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» What does a pit bull tattoo mean for girls, guys and in the zone. The meaning of the tattoo "pit bull" in men and women Pit bull grin

What does a pit bull tattoo mean for girls, guys and in the zone. The meaning of the tattoo "pit bull" in men and women Pit bull grin

A tattoo depicting a pit bull carries the meaning of physical health, brutality, masculinity, fidelity, aggression, fighting to the end, achieving the desired, violent temper.

Pit Bull Tattoo Meaning

A pit bull tattoo can be viewed from different angles. On the one hand, this is a fighting dog breed with a brutal look, but on the other hand, it is a true friend of man and best friend. However, in any case, the physical power of this breed is clearly visible.

Some of the people will make such a tattoo to express love for their pet or for all our smaller friends, or as a memory of a true friend. Someone will get a tattoo with a fighting dog in the form of a symbol showing that the owner needs to beware.

This tattoo shows the advantage of physical strength and some aggression in relation to the surrounding world. Various gangster street gangs prefer to get tattooed as a symbol of intimidation of their competitors, or making it clear about their cruelty.

Naturally, the image of a pit bull on the body can be found most often in men. Eat. This is not always an indicator of cruelty, sometimes, when stuffing canine representatives, people are guided by personal thoughts. In this way, they honor the memory of the faithful friends of the smaller ones who have passed away.

Some examples of where we can see a tattoo and what it can mean:

  • if the tattoo is done on the biceps - a clear implication of strong morals.
  • In the elbow zone - the location of the pattern will indicate the secrecy of the character.
  • On the calf - as a symbol of victory. After all, the pit bull does not stop halfway and achieves the desired.

At the level of the chest - One of the best ways to emphasize courage, perseverance and loyalty with the help of a tattoo. In this area, the tattoo conveys the entire emotional component that its owner puts in.

Certain traits of pit bull behavior in the environment are more commonly seen in males. This is a struggle, fearlessness, fighting spirit, perseverance. The pit bull is different from other breeds of dogs in that it is capable of not giving up until the last breath in any battle, in any situation. Therefore, such a tattoo is applied by men who are confident in their strength and stamina.

Girls, as representatives of the beautiful half of our planet, do not prefer drawings containing aggression, but sometimes you can see interesting variations. For example, the execution of a fighting dog in a cartoon form, soft colors, and the dog will most likely smile. This drawing will no longer mean cruelty or strength, but openness, good-natured disposition, a wonderful sense of humor. This is a unique decoration that should attract attention, and not make people shun. It can be recalled that pit bulls are very loyal to their owners.

In places of detention, tattooing a dog has a negative meaning. A dog is a bitch, and it doesn’t end with anything good in such places. As a symbol of a fighter, a bull is stuffed, in the manner of drawing it does not differ from a dog and has a similar meaning - perseverance and penetrating character

The image of this fighting dog on his body, in the right style, looks very harmonious with respect to the carrier. And the meaning invested in the tattoo will be clearly visible at one glance at the drawing.

Surely, everyone knows that a dog is a man's best friend. And there are people who want to emphasize this. And the most unusual and original way to do this is to get a tattoo with the image of a dog. A pit bull tattoo sketch is drawn in a realistic style, so you will need a smart artist.

For example, a pit bull tattoo should be viewed from different angles. On the one hand, a pit bull is best friend a human and a cheerful dog, a human companion, but on the other hand, a pit bull is an aggressive dog with a very hostile look. But there is one thing in common in these two meanings - a pit bull tattoo well reflects all the physical power of these animals.

For many, the image of a pit bull is the personification of cruelty, and in some cases this is the case if, for example, a pit bull tattoo takes on demonic features. Such a dog can appear as a guardian of the country world, and a harbinger of grief and death.

The meaning of a pit bull tattoo is many-sided, because a lot depends on the specific image. But in any case, this animal is the personification of tremendous physical strength, and this strength is transferred to the owner of the tattoo. Among many dogs, it is this one that most successfully reflects this characteristic.

There are people who decide to get a tattoo of their dog, and there are those who, in this way, express their affection for this particular breed. Others, with the help of this image, are trying to convey to people the image of the aggressor. A pit bull tattoo can be filled by an owner who suffers after the loss of a beloved animal and wants to imprint its image on his body.

In order to find out what a pit bull tattoo means, it makes sense to pay attention to specialized groups that want to show how dangerous they are, since the pit bull also represents anger.

The most common image is the heads of these animals. On such tattoos you can see big eyes, deep wrinkles, cropped pit bull ears. But such tattoos are more suitable for men than women.

There is another interesting version of the image of a pit bull - a cartoon image. Such a tattoo will have a different meaning, it will be a symbol of kindness, tranquility, love for animals. A pit bull tattoo is drawn, as a rule, by men on the shoulder or on the back. So the tattoo looks more beautiful and solid.

Pit bull tattoo video

pit bull tattoo gained its popularity not so long ago, because this breed of dog itself appeared relatively recently - at the end of the last century. Pit bull terriers were bred specifically to participate in dog fights, and this meant that they had serious physical strength and endurance. Unlike the bull terrier, the pit bull is not so aggressive, it lends itself perfectly to training and is loyal to the owner.

Pit bull tattoo on arm - photo

There is an opinion that only men do with a pit bull. But however, even among the beautiful half of humanity there are such. The meaning of a pit bull tattoo does not necessarily indicate the strength, endurance and aggression of its owner. It can be metaphorical. Sometimes pit bull tattoo sketches show the animal as calm, usually in such cases it has a sad face. Such a drawing can mean devotion in friendship and tremendous strength, which, in case of danger, can break out and protect its owner.

Pit bull tattoo for men

The most popular image is a pit bull with a grin, and only guys “stuff” it. It can be either a portrait or a dog in a sitting position or preparing to attack. Best of all, such a tattoo looks on the shoulder or chest, but there are also those who decide to get a tattoo on their entire back. As a rule, an aggressive drawing of a pit bull means that the owner of the tattoo is a “bad” guy and it is better not to meet him on the way.

Pit bull tattoo on calf - photo

Very often, a pit bull tattoo symbolizes courage, loyalty, power and strength. Such a tattoo can also mean the owner's affection and sympathy for his beloved pet.

Pit bull tattoo on the shoulder blade of a man as a tribute to his deceased pet

Black pit bull - tattoo

Of course, when applying a tattoo in the form of a pit bull and other dogs, many are guided by personal motives. With the help of tattoos, the owners sometimes express gratitude and tribute to the departed pets.

Pit bull tattoo - meaning in the zone

At the same time, a pit bull tattoo on the zone has a bad meaning, like any tattoo with a dog. A dog is a bitch, and such a meaning in places not so remote does not lead to anything good. This tattoo on the zone has a negative meaning, therefore, the attitude towards a prisoner with such a pattern on the body will be appropriate. A pit bull tattoo, however, like any other dog with a grin, in prison denoted those who mocked fellow inmates. She also characterizes a person as a traitor.

Black pit bull in a cage - tattoo

Most often, a wolf is stuffed there, but in the manner of execution it differs from a dog and has the opposite meaning. The wolf means independence and the fact that its owner is the leader. But a bull can indicate a penetrating character, perseverance and courage.

Pit bull tattoo for girls

A tattoo with a pit bull in girls symbolizes great strength, endurance, loyalty, the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones. As a rule, such a tattoo is placed in the most prominent place in order to demonstrate to everyone their temper and character. Since not every representative of the beautiful half of humanity decides to stuff a pit bull on her body, such a girl has fortitude and determination.

Pit bull tattoo on girl's thigh

Pit bull tattoo on a girl's shoulder

It is not common for the fair sex to choose a tattoo of an aggressive pit bull - growling or grinning. As a rule, they prefer original and non-standard images, such as cartoonish or abstract ones. These tattoos are usually placed on the wrist, shoulder or thigh, and occasionally a pit bull tattoo can be found on the shoulder blade or neck.

From the above information, it becomes clear that the pit bull tattoo does not have a lot of meanings, basically, it is one-sided. The drawing of this worthy animal, in the correct execution, looks very serious. And if the tattoo is suitable for its owner, then it will look very harmonious on the body.

Tattoo - this colorful drawing on the body, has recently been gaining more and more popularity. It can even be attributed to body art, since tattooing is a rather painstaking task, which is also one of the types of creativity. A tattoo is applied for different purposes: someone wants to attract the attention of others, someone puts drawings on the body to capture important moments in life, and someone - in memory of a loved one. Anything can be applied to the body: hieroglyphs, inscriptions, flowers, even portraits. The main thing is to choose a suitable pattern that is in harmony with your inner self.

All tattoos are divided into several categories, namely:

  • female tattoos;
  • inscriptions;
  • military and criminal;
  • folk tattoos.

They also apply portraits of close and dear people, images of wild animals, as well as pets.

As you know, the pit bull is a fighting dog, which has a very formidable appearance and great strength. But, on the other hand, it is man's best friend. That's why pit bull tattoo meaning may be different, depending on the cause of the pricking. A tattoo depicting a dog of this breed is most often applied by representatives of the stronger sex, who have a strong physique. Such a tattoo is perfect for men who are engaged in boxing, athletics, bodybuilding or other sports.

Some apply a pit bull tattoo to scare ill-wishers and offenders, because, in addition to great strength, this tattoo also symbolizes rage and anger, which gives the owner of such a tattoo a more solid and menacing look.

There are also many animal lovers who express this love through tattoos.

Another reason for drawing this pattern is grief for a dead dog. In many cases, the owners, in order to imprint the image of a deceased pet in memory, depict it in the form of a tattoo. Most often, this type of tattoo is applied to the arm, leg or chest.

The pit bull tattoo on the body looks very lifelike and believable, so, first of all, you need to find good master, which will qualitatively and clearly apply the image to the body. Here, too, special attention should be paid to pit bull tattoo meaning because, depending on the situation, the pattern may be different. If you decide to stick a tattoo that will symbolize aggression, irritation or anger, then the pit bull is depicted with bared teeth and an angry look.

If you still decide to inject yourself with a similar tattoo and don’t know where to get a pit bull tattoo, then everything is very simple: do it in our tattoo parlor. We have qualified tattoo artists who will make you a high-quality and beautiful tattoo.

Tattoos have long become a familiar way of self-expression. With the help of tattoos, people tend to emphasize their belonging to a certain group or ideas, a vision of the world or a particular character. A tattoo is a reflection of how a person perceives beauty, art. Some drawings have a special meaning, which the person who gets the tattoo may not be aware of. In order not to get into an awkward situation, it is worth knowing in advance what this or that drawing can symbolize.

This article will reveal the meaning of the pit bull tattoo.

General meaning of the figure

Most often, a tattoo with a pit bull terrier is a symbol of aggression, strength, cruelty, loyalty and the ability to achieve a goal. First of all, this perception is due to the fact that pit bulls are fighting dogs, aggressive, and in the absence of proper training can be deadly.

But the tattoo "pit bull" may have a different meaning - the memory of a deceased pet of this breed or an expression of love for your pet. After all, dogs of this breed are devoted and loyal defenders of the owner.

Such a pattern is more often stuffed by men, wanting to emphasize their brutality and strength, but sometimes girls get tattoos with a dog of a fighting breed.

The meaning of the tattoo "pit bull" in men

A man who tattoos a fighting dog, as a rule, seeks to emphasize his strength and fighting qualities. Such a person may differ in aggressive behavior and attitude towards the environment. It is not uncommon for members of street gangs or fan groups to decorate their bodies with pit bull terrier tattoos to emphasize cruelty and to intimidate competitors.

In cinematography, pit bull tattoos emphasize the character's radical and anti-social views, such as American History X and Edward Norton's character.

To understand the meaning of a tattoo with a fighting dog, you need to pay attention to how it is depicted. Drawings where dogs are in dynamics, with an accentuated aggressive grin or look, surrounded by fire or with a spiked collar, clearly speak of the aggression and rigidity of the tattoo wearer.

People who want to perpetuate the memory of a deceased dog choose static images (portrait) indicating the dog's name, sometimes the date of death.

The location of the tattoo can tell about the character of the owner. If the "pit bull" tattoo is on the shoulder, the meaning is the cool character of the owner, his aggressiveness. The drawing made on the calf symbolizes victory and the ability to go all the way to the goal. On the chest, such a tattoo emphasizes the loyalty and courage of the owner, rather speaks of his kindness. A pit bull terrier stuffed in the elbow area is a symbol of stealth.

The meaning of the tattoo "pit bull" in girls

Despite the fact that tattoos with a fighting dog are made by males, there are also girls with similar drawings on their bodies. Usually, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity choose cute "cartoon" images of a dog or portraits of their favorite pets, decorated with flowers, they do not carry aggression. The meaning of the tattoo "pit bull" in a girl is a cheerful character, love for animals.

The meaning of the pit bull tattoo

In the zone, tattoos with dogs have a negative meaning. The dog symbolizes the traitor-informer. Prisoners often get tattoos with wolves, which speak of independence and will, the ability to unite and lead people. Therefore, we can conclude that the meaning of the "pit bull" tattoo on the zone is negative.


The meaning of the tattoo "pit bull" most often - aggression, courage and strength. She speaks of the masculinity and rigidity of the owner, his unbending character.

This is not necessarily a person with criminal inclinations, it can also be an athlete involved in martial arts or boxing, and his tattoo is a symbol of strength and the desire to win.