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» The meaning of a goldfish tattoo. Fish tattoo meaning Goldfish tattoo meaning for a girl

The meaning of a goldfish tattoo. Fish tattoo meaning Goldfish tattoo meaning for a girl

The goldfish, like most tattoos, came into tattoo culture from the East and is rightfully considered one of the oldest symbols. According to one ancient Chinese legend, deities from the ocean depths gave a goldfish to a poor fisherman for a service rendered (so that's where the fins grow from Pushkin's fairy tale!). That is why this tattoo is a talisman against failures and misfortunes, is a symbol of luxury, prosperity and wealth, it can bring longevity and a calm, serene life in the circle of close and dear people.

The goldfish tattoo is even mentioned in one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories from the Sherlock Holmes cycle (we are talking about the "Redhead Union"), which indicates the popularity of this tattoo already in the Victorian era - the era of real gentlemen and charming ladies!

Also, the goldfish was a talisman against bad luck and evil sea spirits. There are legends that in some villages, fishermen performed mystical rituals to satisfy their patroness in her face (or what is there in a fish - a muzzle? a snout?), and Tao philosophers in Eastern culture attributed to the golden fish the unity of the two elements of fire and water, which could mean unity of opposites.

That is why a tattoo with a goldfish or even a couple of aquatic inhabitants will mean a strong happy union for many years to come.

By the way, a schematic representation of several goldfish served as the basis for the well-known yin-yang symbol, which is also one of the most common oriental tattoos.

In Europe, America and Africa, the “goldfish” tattoo came along with sailors and travelers. The inhabitant of reservoirs quickly gained popularity among the fair sex and soon ceased to be a hallmark of the regulars of port taverns and brothels. It was here that the history of the goldfish forked: on the one hand, it became fixed among the male part of the population, as it began to inform that its owner had seen a lot in his life, on the other hand, for girls, the goldfish tattoo went through a more elegant development and turned into Gorgeous watercolor drawings.

It is worth noting that now the main part of those who want to perpetuate the legendary creature on their bodies are girls. In connection with this fact, when creating a sketch, the artist makes the tails and fins of the fish gracefully curved and decorated with some interesting element. This gives the tattoo a certain meaning - femininity, tenderness, fragility, grace and lightness.

Where and in what style to get a tattoo

One of the most common places to get a goldfish tattoo is on the leg: on the foot, from the knee to the base of the foot, from the hip to the knee, on the calves and on the inside of the thigh (which adds spice to an already beautiful image). Initially, sailors who first learned about them were tattooed on their legs. This was done in order to hide the image in case of its unsuccessful execution. However, very soon the true reason was forgotten and they began to stuff a goldfish on their leg simply because it looks spectacular there. Now the image flaunts on the legs of hundreds (or even thousands) of girls to attract the attention of guys to these most wonderful legs and what is located a little higher.

Since we are talking about the location, we can say that, in view of its compactness, a goldfish can be stuffed absolutely anywhere, and it will look advantageous. But as statistics show, the next most popular locations for goldfish tattoos are the arms and shoulder blades.

Now a few words about the style in which to perform. As mentioned above, goldfish came to Europe, America and Africa as a fundamental element of the Old school, which remains to this day. However, you should not be limited only to this - it will look beneficial both in realism and in new school, and in minimalism, and in oriental, and in both traditional, but the goldfish will feel most organically in its element - in watercolor. In fact, the limitation in styles is color (it is not difficult to knock out a goldfish in black and white - it is more difficult to prove that it is really gold).

It has already been mentioned about Asia, Europe, America and Africa, but after all, we are all familiar with the goldfish, first of all, as a character in the fairy tale of the same name by Alexander Sergeevich. This explains the presence of a crown on the head of the performer of desires (actually, by the fulfillment of desires, many argue the reason for applying this tattoo).

A tattoo with the image of a fish is a common occurrence. It attracts people not only because it can be done in many different styles and look completely different, but also because of the many meanings. If you don’t know where to get such a tattoo, fish are quite common on the wrist, this is very popular.


In many cultures there are images of fish. Tattoos with similar patterns have a fairly deep history. Many believe that such a drawing is able to influence the fate and life of a person.

Both women and men often choose the image of a fish. A tattoo of this type usually means deepening into the inner world, and for a woman it is a symbol of fertility. But this is not all of its meanings. The image of a fish can take on not only the light side, but also the dark side. Sometimes the meaning of anger and fear can be invested in it. But what looks even more interesting is the combination of these two opposite sides, merged into a Yin-Yang symbol.

religious significance

Fish, in addition to all this, is one of the central symbols of the Christian religion. Once upon a time, this sign was an identification for the first Christians subject to persecution. So the religious meaning may lie in the image of the fish. Tattoos of a similar plan characterize the love of God.

Fish symbol in different cultures

In Buddhist culture, fish means liberation from dark passions and desires. In China, it symbolizes wealth or rebirth. The inhabitants of ancient Greece considered it sacred, and for the Hindus it is a symbol of marriage. In Japan, fish is characterized by courage, courage, courage, and African countries recognize it as a symbol of the spirit of the dead.

Would you like to get a fish tattoo? The photo will give you some sketch ideas.

Different fish and the meaning of their images

In addition to the fact that the fish symbol can have a different meaning in each country, if we turn to astrology, then it also symbolizes different concepts there. For example, carp - courage and luck, shark - power, dolphin - openness and friendliness.

Carp is a good option if you want an image of a fish. Carp tattoo carries a positive meaning. Carp brings good luck, adds determination. The image of two carps means harmony between a man and a woman. The Japanese consider the carp to be an exclusively male symbol, carrying courage, willpower and courage. Such a tattoo, in their opinion, is ideal for a purposeful man who, despite any difficulties, is firmly moving towards his goal. In China, the carp is considered a symbol of power and superiority. The Chinese believe that his image on the body will help in clean, bright designs, add good luck in all endeavors.

This is the meaning of the fish tattoo. You can use ready-made sketches, and the master can offer you your own and original drawings.

Another equally interesting common fish on the body is the shark. It symbolizes luck and fearlessness. According to Japanese myths, the shark is the messenger of God, who will help those who respect it in everything. Such tattoo fit most of all, persistent people who will never stop at any restrictions. The general meaning of the image of a shark is rage, lack of fear and perseverance.

Christians recognized the whale as a symbol of the devil. Moreover, they are sure that his jaws are the gates to hell, and his stomach is hell itself.

The starfish is a symbol of purity, true love, devotion and help.

The seahorse is a symbol of vitality and perseverance. But it can also sometimes mean single fathers.

Salmon symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, and sometimes even prophetic abilities are attributed to him. Salmon are unique in that they are able to swim even against the current. That is why it is recognized as a symbol of perseverance, perseverance, determination.

A trout tattoo will be most suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle. It symbolizes mobility and vigor. The peculiarity of the trout is that this fish lives only in clean water, so you can still attribute the meaning of purity, love of freedom and independence. According to legend different peoples, it is somewhat similar to salmon, as it is associated with wisdom, wealth and prophecy. The image of a trout can also serve as a talisman, giving good luck, knowledge, luck.

Golden fish - luxury, beauty, grace, wealth, desire for beauty, fulfillment of desires.

The image of a fish on the body has many different meanings, which can sometimes even contradict each other. Most often, the fish on the body are symbols somehow connected with water, but also sometimes act as intermediaries between heaven and earth.

Does a goldfish tattoo have any meaning???

Little Boy of the Rain

Traditionally, fish tattoos are symbols of health, happiness, unlike Japanese fish, which mean strength, endurance, courage.

A positive symbol associated with fertility, sexual harmony; phallic sign. Depicted on the soles of the Buddha, they symbolized liberation from the burden of worldly desires. The sexual symbolism of fish is present in many cultures, which is associated with their abundant caviar, with water - the emblem of fertility, as well as the comparison of fish with a penis. They are associated with the goddesses of the moon and motherhood and childbirth. In China, fish is an emblem of abundance and good luck. Three intertwined fish, representing the Trinity

Carp tattoos are as varied and popular as the fish themselves.
Carp tattoo designs often feature sakura, waves or splashes, and lotus flowers.

Koi is a type of carp (in Japanese, koi is a carp) bred in artificial conditions and featuring incredible colors. In nature, carp is a river fish hiding in the muddy places of rivers, but the Japanese, through breeding, turned ordinary fish into floating gems.

The main meaning of a koi tattoo is luck.

The Japanese highlight various meanings symbol for pond and wild carps

And the Chinese interpret such tattoos in a completely different way.

Japanese carp tattoo meaning:

The Japanese translate the word koi not only as carp, but also as love (love is for a partner, not for parents).

In Japan, the carp is a male symbol. When a boy is born in a family, flags with images of carps are hung over the house. But at present, carp is equally popular among both men and women.

Tattoos with carp are considered extremely energetic, carp have a rich color scheme, its image is dynamic. In nature, carp constantly struggle with the current, overcoming streams in search of food and for procreation.

This power is usually interpreted as follows:

Firstly, the tattoo depicts a fish that constantly swims against the current, gaining strength for a new struggle. This means the ability to go against fate, the flow of life, overcoming obstacles that come across on the way. Often the carp is a symbol of victory over circumstances, the triumph of courage in the fight.

Secondly, this perception is due to the influence of the West, carp for the most independent natures. Those who rebel against everything that they do not like, those who are indifferent to the opinion of society and other people. Carp overcoming a stormy stream is a symbol of fortitude.

Chinese carp tattoo meaning:

Koi, the dragon fish, king of all fish, has a special meaning in China.

The legend says:

Each carp must go up to the Dragon Gate up the Yellow River, where they will be turned into a dragon.

Thus, the carp is a symbol of inspiration for people striving for special, sometimes ambitious goals, for those who dream of more.

Thus, in general, a carp tattoo is a symbol of determination, strength and good luck.

Such a tattoo will bring prosperity to its owner, the larger the carp, the more successful its owner.

A positive symbol associated with fertility, sexual harmony; phallic sign. Depicted on the soles of the Buddha, they symbolized liberation from the burden of worldly desires. The sexual symbolism of fish is present in many cultures, which is associated with their abundant caviar, with water - the emblem of fertility, as well as the comparison of fish with a penis. They are associated with the goddesses of the moon and motherhood and childbirth. In China, fish is an emblem of abundance and good luck. Three intertwined fish represent the Trinity.

Fish. A symbol of fertility, abundance, sexual energy, wisdom, wealth. Simultaneously with this interpretation, there is another, where the fish acts as a symbol of stupidity, stinginess and spiritual callousness. The image of a fish on the body is often used as a symbol of faith, purity, baptism and communion.

The meaning of the fish lantern tattoo

Yuri Polyakov

Fish tattoo means a symbol of health, happiness, fertility, abundance, sexual power, wisdom.
In Japan, fish mean a symbol of strength, endurance and courage.
In China, fish signifies abundance, good luck and rebirth.
Africans means - the embodiment of the soul of the deceased.
Among the Iranians, fish were considered creatures that have a beneficial effect on humans.
Fish can serve as a symbol of faith, purity, the Virgin Mary, baptism, communion.
Some of the fish species are highlighted.
One of the most common fish tattoos is Japanese Koi tattoos.
Carp (Koi) - a symbol of courage, there is also an opinion that: black carp - father, red - mother, blue - son, green - daughter.
Carp in China symbolizes great literary abilities, perseverance in the fight against difficulties, courage.
Also, Karp is the personification of calmness, composure. "Herald of good luck", "purity of soul", fidelity and wisdom.
Two carps are a symbol of the harmony of relations between a man and a woman.
Goldfish - a symbol of beauty, grace, striving for beauty, wealth, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, happiness and

The seahorse is a symbol of vitality. Useful in sea travel and water trips, helps to establish a connection with the element of water.
The seahorse can symbolize single fathers.
Salmon is the personification of wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, prophetic abilities were attributed to him.
Salmon were revered for their ability to go against the current. Due to its perseverance in achieving the goal, salmon is still a recognized symbol of determination, perseverance, determination, and devotion to this day. A tattoo with the image of a salmon will be an excellent amulet, will help you achieve what you want and overcome any life difficulties.
Trout is a symbol of mobility, energy, active life. Trout lives only in clean water, so this type of fish is also associated with independence, love of freedom, purity.
Also, like salmon, trout in the legends of many peoples is associated with divine wisdom, abundance, foresight. The image of a trout was considered a talisman, attracted well-being and bestowed knowledge.

Fish tattoo meaning - photo collection of examples of finished drawings

Interesting about the features and meaning of a fish tattoo

The image is one of the oldest mythological and religious symbols. This sign was applied to the walls of the dwelling, ritual and household items. The image flaunted on the faces and bodies of the ancient priests and warriors. The meaning of the Fish tattoo varies among different peoples. But almost all cultures endowed it with a deep philosophical meaning.

The symbolism of the Pisces tattoo

Since ancient times, fish has been associated with wisdom and progenitors. The Egyptian god Horus, the Indian Vishnu, the Chaldean Oannes are associated with this symbol. The plexus of three fish was considered a religious symbol among the ancient Celts. The first Christians, who were oppressed by the Romans, hid the monogram ΙΧΘΥΣ (ICHTIS) under the sign of the fish, which stands for "Jesus Christ God's Son the Savior" as early as the 2nd century.

The image of a fish is still actively used by many Christians, especially Protestants. A fish with a basket of loaves and a bottle of wine on its back implies Christ bringing communion to people. The dolphin personifies Jesus as a guide through the disastrous abysses of chaos. A dolphin with a ship or an anchor symbolizes the church. And pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor, this animal depicts the crucified Christ.

The meaning of the Fish tattoo is closely connected with water, in all mythologies and religions of the world symbolizing the source of life and the beginning of existence. In the depths of the sea, ancient knowledge is hidden, which is so difficult for a person, but accessible to a fish. involves cleansing and ritual washing. Therefore, a Pisces tattoo means rebirth and a return to basics.

At the same time, water is a formidable element. And in order to survive, the fish shows its strength, cunning and resourcefulness. The meaning of a fish swimming against the current tattoo is strength and perseverance. Often, fish helps a person overcome the water element. This is exactly what happens, for example, in the myth of Manu. There are also many ancient tales in which a whale or other giant fish swallowed a hero, and then let him out of his own womb. In this regard, the fish is a symbol of the kingdom of the dead. And the plot of the myth as a whole allegorically conveys rebirth after death.

In many cultures, fish is a symbol of the feminine. She was an attribute of such great goddesses as Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite. The fish throws many eggs, and therefore means fertility, abundance and sensual love. In Sumerian writings, the sign fish meant fertility and reproduction. It is believed that a fish tattoo can help you get pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

Photo examples of fish tattoos:

In Buddhism, the fish symbolizes enlightenment, spiritual growth, following the Buddha, liberation from worldly attachments, base passions and sinful desires. Like Christ, I will be called a fisher of people, a fisherman. In Hinduism, fish is a symbol of family and marriage. In Chinese mythology - harmony, abundance and wealth. Carp is especially revered by the Chinese. It is believed that a tattoo with his image can make the wearer more successful.

For the Greeks, the fish was sacred in connection with the cult of Aphrodite, for the Romans - Venus. Both were considered goddesses of fertility, love and sex. As a symbol of strength, the fish is an attribute of Poseidon (Greeks) and Neptune (Romans). Everywhere the fish was attributed the role of a link between the world of the living and the dead. Therefore, it was often used as a symbolic offering to the dead. The opinion that the fish personifies the souls of the dead exists among modern Africans.

A fish tattoo can display both the light and the dark side of the soul of its owner. A very popular tattoo depicting two fish (black and white) in the form of a Yin-Yang sign. Do not forget about the zodiac sign of Pisces. Horoscopically, such a tattoo is suitable not only for people born under the constellation of the same name, but also for other signs of the water element - Cancer and Scorpio.

In all cultures, fish tattoos have a deep meaning. She personifies spiritual purity and growth, strength, mobility, grace and elusiveness. In the female version, the fish symbolizes fertility and motherhood.

Benefits of Fish Tattoos

Variety of sizes, themes and colors. A small schematic monochrome image of a fish looks laconic and elegant. These are usually done on the wrist, ankle, foot or behind the ear. Variations with eyes, lips, fins, scales and whiskers make it interesting to draw a tattoo of a large area. A tattoo with a fish on the entire back will definitely attract the attention of others. Under the condition of a well-thought-out sketch and high-quality execution, it will simply not take your eyes off the picture. Its many nuances and charms can be considered forever.

Fish tattoo is universal. The image of this aquatic inhabitant is interesting in itself. At the same time, the fish harmoniously looks in the composition. She can express any emotion. On the body of a man, a shark or a large predatory fish can be depicted with an open mouth full of sharp teeth. For example, she can chase prey. Such an image will go well with a ship or other marine life.

On the female body, a goldfish beating its tail looks playfully and extraordinary. A tattoo of a serene flock of bright fish framed by flowers, algae and bubbles will add femininity to its owner. A smiling dolphin emerging from the waves personifies openness and friendliness.

A fish tattoo is a great solution for those who want a three-dimensional tattoo on their forearm, calf or thigh. Due to the shape of these body parts, the fish will look very naturalistic. Multi-element and variability allows you to use a fish tattoo to effectively hide an unaesthetic scar or stretch mark, especially if skin damage has led to the appearance of irregularities (tubercles, depressions). The image of a fish, which is neutral in meaning, can be used to "hammer" a boring, dangerous or recklessly done tattoo.

Fish in the world of post-Soviet criminals does not have any tattoo. From images of birds, animals, devils and half-dressed girls, it is distinguished by absolute semantic neutrality in relation to thieves' suits and concepts of the zone. In tattoos made in places of deprivation of liberty, the image of a fish is practically never found. The guy who made such a tattoo can freely undress on the beach. The local gopota will not be able to substantiate the requirement “to answer for the headdress”.

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Prepared by: yulyakombarova (Kombarova Julia)

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The goldfish tattoo is quite popular with girls, especially when it comes to colored tattoos. All over the world, goldfish are associated with luck, beauty and love, and only in Russia are they credited with the properties of getting rich quick, attracting money and power.

Symbolism of a goldfish tattoo

The main purpose of domesticated fish is aesthetic, many people like to just watch them, admire their beauty and grace. So with a goldfish tattoo, the main meaning is beauty. A skillfully executed tattoo can decorate the body of a beautiful girl, emphasize her refined curves, and give a bright, memorable image.

In addition to the obvious, obvious symbols, goldfish have a semi-superstitious quality, they are believed to be able to bring good luck. Such a far-fetched property allowed pet stores to sell essentially domesticated crucian carp at exorbitant prices, but it worked and this belief became widespread. And why not, the image of a goldfish in tattoo art is great for endowing it with the function of a talisman, the fish is able to attract good luck, and bypass adversity and trouble.

Also, tattoos with goldfish have the meaning of the desire for self-improvement, the desire for spiritual purity, everything sublime, in this you can find similarities with a fish skeleton tattoo, which indicates the path of development.

The absolutely local meaning of a goldfish tattoo is wealth, success. Most likely, such a belief has developed due to a fairy tale about a goldfish that granted wishes, although it is obvious to attentive readers that the moral of that fairy tale is completely different, and it refers to the previous meaning, which is spiritual purity.

Of course, a goldfish tattoo is more suitable for girls, but it can also be found among guys as a talisman, sometimes it is used as a pair of tattoos, and sometimes a lover or wife acts as a goldfish.