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» Scarification technique, how scars are made. Scarification: symbols, how to do it, complications Scarification of the body, how to do it

Scarification technique, how scars are made. Scarification: symbols, how to do it, complications Scarification of the body, how to do it

Or scarification, is ranked among the most extreme types of body modifications. Like tattoos and piercings, scarification has a long history, during which not only the technique of execution has changed, but also the meaning of applying patterns to the body with the help of scarification. In ancient tribes, scarring had a ritual character, and also served as a sign of distinction, thus, for example, they marked belonging to warriors. Even today, you can see photos of scarring on the face, common among representatives of various tribes that have preserved their ancient culture.

In more developed countries, scarification has been used to identify criminals. For this purpose, the branding technique was used. The stigma was placed on more open areas of the body, so that later it would be easier to identify criminals. Each crime was designated by a certain symbol. For a long period in history, scarification and tattoos were used only in certain circles, and did not belong to the art of decorating the body. But with the advent of a new era, views on many things have changed, including body modifications. Today, tattoo and scarification is a separate subculture that has many adherents and opponents. At the same time, scarification is becoming increasingly popular among both men and women. On the one hand, such popularity of body modifications contributes to self-expression, gaining inner freedom, but on the other hand, it can lead to sad consequences, in order to prevent which, one should carefully understand this issue.

Where to do scarification - at home or in the salon?

Prices for scarification from professional masters can exceed the prices for tattoos. Depending on the complexity and size of the drawing, the price ranges from $80 to $80. for 5 square centimeters, and can reach from 500 to 1000 USD, depending on the sketch for scarring. And if the price is not suitable, then many prefer to do scarring at home. This is where the main danger lies, since the procedure requires sanitary conditions, knowledge in the field of surgery and medicine, and, of course, special sterile instruments. When scarring at home, it is almost impossible to provide the required conditions, and there are also no guarantees of the professionalism of the master. It is worth noting that an expensive salon and the availability of permits, unfortunately, are also not always a guarantee of a quality result, but, nevertheless, the risk of infection in a salon is much less. And by looking at the photo of the scarring done by the chosen master, you can have an idea of ​​the level of his skill and professionalism.

You can get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow scarring is done from the photo, which sequentially records the main stages of the procedure. In order to become a master of scarification, such information, of course, is not enough, but for those who still decide whether or not to scarify themselves, it is necessary to have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe process. An important point is anesthesia. Before using painkillers, the master must make sure that there are no contraindications, allergic reactions on the components that make up the drug for anesthesia.

Of great importance is the place for applying the pattern. As a rule, scarification is not done on dangerous areas of the body, where important blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin. This is another reason to turn only to professionals, since there are vital veins and arteries on the human body, damage to which can be fatal. For example, scarring on the wrist, common among representatives of many informal movements, is most often done on their own, in unsanitary conditions, which, unfortunately, does not always end well. As a rule, such scars are applied in order to emphasize their belonging to a particular movement. Is it worth risking your life for this, of course, everyone chooses for himself.

For those who make scarification in order to decorate the body, apply totem symbols, or for self-expression, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the types of scarification.

Branding - branding or burning, scarring with a hot matrix of medical wire. This method is quite painful, but less time-consuming than applying patterns with a scalpel.

Cutting - drawing patterns using incisions with surgical scalpels. The type and volume of the picture depends on the inclination of the scalpel. A light and delicate pattern is obtained by making perpendicular cuts. Incisions made at an angle create a three-dimensional convex pattern. To obtain concave patterns, strips of leather of various widths are cut, depending on the pattern. To create three-dimensional detailed paintings, the master can combine several performance techniques.

Before you decide on scarification, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons. And, having decided to take such a step, it is worth remembering that scarring will remain for life, therefore every detail is important, the choice of pattern, the quality of workmanship, and subsequent care during healing.

“Do you have a scar? No, not a scar on your leg or arm from a cut. And not the terrible consequences of an excised appendicitis, but a scar in the form of a flame on your back? No? In vain. But I decided to cut myself, cut deeply and painfully.
Do not think that, grabbing a kitchen knife, and clutching a towel in his teeth, he began to slash himself right and left. I went to a salon where artistic scars are made by professionals, and this is called "scarification", or scarification in Russian.
Having examined my body, not yet touched by the blade, in the mirror for the last time, I hurried to the "procedure". The saloon sign read "Cut and beat". After thinking about five minutes at the entrance, I still went in. In those seconds that the door opened, my fantasy painted a hall: twilight, dozens of knives with different blades, photographs on the walls depicting "patients" in blood. But blinded by the bright light, I saw a room that looked like a doctor's office in whiteness. At the far wall, a young and pale girl was sitting at a table. Asking what brought me here, whether I am of age, and how much money I have, the girl retired to the next room. Returning a minute later, she suggested that I wait, as the master is busy, and will be able to receive me not earlier than in half an hour.

Everything here looked like a dentist's office. The same armchair in the middle, the same jars-flasks, the same "pieces of iron" in the trough near the chair. A clean-shaven young woman sat in an armchair, her eyes staring fixedly at the ceiling. On a tiny stool, at her left leg, bare to the knee, from which blood dripped, sat a master with a scalpel in his hand. They talked and then I just listened.

Kirill, how long have you been doing this?

Year two. I am a surgeon by profession. But here I earn three times more than in the hospital.

And how did you come up with this?

Once a woman came to my hospital with a scar on her arm and asked me to "cut it into a rose flower." At first I refused, but she offered so much money! I tried it, it worked out well. And six months later I read in some magazine that in the West, scarring is a very popular way to decorate your body. I decided to leave the hospital and cut artistic scars.

And when you worked in a hospital, did you pay attention to how scars look after surgery?

Not right away. But over time, I began to pay attention to it. For example, if you cut at an angle and to a certain depth, the scar will turn out to be convex, and straight - almost imperceptible. The location of the scar on the body is very important. It has to do with the circulatory system and muscle mass. On a large muscle mass, it turns out better, but again, not always. In general, I must say that the knowledge of surgery helped me a lot. In "scarification", the artistic design of the design is of much less importance than the bas-relief remaining on the skin - the main feature and beauty of decorative scars.

And how did it come about?

Drawing artistic scars on the body existed many, many centuries ago. I can't say exactly how long. I only know that in past centuries "scarification" was much more important to people than it is today. Now this is just a way to decorate the body, and among some ancient peoples, scarring a certain pattern on the face of a young man meant accepting him into the warriors. In African tribes, scars are an indispensable attribute of entering into sexual life. Artistic incisions are made on the girls' stomachs, sprinkled with ashes to make the scars look more prominent. Only after that, the newlyweds can be left alone.

Can you refuse a client if you think that the scar that he asks for is dangerous to his health?

Certainly. I will never cut the genitals, no matter how much money is offered. I can’t say that they often make such requests, but sometimes they come.

What's the weirdest scar you've ever been asked to get?

The most unusual? The young girl asked to cut the skin into three thin shreds in such a way that the shreds were held only by their upper ends. Then weave the flaps into a pigtail and engraft back.

I was about to cut, but from the mere sight of a scalpel she became unwell, and for about twenty minutes I brought her to her senses with ammonia.

Do you have anything yourself?

Scars? No. I'm terribly afraid of pain.

To me, sitting quietly all this time on a chair in the corner, it began to seem that dozens of blades were touching my body, cutting it into thin shreds, and ashes from African fires were pouring down on me from above. And not wanting to interfere with an interesting conversation with the fall of an insensible body, I hurried to the fresh air on half-bent legs.

Scarification, or scarification, (from Latin scarifico - scratch) - voluntary, artistic scarring on the body. This is one of the most extreme modifications of the human body. During the procedure, decorative scars are applied to the body, which ultimately represent a finished drawing. Quite often, scarification is resorted to by those who want to make beautiful the scars that already exist on the body, resulting from some kind of incident.

This is a very ancient tradition that came to us from the African continent and Polynesia. In the Middle Ages, scarification was used to brand criminals. In the US, for example, scarification was born in San Francisco as part of a new body modification movement in the mid-1980s. Initially, this movement was picked up by the gay subculture. Over the past eight years, scarification has become popular among various social groups in the US, Australia and Europe, from London to Prague. Some bodypainting extremes believe that piercing and tattoos are already a past stage, and if you want to stand out from the public dullness, you need to do something really unusual and bizarre, for example, cut your tongue in two, or make a scarification.

More recently, in modern Western body painting, this was associated with sadomasochism. However, many people interested in body modification today have little to do with sadomasochism; times have changed and now many people choose these forms of modification for purely aesthetic reasons. Some people just love the way they look!
Scarification is more suitable for people with dark skin than a tattoo, which is poorly visible on highly pigmented skin. In addition, since scarification has a three-dimensional aspect, many people enjoy the feel of healed scars.

The whole process is based on the regeneration of cut human flesh and the subsequent scar formation in the healing process. Scarification can be compared to tattooing. The initial drawing is applied, then the master scarifier outlines it, but not with a machine with a needle, but with a scalpel. The process itself is very painful and dangerous to health. The degree of soreness directly depends on your choice of whether the pattern is clearly visible or slightly noticeable. For example, if you want a flat drawing, like a small “flat” tattoo, then the process itself will not be so painful, because. the three-dimensionality of the pattern is achieved by increasing the depth of entry of the scalpel and its angle of inclination.

After the operation, the skin is disinfected with medical means, then it is covered with a well-permeable cloth. Scars heal for a long time, especially for a complete cut of the skin. Unpleasant sensations and constant itching in the area of ​​penetration are guaranteed for several weeks, but when the skin under the blood crusts is restored, the itching will subside and an excellent result will be visible in almost all cases. Recovery after the most serious operations can take up to 6 months.

Modifier artists skillfully promote their "bloody art", and the number of people wishing to be branded with artistic scars is increasing every day. There is an opinion among young people that scars on the body adorn it in the same original way, like, for example, a tattoo. But few of them truly imagine what awaits them in the modifier's office. The specialist's tools - a surgical coagulator, hot metal, a laser, a scalpel, with the help of which drawings are cut out and burned out on the body, frankly tell the patient how harmless and painless the upcoming procedure will be.

Such a type of scarring as branding, or branding (cauterization, cauterization (Late Latin cauterisatio, from Greek kauter - red-hot iron) is quite common. This is scarification, during which scars are obtained as a result of a burn. High temperature destroys the tissue, and after the wound heals, a scar forms. A healed brand is a pattern of raised lines that are slightly lighter than the skin. Quite rarely, the branding procedure consists of only one application of the brand, more often the desired scar is obtained after repeated application-strokes.

The most traditional type of branding is penetrating branding. During this procedure, a piece of hot metal is applied to the skin, which forms a burn. The modern analogue of this type is branding with a burner. This species uses blowtorches and other modern means to burn. Some medical devices for cauterization can also be used to obtain small, precise marks. There are frequent cases of independent, "handicraft" branding at home - a paper clip (for example) is folded in the shape of the desired image, heated and applied to the skin.

Branding, like other types of scarification, requires a long healing period, which consists of two main phases. The first of them lasts about a month, at which time the brand is covered with a scab and looks like a terrible wound. In the second stage, the brand from a bright red scar turns pink and takes on its final form. Depending on the skin, the second stage takes from six to twelve months.

Another modern type is "laser" branding, a term introduced by Steve Howorth to make it easier to explain to the general public the principle of operation of his electric burning device. The device is an electric arc that welds the skin. The human body is grounded and a spark jumps between the electrode and the skin, evaporating the tissue where the scar will subsequently be. This type of branding gives the master the opportunity to better control the depth of tissue damage and, as a result, get scars of various textures.

Speaking of scarring, one cannot ignore such a topic as “cold branding”. Not too many people have tried it on themselves, but the procedure itself is quite interesting. To carry out such scarring, the iron brand is not heated, but cooled by placing the copper tool in a solution of liquid nitrogen or other cooling reagents. A mixture of 5% dry ice and pure 95% alcohol has become widespread. After that, the stigma is pressed into the skin. The duration of the procedure is determined by the thickness of the epidermis - the thicker the skin, the longer. After cold modification, the hair on this part of the body never grows again, or absolutely white hairs grow.

Also, the most common form of scarring is cutting, in which the design is cut with a thin blade, while leaving a fairly neat scar. The healed result resembles a light scar in the shape of the original drawing. Skinning is often used here - cutting and removing pieces of skin. At the same time, the master can make the scars as wide and prominent as when branding and create an alternative to it.
Sometimes there is rubbing of the paint when cutting. In this procedure, tattoo or other ink is rubbed into a fresh cut, leaving most of the ink in the cut, resulting in a colored scar. However, this procedure is associated with some unaesthetic moments, for example, often most of the paint falls off along with scabs during the healing of cuts, and as a result, the scar looks more like a badly done tattoo.

Scarification and branding in modern culture is a rather curious phenomenon. After healing, you get a scar for life. Is it a fashion trend or a desire to leave a memory for a lifetime about some event?

Scarification or scarification is a recent phenomenon that, along with tattoos and piercings, should decorate our body. The essence of the procedure is that a pattern is cut out on the skin with a scalpel and after healing you get a scar for life. Let's figure out what it is, a fashion trend or a desire to leave a memory for life about some event.

Reasons that push to do scarification:

Each person decides for himself why he does this, but basically there are several main reasons:

1. Simulation associated with the desire to shock the public, draw attention to their heartache causing physical pain. Thus, a person creates the impression of a deeply courageous and unhappy individual who found strength in himself and carved something on his hand. No one guesses that he did it in the cabin. Many men go for the procedure to give themselves masculinity, scarring themselves from claws or combat battles.

2. Teenage maximalism. Teenagers are driven by the desire to prove to everyone that with their body they can do whatever they want, and at the same time stand out among the same as him.

3. Deep metaphysical meaning. It seems to some that they are carriers of the universal mind, which distinguishes them from the general mass of people. And scarification is the best way to try to convince others of this. Here you look at a man with a carved crucifix, and you think that he knows what the meaning of life is.

What are the ways to make scarification and branding

Before going for such a procedure, you need to understand that this is forever, and therefore you need to find an experienced master. For scarring, choose the back, biceps, chest or buttocks, where there is a lot of tissue. During the procedure, agree to anesthesia. And remember that scar care will take up to two months, and your drawing will take the final form after 8 months. Now let's find out what scarring techniques exist.

1. Cutting with a scalpel or scarification. This is the most common way to cut a pattern with a scalpel, which allows you to achieve maximum accuracy.

2. Branding or branding. For this, wire figurines are made, which are heated to 200 degrees and applied to the place on the body chosen for the stigma. This is a safe method because there is no heavy bleeding and the wound is immediately decontaminated. But the choice of drawings is very small.

3. Chemical branding is based on the use of chemical reagents that burn a certain pattern on the skin. The occupation is dangerous and rarely carried out.

Scars adorn a man. Obtained as a result of the battle, they were considered a symbol of masculinity and courage.
In the world there are cases of deliberate infliction of scars on the body, which are characteristic, first of all, of African tribes. This is a kind of ritual used during the transition of a young man to adulthood, initiation into warriors.
In modern society, scarring on the body is also becoming fashionable. With their help, it is possible to create a unique beautiful pattern. Such modifications can be classified as art, when scars really decorate, and now not only men.

Among ordinary people, there are few who have heard the term "scarring" and know what it is. This rather unique activity is more suitable for extreme people who are fond of extravagant transformation of the torso. It belongs to the most dangerous types of biomodification of the body.
Now scarring even surpasses tattoos in popularity.
Scarification (scarification) consists in the special application of decorative scars to the body, which make up the complete composition.
Scarification is done in two cases:

  • decorate your body;
  • cover up existing scars.

Since it is extremely difficult to get rid of the results of scarring in the future, this procedure must be approached consciously. For many, this is a mark of an important stage in life or a dedication to significant events.

When deciding on the application of scarring, you should decide on:

  • location geometry;
  • application depth;
  • health consequences;
  • expected result.

Scarification is most common in goths, rockers, or some other eccentric cultures.
It is applied to:

  • head;
  • the outer side of the forearms and thighs;
  • torso.

Scarification should not be applied to the knees, elbows, inner side of the forearms and thighs. In these places there are joints, ligaments, blood vessels are located very close to the skin and there is a risk of damage or large blood loss.

The scars on the body have a symbolic meaning. Most often, as drawings are applied:

  • geometric patterns;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • astrological or occult symbols;
  • fantastic images.

Sometimes scarification is depicted on a contrasting tattooed background.

How scarification is done

How is scarification done? The procedure itself is carried out by inflicting a wound on the body for further scarring due to changes in the structure of the epidermis. Therefore, in order to scarify yourself, you need to have a high pain threshold. This is often addicted to people who make themselves tattoos.
Basically, scarification is carried out without anesthesia, as this interferes with the accuracy of the drawing. In addition, the meaning of the procedure is lost in this way, since the scar is evidence of the ability to endure pain.
Before the session, you can not take:

  • drugs that affect the psyche;
  • blood thinners;
  • drugs that increase blood pressure;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.

Scarification is not recommended during menstruation.
Scarification of the body is done using local anesthesia, in an equipped room, using sterile medical instruments.
This should be done by a specialist, since it is important to observe two aspects:

  • sterility;
  • aesthetics of the drawing.

For scarification, the price in the salon depends on the size and complexity of the pattern, the qualifications of the master, the tools and preparations used. It starts from 5,000 rubles for a plot of 5 x 5 cm.
Scarification occurs in two stages:

  • inflicting a wound;
  • proper healing, to obtain the desired type of scars.

Both stages are quite painful. A long recovery period is required.
To begin with, disinfection of the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body is carried out.
Then the markup is applied.
After that, the procedure for applying incisions begins.
The whole process is accompanied by the use of disinfectants and local anesthetic (preferably in the form of an aerosol).

During the scarring period, permanent additional cuts are made. This reduces the possibility of infection, and the scars after healing become more noticeable. Some masters, on the contrary, recommend not interfering with the process of natural scarring.
To make scars more voluminous, substances (clay, ash) are inserted into the wounds, due to which raised bumps or scars are created.
For relief and brightness of the pattern, a special colored pigment is rubbed into the cuts.
The main, in addition to the main, contraindications for this procedure:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • the presence of skin diseases or moles at the site of drawing.

Types of scarring

There are several types of body scarification.

  1. Cutting- incision or section, that is, scarring with a scalpel.
    Incisions are made in several ways.
    Perpendicular to the surface of the skin, to different depths. The drawing is elegant, but hardly noticeable.
    Inclined. Thus, a convex scar is made to obtain a three-dimensional pattern.
    Cutting off the top layer of the skin. This is how concave scars are applied, and the pattern is indentations on the body.
  2. Burnout- is done by applying a special mixture to the body, which is then set on fire. A poorly controlled procedure, the end result is difficult to predict. The positive moment is the short duration, the pain is sharp, but fast.
  3. Brading- branding, that is, applying a scar or pattern to the body with a hot metal object.
    Branding is the most avant-garde way of body modification. With this procedure, the preparation of the two upper layers of the skin heated to 900С is burned out. Deep burns remain at the site of manipulation, which gradually heal.
    A healed brand appears as a pattern of raised lines that are lighter in color than healthy skin.

    When composing a branding pattern, it is important to ensure that the healthy skin area inside the pattern is not completely surrounded by burnt flesh. It is necessary to maintain its supply of nutrients.

  4. Laser branding- evaporation of a skin area under the influence of a medical laser.
  5. Cold Branding- drawing a picture using a special blank, which is first immersed in liquid nitrogen or substances similar in properties, and then pressed against the body.
  6. Chemical scarring- occurs as a result of exposure to the skin of chemicals that create chemical burns. The use of a stencil is recommended. In any case, very uneven edges of the scars are obtained.

The scarification procedure on the face is considered the most complex and responsible, which requires serious preparation, great concentration and constant attention of the master. In this case, special attention should be paid to the choice of a specialist. For the face, the first method of scarring is recommended.

How to do scarification at home

Scarification is considered a type of surgical operation, so it is not recommended to carry out scarring at home.
It is extremely difficult to make such a modification on your own due to the high pain of the procedure.
Before you do scarification at home, you should consider the following aspects:

  • you need to have special tools;
  • in non-sterile conditions, the risk of infection is increased;
  • with unprofessional performance, there is no guarantee that a beautiful drawing will turn out.

Often, a razor blade is used for scarring in a “handicraft way” and the wound is soaked with ink. There are many more ways in which scarring is done at home. For this apply:

  • tattoo machines;
  • soldering iron;
  • injections under the skin, etc.

Such procedures have not been sufficiently tested, so it is impossible to foresee the result. This is fraught with many unforeseen complications and serious consequences for the body.
Having decided on such a complex procedure, all risk factors should be taken into account.

Body care after scarification procedure

After the scarification procedure, until the scar is completely scarred, you need to carefully care for the site of manipulation.
First of all, be sure to observe general hygiene. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound and change as needed. Treat the scarring site with antiseptic agents.
In the first days you need:

  • avoid increased physical activity;
  • do not visit the pool, sauna;
  • not be exposed to ultraviolet light.

You should constantly monitor the appearance of the skin around the picture, and in case of redness, immediately take measures against the development of the inflammatory process.

Scarification: result photo

The full formation of the pattern during scarification ends in about two years. The results of scarring are captured in the photo.

Scarification: reviews

Individual sensations from such a “hard” scarification procedure can be found in the reviews.

Sergey (28 years old), Moscow. In our company, I am already the fifth one who did scarring. If everything is done professionally, it looks very stylish. The guys told in detail how the procedure goes, where it is better to do it, how to tune in. Everything went fine! Now the drawing has healed. Exactly what was modelled. The main thing is the inner mood and full awareness of this issue, so you feel more confident.
Oleg (33 years old), St. Petersburg. He approached a serious life period - the "age of Christ." I decided to capture a picture that reflects my worldview at the moment. But scarring is "tin"! Barely endured. Several times I thought about stopping the master and generally refusing to continue. Even the drawing was somewhat simplified in order to finish faster. And the healing process is long and painful. Never again!
Irina (25 years old), Nizhny Novgorod. Scarification was done on the leg, cut out a piece of skin in the form of a small heart. During the procedure, I tried not to look at the process itself, the view, of course, is not for the faint of heart. The scarring was normal, almost a month later, there were no complications.
Igor (30 years old), Volgograd. The idea of ​​scarification hatched for two whole years. Specially chose a symbol. But here's something not right. There are no complaints about the procedure itself - everything was professional, sterile, moderately painful. But the result does not suit me - there is no relief, small details are invisible, in general, the picture is somehow blurry. Hopefully the scars will clear up over time.
Anton (31 years old), Vladivostok. Already made the third scarring. The first time I went to the salon "on a dare", I got a very beautiful hieroglyph on my forearm. I liked it, now I'm hooked. The master is excellent, he creates exactly what I want to express. The pain, for me, is quite tolerable, although the drawings are small, it takes 30-40 minutes in time.

Scarification: video

The scarification procedure is shown in the video.

Scarification, or in other words scarification (from the Latin word “scarification”, which means “cutting”, “scratching”), is considered one of the most extreme types of body modifications. Artistic scarring is the application of decorative scars and artistic scars on the body in its finished form, which represent some kind of drawing. It turns out that scarring of the body is called a kind of body painting.

Jewelry of this kind, like decorative scars and scars, are so exotic that not everyone can imagine how it is to make a scarring, or simply a pattern of scars. And yet, some even call it art. At first, as a rule, there is a suspicion that all modifications of the body are phenomena of the same order. But, no - for a hundred people with tattoos, you can hardly find one who has made scarring on his body - a tattoo is just child's play compared to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcutting his body or face.

A whole science of scarification techniques has already been created: for example, a scar remains convex if the skin is cut at a certain angle, and after a burn, the scar forms with a depression. Also, marks from fake bites are applied to the skin of the body, these are just drawings. Scarification also includes the implantation of various foreign bodies under the skin. They can be noble metals, and pieces of plastic, which will make up a pattern for beautiful scarring.

Like a tattoo, scarification can provide extremely wide scope for creative imagination: photos with various patterns, which can be absolutely anything, are proof of this. These drawings have only one visible difference - they form a complex bas-relief on the skin of the body. This, in fact, is the main feature and, one might say, the beauty of scarification. As a rule, scarring is done on the back, on the arm and even on the face.

Most often, scarring on the face is done by people who have scars of natural origin after some kind of incident. They have a desire to somehow artistically veil them in order to get a beautiful scarring. And it happens that on the contrary, someone specifically wants scarring in the form of natural scars, that is, which, in their shape and appearance, are as close as possible to the real ones - for example, from a knife blow. You can’t say anything about this anymore: this is artistic scarring - pictures of such scars can really frighten. But as they say, everyone's taste is different.

History of scarification

Like piercings and tattoos, body scarring has a long history, during which not only the technique of scarring, but also the very meaning of scarring patterns on the body has undergone changes. So in the most ancient tribes, scarification of the body had a ritual character, and, moreover, served as a badge of distinction. Thus, for example, they marked their belonging to the warriors. You can still see today a photo of scarring on the body or face, which was common among the various tribes that currently exist, which still retain their ancient culture.

It should be noted that the rite of scarification at the same time originated and then developed in many cultures. At the same time, each of them has its own special and unique meaning. Scarification has received the greatest development in Australia and on the African continent. Naturally, the fact that there is an overwhelming majority of black representatives of that population is considered the main prerequisite for this. After all, on dark skin, tattoos are poorly distinguishable. It was for this reason that people made much more noticeable scarring on their bodies.

Also quite often, for example, scarring on the hand, had a ritual meaning. The ancient tribe of "crocodiles" covered their hands with notches that imitated the skin of a crocodile, that is, in this way they paid tribute to the deity they worshiped. And scarring on the wrist was practiced in all centuries of the slave system. Then each slave was branded with a red-hot iron, showing his belonging to his master.

In addition, there were many traditions that were associated with scarring on the face. For example, in the nineteenth century in Europe, among fencing clubs, a scar on the face that was received in a duel was considered a real badge of honor. Therefore, there were those who made it for themselves to increase their authority.

Scarification has been used in various countries to identify criminals. In such cases, the branding technique was used. The most exposed areas of the body were branded for the subsequent identification of criminals, especially since each crime had its own specific symbol. As you can see, for quite a long time in history, scarification was used only in certain circles, and this did not at all apply to the art of decorating the skin of the body. And only with the advent of the present time, views on many things and phenomena, including the modification, or decoration of the body, have changed. Today, scarification and tattooing are a real separate subculture, which has both many adherents and many opponents. At the same time, artistic scarring is becoming increasingly popular among both women and men. It only turns out that on the one hand, such a modification of the body is a way of self-expression, gaining inner freedom, and on the other hand, it can also lead to rather sad consequences of scarring.

Types of scarring and application methods

  • BRANDING (Branding, burning out):
Strike Branding - skin burning. In other words, branding. Almost always done not with the help of one cauterization, but is made up of lines that are applied separately. This method is well suited for scarring on the back.

Cautery branding - scarring, for which a special form is used.

Laser branding is laser branding. It is applied with a laser beam that creates an igniting effect.

Cold branding is already a process opposite to burning out. When a scar is formed due to touching an object with an extremely low temperature. Most often, such scarring is achieved by treating the instrument with liquid nitrogen.

  • CUTTING (Cosmetic skin cutting)
Skin Removal is the removal of an area of ​​skin. The most common method at the moment, since its use makes it possible to obtain the clearest contours, cut through rather small details and achieve the utmost accuracy of lines. All this is done with a scalpel.

Packing - this method is very popular today in the West, although it appeared in Africa and had an exclusively ritual character. The meaning of this method is to rub some foreign substance (ash, for example) into an incision in the skin (on the African continent, even the ashes of relatives were sometimes used). Further, when the healing process begins, the body tends to expel the foreign substance and, as a result, the formation of keloid occurs. This is usually done when scarring on the wrist.

In addition, tattoo pigment is sometimes rubbed into an incision in the skin. Thus, a pattern remains under the skin of a person. True, it comes out ugly and very vague. This method is called Ink rubbing.

How is scarification done?

You can get a rough idea of ​​​​how scarring is done from various photographs, in which all the main phases of such a procedure are recorded step by step. In order to become a master of scarification yourself, such information, of course, will not be enough, but those who are thinking about whether to do the procedure need to have at least a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow scarring is done.

An extremely important point in the scarification process is anesthesia. Before scarring with the use of painkillers, the master must make sure that there are no various allergic reactions and contraindications to the components that make up their composition.

Drawing a pattern is also of great importance. As a rule, scarring is not done on dangerous parts of the body, such as those where there are important blood vessels, which, moreover, are located too close to the surface of the skin. This moment is another significant reason to turn exclusively to professionals, and not to do scarring at home, since there are many vital veins and arteries on the human body, damage to which will even cause death.

Of course, the cost of scarification by professional artists in salons can exceed the cost of creating tattoos. The price varies depending on the size and complexity of the drawing. But even if the indicated price turns out to be unsuitable, this does not mean at all that it is worth doing scarring at home. Indeed, to carry out such a procedure, knowledge in the field of medicine and surgery, sanitary conditions and, of course, special sterile instruments are required. And when scarring at home, it is almost impossible to achieve the maximum provision of the required conditions, and besides, only a non-professional master will agree to this, and when scarring at home, he will not give you any guarantees. It should be noted that expensive salons with all permits, unfortunately, will not always be a guarantee of high-quality scarification, but, nevertheless, the risk of infection in a professional salon is still much less. And from the photo of scarification, which was made by the chosen master, you can find out about the level of his professionalism and skill.

There is no standard healing time for scarring because it depends on so many factors. The most important of these are, of course, the surface area of ​​the tissue that has been damaged, the way the scar is applied, and your body's individual ability to heal wounds.

For the entire period of healing, it is imperative to ensure that the damaged surface and tissues adjacent to it are absolutely sterile.

The most important dangerous consequences include getting into the wound of the infection. That is why you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the wound. The consequences of scarring also include the possibility of HSP (painful traumatic shock) when the operation is performed without anesthesia, the possibility of anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock) when it is applied, and abnormal scarring (for example, keloid).