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» Starfish tattoo meaning for girls. Tribal starfish tattoo

Starfish tattoo meaning for girls. Tribal starfish tattoo

A starfish tattoo is unique in its uniqueness, beauty, spectacular image. The symbol of the inhabitant of the deep sea, along with other aquatic inhabitants, is in constant demand in tattoo parlors. These marine inhabitants have an unusual body shape that attracts attention. They differ from each other in the number and length of rays, surface structure and color. The apparent primitiveness associated with the absence of a brain and eyes, in fact, is not. The animal can climb the smooth vertical wall of the aquarium, open the shells of a mollusk in search of food, and can develop simple reflexes. A torn off beam star can restore and grow to the desired length.

Symbol history

The symbol became popular for the first time among sailors, and its origin is quite ancient. The ancient navigators were very superstitious people. Sailing for many months in stormy waters gave rise to many superstitions. Therefore, for protection, sailors began to apply a tattoo amulet on their bodies, in the form of a starfish, which was supposed to protect and help return to their native port alive and unharmed. Over time, the image became popular with travelers and soldiers, because each of them wanted to return to their home.

In Ireland, the symbol has the meaning of good health, which is associated with the starfish.

Nowadays it is common among US Navy personnel, although its popularity is not limited to this contingent. A starfish tattoo is an elegant, attractive decoration that symbolizes the Virgin Mary in Christian iconography. She grants safe passage through the waters of the raging sea and is a beacon for the traveler in the waters of the world.

The meaning of the starfish tattoo

The main symbolic meaning of the tattoo is a guide and landmark in the waters of the sea, associated with the unpredictability of life, its storms and storms. The ability of a sea creature to regenerate its rays indicates the ability to resurrect, restore, change the ongoing negative events for the better. The sign symbolically denotes protection and is a protective amulet that gives protection and security. The ability of a starfish to feel its prey, to move towards it, is associated with the ability to see its target and achieve it. Such a pattern will be worn by purposeful people who have goals and know how to succeed in achieving them. The association with the Virgin Mary (Stella Maris - translated as the star of the sea), symbolizes salvation in difficult and difficult times, love for higher powers and faith in their help if necessary.

The animal, located at the bottom of the sea, also symbolizes the stars located in the sky, which provide a guide when moving around the area and on the path of life. The image of the symbol helps to overcome obstacles and temptations. Tattoo will remind that person who is away from home often and for a long time.

Location, styles, colors, additional symbols

Sketches and tattoos themselves can be done in color or solid, small or large in size, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Three-dimensional image is a modern type of drawing on the skin, combining the artistic part and the optical illusion. The appearance of a starfish tattoo in 3D allows you to see a photorealistic optical illusion. This tattoo is made in any technique and style, can be schematically drawn in black, can be multi-colored and fun, like a cartoon character, and can also be realistic. The image is complemented by symbols associated with the sea - algae, stones, fish. It all depends on the desire of the potential owner, on his artistic preferences and, of course, on the professionalism of the master. An experienced craftsman will select a unique sketch and create a masterpiece on the skin, which will become an ornament and pride of the owner.


So, in the publication, we tried to answer the question in as much detail as possible: “What does a starfish tattoo mean?”. Therefore, before applying a drawing to the body, find out the semantic meaning of the symbol, whether it fits your character traits, whether you will complement each other. And then contact an experienced master to create a suitable sketch and perform a masterpiece on your skin.

The main meaning of the starfish tattoo was laid down in ancient times. Most often, sailors made such a tattoo for themselves, since they could navigate in the open sea only by the stars.

That is why the starfish symbolizes a landmark on the path of life, purposefulness, overcoming obstacles and temptations. After the sailors, the starfish tattoo became popular with soldiers and travelers. For a person who often has to be in a foreign land, a starfish will become a reminder of home.

Today, a sketch of a starfish tattoo can be done in different ways, including with a three-dimensional effect. However, this image, as before, symbolizes the desire for a goal, a guiding light, a way out of any troubles in life.

There is another meaning that came from Ireland. There, the starfish symbolizes health. But there is no contradiction here, because the one who travels often and looks for something, health is very useful.

A sketch of a starfish tattoo can be made both in black and white and in color, but the main thing is that it be unique!

starfish tattoo video

The starfish or Stella Mara (Star of the Sea) is a revered symbol in maritime culture. As an emblem of the Virgin Mary, she represents salvation and refuge in the midst of restless waters, and is a favorite among sailors. However, in this small and nondescript creature, there is a rather deep meaning than it seems at first glance.
Starfish- small, but brave. Like the Lizard, if she feels threatened, she may sacrifice a limb in the name of survival. These abilities were fascinated by the ancient Egyptians, and the Starfish began to be revered as a symbol of Regeneration and Renewal. This gift may also explain why these small creatures are associated with strength and resilience.

Before I continue, I highly recommend reading a few more sensible news on the topic of tattooing. For example, what does Star Tattoo mean; what does Shark Tattoo mean; how to understand Reptile Tattoo; the meaning of the Pig Tattoo, etc.
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So let's continue Meaning of Starfish Tattoo?

If you are in the process of overcoming the big challenges in your life, just remember that you are as tough and yet resilient as little starfish.

The meaning of the starfish tattoo

The starfish gives your body all sorts of characteristics. These include:
  • Divine love
  • The rescue
  • Guidance and protection from the Virgin Mary
  • Renewal and regeneration.

Starfish tattoo options

The tattoos of these adorable echinoderms can come in a variety of hues and include any number of design elements. Starfish tattoos tend to be quite colorful, and usually have nautical elements such as shells, seaweed or waves added to the design. Popular starfish tattoo variations include:

Tribal Tattoo Starfish

Tribal Starfish Tattoos are usually found on the body of those people who have a deep love for the sea. Indigenous peoples from regions with a rich maritime history have many patterns that represent these beautiful creatures. Thus, tribal tattoos that feature marine animals tend to use motifs and elements from these areas. The starfish embodies the protection of the Virgin Mary, so a huge number of sailors are stuffed Tribal tattoo Starfish in an attempt to get her blessing and help on a long journey. Pay attention to the article about Tribal Tattoo.

Starfish tattoo in cartoon style

It is no coincidence that best friend Spongebob is Patrick the Starfish. These little creatures have the ideal temperament for children, because in real life they are as safe as a harmless sea sponge. A cartoon starfish tattoo allows some people to nostalgic about their distant and cloudless childhood, conjuring up images of innocent children playing and showing your positive side.

Think about it, twenty years later, do you still want to have Patrick Starfish on your arm? One of the biggest concerns for tattoo wearers is whether the image will still be admired by others in the future. What does your tattoo symbolize? Where will it be placed on your body? To your new tattoo has stood the test of time, it takes a huge amount of energy to select a unique design and invest a lot of money for the tattoo artist to end up with a great design. For inspiration, visit our "tattoo" section, where you can find many ideas and try to put them into practice.

By reading this informative article, you have learned starfish tattoo meaning, and now you may finally decide to place this image on your body.

Starfish, like many other inhabitants of the ocean depths, were one of the favorite tattoo topics for sailors. Now works with this amazing creature can be seen quite rarely, so the idea is very original.

As you know, almost any image has some symbolic meaning. The starfish tattoo is no exception.


Sea stars are one of the most ancient inhabitants of the seabed. They have existed on our planet for more than 500 million years, that is, much longer than all fish known to science.

Starfish tattoos are equally loved by both women and men. The meaning that lies in a starfish tattoo is partly related to some of the features of this creature. It is known that starfish are able to completely regenerate a severed limb or shed it at will if the star is in danger. Therefore, such a tattoo can mean rebirth. Naturally, we are talking here about a certain revival of personality: a person loses something (or consciously refuses something) in order to get something new in return.

Another meaning of the starfish tattoo, associated with the peculiarity of the structure of this creature, is security. In nature, she has very few enemies, because the star is covered with needles, so the risk of becoming someone's dinner for her is very small. In addition, there are tiny pincers on the body of the star, which are always ready to repel an attack.

Tattoos with a starfish have a lot in common with the symbolic image of heavenly bodies. Therefore, such work may indicate a search for a path, that is, one's place in life. As you know, sailors were guided by the stars, determining the course. The stars in the sky gave hope for a successful return home, confidence and a sense of security.

By the way, although starfish are always depicted with five limbs, their number can be different, up to twelve. The meaning of the tattoo will depend on how many limbs a star has. For example, the ancient Celts considered the five-pointed star familiar to us as a symbol of harmony and magical powers, it was widely used in protective spells and to create amulets. The six-pointed star has a deep religious meaning and means the dominance of the divine principle over all things. Septagram - a star with seven ends - is popular among people who are fond of esotericism. It is believed that the image of a seven-pointed star can enhance the magical abilities of a person, establish a connection with mystical forces. The eight-pointed star symbolizes abundance, a tattoo with its image is designed to attract good luck and wealth into a person’s life. In ancient Scandinavia, one of the ritual images was a star with nine ends, which symbolized the nine worlds, of which, according to their ideas, the Universe consisted. Now the nine-pointed star is considered to be a symbol of stability.

A starfish tattoo may well combine a nautical theme with the symbolic meaning of a star.

What style to choose for a tattoo?

One of the most suitable styles is realism. The first realistic works began to appear in the century before last. They say that a certain professor began to study the art of tattooing and collect copies of tattoos with portraits of famous personalities, such as Napoleon or Bismarck.

Realism is considered the most difficult style to perform. To make the image really realistic, the master must also be a talented artist. Applying such a drawing to the skin is much more difficult than to the canvas, so realism style work can take more than one session and cost a lot.

It is not at all necessary to be limited to the image of only one starfish. You can depict a whole seascape; in this style, such works look really impressive. The plot of the tattoo can be either real (for example, the image of the seabed and its inhabitants) or fantasy (portraits of mermaids and other fictional sea creatures).

It will be interesting to look at work in the style of dotwork. Especially this style attracts fans of monochrome tattoos. It is believed that the roots of the style go back to ancient times. Rock paintings have been found in African caves depicting people with tattoos applied using many points. These drawings date back to the 7th-6th millennium BC. e. There is an opinion that this style is inspired by pointillism - a direction in painting of the 19th century, the essence of which is drawing a picture with dotted strokes.