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» What does the iguana tattoo mean? Feng Shui and pets Iguana tattoo meaning.

What does the iguana tattoo mean? Feng Shui and pets Iguana tattoo meaning.

Today we propose to find out the meaning of a tattoo in the form of an iguana. This reptile lives in America and is a large herbivorous lizard. Since the iguana has a rather calm disposition and is also accommodating, it is often brought into the house and taken care of as a pet.

Each nation interprets this symbol in its own way. So for the Greeks, this lizard symbolized dexterity and cunning. They were sure that the animal could contribute to good trade. But for the Indians, she was the embodiment of fertility at all. For the inhabitants of Egypt, the reptile personified wisdom and good luck. For the ancient African peoples, the iguana was a symbol of compromise and truce. Allegedly, she helped to avoid conflicts and even wars. In Slavic legends, the lizard acted as the patroness of the protagonist, who warned him against all sorts of dangers.

For the Australian Aborigines, the iguana was a symbol of adultery, and for the Romans it was a kind of sign of death.

Today, the reptile is considered a rather intelligent and at the same time dodgy creature that is able to find a way out in any situation.


A spectacular reptile tattoo often becomes a choice for both men and women.

And if the representatives of the stronger sex often prefer underwear drawings in the style of graphics and tribal, then girls often choose watercolor and even realism tattoos as the original image.

Both men and women often make such beautiful underwear drawings on the back, shoulder, chest and other parts of the body.

A tattoo depicting an iguana will mean dexterity, cunning, wisdom, luck and resourcefulness.

Significance for women

Not so often, but still sometimes, the fair sex choose spectacular images with this special reptile. Women prefer watercolor underwear drawings. For the fair sex, an iguana tattoo would mean:

  • wisdom
  • resourcefulness
  • cunning
  • good luck

A tattoo with an iguana will tell about the wisdom and cunning of its owner. Such a woman can always find a way out of this situation.

In addition, such a wearable image can symbolize good luck.

Sometimes the fair sex prefer a tattoo in the form of an iguana, not because of the special symbolism, but because of the spectacularity of the picture.

Significance for men

Sometimes iguana tattoos are also chosen by representatives of the stronger sex. Men most often prefer. For representatives of the stronger sex, such tattoos mean:

  • ability to get out of any situation
  • cunning
  • wisdom
  • resourcefulness

A wearable image with a reptile on a male body will symbolize cunning and wisdom.

In addition, such a tattoo will tell that a man knows how to find a way out of any situation.
Sometimes men choose such wearable images because of their effectiveness.

What image for a tattoo to choose?

There are many interesting iguana tattoos. Among the most original are images made in the technique of realism. On such tattoos, the reptile looks very natural and impressive.

Also no less interesting will be a pectoral pattern in the form of an old school iguana. Such tattoos are distinguished by their bulge and colorful pattern.

The iguana, a large, brightly colored lizard, has become a symbol of Mexico due to its unusual and impressive appearance and importance to the indigenous population of the country.

In Mexico, these reptiles, with a slightly intimidating appearance for Europeans and a surprisingly meek disposition, can very often be seen peacefully basking in the warm sun.
Wherever you go - to beach resorts and or to, everywhere you will observe iguanas in great numbers. On the ruins of the Mayan pyramids, surrounded by impenetrable jungle, on the beaches of Cancun and the Riviera Maya, and even on the resort boulevard of Kukulkan in the hotel zone of Cancun, iguanas get out into the sun, completely not alienating the presence of a person.

An iguana basking on rocks in the archaeological site of Uxmal, Mexico

Iguana comes from iwana in the language of the Taino tribes who inhabited the Antilles before the arrival of the Spaniards. The Spaniards began to call the lizard in their own way - the iguana.
The Mayans believed that the universe was located inside a giant house, the roof of which was supported by four iguanas. itzam. It is also known that in a later period, the Maya sacrificed an iguana to the gods.

Currently, in some regions of Mexico, the iguana is an integral part of the cultural heritage and self-identification. For example, in the state of Oaxaca, you can often hear: "If you eat iguana meat, then you are a true resident of Oaxaca."
Two species of iguanas live in Mexico - the common iguana or green iguana (Iguana Iguana) and the black iguana (Ctenosaura Pectinata).

Iguana green or common iguana (Iguana Iguana)

Common Iguana (Iguana Iguana)

Adult green iguanas can reach up to two meters in size, however, most of the body will be occupied by the tail. Despite its name, the color of the iguana is not necessarily green, but varies depending on the habitat and can be blue, purple, red, pink and even orange.
The iguana is cold-blooded, so it cannot control its body temperature on its own, but depends on external sources. That is why they are so often seen basking in the sun or resting in the cool shade of trees.

An iguana sunbathing on the beach of Tulum, Mexico

Iguanas have sharp vision during daylight hours, but as darkness falls, it sharply decreases. The iguana's eye is able to recognize ultraviolet rays. The iguana retained a rudimentary "third eye" at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones of the skull. Its functions are not entirely clear, since, despite the fact that it has an underdeveloped retina and lens, it does not give an image. The most common version is that the “third eye” regulates circadian rhythms, since it reacts to illumination and determines the day-night mode.

"Third eye" at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones of the iguana skull

During the mating ritual, which begins in late November - early December, males choose and mark their own territory (about 5 sq.m.) and court females, performing a special mating dance, shaking their heads and inflating their throat sac. The female iguana lays her eggs in tunnel pits up to 1 m deep. A medium-sized female lays about 30 eggs, while a larger individual can lay up to 70. Having laid eggs, the female buries the clutch and leaves, no longer caring for the offspring. Only 25% of the eggs hatch into young and few of them reach adulthood.

male iguana during mating season

Black iguana (Ctenosaura pectinata)

Black iguanas are in many ways similar to their relatives - green iguanas, but, in turn, have a number of features. At birth, black iguanas are green in color, and darken when they reach the age of one year. In size, black iguanas are smaller and rarely reach 1 meter.

Black iguana (Ctenosaura pectinata)

The green iguana is exclusively herbivorous and eats leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits of tropical plants, loves water and swims well. The black iguana is predatory and avoids water.

The green iguana, unlike the black iguana, is exclusively herbivorous.

What unites the black and green iguana is that both species are on the verge of extinction. For hundreds of years, the iguana has been an important source of protein for people in Mexico and Latin America. In some countries, such as Colombia, where iguana meat is traditionally not eaten, pregnant female iguanas are hunted, as iguana eggs boiled in broth are considered a gourmet delicacy.
Iguanas are also credited with medicinal properties. Iguana meat broth is believed to help with colds. It is also believed that if raw iguana liver is applied to the eyes and forehead, then vision improves. Iguana oil has been successfully used to treat spider and scorpion stings. Iguana fat compress reduces varicose veins. However, the most important reason for the extinction of the iguana population is urbanization, deforestation and environmental pollution.

The iguana, a peaceful lizard and a symbol of Mexico, is on the verge of extinction.

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Ecology of the environment

Choosing a pet
Rodents (rats, hamsters, guinea pigs)
Amphibians (toads, frogs, salamanders, newts)
Reptiles (turtles, lizards, geckos, chameleons, iguanas, snakes)
Arthropods (spiders, scorpions, stick insects)
Shellfish (crabs, shrimp, crayfish)


Probably, many will exclaim in disappointment, but where are the crocodiles? In my opinion, these animals deserve to live in wildlife. And we - in order to encounter them as rarely as possible ... Although, there will certainly be admirers of crocodiles who live with them under the same roof and see sweet dreams at night ...


If you are a nervous and fussy person who is always in a hurry somewhere and always late - this is the animal for you. You can't look at a slowly crawling turtle and worry about it. Try it. This can become a real meditation for you. You yourself will not notice how you become more calm and balanced. The measured life of turtles suggests that time does not exist in the natural world - it was invented by people. But why?

So, if you are attracted to this ancient reptile, you must figure out which one you want more, land or sea? Both for one and for the other, you will need a terrarium with the appropriate equipment - to create suitable conditions for life. Although there is another way - keeping turtles in specially equipped enclosures. This is important, as any turtles need additional heating. It is unacceptable to keep the turtle just in the apartment - it is very vulnerable, often sick (as it is exposed to hypothermia and drafts) and may die.

According to the classical Feng Shui theory of the four animal protectors, Black Turtle Hills are protection back side Houses. Ideal - if it is north. The turtle, located in the north, symbolizes support and help, ensures the steady growth of our well-being. In addition, it is also a traditional symbol of longevity. Therefore, decorative picturesque ponds with water lilies and turtles were very common in the imperial palaces of ancient China. Located in the north, they activated the water qi bringing good luck in wealth. And so that the emperor was lucky in procreation, the reservoir was often located to the right of the front door - so that new concubines and wives would appear in his life. And the more of them there are, the more successful the emperor was considered ... I do not advise married lovers of turtles to experiment with this, but to place a pond with a turtle on the left.

If the bedroom is to the north, or the north and the back of the house do not match, look for a different corner for the turtle. For example, place it at the back of the house, even if not in the north - after all, the "turtle hills" protect the rear of the house. Here she will "take care" of the steady growth of your income and "keep" the luck of your family. One turtle is enough - it will not suffer from loneliness and will be busy only with your "protection". If you want several, then at least three. You should not start two males, as they have a habit of "finding out" who, after all, owns a given territory. I once had a chance to keep two turtles at home. Obviously, there was no female among them, because the "wars" for territory did not stop. A smaller individual, using its good maneuverability, attacked its relative at every opportunity and even bit off several pieces from the shell. It seems to me that they were clearly not up to my defense ...

A turtle is a creature that requires careful care and special conditions for life. If there are children in the house, with their irrepressible curiosity and craving for experiments, they can create unbearable conditions for the existence of a turtle, which, as you know, loves peace. Therefore, in order to avoid the troubles that threaten a poor animal (driving in cars, ski jumping, racing, etc.), I do not advise buying it for small children.

If you make some efforts, you can turn your reptile's home into a real corner of exotic nature, which will become a worthy decoration of your home - a favorite place for relaxation and for guests. Unconditional pluses - the turtle does not need your company and can eat even once a week.

aquatic turtles

The most preferred, from the point of view of Feng Shui, is a sea turtle. Red-eared turtles are more often sold, which at a young age are quite decorative. Most aquatic turtles grow quickly, in five years they can grow up to 30 cm! Therefore, consult a pet store and decide on the size. In addition, they eat mostly animal food. Therefore, consult about the diet. And do not forget to create a small island of land for her, in the middle of the reservoir, where she could rest. It's necessary!!!

marsh turtles

In terms of care, they are very close to aquatic turtles, but outwardly they are not so decorative, the color of the shell is swamp black. Like aquatic turtles, they quickly get used to the owner and "meet" him when he appears, sticking his head out of the water.

land turtles

Land turtles have shells of various colors - light red to dark olive. They can be called vegetarians, as they eat mostly vegetables, fruits and berries, although they will not give up meat either.

Attention!!! Don't hibernate turtles. At home, it is deadly!


The lizard is an animal that reminds us very much of the Dragon, one of the most important symbols of Chinese mythology. Cosmic Dragon Breath - this is how energy is called in Feng Shui qi, the magical life force that gives life to all things. According to the classic Feng Shui theory of the four animal protectors, the Green Dragon, living in the east, is the expression of the masculine and represents the energy yang. The dragon brings good luck in all its material manifestations, gives authority and power, which provide a person with a high position in society. In China, the Dragon is the most significant celestial animal that brings happiness.

As already noted, in China, the concepts of "green dragon - white tiger" and Feng Shui mean the same thing - this is what makes a person's home auspicious. In the house, the Dragon “lives” to the left of the front door (if you look from the house to the street, ideally - in the east), and the Tiger, respectively, to the right. To achieve harmony in the energies in the house, the Green Dragon and the White Tiger must be balanced - the level of the area where the Dragon is located must be higher than the area where the Tiger “lives”. Otherwise, you will have to face the "fury" of the Tiger, which can bring great losses and troubles.

If you decide to have a “little Dragon” at home, you will have to do so in order to create ideal conditions for his life. After all, the unfortunate Dragon is unlikely to be able to bring you all of the above benefits. But if you take this "project" very seriously, put a piece of your soul into it, one day, you will be rewarded. After all, if a person lives in anticipation of a miracle, it will certainly happen.

Lizards are small, medium and relatively large. Their coloration is very varied. The most decorative lizards have a bright abdomen, which can be of various colors: yellow, green, blue, orange and even red. Males tend to be more "smart".

Lizards are usually kept in small terrariums, which are abundantly planted with all kinds of plants. You can create here a real "lost world" with an exotic landscape. But it must be equipped with everything necessary, including heating. But before deciding to buy a lizard, try to collect as much information as possible about the conditions of its maintenance and think carefully about whether you can bring it to life.

If there are small children in the house, you should explain to them that you cannot pick up the "little Dragon". Defending itself, the lizard can shed its tail - it is very brittle. True, after a while, it will grow back. But what is a dragon without a tail?

If you want to use a dragon as a feng shui artifact but don't have the ability to keep a lizard, there is another way. To do this, you need a glass transparent vessel or an aquarium. It can be decorated inside with all kinds of stones, shells and plants (you can also artificial), make a backlight. You will also need a Dragon figurine, preferably gold. In general, you need to recreate the "picture" of the Dragon, "quenching thirst." The water object with the image of a dragon in the abode of the Water Star of the Period is the strongest Feng Shui artifact, attracting abundance and prosperity, which was used with success even by the Taoists ...


These funny little "dragons" are for lovers of small reptiles. In wildlife, they live in colonies, while each of the geckos "protects" its territory. Since they only come down to the ground to feed, the terrarium should be vertical. To keep a couple, a small terrarium (30 x 30 x 50 cm - length, width, height) is enough, the arrangement of which requires special attention. As with all reptiles, you will need special equipment for heating and lighting. To maintain humidity and create an appropriate microclimate, it is better to plant more living plants, and sprinkle the bottom with wet gravel. It is also necessary to periodically spray the plants - geckos drink by licking moisture droplets from the leaves. Take care of creating shelters - for this you can use snags, tree bark, coconut shells, ceramic shards, etc. Geckos feed on live insects, live in captivity for 6-7 years.

The ideal location for a terrarium with small "dragons" is in the East, or to the left of the front direction (if you look at the street). With an abundance of greenery, it will work like a Feng Shui artifact, activating the energy of the eastern direction. Here the Dragon, bringing happiness and prosperity, can show its best qualities. His trigram - Tree, is associated with the family, ancestors, the implementation of the plan, in the family she supports the eldest son.

Geckos are found in almost all countries of Southeast Asia - from the eastern regions of India to the islands of the Malay Archipelago. They can be found in tall forests, caves, among rocks, and even in human settlements. Therefore, when decorating the room where the terrarium will be located (well, if it is a living room), use the theme of the East. To create a single space and enhance the effect, murals of the appropriate theme are well suited.


This animal cannot be confused with any other, because of its unique property to instantly change its color under the influence of the environment - so the animal becomes invisible to predators in wildlife. Some species of chameleons have a tail that twists in a spiral, which helps them to cling to branches.

Of all the variety of reptiles, chameleons are the most tame animals. Watching them is extremely interesting, as their behavior is very diverse. A chameleon can hunt down prey for hours; two huge eyes that rotate independently of each other help him in this. During the hunt, the chameleon skillfully uses its exorbitantly long tongue, which is twice the length of its body. The chameleon gets used to the owner, but at the sight of strangers, it takes threatening (very funny :)) poses, swells up and changes color.

Most species have a length of 25-35 cm, therefore, to keep chameleons, you need a vertical terrarium (up to 120 cm in height, length and width - 50 cm), in which it is recommended to install a heating system, a thermostat and a drinker, like a dropper, so that water constantly drips irrigating the leaves. In addition, natural or artificial lighting is needed to create a 12-hour daylight hours. Since chameleons spend most of their lives on trees, this must be taken into account when filling the terrarium by placing plants at different levels. Chameleons are fed various insects and pieces of fruit. Chameleons reproduce by laying eggs in the ground or sand. The life expectancy of a chameleon in captivity reaches about 7-9 years.

Chameleons are found on the island of Madagascar, Africa, India, Ceylon, Asia Minor, where they are considered a symbol of wisdom. This can be a starting point when choosing plants and landscape for a terrarium, as well as for the design of the room in which it will be located.

Like lizards, chameleons remind us of the mystical Dragon, which in Feng Shui theory is one of the protector animals. Therefore, it is better to place the terrarium in the East or to the left of the front direction (if you look at the street). A terrarium with an abundance of tree thickets, here you will have to, by the way. When decorating the room where the terrarium will be located (well, if it is a living room), use palm trees, mats, chests, wicker baskets, ceramic vessels, bright pillows and bedspreads. They will make the interior of your exotic corner unforgettable and cozy.


Iguanas are listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). Therefore, when buying them (which not everyone can afford - a green iguana is not cheap), you should definitely require a copy of the CITES permit.

The iguana is a large American lizard. Due to the peculiarities of the device of the head, the characteristic ridge on the back and the large size, it reminds us more than anyone else of the Green Dragon, which, according to Feng Shui theory, “lives” in the east and represents one of the main animal protectors. The dragon is considered the highest celestial animal, bringing a person good luck in the implementation of his plans, high position, authority and material success. In the compass school, in the East is the trigram "thunder". She symbolizes the Tree, the eldest son, the desire to rise, the family, as a kind, is a symbol of fertility, the union of male and female, yin And jan. If there are sons in the family, then she will support the eldest son, who will receive great support in his endeavors.

Therefore, it is ideal if the iguana lives in the eastern part of the house, or in the room located to the left of the front door (if you look towards the front direction). The presence of an exotic wildlife area here, with a lot of plants, will work as a powerful Feng Shui artifact. However, if the Dragon dominates too much (it suddenly turns out that there is no western sector in the house), this can lead to an excessive strengthening of the role of men in the family.

Keeping iguanas is not easy. You need to truly love this rare animal and be ready to make some sacrifices for it. To keep an iguana at home, you will need a large indoor terrarium with a special lamp (to provide the necessary daylight hours and heating), a thermostat, a humidifier, a UV lamp and ventilation. In the terrarium, near the lamp, it is necessary to strengthen a large massive branched snag, install a pond. In addition, the iguana needs to be bathed regularly and cleaned daily in the terrarium.

Iguanas are vegetarians, they eat very small plant foods. Another feature - iguanas grow quickly and can reach impressive sizes - 1.5-2 meters in length. With such large sizes, for a comfortable life, they, of course, need a large terrarium. Personally, it would be painful for me to look at an iguana “squeezed” in a terrarium, as if in a punishment cell ... This animal is for those who can and are ready to sacrifice their living space for its comfortable existence and provide it with a large space where it could feel “at home” ".

Iguanas live up to 15-20 years. Their daily routine is almost like that of people - they sleep at night, “get up” in the morning and remain active all day - the more interesting it is to observe them and communicate with them. While sleeping, the iguana should not turn on the TV or music - this can lead to illness. The iguana is a rather peaceful animal, but you need to tame it gradually, avoiding sudden sounds and movements. Over time, she will get used to it, allow herself to be stroked, sit on the owner’s shoulder and eat from his hands. If the iguana is frightened or unhappy with something, he may bite. The green iguana is the most common species.

The iguana lives in Central and South America. Keep this in mind when landscaping the terrarium and choosing the design of the room in which she will live. For example, the vegetation cover of South America is characterized by tropical rainforests, palm trees, ferns and lianas. Photo wallpapers depicting the most beautiful tropical forests and mountains will help to connect the iguana's home with the surrounding interior. If you choose the view of Mount Auyantepui, from which the Angel, the highest waterfall in the world, falls, or another landscape with a waterfall, this may serve as a reason to place the iguana in the place where the Water 8 (the main Star of the Period) is located in your house ), bringing financial well-being. Another option in the southeast (only not in the bedroom!). In Feng Shui, this direction is associated with material well-being and abundance. The southeast trigram symbolizes energy yang and the eldest daughter, who, in this case, will receive great support in the implementation of the plan. By the way, it was tepui (which in the language of the Indians means "home of the gods") - the mountains located on the Guiana Highlands in South America, inspired the writer Arthur Conan Doyle to write the novel "The Lost World".

Adult iguanas are usually built in large wooden terrariums with a glass front. By connecting the “home” of iguanas with the surroundings with the help of palm trees, vines and ferns, choosing a disc with the appropriate sounds of nature, you can create a complete feeling of being in the tropics…


The snake belongs to the element of Fire, denotes the desire for the best, symbolizes the southeast direction, spring and represents energy yin.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, among many peoples it is a sacred animal, but our perception of snakes is associated with danger and threat to life - the poison of many snakes is deadly for us, a snake can also “strangle” a person. Therefore, at home, snakes are rarely bred. In wildlife in Belarus, we practically do not have the opportunity to watch snakes. And it is very interesting to watch them - this animal is painfully unusual.

It can be unequivocally said that a snake is not an animal for everyone. The most common breeding of boas, royal and tiger pythons are varieties of boas. These unusual exotic animals should be kept in special terrariums equipped with additional heating. It is necessary to observe a special temperature regime, high humidity, etc. In general, caring for snakes is not at all easy.

There is one more and very big minus. Remember, boas are not herbivores. The main food of boas and pythons is rabbits and rats, and, moreover, exclusively live ones. Snakes are completely indifferent to previously killed animals, since they do not have infrared (thermal) radiation. Therefore, a python dinner is not a spectacle for the faint of heart - from the strangulation of an animal to swallowing. It can be said unequivocally that special people hold kites ... There is good news. It is enough to feed the python once every two weeks, or even three.

But if we talk about Feng Shui - the impact on the energy of the home, then the forecast is unfavorable. The energy of the death agony and death of the animals being eaten will remain in the energy memory of your home for a long time ... In combination with the personal energy of the owner, this can manifest itself completely unpredictably. If the owner has any psychological problems, they can get worse. In children, this can also cause similar problems - the scene of one animal being eaten by another is hardly good for the formation of the child's psyche, rather, it can provoke animal cruelty.

If all of the above, however, does not bother you - you get snakes because you sincerely love these animals, and not at all to create an image; conditions allow you, you are sure that you will create a real paradise for your primitive reptiles, besides, you are distinguished by courage, calmness and composure - it's up to you. Just do not forget that the snake is a mystical animal that cannot be offended ... It is better if you take a separate room for the snake (or snakes - where there is one, there are three) in a separate room located in a remote part of the house.

Snakes periodically molt and shed their skin. If one day you are lucky enough to find a snake skin shed during a molt, know that it can bring you good luck. In the East, it is believed that the scales with which snake skin is covered resemble coins and attract money: like attracts like ... If a piece of snake skin is placed in a wallet, then it is possible that this thought will be so firmly embedded in your consciousness that you will do everything possible to make it happen...