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» How to train an adult cat to go to the tray? Ways to accustom an adult cat to a tray Closed toilet for cats how to accustom after.

How to train an adult cat to go to the tray? Ways to accustom an adult cat to a tray Closed toilet for cats how to accustom after.

To get started, purchase a tray at a special pet store. They come with or without mesh. Slatted trays are used more often without fillers, while trays without mesh and with high sides are designed for a toilet with filler. Usually cats like to dig in the sand after the toilet, burying their tracks. The filler can also be purchased along with the tray in the store. They vary in quality and prices. Choose what you can afford. Expensive fillers keep the smell for a long time and absorb moisture well, they need to be changed as they get dirty, and cheaper ones need to be changed more often. Remember that all fillers must be thrown into the trash, not into. With a filler, it will be easier for you to explain to the cat what is required of him.

After you bring the cat home, he will choose a secluded place somewhere or a closet. Do not try to get him out of there, so he gets to know your apartment and the people and animals living in it. As the adaptation period passes, he will come to you. Place the tray and food next to his hiding place. Later you will put them where it is convenient for you.

Introduce your pet to his new toilet. To do this, put the cat in the tray and scratch it with your paw in the filler. During games, and also after sleeping and eating, take the cat to the tray, reminding him that this is his toilet. If the kitten has done its business in the wrong place, then carefully collect its feces with a rag or newspaper and put it all in the tray. Let the cat smell appear in the tray.

Do not punish your pet with force, do not poke your nose into puddles, it is better to strictly say “No!”. Cats are well versed in the intonation of people. After such a punishment, take it to the tray and rummage with its paw in the filler. When your pet goes to the tray, praise him with a gentle voice, stroke him, you can treat him to something delicious.

Places of puddles should be washed immediately with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar. You can wipe the place with a piece of lemon. Do not use chemicals with chlorine, they attract no worse than the smell of meat.

It happens that adult cats begin to mark corners in the apartment, the owner’s shoes and even his things. Do not think that in this way the cat is taking revenge for something, he just does not like the smell of the things he marks. It could be the smell of someone else's cat on your clothes, or an unpleasant smell of chemistry, or mating season has come. Expelling someone else's smell, cats leave their own and calm down. To solve this problem, you can sterilize the animal and wash the mark places in the manner described above.

Some helpful tips.

If you took a very small kitten, then you become a mother for him. And it is you who must show him where his toilet is and how to use it. Be patient, for training you will need at least two to three days.

If you have an adult cat who gave birth to kittens, then at first she herself will clean up their feces after them. And in the future, she will show how to use the tray. Kittens learn from their mother and from each other, so there shouldn't be any problems.

If you adopted a cat from the street, then it is better to use sand instead of filler at first. This is important because, when away from home, this cat most likely buried its deeds in the ground. This will reduce the time of accustoming the cat to the tray.

If you have taken an adult cat or a cat, then ask the owners for his tray. And don't forget to ask what type of filler was used in the toilet. Cats are very picky, and, getting used to one type of filler, it is very difficult for them to get used to another.

If you already have one cat, and you brought another kitten, then it will be easy to train a baby. Put their trays side by side, and over time, the kitten will begin to imitate the older cat.

Love your pets and they will love you back.

At first, it is desirable to be with the cat nearby to help her navigate freely in the new space. If this is not possible, the space must be limited in a certain way and provide all the conditions for food, water access, and of course, put the tray.

But in any case, the first day is the most important in the formation of further addiction. It will be much easier to accustom a cat to a tray if you put it immediately in a tray so that it gets used to it. After each awakening and feeding, it is also necessary to put her on the tray, further forming the emptying reflex at certain hours. After following all the actions on the first day, carefully controlling the situation, you can develop tactics for the following days. The very behavior of the kitten may suggest that he already needs to go to the toilet: he begins to scrub the floor and sniff places. It is important not to miss these moments: you need to help him find the right place, and the question "how to train a cat to the tray" will gradually excite you less and less.

A very important point in education is affection and praise for the cat's actions. It is worth stroking her, caressing her, saying kind words. And, calling her by name. Cats are very sensitive and remember that some actions can cause a positive reaction from the hostess. Most often, this can be an additional incentive.

To accustom a cat to a tray, you need to remember that these are very clean pets. They are very squeamish. They may not go to the same tray again, so it will be good if the place is cleaned and washed in a timely manner. Of course, this is not the best option for those situations when the cat is alone for a long time, and you cannot physically avoid the cleanliness problem.

If, nevertheless, the moment was missed, and the kitten managed to go to the wrong place, you should immediately draw his attention to this omission. Otherwise, then scolding does not make sense, he will simply forget about what happened. It is necessary to remove the result of his mistake with paper and take it to the tray, thereby showing where he should cope. It is not difficult to accustom a cat to a tray, the main thing is to spend a little time and patience on it.

The places that the kitten has marked under the toilet should be thoroughly washed and treated with specific substances. This can be lemon juice, vinegar diluted in water, or special products offered in a variety of pet stores.

If the cat has chosen the same place for the toilet, it is worth putting smelly objects for a while (a rag with a strong smell of perfume, cloves of garlic and onions, perfume soap).

If you periodically monitor the behavior of the pet, the cleanliness of the tray, then it will not be difficult to accustom the cat to the tray. Observation will help determine whether the cat likes the place and is comfortable there, whether there are annoying smells from the freshener or the smell of household products. All this can cause the cat to refuse to go to the tray in the place you have set. The use of filler plays an important role. It is worth observing whether the cat likes it or presents an inconvenience.

The need to "do big and small things" in the ground or sand is inherent in kittens at the level of instinct. But it happens that they do not always learn the necessary skills right away. If you teach a baby from the first day when he came to your house, then he will soon comprehend this simple science. However, the owners will have to be patient.

Methods of accustoming to the tray

Of course, first you need to purchase all the necessary "toilet" accessories. Much depends on the choice of the tray and the filler to it.

  • Get a large container. Cats grow fast and you don't have to spend money on a new accessory.
  • Give preference to a closed model. Many cats are naturally shy and try to keep their intimate area private.
  • Do not forget to buy a rubber mat under the container and spatulas for removing excrement. The rug is needed so that the cat does not spread sand on its paws.

Now - about trouble-free methods that will allow you to accustom your pet to use the tray in the apartment.

Method number 1

For the first 2-3 days of your stay in a new place, limit the movement of the animal around the house. Let it be the kitchen or one of the rooms. It is desirable that there are no carpets on the floor. This will make it easier to clean up after your pet. The kitten will easily find its way to the toilet and quickly learn how to use it for its intended purpose. Consider the first victory won.

Method number 2

The baby's body is designed in such a way that immediately after eating the kitten wants to "on business". Watch your pet. As soon as the kitten begins to "look for a place", carefully pick it up and take it to the tray. Try not to press on your tummy.

In order for the kitten to quickly understand what is required of him, take his paw with your hand and dig in the sand. Do not forget to stroke the cat, talk to him affectionately, praise him after he has done his job. Repeat these steps for 2-3 days. This is enough to teach the pet to "go to the potty" on their own.

Method number 3

It often happens that the cat turned out to be with character and does not want to learn the basics of education. The beast flatly refuses to go to the box in the place allotted to him. Watch where the baby makes puddles or piles. Place the tray here. If it suits you, you can consider the training completed. If not, then every day move the toilet about 10 cm towards the desired point.

Do not forget to control that all this time the animal uses the box. Practice shows that this method works, and in the future there will be no manifestations of "lack of culture".

Method number 4

Track where the baby went. Using a napkin, collect waste, put it in a tray and show it to your pet. Modern filler should not be used, as it absorbs odors. Finding a toilet in this case will be difficult for the kitten. Do not forget to thoroughly wash the place of the cat's "feat" and scent it with an unpleasant smell for cats, for example, orange peels. The procedure will have to be repeated for 2-3 days, until the baby himself understands the new skills.

Method number 5

We are talking about using a special spray for accustoming to the tray. Its aroma is such that it makes the cat want to go to the toilet correctly, that is, in a place determined by the owner. It is enough to sprinkle the sand in the box. Along with a toilet training product, buy a "weaning" drug for treating areas not intended for cat affairs. Wash the area first with a disinfectant solution to eliminate stool odor.

There are many ways to teach a kitten to hygiene. There are also basic, universal tips that will be useful.

Tip #1

Choose a secluded spot for the tray. In the hallway or, moreover, in the kitchen, he does not belong, since people often go there. The bathroom is a better place, but the sound of a washing machine can scare a kitten. It is advisable to place the cat's container in the bathroom, providing the animal with access to the room.

Tip #2

As soon as you bring a kitten into the house, put it in a box. This will allow the baby to get used to the new tactile sensations under the paws and to the smell of the filler. Be sure to plant the cat in the tray after eating and sleeping. If you see that the cat has chosen another place for intimate affairs, take it to the "toilet".

Tip #3

Reward the animal, don't punish it. As soon as you see that the animal successfully learns new skills, praise and caress him. It is impossible to scold a cat in a tray. Pottying will be associated with punishment. Attempts to “poke the nose” of a cat into a pile or puddle do not work. The animal will grow up scared and nervous. We will not mention assault: it is unacceptable.

Tip #4

Arrange the boxes in different places. If you have several animals, it is advisable that each of them has its own place for defecation. For example, if you have two cats, the ideal number of containers is 3. One for each pet plus an additional one.

Tip #5

Clean the cat's "bathroom" daily. Cleanliness is inherent in cats by nature. If you are too lazy to change the sand, the baby will find a clean place, even if you managed to accustom him to order.

Tip #6

The frequency of complete replacement of the filler in the tank is once a week. Before replacing, wash the container with soapy water. The best material for making it is plastic because it is easy to clean.

Tip #7

Do not forget about the treatment of places outside the box, where the animal has already managed to get dirty. Thoroughly rinsing the area with a disinfectant solution avoids such problems in the future.

Tip #8

Do not allow the animal to turn houseplants into a “bathroom”. Place them out of the cat's reach, or cover the ground with foil until the kitten has mastered the litter box.

Tip #9

Feed your pet by the clock. This will simplify the task of planting it. In addition, you will be able to track where the kitten will go after eating.

Tip #10

If you want to switch to a different filler, make the habituation gradual, increasing the content of the new composition. This will allow you to cope with the task without much effort.

Cats are naturally very clean. But a small kitten, especially if it is separated from its mother, will not always be able to learn to relieve itself in the “right place”. Learn how to potty train a kitten as quickly as possible. After all, if you do not engage in raising a pet, unexpected "surprises" can wait for the owners in a variety of places.

Does age matter?

Kittens are the same children. Like any baby, a kitten learns everything gradually from its mother. A mother cat living in an apartment can eventually teach her own by spraying to go to the tray. But when the pet is taken away from the parent, the owners will have to deal with its upbringing.

Age matters. It is best to take a kitten when he is already 3 months old then it will be easier to teach him. By this period, the animal already understands the hierarchy of the surrounding creatures and is ready to obey those whom it considers stronger than itself.

The gender of the kitten is not important, and the kitty and the cat will master the task quickly if they do it right.

Kitten in the house, where to start?

Potty training starts with three main tasks:

  • Tray selection.
  • Filler selection.
  • The choice of the place where the "toilet" will stand.

Let's consider all these points in detail.

How to choose a tray

The opinion that a small kitten needs a small tray is wrong. These animals grow very fast.

It will be more practical to immediately take a container of full size. The stronger the plastic of the product, the better.

Trays can be with or without gratings. The lattice is put on over a filler and allows the pet not to wet paws. The device is convenient, but there is also a minus - obeying its instinct to dig in feces, the kitten will constantly cling to the plastic grate with its claws and may even damage them. The practice of "cat breeders" shows that it is better not to use the grid, but just take a good filler that immediately absorbs moisture.

If the cat experiences pain, it will not be possible to accustom him to the grate.

The shape of the container does not matter (there are oval, square, angular), you can accustom it to anyone. A protective rim that is put on top of the tray will be useful - it will not allow the filler to crumble when your pet is diligently cleaning up after itself.

Important! Picking up a tray for a kitten is necessary even before a new family member appears in the house. If the purchase of an animal occurred unexpectedly, it is worth buying everything you need on the same day.

What kind of filler to take

Cat litters are:

  • woody.
  • Clay.
  • Based on paper and grain waste.
  • Mineral.
  • Silica gel.

Silica gel filler is considered the highest quality, followed by wood filler. They perfectly absorb moisture and block an unpleasant smell. Mineral and clay, when wet, stain the paws of cats. "Toilets" based on paper and grain waste are also considered good.

It is much easier to accustom a baby to a tray when the container is not empty, and the smell of waste remains in the filler. Do not take deodorized fillers, cats do not like them.

Where to put the tray to quickly train a kitten?

There are two important rules for choosing a place where the pot will stand:

  • It should be located away from the area where the animal will eat.
  • Nothing should prevent the cat on the way to the tray.

Do not place the container in a closet with hard-to-close doors. The baby may not have enough strength to open such a door and he will do his job anywhere. At least for the first time, it is recommended to find a place on the way to which the "fluffy lump" will not have any barriers.

It is worth choosing an area where it is calm enough for the kitten to feel comfortable during “important things”. If you constantly rearrange the pot, it will be much more difficult to accustom.

The process of accustoming a kitten to a tray

When everything is ready, it's time to start the learning process. This should be done as soon as the kitten appeared in the house. Let him sniff around, get used to it a little and after a while get down to business.

Stage one - getting to know

To accustom a small kitten to a tray, it must first be introduced to the "place". The baby should be carefully planted in a container, let him sniff it. It is worth taking the paw of the animal and digging: so, the pet at the level of instinct can figure out that this is “the very place”.

Stage two - observe and help

From the first time, a small kitten may not understand where to defecate or not remember the place. But by the behavior of the animal you can always understand when it is preparing to relieve itself. The first day you will have to closely monitor your pet. As soon as you notice that the kitten began to fuss, dig in some place (sometimes even just on the bare floor), spin, meow - he is getting ready for the “case”. Quickly transfer it to the tray and do not let it get out of it.

The main rule - you can not use force(beat, push, poke the kitten) and raise your voice. This can cause fear in the animal. Henceforth, he will associate it with the tray and will become afraid to approach him.

If everything went well and the baby did what was needed, stroke him and say kind words. Approval will help train the kitten to go to the tray. Do not immediately remove the stool, let the kitten remember the place by smell.

Stage three - fixing

Even if the cat is already going to the tray, he can still put a "surprise" in a different place. For this, you can already scold your pet, but not much. The “bunch” should be transferred to the filler and the kitten should be transferred to the tray. If it is a puddle, blot it with a napkin and also leave it for a while in the tray.

To prevent the problem from recurring, the places where the pet crap must be thoroughly disinfected.

On average, if everything is done correctly, animals get used to the toilet in 2-3 days.

What not to do:

  • beat the kitten
  • to be locked in a room as a punishment;
  • in punishment to deprive him of food and drink.

Possible difficulties

Cats have a wayward character and not always everything goes well. It happens that all conditions are created for a little bully, but he still behaves outrageously and it is not possible to teach him. Let's look at the most common problems.

Kitten ignores the tray, how to train?

If the kitten does not go to the tray despite the fact that you follow all the recommendations in trying to accustom him, he may be uncomfortable in this place or do not like the litter. Try moving the container to another room or change the contents. See if there are smells nearby that scare away cats (they cannot stand any strong smells, especially citrus).

It is impossible to have automatic air fresheners and other sources of aromas that are pleasant to you, but terrible for cats near the litter box.

Sometimes a kitten crap where small children were pissed (on the carpet, sofa, bed). Don't blame him, he just acts according to his instincts, guided by the smell. In this case, it is necessary to clean the “marked” place well, otherwise it will be much more difficult to potty train.

Aim failure

It also happens that the kitten goes to the toilet past the tray.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • The sides of the container are too high and it is difficult for him to climb over them.
  • The pet is still very small and poorly oriented within the boundaries of space.
  • He understands that this is a toilet and he must walk here, but he does not like the filler.

Analyze which of the reasons seems most likely to you. Perhaps you should change the container, its contents, or just wait until the baby grows up a little and will better understand where the boundaries of his toilet end.

How to toilet train a kitten

What could be better when a cat goes to the toilet by itself? No need to buy fillers, change them, wash the pots. Toilet training a kitten is not an easy process.. While the pet is small, he will not be able to jump to such a height on his own, and there is no point in putting him there by force - you will not achieve anything but fear from the animal.

It is worth starting the process when the cat is 5-6 months old. They do it this way:

  • Move the tray to the bathroom and place it next to the toilet.
  • When the cat is comfortable and will calmly go to the toilet in a new place, start gradually raising the container. You can put newspapers (magazines, old books) or something else under it. Once a week, increase the height of the container by a few centimeters.
  • Having thus brought the container to the level of the toilet, start leaving it, for example, at night, right on top: flip the lid with the toilet seat and place the tray in the space. By this time, your pet should be able to easily climb onto the raised potty.
  • When the cat will calmly walk into the container on the toilet, do this: hide the tray for the night, throw a small part of the filler into the toilet. In the morning, you can return the tray and leave it next to you for the day. Do this at night first. When you see that the cat is sitting quietly on the toilet, do not return the tray again.

There are special toilet nozzles for cats. They are sold in pet stores. You can easily remove the device when you go to the toilet and put it on again later. At first, you can pour a little filler into such a nozzle so that the cat is guided by the smell. Also, the nozzle closes the water in the toilet, which can scare the cat.

The most important thing is to do everything right, step by step, without scaring the animal. This will require patience and, perhaps, 1-2 months of time.

Advice! If you brought a kitten into the house, treat him as an equal member of the family. Animals feel the emotions of people, and the more love they receive, the more they obey.

  • Pet stores serve special aerosols that discourage cats from pooping in a certain space. They process those areas where the animal often spoils in order to accustom it to one place.
  • Ammonia or acetic acid will help neutralize the smell of cat feces.
  • Large flower pots filled with earth are an attractive place for cats to urinate. If there are such flowerpots in the house, sprinkle the top layer of earth with small pebbles - this will not harm the flowers, and will protect them from “fertilizers”.
  • Keep the container clean, the cat will not go where it is very dirty.
  • If the house or apartment is large, it makes sense to put two pots in different parts of the space and accustom to each.


If everything is done with love and patience, then it is quite possible to quickly accustom a kitten to a tray. The most important thing is to show maximum attention in the first days. Stories that cats shit because of revenge on their owners are myths. Animals are devoid of such feelings as a thirst for revenge or deep resentment. They may go to the wrong places just out of fear or attracted by the smell. Provide your pet with comfortable conditions and he will quickly become accustomed to the tray.

Teaching a kitten to use the litter box at home is a simple process. To do this, you just need to spend a little of your time and be patient. Any kitten can be accustomed to the tray, even taken from the street. It also happens that a fairly large kitten has already been purchased, accustomed to the tray, but in a new place he stops using his toilet. This happens either because the animal is frightened and afraid to walk around its new home, or, conversely, carefully examines the territory and marks it.

Tray selection

First, for a kitten, you need to choose the right tray. Desirable get a plastic one because it's easy to clean. The edges of the vessel should be low so that the kitten can easily jump on it and jump off after completing its business.

Not very convenient for kittens tray with mesh without filler. Firstly, it must be washed after each use so that there is no unpleasant odor. Secondly, a wet mesh can cause discomfort to the pet, and he will completely refuse to use the tray.

A potty with filler, at first glance, is the most convenient toilet. But even here problems can arise. It happens that a kitten is taken from breeders who put only torn paper there. If the kitten was taken from the street, then there he dealt only with sand or earth. In both cases, the cat may simply not perceive the filler as a toilet. If the pet categorically refuses to go to the filler, you need to try to change it.

Toilet training

If an adult cat was taken into the house, then it is enough just to show her the tray. There are even cats and cats accustomed to the toilet - in this case there are no problems. But when a small pet is taken into the house, the learning process is inevitable. It is easier and faster to teach how to keep a monthly kitten clean. It will not work in one day to accustom a kitten to a tray, so you should not rush things - you need to let the pet get acquainted with the tray, sniff it, understand that now this is his toilet. Scented litters, like plastic, sometimes repel kittens with their smell. Therefore, training should begin using an earthenware container or a flower pot stand. It should be remembered that if there are indoor plants in the house, the pet may begin to walk under them. Therefore, if there is a cat in the house, it is better to either remove indoor flowers completely or cover the soil with stones.

The place for the cat litter box should be quiet. Do not place the tray near household appliances that make noise during operation. The kitten should not be disturbed by their curiosity by children and other pets, if they are in the house. So that the pet can quickly get to the tray, it is advisable to place the latter near the place of his rest. If there are several cats in the apartment, it is desirable that each has its own tray. Some owners believe that it is better to purchase a closed toilet in the form of a house. It is beautiful, but there is one drawback - it is inconvenient to wash it.

Starting training, you need to carefully monitor the kitten. As soon as he was about to do his business, you should catch him and put him on a tray.

Especially carefully it is necessary to observe the baby after sleeping and feeding. Veterinarians advise in these cases to immediately take the kitten to the tray, because such measures contribute to the rapid development of cleanliness skills by the pet.

Determining the intentions of a pet is easy. The kitten stops its games and starts sniffing. At this moment, you need to carefully pick him up and put him on the potty. At the end of the process, the kitten should be praised and given some kind of treat. It is advisable to stroke and encourage the kitten when he starts to scrub in the potty. If trouble occurs, and the kitten has emptied in another place, you need to wipe the puddle with a napkin and put it in the tray. The smell of urine attracts the kitten, and next time he will go to the need for this smell. It is necessary to observe the pet and make sure that he does not choose any other place for the treatment. In order for the pet to have a desire to use the tray next time, the toilet must be thoroughly washed.

If the owner does not have time to monitor the kitten, then you need to close it in the room where there is a pot, the contents of which should be checked periodically. It will take about two weeks for the pet to learn how to use the tray on its own.

In those moments when the kitten is preparing to go to the toilet, is on the tray or just got off it, there should be nothing to annoy him. You can not scold him, make noise, perform any actions that can scare the pet or are unpleasant for him.

Mistakes owners make when raising a kitten

Mistakes that owners make when accustoming a kitten to cleanliness can turn into bad habits in an adult cat.

  1. 1. Potty training started late. It is advisable to start accustoming a kitten to a tray no later than at the age of one month. To teach a kitten to the toilet when he is already one and a half or two months old is much more difficult.
  2. 2. Lack of cleanliness in the tray. Sometimes the owners do not have time or forget to clean the toilet in a timely manner and change the filler. A cat is a clean animal, and a dirty tray can encourage her to choose another place.
  3. 3. The tray is in the wrong place. If the kitten is frightened by something on the tray or next to it, the pet may stop using it. For this reason, the pot should not be placed in noisy places.
  4. 4. Tray change. If the cat is used to one tray, then you should not change it. He may not want to go to a new pot.
  5. 5. Foreign odors. The cat sometimes reacts negatively to various flavors. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the tray with plain water without the use of detergents.