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» It's interesting that so rarely received by mail. Psychologists called phrases that signal that a man has stopped loving you

It's interesting that so rarely received by mail. Psychologists called phrases that signal that a man has stopped loving you

According to various sources, from 50 to 95% of all emails in the world are spam from cyber scammers. The goals of sending such letters are simple: to infect the recipient's computer with a virus, steal user passwords, force a person to transfer money "to charity", enter their bank card details or send scans of documents.

Spam is often annoying at first sight: crooked layout, automatically translated text, password entry forms right in the subject line. But there are malicious letters that look decent, subtly play on a person's emotions and do not raise doubts about their veracity.

The article will talk about 4 types of fraudulent letters, which are most often followed by Russians.

1. Letters from “government organizations”

Fraudsters can pretend to be tax, the Pension Fund, Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological station and other government organizations. For persuasiveness, watermarks, scans of seals and state symbols are inserted into the letter. Most often, the task of criminals is to scare a person and convince him to open a file with a virus in an attachment.

Usually it is a ransomware or a Windows blocker that disables the computer and requires you to send a paid SMS to resume work. A malicious file can be disguised as a court order or a subpoena to call the head of the organization.

Fear and curiosity turn off the user's consciousness. Accountants' forums describe cases when employees of organizations brought files with viruses to their home computers, as they could not open them in the office due to antivirus.

Sometimes scammers ask you to send documents in response to a letter in order to collect information about the company that will be useful for other fraud schemes. Last year, a group of scammers managed to scam a lot of people by using the "fax paper request" distraction.

When an accountant or manager read this, he immediately cursed the tax office, “There are mammoths sitting there, e-mine!” and switched his thoughts from the letter itself to solving technical problems with sending.

2. Letters from "banks"

Windows blockers and ransomware can hide in fake letters not only from government organizations, but also from banks. The messages “A loan has been taken in your name, check out the lawsuit” can really scare and cause a great desire to open the file.

Also, a person can be persuaded to enter a fake personal account, offering to see the accrued bonuses or receive a prize that he won in the Sberbank Lottery.

Less often, scammers send invoices to pay service fees and additional interest on a loan, for 50-200 rubles, which are easier to pay than to deal with.

3. Letters from "colleagues"/"partners"

Some people receive dozens of business letters with documents during the working day. With such a load, you can easily fall for the "Re:" tag in the subject line and forget that you have not corresponded with this person yet.

Especially if the poisoner field says "Alexander Ivanov", "Ekaterina Smirnova" or any simple Russian name that absolutely does not linger in the memory of a person who constantly works with people.

If the goal of fraudsters is not to collect SMS payments for unlocking Windows, but to harm a particular company, then letters with viruses and phishing links can be sent on behalf of real employees. A list of employees can be collected in social networks or viewed on the company's website.

If a person sees a letter in the mailbox from a person from a neighboring department, then he doesn’t look closely at it, he can even ignore antivirus warnings and open the file no matter what.

4. Letters from Google/Yandex/Mail

Google sometimes sends emails to Gmail owners saying that someone tried to log into your account or that Google Drive has run out of space. Fraudsters successfully copy them and force users to enter passwords on fake sites.

Fake letters from the "administration of the service" are also received by users of Yandex.Mail, Mail.ru and other mail services. Standard legends are: “your address has been blacklisted”, “password has expired”, “all emails from your address will be added to the spam folder”, “look at the list of undelivered emails”. As in the previous three paragraphs, the main weapons of criminals are the fear and curiosity of users.

How to protect yourself?

Install an antivirus on all your devices to automatically block malicious files. If for some reason you do not want to use it, then check all at least slightly suspicious email attachments for virustotal.com

Never enter passwords manually. Use password managers on all devices. They will never offer you the option of passwords to enter on fake sites. If for some reason you do not want to use them, then manually type the URL of the page on which you are going to enter the password. This applies to all operating systems.

Wherever possible, enable SMS password verification or two-factor authentication. And of course, it is worth remembering that you cannot send scans of documents, passport data and transfer money to strangers.

Perhaps many of the readers, when looking at the screenshots of letters, thought: “Am I a fool to open files from such letters? From a mile away you can see that this is a set-up. I won't bother with a password manager and two-factor authentication. I'll just be careful."

Yes, most of the fraudulent emails can be exposed by eye. But this does not apply when the attack is directed specifically at you.

The most dangerous spam is personal

If a jealous wife wants to read her husband's mail, then Google will offer her dozens of sites that offer the service "Hacking mail and profiles in social networks without prepayment."

The scheme of their work is simple: they send high-quality phishing emails to a person, which are carefully composed, neatly laid out and take into account the personal characteristics of a person. Such scammers sincerely try to hook a specific victim. They find out from the customer her social circle, tastes, weaknesses. It may take an hour or more to develop an attack on a specific person, but the effort pays off.

If the victim is caught, they send the customer a screen of the box and ask them to pay (the average price is about $100) for their services. After the receipt of money, they send a password from the box or an archive with all letters.

It often happens that when a person receives a letter with a link to the file "Compromising evidence video on Tanya Kotova" (hidden keylogger) from his brother, he is filled with curiosity. If the letter is provided with a text with details that are known to a limited circle of people, then the person immediately denies the possibility that the brother could have been hacked or that someone else is pretending to be him. The victim relaxes and disables the goddamn antivirus to open the file.

Such services can be accessed not only by jealous wives, but also by unscrupulous competitors. In such cases, the price tag is higher and the methods are thinner.

Do not rely on your attentiveness and common sense. Just in case, let an emotionless antivirus and a password manager insure you.

P.S. Why do spammers write such “stupid” emails?

Carefully crafted scam emails are a relative rarity. If you go to the spam folder, you can have fun from the heart. What kind of characters are not invented by scammers to extort money: the director of the FBI, the heroine of the Game of Thrones series, a clairvoyant who was sent to you by higher powers and he wants to tell the secret of your future for $ 15 dollars, a killer who ordered you, but he sincerely offers to pay off .

An abundance of exclamation marks, buttons in the body of the letter, a strange sender's address, an unnamed greeting, automatic translation, gross errors in the text, a clear overkill of creativity - letters in the spam folder simply "scream" about their dark origin.

Why do scammers who send their messages to millions of recipients not want to spend a couple of hours writing a neat letter and spare 20 bucks for a translator to increase the response of the audience?

In a Microsoft study Why do Nigerian Scammers Say They are from Nigeria? the question "Why do scammers continue to send letters on behalf of billionaires from Nigeria, when the general public has known about 'Nigerian letters' for 20 years," is deeply analyzed. According to statistics, more than 99.99% of recipients ignore such spam.

Imagine that you are sitting with your family on the porch of your house on a warm summer evening, sipping lemonade. What will you be talking about? Remember how you bought the latest TV model?

Satisfaction with material possessions does not last long. We can say that our mind quickly adapts to happiness. Material possessions bring us temporary pleasure. But when the euphoria of owning them wears off, we lose all interest in them.

So instead of spending money on things that will eventually become obsolete, spend them on something that will remain in your memory for a long time. After all, good impressions stay with us forever and help us become who we are.

Here is a list of 5 things you should spend less money on and 5 things you shouldn't skimp on. Use these tips to save money. After all, you can spend them on experiences and impressions that can enrich both yours and the lives of your loved ones.

So, let's first look at 5 things, saving on which will only be useful to you.


Electronics is practically vital today. But this does not mean at all that you should spend money on purchasing the latest model of this or that device or gadget. The feeling of euphoria from buying a new thing will be short-lived. Plus, a newer and better model of any device you own is likely to hit the market within the next year.

Quirks for home decorating

There will always be new themes and options on how to decorate your home. There is absolutely no need to spend hundreds of dollars to order one or another accessory seen in a magazine. There is always a way to create something with your own hands. Let it be an interesting experiment, which will also allow you to have fun with your family or friends.


Keeping up with the constantly new car market is not a good idea, unless you are able to fully pay for the purchased car until a new model goes on sale. You will simply increase your debt all the time. After all, you will have to sell a car that you recently bought for a tidy sum for much cheaper than it cost a few months ago. As a result, you will be forced to add a considerable amount to purchase this year's model.

Fashion Items

You shouldn't feel guilty about buying your own clothes, shoes, or bag from time to time. But if your shopping craze becomes obsessive, the cost of things is rising, and you are trying to get every new pair of fashionable shoes, then you should stop. Try to cut down on those kinds of purchases and try to save that money for something more useful.


Fashion and stylish jewelry nice to have not only in case of attending official events. It's nice to surprise colleagues in the office and friends at a party with beautiful accessories. And if you can afford to pay two thousand dollars for a watch, then that's just fine. However, for most of us, there is a very thin line between accessories and getting into debt because of the desire to purchase jewelry.

Now let's focus on five things that make sense to spend money on.


No other feeling in the world can compare with the feeling when you start to understand a foreign language without thinking about it at all. Although some language courses are not cheap, they are really worth it. Attending classes to study different cultures, religions, professions will open up a different world for you.

This, of course, does not mean that you should change religion or change jobs. Just the fact that you entered the class with an open mind and contributed to the storehouse of your knowledge will not be meaningless. After all, you never know when they might come in handy.


Travel can be expensive, but it leaves memories that stay with us for a lifetime, even if the trip is not very successful. After all, usually after a while, we begin to treat the troubles that have happened in life with humor. One trip to Europe can cost you as much as buying a new laptop, and a long trip can cost a little less than a car you don't need but would like to buy. Trade in all those tangibles for a night under the Northern Lights, a kiss on the Eiffel Tower, or a long backpacking hike in the Alps.


Learning to play a musical instrument can be the beginning new tradition in your family. After all, you can pass this skill on to your children, which will leave a lot of memories. You can also try yourself in different musical genres. Who knows, maybe eventually your music library will be replenished with a couple or even several dozen songs of your own composition.


Books always have a different effect on every reader who turns the pages. Using your imagination to transform the author's words into images in your head gives us a completely new and unique experience. Books never require their pages to be turned, their batteries recharged, or reloaded. These are things that can be passed down from generation to generation.


Discovering new foods goes hand in hand with traveling the world. Instead of spending a few hundred dollars on a bag, save it to try new foods when you travel somewhere. Attend culinary master classes where you will be taught how to prepare dishes from cuisines of different countries. For example, in Italy you can attend cooking classes in a vineyard. The chef will tell you how to prepare great dishes. You can take this knowledge home with you and pass it on to family and friends.

Three ladies, three writers, known to a wide and not very circle of readers, where two are closest and most familiar to me: the famous detective A. Christie, and her old lady Miss Marple for my reader's taste is a more impressive person than Poirot. And Mitchell with her Scarlet and Butler, whose history has been read "to holes" in book volumes. As for the phrase, in "Gone with the Wind" the main idea is "I'll think about it tomorrow", and Agatha Christie has solid puzzles, where solutions and thoughts are like a mosaic. Therefore, answering mnogo.ru, I chose Wulf and made the right decision. Plus 5, and the account was replenished again. But I liked the idea of ​​the writer, because trying it on modern computer mail, and our expectations related to correspondence, you really understand that behind a bunch of spam you can never wait for the main letter... the expected letter was not lost in them when it arrived. And it will definitely come!

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Psychologists are convinced that there are certain patterns of behavior that indicate that your relationship has reached an impasse or was not serious from the beginning. In addition, scientists identify individual phrases or language constructsthat can destroy relationships or signal that your partner has stopped loving you.

website compiled a list of phrases that a man in love will never say to his soulmate.

1. "I don't have to answer to you"

Loving people do not take with hostility every request to tell about something in more detail.

2. "It's not my problem" or "It's your problem"

Such phrases are an indicator that the gap is only a matter of time. If a man is not bothered by your problems, even when you frankly ask for his help, then he probably has cooled down to you.

A loving person will find time and opportunity to help, even if it will cause him some inconvenience.

3. “If something doesn’t suit you, find another”

With this phrase, a man is trying to manipulate you. He does not want to change and sincerely believes that you should come to terms with all his shortcomings. And if you don't like something - good riddance.

A loving person in most cases is ready to compromise, is not so harsh in his statements and respects the opinion of his partner.

4. "I still don't believe you"

Such a phrase is often uttered by insecure or, conversely, despotic people. They demand your excuses even in situations where you, in general, are not to blame for anything. Most likely, in this way a person is simply looking for a reason to quarrel or to part.

Loving people usually listen and hear each other.

5. "Do what you want"

This phrase speaks of the indifference and detachment of a man. He does not care how you are doing, what you will do in a difficult situation, how it will eventually be resolved. In all matters that do not directly concern him, the man invites you to do as you wish.

A loving person will show participation and help with the choice. He will not leave you at a crossroads even in a minor domestic problem. Although, perhaps, it is not worth dumping on him the decision of every little thing.

6. "You're winding yourself up"

Men usually say this phrase when they are trying to convict them of something. And there is indeed a chance that you have been making up nonsense and are now winding yourself up.

You say, “What nonsense? He says he loves me!” But in this case, the “really” enhancer is usually used in situations where the partner has done something wrong and is trying to prove that he still loves you. This phrase can be used as an excuse, an explanation for your nasty behavior.

If a person uses phrases from this list several times a day, and then declares that he still “really” loves you, most likely this is not so. The man is probably trying to manipulate your feelings.

If you don’t encounter the points from the article in a relationship at all or encounter very rarely, you have no reason to doubt the sincerity of the phrase “I love you.”

Sometimes we can hear such words from irritated, upset or offended partners. But, if a man has feelings for you, he will try never to say them.

And what phrases do you consider to be indicators that the partner has fallen out of love?