do not require repair during operation, are financially affordable for any budget and are easy to install.

Outdoor waste disposal system

The main disadvantage of concrete sewer devices is a large amount of earthwork, but the same property is equally inherent in any external drainage and wastewater treatment systems.

How to calculate the capacity

In an effort to organize the most comfortable living conditions in a country house, the owners organize all the conditions inherent in urban conditions, including sewerage. In most cases, small suburban settlements are deprived of the opportunity to use centralized sewer networks due to their absence.

Therefore, each owner arranges local treatment facilities (VOCs), designed not only to drain wastewater, but also to treat it to an accessible degree, ensuring safe living not only for their families, but for neighbors living nearby.

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This event is quite costly, and the more wastewater needs to be processed, the greater the cost will be required for their construction. For this reason, calculating the required power when installing a sewer with your own hands from concrete rings is an urgent task.

The most popular design solutions for a local sewer system are concrete rings or solid plastic containers. They are installed sequentially and consist of 2-4 sections that perform different tasks. The connection between them is made by pipes.

Functionally, they act as follows:

  1. The first tank is called a storage tank and is designed to keep the mass of effluent from solid and heavier components. They settle to the bottom of the vessel and are removed as they accumulate.
  2. The second tank is intended for biological wastewater treatment. For this, special cultures of bacteria are used, which are introduced into the vessel as needed. At its bottom, a sediment is formed, called activated sludge, in which the bacterial composition is renewed. As necessary, this composition is pumped out, and a certain part of the mass is left for further use.
  3. In the third section, the effluents are aerated by passing atomized air through it using a low-power compressor. Here the effluent is oxidized. Air also acts as a catalyst for the biological activity of the bacterial component.
  4. Further cleaning takes place in the filter well. For its manufacture, concrete rings with perforated walls are used - in the lower part and the upper solid ring, covered with a concrete cover with an opening for passage inside.

A properly organized treatment system provides a degree of wastewater treatment up to 98%. Such water can be safely used for watering the garden, washing cars and other household needs. Activated sludge is a very effective fertilizer.

The basic basis for calculating the volume of the sump is the average consumption per person, which is 200 liters of water per day.

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When calculating this rate, it must be multiplied by the number of residents.

Table of container volume for a country house

The above table is applicable for two or three chamber septic tanks.

It should be noted that for the first sections of the sewer, concrete rings with a bottom are used to prevent untreated sewage from entering the ground.

The data in the table are indicative. The actual water consumption, and, consequently, the volume depends on the composition of the equipment used in everyday life. The presence of a sauna, jacuzzi, washing machine and dishwasher in the house significantly increase water consumption.

An example of how to calculate the volume of consumption

Assume that there are 4 people permanently living in the house. Then the estimated calculation of the volume of consumption will look like this:

  1. We determine the total fluid consumption per day - 4 x 0.2 \u003d 0.8 cubic meters.
  2. Taking into account the standard for the minimum stay of waste water in the sump for at least 3 days, we obtain the size of its capacity - 0.8 x 3 = 2.4 cubic meters.
  3. If it is supposed to use standard rings "15-9", the inner diameter of which is 1.0 meters and the height is 0.7, we get the volume of the contents of one section of 1.64 m. Thus, the full two-chamber capacity will be 3.28 cubic meters.

It should be noted that in reality the volume is somewhat lower, since the height should not be taken in the size of the ring, according to the distance between the bottom and the edge of the overflow hole. But this will be determined only when drawing up an external sewage project, and then the calculation will need to be checked according to actual dimensions.

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The data obtained indicates the presence of a certain margin of external sewage capacity, but it will come in handy if you have to receive guests.

Schemes of the sewerage device

The basic principle of manufacturing a wastewater tank from this material is to comply with slope along the placement of individual sections. The slope is created by connecting intermediate elements - pipes, its value should be within 1-3 millimeters per meter of the system length.

With a smaller slope, there may be a delay in the solid components of the drain. The same effect is observed with a larger slope - water flows faster than contaminants move. Thus, a blockage is formed in the pipe, which must be removed using special tools.

An important structural element is the junction of the overflow pipes with the body of concrete rings. It must be carefully sealed with cement mortar, preventing leakage. Otherwise, the sewer will not perform its functions.

The above diagram of a wastewater treatment device shows all the main structural elements, the purpose of which will be described below.

Varieties of containers and features of their designs

Subject to the typical scheme of the device, design solutions may be different.

First of all, you need to understand that the sump is a source of increased danger to the environment and the uncontrolled construction of such facilities is prohibited. Before starting work, it is necessary to develop a project, approve it in the SES, and only after that proceed with its construction. Permission can be obtained in full compliance with the requirements of San Pin and SNiP.

The general rules for wastewater treatment facilities are as follows:

  1. The main document regulating the placement of a tank for sewage in a suburban area is SNiP number 2.0403-85. It details the requirements for the placement of a sewer facility in relation to various buildings.
  1. If there are water supply facilities on the territory, the rules for the relative position are provided for by SNiP 2.0401-85.
  2. Many distances according to the standards are provided for by the requirements of San Pin 2.1.5580-00.
  3. San Pinom 2.2.1/2.1.1-12-03 establishes the rules for water protection zones of water supply facilities.

It should be borne in mind that in the mass of regulatory documents there are overlays. So in one of them, the minimum distance from a shambo to a residential building is set at 10 meters, in others - 5. To avoid difficulties in approving a sewerage project, it is better to adhere to a larger norm.

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The design of a local treatment plant depends on many factors, ranging from the size and nature of the landscape to the qualitative composition of the soil. Therefore, there are several types of sedimentation tanks.

Single chamber drives

It should be noted right away that these structures are currently prohibited, although a considerable number of them are still in operation. Recall the norms of water consumption - 200 liters per person. Even with two residents, this is 0.4 cubic meters per day, even a five cubic meter storage tank is filled at least in two weeks.

5 cubic meters - the volume of a standard tank. That is, pumping must be done every 2 weeks, paying up to 12,000 rubles each time (for the Moscow region). Really? No! Therefore, most of the waste is poured onto the road, the garden - and anywhere. Only waste products get into the storage tank. And then we drink water from the well.

Double chamber

Sewerage from concrete rings, consisting of two tanks, provides more opportunities for wastewater treatment. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. There is an additional opportunity for the sedimentation of the solid components of wastewater, settling on the bottom of the second vessel.
  2. In the second tank, it is possible to treat with biologically active components that actively process pollution in wastewater. For this, cultures of anaerobic bacteria are used, which decompose the components of the drain and render them harmless. As a result, a dense bottom sediment is formed, which is called activated sludge. It is a habitat for bacteria, the content of which is constantly growing, increasing the degree of purification. As it accumulates, it is necessary to periodically clean the tank with activated sludge pumping out, part of which is used to replenish the bacteria population.

Let's pay attention to the device of the filter well. Its maximum depth is no more than 2.5 meters. Wherein:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, a gravel cushion 30 centimeters thick is formed. The material is used with a fraction of 5-15 millimeters.
  2. Before installation, the outer surface of the rings must be treated with a waterproofing material, for which bituminous mastic is most often used.
  3. The lower ring is installed on a gravel pad, wrapped with geotextile to the perforation level.
  4. A bottom filter is formed, for which fine gravel or blast-furnace slag is used, which has increased absorption. The thickness of the layer is 15-25 centimeters. On top of it, you can fill up the brick battle with the same layer.
  5. Outside the ring, the same gravel is filled up to the perforation level.
  6. A second ring is installed and a floor slab of the appropriate size, equipped with a through hole. For him, you need to make a wooden cover.
  7. The upper floor slab and the neck are installed in the standard version with a metal or plastic cover.
  8. To prevent sewage leakage around the formed well, a clay seal should be arranged, proceeding as follows:
    • the clay intended for it is poured into a cone and a funnel is made on top into which water is poured;
    • soaking of the material is carried out during the day;
    • clay must be stirred to the consistency of sour cream, adding reinforcing shavings to the solution;
    • pour the funnel around the well with the resulting solution;
    • dry the resulting clay shutter for about a month, periodically sprinkling with water.

The hole for the overflow pipe from the first tank is punched, the junction is sealed with cement mortar and treated with bituminous mastic.

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Three chamber devices

The difference between such sewage devices made of concrete rings is the use of an additional tank in which additional wastewater treatment occurs by aeration using a low-power compressor and an air atomizer.

Liquid aeration is carried out in order to use another type of bacteria for their purification - anaerobic bacteria, which actively act in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. With their use, the degree of purification is brought to 98-99%.

Such water cannot be drunk or used for cooking, but it can already be used for technical purposes - washing a car and even watering a garden. When passing through the ground, the water undergoes final filtration.

The water that has passed the sump is disposed of in various ways:

  • discharge into a sewage (drainage) ditch;
  • discharge directly to the ground;
  • diversion to the nearest body of water.

Pit preparation

Installation of sewerage from concrete rings involves a large amount of earthwork. But before proceeding with them, you need to make sure that such an event is appropriate. For this you need:

Digging a pit can be done in three ways:

  • using earth-moving equipment - an excavator, which requires free access and space for maneuvering. In this way, the pit can be dug in an hour. In addition, the problem of removing the excavated soil is being solved;
  • a team of hired workers the issue can be resolved during the working day;
  • independently - in this option, digging a pit can be completed in 7-10 days, depending on the amount of work.

As experience shows, the cheapest and highest quality option is to use technology.

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Do-it-yourself installation of concrete rings for sewerage

Prices for concrete rings

When planning to make their own water treatment plant, each person, first of all, will try to find out how much concrete sewer rings cost, the dimensions of which are chosen to implement the plan. To do this, you need to know the marking of concrete materials.

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In our case, this is:

  • KS - wall ring, size in the example - KS-12-10 - the numbers indicate the diameter and height in decimeters;
  • PN - bottom plate;
  • PP - plate for the cover.

For example, rings for a well of various sizes can be selected and bought at prices ranging from 470 to 1560 rubles.


Arrangement of the sewage disposal structure is one of the main problems that the owner of a private house has to solve. To perform this work, you can use various building materials, but if you want to install a sewer system yourself, experts recommend using one of the most common options - this is the installation of sewer rings (see photo).

An important feature of these reinforced concrete products is their round shape, which facilitates the waterproofing process. Installation of sewerage systems using rings has both advantages and disadvantages.

It is necessary to equip the sewer when sewer rings are used strictly in accordance with the instructions. By doing this work yourself, you can complete it in the shortest possible time and at the same time save money. Rings are much stronger than bricks and more durable.

Installation of sewer rings is an easy job due to their perfectly round shape. But they have such a serious drawback as a lot of weight, therefore, to move them around the land, it is necessary to use lifting equipment (read: ""). It is undesirable to roll them, because cracks may appear on them.

Installation of sewer rings is carried out using the following tools:

  • trowel;
  • ruler and rule;
  • hammer and chisel;
  • mortar box;
  • barrel for water;
  • tamper;
  • bucket.

Do-it-yourself installation of reinforced concrete rings for sewerage

When the owners visit the country house or cottage infrequently, then the water consumption is negligible, which means that for the disposal of sewage and sewage, it is possible to get by with the arrangement of a cesspool. In the case of permanent residence in a private household, you need to build a septic tank.

The sizes of sewer rings for arranging sewerage are as follows:

  • height - 90 centimeters;
  • width (diameter) - different.
How many rings do you need for a sewer? Most often, the construction of a cesspool requires 3-4 products with a diameter of 1 meter. Also, for concreting the bottom of the pit and the joints between the rings, a mixture of sand and cement will be required. From above, the structure is covered with a concrete cover with a hatch.

Installation of rings under the sewer begins with earthworks. They dig a pit with a margin for the diameter of these products in order to make their installation easier.
Then you should make a foundation for the tank in accordance with the shape of the reinforced concrete rings. The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete. You can do it yourself.
It takes about 3-5 days for the concrete coating to harden. After that, they move on to the next stage.

The installation of sewer rings is carried out with the help of special equipment, while it is necessary to provide for the possibility of access for lifting vehicles to the place of work.

After completion of the installation of reinforced concrete products, it is necessary to plaster the surface of the structure from the inside and ensure its tightness. The quality of waterproofing is of great importance, otherwise untreated drains will enter the soil and disrupt the ecology of the site. Then you need to bring the pipeline from the house, put the concrete cover in place and make ventilation (it can be equipped with 100 mm sewer pipes 40-60 centimeters high). Eventually
you must not forget to pump out sewage from the sump at least once or twice a year with the help of a sewage machine.

Such a treatment plant as a septic tank made of reinforced concrete products is installed if people are constantly in the house and a large amount of water is consumed daily.

Modern local sewerage system

Provided that a family consisting of several people lives in a country house, who regularly use a washing machine and a bathroom, which means that a large amount of water is spent, they equip an internal sewer system and a filter well. First of all, you need to calculate the size of the septic tank, the distance of the septic tank from the house and the volume of the sewer ring - then you can calculate the number of reinforced concrete products that you need to purchase.

Let's say you know both the volume of the septic tank and what rings are needed.

To build a sewage treatment plant you will need:

  • three rings measuring 1000x900 millimeters;
  • for concreting the pit - a mixture of sand and cement;
  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • concrete cover with hatch.
A drainage well is necessary so that the liquid from the septic tank becomes purified and clarified and then directed into the soil. Drains through sewer pipes enter the septic tank, made by analogy with the drain pit. It also needs waterproofing.

If a family consists of 4 people, it consumes about 150 liters of water daily, and the volume of the septic tank should be 3-4 cubic meters. The minimum slope of the sewer pipeline cannot be less than 2 centimeters, and the maximum - 5 centimeters per linear meter.

Construction of a filter well from sewer rings

Such a well is necessary for filtering wastewater and sewage entering the septic tank through the pipeline. Solid fractions settle at the bottom, and the water is redirected to the drainage well, and from it goes into the soil.
It is necessary to dig a ditch under the filter well until a layer of sand is reached. If this is not possible, then a drainage field should be arranged, which can be done independently.

A drainage well is built in a certain sequence:

  1. First of all, a pillow of sand 50 centimeters thick is poured and carefully compacted.
  2. Gravel 20 cm thick is placed on the sand.
  3. Before digging in the sewer rings, drainage holes are drilled in the first of them, which have a diameter of 30-50 millimeters. They are made at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. A ring with holes is lowered into the pit with the help of special equipment.
  5. Next, the installation of sewer rings, which still remain. They are connected to each other.
  6. From the outside of the well, a layer of gravel is poured up to the height of the outermost of the drainage holes.
  7. The rings are connected to a septic tank.
  8. The well is covered with a concrete cover and the structure is covered with previously excavated soil.

When arranging a filter well, it must be taken into account that the distance between its bottom and groundwater cannot exceed one meter. During installation, it is necessary to block access to the hatches leading to the sewer tank so that a person does not accidentally fall into it, as this is deadly.

An integral part of the sewer system in a country house is a septic tank, which can be bought ready-made or built independently. With the help of the second solution, you can significantly reduce financial costs, while you have to make a lot of physical effort.

Fundamentals of Planning a Wastewater Treatment System

Before embarking on decisive action, you need to think in detail about the sewerage plan for a private house made of concrete rings. In order not to aggravate your task, it is enough to listen to the advice of experts and follow the detailed instructions. Thus, everything can be done taking into account sanitary and building codes, preventing the risk of unpleasant consequences.

A set of rings and a cover made of concrete for arranging sewers

There is a conditional sequence of actions with which you can quickly build a septic tank from concrete rings:

  • on the land plan, you need to apply a sewage treatment scheme and sewer wiring;
  • then you should compile a list of necessary materials and calculate the number of concrete rings for the construction of a septic tank;
  • all components are purchased in advance and brought to the installation site;
  • you need to prepare not only materials, but also working tools;
  • in accordance with the plan, land works are carried out;
  • only now it is possible to proceed with the installation of individual elements of the sewer system;
  • at the last stage of work, it is necessary to produce heat and waterproofing of the constructed structure.

The principle of operation of a septic tank

To decide which septic tank is better to do, you need to understand how it works.

As a rule, a septic tank from concrete rings is built from several wells, which are interconnected using an overflow pipeline.

Wastewater moves in the following sequence:

  • first, dirty drains leaving the house enter the first tank, in which, under the influence of gravity, they are separated into fractions of different densities. Thus, heavy inclusions settle to the bottom, while light ones float to the surface. After that, the water that has passed the first stage of purification enters the second well through the overflow pipe, while in the first tank the organic components decompose, causing a chemical reaction, due to which gases are released;
  • Structurally, the second compartment is similar to the first, and performs approximately the same function. Sometimes this link is simply excluded from the septic scheme, since its installation requires additional financial costs;
  • already the third container will have significant differences, and the first thing to note is that it will not have a bottom, so to speak. Purified water will pass into the soil through several drainage layers and filters.

selection of concrete rings for arranging sewers

What preparatory work should be done?

Before proceeding with the installation work, you need to prepare the object, paying attention to certain features:

  • when a sewerage scheme is applied to the site, the distance from the house or residential building to the septic tank must be taken into account. As a rule, this length is at least 5 meters. If there is a well with drinking water on the territory, then the distance from it should be no more than 30 meters. We must not forget about providing a place for the entrance of a sewage truck, with the help of which periodic cleaning of the septic tank will be carried out;
  • when compiling a list of materials and elements, it is recommended to determine how many rings are needed for sewerage, based on the number of wells. Typically, the depth of such a well is about three meters, and the height of one ring is 90 cm.

It is required to prepare concrete goods:

  • two concrete slabs for the base of the first two compartments;
  • two plates with hatches;
  • required number of rings for each well.

What else is useful?

Concrete rings and slabs alone will not be enough, so you will need to prepare something else, namely:

  • plastic sewer pipe of appropriate length;
  • tees and corners;
  • two asbestos pipes to create ventilation;
  • cement mixture;
  • bitumen or other waterproofing material;
  • crushed stone;
  • improvised tools: a shovel, a ladder, a trowel, a container for mixing the mortar and a hacksaw for cutting pipes.

The installation process of the cleaning system

The construction technology of the treatment system is as follows. You can not do without digging a pit, this can be done independently or with the help of earthmoving equipment. The width of the pit must be done with a margin, because the remaining space will make it easier to waterproof the joints. The diameter of the average concrete ring is 70 cm, but there are others.

backfilling a concrete septic tank with earth after it is fixed in the ground

The next stage is much more difficult, as the installation of the system is carried out. You need to collect the main element in this way:

  • in the prepared pit, you need to install a horizontal slab 10 cm thick;
  • the first concrete ring is laid on this base;
  • then the required height of the concrete structure is built, after which the joints are waterproofed;
  • the final ring with two holes with a diameter of 110 mm is installed from above. If there are no these holes, then they will need to be made with a puncher;
  • to cover the septic tank, it is recommended to use a special plate with a hatch, but if it is not there, then you can use another suitable shield;
  • the next well is installed according to the same principle, if, of course, it exists in the project;

The filter compartment is mounted in almost the same way, but there are several significant features, namely:

  • a concrete ring is placed directly on the bottom of the pit, then holes are made in it for draining;
  • gravel or expanded clay is poured inside the compartment, while the top layer should be broken stone;
  • to ensure good external filtration, you need to fill the ring around with fine gravel;
  • further installation work is carried out according to the same principle as in other cases;
  • sewer pipes are being installed. In this case, a slight slope should be provided on the way to the septic tank;
  • it is imperative to waterproof the concrete structure with bitumen. As for thermal insulation, it is only needed if sewer rings are installed in a harsh climate. Despite this, it is worth playing it safe and covering the septic tank with insulating material;
  • if a septic tank is planned for a country house, then ventilation for it must also be considered. For its device, you will need two pipes, namely inlet and outlet, while the second should be located much higher, since it is responsible for providing traction. Also, with the help of ventilation, gases formed during the decomposition of organic substances are removed from the septic tank compartment.

The device of a septic tank in a mechanized way

  • A septic tank begins to be made only after accurate calculations of its volume are made. The required number of rings will depend on this. This value can be calculated by taking into account the number of people living in the house, or by the number of installed plumbing fixtures. On average, the depth of the wells is at least 4 meters. Thus, for the device of one well, 4-5 rings of concrete will be required. If there is a need to increase the volume of the structure, then you can purchase products of a different diameter. There can be 2 or 3 wells, while the first one should be larger than the others.
  • Since a mechanized method of constructing a septic tank is being implemented, earth-moving equipment, that is, an excavator, will be used to dig the pit. The size of the pit should be slightly larger than the diameter of the rings. This is necessary for their free passage and for waterproofing. The concrete ring must not get stuck, as lifting equipment may not be able to pull it back out without damage.
  • When all earthworks are completed, it is necessary to deliver the concrete rings to the site, and for this you will need trucks with a lifting device. Using the same technique, the installation of reinforced concrete products is performed.
  • At the next stage, waterproofing of the seams and the slab, which acts as the bottom, is performed. For this, a cement mortar is used. The ideal option is to order a special ring equipped with a bottom.
  • For the installation of pipes, holes of a suitable diameter are made, and the gaps formed during the installation of the rings are sealed with cement mortar.
  • The free space in the pit is covered with earth and well compacted.

installation of a concrete ring with a construction crane

Installing a septic tank manually

Not everyone dares to perform such work as installing sewer rings without the use of technology. However, this way you can significantly save on the installation of a septic tank from concrete rings. In addition, this option is suitable in cases where it is not possible to drive special equipment to the site.

In this case, it is planned to use meter rings, the weight of which will be 600 kg, so delivery will be carried out only by road to the unloading site.

You will have to manually roll each product to the object on your own.

Concrete rings are installed in place, after which it will be necessary to dig the ground under them. Thus, the ring will smoothly fall down. The second ring of concrete should be installed only when the first one is already level with the ground. Further work is carried out in this sequence.

fixing the concrete ring in the ground

To raise the earth, you can use various devices that facilitate physical labor.

Septic tanks are not afraid of frost

Those who install septic tanks on the territory of country houses are afraid that they may freeze in winter. Of course, from the point of view of theory, this is possible, but based on practice, we see that septic tanks are able to easily withstand low temperatures.

To minimize this risk, experts recommend clearing the building of drains and old sludge before winter with the help of a sewage machine. Also, the masters advise to insulate the cover with a hatch, through which waste is pumped out.

A septic tank made of concrete rings can be used to install a sewer system in a country house, country cottages, and for modest rural houses with a small amount of wastewater.

The significant advantages of this design include low cost, the need for partial wastewater treatment and independence from electricity.

When planning to make such a septic tank, you need to remember that it needs cleaning, which is done once every 6-12 months, depending on the intensity of use.

Increasingly, residents of megacities and small towns are leaving for permanent residence outside large settlements in the countryside.

Many, even native citizens, prefer cottages located outside the city limits.

Moving from cramped apartments located in typical "birdhouses" is in the foreground for some.

Comfort comes first

What could be better than clean air, spacious rooms that you can plan according to your own preferences?

And if we add to this list a large personal plot and complete autonomy from annoying neighbors, then a private building is sometimes considered as an excellent alternative to an apartment in a high-rise building.

Nowadays, few people are satisfied with a house in a village or a country mansion without amenities. In a private building, not only the presence of water is important, it is also necessary to make a drain of sewage waste.

If at least elementary sewage is not provided in the room, people living in it will feel some discomfort.

Make a sewer in the house is one of the top priorities. It is not only necessary to implement it, but you can do it yourself.

The main thing is to be patient, have a work plan and remember the knowledge of physical laws that they tried to instill in you in high school.

The issue must be approached responsibly, otherwise, ruin an important matter.

Before starting the construction of a cesspool, you need to calculate what volume it will be. The dimensions of the pit depend on the number of people living in the house.

On the page: find out which propylene pipes will be better for heating.

If they are close to the surface, then you need to choose wide rings. The volume of the pit can be increased due to the large diameter, and the laying depth will become smaller by means of a smaller number of rings.

It does not matter in which soils these products will be installed. Rings equipped with a lock are applicable only to sewer sumps.

The industry also produces devices with increased strength, inside which there are metal elements.

This product is marked - "KS". Next come the numbers. The first is the inner diameter, and the subsequent ones are the external indicators.

It is important to know exactly the scope of the structure, this is necessary in order not to miscalculate with the volume of the septic tank. The value of the mass of the rings is also necessary for a more rational use of technology.

As a rule, in dachas and private houses, rings are used in accordance with GOST. Standard products are sold at an affordable price.

Sometimes, there is a need for additional rings. They may be needed in the case when a standard product is not enough before the installation is completed, and another one of the same will already be superfluous.

There is another circumstance that should not be overlooked - this is the structure of the ends. Their surface can be flat and with ledges. Preference should be given to the second option.

Choose a place

It is good if the site on which the house will stand or already stands is large.

In this case, there are no problems with choosing a place for the pit.

The main rule to follow!

From sewer to residential building there must be a distance of at least five meters. If there is a fence, then it is necessary to retreat 2.5 - 3 meters from it.

Fruit trees should not be adjacent with a sump.

The distance to the well from which you draw drinking water is 25 - 30 meters diagonally.

Consider these indicators when installing the structure. If your plans do not include cleaning the pit with biologically active agents, leave a passage for a sewage truck.

If this is not done, the driver of the special equipment will not wait until you clear the access road, he will turn around and will not come to you again.

Advice! Do not start installing rings without measuring the hole. If the product does not fit in diameter, problems may arise, you will have to expand the size of the pit.

And this is a simple tap, for which you will have to pay extra.

Construction and installation works

The most commonly used version is three to four rings, 1 meter in diameter.

What will we need?

  • 3-4 rings;
  • normative cement-sand mixture.
    It is needed to perform work on concreting the bottom of the pit, the edges and the cover of the well;
  • concrete cover with hatch.

You can order one ring with a top concrete plug and a polymer hatch. Therefore, you can end up with an airtight sewer.

The bottom is filled with concrete. If this is neglected, there will be a detrimental effect on the environment. We take sand - 4 shares, cement - 1 part, crushed stone - 6 shares.

Add water slowly until the mixture becomes similar in consistency to thick sour cream. Crushed stone should be completely immersed in the solution.

The finished mixture is poured onto the base of the structure under construction and carefully leveled. In order for the solution to solidify well, it needs to be given to it for 7 to 8 days.

This time is more than enough. If you will be working on hot days, the mixture should be periodically moistened with water.

These are preventive measures against the appearance of cracks in concrete. They are formed in case of rapid drying of the mixture.

When the concrete is well "grabbed", lower to the bottom of the ring.

The first part was omitted - we make insulation between each product.

For this purpose, old bicycle tires or any other rubber seal will do.

The most acceptable option is the use of liquid glass.

It is added to the concrete solution, then the mixture is applied to the joints for sealing.

If you use rings with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 meters, then 2 of them are enough. To ensure the function of a cesspool as a septic tank, everything must be arranged according to regulatory rules.

Next to the finished, dig another hole, with a smaller depth than the main one. We don’t fill the bottom with concrete, but we make a drainage base from crushed stone of a large fraction, then we lower the rings.

In the upper product, at a height of 50 - 80 cm from the ground, we drill holes for mounting a pipe that will connect both wells.

For complete waste recycling sewage can be used biological products. 97% purified water will flow into the adjacent container through the pipe and from there seep into the ground naturally.

Some summer residents use purified water for irrigation. And the processed masses, located in the main sump, remain at the bottom in the form of sludge.

After completing the installation of the rings, we proceed to the withdrawal of the drain pipes. When installing them, do not forget to make an inclination (at least 15 degrees).

Drain pipe diameter must be at least fifteen centimeters.

When this is finished, we make a control descent of water.

Everything done carefully?

You can fill the trench with soil.

Place a polymer cap on top of the rings with hatch. A prerequisite is the presence of an exhaust hole. In the finished product, they, as a rule, are already provided by the manufacturer.

Before final backfilling, check all joints. If necessary, waterproof again with a mixture of concrete and liquid glass.

Wait a while, let the compound harden well. Only after that, cover thoroughly with earth. A hatch should remain on the surface.

How to clean

When you need to pump out waste from the sump, call the sewage company and leave a request with your coordinates.

In every locality there are such organizations. Therefore, there should be no problems with the car. This service is not cheap.

And the process itself will not bring pleasure to you or your neighbors.

Ambre will spread throughout the region.

However, this measure is temporary and will have to endure short-term inconvenience.

There are drugs that can save the situation.

A special substance is added to the treatment pits, which includes live bacteria.

They quickly process household waste into technical liquid without signs of stench.

Modern scientists have managed to bring out such microorganisms that feel great in an alkaline environment and even chlorine does not interfere with their vital activity.

At the same time, bacteria utilize food waste and toilet paper. Thus, you can save on the sewer machine.

In addition, bacteria also multiply. They are used as fertilizer for watering the garden plot. Here is a double benefit for you.

Build a cesspool according to all the rules during the work, do not allow violations. Otherwise, neighbors may make claims about environmental pollution. Do you need it?

Watch the screencast of the webinar on the construction of sewerage in a private house.