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» Army tattoos by type of troops. Army tattoos according to the types of troops of motorized rifle, military troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Strategic Missile Forces, RHBZ, USSR, tank, land, border, artillery and their meaning

Army tattoos by type of troops. Army tattoos according to the types of troops of motorized rifle, military troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Strategic Missile Forces, RHBZ, USSR, tank, land, border, artillery and their meaning

Army tattoo is a separate category of wearable designs. They have not only aesthetic beauty, but also have a special meaning that can tell information about the place of service and the type of troops of the owner.

Army tattoos and their subjects

Army tattoos, like prison ones, are not stuffed for beauty, since they indicate the social status of a person, as well as his belonging to certain troops.

Conventionally, military tattoos are divided into several categories:

  • by military rank;
  • by type of troops;
  • at the place of service.

Today, many soldiers choose to tattoo their bodies in their military unit, in the middle or at the end of their term. The status does not allow to fill the image on the body ahead of time: the tattoo is applied only to “grandfathers”, and not to “spirits”. We can say that this is a special insignia about the period spent in the military unit.

It is worth knowing that such army tattoos are not always particularly beautiful if they are performed by an unskilled craftsman. In addition, they have an increased risk of infection during the application and healing process.

Army tattoos by type of troops: meaning and symbolism

The army is a special period in a man's life. For this reason, many of them want to immortalize it with underwear.

All troops have a main recognizable image. So, for example, the Airborne Forces have a parachute, the RHBZ has a gas mask, etc. Often there are inscriptions indicating the blood type, the motto, the number of the military unit, abbreviations, etc. Basically, the meaning of army tattoos is information about the type of troops in which the service took place. Consider the tattoo of military soldiers in more detail.

Airborne. The distinctive signs of the paratroopers are a blue beret and a parachute. They are the main symbols used in the tattoo.

The blue beret depicts wolves, tigers, leopards and other animals. And as a result of the fact that when performing combat missions, it is the soldiers of the Airborne Forces who have to parachute in dangerous areas, the motto "No one but us" and "For the Airborne Forces" has gained particular popularity.

wolf in beret

Artillery. Artillery tattoos include crossed cartridges, cannons and other weapons. Also, it is possible to apply a skull in a beret, accompanied by the inscription "Artillery", "God of War", "Gods are afraid of us."

Artillery reconnaissance. Artillery reconnaissance tattoo includes the above symbols with the addition of a bat image to them.

Artillery army tattoo "For MFA"

Marines. Marines inflict a wide variety of tattoos. But basically, they include the image of a parachute, against which there are images of animals, a skull in a beret, etc. Also, the inscription is used: "Where we are, there is victory."

Army tattoo. The infantry of motorized rifle troops stuffs tattoos in the form of a grinning head of a wolf or a skull with crossed machine guns.

Tattoos of special forces of the Russian Federation. GRU special forces tattoos are images of a skull in a beret against the background of a parachute canopy, a helicopter, a bat, a muzzle of a wolf or a tiger. Often the drawings are accompanied by an inscription with years or place of service.

Tattoos VV MIA. Tattoos of internal troops are a five-pointed star, which depicts a clenched fist with a Kalashnikov assault rifle or a rifle.

Separate operational division. ODON tattoo is a black panther with a grin. As a rule, it is located on the shoulder in tandem with the inscription "ODON".

Army tattoos of the Russian Air Force. The air force tattoo involves the application of blades with wings, aircraft or the inscription: "For the Air Force."

Tattoo ZhDV. In the Russian army, employees of the railway troops stuff a tattoo in the form of a pit bull's head with a rail in its mouth. Sometimes there is an image of a train.

Army air defense tattoos. Basically, the air defense forces use the image of an aircraft as a tattoo. Less commonly, a bat or a bird is stuffed. Usually, the drawings are accompanied by the part number and service life.

Tattoo for a clear sky

VKS tattoo. Soldiers of the military space forces fill themed images: rockets, astronauts, etc.

SKVO tattoo. The army tattoo of employees in the North Caucasian Military District is a scorpion located on the sternum. Moreover, by the position of the tail with a sting, you can find out whether the soldier participated in hostilities. Accordingly, a raised sting means participation, and a lowered sting does not.

Tattoo 12 GUMO. The 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia uses the image of a double-headed eagle as a tattoo or the inscription: “After us - silence”, “Nuclear forces protect Russia”.

Tattoo "For You" on the arm: meaning

The tattoo “For you”, stuffed on the hand, namely, on the edge of the palm or finger, means that the person raises the pile for you, that is, for those around him or “For All Army Service”.

Bat tattoo: meaning in the army

Bat tattoo is a sign of military intelligence. It means that a fighter has the same qualities as a bat: he easily finds a landmark in the air, climbs various surfaces like a rock climber, and, if necessary, can be under water for some time.

For the first time, one of the fighters drew this symbol for himself, after which, its application became a tradition of scouts. Often army bat tattoos are combined with the moon or parachute canopy.

Probably the most common question about fitness for the military after the question of having flat feet is the question of tattoos. Many have heard from friends: I have tattoos on my arms, they won’t take me into the army, and so on. In order to understand under what condition the presence of tattoos affects the possibility of obtaining an exemption from the draft, it is necessary to understand what is the basis for exemption from service in general.

In addition to administrative and some other reasons, for example, deferment from the army at the birth of a child, one of the main reasons for obtaining an exemption is the state of health of the conscript. If for the above reasons it is enough to provide the established package of documents and submit it to the military registration and enlistment office, then everything is much more serious with a health examination. A significant part of the premises of the military registration and enlistment offices are the offices of doctors who examine young men during drafting events.

The procedure for examining doctors is strictly regulated, a document has been developed - schedule of diseases 2020, which lists all diseases with which they are not taken into the army, or given a delay. Each doctor examines the conscript in his specialty, asks if young man any diagnoses and information about their presence. If there are no certificates, and no obvious diseases were detected during the examination, then the young man is considered fit.

This is where the main point lies, which determines whether they take to the army with tattoos, namely, that the medical board in the military registration and enlistment office is the last stage at which it is decided whether the young man will go to serve or not. So, is a tattoo a disease, and does it give the right not to join the army?

Tattoo - a disease or not? The point of view of the doctors of the military registration and enlistment office

As mentioned above, the activities of doctors on the medical board are strictly regulated and there can be no private point of view regarding tattoos. The schedule of illnesses - an official regulatory document - does not contain information about tattoos, therefore, a tattoo is not a disease, therefore, people with tattoos are taken into the army.

However, many have heard that if there are a lot of tattoos, that if they cover a certain percentage of the skin, there are tattoos on the face, arms, neck, hands and other areas of the skin, then exceptions are possible, and with such tattoos they are not taken into the army. Is it so? The answer to these statements will still be “no” - there are no such conditions in the regulatory documents, respectively, there are no methods for measuring the percentage of skin coverage with tattoos, and so on.

It should be noted that there is a practice in which, nevertheless, young men with certain tattoos received exemption from conscription, and they were not taken into the army. More on this later.

Exemption from the army with tattoos in 2020

Conscripts in the military registration and enlistment office are examined, in particular, by a psychiatrist. This specialist, as a rule, makes a conclusion after a conversation with a young man. The doctor asks arbitrary questions, including on the basis of the conscript's behavior and appearance. It is in this case that the presence of special signs in the form of tattoos on the face, fingers, hands, can attract the attention of a psychiatrist, and he can send the young man for a mental health examination. But it is worth noting here that there is no such instruction in the documents regulating the draft. A doctor may not notice or pay attention to tattoos, and tattoos may not be "special" to another doctor.

Indeed, in recent years, tattoos are no longer a “shocking” phenomenon; many young people make them for themselves. Some guys, of course, get a tattoo on their face, or full coverage of a part of the body with a tattoo, for example, hands. Such cases are much less, but every year, it still becomes more and more. According to statistics, 98.4% of people with tattoos do not have mental health problems, so it is foolish to expect that they will not be drafted into the army with tattoos. If they are sent for a mental examination, professional doctors will be able to unambiguously determine the presence of a mental illness, they will not be able to deceive, and feigning a disease is a direct sign of evading the army - a criminal offense for which punishment is provided - up to 2 years in prison and a large financial fine.

Other grounds for exemption and deferment from conscription

Our long-term practice of helping recruits shows that most recruits have diseases that are not taken into the army. According to official conscription statistics, 76.7% of young men in 2020 received deferrals or a military ID for health reasons. Since the military registration and enlistment office does not conduct a complete examination of the health of the young man, but only studies the certificates provided, out of 23.3% of the guys who were found fit, they also potentially have diseases with which they issue a military ID.

Now you know if they take to the army with tattoos. Our organization organizes independent health surveys of conscripts throughout Russia. We also provide legal support during the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Call us for a free consultation.

In the article you will find photos of army tattoos and learn their meaning.

An "army" tattoo is stuffed only by the person who was able to go through the "school" of the war or serve in the army. Such a drawing necessarily matters, for example, it indicates which troops the fighter belonged to. Moreover, only the soldier who has already fully served has the right to get a tattoo.

INTERESTING: It was customary for soldiers to make tattoos many centuries ago. It was believed that a tattoo would be able to identify a person after death if he had severe injuries. Or it will be necessary to find out the blood type so that the health worker can save a stranger without documents and any data. However, there were also rules that forbade some employees from getting tattoos for themselves so that they would not be recognized on the "foreign side", for example, intelligence officers.

It is not customary to do a single army tattoo just like that, because you like it or want to have it. The army tattoo had to be earned. However, modern youth is increasingly starting from this rule and independently decides on stuffing this or that pattern on the body.

IMPORTANT: It is best to get a tattoo after service in professional salons and with graduates, since “self-made” masters who do it right in a military unit often bring infected blood to a person with a needle.

Can the military get tattoos?

Tattoos are prohibited for some categories of military personnel. For example, services that are designed for intelligence are strictly forbidden to have tattoos because the pattern on the body is a special sign by which a person can be recognized. In addition, ordinary soldiers are forbidden to have tattoos on open parts of the body: head, neck, face (the norm of military ethics).

Army tattoos VKS: photo

The Russian Aerospace Forces are military space forces that must protect their state in the space sphere.

Army tattoos of the Navy: photo

The Navy is the navy. The drawings on the body of employees in the Navy were supposed to protect against various disasters and natural disasters while sailing. Another purpose of Navy tattoos is to “tell” about the merits and victories of a soldier.

Most popular drawings:

  • Flag of the Russian Navy - this flag is also called "St. Andrew's" in honor of the Apostle Andrew, who was an ordinary fisherman until he met Jesus. The tattoo has a simple and at the same time strong energy.
  • Polar bear - such a tattoo was stuffed on the body of soldiers that served in the North Sea.
  • Palms - a symbol that a person has been to the Mediterranean Sea
  • Shark- a symbol that gave fearlessness and helped to get out of any difficult situations.
  • Turtle- a drawing that "says" that a person has crossed the equator.
  • Anchor- a symbol that guarded and protected those people who are "tied" to the sea element.
  • Sparrow- this drawing was stuffed only to those who managed to overcome 5000 miles by ship.
  • Wind rose, guiding star or compass- a symbol that inspired military personnel with the hope of returning home.
  • Pigs with roosters (or each animal separately)- a symbol of salvation. These animals were transported on ships in wooden boxes, saving people from wreckage and starvation.
  • Swallows or seagulls- a drawing that symbolizes land
  • words on fingers hold AndFast these words helped the one who held the mooring lines, saving him from falling into the water.
  • Mooring end - sailor drawing
  • The Dragon - tattoo for a sailor who visited China
  • Globe - a symbol that characterizes a person who has seen the whole world.
  • Sailboat on the wave - forward movement symbol
  • Steering wheel - sign of a person who loves travel
  • Ship - as a rule, a specific drawing of the ship on which the military served was stuffed.
  • Cannons on the ship (crossed) - man fought on the ship.

Army air defense tattoos: photo

Such drawings are applied to the body only by those soldiers who are in the service at that moment, and only a few months remain until its end. On such tattoos it is customary to indicate the date of service and part number. These symbols are applied to the upper part of the body, usually chest, arms or shoulders.

The inscription “for clear skies”, which symbolizes peace on earth, is very popular for air defense. Another popular custom to fill a plane that is already landing, as a symbol of termination and termination (of a service). In some cases it is shown bat floating in the air.

Army tattoos RHBZ: photo

RKhBZ are "chemical" troops that provide protection to the state at the chemical and biological level.

Army tattoos of the marines: photo

Marines stuff themselves with:

  • Parachute - a symbol of fearlessness and lightness, as well as the correct designation of the military.
  • Predatory grin - a symbol of strength and masculinity, fearlessness and courage. A grin can belong to any wild animal.
  • Predator in a beret - the animal symbolizes strength, and the beret defines the Marine.
  • Skull in a beret - symbol of mockery of death

Army tattoos of the border troops: photo

Popular tattoos:

  • Sword and shield - a bright symbol of protection and protection of the state border.
  • border post -
  • border tower - symbol of service in the border troops.
  • Shield and border star - symbol of the defense of the Motherland
  • Abbreviations and year of service - employee's personal information
  • Green beret - border guard symbol
  • Eagle - a symbol of freedom and strength, as well as the "all-seeing eye".
  • Scorpion - symbol of wisdom and strength

Army artillery tattoos: photo

As a rule, gunners' tattoos indicate specific data: year of service human, the place where the service took place, and sometimes even military rank. popular images of weapons, skulls, as well as the inscriptions "Gods of War" and "we are afraid." It is important to know that such tattoos are allowed to be applied to the body only to soldiers who have already served.

Army tattoos of the Airborne Forces: photo

Airborne - military landing troops.

Popular tattoos:

  • Predator grin - bear, tiger or wolf as symbols of masculinity, strength and power.
  • Tiger - a symbol of a fighting character (it is not uncommon for a tiger to be depicted in a blue beret).
  • Blue color - symbolizes the sky
  • Blue beret - symbol of the Airborne Forces
  • Airplane - symbol of service in the Airborne Forces
  • Parachute - a symbol of lightness, freedom and service in the Airborne Forces
  • Bat - strong and intimidating tattoo
  • Bird of prey (eagle) - a symbol of air and sky, as well as courage and strength.
  • Skull in a blue beret fearlessness before death

Army tattoos of motorized rifle troops: photo

Motorized rifle troops are the main ground forces of the state. Tattoos for such military personnel most often serve as images:

  • Weapons (Kalashnikov assault rifle)
  • grin of predators
  • Skulls
  • Abbreviations and dates
  • Steel arms

Army special forces tattoos: photo

Spetsnaz - special forces.

What tattoos are stuffed:

  • Bat
  • Skulls
  • Airplane or helicopter
  • Landscape (usually of the place where the soldier served)
  • Predator with a grin
  • Star
  • Slogans and inscriptions
  • Abbreviation
  • Blood type
  • Firearms
  • Bat

Army signalmen tattoos: photo

Signal Troops - responsible for the communication system between military associations and formations of the armed forces.

INTERESTING: Often signalmen's tattoos have a lightning bolt as a symbol of speed and an arrow as a symbol of the right direction.


Which army unit has a sea turtle tattoo?

A sea turtle tattoo is a symbol of strength and endurance. It is stuffed by those soldiers who are related to the sea and at least once crossed the equator.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army bat: meaning, photo

The bat is most often stuffed by those soldiers who serve or have served in special forces or intelligence. This animal is predatory and associated with danger, at the same time it is inconspicuous and dexterous.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army scorpion: meaning, photo

The scorpion is often stuffed by soldiers as a symbol of strength and courage, fearlessness and endurance. It is interesting that if the scorpion has a lowered sting, this indicates that the soldier did not take part in the battle, and raised up, the soldier fought.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army tiger: meaning, photo

A tiger with a bared mouth is a symbol of courage, rebelliousness and strength in battle. The bared mouth should inspire menace and fear.

Tiger - army tattoo

Military tattoos in the Russian Army wolf: meaning, photo

The wolf is a predatory animal, which indicates that the soldier is a very strong-willed person, rebellious and dangerous (in battle). The bared mouth of the beast should intimidate and scare away the enemy.

Wolf - army tattoo

Military tattoos in the Russian Army dragon: meaning, photo

The dragon is a symbol that indicates that a person has served or been to China.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army blood type: meaning, photo

The blood type very often complements the drawings on the body, since in battle, if a person is wounded, he needs to be given an ambulance (if a person is unconscious and without documents, it is impossible to find out his blood type without prompts).

What military men's tattoos are applied on the shoulder, arm, wrist, palm ribs, chest?


  • Shoulders - scorpions, inscriptions, dates
  • Hands - skulls, weapons, animals, birds
  • Breast - blood group, inscriptions, animals,
  • Back - birds, bat, weapons, inscriptions
  • Belly - Christian themes, words and inscriptions
  • Wrist - blood type, weapons, slogans and words

Do military schools accept tattoos?

There is no clear law that prohibits entering this institution of higher education with tattoos. But in some cases, each university has its own separate requirements. Most often, the ban falls on too large-scale and catchy, as well as defiant tattoos and drawings on the head, face, neck. In any case, remember that tattoos are an identification mark on the body and in some military services they are not desirable and even prohibited.

Sketches of military, army tattoos: photo


Video: "Different army tattoos"

In the troops around the world, a cult of tattoos has developed. Army tattoos become proof that a person was part of any troops and from now on he belongs to them. Secrets and types of combat tattoos. Any tattoo has a special meaning for its owner. An army tattoo is not an exception, but rather an extra confirmation of this. Wearable images become proof that a person was part of any troops and from now on he belongs to them. In addition to belonging, tattoos can also display military merit or awards.

Army tattoos have become a real art. In the troops around the world, a cult of tattoos has developed. Sketches of underwear drawings are passed from soldier to soldier, every year the work acquires its own “zest” and turns into masterpieces. "Defend Russia" together with the artistic tattoo studio Badbird.Ink invites you to get acquainted with the images of tattoos and their meaning.

Armies of other countries

Military personnel in foreign countries have succeeded in the culture of military tattooing. On the Web, there are more and more photos where parts of the body are completely “clogged” with skillfully executed drawings. Most often it can be found in American military personnel.

Often they depict belonging to any kind of troops or the army as a whole ...

... or express the memory of those who died in battle.

Some apply patriotic images:

Soviet and Russian army

All of the above categories of underwear, of course, are also present in Russian army tattoos. Bad Bird Ink tells more about the history of the emergence and development of this culture.

Military tattoos gained popularity during World War II. However, stuffing a body pattern in the service was not welcome. The commanders needed to keep track of such cases. Despite the conditional ban, the art of military drawing on the body continued to develop. There was an unspoken rule saying that the more difficult your service, the more loyal they are to tattoos. The only exception was for sailors - they were not forbidden to have any images on their bodies.

The army drawing was supposed to reflect the main characteristics of its owner: type of troops, place of service, symbols and emblems, years of service, blood type. The latter image became popular during the war in Afghanistan.

Over time, the attitude towards tattoos in the army became more loyal and the format began to develop. Today, the basic principles of drawing drawings by type of troops with historically established images remain.

Airborne Forces: the most commonly used image is parachutes, aircraft, berets and an indication of the place or settlement where the service took place.

Marines: the most popular image is St. Andrew's flag. Elements in the form of animals and duty stations are added.

Employees in the North Caucasus: their symbol is a scorpion (denoting being in a "hot spot").

We have revealed the main symbols of the army and military tattoos. But it must be remembered that the wearable images of the military are often a cipher that is understandable only to the owner or colleagues.

Like their ancient counterparts, they are designed to indicate social status.
In the army, it is believed that only an experienced soldier is allowed to wear a tattoo.
It is believed that "spirits", beginners, are not eligible for a lifetime tattoo.
Army tattoos are made for themselves, as a rule, during the service and often the place of service, the term and type of troops are reflected there. Here is a small selection of Army tattoos that I took on the day of the Airborne Forces.

Apparently, the first military tattoo in Russia can be considered the one that Peter I ordered the soldiers to do,
legalized the mandatory tattooing of military personnel. A cross was cut on the wrist, gunpowder was rubbed into it and bandaged. They also pinned a personal number. The procedure is painful, but it provided the absolute identification of the dead soldiers in the Peter's army.

In the Red Army, since 1919, a tattoo in the form of a five-pointed star was applied to the left arm of a Red Army soldier.

In the Soviet and Russian armies, tattoos were treated with disapproval, and in some units they were (and are) completely banned. For example, scouts are forbidden to make any kind of tattoos. But among ordinary soldiers of the Soviet Army, they, nevertheless, were made, but there never was a single system and gradation of tattoos, as, for example, among criminals. The emblems of the armed forces and the names of the groups of troops were drawn on the skin: “GSVG” (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany - later ZGV), “SGV” - Northern Group of Forces (Poland), “TSGV” - Central Group of Forces (Czechoslovakia, often tattoos were made with Czechoslovak coat of arms), "YUGV" - Southern Group of Forces (Hungary, often along with the name of the settlement in Latin script, for example "SEGED")

Soviet military personnel who were in Vietnam avoided tattoos - the stay of our “specialists” was too secret, in addition, in those years, tattoos were made in a primitive way, and in the climate of Indochina they could lead to blood poisoning. A scout in general, and a military man in particular, should not have any special signs - no tattoos, no obvious scars and birthmarks. The specifics of "work" forbids. Tattoos on body parts for a soldier, and especially a scout, are not a sign of dashing or courage, but simple headlessness ...

However, none of those who ended up in the Airborne Forces or special forces can do without some kind of tattoo. The smallest is a “batman” on the edge of the palm, but, as a rule, a “complete set”: “For the Airborne Forces”, a “brigadier” on the shoulder, something on the chest. Plus, of course, the blood type. The blood type began to be "injected" by military personnel in Afghanistan for purely practical reasons. Such a tattoo for many wounded, unconscious, often saved lives.

Do you have tattoos?
Next post PV and Navy tattoos.