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Miracle Center - Women's Portal

» My husband sold me to friends. “My ex-husband sold me to his buddies to pay off debts” (photo)

My husband sold me to friends. “My ex-husband sold me to his buddies to pay off debts” (photo)

In the Kherson region, a young woman was brutally gang raped. Two criminals were sentenced to nine and four and a half years in prison, but then one of them escaped, and the other was acquitted and released

Giving your wife for sexual pleasure to friends or guests was once accepted only among the Chukchi reindeer herders and Australian aborigines. It is simply unthinkable to imagine such savagery now, in the 21st century, in Ukraine. Especially when you consider that his 28-year-old wife, the mother of two children, the husband gave to his friends for reprisals simply because ... he owed them money.

“I screamed, called for help to my husband and his mother, who were in the house. But no one came"

This terrible incident happened two years ago in the village of Belaya Krinitsa, Kherson region.

- In 2015, I lived with my parents in the village of Velikaya Aleksandrovka, raised two sons alone - Vlad and Kolya, - tells "FACTS" victim Svetlana Yanina. — I often went to the neighboring village of Belaya Krinitsa - my cousin lives there. On one of these visits I met Slava Chernodonsky(name and surname changed. — Auth.). We started dating and soon decided to move in together. I knew that Slava used to drink, but his relationship with me changed him. He gave up alcohol, began to earn good money. True, sometimes he continued to communicate with former friends. Of course, I didn’t like it, it happened, we had quarrels.

On that day, which is still hard for me to remember, three of Slava's friends came to visit us. They were Sergey Akimchuk, Sasha Kurdin(surnames have been changed. — Auth.) And 17-year-old Artur Nesterenko(This accused is wanted, so we indicate his real name and surname. — Auth.). They were slightly drunk, but generally behaved adequately. We ate, played cards, and when a bottle of vodka appeared on the table, I asked the guests to leave - drinking at home was useless to me.

The reaction of my common-law husband struck me. Slava turned around and… went to bed, leaving me alone with my drunken friends. I went out into the corridor to close the door behind them, and then, quite unexpectedly, the eldest of them, Sergei, turned around and punched me in the face. I fell to the floor, losing consciousness for a second. Sergei and Artur grabbed my arms and legs, dragged me into the room and threw me face down on the sofa. Arthur held my hands tightly, and Sergei raped me. Then they changed. Meanwhile, the third of the friends, Sasha, dropped his pants and sat on an armchair, waiting for his turn. I screamed, called for help to my husband, his mother, who were in the house. No one came.

- How did you manage to escape? After all, three brutal men could just cripple you to death.

- My screams were heard from the street by Arthur's grandmother - she walked around the village, looking for her grandson. Finding our door locked, she knocked on the window. My rapists got scared and ran out of the house (all this is in the case file). I lay on the couch for another ten minutes, and then I took the rope and went into the yard to hang myself. My husband “accidentally” woke up and took me out of the noose. Sobbing, I told him what had happened, asking why he had not come to the rescue. At first, Slava denied that he was sleeping and did not hear anything. But then he admitted: he understood what was happening, but was afraid to intervene.

- Horrible!

- In fact, everything is even worse: it turns out that Slava sold me to his friends. At the trial, I found out that my common-law husband repeatedly borrowed money from Sergei, borrowed alcohol from him. Slava also asked Grandmother Artur for a large sum - three thousand hryvnias. Artur admitted to the judge that Sergei asked Slava in his presence what he was going to pay. To which my ex-husband replied: “My wife will pay for me.” I compared these statements with the facts and realized that it was true. When I was raped, Slava was in the next room. He wasn't dead drunk or so tired that he couldn't hear my cries. After all, Arthur's grandmother heard them from the street. Another proof of his guilt is the door locked from the inside. We never locked it before when we were at home. Well main question: why did he leave me alone with his drunk buddies? The answer is obvious: everything that the rapists did, they did with the consent of my husband. And, of course, Slava's reaction is indicative: having learned that his friends had brutally raped me, he did not rush to find them and punish them, as any normal man would do, but told me: "It's her own fault."

* "Dmitry supports me in everything, goes to court with me, helps me forget all this horror," Svetlana says about her beloved, whom she met after the misfortune that happened to her. Photo from the website of the TV channel "Ukraine"

Svetlana called the police. Half an hour later, fourteen people arrived at the scene - two task forces and employees of the criminal investigation department.

- We found brown traces at the entrance to the house, similar to blood,- said the head of the investigative department of the Beryslav regional police department of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kherson region Oleksiy Suzovetsky. — The bed in the room was crumpled, with traces of blood. The victim herself was also in a deplorable state, beaten, with a bloodied face.

All three suspects were arrested that evening. After giving evidence, Svetlana was taken to a forensic medical examination. The woman's injuries were terrible: in addition to bruises and bruises on her face, bruises, abrasions and bruises on her genitals, perineal tears and anal fissures. The police opened criminal proceedings on the fact of gang violence in a natural and unnatural way. Measures of restraint for the accomplices were chosen differently. Artur, who fully admitted his guilt, cooperated with the investigation and testified against Sergei, was released under house arrest. Sergei, who, as it turned out, had previously been convicted four times for theft and robbery and refused to make contact with the investigation, was left in custody. The third of the accomplices suddenly turned out to be not a suspect, but a witness.

“He won’t go to jail anyway. You didn’t take the money, others will take it”

- The suspect can be made a witness if he himself changed his mind about committing a crime commented on the situation. famous lawyer Aminat Suleymanova. — That is, if Alexander, watching the rape of Svetlana, said: “We guys are doing something wrong. Let's stop,” after which he went home, of course, there would be nothing to suspect him of. But since the man was sitting with his pants down, waiting for his turn to rape the victim, but he was simply prevented from committing the crime, this man, of course, had to go through the case as an accomplice.

— I filed a claim for compensation for non-pecuniary damage- says Svetlana. — The court satisfied him only halfway: instead of the hundred thousand hryvnia that I asked for, Artur was ordered to pay me 15 thousand, and Sergei - 35 thousand. Arthur gave the money, but Sergei did not admit his guilt. He said right in the courtroom that when he came out, he would boil me and eat me. He also did not compensate me for moral damage, although his relatives came to me and, in the presence of my lawyer, offered 70,000 rubles for me to withdraw my application. But I didn't take a dime, because the rapist should be in jail. And compensation for moral damage should be legal, and not in the form of a ransom. The husband of Sergey's sister told me: “Anyway, he won't go to jail. You didn’t take the money, others will take it.” It turns out he was right.

*One of the defendants, Artur Nesterenko, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. But they didn’t have time to put him in prison, he fled to Russia, where his relatives live

After the verdict of the Veliko Aleksandrovsky District Court, according to which Sergei and Artur were found guilty of gang rape, the first of them was sentenced to nine years in prison, and the second to four and a half. They didn’t have time to imprison Arthur, he fled to Russia, where his relatives live. Sergei filed an appeal, and the case was sent to the court of first instance. True, not to Velikaya Aleksandrovka, where he had already been considered, but to Berislav.

At the stage of a new trial, when Serhiy Akimchuk was no longer in custody, but under house arrest, Alexei Sukhanov, the host of the Ukraine Speaks program on the Ukraina TV channel, managed to talk to this man on the phone. Here are excerpts from the conversation:

“Are you one of those who participated in the gang rape?» — asked Alexei Sukhanov.

What kind of rape? - Smiling, he replied. “No one raped anyone. We just came to hang out. I know that girl, Sveta. How can someone like that be raped? She gets drunk and offers herself to everyone. So she climbed up to me that day, and I pushed her away so that she wouldn’t pester.

- Hit? Sukhanov clarifies.

- Hit or pushed - I do not remember. And then we left. Don't talk about violence. We didn't have any sex at all.

“I have in my hands an appeal written by your lawyer,” says Alexei Sukhanov. - Your lawyer asks the court not to find you innocent, but to reclassify the case from rape in an unnatural way to rape in a natural way. In fact, he admits your guilt.

— Yes, I already agreed to this article. Still less time...

- If you claim that you are innocent, we are ready to test you on a lie detector. If the polygraph confirms the veracity of your words, this may be evidence in court in your favor. We won't show your face.

“I won’t go through anything. To shame me? Let Svetka pass. And it doesn't matter to me."

Svetlana underwent a polygraph examination. The lie detector showed that the woman was telling the truth.

“If my rapists are walking free, how can I be calm for the life and health of my loved ones?”

And recently the unthinkable happened. The Berislavsky District Court considered that there was not enough evidence of Sergei's guilt, acquitted him and released him.

- I'm really scared- admitted Svetlana. — I have two children, my mother and father, a 91-year-old grandmother, and a disabled grandfather. If my rapists are walking free, how can I be calm for the life and health of my loved ones? Or should we hide for the rest of our lives?

Despite the litigation, now a bright streak has come in the life of Svetlana Yanina. She has a loved one. Courageous, strong and kind, he literally and figuratively carries Sveta in his arms. The story of their acquaintance is so interesting that it is worth describing it separately.

- That day I arrived from Velikaya Aleksandrovka to Kherson for a court session- Svetlana recalls. — I had a return ticket for the evening, but while I was getting to the station, they robbed me - they grabbed my bag with all the documents, money, phone. I stood on the street and sobbed. I didn't know what to do, where to go. A tall, strong man came up to me and asked: “Why are you crying? Can I help you?"

- Seeing a crying girl, I could not pass by, - tells "FACTS" Dmitry Sapiga. — She said she was robbed. At first, I had a doubt: is this not a divorce? But Sveta did not ask for money, but, on the contrary, began to call the police. I believed her and decided to help. I went to the box office and bought a ticket. Waited for her to return from the paradise department, took her to the train. But when she left, her heart became restless. I did not know if Sveta got home, how she feels after the experience. He scolded himself for not taking her home phone number. He was so exhausted that he decided to find this girl at all costs.

Dmitry found the train crew, clarified at which station Svetlana got off (the conductor remembered a thin, upset girl - she got off at that half-station alone). Then he began to call police departments, district administrations and village councils, trying to find contacts for Svetlana Yanina (he remembered his last name when he bought the ticket). Officials gave the persistent guy information very reluctantly: why on earth was he, not a brother, not a husband, suddenly so interested in a barely familiar girl?

I couldn't even explain it to myself., - Dmitry admits. — I only knew that I couldn't. Only after four days of intense searching did I finally manage to find Sveta's address. I went to see her, but I didn’t find her at home - she was at a friend’s birthday party. I left my business card, not even hoping that she would call. But Sveta called, and then came to me. It was then, when I saw her for the second time, I realized that I would not let go again.

Dima, I can't help but ask. You decided to connect your fate not with an ordinary girl, but with a woman who received severe physical and mental injuries. Did you understand that you would have to go with her not to cafes and cinemas, but to the courts?

- He does that., - Svetlana is responsible for Dmitry. — From the time I told him everything, he has always been with me, supporting and protecting me in everything. True, it costs me a lot of work to keep him from lynching. It was especially difficult when Sergei was released...

- The only thing I wanted then,cut off this bastard his dignity and cripple him just as he crippled the Light, Dimitri can't contain his anger. — But she begged me not to. Because it will only add to the problems of the family. And we have enough difficulties...

After Sveta was raped, doctors diagnosed her as infertile. She cried a lot - she and Dmitry wanted a common child, a girl. When the lovers realized that this was impossible, they began to think about taking the baby from the shelter.

- God helped me to survive this whole nightmare, Svetlana says. — I started going to church and praying. Confessed, took communion. My confessor advised me to forgive the offenders. I try not to be angry with them and pray more. And you know, the Lord heard my prayers. Two months ago, a miracle happened: contrary to the forecasts of doctors, I became pregnant! In the near future, Dima and I are going to sign. God willing, we will give birth to a healthy baby. And I will forever forget all this horror. Yes, of course, I would like the rapists to be convicted according to the law, and even filed an appeal against the acquittal. But even if human judgment leaves them unpunished, I know that they will not escape God's judgment.

28.06.2018 04:00

I got the apartment from my mother. Mom and dad made good money and could afford to buy an apartment.

Dad died early, left us for another woman, though he acted nobly, transferred all the property to mom, and he left with one suitcase.

Mom and I were alone. Mom met a foreigner, married him and drove off abroad, somewhere in Belgium.

So at nineteen I lived in my own apartment, beautiful and free.

On the Internet, I met a young man, his name was Misha. For a while we corresponded, he wrote me all sorts of nonsense, but I liked these nonsense.

After exchanging photos, we agreed to meet, he invited me to a small but very cozy cafe.

We chatted all evening. After the cafe, Misha walked me home and I invited him for a cup of tea.

Of course, he stayed with me until the morning, and in the morning I was pleasantly surprised. Misha cooked an amazing breakfast and brought it to me in bed.

Misha and I met more and more often, and in the end he moved in with me, bringing all his things.

Misha didn’t have his own apartment, he lived with his parents, although I never visited them and didn’t get to know his parents, he didn’t call, but I didn’t insist.

They didn’t seem to live badly, they worked, he was a realtor, he sold apartments, I worked at a company, my mother arranged for a friend.

I got pregnant, gave birth to a beautiful baby, named Victoria,

We didn’t want to sign, or rather he didn’t want to, he always said why we need stamps in our passports, we already live well, we’ll spend the saved money on a land plot, he has already looked after.

Supervised site, Mishka bought, as he wanted. The site was somewhere not far from the city, around nature, the birds sing, not a site, but a dream.

Mishka began to persuade me to sell the apartment in order to build his own house. At first, I did not agree, but Misha began to put pressure on his daughter.

Like a child, we simply do not bypass fresh air, closeness to nature, flowers there, birds, animals.

I just imagined how our daughter is playing on the lawn near the house, the birds are singing around, and there is greenery around and no gas pollution for you, then I immediately agreed.

Mishka sold my two-room apartment and rented a small, cozy apartment for us.

Mishka himself began construction of our large and beautiful house, we were already shown the project and even the layout of our house.

But one day Mikhail did not return and stopped answering the phone. Naturally, I began to worry and wind myself up.

I called every hospital, every police station, every morgue in the city. And in one of the morgues, there was a guy with such signs, but without documents.

My heart skipped a beat and a chill ran down my spine. Having collected the child, I rushed to the morgue. He was not in the morgue.

Remembering his parents, I rushed to them. Although I had never been to them, I knew the address, I saw it somehow in Misha's passport and remembered it.

Arriving there, I went up to the fourth floor and called. The door was opened by some drunken overgrown man and said that he did not know such a thing.

And in general, he cannot remember who he registered everyone in his apartment, because he registered everyone who pays well, and sometimes, just for a couple, three bubbles.

Coming out of the entrance, I had absolutely no idea where and how else to look, my Misha.

I was very tired and wanted to eat. My little Vika also began to act up and began to cry. We went home.

The next day, continuing to look for Misha, I went to the construction site.

On the site, there was a trailer and some kind of boards, logs, bricks lay around. Suddenly, a man stepped out of the trailer, followed by a woman.

The man turned around, it was Misha, and some woman was with him, and it was immediately clear that it was not his sister.

I threw a huge scandal, expressed everything that I thought about him and demanded a refund for my apartment.

He yelled at me to get out of his own plot, and he is not going to return the money and that, she will never prove that she once gave him money.

I filed a lawsuit for fraud. Well, the father helps and hired lawyers and took me and my daughter to his place, otherwise they stayed with the baby on the street.

A story from one of our editor's friends. She is 34, her husband is 37, and in their relationship they do not live a day without any jokes and jokes on each other. One of these jokes almost turned into a family drama. We decided to tell this story in the first person so that our readers can feel the situation, so to speak, “from the inside”.

How it all started

In the spring of 2017, my husband and I went to Egypt for 3 weeks. We planned to have fun, swim in the Red Sea, look at the pyramids, buy a couple of souvenirs for friends and relatives. Such, if you like, a classic recreation program. We took a good double room in one of the four-star hotels in Hurghada. From the cultural program, we did not particularly plan anything, except for a trip to the pyramids of Giza. But fate decreed otherwise.

Beach at the hotel

7 days have passed since checking into the hotel and Maxim (husband) got tired of, as he put it, "hanging around all day in this rotten hotel." As a result, every day he bought from the guides who are attached to the hotel various kinds of excursions. First it was diving. I'm afraid to dive myself, but he dived for 3 hours on corals and fish to watch. Beautiful, of course, but terribly expensive! The second time he took a camel tour, the group and I rode through the desert with small rest stops. Extraordinarily great! Here I was very interested - I liked the camels, and the views of the desert along with the sea are simply amazing during sunset. After 2 days in the morning, my husband offered to ride again with a group in the desert, but already on ATVs. Agreed without hesitation.

Wild extreme on quad bikes

These quad bikes can be ridden alone or in pairs.

I'm a little afraid of high speeds, extreme sports and other dangers, so I began to doubt myself and even thought about abandoning the tour. And Maxim has already paid for everything, and the tour starts in 4 hours. At first my husband laughed at me, but then he reassured me that we would ride together on a double ATV. After 5 hours we were already driving with a group through the desert. The group was led by two guides - the chief rode at the head of the column, and the assistant closed. It was very hot and pretty soon I was sweating all over, like the rest. After another hour, everyone was already pretty tired, so the guide suggested that the whole group drive to the Bedouin camp. Like, there we will rest, and we will drink water, and we will get acquainted with outlandish people. I assured them that they knew each other well, so they would welcome us there. I have no doubt that he had some additional interest from this.

We arrived, it means to the Bedouin camp, and there ... everything is like with normal people, they just live in tents. Water, electricity, microwaves, TVs - everything is. Children run around, women cook. Everything is like in an ordinary Russian village, only around the desert. This is the first thing I thought. And in vain, because the traditions here turned out to be quite wild!

When we were about to leave the Bedouin camp, the main guide approached my husband and asked Maxim WHETHER HE WOULD NOT SELL HE WIFE for 40 camels. At the same time, I stand next to my husband! Max turns to me and begins to laugh slyly, as he does when he comes up with some kind of witty, in his opinion, joke. This time his joke was that he agreed to sell me. Very funny, yes. This idiot said through laughter to the guide “OK! Give 40 camels now.” I also began to chuckle myself. In 2017, giving a wife for camels is ridiculous. And I honestly thought that the guide just wanted to joke. It turned out not.

The guide went to his assistant, they discussed something in a raised tone for 10 minutes. Then the assistant guide got on the quad bike and started shouting to the group to get everyone on the road. Well, my husband and I also went to our war horse. And then, in the best traditions of cinema, our guide grabs my hand and drags me towards one of the tents. Out of the corner of my eye I see that Maxim continues to walk towards the ATV. I panic, I start screaming and calling for help.

The husband came running in a moment and began to beat the guide with all his might. He has the same misunderstanding and horror in his eyes, just like I had seconds ago. And then a crowd of camels is brought to us. Silent scene. The meaning of what is happening reaches us, I begin to laugh hysterically, and my husband has panic in his eyes. He speaks English at the fifth grade level. He does not understand how to clearly explain something here, but he is clearly not going to give me up without a fight. What is happening in the head of the guys on ATVs at this moment is a mystery to me.

To explain to the guide that this is all a joke of her husband and the deal will not take long. According to the guide, I really liked the local rich Bedouin, and since he had already brought camels, the deal was made. We argued until my husband got tired of all this - he just showed an indecent gesture to the guide and dragged me by the hand to the ATV. I would prefer that he carried me in his arms at this moment. It's all his fault, after all. Upon arrival, I forced my joker to apologize to the guide and pay a good tip on top, otherwise he would come to the hotel with the police.

In general, they are a very unusual couple, on trips they constantly get into idiotic situations and create incredible problems for themselves from scratch. But their stories in the company are the most interesting to listen to. When there is time, we will definitely ask the editor to visit this friend and record a few more for our site.

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Hello! I want to tell my story.

I myself am a small businessman, trying to feed my family, I can earn something. Even that spring, I decided to please my husband, to buy him a fresher car so that he would not drive in a wreck.

He works as a security guard, the cat cried for salaries. That's why I decided to make a gift. Before buying, we agreed: you sell your old car for 100 thousand rubles, and return this money to me. Moreover, he chose a car for 500 thousand rubles, despite the fact that I allocated only 400 thousand.

I set a time frame: for him to do it within a month. Can you? "Yes," he said he would. It was necessary to slightly repair the old typewriter, which was on the move, paint and start selling. He even warned that he would take time off from work, and for a month he would be preparing and selling cars.

But in the end, everything was somehow forgotten, spun in the bustle. I remembered after 4-5 months, and I'm interested in how the car is actually being sold. As it turned out, he didn't even do it. Some excuses that one of my friends promised to buy, but pulls. And nothing concrete... So another month passed. Again I ask: "Well, how?". In response, I hear only rudeness: "Well, it started up again, get out of here." And at any attempt to start a conversation, he boils, gets angry and rude.

And then I thought: "But this is a real scammer." As an entrepreneur, I understand that the other party to the contract has not fulfilled the agreements, and is not even going to explain anything to me, and it seems that this money will not be returned. This is what the people call "scam".

I have had such cases in my business, I even got sick because of this, and my husband and I fiercely condemned those who did not fulfill the terms of the contract. In those cases, I had to resort to both pressure and attraction of mutual acquaintances, and I always sought a return.

But in this case, we are talking about a native person. Why he does this, I don't understand.

And then I remembered, but it has always been like this. He talked about some "ways to earn extra money", I gave him money, even got a loan, and as a result, then everything was blurred, forgotten, and he never managed to earn extra money and increase money. Any attempts to find out when there will be "fat", he severely suppressed, rude. Needless to say, he didn't miss work. But I've already come to terms with the fact that he can't make money. As if he has a block: earn no more than 30 thousand rubles and do not fuss. It cannot jump above this threshold. Yes, I don't need it anymore.

But how can a close person not understand that he hurts me with such an attitude and neglect. I can't even sleep, this situation torments me so much. Some mental immaturity? Misunderstanding of simple human things?

Why do you think this is happening? If he had explained, I would have understood. But he doesn't even want to explain. Why is he behaving irresponsibly? We're adults after all. But all my words are like peas on the wall. Maybe I don't understand something?