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» Biomechanics organic new year tattoo. organic tattoos

Biomechanics organic new year tattoo. organic tattoos

Organic style tattoo is a creative type of tattoo, closely related to biomechanics, but instead of mechanical elements, it contains abstract elements close to nature, animals and various drawings. This art form began its development in the last quarter of the twentieth century, immediately following the style of biomechanics.

This style is unique in that it has no limits for the artist's imagination and is distinguished by a bright palette of colors. It is from the union between organic and natural design that we see true art in the field of tattooing.

Organic tattoo on arm and shoulder

Anyone who likes this style of tattoo most often chooses the shoulder or arm as a place to apply, less often the sleeve.

Let's take a look at the meaning of organics on the shoulder or arm in order.

Initially, exclusively gray and black colors were used. Over the years, this style has also undergone constant evolution.

Today the technique is very realistic, characterized in some cases by colored pigments and 3D effects. It seems that the skin is torn and that you can see through the wound.

That is why there is no definite value. The thing is that the meaning of this style is determined by the nature of the theme itself. It can be either an enlarged jellyfish or any animal. Therefore, when choosing a tattoo in the organic style, consult with a specialist in this field.

Meaning of organic sketches

Scorpion denotes loneliness and speaks of its owner: do not come near, otherwise I will sting. flower arrangement means that its owner(s), who is very vulnerable in his soul, but carefully hides this behind a creative pattern. And so, in principle, with any image. Nice tattoo the master will figure it out and tell you its meaning. Also, you can study the meanings of tattoos on our website. And whether it suits you by nature, you will decide for yourself.

Relief drawing of the sketch to the smallest detail will make the tattoo an integral part of the body. But, unlike other styles, organic is clearly distinguished by its originality.

Organics are often depicted immediately on the skin, without drawing a sketch on paper. To do this, the tattoo artist must have a good command of the anatomy of the body and the transmission of light. This method is called freehand .

Some interesting facts.

Renowned artist in this style Guy Atchison first creates a sculpture and, based on combinations of light and placement of components, draws inspiration for his works on the body. That is why he is one of the great masters of the tattoo craft. Also, along with him, the legislators of this art are Roman Abrego and Nick Baxter.

The history of tattoos goes back over a thousand years. Priests and leaders of ancient tribes applied images to their bodies, symbolizing status, social status or a totem animal. Sailors and pirates decorated their bodies with signs related to their occupation and important events in life. Until the twentieth century. wearable drawings played the role of codes that communicated certain information about their owner, which could only be unraveled by people initiated into the secret.

The history of the appearance of the organic style in tattoo

In the twentieth century The world of tattoos began to develop rapidly. Wearable images gradually left the area of ​​the sacred or secret, ceased to be perceived as signs, marks with a specific meaning, the understanding of which was available only to a certain circle of people. However, traditionally, plots for tattoos were scooped from the arsenal of world symbolism and mythology. This led to the fact that the same images can be found in the criminal world, where tattoos serve as an information sign, and in the subcultural environment, and on the body of ordinary people who are not associated with any particular social circle.

Since the end of the last century, the art of tattooing has established its independence and freedom. The development of the world of tattoo dough is associated with the development of painting and reflects new trends in art. In the world of tattoos, new styles began to appear, based on the choice of compositions, which are not directly related to any established traditions of wearable designs. These new styles include the organic style.

Organic style features

An organic tattoo, the sketch of which can be developed both by a tattoo artist and by any professional artist who knows the basics of graphics, is always interesting and unique. The organic style is based on a combination of various forms, including elements of mechanics (wires, chips, circuit boards, etc.), geometric elements, plant and animal motifs. We can say that organic tattoo sketches are somewhat surreal and reflect the development of modern art.

We can highlight the following features of tattoos created in the organic style:

  • Brightness, brilliance. Sometimes an organic tattoo (see photo below) can give the impression of a drawing made with felt-tip pens;
  • Positivity of the composition. As details for such tattoos, elements that produce a somewhat unpleasant impression are rarely chosen: fangs, blood, etc .;
  • volumetric. Organic style tattoos are three-dimensional, and therefore belong to tattoos with a high level of complexity;
  • Fusion with the structure of the skin. Sketches of such images are developed taking into account the place of tattooing. At the same time, the shape of the elbow, the bend of the arm, the structure of the skin should be taken into account when creating the composition;
  • Fairly large size. Due to the fact that the compositions of such images are multifaceted and consist of a large number of intertwining elements, an organic tattoo cannot be small.

Advice. An organic tattoo requires the master to have knowledge and mastery of various drawing techniques. Therefore, the choice of a master must be approached with special care. Ask him to show you the sketches he can make, what techniques he used, how he learned them and how often he has to do such tattoos. Compare the work of several masters, weigh the pros and cons.

Who is organic tattoo suitable for?

Organic style tattoos are extremely versatile and unique. Such images are applied by both boys and girls. In general, such a tattoo is often done by people who:

  • addicted to alternative rock, alternative and nu metal, experimental and psychedelic music;
  • do yoga, are interested in meditation practices;
  • read Indian and Buddhist philosophy;
  • love science fiction and fantasy;
  • are interested in painting and drawing, are fond of postmodernism;
  • believe that man is an integral part of nature.

Thus, an organic tattoo is suitable for extraordinary creative individuals who seek self-expression. Such people have a good imagination and appreciate in others the love of freedom, travel and self-knowledge.

Popular organic tattoo elements

Working on a sketch of a tattoo in the organic style involves studying the inner world of a person whose body the image will be applied to. Organic tattoos, the meaning of which is always unique and cannot be unambiguously interpreted, necessarily have a diverse composition. The most common elements of such a tattoo include:

  1. Arteries, veins, heart. These naturalistic details emphasize the love of the tattoo wearer for life in all its manifestations, they say that a person appreciates naturalness and perceives the body as an organic whole, functioning as a system of organs and blood vessels.
  2. Flowers, seeds, stems grown from the body. If in traditional tattoos plant motifs are included as something external, then in sketches of the organic style, the plant fits into the skin in volume, becomes one with it.
  3. Shells, pincers, snakes, insects. Such tattoos indicate a person's interest in the dark and not the most pleasant side of the world. On such sketches, motifs inspired by

Every year there are more and more new trends in the art of tattooing, which are rapidly developing and gaining their army of fans. One of them is an organic tattoo. Many tattoo artists do not consider it a separate independent style, but single it out as a substyle.

Distinctive Features of Organic Tattoos

Tattoos in the organic style originate from the late 80s of the last century. Therefore, this direction, unlike, for example, style or, is one of the "youngest". Its founder is the American tattoo artist Guy Atchison. You can also highlight such professionals in this field as Nick Baxter and Roman Abrego. Their creations combine real and non-existent elements.

In fact, organic tattoo sketches are abstract and fantasy images in the form of a symbiosis of natural components and the human body. Such drawings are chosen by people who feel harmony with nature, treat it with respect and love.

The main features of an organic tattoo are:

  • Patterns create positive feelings due to their juiciness, catchiness and color;
  • The brightest colors are used up to acid ones - red, green, orange, yellow, brown;
  • Detailed execution of contours and shadows;
  • Drawn with soft and smooth lines that blend harmoniously with the skin;
  • Often applied "Freehand" - immediately on the body without a preliminary version on paper.

Sketches of organic tattoos are based on a macro photo of natural elements:

  • seed;
  • Vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • stones;
  • minerals;

  • Roots;
  • corals.
  • Shipov;
  • Bones;
  • Algae;
  • claws.

Theme of organic tattoos

The choice of plot depends solely on the imagination of the future organic tattoo owner. After all, this style is characterized by abstractness. Here, the Torn Skin scheme is effectively applied. This technique creates a special spectacle, allowing, as it were, to consider the human body in conjunction with the natural elements woven into it from the inside through the resulting “wound”.

Also, an organic tattoo can be in the form of an image of a living being, combined with a certain component. For example:

  • Algae snake;
  • Fish among the bones;
  • Butterfly on the background of bone formations.

I found my place among the organic tattoos and the traditional pattern for a tattoo - a skull.

Although many people say that biomechanical and organic tattoos are very similar directions, this is far from being the case. Ornaments in the second case do not contain any mechanical inclusions and are rarely performed in monochrome, which is why they do not look so gloomy and aggressive.

Who and where is it better to fill organic tattoos?

Organic tattoos are more suitable for girls because of their colorful, calmer shades. They emphasize femininity better than rough biomechanical tattoos. But this is rather a general subjective opinion. Among men, there are also many fans of this trend, especially lovers of bright large-scale tattoos and sleeves.

In this style, drawings of any size will look great, so almost all areas on the body are suitable for them. Volume tattoos will look good on:

  • back;
  • Breasts.

Smaller tattoos are best applied to:

  • Hand;
  • shoulder;
  • Hip.

Such a solution as a smooth transition of the pattern from one part of the body to others is becoming popular. It looks especially advantageous when the tattoo starts on the shoulder and then “spreads” down the arm or moves to the chest. Organics or compositions of several drawings made on various parts of the body in the form of lacerated wounds also look impressive.

It is also possible to make some combination of an organic-style tattoo with biomechanical tattoos. This option will allow you to create a unique sketch that will combine gloomy shades and acidic colorful tones. This will be an excellent manifestation of the individuality of a particular person.

The organic tattoo technique is very complicated. It is necessary to harmoniously step by step prick all the elements on the body to get a whole natural composition. This may require more than one session and great skill. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to apply such an image on your own. It is better to find a high-class tattoo artist who will be able to realize your idea step by step and as a result create a unique masterpiece.

Video: Sleeve tattoo in organic style