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» The role of the teacher in shaping the student's personality. The defining role of the teacher in the education of a diversified personality The role of the teacher in the education of the student

The role of the teacher in shaping the student's personality. The defining role of the teacher in the education of a diversified personality The role of the teacher in the education of the student

Maria Montessori saw the teacher's role not in teaching, but in leading activities, so she preferred to use the term "leader" instead of "teacher".

The teacher working on Montessori system, does not teach the child, but only watches him, unobtrusively guiding his actions, that is, he intervenes only as a last resort, if the baby does not succeed at all. For starters, he; shows how to use all the items correctly, and then the baby is given independence.

The teacher always recognizes the child's desire for independence and, say, will never tie his shoelaces without his request and answer questions that he was not asked. “The sooner we begin to educate in children the desire to achieve their own goals, the sooner we will create strong, and therefore independent and free people,” said Maria Montessori. This is the difference: usually you, moms and dads, are in a hurry, it’s easier for you to tie your shoelaces yourself, fasten your child’s shirt than to wait until the child figure out how to do it. But this kills the independence of the baby. But children at an early age are so eager to imitate adults. The main motto of the Montessori technique is: “You are already old enough and you can do it yourself!”, and not “You are still small, grow up, and you will succeed.” The system is designed for the fact that the baby learns by himself in the process of activity.

Because of this, the role of the teacher in Montessori pedagogy is very different from what we are used to: the teacher does not lead the child, but follows him himself.

➠ Such a teacher - and you will immediately notice this - does not claim to be the central role, as is customary. His participation is not so active and noticeable at first glance, but by no means less important. He does not sit at the table, but spends time in individual lessons, working with the child at the table or on the rug. The task of the teacher is to prepare an environment conducive to the self-development of a small person, to help him organize his activities, directing him competently and unobtrusively, to give him the freedom to experiment with this environment. Relationships in the classroom are built on the principle of “teacher for student”.

The teacher must be competent in all areas of knowledge- mathematics and native language (it is desirable to know one or two foreign languages), in the natural sciences, play any musical instrument, be able to sing and move beautifully, be a talented artist and be able to invent interesting cognitive games, passionately love nature and be able to craft. Therefore, in addition to the basic basic higher pedagogical education, the teacher must complete a Montessori course.

The teacher is also patient, even, not stingy with praise, sets a personal example for the kid. He must be an astute observer and have a clear idea of ​​the individual level of development of each child. Must be able to be flexible and be able to find new ways to help the child.

Although the Montessori method has a well-defined structure, it is flexible and open to individual interpretation. Because no two people are exactly the same, and each class, depending on the interpretation of the method and the capabilities of the teacher, is unique. As parents, you should meet with the teacher and, if possible, familiarize yourself with the teacher's methods of working in the classroom in advance in order to identify his individual style in interpreting Montessori pedagogy.


SCIENTIFIC ASPECT No. 1 - 2013 - Samara: Publishing house of Aspect LLC, 2012. - 228p. Signed for publication on 10.04.2013. Xerox paper. The print is operational. Format 120x168 1/8. Volume 22.5 p.l.

SCIENTIFIC ASPECT No. 4 - 2012 - Samara: Publishing House of LLC "Aspect", 2012. - V.1-2. – 304 p. Signed for publication on 10.01.2013. Xerox paper. The print is operational. Format 120x168 1/8. Volume 38p.l.


The role of the teacher in shaping the personality of the student

Tulmenkova Anastasia Alexandrovna- teacher of mathematics, economics Georgievskaya secondary school Kansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. (c. Georgievka, Krasnoyarsk Territory)

Annotation: This article will discuss the activities of the teacher, how the teacher should organize his activities so that the student not only learns, but creatively approaches the solution of not only problems related to school, but also to life.

Keywords: The role of the teacher, the personality of the student.

The main goal of the teacher is to create real conditions for the formation in the school of a creative personality, healthy both spiritually and physically, able to successfully adapt to dynamic social conditions and be able to realize oneself in a conscious human sphere of activity that meets universal ideals and national ideals.

Much is changing, but one thing remains the same - these are the children, the students whom we educate and educate. And the basic right of a teacher is effective and happy teaching.

Through the skill of the teacher lies the path to the student. That obvious, but little taken into account circumstance - students are not the same - imposes a requirement on the teacher - to be flexible, receptive to children, to look for more and more new approaches. In order to reflect on the approaches and means of pedagogical influence, it is desirable to understand: who is he, the student? The teacher must have psychological knowledge, understand people, but this knowledge is necessary to help in practical activities, and not serve as an indicator of his mental development.

In our time, the flow of various kinds of information that falls on the fragile psyche of the child is increasing. The teenager is not able to correctly differentiate it, and therefore he prefers especially and not to delve into the essence of the issue. The teacher automatically becomes the object of denial if he has chosen an authoritarian way of communicating with the student. Then classes based on authoritarian pressure, orders, instructions and unsubstantiated statements often cause only irritation and boredom, or even extinguish interest in discussing problems. The modern student must, first of all, be surprised, interested - then it is possible to capture his attention. These qualities should be in any lesson, but perhaps best of all, they are embedded in the lesson - the game. This is one of the forms of teaching and pedagogical communication in the classroom.

In his work, the teacher must combine classical and non-standard lessons. Nowadays, the path to the student can be laid through joint lessons in mathematics, computer science, etc. These lessons are very productive and the teacher has the opportunity during it to explain the material in detail and clearly, to offer research tasks, where students are given the opportunity to creatively approach the implementation of their solution. Such lessons are useful and interesting for modern students.

When organizing joint extracurricular activities, it should be noted the development of interest in the subject through surprise, delight, communication of children, observation of how and what others do.

The process of development of science, technology, economics, its mathematical component, makes ever higher demands on the teaching of this discipline, explaining its role in application. Mathematical methods are of great importance in the development of applied problems and human production activities. The very content of the school course of mathematics reflects the achievements of modern science at an accessible level for students, allows you to show the struggle of ideas and worldviews. The role of mathematics in the knowledge of the world, its place in the system of sciences and practical human activity is enormous. The practical application of mathematics requires deep knowledge of both the teacher and the student.

One of the conditions for successful learning activity is interest in studying the subject. The development of cognitive interest, as is known, is facilitated by a variety of forms and methods of work in the classroom, the rational use of the system of technical means and visual aids. It is important to equip students' workplaces, as well as the organization of extracurricular work on the subject.

Even if a child learns poorly, he should not lose faith in his abilities. And here the main humane mission of the teacher is to ensure that the most incapable student experiences the joy of success in his work on the subject. It is necessary to both teach children and educate them, delighting them, not frightening them with insurmountable difficulties, although the path of a teacher to a modern student in our time is not very simple. And embarking on this thorny path, the teacher must take into account in his work his personal rich experience in pedagogical and educational work, his own technologies for turning children into good students. Children need to open bright panoramas of a flourishing and multi-colored world, without fencing it off with a fence of schemes and rules, which are also derived from abstractions.

Each teacher in the process of work should not forget about the specifics of the subject, its abstractness, should constantly work to instill in students an interest in the classroom and extracurricular activities.

Any kind of work with a student requires a creative approach, serious and thorough preparation of the teacher. Each teacher, organizing the systematic classroom and extracurricular work of students, can ensure the socially useful orientation of its content, the variety of forms of work, and the involvement of a large number of students in creative activities. It is desirable to build a relationship between a teacher and a student and organize work in such a way that students independently, without coercion, complete tasks.

Most students are not prepared for creative independence, and the role of the teacher becomes more complicated - he has to simultaneously control and direct the work of various groups of students, quietly helping them.

For example, a teacher, teaching a student mathematics, uses one of the most important means - solving problems. But this is not entirely correct methodologically. After all, if solving problems is the goal, then the teacher needs to ensure that students quickly and accurately solve problems. The main thing is that when solving problems, the student gets the benefit of this problem, that is, moves even further along the long ladder of mastering mathematics. The main goal is in the process of solving the problem, not in the answer. The student, solving the problem, acquires new knowledge and skills, develops perseverance and perseverance in mastering mathematics. The teacher should give the student independence, and not tell him every step.

Mistakes made by the student give the teacher the necessary information about knowledge, skills and abilities. It should be noted that students' mistakes are most often not individual: something that one student did not understand, but everyone showed it. The teacher should not only correct the mistake, but also, together with the student, work out the material so that this mistake does not happen again. As for skills, it is useful to remember that they are developed by the practice of solving expediently selected problems with explanations from a teacher in mathematics.

The path of the teacher to the student will be closer, shorter, if the student begins to understand the teacher. The teacher from lesson to lesson must solve the problems of the development of students' speech. And, above all, the teacher must solve this problem for himself, in the field of his work in the classroom.

Every teacher understands, feels how difficult the task is to lead the class so that the students do their main thing in the lesson - study. The teacher wants no one to interfere with the exercise of his legal right - to teach with pleasure. This behavior of students is beyond the line of acceptance and is the teacher's problem. The teacher needs to do something for his own good. The ways of interacting with students in the case when the problem belongs to the teacher, of course, differ significantly.

The profession of a teacher should be wonderful, noble and grateful. The basic right is effective and happy teaching. The path of each teacher to a single student is his own, individual.

It is useful to remember that the mathematical knowledge of thinking and searching people can work wonders. It is very important to educate every student in the conviction of the importance of the subject and its methods for life in modern society. It is impossible to inculcate this conviction with words alone. We need to show the math in action. This is the only way to ensure that the student sees behind calculations, formal transformations and geometric images not only abstract symbols and “mind games”, but also their real possibilities as a method of cognition, even in the simplest form.

The teacher must learn to use the specifics of his subject to arouse interest, to assert the student's faith in his own strengths and abilities. Already today it is necessary to know what requirements for education are imposed by the standards of the second generation, which must be used in work. Each of us understands that one of the most important human rights, perhaps, is the right to be smart. All children have this right by birth, but there are a huge number of factors that prevent its realization. A comprehensive school must protect the right of every child to be smart.


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There are many professions on Earth, among them one of the most important is the profession of a teacher. Teachers educate those who will replace the current generation tomorrow, work, so to speak, with “living material”, in a word, the work of a teacher is carried out without rehearsals, without drafts, right away. Pupils are unique personalities who live not in the future, but now, today. In addition, it is impossible to overlook, not to notice the child's propensity for something. A teacher's mistake in working with children can affect an adult in the future.

Pedagogical skill largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, on his skills and knowledge. The personality of the teacher, its influence on the pupil is enormous, it will never be replaced by pedagogical technology.

All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective pedagogical activity is not possible. It is necessary to work with children only by vocation, only if children are part of life. L.N. Tolstoy also wrote: “If a teacher has only love for work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father and mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and students, he is a perfect teacher.

In addition, the profession of a teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, spiritual boundless generosity, wise love for children. Given the increased level of knowledge of modern children, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, culture, he must be an example of morality, a bearer of human dignity and values.

Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influence on a growing person in order to transfer the accumulated social experience. Here the role of the teacher is very important, and in particular his skill and skill. The social environment is of paramount importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature of the activity and worldview of people.

Genetics - suggests that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute hearing, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. But the inclinations by themselves do not yet provide abilities and high performance. Only in the process of upbringing and education, social life and activity, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person, abilities are formed on the basis of inclinations. The inclinations can be realized only when the organism interacts with the surrounding social and natural environment.

Creativity implies that a person has abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. The study of these personality traits revealed the important role of imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the personality's need to discover and expand their creative abilities. Creativity as a process was considered initially, based on the self-reports of artists and scientists, where a special role was assigned to "insight", inspiration and similar states that replace the preliminary work of thought. In order for the child to reveal his creative potential, it is important that the teacher correctly reveals and directs his abilities in the right direction.

"The educator, standing on a level with the modern course of education, feels himself ... an intermediary between everything that was noble and high in the past history of people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy testaments of people who fought for the truth and for the good. He feels alive a link between the past and the future, a mighty fighter of truth and good, and is aware that his work, modest in appearance, is one of the greatest works of history.

It is known that personality development is an active self-regulating process, self-movement from lower to higher levels of life activity, in which external circumstances, training and education act through internal conditions. With age, the role of the individual's own activity in his personal development gradually increases.

Let us recall the words of K.D. Ushinsky: "...Upbringing, improving, can far push the limits of human strength: physical, mental, moral." The purpose of life and its happiness, the great Russian teacher argued, is in constantly expanding, free, progressive activity that meets the needs of the soul. This is an activity with full dedication of forces - physical, intellectual, emotional, moral. In the process of such activity, the development of a person takes place, because the mind, the heart, and the will actively participate in it.

Unconsciously, the child is drawn to the activity that promises him the possibility of development. He does it with passion and perseverance until he has mastered it so much that the value of this type of activity will be exhausted. A new, more complex type of activity is needed, and adults help children find it.

The complication, the introduction of new types of activities, the development of requirements for the child, the expansion of the range of his independent actions - everyone is provided with progress in his formation. At the same time, it is important to see the sprouts of the new in the child's psyche and, taking into account them, make timely adjustments to work with him, not to remain at the level of the previous relations with him, which have exhausted their possibilities of techniques. If a child, standing on the threshold of a new stage in the formation of vital forces, is offered the previous types of activities, this will stop his development. If, due to some unfavorable circumstances, the child is switched to activities that correspond to a lower level of development than the one that has already been achieved by him, this will lead to degradation, decline in development, intellectual, emotional impoverishment of the individual. It is possible to conduct educational work effectively only by building it in such a way that it contributes to the development of the individual as much as possible. Its flourishing is the goal, the result towards which the educator is striving. The focus on the maximum development of the vitality and abilities of children encourages us to build work with them more thoughtfully, constantly introducing elements of the new into it.

So, the task of the teacher is to, when organizing educational activities, take care not only of the assimilation of subject knowledge, but also of the formation and development of socially oriented motivation, the formation of responsibility for the tasks performed by him, the ability to reckon with others, to think about their interests, develop your creativity and talent.

A huge role in the cognitive activity of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities, it is in the game that the need to influence the world is realized. “A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that kindles a light, ”said K.D. Ushinsky. And it's hard to disagree with that.

The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children's relationships, on the clear organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and in the search for funds for its implementation. How much imagination is required to decide what journey to take, what ship or plane to build, what equipment to prepare! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, decorators, actors. However, they play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that own them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation, communication with peers. efforts to achieve the goal, common interests and experiences.

In play, the mental activity of children is always connected with the work of the imagination; you need to find a role for yourself, imagine how the person you want to imitate acts, what he says. Imagination manifests itself and develops in the search for means to fulfill the plan.

The role of the teacher in shaping the personality of the child is very great. It depends on how and what means the teacher uses when raising children, what kind of people they will grow up to be. The main purpose of the teacher is the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his originality and the disclosure of his potential abilities.

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There are many professions on earth. Among them, the profession of a teacher, in my opinion, is not quite ordinary. After all, teachers are busy preparing, if I may say so, our future, educating those who will replace the current generation tomorrow, working, so to speak, with “living material”, the deterioration of which is equated, I will not be afraid of this word, with a catastrophe. In a word, the teacher's work is done without rehearsals, without rough drafts, straight away: pupils are unique personalities who live not in the future, but now, today. In addition, it is impossible to overlook, not to notice the child's propensity for something. A teacher's mistake in working with children can affect later, already in an adult, an undeveloped life, disappointment in everything.

Pedagogical skill largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher. Who can argue with this? I think no one. It also depends on his skills and knowledge. The personality of the teacher, its influence on the pupil is enormous, it will never be replaced by pedagogical technology.

All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective pedagogical activity is not possible. I will say more, it is impossible to allow random people to come to school. It is necessary to work with children only by vocation, only if children are part of life. L.N. Tolstoy also wrote: “If a teacher has only love for work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father and mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students. If a teacher combines love for work and students, he is a perfect teacher.

In addition, the profession of a teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, spiritual boundless generosity, wise love for children. Given the increased level of knowledge of modern students, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, culture, he must be an example of morality, a bearer of human dignity and values.

The teacher should "lead the child through life": teach, educate, guide spiritual and bodily development.

Personal development is the process of its entry into a new social environment and integration with it. For schoolchildren, such an environment is the classroom, in which they are engaged in joint activities that lead to the formation of new collective relations, the emergence of a social orientation of the individual, expressed in the desire to communicate with peers, against the backdrop of the leading activity at this age - study. As soon as a student comes to school, he has a new adult - a teacher, whose influence is sometimes higher than the influence of parents. It helps children get to know each other, create an atmosphere of common work, cooperation, mutual understanding. It is the teacher who is the most significant person. The style of his behavior, as a rule, is unconsciously appropriated by children and becomes a kind of culture of the students in the class.

Modern studies of the teacher's role in the development of the student's personality show that, in contrast to the previously accepted form, when the interaction between the teacher and students is at the information level, it is important to widely apply the methods of dialogue and discussion in the activities of teachers, to develop a tendency for students to individually choose the forms and content of their own teaching. , to include children in the process of pedagogical activity and even in the preparation of the teacher for classes with them. This contributes to a significant rapprochement between teachers and students. Such rapprochement, in our opinion, can be largely facilitated by a positive image of the teacher.

The word of the teacher acquires the power of influence only if the teacher recognizes the student, shows attention to him, helps him in some way, i.e. establishes a relationship with him through joint activities. In the process of communication, students learn not only the content of the material, but also the attitude of the teacher towards them. This is especially significant, because the psychological and pedagogical influence will be more successful if the teacher is respected and trusted by the students as a person; knows how to understand from the reaction of children how the students he is going to influence perceive and evaluate his personality, in this case not only the student's behavior changes, but also the personality of the teacher himself. It is important for teachers to provide students with greater independence so that their attitudes and norms are unambiguous both in relations with peers and adults.

The criteria for the effectiveness of the teacher's activity in the development of the personality and cognitive abilities of the student can be:

  • organization of the active activity of the student in the educational process;
  • formation of the motive for the forthcoming activity;
  • the use of various, including technical, sources of knowledge;
  • teaching students various ways of processing information;
  • personality-oriented approach;
  • building on the strengths of the student;
  • reliance on the independence and self-activity of the student.

The implementation of student-centered education at school puts forward a number of requirements for the teacher: in addition to high professionalism, psychological and pedagogical competence, he must have freedom from stereotypes and pedagogical dogmas, the ability to be creative, broad erudition, a high level of psychological and pedagogical training, high culture and humane attitudes towards children, to understand and accept the child as he is, to know and take into account his age and individual characteristics in the implementation of the pedagogical process, to teach based on the strengths of each student.

A teacher who implements a student-centered approach should be more focused on creating opportunities for the student to take an active, proactive position in the educational process, not just to assimilate the material offered, but to learn about the world, enter into an active dialogue with it, look for answers on their own and not stop at found as on the ultimate truth.

At present, new tasks are put forward for pedagogical education and, first of all, the task of training a humanist teacher is set. The modern model of the teacher involves the education of his professionalism, competence, creativity, spiritual, moral and humane qualities. A modern teacher should have his own style of pedagogical activity, establish a humanistic style of relationships with students, organize a joint search for values ​​and norms of behavior. Modern education is characterized by variability and diversity both in content and in technologies used in the educational process.

The system of pedagogical training at ASPU solves the problem of educating a modern teacher. It is built in accordance with the State Educational Standard, corresponds to the principle of continuity of pedagogical courses studied at the university. The optional course "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Excellence" harmoniously complements the disciplines of the pedagogical block; gives a holistic view of the professional activities of the teacher, his personality; contributes to the formation of a humanistic orientation; helps students to realize themselves in the role of a teacher-educator, assess their abilities, degree of readiness and the educational process; develops creativity, craftsmanship and culture. Ability and self-education, self-development; preparing and developing your own working style. The goals and objectives of the work are to introduce them to the profession, to help them understand the ideas of school reform correctly, to include themselves as a teacher in the process of becoming a teacher.

You can paraphrase the famous words of M. Gorky and say: "Teacher - it sounds proud." And it won't be a boast. After all, pedagogy is one of the most interesting sciences, which reveals the creative horizons of development for the individual. A person has reached the modern level of his development only due to the fact that the knowledge that he accumulated throughout his life was passed on from generation to generation. It is the teacher who is the "core" in the transfer of this knowledge. It is not for nothing that in the East all the maximum shades of respect, gratitude and reverence are invested in this word.

The theme of acting in the work of a teacher, in my opinion, is very relevant. It is on his ability to attract the attention of children, to interest them in his subjects, that the future choice of the child's profession largely depends. The ability to understand what is good, what is bad, the ability to live correctly.

Education is considered by pedagogy as a leading factor, since it is a specially organized system of influence on a growing person in order to transfer the accumulated social experience. The role of the teacher is very important here, and in particular his skill and acting skills. The social environment is of paramount importance in the development of the individual: the level of development of production and the nature of social relations determine the nature of the activity and worldview of people.

Genetics - suggests that people have hundreds of different inclinations - from absolute hearing, exceptional visual memory, lightning-fast reaction to rare mathematical and artistic talent. And in this case, acting skills play a huge role. But the inclinations by themselves do not yet provide abilities and high performance. Only in the process of upbringing and education, social life and activity, the assimilation of knowledge and skills in a person, abilities are formed on the basis of inclinations. The inclinations can be realized only when the organism interacts with the surrounding social and natural environment. Acting skills help the teacher to catch the attention of children, to win them over.

Creativity implies that a person has abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. The study of these personality traits revealed the important role of imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the personality's need to discover and expand their creative abilities. Creativity as a process was considered initially, based on the self-reports of artists and scientists, where a special role was assigned to "insight", inspiration and similar states that replace the preliminary work of thought. In order for a child to reveal his creative potential, it is important that the teacher correctly reveals and directs his abilities in the right direction, which means that acting skills are also important here.

K. D. Ushinsky gives a vivid description of the social significance of the national teacher: "The educator, standing on a level with the modern course of education, feels himself ... an intermediary between everything that was noble and high in the past history of people, and the new generation, the keeper of the holy testaments He feels himself a living link between the past and the future, a mighty fighter of truth and goodness, and realizes that his cause, modest in appearance, is one of the greatest deeds of history, that kingdoms and kingdoms are based on this deed. they live whole replenishment. "

It is known that personality development is an active self-regulating process, self-movement from lower to higher levels of life activity, in which external circumstances, training and education act through internal conditions. With age, the role of the individual's own activity in his personal development gradually increases.

Let us recall the words of K.D. Ushinsky: "...Upbringing, improving, can far push the limits of human strength: physical, mental, moral." The purpose of life and its happiness, the great Russian teacher argued, is in constantly expanding, free, progressive activity that meets the needs of the soul. This is an activity with full dedication of forces - physical, intellectual, emotional, moral. In the process of such activity, the development of a person takes place, because the mind, the heart, and the will actively participate in it. That is why the best legacy that adults can leave their children, K.D. Ushinsky considered love for work. Cultivating love for work is thus another important aspect in the development of personality.

Unconsciously, the child is drawn to the activity that promises him the possibility of development. He does it with passion and perseverance until he has mastered it so much that the value of this type of activity will be exhausted. A new, more complex type of activity is needed, and adults help children find it.

This does not allow him to take a step from outside directed activity to independence, and therefore puts an obstacle in the way of developing his abilities. As a result, the child grows up passive, helpless and lethargic, with undeveloped vitality.

This will determine the success of personal development. The teacher can make a lot of effort and work, but his contribution to the development of the child's personality will be minimal if he fails to include children in independent productive activities.

The complication, the introduction of new types of activities, the development of requirements for the child, the expansion of the range of his independent actions - everyone is provided with progress in his formation. At the same time, it is important to see the sprouts of the new in the child's psyche and, taking into account them, make timely adjustments to work with him, not to remain at the level of the previous relations with him, which have exhausted their possibilities of techniques. If a child, standing on the threshold of a new stage in the formation of vital forces, is offered the previous types of activities, this will stop his development. If, due to some unfavorable circumstances, the child is switched to activities that correspond to a lower level of development than the one that has already been achieved by him, this will lead to degradation, decline in development, intellectual, emotional impoverishment of the individual. It is possible to conduct educational work effectively only by building it in such a way that it contributes to the development of the individual as much as possible. Its flourishing is the goal, the result towards which the educator is striving. The focus on the maximum development of the vitality and abilities of children encourages us to build work with them more thoughtfully, constantly introducing elements of the new into it.

So, the task of the teacher is to take care not only of the assimilation of subject knowledge, but also of the formation and development of socially oriented motivation, the formation of responsibility for the tasks performed by him, the ability to reckon with others, think about their interests, develop your creativity and talent.

What are the main conditions, the fulfillment of which allows the teacher to solve this problem.

The child should perceive the class as his own team, where there is justice, goodwill, exactingness. At the same time, the child should perceive the requirements of the teacher as systematically operating rules of the team, the implementation of which is necessary for his normal life. That is, any violation of the rules by the teacher should not be assessed as a violation of the requirements of only the teacher, it is necessary to show the significance of the implementation of these rules for other students.

Of course, we all understand that upbringing is inextricably linked with learning; it goes on every day in the leading activity of students. The child actually for the first time begins to engage in socially significant activities, the educational effect of which depends not only on its content, but also on the nature of its organization, conduct and evaluation of its results.

First of all, it should be noted that usually at school, learning activities are evaluated only by the educational effect: by the acquired knowledge and cognitive skills provided for by school curricula. The educational result remains unaccounted for. By the same logic, the teacher usually sets as an example well-performing students, although some of them may have a pronounced egoistic orientation of the personality. At the same time, students with a social orientation of personality, but not excellent students, remain in the shadows, they are usually little known. The educational effect of such behavior of the teacher is negative. Firstly, in an “exemplary” student with an egoistic orientation, the teacher reinforces this orientation in his relationships. Secondly, he gives the wrong sample to other students. Thirdly, this often leads to conflict relations between an “exemplary” student and the class.

When organizing any activity, the teacher must take into account its motivation, anticipate the impact of this activity on the orientation of the student's personality, take into account the contradiction that is contained in the very activity of teaching. If the educational activity and the life activity of the child as a whole are built taking into account the motivational sphere, and therefore, taking into account the formation of the orientation of the personality, then the educational activity will gradually lead to positive moral education - to the formation of the personality or increase the stability of its positive orientation. Proper organized education is inseparable from the natural course of human life.

Personality is characterized by a measure of responsibility to other people, responsibility for the activities performed. And this means that the teacher must systematically form in children a responsible attitude to the activities they perform. But the responsible performance of activities implies not only positive motivation in the child - the desire to do something, but also the ability to realize existing intentions.

A huge role in the cognitive activity of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a student, his moral and volitional qualities, it is in the game that the need to influence the world is realized. “A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that kindles a light, ”said K.D. Ushinsky. And it's hard to disagree with that.

The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children's relationships, on the clear organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

The main problems are related to the moral education of schoolchildren: (collective relationships, personal qualities of the child - friendliness, humanity, diligence, determination, activity, organizational skills, the formation of attitudes towards work, study). Role-playing, creative games contribute to the solution of these issues to the greatest extent.

Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and in the search for funds for its implementation. How much imagination is required to decide what journey to take, what ship or plane to build, what equipment to prepare! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, decorators, actors. However, they play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that own them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation, communication with peers. efforts to achieve the goal, common interests and experiences.

In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, to fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. Creative collective game is a school for educating the feelings of schoolchildren. The moral qualities formed in the game affect the child's behavior in life, at the same time, the skills that have developed in the process of everyday communication of children with each other and with adults are further developed in the game. We must not forget that the game is an important means of mental education of the child. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what he was read and told about; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning become more understandable for him.

In play, the mental activity of children is always connected with the work of the imagination; you need to find a role for yourself, imagine how the person you want to imitate acts, what he says. Imagination also manifests itself and develops in the search for means to carry out the plan; before you go flying, you need to build an airplane; for the store you need to pick up suitable goods, and if they are not enough - make it yourself. So the game develops the creative abilities of the future student.

Most of the games reflect the work of adults; children imitate the household chores of mothers and grandmothers, the work of an educator, doctor, driver teacher, pilot, astronaut. Consequently, in games, respect is brought up for any work that is useful to society, and the desire to take part in it is affirmed.

The role of the teacher in shaping the personality of the student is very great. It depends on how and what means the teacher uses when raising children, what kind of people they will grow up to be. The main purpose of the teacher is the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his originality and the disclosure of his potential abilities.

Target: review what you learned about adjectives in elementary school; expand information about the syntactic role of the adjective in the sentence; to teach to see the dynamics of the transformation of words in the text; to see the beautiful, to express your opinion about the beauty of nature; learn to find adjectives in the text.

During the classes

I. Accounting for the task completed at home.

- Yesterday at the lesson we had work on mistakes, and at home you once again had to repeat the spelling and apply them to the words in which you made mistakes. Let's remember them. Put three exclamation marks. Let's start vocabulary work.

II. Vocabulary work.

And I want to offer you new words. (Slides №2,3)


  1. seedlings, crops of winter crops;
  2. field occupied by winter crops.

Millstone- a pair of stone circles used in wind and water mills, including tidal type, and serving for grinding into wheat flour and other grains.

Determine which part of speech they belong to.

- Determine the gender, number, case, declension.

- Make up phrases, write them down.

- One more word I want to offer you guys. That word is dynamic. First, I will introduce you to its lexical meaning. (Slide number 4)


  1. branch of mechanics that studies the motion of bodies. With this word in this meaning, you will still meet in physics lessons.
  2. the state of movement, the course of development, the change in a phenomenon due to the influence of factors acting on it.
  3. abundance of movement, action.

How many meanings does this word have?

“So what is that word?”

If it had one meaning, what would it be?

Now try to explain how you understood its meaning?

III. Guys, I propose to solve a crossword puzzle. At the same time, we will repeat the spellings that will occur in words, and theoretical material.

  1. What word do we use for service rendered? (Thank you)
  2. The significant part of the word, which is located before the root and serves to form new words. (Console)
  3. The significant part of the word, which comes after the root and also serves to form new words. (Suffix)
  4. Seedlings, crops of winter crops. (Ozim)
  5. Mill stone circle for grinding grain. (Millstone)
  6. A room with special equipment in a school, clinic. (Cabinet)
  7. Platform with railings at the outer wall of the building. (Balcony)

- Guys, what spelling did we meet in these words?

What word is hidden in the crossword puzzle?

What part of speech is the sign?

Well, we have determined the topic of the lesson. Let's write it down.

Now listen to the poem. (Slide number 5)

Where did you go.
Brook ____________
Washing tr.vu
________ _________ in.doi?
Would have a rest d.nek
In the ________________ meadow.
Brook Ave. Murmured
(I can't) I can't (I can't)
I'm in a hurry to the river.
I don't need peace.
I want to
With __________________ river.

We need to restore the missing letters and punctuation marks. The game "Until the first mistake" is announced. Do we remember the terms? That's good.

- Guys, in what form is this text written? What is he talking about?

- Let's remember the meaning of the word "dynamics" again.

- What words give the text dynamics, that is, movement, action?

It is true that verbs can create a kaleidoscope of changing events of reality when describing the details of events, phenomena, actions that quickly flash before our mind's eye, the enumeration of which allows us to convey dynamics.

Something is missing from the poem. What? Let's try to find the lost words.

(Slide number 5)

- Ask them questions.

What do these words add to the text?

And right again. Adjectives are expressive in description. Text becomes brighter and more dynamic

What nouns do they refer to? What do they mean?

Paired with nouns, adjectives serve to reinforce nouns.

- Are there homogeneous members of the sentence in the text? How did you determine?

Yes, guys, this dynamic homogeneous series, although small, also gives amplification, dynamics of an action or a state of nature. Let's now compare the two versions of the poem.

And here is another poem. It's called "Rodnik". And Ivan Bunin wrote it.

(Slide number 6)

In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
Always shady and damp
In a steep ravine under the mountain
A cold spring springs from stones:

Boils, plays and hurries,
Spinning in crystal clubs,
And under the branchy oaks
Runs like molten glass.

What words make this poem dynamic?

“Now let’s make a conclusion. What is an adjective?

Now let's look at textbooks. On page 213 is the Woodpecker exercise. Here we are again convinced that we cannot do without adjectives.

It's time to solve the riddles. (Slides #7-12)

- What helps you quickly solve riddles? Right. Now try to come up with such riddles on your own. And these pictures will help you. (Slides #13-16). Well done!

IV. - Guys, let's remember everything that we learned in the lesson.

And now we will confirm this with a theory from the textbook.

V. Assignment home.

learn the rules, exercise 566 in writing. And try to compose a poem on your own (you can text) about a stream, be sure to use words that give dynamics to the text.

The upbringing of the younger generation is one of the most important tasks that has been successfully implemented in our country since the first days of independence. Great attention is paid to the development of the child's personality, the formation of his system of values. A child who is able to correctly assess and understand the feelings and emotions of another person, for whom concepts friendship, justice, compassion, kindness, love are not an empty phrase, has a higher level of emotional development, has no problems in communicating with others, he is much more stable in stressful situations and does not succumb to negative external influences. The moral education of students is especially important, because it is at school age that a child is susceptible to the assimilation of moral norms and requirements. This is one of the very important aspects of the process of formation of the child's personality. In other words, the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren can be viewed as a continuous process of assimilation by them of patterns of behavior established in society, which will further regulate their actions. As a result of such moral education, the child begins to act not because he wants to earn the approval of an adult, but because he considers it necessary to observe the very norm of behavior, as an important rule in relations between people. Dealing with the problem of spiritual and moral education is equally useful for both the teacher and the student. Teaching is one of the most difficult types of service to one's people. The teacher is entrusted with a lofty spiritual mission: in his place he realizes a matter, perhaps much more important than any concept or program, for he builds a person's life. But in order to instill high moral principles in the souls of students, the teacher needs not only theoretical knowledge. His very life must be built on the same principles. It is remarkable that the main goal of education in our schools is kind: the development of a highly moral, harmonious, physically developed and spiritually healthy personality, capable of creativity and self-determination. This allows each teacher to participate in the spiritual development of their students.

13. The concept and structure of personality.

A personality is a specific person with individually manifested peculiar mental, emotional, volitional and physical properties. Personality arose and developed in the process of socio-historical development of mankind, in the process of labor.

The belonging of the individual to society, inclusion in the system of social relations determines its psychological and social essence.

Personality is a social being, a subject of knowledge, an active figure in social development. The characteristic features of a personality are its consciousness, its public roles, socially useful activities.

One of the sides of the personality is its individuality - a peculiar, unique combination of psychological characteristics of character, temperament, the movement of mental processes (perception, memory, thinking, speech, feelings, will), its motivational sphere.

A person is always a product of his actions and those socio-economic relations in which he participates. The study of personality in its essence is a historical study of the process of its formation under certain social conditions, a certain social system.

The structure of personality is considered in different ways.

Some believe that in the structure of personality it is advisable to consider only its psychological components (cognitive, emotional-volitional, orientation), while others also distinguish biological aspects in it (typological features of the nervous system, age-related changes in the body, gender), which cannot be ignored in the process. personality education.

However, it is impossible to oppose the biological to the social in personality. Natural traits exist in the structure of personality as its socially conditioned elements. Biological and social in the structure of personality create unity and interact with each other.

Man is a natural being, but the biological in the process of historical development under the influence of social conditions has changed, acquired peculiar specific human features.

In the structure of personality, typical and individual are distinguished.

Typical is the most general thing that is characteristic of every person and characterizes a personality in general: its consciousness, activity, mind and emotional-volitional manifestations, etc., that is, what one person is like to other people. Individual - this is what characterizes an individual: his physical and psychological characteristics, orientation, abilities, character traits, etc., that is, what distinguishes one person from another.

Psychologist K.K. Platonov identifies four substructures in the structure of the personality, the first is the orientation of the personality: moral qualities, attitudes of the personality, its relations with others. This one is defined. substructure of human social existence.

The other is a substructure of experience (knowledge, skills, habits). Experience is acquired in the process of education and upbringing. The leading factor in the acquisition of experience is the social factor.

The third is a substructure of reflection forms. It covers the individual characteristics of mental processes that are formed in the process of social life and are specifically manifested in the cognitive and emotional-volitional activity of a person.

The fourth substructure is the biologically conditioned side of the personality's mental functions. It combines typological personality traits, gender and age characteristics and their pathological changes, which largely depend on the physiological and morphological features of the brain.

The psychological structure of personality is very complex and multifaceted.

Cognitive, emotional-volitional activity of a person, his needs, interests, ideals and beliefs, self-consciousness, etc. - the constituent components of the spiritual life of the individual.

They are in a complex interaction and in their unity represent her "I", directing her inner life and its manifestations in activities and relationships with others.