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» Ganesha tattoo: the meaning of the Indian deity in the art of tattooing. What does the tattoo of the deity Ganesh mean on the human body? A tattoo will suit you if you

Ganesha tattoo: the meaning of the Indian deity in the art of tattooing. What does the tattoo of the deity Ganesh mean on the human body? A tattoo will suit you if you

Indian culture is one of the most popular body painting motifs. It captivates with original visual design of patterns and depth of images. India is a charming and amazing country, original and very interesting. Fans of this culture, of course, are well aware of the god Ganesh, who is considered the patron of merchants, merchants, representatives of creative professions and crafts, for example, artists and writers, travelers, photographers and researchers. A tattoo with this deity is deservedly in the first positions in popularity, and this statement applies not only to lovers of Indian culture, but also ordinary people, who are in search of some unusual solution, are fond of the East.

Syndicate Tattoo regularly has to deal with such an ornament, so we will analyze it in more detail.

Legend of Ganesh

The meaning that this tattoo has can easily be deduced from the history of the birth of this god. Ganesh is the child of Parvati and Shiva, but the god Shavi, known for his anger and envy, incinerated the head of the child with his gaze. Brahma turned to the saddened parents. He gave them advice to replace the baby's head with the head of the creature that they first come across on the road, which will sleep with its face turned towards the east. A little elephant was destined to become such a creature, and this is precisely what explains such an unusual appearance of Ganesh. His very name can be translated as “Lord of the Ghans”, and “Ghans” in India are called the servants of Shiva.

The physique of the god of wisdom is quite large, but this has its own explanation. For example, inside his full belly there is an energy clot, thanks to which he constantly fulfills the desires of those in need. The elephant's head denotes devotion, but devotion is not blind, but reasonable, based not only on feelings, but also on the power of the mind. Big ears show that God is always ready to hear all those who turn to him for help. The eyes of the deity with the brightness of their light resemble precious stones. Each of the four hands also has its own unique meaning:

  • Willingness to adhere to a righteous lifestyle;
  • striving for prosperity;
  • enjoyment of life;
  • Freedom from pain, physical and spiritual.

In the mythology of India, you can find many legends that describe in detail the good deeds performed by Ganesha. For example, his broken tusk is a sign of great devotion to the Almighty. The myth says that Vyasha (the earthly incarnation of Krishna) turned to all earthly beings that he wants to write down all his knowledge. No one, however, responded, the work seemed too hard. Only the little elephant Ganesha dared to help Vyasha, setting the condition that the work should be carried out without rest, otherwise it would take many centuries to complete it. When Ganesha's writing stick broke off, he, without hesitation, broke off one of his own tusks to continue writing.

On some tattoos, the god is depicted as sitting on a rat. The rat also has its own meaning, such a sketch represents a complete victory over negative character traits, shows the ability of the owner of the character to overcome his own greed, selfishness, and pride. The image can also be supplemented with a rosary symbolizing wisdom, a lotus (infinite power) and sweets (a cheerful life).

Ganesh is the deity that always remains in the body of the baby. This is what explains his hobbies for games, love for sweets and an exciting pastime. His character is not yet spoiled by the numerous temptations characteristic of adults and sins. Such a body, however, does not exclude the infinite wisdom of Ganesha, which not every adult can boast of.

Common Sketches

As a rule, a deity tattoo is performed in one of the following images:

  • Portrait, when the face is depicted without a torso;
  • Full-length portrait depicting the entire figure;
  • Ganesha in dance;
  • Ganesha riding a rat;
  • Dancing Ganesha with more than four arms. 4 is a classic sketch, the meaning of which we analyzed above, but the number of hands can go up to 32.

Meanings for boys and girls

This ornament does not have any gender restrictions, it can be used by both men and the fair sex. For example, if we talk about girls, then the pattern can emphasize the cheerfulness of their character, love of entertainment, readiness to learn something new and interesting. Sometimes the choice of Ganesh is due solely to the fact that its owner is a fan of oriental culture. It is also believed that the deity favors ladies who are busy creative work, actresses, poetesses, artists, helping them to achieve success in their profession, providing worthy material remuneration for their work, many fans.

The attraction of Ganesh is also for men. It helps in the chosen field of activity, contributes to the achievement of worldly wisdom, expands the horizons of knowledge and skills. Ganesha on the body indicates that its owner does not concentrate solely on professional activities, does not forget about self-development, strives for fruitful communication, establishing new connections and relationships.

The deity is able to bring success in any professional activity, since nothing material is alien to him. Ganesha helps in career growth, increases the chances of a salary increase. The ornament on the body also shows that its owner is a wise man who not only strives to earn as much money as possible, but also knows how to spend it wisely and correctly, strives to learn something new in life, help others, and improve his own personality.

Features of graphic performance

From the photo you can understand that for a tattoo in this style characterized by all the features inherent in traditional Indian painting. We recommend making it in color, since it is such a solution that is considered a classic, the final pattern looks attractive and unusual. Color, at the same time, suits both boys and girls. An additional point is the abundance of details. In the design process, it is better not to limit yourself to anything, the more details are used in the process of forming the final pattern, the more impressive its final appearance will be. Indian painting is generally characterized by an abundance of various decorations, since it is it that symbolizes wealth, makes the final picture unusual and original, so you should not refuse such a style.

The masters of the Syndicate Tattoo studio will cope with it without any problems, regardless of the complexity, and professional equipment will make it possible to accurately work out the smallest elements of the original image, eliminating their further deformations and defects that may appear after healing. Additionally, the main pattern can be diversified with classic Indian ornaments, inscriptions and mandalas.

Location options

Features of graphic design impose certain requirements on the choice of location for the location of the pattern. A small area of ​​the body is not suitable for this, since in a limited space the master simply will not be able to fully pay attention to details, small elements will merge with each other and will look unattractive and incomprehensible. A good option is a tattoo on the back, in this case there is enough space to implement a large-scale image, which has worked out shadows, there is volume. Common options are the location of the picture on the shoulder, forearm, thigh or shoulder blade. It is not recommended to make a tattoo on the genitals or in the lower abdomen, it is not only about the lack of free space, but also that such a choice of placement looks like disrespect for the deity.

Regardless of the complexity of the chosen sketch and the place of application, the masters of the salon will cope with the task. We will provide not only the perfect graphic execution of the sketch, but also the absolute safety of the process, subject to the minimum care requirements, it will take several days, it will not cause any inconvenience, since we take the issues of sterility and antiseptic treatment with all responsibility!

Ganesha tattoo is a special symbol endowed with sacred meaning. The culture of India is very multifaceted and mysterious, and this is what attracts people from different countries. The wearable pattern will bring good luck and success only to those who treat the Indian religion with respect and reverence. Frivolity in this case can only hurt. Before choosing a tattoo with a revered deity, carefully study its meaning and symbolism.

Who is Ganesha

Ganesha is an Indian deity who is depicted with the head of an elephant and a human body. According to legend, he was the offspring of the god Shiva and the goddess Parvati, and his name is translated as "lords of the Ghans", that is, servants. Due to the intervention of evil forces, Ganesha lost his head. Then Brahma ordered his mother to take the head of any creature that first met on her way and would sleep facing north. It turned out to be a small elephant.

The most famous painting is Ganesha Medium by Vrindavan Das, where the deity is depicted with a broken tusk. The Indian epic tells that Ganesha lost him in a battle with a giant. According to another version, he tore off his tusk due to the fact that his pen broke when he wrote the Mahabharata. The ax in the picture means the removal of obstacles, sweets - a sweet life, rosaries - knowledge and wisdom. The number of hands, depending on the image, can vary from 2 to 32.

In India, Ganesha is treated with special reverence and reverence. It symbolizes prosperity, prosperity, abundance and is considered the patron of creative people - writers, poets, artists. Indians believe that the deity is able to get rid of worries and doubts, to help in undertakings, but only on condition that the person is sincere and kind.

Another meaning is wealth and material wealth. The larger the image of Ganesha in the house, the more money.

Who will suit

Ganesh tattoo is a serious symbol that suits both men and women equally. On the human body, it is a powerful amulet that protects even in the most difficult moments of life, gives strength and inspiration. The deity patronizes businessmen and entrepreneurs, protects against making wrong decisions. Ganesha helps in any endeavor, attracts new people, influential connections and is a kind of lifesaver. If the owner of such a tattoo is a greedy and conceited person, then the drawing will only harm him.

An elephant is a strong and hardy animal, so a tattoo with an Indian deity gives its owner good health and heals from ailments. It is believed that a person who has made such a body pattern takes on all the positive qualities of the animal: stability, confidence, stability, strength and wisdom. A tattoo may also indicate a passion for Indian culture or involvement in Hinduism.

Execution technique

The image of Ganesha includes many small details and elements that would be impossible to display in small tattoo. Only large-scale sketches can convey all the symbolism and sacred meaning of the image. Please note that the ankle and lower back are not suitable for the site of application of the composition, as this is disrespectful to the deity. The same applies to intimate places.

Ganesha tattoo on the arm is an ideal option for both men and women. A large drawing will look very impressive and will certainly bring good luck and prosperity. In the classical interpretation, the image should be in color, but in contemporary art body painting allowed monochrome sketch.

The choice of style for performing a tattoo is unlimited, it all depends on your desire and the qualifications of the master. New school, realism, blackwork - these techniques are suitable for depicting Ganesha. In the work, it is important that ornaments and details are clearly drawn. A tattoo on the back, chest or forearm will undoubtedly attract the attention of others and become a real work of art.

Most likely, you have already seen such an idea for a tattoo, without even suspecting that this is a Ganesh tattoo in front of you. However, once you know who he is, it will be difficult to forget him. Let's figure out what such a picture means and why people who have nothing to do with Hinduism choose it for themselves.

Currently, there are millions of different ideas for tattoos in the world, but not every one of them is able to maintain its relevance among true connoisseurs of tattoos who dream of having intricate images on their bodies.

There are ideas that are considered classics: skulls, roses, lions, angels. There is something that quickly goes out of fashion, if you can even talk about tattoos that way.

But there are such special ideas as, for example, ganesha tattoo- This perfect choice for those who want to stand out from the crowd and show their creative taste. If only because this character looks like a symbiosis of a man and an elephant!

However, the history of this symbol is even more interesting.

The image of Ganesh has its roots deep in India, or to be more precise, in its religion. Ganesha is the God of wisdom, who enjoys deep reverence and respect among the Hindus.

Perhaps it will be news to you, but Hinduism is also revered in our country - by separate groups of people, of course. Someone came to this path through vegetarianism, someone - thanks to yoga, and someone just went on a trip to India, and then could not forget this country.

In fact, there are quite a few gods in the Indian "pantheon" - more than a thousand. But Ganesha has a special position there. And they love him because ... he is very cute and cheerful (according to the legends).

That is why a Ganesh tattoo is not such a rare choice.

Ganesha Tattoo Meaning

Despite what we told you above, at the moment, tattoo lovers do not give much preference to the image of Ganesha on their body. And this is very in vain, because the owner of such a tattoo becomes the owner of good luck at the same time!

However, the lack of desire to stuff an Indian god on your body is quite obvious: not everyone is familiar with the cultural values ​​​​of the East and not everyone can understand the meaning that lies in the image of Ganesha.

Ganesha is depicted, as a rule, in close-up, in bright colors, but there are exceptions when only one tone is used.

Tattoo art lovers choose various variations sketches.

The most common images:

1. The face of Ganesh (portrait), without the image of the torso.

2. God in full growth.

3. Dancing Ganesha.

4. Ganesha sitting on a rat.

5. Ganesha with a different number of hands (from 2 to 30), each of which is occupied with a certain object: sweets or an ax, or a rosary.

The Ganesha tattoo is harmless and carries only positive meanings, so you should not deprive yourself of the opportunity to decorate your body with a successful and extraordinary image.

In addition to symbolizing luck in life, Ganesha also patronizes travel and brings good luck in business.

Anyway, he is very cute and will cheer you up with one of his looks. However, we do not recommend that you dwell on this sketch idea for this reason alone. If Indian culture means nothing to you, pick up another image that does not have religious references.

Only in order to get a truly original and beautiful work, you need to find a master who will be able to convey the meaning and proper look to others in full.

As a rule, people who are interested in oriental culture, know their traditions, values, customs, features unconditionally cope with stuffing Ganesha. Finding such a master is difficult, but possible.

But if you don’t go into such details, it’s enough to look for a master who will show you a clean office, disposable consumables, a polite attitude towards clients and a high-quality portfolio. Such a specialist will fill you with a tattoo, which will please you for a very, very long time.


Elephant-headed god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, patron of trade and travelers.

Genealogy. In the epic and Puranas, the son of Shiva and Parvati, the brother of Skanda. Wives Buddhi ("mind") and Siddhi ("success"). According to the Varaha Purana, it arose from the radiance of Shiva.

Names. Ganapati "lord of Ghana" (previously the title of Ganapati belonged to Shiva or Rudra); Ghatodara "Thick-bellied"; Vighnesha "Lord of obstacles"; Ekadanta "One Tooth".

Iconography. He was depicted with a red or yellow human body, a large spherical belly, four arms and an elephant's head, from the mouth of which one tusk sticks out (he lost his right tusk in the battle with Parashurama).

Deity constituting the retinue of Shiva. It appears relatively late in the Hindu pantheon, in the early Middle Ages, but immediately occupies an honorary position in it and is one of the most popular and revered Indian gods. He is called to help, undertaking an important matter..

Images and temples are especially common in the south.

Versions of the birth of Ganesha.

* Varaha Purana. The gods turned to Shiva with a request to create a god who would prevent the accomplishment of evil deeds, and Ganesha arose from the radiance of the majesty of Shiva.
** Brihaddharma Purana (Book II). After the birth of Skanda, Shiva refused to "indulge in lovemaking" for the sake of offspring, but Parvati passionately desired a son. Enraged, Shiva rolled up the half of the goddess's robes and handed her in her hands: "Here is your son, Parvati." "How can this piece of cloth replace my son?" she objected. But as she spoke, she accidentally pressed the bundle to her chest. As soon as the bundle touched the chest of the goddess, he came to life and Parvati ordered the priests to perform the rites that were due at the birth of a son.

Versions of the "appearance" of the elephant's head.

* They forgot to invite the god Shani to the celebration in honor of the birth of Ganesha, and out of revenge, he incinerated the baby's head with a glance. Brahma advised Parvati to give him the head of the first creature she met. They turned out to be an elephant.

** According to one of the legends, Shiva himself cut off his son's head, angry that Ganesha did not let him into Parvati's chambers. Then, in order to console his wife, he put the head of an elephant that was nearby to the body.
*** Varaha Purana. Ganesha lost his head because of the curse of Parvati, dissatisfied with his birth.
**** Brihaddharma Purana (Book II). After the birth of Ganesha, all the gods were invited to a celebration where everyone could look at the baby. Only Shani did not pay honors to Parvati and her son, because. he was cursed by his wife for neglecting her, and from his gaze everything that the gaze of God fell on perished. Parvati disregarded Shani's warning and asked him to look at her son. As soon as Shani looked at Ganesha, the baby's head separated from the body and fell to the ground. Even Shiva failed to resurrect the baby. Then a voice came from heaven, commanding to “put” on the shoulders of Ganesha the head of the one who “sleeps facing the north.” Shiva's servant Nandin was sent in search of the head, who after long wanderings came to the capital of the heavenly kingdom of Amaravati. At the gates of the city he saw Airavata, the elephant of Indra, lying with his head to the north. Having won the battle with Indra, Nandin cut off the elephant's head and returned to Shiva. The young god came to life and, at the behest of Shiva, became the head of the gangs (hosts of Shiva's servants), having received from Brahma the name Ganesha, "Lord of the hosts." Indra came to Shiva with repentance and as a token of forgiveness, Shiva ordered the body of the headless elephant to be thrown into the ocean so that it would acquire a new head, after which the resurrected Airavata returned to Indra.

Every day there are dozens of new styles and trends in tattoos. Each person is trying to impress with a unique, inimitable tattoo, so that the image has a deep meaning, emphasizes the individuality and originality of its owner. One of those that meets all these criteria is the Ganesh tattoo.

History of occurrence

This image came to our culture from far away for us, but from this no less attractive - Hinduism. Ganesha in Indian religion is a deity who embodies wisdom, luck and fulfillment of desires. According to the ancient, sacred book of all Hindus, the Rigveda, Ganesha is one of the deities who was the son of the great deities - Shiva and his wife, Parvati, which in turn makes him an unusually powerful celestial being.

His image, referring to the data of researchers, Indian culture, arose about three and a half thousand years ago. He, as you know, in addition to immortality, has many qualities that clearly distinguish him from the rest of the pantheon of god-like creatures of Indian culture.

Ganesha, according to legends, is the leader of the heavenly army, which, unlike his brother, is controlled by the mind, and not by strength and fear. The appearance of Ganesha, unlike most Hindu gods, is very strange. Most often, he is drawn as a large man, with the head of an elephant and a large number of arms. In this image, every detail is specific and has a hidden meaning, whether it is the number of hands, symbolizing the level of enlightenment, or a big belly, a symbol of wealth and generosity.

Symbolism in the image

At the moment, everyone who is interested in Eastern culture, namely India, knows what a deity is. The photo of Ganesha shows the following symbols, the interpretation of which is presented below:

  • Instead of a human head, the head of an elephant, as an image of chastity and fidelity.
  • More ears that will allow him to hear the inner prayers of people addressed to him.
  • The presence of one tusk, as a denial of ambiguity in everything.
  • High intelligence is emphasized by the presence of a trunk.
  • Generosity and prosperity, which are directed from Ganesha to the whole world, are hidden in his big belly.

Ganesh tattoo

A tattoo depicting Ganesha is very beautiful, large-scale, most often made in bright, bewitching colors in the Indian style. Although more and more you can find this tattoo, made using one color of paint, which does not affect its attractiveness in any way, but rather gives an atmosphere of seriousness and inspires respect for its owner. On many tattoos, Ganesh is depicted in full growth, and there are also options where he sits on a rat, dances, or just the face of Ganesh, without a torso. When applying the number of hands of a deity, each person is guided by his own vision and meaning, because there can be from two to thirty-two pieces. The customer also chooses what Ganesha will hold in these hands, be it a rosary, symbolizing knowledge, an ax to break barriers on the path of life, or just sweets, as a sign of a carefree life.

A tattoo depicting Ganesha, in its meaning, brings enlightenment and good luck to its owner, but in our society it has not gained sufficient popularity. This can be explained by the lack of knowledge of the traditions and culture of the East, as well as the deep meaning hidden in the origin of the deity. A tattoo with the face of a god looks quite extraordinary, according to many ordinary people who are unfamiliar with Hinduism and the culture of the East. Many are frankly afraid of being seen as too adventurous, stuffing a tattoo with an image that, to put it mildly, looks unusual.

Ganesha Tattoo Meaning

You can start with the fact that Ganesha belongs to the Hindu celestials, and, accordingly, his appearance carries a more religious background. At the moment, more and more in the trend of society has become a passion for oriental motifs, as well as the mass nature of Indian culture, penetrating deeper and deeper into the minds of many people. Most people want to show their knowledge of a particular culture, and in this case Indian, through tattooing.

The meaning of a Ganesh tattoo can be interpreted as protection in travel, skill in oratory, good luck in trading. For individuals who are fond of Hinduism, a tattoo is interpreted as a request for help and protection, as well as for guidance on the path of enlightenment and achieving nirvana. For most people who do not delve into the intricacies of origin and hidden meanings, a Ganesh tattoo will be a great way to emphasize their uniqueness and extravagance.

Photos and sketches of Ganesha tattoo

If you just look at the photo, the first thing that catches your eye is the size, since the tattoo is really large-scale. For this reason, it is advisable to choose a large place for her - for women, the back, chest is suitable, if the customer is a man - the forearm. A person who decides to apply the image of Ganesh should choose a specialist who would match the order, since there are a huge number of small details in the tattoo, and the skill of the person performing the order must correspond to the complexity of the tattoo. To begin with, it is advisable to ask the master to prepare a sketch of the tattoo, try to immediately discuss all the details, and then start applying it to the body.

Ganesha tattoo has a kind, positive attitude and hidden meaning, a person who decides to apply it will never regret his choice. Indeed, in the end he will receive a large, bright tattoo with an indescribable Indian style and a trend of oriental culture. The main thing in this business is to find good master, capable of conveying all the moments of the image, with everything else, preserving its uniqueness.