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» Clown tattoo meaning. The meaning of tattoos: clown, jester, joker Sketches of a clown ono

Clown tattoo meaning. The meaning of tattoos: clown, jester, joker Sketches of a clown ono

Clowns are an invariable attribute of childhood. Someone loves them, someone is afraid. However, one cannot deny the fact that clowns are present at all circus performances. There are also people who have achieved success and fame precisely because of their profession. The history of the emergence of clowns or jesters is quite interesting. He found his reflection in tattoos relatively recently. But the meaning of the image of a clown can differ significantly from the usual for many. World cinema has also played a big role in this.

Jesters at the throne ... The beginning of the profession

It is customary to call a jester a person who lives in a rich house. His duties include entertaining and amusing not only the owner, but also his family, friends, guests. The cap, which ended with three long ends, was considered unchanged in the image of a jester. There is an opinion that this symbolizes donkey ears and tail. Since in the early Middle Ages it was the costume of this animal that was considered traditional for carnivals.

The peculiarity of the jesters was that they could say whatever they please. Only the king allowed them to criticize his personality or actions, to ridicule the authorities. Often, not only people with good acting data, but mentally ill people became jesters. Also, according to experts, Ivan the Fool was the image of a jester in Russian folklore. It was this person who was opposed to the kings, the boyars. His stupidity helped him win all the competitions. A clown tattoo, the photos of which are quite diverse, can also apply to this fairy-tale hero.

Tattoo: happy clown on the chest in the style of realism

Clowns in the modern world

Currently, the profession of a clown is also quite common. In variety or circus art, many representatives of this profession work either in pairs or in groups. Also popular is the technique in which the clown pulls one of the spectators onto the stage or arena of the circus. In many performances, members of this profession fill in the pauses during which workers assemble or remove stunt structures. Many clowns are generalists. They can work as trainers, strongmen or gymnasts. Clowns are also known, who, after leaving the profession, became recognized actors in the dramatic genre. These include the famous Yuri Nikulin.

Clown on tattoos

Did you know? Jester pea - that's what they called clowns at the palace in Rus'. This name arose because of the attributes of people involved in entertainment. Often the jester held in his hand a rattle filled with peas. Also, some individuals decorated themselves with straw, from pea sprouts, which complemented the image. A clown tattoo, the meaning of which is ambiguous, can also contain this interesting detail.

sad clown tattoo

Clown tattoo meaning

Despite the fact that the purpose of the clown is to entertain and amuse, there are many people with a panic fear of people who look like jesters. Clown tattoos are divided into two types: good and evil character. And if the first one is characterized by a good-natured smile, sincere laughter, bright colors, then the second one can have many bloody elements, a smile, evil facial features. Accordingly, the meaning of a clown tattoo, the sketch of which may be different, will be different. For example:

  • laughing clown - a sign of carelessness and fun. Often such a tattoo is chosen by those who are called the "soul of the company." They are easy-going, joyfully meet adversity, always ready to play a trick on someone, but in a kind way;
  • luck . Still, jesters always played for luck. They could both be encouraged and punished for a harsh word. Therefore, a tattoo with this character can distinguish a gentleman of fortune who is trying to beat fate.;
  • talent. Interestingly, many images of the clown are directly related to card players. For them, such a tattoo means a high level of professionalism.;
  • an evil clown is the personification of crime, aggression. It can mean a tendency to sadism. In another explanation, the image of a terrible jester is a betrayal that left a mark on the soul of a person.

Evil clown tattoo

The Joker is another kind of clown

Many are familiar with the well-known image of the Joker - the "joker", which is part of a special deck of cards. Most often, he can replace any card, so the Joker has many faces. This is the name of a well-known adversary of Batman. He is presented in the form of a clown, with a wide and creepy smile. Pretends to be an illusionist and a card sharper. The Joker has a high level of intelligence, chess abilities. He loves chemistry, even created his own poison. Differs in cruelty, deceit. Mentally unwell.

Chicano style clown tattoo

I made a tattoo with a clown a long time ago, succumbing to the persuasion of friends. Still, I always make everyone laugh. This image fits my personality perfectly. My kind clown is my friend. He smiles even when I'm sad. My daughter especially likes it.

Alexey, Moscow.

Clown tattoo in watercolor style

Clowns in cinema

Clowns are quite colorful characters, at least due to their appearance. That is why they are so loved in the cinema. In the same Batman, in addition to the Joker, there was also Harley Quinn, also based on the style of jesters. The adaptation of Stephen King's novel It also features an evil clown capable of instilling fear in adults.

Did you know? Coulrophobia is the name given to the fear of clowns. In America, there is also the concept of a "scary clown" - an image created by horror films. This plays a role in the fact that more and more children see something frightening in these cheerful creatures.

Evil clown tattoo with cigar

House of the Clowns, filmed in 1988, is another film based on the fear of clowns. In it, the usual friendly jesters were replaced by people who had escaped from a psychiatric hospital. The main characters, one of whom suffers from coulorophobia, will have to endure not the most fun night.

The clown on my tattoo is too dark. But at the time, I thought that was the way it should be. But, as it turned out, life is changing. Now I want to refine the image a little, give the clown softness. Although this drawing went through a lot with me, and, in principle, I like it. I advise many people to think carefully about how their clown will look like.

Oleg, Omsk.

Video compilation of tattoos with clowns

At all times, people who give fun to others have been very popular. These were interesting personalities who were always in the center of everyone's attention, participated in the celebrations, and were close to famous historical figures.

Clowns and jesters had an ugly appearance, were always funny and brightly dressed. They were considered not very smart, but this is an erroneous opinion. Their main function was to amuse and entertain people, but not with simple jokes and tricks, but by ridiculing actions or qualities of character, behavior. And for this, you see, you need to have a sharp mind, talent, the ability to cheat.

Nowadays, a tattoo depicting such a funny person is very popular. But clown, jester and joker have different meanings, although they are somewhat similar to each other.

The clown is an intelligent character. He knows how to laugh at failures, but he knows when to be serious. A clown tattoo means that a person easily and laughingly solves problems, overcomes difficulties.

But sometimes the clown is very scary. The image of an evil clown means pain, anger or fear. Often such a tattoo is done in order to overcome the fear that the clown symbolizes.

In addition to fun and aggression, the image of a clown can carry a symbol of sadness. Then this character is depicted as sad, with a tear flowing down his cheek. A sad clown tattoo is a sign of unhappiness, sadness.

It happens that the clown is depicted with a weapon. This tattoo is a symbol of destruction. A clown without a body is a symbol of anger, a tattoo of a clown with a red nose means hatred.

The most suitable places to get a clown tattoo are on the back, chest, shoulder or arm.

The jester tattoo has different meanings. It means that a person is not as simple as he tries to show himself, he is very quick-witted, wise. If a person plays card games, then the jester tattoo symbolizes excitement, the desire for risk, danger, fraud.

Just like the clown, the jester can be sad. A sad jester tattoo symbolizes the inner state of a person, his soul, the desire to remove masks, not to pretend to be anyone.

Of particular importance is the joker tattoo. This is a very popular pattern borrowed from a deck of cards. Such a tattoo symbolizes a gambler, a player, a swindler. The Joker tattoo gained popularity after the movie The Dark Knight was released. In it, the Joker is a crazy, but smart and resourceful villain. The joker tattoo symbolizes a controversial, extreme, risky person.

Sometimes the joker is represented as a woman. This is a symbol of the variability of life, the insidiousness of fortune. Such a tattoo means that you need to rely only on your own strengths and capabilities, not trusting anyone.

A tattoo depicting a joker, clown or jester has a deep meaning, because behind the mask of a laughing simpleton hides a strange person who only sticks to the image of a fool. In fact, under the mask of stupidity and strangeness, there is a mind, cunning, excitement, and out-of-the-box thinking.

What do you associate clowns with? Most people will answer that with laughter, joy and entertainment. While others are sure that clowns are evil and dangerous creatures. Moreover, they make themselves tattoos for these reasons! What does a clown tattoo mean, why are they depicted as evil and how to choose an original sketch?

History of clowning

Now we know the name of the great Nikulin, we associate clowns with children's holidays or, in extreme cases, with delicious food (a reference to Ronald McDonald). But the image of clowns has been familiar to mankind since ancient Egypt. Often the mention of this character is found in various medieval writings. The clown of those times bore little resemblance to the present.

First, clowns did not exist for cute fun, but for ridicule. The difference between these concepts seems to be obvious. Clowns could even be sacrificed! Sounds like a scene from a stupid American movie. But this character could really be used by the "master" for bloody purposes.

Secondly, "free" clowns often traveled with gypsies, spent time in the company of lower class people, prostitutes. At the same time, "jolly people" often dressed in cast-offs. Part of the influence of this can be seen in contemporary circus costumes. Perhaps patches and over-sized clothing are not just for fun. And it is a well-established element of that, medieval shabby image.

Gradually, the image of clowns became more cheerful and kinder. They became regular participants in circus performances and favorites of the public. The merry fellows brightened up the time between the rest of the numbers, and the children reacted especially enthusiastically to them. Thanks to the spread of fairs and circuses, clowns eventually acquired a modern look.

What does an evil clown tattoo mean?

One source of the use of the evil clown in tattoos is already clear - a reference to that medieval character. But besides this, there are a number of interesting possible reasons.

Look at the modern clown - exaggerated smiles, bright makeup, flashy colors, high-pitched laughter. Although children love such performances, very young ones are more likely to be frightened. No wonder, because in the image of a clown there really is something frightening. This is noticed not only by ordinary people, but also by high-ranking creators. For example, the world-famous writer of scary books Stephen King devoted the whole book “It” to the image of the evil clown Penny Wise. The story was filmed and still makes goosebumps run along the spine.

So sometimes using the image of an evil clown in a tattoo can be a reference to a frightening childhood memory. For some, such a negative impression even became the cause of coulrophobia (the official name for the fear of clowns). Both laughter and sin: 82 out of 100 random people surveyed admitted that they had rather negative emotions towards clowns. This is due to the excessive brightness and unpredictability of the character. And directors and writers are cultivating this image with might and main. It turns out that someone can get a tattoo with the face of an evil clown in order to face fear.

Also, a clown tattoo is an indication of the duality of the symbol. On the one hand, he is cheerful, sincere and puts all emotions on display. On the other hand, the real face is densely painted over with makeup, hiding the true mood. To a certain extent, this is a reference to the eternal struggle of light and darkness.

An evil clown tattoo may indicate that the wearer is repressing their dark desires or even prone to violence. It is also a possible indication of the dark side of human nature. After all, even King's character was actually human.

Evil Clown Tattoo Ideas

The evil clown tattoo is not tied to a particular style. This may be an exaggerated cartoon image. And even more impressive are realistic portraits of clowns, like any tattoos of wickedness, monsters and the dead.

There are some interesting ideas on how to depict the image of an evil clown in a tattoo:

  • gangster clown - armed, with appropriate attributes, often supplemented with inscriptions in the style chicano;
  • a bloody clown - often with murder items;
  • copying the image of a clown from the movie "It";
  • head of a toy clown with an evil expression, grin.

To convey all the details of the chosen image, it is important to allocate a “comfortable” place for the tattoo. It should be even and large enough. Shoulders, back, forearms, calves and chest are well suited.

Sometimes a clown tattoo can simply indicate the profession of its owner. And an evil image can be just a specific manifestation of humor. In any case, the main thing is that the drawing is filled with high quality and pleases its wearer.

The clown is always associated with a holiday, jokes, fun and laughter. Unforgettable moments of childhood are associated with him, when, coming to a circus performance, with bated breath, they expected the appearance of a funny person in the arena, performing all sorts of tricks and amusing the audience with sparkling jokes.

Clown tattoo

Given the ambivalent attitude towards clowns, in the art of underwear painting clown tattoo usually depicted as good and evil. After all, someone gladly perceives the artists of this genre, and someone feels fear.

The main purpose of entertainment genre artists is to make the audience laugh and amuse. Therefore, most often clown tattoo carries positive emotions: a good-natured facial expression, eyes sparkling with laughter, bright colors. And the evil character looks sullen, with a wry smile, an extinct look and evil features. Given the contradictory meaning of the image, clown tattoo sketch will also differ. Yes, they have different meanings.

So what does clown tattoo mean:

  • The smiling clown characterizes its owner as a carefree and cheerful person, who can boldly be called the "soul of the company." They meet all the hardships on their way with a sense of humor and are always ready to play a good joke on themselves and others;
  • Luck, success, furor. From time immemorial, jesters served at court, and for their jokes they received either punishment or encouragement. Therefore, their life has always depended on luck. To become a darling of fate - this is the purpose of the clownish outfit, behind which lies a person who is able to win and go to the goal "without fear and reproach";
  • The talent of the player and the winner. joker clown tattoo is directly related to the game of cards and testifies to the high skill of its owner;
  • The crying clown is an expression of melancholy, a person prone to pessimism and forced to play against his own rules;
  • Evil clown tattoo personified with cruelty, aggression, sadism, hidden under the mask of a jester. Sometimes a betrayal is hidden behind the image of an evil clown, which left an indelible mark on a person’s soul. Then the mask of the jester is a parody of the inconsistency of life, when something bright, kind, bright turns under the yoke of circumstances into dark and gloomy.

scary clown tattoo, most likely inspired by cinematic images of villains dressed in a buffoon's outfit of a clown. The Joker is Batman's main adversary. Mentally ill people dressed as clowns from the movie House of Clowns.

Studio "Broken unbeaten" offers to make tattoo clown on hand, leg and other parts of the body. Masters complete information about clown tattoo meaning for men, and women, will help you make a choice and make an image at a high level. Our address: St. Petersburg, st. Chernyakhovsky, 5.