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» What does the Cheshire cat tattoo mean? Mysterious Cheshire Cat. What does the smile of the Cheshire Cat mean? Tattoo cat from alice in the country

What does the Cheshire cat tattoo mean? Mysterious Cheshire Cat. What does the smile of the Cheshire Cat mean? Tattoo cat from alice in the country

A good-natured, wise and unusual character who knows how to disappear and teleport, many people know. Not so long ago, it began to be used in tattoo art.

We will tell you why the Cheshire cat tattoo is unique, to whom it will suit - and also determine how best to depict it, in what artistic variations.

The history of the Cheshire Cat character and the meaning of this symbol today

The appearance of the Cheshire Cat is associated with Lewis Carroll, who indicated him as a character in the well-known book Alice in Wonderland in 1865. It was this writer who described the Cheshire cat in all its glory with all the features of character.

There are several versions of how the Cheshire cat could have appeared and the saying could have formed - "smiles like a Cheshire cat."

  1. Over the county of Cheshire, known throughout the world, even cats laughed.
  2. The characters appeared in the county when an unknown painter began to paint smiling creatures over taverns. Initially, it was conceived to draw grinning lions, but since few people saw them in antiquity, the lions turned into cute cats over time.
  3. Cheshire cheeses made in the county looked like the heads of smiling cats. This belief has existed for more than 9 centuries.
  4. The forest ranger, catching poachers in the forests of Cheshire, smiled wickedly and sneered at them.

This unusual animal that can talk has a special sign. He can disappear and appear at the most unexpected moment. It disappears gradually, dissolving in the air. At first, the whole body of the animal becomes invisible - and only a smile remains.

It is believed that the cat adopted this ability from the Congleton Ghost - a white cat that suddenly disappeared in Cheshire Abbey. Impressed by the ghost and architecture of that time, the writer created his own character of a cat, endowing him with magical powers.

Currently, the image of a smiling cat began to be used not only in books, but also in animated films and computer games. Almost everywhere he is a conductor, a guide, guiding on the right and right path. The ability to teleport, think and think philosophically, and treat people kindly are the characteristics of the Cheshire Cat. That is why he was loved by many.

The meaning of Cheshire Cat tattoos - who are they more suitable for?

A tattoo in the form of a Cheshire cat has a positive meaning. This character is loved by many clients of tattoo studios. Young people ask the masters to create unique images of the Cheshire cat, which are distinguished by their brightness, expressiveness and originality.

Cheshire cat tattoo can emphasize the character of its owner, it means:

A Cheshire cat tattoo is suitable for everyone. The picture is universal, and can be made on the body of both women and men. It perfectly emphasizes vitality and optimism, helps to make a wise, right decision, and also go through life the easy way.

Most often, such a tattoo can be found among young people, as it inspires optimism. If you are going through trouble, it is worth putting a tattoo on the body in the form of a talisman. She will help not to lose heart and find mutual language with those around you. And such a tattoo will bring success and happiness into your life.

There is an opinion that the Cheshire cat tattoo means talkativeness. But, mind you - not in a negative sense, but in a positive one.

The Cheshire cat can carry on an intelligent and dignified conversation with any person. He does not talk in vain, but speaks wisely, interestingly and out of necessity. Such a tattoo is suitable for someone who likes to chat on philosophical topics, and for someone who has "closed" and wants to find a trusting, friendly relationship.

How to choose the right tattoo sketch with the Cheshire Cat and how to complement the tattoo?

Before contacting a tattoo parlor, you must determine what kind of tattoo you want.

Decoration plays an important role in a sketch. You cannot create a unique good tattoo just like that, without thinking about the stylistic features of the picture.

Masters highlight some of the nuances that you should pay attention to when creating a sketch.

1. Cheshire cat tattoo size

The Cheshire cat tattoo can be done in several scales:

  • Small. You can transfer in this size to the body the muzzle of a cat, a smile with eyes.
  • Average. Such tattoos already take up more space, but they look more detailed and thoughtful. The picture can represent not only the muzzle of the animal, but the whole body with a tail.
  • Big. Tattoos in this scale are the most unique. They are not often made, but they immediately impress with their stunning appearance. You can add other symbols to such tattoos - and then they will not be empty, but filled and clear.

You can choose any size. But remember that the location of the picture also affects the scale of the sketch.

2. Location of the Cheshire cat tattoo in men and women

It is clear that you cannot place a large tattoo on your arm or wrist.

Based on the choice of clients of tattoo studios, we concluded where Cheshire cat tattoos are most often located among representatives of both sexes.

Men "stuff" tattoos with the Cheshire cat on:

  • Shoulder.
  • Shoulder blade.
  • back.
  • Stop.
  • head.

And girls prefer to apply tattoos in the form of a Cheshire cat on:

  • Wrist.
  • Shoulder blade.
  • Hip.
  • Loin.

Of course, the choice is yours. Wherever you wish to see a tattoo, the master will make it for you.

3. Color scheme in the design of a tattoo with a Cheshire cat

When choosing the color scheme for the Cheshire Cat drawing, remember that this sign is a little magical. Therefore, in order to transfer the magical, mysterious spirit and unusual energy of this animal, it is worth depicting it in dark, but at the same time bright colors.

You can use these colors in tattoos (Petersburg):

  • Blue.
  • Violet.
  • Turquoise.
  • Scarlet.
  • Black.
  • Black.
  • Crimson.

The Cheshire tattoo is made dark. Light shades are added a little - for example, such as gray, lilac, blue.

4. Stylistic design of the Cheshire cat tattoo

Choosing a style for a tattoo is very important. If you have decided on the above item and know what color your sketch will be in, then there should be no problems with the style.

Usually a tattoo with a Cheshire cat is made in color, choosing one of the styles:

  • Minimalism. Only one muzzle of the animal is depicted.
  • Realism. Of course, in this style it is difficult to get a tattoo, since the character is fictional. But a gray or black cat with big eyes and a smile spreading to the ears can often be seen.
  • Watercolor. Harmonious colors are added to the tattoo, but the image of the cat, its muzzle remains clear.
  • Bioorganics. The style is distinguished by a dense, juicy and bright color, as well as good contouring. The master must know the basics of the play of light and shadows when creating such tattoos (Petersburg).
  • Geometry or linework. The tattoo looks cool as it conveys minimalism in a way. The lines in it are clear, and the shades can be absolutely any, even light.

If you like a different style, the masters of the studio will help you create a unique sketch, while listening to all your wishes.

5. Sketch options - how to complement the tattoo with the Cheshire cat?

The Cheshire cat tattoo can be depicted in different ways. It all depends on your preferences.

The Cheshire cat can be depicted as an independent symbol - for example, like this:

  • Lying.
  • Sedentary.
  • Getting ready to jump.
  • Releasing claws or scratching something.

Remember: the movement in which the cat is depicted will affect the meaning of the tattoo.

You can also draw only a smile with eyes, but in this case, the tattoo will have a general meaning, without any subtext.

You can add a tattoo with the following symbols:

  • hat.
  • Glasses.
  • Tree or branch.
  • Jewelry, earring.
  • Grass, mushrooms or plants that grow in the forest.
  • For hours.

With other symbols, the meaning of the tattoo does not change. As a rule, they are a decoration of the picture - and nothing more. You can put your meaning into the tattoo by diversifying the picture with any other symbol, sign - or even an inscription.

The tattoo can be done with several characters - for example, Alice or a hare from the same book.

Such tattoos are whole works. They are very impressive and mesmerizing. Looking at them, you move into the enchanted forest and feel the unique atmosphere of a fairy tale.

If you have not yet decided how to get a tattoo in the form of a Cheshire cat, come to the tattoo parlor. Professional masters will help you with the choice and tell you how best and advantageous the tattoo will look on your body.

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Cat tattoos are one of the most popular trends in the art of wearable images. After all, a picture with an elegant and graceful animal is not only beautiful, but also carries a certain meaning, embodying certain character traits of their carrier, for example, femininity, artistry, mystery, insight.

One of the most common in modern world became the Cheshire Cat tattoo. It is not in vain that this smiling fabulous animal has taken a strong place in the hearts of people, and in creative performance it can carry a very deep meaning.

Everyone knows the work "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by the English writer Lewis Carroll, which was published in 1865. Not a single film adaptation was made based on the book.

The charming and smiling Cheshire Cat turned out to be especially successful in it, which was remembered by the audience for its unusual philosophy and kind look of green eyes. The cartoon character had the ability to fly, as well as completely or partially dissolve right in motion, leaving only a smiling head visible.

It is worth noting that it was Cheshire's smile, which exists on its own when it completely dissolves in the air, that prompted the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger to the phenomenon of a half-dead-half-dead cat. nucleus and poisonous gas. This experiment greatly fueled interest in the fairy-tale character. Therefore, with the development of underwear painting technologies, tattoos with a grinning cat's face, often in a hat and with other paraphernalia, have become popular.

What does a tattoo with a Cheshire cat mean and who will it suit

A Cheshire tattoo is suitable for men and women of any age, reflecting a somewhat philosophical, somewhat cheerful and reckless attitude to life. It can have different meanings:

  • positive attitude and lack of excitement over trifles;
  • the ability to keep a face in an incomprehensible situation;
  • the ability to disappear without a trace or leave "in English";
  • philosophical attitude to life;
  • sociability and the ability to find a common language with others.

Thanks to the optimistic meaning of the picture, its wearer is always lucky, which is used by cheerful, cheerful people. Such tattoos can mean something personal, intimate for a person, but sometimes they do not carry any meaning. Quite often, female and male representatives choose them because of their beauty and showiness, applying them to the hand, forearm, shoulder, ankle and other visible parts of the body.

Tattoo technique Cheshire cat

People prick Cheshire in different variations, drawing the entire silhouette or just the head, choosing an interesting background, a black top hat and other attributes for the cat. This allows you to bring individualism to the image, create your own unique image, which also helps the choice of technique:

  • black and white is based on a detailed rendering of halftones;
  • graphic and tribal are done in monochrome and resemble a pencil sketch with clear lines;
  • minimalism is suitable for small concise drawings that are applied to the wrist, collarbone;
  • realism most naturally reflects the play of shadows and color transitions, and looks appropriate on the shoulder blade, stomach, lower back and even thigh;
  • watercolor with blurry edges and spotty tones looks very colorful and delicate, which is why it is popular among girls;
  • OldSchool with convex elements of a pirate theme, ribbons, skulls, roses, angels is more often used on the arm;
  • NewSchool brings a touch of humor and abstraction with bright colors and bold outline of the drawing.

When choosing a technique, it is possible to mix styles, select an image according to existing sketches. A masterfully applied tattoo will become an excellent wearable decoration for life, so it is so important to approach this issue responsibly.

Other cat tattoos

In addition to the mysterious Cheshire Cat, tattoos are popular:

  • Photographs of pets.
  • Black cat. A graceful figurine is most often depicted in a minimalist style. Usually means the denial of superstitions and signs.
  • Images of Egyptian cats - Bast, Mafdet. Symbolism of power.
  • Lovely kittens. They carry memories of childhood, suitable for dreamy natures.
  • Cat paws. They represent mystery.
  • Image of a curved cat's back. Indicates a strong character.
  • Stray cat. Usually, images with scars on the muzzles of animals are made by men.
  • Red-haired imposing pet. Talks about slowness and phlegm.
  • Werewolf cat. According to legend, the Japanese Bakeneko can turn into a person. Such a drawing symbolizes vindictiveness, waywardness, a threat to offenders.

There are a lot of options for tattoos with cats, but their main meanings usually boil down to the following:

  • beauty and grace;
  • femininity or masculinity;

The Cheshire Cat is a tattoo that can be seen not so often. What can it mean? The topic is quite interesting. Therefore, it is worth looking into it.


So, where did Tatu come from, the plot of which is the image of this character, instantly brings back memories from childhood. We all know well that this is the hero of one of the most famous fairy tales in the world. And yes, this is Alice in Wonderland, a book authored by the entertainer L. Carroll - a real dreamer. In his fairy tale, this character is an unusual animal. This is a cat on his mind, who loves to philosophize and makes you think. And the smile that remains after the disappearance of the character has long become a phenomenon in culture, which means self-sufficiency, mystery and mystery.


The Cheshire Cat is a tattoo that has an extremely positive meaning. After all, this image itself is inextricably linked with such qualities as kindness, resourcefulness, the ability to disappear when necessary, and to hold on with dignity in any cases. In general, the symbol is quite interesting. It is not surprising that the “Cheshire Cat” is a tattoo that many are interested in. Although it can not be called popular. Not all people dare to stuff such an image on themselves. For some, it does not suit the meaning, for others there are other reasons. Many admit that this character looks as if alive. Some even feel uneasy from the realistic look of this wise, reasonable, but positive creature.

The Cheshire Cat tattoo, whose photo shows high-class, technically complex work, is popular with both guys and girls. This is a generic sketch. It can be done both on a large scale and on a small scale. Some decide to fill a large, overall image with a deep plot, led by a bright character, while others rather small, symbolic image. One wants a bright and extraordinary, noticeable work. Others are fans of monochrome performance and opt for this option. The Cheshire Cat tattoo, whose meaning is universal for everyone, can suit everyone.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The image of the Cheshire Cat can suit people who go through life with a positive mood and with the intention to achieve everything. This, one might say, is a symbol of those individuals who know how to live effortlessly and not worry over trifles. No matter what happens in their life, they will always get out of this situation. And this tattoo will inexplicably captivate those who like to talk about everything in the world. And indeed, the Cheshire Cat constantly led philosophical conversations. And it is interesting that he knew how to do it competently.

In general, the Cheshire Cat is often stuffed simply by cheerful and active people. After all, this character by its appearance alone instantly cheers up and inspires optimism. The most important thing before getting a tattoo is to pick up nice sketch and a skilled, talented craftsman. The work is not easy, the specialist must be a real artist and a high-class master to do everything technically and efficiently.

Today we offer to understand the meaning of the tattoo with the image of the Cheshire cat. We all know this character thanks to the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". At the same time, it is important to say that this is not an ordinary cat, but a fairy-tale character who, as they say, is on his own mind. He loves to philosophize on different topics and at the same time really puzzle the main character. The smile of a cat is something special and we can rightly say that it personifies mystery and even self-sufficiency. A tattoo depicting a cat known to all of us is directly related to all the qualities that the mysterious character had.

It is interesting that this fairy-tale hero had one feature. He could easily teleport at will. The cat instantly disappeared and just as suddenly appeared. At the same time, he left only a bright unusual smile behind him. And it is worth noting that this is not at all the usual cat. For this reason, such a body pattern has a special meaning.

What does the Cheshire cat tattoo mean?

A spectacular wearable image is often chosen by both men and women. In modern culture, she personifies the positive, the ability to stand with dignity in every situation and the ability to disappear without a trace, if there is such a need. This symbol, first of all, says that a person is always cheerful and does not worry about trifles.

At the same time, everything works out for him, and he tries never to lose heart. Whatever happens in life, a person will be able to get out of the most difficult situations. Thanks to an optimistic attitude towards life, success always accompanies the owner of a tattoo.

In addition, the well-known fairy-tale cat was very fond of philosophizing. And therefore, such a wearable image will tell about sociability and the desire to speak on various topics.

Such a tattoo can suit a resilient, cheerful and active person who knows how and loves to talk about various topics.

A wearable drawing depicting a well-known character is perfect for cheerful young people.

Significance for men

Often, a tattoo in the form of a Cheshire cat is chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. Men often prefer wearable images in the style of realism and tribal. Such tattoos for them mean:

  • optimism
  • cheerfulness
  • sociability
  • the ability to disappear without a trace

This spectacular tattoo will tell about the optimism and cheerfulness of its owner.

Such a man goes through life easily and naturally. Also, such a representative of the stronger sex can talk with pleasure on various topics.

In addition, a tattoo in the form of a Cheshire cat can tell about the ability to disappear, if circumstances so require.

A spectacular underwear image with the Cheshire cat is sometimes made by men not because of a special symbolic meaning, but because of the beauty of the image.

Significance for women

A tattoo in the form of a well-known fairy-tale character is often chosen by the fair sex. For women, such a pectoral pattern will mean:

  • optimism
  • the ability to find a way out of any situation
  • sociability
  • cheerfulness
  • desire to speak on various topics

Wearable image in the form of a Cheshire cat will tell about the cheerful disposition of its owner. Such a lady does not like to be sad and always goes through life at ease.

In addition, the owner of such a tattoo knows how to find a way out of any situation and is very sociable at the same time. A woman with a similar tattoo likes to talk on different topics.

Sometimes the fair sex make such tattoos not because of their special significance, but because of the spectacular image.

What image for a tattoo to choose?

There are many different options for tattoos in the form of a Cheshire cat. Often, representatives of both sexes choose the old school technique. Such wearable images are distinguished by visual convexity and colorfulness.

"Cheshire cat" - a tattoo that is not so common. Probably precisely because the meaning of this tattoo is unknown. Well, it's time to understand in detail the symbolism of this fairy-tale character and what it brings to its owner.


Where did the Cheshire Cat come from? The tattoo, the main character of which is this character, suggests ambiguous thoughts. And first of all, this is a memory of everyone's favorite book "Alice in Wonderland", the author of which is the great storyteller Lewis Carroll. In it, the Cheshire Cat is also that entertainer who loves to philosophize and reflect on the perishability of being. And the smile of this character, which remained after his disappearance, has long become the personification of mystery and mystery.

Thus, the tattoo "Cheshire cat" acquires its first meaning - the personification of self-sufficiency and mystery.

Tattoo Meaning

"Cheshire cat" - a tattoo that gives an exceptionally positive mood. Indeed, the very image of this fairy-tale character itself carries resourcefulness and kindness, the ability to find a way out of any situation, as well as the ability to keep oneself in society and disappear in time.

Based on this, we can conclude that the "Cheshire cat" is a tattoo that not everyone dares to fill. The thing is that for many, this symbol is fraught with other qualities. So, some still naively believe that any image of a cat (in any form) personifies belonging to thieves. They believe that any image of this animal symbolizes cunning and resourcefulness. However, this has nothing to do with the Cheshire Cat specifically.

Who would like a Cheshire cat tattoo?

The value of the picture determines its quality. Such a tattoo will certainly suit positive personalities who go through life with a smile on their face and try their best to avoid problems. The symbolism of the Cheshire Cat is also suitable for those individuals who playfully cope with all problems and do not take them to heart. And this tattoo will become an ornament on the body of people who love and know how to talk on a wide variety of topics.

The Cheshire Cat is a symbol of philosophers and dreamers who can have entertaining conversations and disappear in time. This fairy-tale character is often chosen by those who, by their appearance alone, cheer up and set the whole further conversation in a positive way.

Where on the body can you get a tattoo with the image of the Cheshire Cat?

It is difficult to say where this drawing will look most advantageous. Someone prefers to beat a tattoo on the arm or forearm, there is a characteristic smile on the side of the body, and some are happy to fill the silhouette of a philosopher cat on the neck. In any case, the main thing is to choose the right pattern and color scheme. Of course, the level of professionalism of the master, who will have to embody all the charisma of the Cheshire Cat in the drawing, is of no small importance.

In practice, there are a variety of performances of this fairy-tale character. There are barely noticeable contours with a slight hint of the notorious smile, and there are real masterpieces, clearly traced on the backs. In this work, every little thing is important, because the master's task is to convey the positive energy of the Cheshire Cat and his attitude to life's troubles.

The Cheshire cat tattoo will certainly be loved by men and women who never part with a positive mood and know how to make the right decision in time. By the way, a fresh tattoo can easily change a person's worldview. So why not fill the smile of the Cheshire Cat and his funny face? Maybe just this step will allow you to continue to go through life with a smile on your face?