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» Hairstyles for long hair with bangs. Beautiful braids for long hair (80 photos) - All types and secrets of weaving

Hairstyles for long hair with bangs. Beautiful braids for long hair (80 photos) - All types and secrets of weaving

Hairstyles with braided braids have never lost their positions. At all times braid hairstyle for long hair looked stylish, and numerous weaving variations still help to create unique images for people of different ages. And long hair is perfect for braiding. The burden of popularity today is experienced by French braids, voluminous, air-laced and others. You can show up in them without a twinge of conscience both for an evening with friends and for the office.

The only thing you need to decide on is a hairstyle model that will suit the shape of your face, as we know, they are divided into five types. Consider the most popular images using braids.

Hairstyle with a braid for long hair video:

Spit in the classic understanding is the basis of all braids. And perhaps only men do not know how to braid it. Divide your hair into three equal sections, and then move the right section to the center, between the left and center sections. You will notice that the moved strand is in the middle. Next, the left strand again moves between the middle and right. Move them one by one to the length you need. For final completion we fix.

Video lesson:


To design this braid, we need not three, but two parts. Having collected the hair in a bun, we divide the tails in half. Separate a small strand from one part inside and place it in the other direction. We do the same with the strand in the other part, shifting it in the opposite direction. In turn, weave a spikelet in small strands. We finish the image with a bright accent, in the form of an elastic band, ribbon or hairpin.

Video lesson:

French variant

A hairstyle with a braid for long hair can weave from the very top. So, for example, is the case with the French braid. Divide your hair at the top into three even sections. We place the extreme right strand to the central part, while adding another strand from the remaining hair on the right. We do the same with the left strand. We continue to weave in French until we get a whole braid. Fashionistas, keep in mind that today some carelessness on the hair is very popular, so do not be discouraged if the wind ruffled your perfect hairstyle on the street.

Video lesson:

This braid is a kind of French, so to speak, a more complicated version of it. To learn how to make such beauty, we take three strands from the back of the head and weave them together a couple of times with a classic. Further, taking an additional strand on the right as an aid, we place it to the extreme part on the side. On the left side, we repeat the same thing. And then all the combined parts are woven together. Weave to completion, securing the resulting airy image with an elastic band.

Video lesson:


Do you need a hairstyle with a braid for long hair so that they do not fall apart for a whole day? A braid in the form of a tourniquet is perfect for you. To create a braid-plait, you need to pick up the hair high on the back of the head in a ponytail and divide it into two parts. Next, twist each part clockwise - the hair will resemble a twisted rope. Well, at the end, fasten our ponytail with an elastic band or a hairpin.

Video lesson

Kos waterfalls

Hairstyles look unusual, where braids are used as an additional decoration. For example, in such hairstyles as a simple and additional waterfall. Take a small piece of hair from either side and braid it into a classic braid around the ears. And then we proceed to the design of the waterfall, where you will need to constantly leave the lower strand free. Instead, a new section of hair is used. This interweaving of the three main parts continues until you reach the opposite temple. The waterfall ends with a regular braid that runs behind the ear.

Video lesson:

hair net

A braided hairstyle for long hair can also look like a grid. At first, it will seem difficult to perform, but it is not. Prepare a large number of elastic bands for the mesh. We separate the first row of hair from the frontal side with a comb, remove the rest. We divide the selected row into equal squares, from which tails are then obtained. We do the same with the second row, the only difference is that the squares in this row, in relation to the first, are in a checkerboard pattern. And the tails of the second row take half the hair of the first. The same is done with the remaining rows. At the end, the ponytails are fixed with rubber bands. So we got a hairstyle of unusual beauty, perhaps it will require some skills from you, but everything comes with experience, the main thing is to try

Long luxurious hair is an undoubted decoration of any girl. Wearing them loose is not always convenient.

On weekdays, you can perform very beautiful hairstyles with braids for long hair, which are done quite easily and take very little time.

Face shape and weaving options

A girl's face can have one of the five most common shapes. This helps stylists in choosing the right cuts and braids.

A girl with an oval face can afford the most daring experiments and choose the most extravagant weaving options.

For owners round face and long hair, it is advisable to use weaving, starting in the crown area. This will make the face more expressive, and its shape close to ideal. A braid braided over the entire length of the hair will look beautiful.

The angular features of a square face should be tried to be slightly smoothed out by using smooth transitions in weaving. An excellent option in this case would be a long braid braided in a circle.

Girls with a triangular face shape need to visually increase its volume at the bottom. To do this, you can cut the bangs, the braid is braided in the classic way, and the braid on the side is also relevant.

For a rectangular face, straight braids and voluminous weaving all over the head are ideal. You can braid the braid using the spikelet technique or the French braid. Bangs will also come in handy in this case.

Weaving a long braid “Fishtail”

A very popular weave, which, when done correctly, gives splendor to the hairstyle. Even if long hair is not too thick, a fishtail braided on it will make the hairstyle airy and very beautiful.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The hair is combed and treated with a volumizing agent. Styling products are best applied to slightly damp hair, and then dried with a hair dryer, this will keep the hair volume for a longer time;
  • Then the entire volume of hair is divided into two parts;
  • Outside, a thin strand is separated from one side and transferred to the opposite. The thinner the strands are taken during the weaving process, the more tender and refined the braid turns out;
  • Then a thin strand is separated from the opposite side and also thrown;
  • According to the same scheme, weaving continues;
  • You should not make the braid too tight, you need to weave it as weakly as possible;
  • After the pigtail is braided to the end, it is fixed with an elastic band;
  • Next, you need to slightly fluff it with your hands, making the weaving more voluminous. To do this, pull the strands in the pigtail. This is done starting from the bottom, slightly loosening the gum.

The combination of hairpins with flowers and fishtail hairstyles for long hair is very relevant.

Weaving a long braid with a bagel

Hairstyles with braids for long hair are very beautifully combined with various hair accessories, for example, with a bagel. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself. In addition to their beauty, they are practical, so they can be performed daily for going to work or school.

Weaving pattern:

  • Hair is divided equally;
  • Further, a strand of hair stands out on each side, which is braided into a classic braid approximately to the middle;
  • The two resulting pigtails and the remaining mass of hair are collected in a ponytail;
  • A donut is put on the tail, on which the hair is neatly wound and secured with hairpins;
  • The hairstyle is well fixed, so it does not require the use of hairspray.

This installation takes very little time, so it can be done independently even in a hurry.

Unusual circular weaving for long hair

There are quite a few braiding techniques in a circle, they are all very beautiful and help to create a beautiful image.

Weaving pattern:

  • Divide your hair with a straight parting into two equal parts;
  • Then, on one side, separate a small part of the hair in the back of the head;
  • Dividing it into three parts, start weaving from the bottom up;
  • In the process of weaving, include additional side strands in the braid;
  • The braid is braided to the end and fixed with an elastic band;
  • On the opposite side, it is necessary to braid the braid, starting weaving from above;
  • For this, a strand of hair is taken in the forehead area and divided into three parts;
  • During weaving, thin side strands are added to the braid;
  • When both braids are ready, they must be wrapped around the head and fixed with the help of invisibility.

This is one of those hairstyles that initially seems quite complicated, but after a few workouts in front of the mirror, can be easily done by hand.

French braid on the side

There are a lot of varieties of weaving a French braid. Having mastered the technique of this weaving, you can braid something new for yourself every day, changing the location of the braid.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The hair is combed and combed to one side;
  • Further ahead, a small curl is separated from one side and divided into three parts;
  • The weaving of this braid differs from the classic one, in which the strands are placed on top of the neighboring ones each time. This weaving involves putting a strand under the one next to it: first, the right strand is placed under the central one, then the left;
  • Then they continue according to this scheme, adding curls from the sides to the braid during weaving;
  • Thus, all hair should be braided into a braid.

It is very convenient to do this hairstyle yourself, since with side weaving you can observe the process of weaving in the mirror.

Long braid of three braids

This is another very simple and unusual weaving option, during which you will need the skills to create a regular braid. This hairstyle looks so original that it is difficult to guess how exactly it was created.

Execution scheme:

  • Hair should be divided into three parts;
  • Each of the parts is divided into three more parts and braided into a classic braid;
  • The resulting braids are fixed;
  • Further, one volumetric braid is braided from three braids.

Bundle of three braids

Performing classic weaving is not particularly difficult, but it can be taken as a basis for creating unusual and elegant styling. Braiding several braids at once and fixing them in various ways, there is an opportunity to become even more attractive.

Execution steps:

  • Comb your hair and take small strands of hair in front on both sides;
  • Divide the remaining mass of hair into three parts and braid into a braid;
  • The resulting pigtail should be twisted to form a bundle;
  • The side strands also need to be braided and neatly wrapped around the bundle;
  • With the help of hairpins and invisibles, fix the resulting beam.

Various kinds of jewelry fixed on long hair look very elegant.

Volume braid

If the hair is not very thick, it is quite problematic to braid a voluminous braid. In this case, one tricky trick will come to the rescue, which allows you to create the illusion of magnificent weaving.

Execution scheme:

  • Hair is collected in a ponytail at the back of the head;
  • Having divided the hair into three strands, two of them are crossed and fixed with an elastic band;
  • Further, from the bottom of the resulting tail, it is again necessary to select two strands and secure with an elastic band, crossing them among themselves;
  • According to this scheme, weaving continues;
  • After all the hair is braided, the resulting braid must be slightly fluffed with your hands.

With such weaving, all elastic bands should be the same, it is advisable to match them to the color of the hair. Then they will not stand out, and the hairstyle will look neater.

Long hair waterfall with beautiful flower

Before you create this wonderful styling, you should wind your hair. On curled curls, a waterfall of hair looks more impressive.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Part your hair with a side part;
  • Take the part of the hair that is larger and select a small strand near the bangs;
  • Start braiding a classic braid;
  • In the process of weaving, each strand that goes on top is released, and in return, a new one is taken from the bulk of the hair;
  • Thus, a kind of waterfall of hair is obtained;
  • The braid must be braided to the occipital region and pinned with an invisible one for a while;
  • On the opposite side, the braid is woven in a similar pattern;
  • It is also braided to the back of the head and connected with an elastic band to the previous one;
  • The resulting tail is braided into a regular braid;
  • Then a flower is formed from the pigtail, for fixing which you can use invisibility;
  • With the help of hairspray, you can finally fix the result.

The braid to create a flower is weaved very relaxed, this will allow it to be further beautifully fixed. This styling will look great with an evening dress, so it is suitable for a holiday.

Four-strand braid

This superb hairstyle looks very elegant, although it is quite simple to perform. That is why many fashionistas fell in love with this weaving so much and use it not only on weekdays, but also at festive events.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Hair will need to be divided into four equal curls;
  • Further, the extreme curls intersect with each other;
  • Then the curls that are in the middle are crossed;
  • At the next stage of weaving, it is again necessary to cross the extreme curls among themselves;
  • Weaving must continue according to this pattern.

The pigtail turns out to be quite voluminous. If you use a ribbon in the weaving process, the hairstyle will look even more original.

Braid from harnesses

By spending a minimum of your time, you can create a beautiful braided hairstyle that is very practical and will last throughout the working day.

Execution steps:

  • Carefully comb your hair, make a ponytail;
  • Hair is divided into two equal parts, each of which is twisted into a tourniquet;
  • Next, the two resulting bundles are twisted together;
  • The resulting braid is fixed with an elastic band.

A long braid of plaits looks very beautiful on smooth hair. If the hair is curly, it is better to straighten it with a flat iron before braiding.

Weave braids

If you want to braid something very beautiful and extraordinary, you can try to create a hairstyle from several braids. Any girl can do this, even if she has never had to do unusual hairstyles before. In the process of creating the styling, classic weaving is used, so it will take very little time to braid the braids.

Hairstyle execution scheme:

  • Part your hair with a straight parting;
  • Then the hair is divided into four parts: two sides in the forehead area must be separated by a small curl, and the rest of the hair is divided into two parts;
  • Each strand is braided;
  • The result should be four braids;
  • All pigtails must be carefully fixed with rubber bands;
  • Next, two pigtails are taken, braided in front, and crossed with a figure eight in the back of the head;
  • To consolidate the results, you will need to use invisibility;
  • Two braids braided at the back also cross in a figure eight in the occipital region and are fixed.

This is a very elegant retro hairstyle. The interlacing of braids adds mystery and romance to the image.

French braid for long hair

There are several variations of braiding in the French style. They all look very stylish, which is why they deserve such popularity.


Fashion changes, and depending on it, girls not only choose clothes, shoes, makeup, but also hairstyles. In recent years, women are increasingly choosing fashion short haircuts, however, long hair will never lose its relevance.

At all times and for all ages braids for long hair considered a beautiful decoration female image, besides, now the choice of various hairstyles with braids and weaves is simply huge.

Everyone can learn to weave braids for long hair with their own hands, let's start with simpler weaves, and finish with a variety of interesting braids.

Classic three strand braid

Hairstyle that has passed through time - a classic braid of 3 strands, suitable for both long and medium hair. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers braided their long thick hair into a braid, and the thicker it was, the more beautiful the woman was considered.

The scheme of weaving a braid of 3 strands

Today it is the fastest and easiest pigtail, which even a child can learn to weave.

The hair must be divided into three equal parts and then weaved as shown in the diagram: The extreme strand on the right is shifted between the other two, then the leftmost strand also moves between the two adjacent ones. We continue braiding to the ends of the hair and secure with an elastic band.

At first glance, this braid may seem boring, but take a look at the variety of hairstyles that can be made based on this weave, and for many it becomes a favorite.

Video lesson of weaving braids from 3 strands

Braid of three strands - photo

French braid for long hair

A French braid on long hair looks very impressive, besides, such weaving allows you to tightly collect hair, they will not fall out of your hair and interfere with you. It can be braided straight or obliquely, you can braid two or more French braids over the head.

French braid pattern

Weaving also begins with three strands as in the previous version, however, we start weaving from the top of the head and separate three small strands. We start weaving in the usual way, the only difference is that when shifting the extreme strand, each time we grab a small strand of free hair to it.

Video instructions for weaving a French braid

By adjusting the thickness of the strands, you can determine for yourself what type of braid you will have, with fine or coarse weaving.

Reverse French braid

This hairstyle is also called a dragon braid. As you already understood by the name, weaving occurs in the same way as with a regular French braid, but at the same time, the extreme strands do not move up, but under the adjacent strand, that is, from below.

Weaving pattern

There can also be several options for such a braid, you can braid two symmetrical braids, or one zigzag. If you pull out small loops from each weave of the finished braid, you get a beautiful voluminous hairstyle for long hair, which is even suitable for going out.

Videos weaving

Reverse French braid - photo

Fishtail braid for long hair

A fishtail is a fairly simple weaving, which in fact is made from two strands. More precisely, the hair is divided into two parts, then a small strand is pulled out from one part and transferred to the next part, we will do the same on the other side, so we get an interesting weaving that really remotely resembles a fish tail :)

Fishtail (spikelet) - weaving pattern

Such weaving looks especially advantageous on long hair, the braid turns out to be very unusual and interesting. You can also make a high ponytail at the crown and braid a fish tail out of it - you get a fashionable and stylish hairstyle.

Weaving video tutorial

Spit waterfall - a great hairstyle for long hair

The combination of loose curls and beautiful weaving is the perfect hairstyle for girls who like to wear long hair in a free style. At the same time, framing the hairstyle with such a pigtail will give the image a finished and neat look.

The spit-waterfall is perfect for a special occasion, a romantic walk or going to the theater.

Weaving can be seen on the diagram, it is quite simple, it is performed according to the type of weaving a French braid. To get the effect of flowing hair, an additional strand that enters the braid is not braided, but remains free to hang.

The scheme of weaving braids waterfall Video weaving lesson

Braid for long hair 4 strands

We examined simple braids of 2 and 3 strands, now you can move on to more complex openwork weaving patterns. These include braids for long hair of 4 or more strands.

The scheme of weaving a braid of four strands

When weaving a braid of 4 strands, the main thing is not to get confused about what comes after. When you fill your hand, such a seemingly complex braid can be completed in a few minutes.

The easiest way to learn how to weave this braid is with video tutorials.

Weaving an openwork braid of 5 strands for long hair

Weaving a braid of five strands requires some skill and experience, if you already easily perform the previous weaves, you can move on to more complex ones.

A 5-strand braid is only performed on long thick hair, I advise you to carefully watch the diagram and video tutorial to master this weaving technique.

Weaving pattern Video lesson braids of 5 strands

Braid - mermaid tail - hairstyle for long-haired beauties

A very gentle and romantic braid, it looks voluminous and a little careless. We take the weaving of a French braid as a basis, the only difference is that when grabbing another strand of free hair, we do not tighten it into weaving, but leave it in a weakened form.

A mermaid braid can also be made in several variations, look at the photo and video.

Scythe shell

Another great hairstyle for long hair. It can be performed on the basis of any braid (classic, French, fishtail). It is the location of the pigtail that plays an important role here, it should start from one edge, then make a semicircle and twist like a shell.

Also, to create a shell, you will need invisible or hairpins to fix it in the desired position.

Video lesson weaving braid shell

Braid around the head (crown)

A spectacular hairstyle that is not suitable for everyone, if you have a beautiful oval face shape and pronounced features, then you can safely take this braid into service. This hairstyle is also called a basket.

Weaving can be done in several ways, it can be a classic braid that wraps around the head when finished, or it can be a circular weave of a French braid.

If you chose the first option, then keep in mind that the hair must be very long so that it is enough to completely cover the head.

Video lessons

"The scythe is a girl's beauty" our ancestors have long repeated. Braiding is a good tradition, it is a practical, stylish and very creative solution for those who want to "tame" their unruly hair. If you have not yet learned how to weave various and intricate braids for girls: 100 hairstyles with step-by-step photos will come in handy for you. In our article, you will learn a lot of interesting and useful information, learn the secrets of the perfect braid and learn how to make real works of art from ordinary braids.

We offer you a variety of diagrams, photo and video instructions thanks to which you will stop visiting expensive salons and start making breathtaking masterpieces. We will teach you how to style your hair in the most unimaginable way, while spending a little time and effort. Together we will try to braid neat and stylish braids, designed for both long and short hair. Our methods are accessible and understandable even for dummies and are especially suitable for young mothers who dream of beautiful, practical and strong braids for their babies.

Braids for girls step by step for beginners

The little princess is beautiful outfits, bows, and, of course, pigtails. Any mother can make the most ordinary braid or ponytail. And to build something unusual and original by combining these 2 elements into an unusual ensemble, we will teach you right now.

Master class number 1. Chic composition of ponytails and braids

The first hairstyle seems quite laborious, but we will tell you in detail how to quickly and efficiently make a beautiful composition.

Step 1. We comb the hairs and collect them at the top in a small ponytail. At the edges we have hair, which we will also divide into ponytails.

Step 2 Now we divide the hair at the crown into 3 more ponytails, forming even triangles at the base.

Step 3. We need to divide each of the strands into 2 more parts.

Step 4. And now we make the original "flagella" of the hair. To do this, we take a strand from one section and twist it with a strand from the next. So we connect all the strands together in turn, having previously wound them on our fingers (so that the flagella hold better).

Step 5 The length of the flagella should be several centimeters, and at their intersection a ponytail of “loose” hair is formed.

Step 6 We transfer a strand of hair from the tail to the middle finger, forming a loop. We thread the end of the hair under the elastic, near the base of the ponytail. We make such loops of strands around the entire circumference of the hairstyle, threading them under the rubber band.

Step 7. We hide the hairs that remain in a small bun and decorate with a ribbon.

Master class number 2. Hairstyle for a girl from braids

Master class number 3. French braid for girls

This hairstyle is done for 10-15 minutes. And it looks great.

  • You can form a small bump or bunch.
  • You can add a pigtail.
  • We will tie the tail, decorating it with a ribbon.

Master class for moms: wonderful pigtails for every day

Little princesses are very active and mobile, so for every mom it is important that the hairstyle is not only beautiful, but also practical. With the following hairstyle, your little naughty girl will look very neat and stylish.

We comb the hairs into a zigzag parting and sprinkle with varnish.

We make ponytails, fix them with an elastic band and weave pigtails.

We tie the pigtails together by following the instructions in the photo.

We fix the pigtails under the rubber bands and decorate with hairpins or bows.

And this hairstyle looks very festive and spontaneous.

We offer you to weave a circular pigtail for your little beauty.

And this wonderful weaving will turn your baby into a fabulous Goldilocks.

At the heart of the already familiar French braid.

We divide the hair into 5 parts from occiput to crown.

At the very bottom we will have a tail, then a French braid goes above it.

Then comes the tail again, the braid and the tail at the top.

We have a layered hairstyle and a long tail in the middle. We lubricate it with gel and twist it into flagella, they should turn out 3 pieces.

The result is simply amazing. Your little one will be very happy.

Braids for girls: 100 hairstyles for every taste

For girls, both small and large, it is important that the hairstyle is beautiful, strong and easy to weave. After all, mommy also wants to look feminine and elegant. We offer you various options for weaving braids for both mothers and their charming daughters, as well as step-by-step photos with their implementation. Be beautiful always!

Weave braids for short hair

Babies with short hair will not be left without our attention, because any hairstyle can be made beautiful with a little effort and imagination.

A bob haircut can be decorated with an original braided flower.

This is how easy it is to do a French braid for short hair.

Playful ponytails are very suitable for babies with short hair.

Even soft and fluffy baby hair can be braided very elegantly and beautifully.

Charming braids for owners of long hair

See how you can braid long hair and try one of these hairstyles yourself.

Naughty pigtails for girls: original and simple

Very stylish and popular hairstyles for little beauties. Try to repeat for your baby.

Popular braid patterns: quick and easy

Moms know how hard it is sometimes to braid a pigtail for a restless and mobile child. We offer you simple and affordable braid patterns so that the weaving process is quick and enjoyable.

First scheme- This is a common pigtail, very popular among mothers. It is called differently: French braid, dragon, spikelet. The weaving scheme is quite simple and understandable.

This waterfall weave is very romantic and stylish.

French braid inside out creates the effect of stunning volume on the hair.

The harness dragon is an amazing weaving.

Very comfortable braid combined with a bun.

Favorite and irreplaceable fish tail.

Pigtails for girls: 50 options for all occasions

Beautiful hairstyles can be admired endlessly. Let's not just watch, but make chic pigtails together.

Video: weaving pigtails for girls in different ways

Braiding is a process that requires experience and a full hand to get really beautiful and graceful hairstyles. However, having mastered just a few techniques, you will forever forget about the problem with styling long curls. For your convenience, this article provides descriptions of the most popular braids, as well as some tips to help make your hairstyle even better.

What is necessary

Despite the simplicity of the weaving process, it still requires some devices that will help make hairstyles better:

  • Comb for separating strands and creating partings is a small comb with teeth on one side and a sharp-tipped handle on the other.
  • Regular comb for combing hair. It can be absolutely anyone, so choose the one that is most convenient for you.
  • Hairpins for fastening and separating the unwanted part of the hair.
  • Hair bands. It is advisable to choose silicone and small in size, because they do not slip on the curls and hold your hair well.
  • Depending on the complexity of your braid, you may you will also need ribbons for additional decoration.
  • Studs or invisible for stronger fixing, as well as to create more complex hairstyles based on braiding.
  • Hair wax so that the hairstyle looks perfectly smooth and nothing stands out from the general look of the styling.
  • Strong hold varnish to fix the final result.

How to weave

  1. Before weaving, you should carefully comb the curls. If you have curly hair, then additionally treat it with special straighteners.
  2. Gather your curls into a high ponytail, avoiding the formation of "roosters" and irregularities.
  3. Next, the tail should be divided into three identical parts.
  4. Weaving begins with the strand that is on the right side. Take it in your hand and cross over the curl on top of the second, which is in the center. In this case, the right strand must be placed in such a way that it is in the center between the left and central strands.
  5. The process should be repeated on the left side. That is, the left curl must be shifted to the central one (which was originally on the right) and placed between it and the right strand.
  6. Then repeat all the steps again on the right side and so, alternating, weave to the end of the braid.
  7. Finally, the braid is secured with an elastic band. and, if desired, additionally decorated with ribbons or beautiful hairpins.

If you have curly hair, then additionally treat it with special straighteners.

Fish tail

  1. As with weaving a regular braid for the hairstyle "" the hair must be carefully combed.
  2. After that, a parting is done starting from the top of the head towards the neck.
  3. On the left side, a small strand is separated from the outer part, which is then shifted to the middle closer to the parting.
  4. Then, in the same way, separate the curl from the second part and shift to the middle overlap with the first strand.
  5. After that, strands are taken from one, then on the other side and shifting them to the middle.
  6. The final look of the hairstyle will depend on the thickness of the strand that you will take. The thinner the curls, the neater the braid will look, but it will also take longer and more carefully to weave it.
  7. Fasten at the end. If desired, you can slightly dissolve the braid and make it more voluminous.

The final look of the hairstyle will depend on the thickness of the strand that you will take.

  1. Separate part of the hair at the temple, carefully combing it before. Secure this part with a clip or elastic band.
  2. Divide the rest behind the ear into three strands. Braid the classic inside out towards the back of the head.
  3. Continue weaving towards another temple.
  4. When you braid your pigtail to the opposite temple, start weaving a classic braid without adding additional strands.
  5. Secure the remaining end with hairpins in that place. where you started your weave, creating a braid hoop in the process. Decorate the place of attachment with any to your taste.
  6. Fix hair with varnish.

Decorate the attachment point with any hair accessories of your choice

Greek style

  1. First of all, to create this hairstyle, you need to make a parting. It can be classic, side or oblique, it all depends on your desire.
  2. After that, separate three strands from the part of the hair near the right temple and secure the rest with a clip.
  3. From these curls weave classic spikelet.
  4. After you reach the opposite temple, secure the remaining hair with an elastic band. And from the remaining hair, make or curl them with a curling iron.
  5. Another option would be to continue weaving with the rest.
  6. It needs to be braided exactly the same as the first braid.
  7. When finished, braid the remaining hair from both braids together and form a bundle.
  8. Fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish and decorate it as you wish.

When finished, braid the remaining hair from both braids together and form a bun.

From 4 strands

  1. Comb the entire mass of hair towards the back of the head.
  2. Divide it into four equal parts.
  3. Grab one piece with your hand and place it on top of the other., these two strands must be held well in your hands so that they do not fall out. With your other hand, take the next strand and place it over the curl that is on the right side.
  4. Bring the remaining fourth strand under the first, which is located in the center of the weave.
  5. Bring the rest under the first, which, if done correctly, should be in the center. Place the second part on top of the third, and the fourth on top of the second.
  6. Now take the first strand and stretch it under the second, and throw the third on the fourth. After that, stretch the first strand to the third, and tighten the second under the third.

Take one part with your hand and put it on top of the other, these two strands must be held well in your hands so that they do not fall out


  1. To begin with, a piece of clean hair is taken and is divided into three equal curls.
  2. Making this hairstyle and is based on the classic braid.
  3. Having made the first couple of weaves, select individual small strands from the extreme curls, which are woven into the braid through one or two turns of the main strands.
  4. At the end of weaving, holding the end of the braid, gently pull the side strands.
  5. Fasten the end of the braid rubber band or ribbon.

Having made the first couple of weaves, select individual small strands from the extreme curls, which are woven into the braid through one or two turns of the main strands

little basket

  1. Hairstyle is divided to the center hole.
  2. Then a part is allocated above the ear, which should then be divided into three curls. An ordinary spikelet is woven from them.
  3. Once the braid is completed on one side, secure it with an elastic band. Then we begin to weave the second braid in the same way.
  4. Having received two braids, we alternately wind them in opposite directions along the circumference of the head, towards the forehead.
  5. After that, the two ends can be braided into one common braid or wrapped in an elegant cone.

  • Do not overtighten the strands when weaving. This will not make the hair more neat, but will only harm the roots of the hair and can even cause a headache.
  • You can give the braid a little sloppiness- it will make your look even more stylish and cute.
  • Slightly stretch to add volume. side strands of hair.
  • If you want to make a braid flower, then when twisting into a spiral, pull the strands only from its outer side.
  • To fix hair with hairpins it is better to stab in the central part.
  • Owners of curly or curly curls before braiding you will need to straighten your hair with special means.
  • Before you start braiding your own braids, practice on your friends and acquaintances. in order to properly fill your hand.