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» Handpoke tattoo is an original style of tattoo. Stick-and-Poke (Hand Poke) - the simplest style of tattoo without problems Video: Sketches and photos of a tattoo in the style of Handpoke

Handpoke tattoo is an original style of tattoo. Stick-and-Poke (Hand Poke) - the simplest style of tattoo without problems Video: Sketches and photos of a tattoo in the style of Handpoke

If you dream of being special, get yourself a handpoke tattoo in the salon, you will stand out from the crowd.

Wearable drawings have become very widespread in modern society, and all because they give the image a style. Due to the fact that art does not stand still, today there is a huge variety of tattoo styles and methods of applying them, and today we will talk about one of them. It's about a handpoke tattoo.

Handpoke style is one of the ways of applying underwear patterns, which consists of two words, which in English means “hand” - hand, “poke” - pierce. Simply put, applying a tattoo in this style does not require any special equipment, machines, etc.

You obviously ask how to make a handpoke tattoo? Interestingly, handpoke tattoos involve drawing an image on the body with a sterile needle and a special pigment. Often, sketches of a handpoke tattoo do not differ in their complexity, but rather the opposite. They are unpretentious lungs, and plots simple. All of these attributes have made it one of the most popular styles among aspiring tattoo artists looking to gain experience and get their hands on it.

This style goes hand in hand with another popular trend - minimalism. As we already know, such drawings are distinguished by their simplicity or even primitivism. Size, In most cases, small. These tattoos look cool and fashionable they are neat and beautiful and are suitable for those who do not want to immediately clog a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with a tattoo.

About technology

Handpoke technique differs from others in that the image, or inscriptions or patterns are stuffed only with black paint. Handpoke tattoos are only black and white, color they are not allowed to be, because a tattoo is stuffed simple needles and just one pigment. In addition, it should be noted that this style of application involves roughness and unevenness that will not spoil the work and appearance of the image.

Sketches of this style express some rebelliousness, sometimes they are playful or even indecent content, and sometimes they carry an acutely social and / or satirical message.

A bit of history

The history of the handpoke tattoo originates in ancient times, when tattoos were applied with stone and bone needles. Handpoke is also called stick and poke (stick & poke), which literally means "stick and hand." Previously, stuffing tattoos in this way was a good tradition, but today it is just a way of self-expression and a good practice for tattoo artists.

At a time when a tattoo meant belonging to a tribe or people, not everyone could get it. Only a select few were honored. Then the master of wearable drawings for a long, long time applied the image to the surface of the skin with a special bone needle, each time dipping it in a special paint on a natural basis.

And even though, over time, tattoo artists have moved away from this method of applying wearable drawings, in some tribes of Asia this tradition has still been preserved. Not only that, big admirers of the style are specifically looking for masters who own this ancient technique and are ready to give a fortune to get a handpoke tattoo.

What do you need to know?

If you are a big fan of wearable drawings, or already have a couple of them on your body, drawings in this style will help you diversify the overall picture. They can easily become a part sleeves or exist independently.

In order to make such a tattoo, you will need a master who knows this technique. Handpoke set usually consists of handpoke tattoo needle and special paint, but some tattoo artists are sophisticated and use homemade machines from motors, pencils and tape. First they learn and then they reach a high level in handpoke.

Homemade cars for "beginners"

Make a tattoo today you can almost anywhere, but this does not mean that you need to run to the first studio that comes across. Carefully study the portfolio, read reviews and only then sign up for a consultation. During the conversation, you can immediately clarify tattoo cost and also find out how to care for a tattoo and is it possible to do it locally overlap tattoo, if there is such a need. Please note that when referring to good master you don't have to suffer the consequences of a failed session. On the contrary, the picture will please you and bring aesthetic pleasure.


The meaning of a handpoke tattoo is individual for everyone, because any person endows the drawing with his own meaning. However, the style is still rebellious.

Swear words, obscene images and more are applied to the body, but this is not all tattoo ideas. Handpoks are mostly small and neat. It may be primitive pattern, the inscription either cross or broken heart.

Handpoke can be performed not so carefully, because not all men carefully approach the choice of a master. On the body, they apply simple images that do not require shading and a variety of colors. You can often find a cartoon bunny, a tattoo of a lion or a wolf, etc.


Get a tattoo- it's not difficult, but you need to be fully equipped. We recommend you:

  1. Make sure that all needles are well disinfected, because health is above all, especially when it comes to this method of applying underwear.
  2. Remember that the quality of a tattoo directly depends on the skill of the tattoo artist and his experience. We do not recommend visiting beginner tattoo masters, because it is quite possible that with their light hand you will have to wear a partak on your body all your life
  3. As for the drawing, choose simple images made in one color and then you will be happy.
  4. Aftercare. Do you often ask how long does a tattoo heal? Such a body pattern will heal exactly the same as a regular one, but it all depends on your individual skin characteristics and ability to regenerate. Drawing needs to be taken care of. Rinse it, smear it with ointment and never peel off the crusts. If you follow all our recommendations, the tattoo will last you a long time and will look cool and impressive.


We bring to your attention a photo review of a handpoke tattoo. These tattoos are handmade with pointed designs or homemade tattoo machines, specifically to create tattoos that just look somehow different than the work done on a professional tattoo machine.

Stick and poke tattoos in their original form appeared in ancient times. IN modern world they are popular mainly with novice tattoo artists and tattoo lovers who need to develop skills in the art of applying underwear images. Therefore, young professionals inject such tattoos on their own, or practice on their fellows. But this style is gradually penetrating into professional tattoo parlors, and it has more and more fans.

Let's take a closer look at the features and distinctive features tattoo stick and poke.

The history of the style

Such an offshoot in tattoo art as Stick and Poke in its original form appeared even among the ancient tribes, whose representatives applied drawings to the body using sharp stones or bone needles. In the era of modernity, images are stuffed by hand, without the use of special equipment, sometimes on their own at home or in underground tattoo studios by inexperienced novice masters.

This is what gave the style such names as Handpoke and Homepoke. Also, the appearance of these pictures is also attributed to the prison environment, where the prisoners stuffed them themselves.

The main differences and sketches of Handpoke tattoos

The main feature of Stick and Poke images is simplicity and triviality, which manifests itself in the absence of complex lines and shapes. It is better not to choose unique drawings with a large number of small elements with difficult drawing, because step-by-step hand-made work without additional equipment will take a lot of time, and the result may not always turn out the way you plan. That is why you do not need to drive yourself and the master into a specific framework.

Another significant difference between a hand poke tattoo is monochrome, the absence of a riot of colors and rich shades. Basically, the images are applied using black ink. It is very rare to see red in the same way.

Additionally, some more distinctive features of the Hand poked tattoo can be noted:

  • These images are relatively cheaper than traditional machine-made tattoos;
  • The process of applying step by step less traumatizes the skin and is less painful than when using equipment, and the tattoo itself does not peel off and heals much faster;
  • With the right location on the body, it would seem that the most ordinary and unremarkable picture looks quite original and aesthetically pleasing, and the roughness and irregularities give it even more originality and uniqueness;
  • But there is one drawback - handPoke tattoos are less durable than professional ones, and fade much faster, especially on areas of the body that are subject to constant pollution or washing. But this minus can also be a plus, which is expressed in the possibility of renting funny or strange drawings for a while before deciding to stick a long-term picture on the body.

Sketches of handpoke tattoos mainly contain the following unpretentious and simple images:

  • cartoon characters;
  • A variety of symbols and emoticons;
  • Drawings in the form of animals;
  • Musical designations;
  • Inscriptions on different languages and hieroglyphs;
  • Other extraordinary pictures that convey the spirit of rebellion, protest and freedom.

Most often, tattoos are stuffed in such places as:

  • Wrist;
  • Shoulder;
  • Hip;
  • Biceps;
  • Back;
  • Stomach;
  • Fingers (for small pictures).

But you can not be limited to a specific area on the body and place the tattoo almost anywhere. Stick'n'poke tattoos are ideal for courageous and determined people with character who are ready to defend their own position in life, because not everyone will understand the meaning of the chosen pattern and believe that it was intentionally pricked, and was not the result of a negligent specialist's mistake.

Handpoke Tattoo Equipment and Application Precautions

To prick patterns in this style, various types of needles are used or machines are created from improvised materials. Strings, pens, a pencil and electrical tape, motors from radio-controlled toys are used. In general, everything is used for which there is enough imagination and skills. On our website you can find diagrams and instructions aimed at educating on this topic about how.

The choice of paint for work at home must be approached with great care. It is worth placing an order in a specialized online store or purchasing materials from the masters. Do not buy cheap paint from unknown sellers, otherwise it can hurt later.

But it is best to initially choose a proven tattoo studio and a professional tattoo artist who, in comfortable and sterile conditions, will gradually transfer the sketch to your body.

If you still decide to make a tattoo at home:

  • Choose the right people with at least minimal knowledge of tattoo art and the right tools to help make the process as safe as possible;
  • All equipment, down to the container for ink or paint, must be thoroughly disinfected;
  • It is better to first ignite the needle over the fire, and then sprinkle it with alcohol;
  • It is necessary to regularly remove blood and ink from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the drawing is pricked. This must be done after every 3-4 punctures;
  • The first time after applying the image, it must be carefully looked after, treating the clogged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with a special ointment and fragrance-free lotion.

Only by following all the above instructions, you can decorate your body with a simple, but at the same time original pattern, while eliminating the risk of infection and harm to health.

Video: Sketches and photos of a tattoo in the style of Handpoke

Handpoke (from the English hand - hand and poke - pierce) - tattoos made without an electric machine, only a needle, ink and hands, only hardcore. With the development of the art of underwear drawings, hand poke faded into the background and is popular only with beginners or fans of the style. The article is useful for those who hear about this method for the first time or want to learn more.

Style history

Handpoke is also called stick and poke (stick & poke), literally "wand and hand." This style does not use professional tattoo machines, it is often used by novice tattoo artists who gain experience.

The style came from tribes that have been tattooing with stone and bone needles since ancient times. But if they have a tradition, we have more of a way of self-expression. Handpoke is not a style of wearable images, like watercolor or cyberpunk, but rather a method of application. Some choose only a needle and ink, others assemble homemade cars from motors, pencils and tape. Someone learns and moves to professional instruments, someone develops and reaches heights in handpoke. We advise you to turn to the latter if you want a handpoke style tattoo - such masters have already practiced, developed their own style and will definitely decorate the skin instead of a sad experience.

The rebellious spirit of hand poke, swear words and drawings on the body, the atmosphere of "home" application attract tattoo fans, but due to the lack of sanitary conditions and high-quality ink, the result is often deplorable. Prison crooked tattoos with paint from a burnt heel and urine (yes, yes) are also handpoke ideas, but you hardly want to express individuality in this way. We advise you to order only special tattoo inks, carefully disinfect the needles and wear gloves during the process. “Cleanliness is the key to health”, and search engines will find everything :)

For a handpoke tattoo, simple images are suitable that do not require a long study, shadows, shading. Mostly masters use black ink, focus on monochrome drawings. If you yourself develop in this style and have never tattooed anyone, keep an eye on sanitation - it is easy to infect by hand, and then suppuration, scars, gaps in the image. It is not necessary, let everything go according to plan and do not cause difficulties.

South African band Die Antwoord rose to fame in 2009-2010 when the members gave away their first album for free and uploaded a video for the song "Enter the ninja" to YouTube. A characteristic African accent, a new style in rap - zef, atypical clips and the appearance of the guys attracted crowds of fans. In 2014, the group starred under their pseudonyms in the movie Chappie the Robot, now they are touring, releasing albums, and maintaining an unusual style.

Ninja, a member of Die Antwoord, is remembered for his handpoke tattoos (and facial expressions!). Carelessly scattered over the body, not very high quality, they create an integral individual picture. That's what a Ninja is, that's what a handpoke is!

The algorithm in which a person gets a tattoo is quite simple. First, he finds a sketch he likes. Considering where to place it. Further, he is looking for a good tattoo artist and agrees with him about the recording. He comes to a session where, with the help of modern equipment, the desired picture is drawn on the body, as if on a canvas. Fast, high quality and comfortable. And it wasn't always like that.

Now, even no one argues about the age of the world's first wearable pattern. Some facts suggest that this was practiced even before our era. But few people thought: how did the drawing process take place? Indeed, at that time, it was extremely difficult to find an outlet in a cave, and building a tattoo machine was even more difficult.

Handpoke style tattoo is a method of application without using a machine. The word, consisting of two parts, is translated from English as “hand” and “pierce”. Thus, the hand of the master acts as a motor, and the image is applied using a separate needle.

For most admirers of underwear painting, this direction is associated with portacas and low-quality drawings. In fact, this is not always the case. Yes, you can often see how teenagers and novice masters, without having acquired special technical equipment, draw primitive pictures on their bodies using improvised means. The same method is practiced in places of deprivation of liberty. However, there are also professional craftsmen who perform first-class work with just one needle.

Many people ask themselves: how to make a handpoke tattoo? This will require a sterile needle, special paint and skillful hands. Here you can draw analogies with the traditional method of application. With one hand, the master holds the part of the body on which the tattoo is stuffed. With the other hand, the tattoo artist holds the needle and, periodically soaking it into the paint, “drives” the needle under the skin, bringing the pigment there.

If you decide to make such a drawing at home, it is extremely unsafe. Now in almost every major city you can find a professional handpoker who will be able to qualitatively, and most importantly, with all precautions, perform the drawing you want.

On the other hand, if there are professional masters, then how to learn how to beat a tattoo in a handpoke to reach their level? There is only one answer - training and practice. And it is advisable to use artificial leather for this, and not your own. Also, you can contact more experienced masters about the course of study.

According to hand poke masters, the application process is less painful compared to the usual method, and the tattoo heals much faster. The only negative is the duration of work on the drawing. Due to this circumstance, the main plot component of this direction is simple and small-sized drawings, without complex technical techniques.

Most often, hieroglyphs, various symbols, text, primitive images of animals and cartoon characters are depicted. There are also combinations where an inscription flaunts around the tattoo. Mostly they are done in black paint, with slightly crooked lines and clumsy letters. To some, such creativity may seem strange and unreasonable, while others find creativity and uniqueness in it.

Handpoke- this is a style that is determined by the lack of equipment, complex plot images and a riot of color. This style is often used by young masters to practice, and is usually practiced on oneself or on each other. One can contemplate in the newfangled subcultures unusual, but clumsy “portacas”, with which people show their individuality.

Historical summary

Not so long ago, tattoos began to be performed with specialized equipment, and the technique of performing with an ordinary sewing or any other needle is considered a classic. Many tribes that apply traditional tattoos still use bone and stone needles. The traditions of European, American and any other tattoo are rooted in the centuries-old development of the “prick-and-needle” method of application.

With the development of wearable art, for

In recent years, you can find huge clusters of tattoo artists who often support each other, pushing this style into a separate development track. On the Internet, it is not uncommon to find funny photos from the lists of young masters, when someone wakes up in the morning with a funny little tattoo of funny, stupid or even indecent content.

Handpoke tattoo style image motifs

Triviality is the key to success. If the image has many complex elements, you should not choose it. Handpoke allows you to create a completely unique drawing, but the result may be unexpected. The risk of getting completely different from what you wanted is very high. But that doesn't mean you have to put yourself in a box. This style, on the contrary, calls for creativity with simple methods.

Smilies, musical symbols, cartoon characters, symbols or inscriptions are usually performed simply, usually in black, and rarely such images look professional. This is a rebellious spirit that allows self-realization. If you do not have such traits, this style will not work and regret will soon replace a feeling of joy.

Handpoke tattoo style equipment and materials

The most important thing is the choice of paint. You will need good paint for a tattoo, which can be ordered online or bought in a specialized store. Specialized paint appeared in the CIS countries only after the collapse of the Union, because discrimination against tattoo owners existed at the state level, due to popularity in prison circles. It was replaced with a burnt heel and urine. It's disgusting to imagine how such paint is introduced into your body. They also used stationery ink.

The needles used are different. For hand poke, home-made tattoo machines are also created, which are made from improvised materials. It can be a pencil and electrical tape or a complex system of a motor from a radio-controlled car, a string and a pen. It all depends on the approach and creativity. There are many detailed diagrams and video tutorials on the Internet on this topic.


Sanitary conditions must be thorough when applying a handpoke tattoo. Injury when applied correctly this style less than when using a typewriter, one is much more likely to introduce an infection. Treat all equipment, down to the mascara container. The needle is best treated with fire, and then with alcohol. Do not forget after 3-4 punctures to wipe the blood and ink from the area where the image is applied. A tattoo pricked with a needle heals faster than a professional one. However, it is necessary to take care of it in the first stages much more carefully.