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» The meaning of the bee tattoo. What does a bee tattoo mean? bee tattoo meaning

The meaning of the bee tattoo. What does a bee tattoo mean? bee tattoo meaning

0 If we look at our society from the outside, we will see how much in common between bees and people. We also fuss, work, raise children, our whole life is spent in worries, like bees. From our language to our religion, our medicine to our works of art, almost every aspect of human culture has influenced our interaction with bees in some way. Today, as you already understood, we will talk about another tattoo, this bee tattoo, you can read the meaning below.

So let's continue bee tattoo meaning?

Long before the Greeks and Egyptians built monuments to their deities, ancient cultures associated the symbol " bees with something Divine. Honey was, and still is, considered the "Food of the Gods" by many indigenous peoples around the world. Ancient Aegean and Near Eastern cultures believed that bees were the connecting bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, and many decorated the tombs of their The Mayans paid their respects to the Bee God, Ah-Muzen-Cab.

Bees are present in the legend of the creation of the San people of the Kalahari. According to legend, helping the praying mantis to cross to the other side of the raging river, the bee planted a seed in his body. Eventually the seed became the first man. Bees are often included in initiation rituals for young people in some societies. In the Indian cultures of the Sioux and Dakota, young boys put on a game of " War with bees”, which is designed to teach them the traits necessary in order to become a man. For example, courage in the face of danger, and the ability to withstand pain.

Like a bouquet of fresh cut roses for your partner, the bee symbolizes love and affection. The Hindu god of love and desire, Kamadeva, travels the same way as the god of Love, Cupid. He makes a bow out of sugar cane and arrows out of honey bees that bring lovers together. bees are often perceived as innocent and cute creatures, which is why many cartoon characters in children's films are portrayed as sweet bees.

Even our tongue was sweetened by a bee. In ancient Greece, great poets and exorcists such as Plato, Pindar and Achilles were rumored to smear their lips with honey to give them " The gift of eloquence". Although according to another version, the sweet lips were the result of drinking too much Meade, a fermented honey drink. It began to be brewed long before mankind discovered how to make wine from fruits. In fact, the ancient Greek phrase " get drunk", translates as "honey, intoxicated."

So, drink a heady glass of Mead, sing a sweet song to your loved one, and come up with your bee tattoo design.

The meaning of the bee tattoo

The bee is a hardworking, highly organized insect. With such an enduring reputation, it's no wonder why people find them so curious. Insect bees embody a number of characteristics:

Bee Tattoo Design Options

Bee tattoos range from comical and cartoonish to sketches that look more realistic. The color scheme of the Bee Tattoo is usually pretty standard (yellow and black). However, tattoos differ in some design elements. Some artists prefer to focus on the subtle beauty of a single bee, while others tend to highlight the hive as a cohesive organism. However, there are others who prefer to symbolize these insects tied together in the form of complex balls representing bees, instead of using a detailed image of a bee. Popular bee tattoo variations include:

Tribal Bee Tattoo

In many indigenous tribes around the world, bees play an important role in daily life. They provide food (honey and grubs), materials for hunting and other important tasks (beeswax), and are a means of protecting the local people. Given their status in human history, it's no wonder why so many indigenous regions pay homage to these tiny creatures by creating religious symbols and icons that celebrate these winged babies. Tribal bee tattoos are an extension of this practice and serve to represent a person's spiritual connection to the free, hardworking, team player that is the bee. Read the article, what does a tribal tattoo mean?

bumblebee tattoos

Bumblebees are heavyweights of the Apoidea family. They are bulky mammoths of the air, and the sound of their humming as they fly is instantly recognizable. It is similar to the hum of a transformer under voltage. Bumblebees are known for their loyalty to a common cause, ability to work in teams, and hardworking nature.

Queen Bee Tattoo

Queen Bee always has the final say. They are the ultimate boss of the hive, controlling every move of the thousands, if not millions, of other creatures around her. Queen bee tattoos are reserved for chic, self-confident girls who love to take charge of the world around them. And at the same time, despite their gentle nature, they are not afraid to become tough and harsh, rebuffing arrogant individuals of the opposite sex. Queen bee tattoos are usually worn by defiant, strong women, in whose character you first kick in the ass, and then wonder what happened.

It's not easy to find a tattoo design that suits your personality, style, and looks fantastic on your body, but the task is not as difficult as it sounds. Before the needle touches your skin, think about what your new tattoo whether you add other elements to the design. Give preference to such a sketch that you would be proud of, and in 15 or even 20 years. If you need some inspiration, look at the other tau on our site and you may choose a different pattern.

By reading this short article, you have learned Bee tattoo meaning, and now you will more clearly represent this tattoo.

A tattoo depicting a wasp is becoming more and more common, and on representatives of both sexes and different ages. It is curious that several millennia ago wasps and bees were not distinguished, equally revering both types of insects. Their references can be found in almost all religions of the world. Regardless of culture, insects are associated with women: bees are a long-standing and enduring symbol of matriarchy, and the hive is a model of order and system. If you are planning to get yourself a wasp tattoo, it's time to get acquainted with its many meanings.

The meaning of the bee tattoo.

The meaning of the tattoo is directly related to how the insect behaves in nature. It is believed that bees were sent to earth by higher powers in order to take care of the well-being and health of people. They are identified with:

  • workaholism;
  • diligence;
  • the ability to provide for a family;
  • ambition;
  • sociability;
  • courage.

It is important to understand the differences between bees and wasps. So, the former are distinguished by aggressiveness and the ability to attack anyone who encroaches on the safety of the hive. Wasps, on the other hand, do not take part in the production of honey and do not take care of the uterus, but actively clean up the environment and save crops.

Tattoo symbol of a bee for men.

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer sketches in such styles as old school, graphics, realism, tribal. The body drawing of a bee is a way to talk about aggression, independence, selfishness, insight, legibility in people, purposefulness. The image of a wasp on the male body most often indicates the aggressive and selfish attitude of the owner, his ability to stand his ground and not depend on the opinions of others.

What does a bee tattoo mean for girls?

Women prefer to choose spectacular designs that complement their everyday look. In high esteem - colorful sketches of a bee tattoo, made in watercolor and old school styles. Wearable images on the female body most often speak of independence, developed intuition, love for cleanliness, independence of the owner of the tattoo. Choosing such a sketch, girls tend to talk about the strength of character and willingness to go ahead in the name of achieving the goal.

How to choose a tattoo symbol?

The salons offer a great variety of tattoo options, but the new school style remains the most popular today. Tattoos made in this technique are distinguished by the effectiveness of the pattern and the visual "bulge". Also, lovers of wearable beauty often choose the watercolor style: the works look very bright, often almost indistinguishable from real watercolor drawings. Tribal style tattoos, beloved by men, also deserve attention. Their distinctive features- conciseness and abundance of patterns. Realistic sketches will surely impress with the beauty and naturalness of the image, but today they are not so popular.

Experiencing difficulties when choosing a tattoo, do not rush into a decision. Tattoo artists are advised to look through more than one catalog before settling on the “same” option. Approach the choice of a sketch thoroughly, because a wasp tattoo is a symbol that will tell about your character and aspirations.

When we discussed spider tattoos on the body, we joked that these are one of the few representatives of insects that are used as plots for tattoos. However, today we will seriously talk about another tiny creature that has long been revered as representatives different cultures, and modern fans of artistic tattoos.

A tattoo in the form of a bee has a lot of positive meanings. In the Middle East, people believed that it came from the tears of the god Ra. In the myths and legends of Ancient Greece, one can find references to the fact that worker bees helped the gods. We have delved into the literature and compiled a list of the most popular bee tattoo meanings for you.

  1. industriousness. This quality is captured in numerous folklore: fairy tales, parables, epics about bees. All their lives they tirelessly work on the production of honey, which in ancient times was called only the nectar of the gods. “Works like a bee” - this is how they say today about workaholics, energetic and active people.
  2. Thrift. The image of a bee is often used by some modern commercial organizations, such as a well-known mobile operator and payment system. This is due to the manner of bees to stock up for the winter. Thus, a bee tattoo in this regard can mean:
  • thrift,
  • prudence,
  • forethought.
  • Motherhood. This meaning of a bee tattoo is suitable for girls. In ancient peoples, where a woman was considered the basis of the family, the bee was deeply revered as a symbol of matriarchy. The hive in this case is associated with the family, and the bee is associated with the woman who keeps it in order.
  • How to depict a tattoo with a bee?

    Today we are discussing one of the most versatile symbols among all tattoo designs. After all, bees, like other insects, are small enough, and with a realistic image, it can be placed on almost any part of the body.

    On the other hand, you can place a large insect on the voluminous part of the body, supplementing the image with such attributes as:

    • flower,
    • hive,
    • a barrel of honey or honeycomb.

    The image of a bee can be realistic or cartoon, color or black and white. You can come up with an uncountable number of sketch options with the participation of these creatures.

    It remains to wish you to choose the best idea and boldly go to the salon, and to help you make the right choice, we present our gallery of photos and sketches of a tattoo with a bee!

    Photos and sketches of a bee tattoo

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