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» Tattoo on the palm: features of body painting. Tattoo on the palm and on its edge for girls: ideas and photos Tattoo on the back of the palm

Tattoo on the palm: features of body painting. Tattoo on the palm and on its edge for girls: ideas and photos Tattoo on the back of the palm

For both men and women, hand tattoos are becoming more and more popular.

  • Firstly, they look very aesthetically pleasing (provided they are done professionally)
  • Secondly, there is a huge variety of tattoo sketches from small inscriptions to patterns that cover the entire surface of the skin.
  • Thirdly, a tattoo on the arm often carries a semantic load in the form of hieroglyphs or various sayings.
  • Fourth, what other part of the body is most open and always in sight? Tattoos on the arm are very noticeable and clearly demonstrate our individuality.

It is necessary to choose a sketch for a tattoo based on which part of the arm you want to apply it to. Experts distinguish several areas, each of which has its own specifics. This is the shoulder, forearm with the elbow, wrist, hand and fingers.

Palms and fingers

Tattoos inflicted on the inside of the palm and fingers are more masculine, as they often reflect belonging to a certain stratum of society (meaning various symbols, coats of arms of motorcycle clubs, military signs). Yes, and doing them is quite painful because of the large number of nerve endings.

There are, of course, beautiful sketches for girls who are ready to suffer a little. The idea of ​​putting inscriptions on the finger on the side is very interesting, when they are visible to others only when the owner of the tattoo wishes it. These are small, in one or two words, inscriptions, which are a capacious and vivid expression of individuality.
Own name or the name of a dear person, special feminine phrases, flirtatious or carrying a hidden meaning. Sometimes one word is applied to each finger, which together make up some kind of catch phrase or motto.

Hand and wrist

Making a tattoo on the hands is the destiny of brave and extraordinary people, ready to constantly demonstrate their uniqueness to others. Most often, inscriptions are applied to this part of the body, although sketches of drawings of animals, fire or zodiac signs are also quite popular.

Of the hundreds of common sketches of hieroglyphs, where each carries its own meaning, you need to choose the one that is more suitable specifically for you. For example, the symbol "rage" does not quite harmonize with the look of fragile girls, and "male" tattoos "butterfly" or "tenderness" can cause unhealthy laughter from the Chinese who met you. Choose only those characters whose meaning is known exactly.

The popularity of images on the hands and wrists is also due to the fact that making a tattoo in these places almost does not hurt even with the simplest pen - a stencil, the invention of which is attributed to Thomas Edison.

Shoulder and forearm

Tattoos on the shoulder and forearm with an elbow bend provide great freedom for imagination, since for these areas of the arm tattoo artists offer a great variety of sketches, both drawings and inscriptions. The options for combinations of fonts, sizes, and colors are nearly limitless. The shoulder is called a universal place; a portrait of Che Guevara, ornate patterns, hieroglyphs, and Gothic inscriptions will look organic here.


On the forearm and shoulder, you can also make the so-called "sleeves" - images of various lengths that cover the skin entirely or almost entirely.

  • A long "sleeve" is applied from the shoulder to the wrist. This is either one whole image, or several combined

  • A quarter of the "sleeve" - ​​the area from the shoulder to the top of the elbow
  • Half "sleeve" can be applied both from the elbow to the wrist, and from the shoulder to the elbow

Such tattoos perfectly allow you to stand out from the crowd and have both male and female versions.

Maori patterns

Tattoos with Maori patterns, a people living on islands near New Zealand and practicing the art of tattooing, have also gained some distribution. They are a combination of smooth lines, geometric shapes, images of animals. But if the representatives of this tribe themselves have a similar ritual that has a deep meaning and lasts almost a lifetime, then in our country such patterns carry, of course, a decorative load. Although it will be better if you are still aware of what exactly this or that ornament means.

Making a tattoo with Maori patterns with a pen is quite painful and time consuming.

Process technology

It's the 21st century, and progress has touched even the centuries-old traditions of tattooing. There are still masters who use only the good old pen - a stencil, but many salons have already switched to modern tattoo- machines that allow you to apply a picture quickly and without pain. The needle pierces the skin to a depth of 2 mm at a frequency of 50 to 3000 times per minute and leaves insoluble particles of pigment paint there - these particles form the pattern.

This method is very good for large colorful images, as it saves a lot of time. But if you're conservative and need a small tattoo, like someone's name or some numbers, don't be afraid to use a pen. It will hurt a little, but you can fully feel the magic of this ritual.

Tattoos on the palm of men can be seen less often (including because this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand is usually closed from the views of others). That is why the image on the palm looks original, unlike analogues on other parts of the body.

Why palm?

The tattoo on the palm has ancient historical roots. The first drawings on the inside of the brush appeared in India. The fair sex, getting married, loving wives and happy mothers gladly decorated their hands with such tattoos. Gradually, the baton passed to men who want to receive their portion of happiness or indicate their status.

The lines of fate are located on the palm, very important points and endings are concentrated. That is why it is believed that the human palm is directly connected with the heavenly patrons and the cosmos. Since ancient times, all the world's shamanic cults perceive a tattoo on this part of the arm as an indispensable attribute that every sorcerer has. Without such a mark, the shaman cannot perform his rites, since he will not have an all-seeing eye that allows him to communicate with the uncontrollable. ordinary people otherworldly world.


  1. The main advantages of a tattoo are style, originality and creativity. When looking at men's hands, decorated with a tattoo in this area, it immediately becomes clear that you have an extraordinary personality. A person prefers new ideas, rather than repeating well-known techniques.
  2. If the tattoo is applied directly to the palm of the hand, then this procedure is relatively painless. The skin on this part of the body in men is quite rough, not susceptible to pain, such touches will rather tickle, unlike a tattoo on back side palms.
  3. Drawing applied to the middle male palm, you can easily hide it by simply clenching your brush into a fist, and show it only to those who want to. The situation will be more difficult if the tattoo is on the back of the brush.


  1. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the image. With constant contact with water, soap and other substances (especially if, unlike most men, you prefer to wash your hands after every visit to the toilet and before eating), the pattern gradually turns pale, washed off and leaves along with the upper layers of the skin. That is why the tattoo here requires constant correction.
  2. The area of ​​​​the palm is small, so it is impossible to transfer a large tattoo to it. Tubercles, depressions and a large number of lines require a more careful selection of sketches and the professionalism of the master. In addition, palmists claim that tattoos located on the palm of your hand can change the fate of a person, since they overlap natural lines.

Popular Ideas

There are many ideas for tattooing on the male palm. With a professional incarnation, they all look beautiful and original (photos of tattoos can be viewed in the gallery).

  • The inscriptions received recognition among men. Usually they are placed in a circle, on the top or on the edge of the palm. Many men from the last century, after serving in the army or serving a prison term, have the initials or dates of birth - their own or their beloved woman. Today, men's inscriptions have changed. They are words or sentences in different languages(including hieroglyphs).
  • The image of the eye is also common. It can be an all-seeing eye, located in the center of the triangle, or the eye of Fatima, which is a charm in Turkey or Arab countries. Each man puts his own meaning in this tattoo: the desire to have a connection with space or a talisman from all misfortunes.
  • An original solution would be to place a 3D image of an ordinary eye in the center of the palm so that it “closes” when clenched into a fist.
  • Many guys choose the image of a spider with a web, a crab, a scorpion and other insects, the small size of which is great for a tattoo on a man's palm.
  • An absolutely original and bold step would be to apply additional lines. Palmists say that in this way you can radically change your destiny.
  • Men's palms with a schematic representation of animals or with a realistic drawing of an animal head are also in demand. Often, portraits of pets are applied to the hand as a sign of love or memory.
  • Paired tattoos located on both hands, which are two fragments, look very original. When combined, such drawings form one complete picture.

If you are looking for something feminine and graceful, then we have collected the most beautiful tattoos for girls. There are no vulgar drawings with shadows and penumbras, which resemble granite monuments. There are no aggressive images with fangs and claws. There are no painted roosters and peacocks. Our collection is light, sophisticated and unusually beautiful.

Strength in weakness

Beautiful and delicate tattoos for girls can have hundreds of options. A tattoo is something sacred, the meaning of which cannot be explained. Before choosing something, think: what symbol, animal, image or pattern represent you?


Floral motifs are quite popular among girls. Fashionable princesses often want to put something cute and graceful on their young body. From the whole variety, you can choose the following elements:

  • roses;
  • lavender;
  • water lilies;
  • lotus;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • laurel;
  • lilac;
  • clover;
  • flowers on thin stems;
  • twisted branches.

Such ideas are chosen by girls with a unique feminine principle, who are able to see beauty in small details.

Remember, the fewer lines on the tattoo, the more harmonious it looks. Dotted space doesn't always look classy.

Women's tattoos with flowers can be seen in the photo:

Birds and animals

If you know your spirit animal that guards you or you just like some kind of predator, reptile or even a cat, then this option is for you. On your body you can depict any animal that is close to you in spirit:

  • tiger;
  • dog;
  • panther;
  • penguin;
  • heron;
  • turtle;
  • owl;
  • fox;
  • peacock;
  • a flock of birds.

Among girls, cats, foxes and owls are especially popular. The drawing can be schematic or three-dimensional (completely shaded). Tattoos with polygons (triangles) are also often chosen.

Women's tattoos with animals, let's look at the photo:

Zodiac signs

Tattoos of the zodiac sign are an imperishable classic that strong-willed rams, stubborn calves, versatile twins, spiritual cancers, royal lions and pedantic virgins like so much. Here are the scales xs: like it or not. But passionate scorpions, lucky archers, intellectual Capricorns, mysterious Aquarians and sensitive fishes definitely like it.


In this category, fantasy can go on a boundless flight. Beautiful small tattoos for girls with inscriptions can be anything: lines from songs, words, quotes, mottos, mantras, # my people are always somnoy, # hugged, # onligadkenjajmi. Choose whatever you like, as long as you like it.

Aesthetics Corner

Where can beautiful tattoos for girls be located? Anywhere! In choosing a sacred space, you should listen to your heart, but remember that some employers look strictly at tattoos and do not welcome them. It is best to choose a place that can always be covered, well, so that parents do not see.


If you have long hair, then the tattoo is almost never visible behind the ear. You can always hide it by loosening curls. Or open if you tie a tail or braid a braid. But the thought of having a little message on your body will keep you warm.

The best ideas for female tattoos behind the ear and on it can be seen below in the photo:


The sexiest place in a girl is her collarbones. In two depressions on both sides, you can place the most delicate and elegant drawings.

Beautiful and small tattoos for girls on the collarbone can be seen in the photo:

Palms and fingers

The back of the hand is the perfect canvas for female tattoo. Even in ancient times in the East, girls decorated their hands with mehendi and applied marvelous weaves. Why not transfer your pattern to this part of the body?

The story of finger tattoos came to us from the USA. You should not personify this with the zone and the prisoners. Let's think that the best and cunning mafiosi decorated their fingers with letters and inscriptions. By the way, in the hundreds of years the mafia has existed, few of them have been caught. So feel free to decorate your fingers.

Remember that tattoos on the fingers are erased quickly enough. They have to be updated from time to time.

In the photo you can see examples of beautiful small tattoos for girls on the palms and fingers:

Your wrists are fragile like crystal

A chic option for those who constantly want to admire their charms. On thin wrists can be depicted:

  • flowers;
  • animals;
  • Houseware;
  • stars;
  • space;
  • phrases;
  • sweets;
  • bracelets;
  • and much more.

They always get into the frame and highlight their owner. Beautiful tattoos for girls on the wrist can be seen in the photo:


Here is where you can roam. Tattoos look great on the shoulder, on the forearm and a little lower. Images can always be hidden with a blouse, shirt or sweater. And if you want to put on a sleeveless T-shirt and demonstrate your beauty to the whole world.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the arm can be seen in our collection in the photo:


The tattoo on the ribs is like a child under the heart. A sacred drawing can be filled in an intimate area, where not everyone can get. But in the summer in a separate swimsuit you can open your body and show off. But, just in case, also grab a piece swimsuit so that the mother does not find out about anything, otherwise you can sleep in the photographs from the rest.

The most beautiful tattoos in the world for girls on the ribs can be seen in the photo:


The back is rarely open, and the owner himself never sees his tattoo from behind. But photos with an elegant pattern can turn out just excellent. If you decide to wear a dress with an open back to a celebration, then be prepared for enthusiastic cries of: “Wow! You have a tattoo! What does she mean?

Examples of tattoos on the back are shown in the photo:


Thigh tattoos are quite popular in 2018. All more girls choose this place for the image. You can always stroke the thigh, admire the pattern and take beautiful pictures. Most often, flowers or animals are depicted on this body.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the thigh are shown in the photo below:


The foot is a great option for those who want to but don't know where to get a tattoo. On the leg, the pattern is not always visible. At any time, it can be hidden with socks, tights or high shoes.

In the summer season, with ballet flats or sandals, the image will look luxurious. The length of the foot suggests some sort of stretch pattern from heel to toe. Most often, a star scattering, twigs of flowers, a flying flock of birds or a million hearts are chosen.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the leg can be seen in the photo below:

The best ideas for female tattoos

We have collected the best for you female tattoos. Beautiful tattoos for girls: flowers, inscriptions, animals and much more can be seen in our photo ideas. Scroll, enjoy, save and choose!

A few decades ago, tattoos were hallmark people involved in crime in any way. Tattoos made it possible to read a whole biography of a person. A tattoo on the palm in the criminal world is not as common as on other parts of the body. However, they also met.

Today, a tattoo on the palm of any person is stylish, beautiful and original. And only people of advanced age fall into a fainting state, seeing such hands in young people.

Tattoo on the palm - very popular

So, in more detail. on the palm is most often associated with the patterned Indian technique of applying henna. Therefore, such drawings are often found in women. By the way, getting a tattoo on the palm of your hand is a relatively painless procedure. True, before deciding on it, it is worth thinking about the drawing seven times. After all, they will have to admire all their lives.

Fingers and back

A well-done palm tattoo always looks very attractive. This is a great place to draw. After all, with a change in weight and with age, the skin is much less susceptible to changes. Recently, small tattoos on the fingers have become more and more common among young people. It can be symbols or some inscriptions.

Not only fingers, but also the back of the hand is a kind of "greetings from the past." Often such tattoos were stuffed with soldiers and sailors. Identification marks and brief inscriptions were applied there. Looking at such a tattoo, a former military man can always easily determine in which troops its owner served.

Tattoos on the palms and fingers are very often performed by professional craftsmen. Despite the fact that many are sure that the skin in these places will be updated quite quickly, and, accordingly, the image may lose its clarity.

Male and female options

In general, it is quite difficult to surprise someone with such body jewelry as a tattoo on the palm of your hand on the side. Photos of various drawings and inscriptions can be seen in any catalog of each professional master. There are male and female images among them.

Modern men, for example, often try to express their personal life position in this way. Tattoos made in Soviet times, as mentioned above, carry information about military service (years of service, unit number, etc.), the name of the beloved woman, etc. Today, on the palms of men, you can find wolves, tigers, snakes , tongues of flame. There are also very small images - an anchor, a diamond, a crown.

Masters claim that most of their clients are women. For the fairer sex, tattoos are a sign of sexuality and a way of self-expression. In the palm of their hand, they meet fairies, elves, butterflies, broken hearts, or the names of their beloved men. Sometimes Celtic motifs and astrological symbols are also stuffed.

In addition, the so-called protective properties of tattoos are also important for women. Ladies often try to perpetuate the most important dates in their lives in their palms. For example, birthday or wedding date.

Popular images are also various inscriptions, swallows, treble clef. They are also made on the palms for lovers. That is, similar drawings or names. This choice is very serious, so you need to be extremely careful.


Many people believe that a tattoo on the palm side or in the center, on the fingers, and also on the sole can wear off over time. Actually, this is not true. After all, the paint is deep under the layer of skin. It can only be erased with sandpaper. In such tattoos, small gaps can sometimes be noticeable. They appear immediately after healing. After that, the appearance of the image does not change. And gaps arise only due to the fact that the paint did not get to the required depth.

Whale tattoo on the palms, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BmQTtsfASvp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The tattoo on the palms has actively become fashionable. Someone believes that a tattoo in the palm of your hand has a sacred meaning. Others perceive this option as a way to express themselves. Not many people think about how long a tattoo will live and about the need for careful care for the work done. However, with proper care, the drawing will stay with you forever, adding a unique touch to the image. We will talk about the pros and cons of this solution in this article.

Features of a tattoo on the palms

Before getting a tattoo in specific places, it is necessary to understand the physiology of the tattoo. The pigment is poured into the dermis, above it is a layer of the epidermis. In order for the deep layer to change, the skin “pushes out” the upper layers of the dermis. So they become part of the epidermis, due to which active husking occurs.

And this is the main reason why the tattoo turns pale. In places such as the shoulders, shoulder blades, chest and forearm, this process is slower. In the area, palms and behind the ear sinus, detachment occurs more actively.

Before making a tattoo on the palms, you must remember that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands is subject to increased thermal, mechanical and solar exposure. The palm is covered with thin oily skin. It is replaced twice as actively due to the large load. For this reason, tattoo.

Ouroboros tattoo, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwUz5ICB5wE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

When working on a sketch, it is important to consider the size and shape of the drawing. To understand what the palms will look like when fully covered, find a photo with Indian. Henna most closely reflects the texture of the tattoo. In India, the tradition of covering the palm with a pattern is widespread. From the photos you find, you can determine how much you want to cover the skin.

Nerve centers are located in the area of ​​​​the palms. There is a possibility that frequent punctures of these points will be painful. But we will talk about this later. It is important to remember that for work the master must use anesthesia with a strong effect. So you need to make sure in advance that there is no allergy to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tattoo in the palm of your hand, how to arrange a picture

Tattoos on the palm are still considered a controversial topic, around which heated debates boil in salons. Some tattoo artists flatly refuse to stuff them, because there is a chance that the drawing will not “take root”.

Others, on the contrary, consider this a new step in the field of tattoo culture. Both those and other opinions have a healthy grain in the arguments. Whether or not to draw is up to you. However, it is worth considering all the pros and cons, so that later you do not blame the master for lack of experience.

When performing a tattoo on the palm of your hand, the master must warn about the features of applying the pigment. The inner surface of the brush actively exfoliates as it is constantly exposed to friction or contact with aggressive media. There is a chance that the tattoo will not “take root” the first time and several sessions will be needed.

The degree of "survivability" depends on the area. For example, the central part is most often subjected to mechanical stress. The edge of the palm is less involved, which increases the chances of achieving a successful result the first time.

Men's tattoos on the edge of the palm are usually done in black. The detail is low, which allows you to keep the drawing sharper. Girls mostly use lettering. Various adorn the edge of the palm, creating a graceful look.

Flower tattoo photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqOao1qg8ht/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Dealt with controversial issues. Now let's talk about the pros and cons of a tattoo in the palm area.

Pros of work:

  • originality;
  • non-standard approach;
  • wide range for self-expression;
  • tattoo is always in the field of your attention.

Negative sides:

  1. Poor "survivability".
  2. Careful care during the healing process, which should not be forgotten.
  3. Discomfort throughout the regeneration.
  4. There is a high probability of individual rejection of the pigment.

Men's tattoos on the edge of the palm heal better, have a minimal degree of risk. For girls, tattoos on the palms make their way easier due to thin skin. In both sexes, parts of the tattoo on the back of the hand may partially fail to take root due to frequent contact with water and the sun.

How successful the work will be depends on the skill of the tattoo artist and individual characteristics. There is no way to know how a tattoo will look on you, if you do not try it in practice.

Popular Ideas

TO popular tattoo put the eye in the palm of your hand. The drawing carries a sacred meaning and protects the owner from the evil eye. A large number of tattoos on the palm are taken from the Indian and Eastern epic. Floral and geometric patterns look beautiful on girlish palms. The advantage of this solution is that the drawing can be endlessly supplemented and developed.

Popular ideas:

  • crosses;
  • stars;
  • swallow in the style of geometry;
  • the hand of Fatima;
  • cubes;
  • "For the Airborne Forces" on the edge of the palm;
  • pentacle.

To make your tattoo original, choose symbolic images. For example, birds are a symbol of freedom. The eye represents protection, the gaze of God. emphasize cheerfulness, show your desire for naturalness.

Does it hurt to do?

Let's get back to the question: how painful is the tattoo. Here we need to return to the topic of the anatomical structure of the hand. The inner surface area is 50% muscle, 30% fat and 20% tendons. The skin has an increased oil content, although this is hardly noticeable due to frequent abrasion.

Skin density is higher in men than in women. But the most important criterion for determining the quality of the skin is the type of activity of the owner. If you play sports or your work involves physical labor, the skin is less sensitive. Office workers, students, and similar occupations lead to less palm involvement.

There are many nerve endings on the surface of the palm. This leads to increased pain sensitivity. The master must use anesthetics. But this will not save you from pain.

Video - how the tattoo "takes root" in the palm of your hand