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» Sketches of a hedgehog tattoo on the shoulder. hedgehog tattoo

Sketches of a hedgehog tattoo on the shoulder. hedgehog tattoo

Hedgehog tattoo with flowers

A charming animal has earned wide recognition among connoisseurs of tattoo culture. The popularization of the image was facilitated by the animated cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog", which became an allegory for the philosophy of detached contemplation of the world.

A significant contribution was made by cute illustrations from Hollmark postcards and a photo of the Japanese pet Azuki. The tattoo is suitable for people with a peaceful nature, who appreciate the bright colors of life and humor. Tattoos are worn by men and women regardless of age.

Hedgehog Tattoo Meaning

A hedgehog tattoo can improve the mood of the most malicious pessimist. The drawing on the body means the owner's attitude to the world around him.

He is peaceful, contemplating what is happening, like on a big screen in a movie. This position allows you to make the right decisions with minimal effort.

Popular Hedgehog Tattoo Meanings:

  • friendship;
  • fun;
  • trips;
  • love for the new and unusual;
  • curiosity;
  • easy character;
  • the ability to appreciate simple pleasures;
  • positive attitude;
  • optimism.

Since we come to the tattoo, the culture of the hedgehog style began to be combined with an ornamental oriental pattern. Since one of the meanings of a hedgehog tattoo is fertility and health. Needle cover is drawn with large petals, curls and lines filling them add fluffiness.

When looking at the touching muzzle of a hedgehog, the viewer has an association with fun and cheerfulness. Complementing the drawing with balloons, hearts or flowers, the artist enhances this effect. The hedgehog is worn by people who have managed to find a balance between an adult approach and childish spontaneity.

Who is suitable for a hedgehog tattoo?

So the hedgehog tattoo is suitable for direct natures. She emphasizes the lightness of character and love of adventure. It is worn by people who have not lost faith in miracles and fairy tales.

The tattoo is playful in nature, which gives ample opportunities for playing with images. For example, a hedgehog with a monocle and a glass of beer will create a stable association with good manners and a love of tasting.

A hedgehog on balloons or with a heart balloon, leads us to the idea that the owner is a dreamer. Cartoon hedgehogs evoke warm associations with childhood, comfort and home warmth.

Realistic muzzles of hedgehogs or whole figurines will bring a smile and improve your mood. Despite the touching appearance, the hedgehog knows how to actively defend his life and interests. The skill of the artist will allow you to convey the expressive facial expressions of this creature. You can reinforce the feeling that your character is lively and courageous.

Place of application and style of tattoo

For muzzles and compact compositions, small open areas of the body are suitable. These areas include the wrist, instep, or forearm. Most often, the drawing is applied on the hands. Under the tattoo, a shoulder, shoulder blade or inner side of the biceps is isolated.

If the pattern is complemented by elements and requires more space, choose the waist zone. For example, a tattoo of a hedgehog in the fog will look good on the side or in the area of ​​​​the ribs.

A hedgehog curled up in a ball is stuffed in the area above the chest, on the back in the waist area. Men prefer wrist, instep and calf.

Animated can be beat on any place. Colorful realistic work is stuffed on the shoulder blade. They adorn the area above the knee and on the side of the thigh. In girls, the areas above the bend of the arm on the inside are especially fond of.

Silhouettes of hedgehogs are laid out along the line of the radius with reverse side forearm. Single or paired drawings can be laid out on the wrist. Creative personalities pay special attention to graphic works. Hedgehogs are complemented by flowers, decorated with berries or mushrooms.

Hedgehog is the perfect drawing to tattoo or scars. The needles fit into the scar lines. Airy hairs and shades of wool will eliminate the effect of old paint.

In order for the sketch to fully satisfy your image, think about the paraphernalia for the drawing. A charming hedgehog will be accompanied by gifts of nature. They will take the place of needles creating an original design for the image.

The image of a hedgehog in the style of realism looks good. Juicy colors and skillfully composed composition will decorate the skin with a picture. As images, you can use drawings from Soviet postcards or cartoons. A photo of Azuki the hedgehog will serve as a model for creating a touching image.

Video - hedgehog tattoo

Hedgehog tattoos became popular after The Hedgehog in the Fog won the Cannes Film Festival in 1975. Hedgehogs are represented in legends and myths different peoples. Among the ancient Sumerians, the hedgehog was a symbol of the Goddess of War, Ishtar, and personified militancy. In Asia and Africa, hedgehogs were considered the patrons of agriculture and fire.

Tattoo - hedgehog in the fog

In the Christian worldview, the hedgehog was a diabolical animal and was associated with theft and evil deeds. It was believed that Satan steals souls like a hedgehog steals fruit.

Hedgehog tattoo - meaning

Now the meaning of a hedgehog tattoo depends on the aspect of the appearance of this creature, which is accentuated in its image. If needles are highlighted in the drawing, this is a symbol that the owner of the tattoo can become aggressive when his interests are affected. The hedgehog, depicted with mushrooms and berries, carries positive energy. The hedgehog, curled up in a ball, symbolizes the sun. Depicted with a snake in its teeth, the hedgehog will act as a protector from evil spirits.

Although the hedgehog is one of the cute and at the same time insidious animals, and the qualities attributed to it are often contradictory. In different cultures, a hedgehog can be both a symbol of the sun, goodness and light, carrying divine providence, and personify evil, aggression, intransigence, thieves' nature and deceit.

The hedgehog is a thrifty and hardworking creature, so it is often depicted with berries and mushrooms on needles. Also, the hedgehog is a thief and a robber, he picks grapes and drags them into his mink, so the thriftiness of this animal has a double meaning: on the one hand, the hedgehog is cunning and cunning, steals from vineyards and front gardens, on the other hand, it is an excellent owner, thrifty and thrifty .

Photo - hedgehog tattoo on the foot

Supernatural abilities are attributed to the hedgehog and its image is used as a talisman against unclean spirits, which is often the meaning hedgehog tattoo. Just as this animal fights with snakes and mice, personifying evil, the hedgehog tattoo protects its owner from the attacks of dark forces. In the pagan beliefs of different countries, the hedgehog was considered a talisman against misfortune, its skin was hung near the door if misfortune or a serious illness happened in the house with children, and hedgehog thorns were also used to protect plants from pests and even from hail, covering the crop with it.

The hedgehog, despite its small size, is a brave and aggressive animal when it comes to protecting its territory from invasion and protecting the family. So, a tattoo depicting a bristling hedgehog speaks of the importance of family and family values ​​in the life of its owner and the readiness to protect their loved ones. It also symbolizes a quick-tempered and somewhat aggressive character when it comes to his personal space and loved ones. It is better to depict such a hedgehog paired with a hedgehog, or surrounded by hedgehogs.

The hedgehog on the tattoo, curled up in a ball, is impregnable. It is impossible to take it with your hands, he snorts and pricks angrily, protecting his life from the enemy. Similarly, a man with a hedgehog tattoo will defend his honor and dignity to the last, defend the truth and fight evil and slander.

Often, a hedgehog tattoo is depicted with cute flowers, berries, leaves. The owner of such an image is probably a cordial and hospitable host, generously sharing his supplies with friends, loving good company and having true friends. Also, the hedgehog is a cheerful and good-natured creature.

A cartoon hedgehog, depending on what is depicted next to it, can be not just a tribute to fashion, but symbolize, for example, a love of travel, if the hedgehog is depicted with a bundle or a backpack; or to fishing, if a hedgehog with a fishing rod in its paws. Often there are tattoos of a hedgehog in the fog, from the cartoon of the same name.

The hedgehog is a predator by nature and therefore cunning, strong, despite external weakness and lightness, and cunning, despite his cute appearance, at the same time he is wise and prudent, being a symbol of intellectual wealth and originality of personality. So the owner of a hedgehog tattoo can emphasize these qualities by inflicting such an image.

hedgehog tattoo today it is not often found, but, like many other designs, it still exists. The peak of the appearance of the hedgehog tattoo was the time of the release (1975) of the famous cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog", which received an award at the Cannes Film Festival. For many, this cartoon has become a cult, quotes from it have acquired symbolic meanings, they began to imitate him, and even erected a monument to the Hedgehog (Kyiv, 2009). Apparently, therefore, hedgehog tattoo most often found in a cartoon version, being a complete copy of the cartoon character.

Hedgehogs have been inhabiting our planet for a long time, and naturally, they managed to leave a certain imprint in the myths, epics and fairy tales of different cultures.

The ancient Sumerians depicted the hedgehog as the emblem of the Mother Goddess Ishtar.

Christians associated hedgehogs with theft and atrocities, believing that just as a hedgehog steals fruit, the Devil steals people's souls.

In many cultures, the hedgehog was associated with the sun, its spines with the sun's rays.

In Africa and Asia, hedgehogs symbolized agriculture, and images of a hedgehog with many fruits meant that the year was fertile.

In a modern interpretation hedgehog tattoo symbolizes both militancy and defenselessness. Due to the ability of hedgehogs to resist snakes, mice and other creeping reptiles, hedgehog tattoo often symbolizes the fight against evil.

In Russia, we have been taught since childhood that hedgehogs are cute and kind creatures. They are found in almost every Soviet cartoon, playing the role of positive characters.

With the exception of a copy of the cartoon character, there are hedgehog tattoo in the style of realism. What matters is how the hedgehog is depicted. If hedgehog needles are deliberately highlighted in a tattoo, then such a tattoo will carry the meaning of a danger warning, aggression. If hedgehog tattoo looks pretty cute, in combination with apples or mushrooms, then such a tattoo will carry only positive energy.

More often hedgehog tattoo depicted as medium-sized, mainly on the arms, shoulders and shoulder blades. There is no gender preference in the choice of this topic, because hedgehog tattoo can be found on both men and women.

Hedgehogs are cute looking animals. However, their appearance is quite deceiving. A hedgehog tattoo is not as popular, but no less attractive than the image of other creatures. Despite its thorns, the meaning of this kind of image is not always associated with aggression, self-defense. Like most tattoos, the hedgehog has many meanings. Some of them originate from myths and legends of different nationalities. Moreover, all the legends are rather ambiguous to the image of hedgehogs.

Hedgehog. What is he hiding?

The common hedgehog is a small mammal. Its length is only 20 - 30 cm. The animal weighs less than a kilogram. The nose of the hedgehog is elongated, wet. And it is never dry. Some species of this mammal have large ears. Needles, an invariable attribute of a hedgehog, do not exceed three cm, on the sides - no more than two.

Hedgehogs are omnivores. Despite the fact that for many the image of this mammal is closely associated with mushrooms and berries that the hedgehog carries on its back, worms and caterpillars - also make up the diet of the animal. Males are quite aggressive, zealously protect the territory and females. A hedgehog tattoo, a photo of which can be found below, can mean power, property, aggression.

cute hedgehog tattoo on girl leg

The benefits and harms of hedgehogs for humans

Like most animals, a hedgehog can bring both benefit and harm to people. For example, hedgehogs are carriers of a number of diseases. Encephalitis, the carriers of which are considered to be ticks, can also be obtained by humans from hedgehogs. This is due to the fact that a number of such dangerous insects live on the skin of hedgehogs. Also, in a number of countries, hedgehogs are recognized as pests due to the fact that they destroyed the laying of eggs of rare birds. The benefits of hedgehogs are primarily that they destroy the larvae of field pests, for example, May beetles.

Colored sketch of a tattoo of a hedgehog in a hat

Did you know? Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals. They see poorly in daylight, but have an enhanced sense of smell. The speed of these animals is quite high. Many residents of country houses are frightened when they first hear a loud clatter. These cute and little hedgehogs walk in a way that is hard to imagine. Also, hedgehogs can swim, build minks. From October to April, hedgehogs hibernate, after which they begin active battles for females. The hedgehog tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, can depict males in a fighting mood.

Hedgehog tattoo with apple and leaves on arm

Hedgehog Tattoo Meaning

A tattoo with the image of such an ambiguous mammal carries several basic meanings:

  • aggression. This is due to the fact that the hedgehog itself is an evil animal. Often he frightens people with his teeth, which he boldly exposes to meet the enemy;
  • desire to isolate oneself from the outside world. The thorn has always been considered a symbol of protection from human influences. So, a hedgehog tattoo, a sketch of which is hard to imagine without needles, can denote a person who wants to protect himself from negativity. The owner of this kind of tattoo is most often closed from others, hides emotions;
  • diligence, diligence. In a number of countries these qualities were attributed to the mammal;
  • openness and friendliness. According to Chinese teaching, the presence of a hedgehog in the house can attract new friends, good luck and happiness. Therefore, a tattoo with this creature can carry the same semantic meanings;
  • wisdom - this is the quality that feng shui gives the hedgehog. Therefore, a person who chooses such a tattoo considers himself quite erudite, striving for knowledge.

Beautiful hedgehog on the forearm

Place of application and style of tattoo

In most cases, the area on which it is better to apply such a tattoo is not indicated. Eg, big image will look nice on the thigh , shins, lower part neck. A small drawing will decorate wrist, shoulder, back side palms . It is worth noting that the pair designation of hedgehogs is welcome. It is believed that this can bring even more happiness and love. Tattoos themselves can be drastically different in style. For example, a hedgehog can be depicted in black and white variant, aggressively tuned. And I choose some colored sketches in which the hedgehog appears as the hero of good fairy tales.

Hedgehog with berries and flower

I made a tattoo with a small but stylish hedgehog on the shoulder. The sketch is very cute. The hedgehog is somewhat reminiscent of a hero cartoon"Hedgehog in the Fog" He is just as sweet and kind. I chose this image for two reasons. Firstly, my young man has been calling me so affectionately for a long time. Secondly, it seems to me that, like me, this animal is cute and sociable.

Tatiana, Dnepropetrovsk.

Cute simple hedgehog tattoo

Place of the hedgehog in mythology

There are different ideas about the image of a hedgehog. For example, ancient Slavs believed that this is a very wise animal. The gods consulted with him to arrange the world in a better way. For many peoples, the symbolism depicting hedgehogs was considered strong. a talisman from evil forces.

Did you know? Thanks to the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog", many began to pay attention to these cute animals. Often wild mammals of this species are associated with the main character of the Soviet animation. But not many people know that this work has received about 30 international awards. So, the inhabitants of Japan honor this cartoon, considering that it is included in the 150 best fairy tales in the world. Therefore, this cartoon is still loved by many generations.

beautiful tattoo hedgehog with strawberries and daisies

According to one legend, the origin of hedgehogs is rather ominous. According to these stories, devil combed out his long hair, brushing off the torn tufts from the comb. Heaps thrown nearby turned into hedgehogs. That's why a hedgehog tattoo can also carry a gloomy meaning referring to this legend. Although the same Slavs believed that the thorns of this animal could frighten evil spirits, not letting them into the house.

My favorite cartoon is The Hedgehog in the Fog. After him, I was carried away in general by the image of this animal among various peoples. I didn't think it was so controversial! I recently decided to get a tattoo. But with the choice of sketch, I had no problems. Tattoo made, trying to Japanese ways to attract happiness. The tattoo is concise but funny. My hedgehog with a knot on the back. This indicates my propensity to travel.

Alina, Kazan.