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» Ballerina tattoo. Meaning of a ballerina tattoo Meaning for women

Ballerina tattoo. Meaning of a ballerina tattoo Meaning for women

The ballerina tattoo is found in European countries, this symbol is not typical for eastern countries. The image is more common in the theatrical environment. Sometimes parents support the growing talent of the child and apply such a pattern to themselves. Behind the graceful light figure of the dancer there is a lot of work that must be applied to achieve success. From this follows the meaning of the image, which has a double meaning:

  • positive emotions associated with the beautiful appearance of the dancer;
  • physical and spiritual stresses that must be passed in order to achieve success. Perseverance for the formation of a sophisticated appearance and spiritual attitude that gives victory.

History of the tattoo

The tattoo has a relatively young history - about 100 years, equates to the time of the emergence and development of ballet. Passion for the gracefulness of a ballerina, the elegance of dance movements, prompted people to decorate their bodies with such a pattern.

A striking example of the use of drawing in our time was Vladimir Vinokur. In honor of the birthday of his daughter, a ballet dancer, he put the image on his shoulder. Next to the image of the sign, there is an inscription of the name of the daughter in Latin - Anastasia. Often, the inscription “ballerina” in Latin is applied under the tattoo.

The meaning of the ballerina tattoo

The main meaning of the image is that a person is ready for hard daily work in art. He is ready to grow spiritually in order to overcome the opposition of human weakness, in the form of behind-the-scenes intrigues. So this tattoo suitable for a person who has a firm, unbending character, ready to subdue and transform his human weaknesses for the sake of a future goal. A person who is ready to spiritually rise above the problem, daily improve his positive attitude to everything that happens.

The symbol also means fragility, elegance, tenderness, youth, lightness, harmony, perseverance, diligence, romance, development, life. When adding additional symbols to the ballerina's tattoo, the original meaning will change slightly, supplemented by an understanding of the new symbol. But the main meaning of the image will remain.

Position and placement of the tattoo

A ballerina tattoo can be worn by both women and men. For men, a symbol means admiration for female charm, beauty, grace. It can also be a memory of a vivid relationship with a girl related to dancing. The language of dance movements is understandable without words, so the meaning of a dancing ballerina is perceived as a manifestation of pride in beauty and purity.

The ballerina tattoo on the leg is one of the common placements for the design, just like the ballerina tattoo on the arm. Often the pattern is located on the side with its subsequent transition to the lower abdomen.

Men opt for such sketches:

  • a ballerina putting on pointe shoes means a readiness for exhausting work. A man with such an image shows that he is ready for difficulties and at the same time he sees a beautiful image of a ballerina;
  • a dancing girl under an arch is a symbol of loneliness;
  • the silhouette of a dancer without clearly defined facial features - emphasizes affection for some girl, whose name was not disclosed.

Girls prefer the following signs:

  • monochrome black image of a dancer - any of the above meanings will suit the interpretation of the sign;
  • a ballerina captured in flight - any interpretation is suitable, complemented by the ease of flight;
  • ballet shoes (pointe shoes) - mean striving for a goal, perseverance in achieving it, development and diligence to achieve a goal;
  • the silhouette of a dancer without clearly defined facial features - attention is focused on the figure of a girl, meaning is given depending on personal choice.

Color scheme, styles and compatibility with other symbols

Various stylistic forms are used, but the most common are:

  • ballerina tattoo in watercolor style - a bright, colorful, multi-color picture, with harmonious colors and shades;
  • realism - conveys the natural beauty of a dancing girl, her subtle graceful features;
  • classic image - black, always relevant, fashionable, ageless, the image always looks modern.

The drawing can be supplemented with other symbols:

  • a swan wrapping its wings around a dancing girl. The courage and bravery of a swan are combined with the fragility of a ballerina;
  • small birds - focus on lightness, tenderness, fragility;
  • girl's skirt in the form of a flower - symbolizes beauty, sophistication, love;
  • butterflies - add freedom, airiness, lightness;
  • treble clef - inspiration;
  • heart - love, sympathy;
  • stars - protection, magic;
  • inscriptions in various languages ​​that are known to the owner of the tattoo and are important to him.


Only you decide which image you choose and where to fill it. After a carefully thought-out acquaintance with the image, you can proceed to the creation of a sketch and then to the execution of the tattoo.

The art of ballet originated in Western Europe in the 16th century. Initially, ballets were staged at royal theaters and at the courts of wealthy aristocrats. Since the 19th century ballet acquired the status of an independent art and took pride of place in the productions of drama theaters.

Interesting. It is no secret that the leading role in ballet is occupied by female images. The beauty, fragility and gracefulness of ballerinas inspired many male artists, among whom the most famous French painter Edgar Degas, who created a whole series of canvases dedicated to ballerinas.

Ballerina tattoo meanings

For many modern people, the ballerina is a symbol of femininity and grace. But, watching the smooth, perfected movements of the dancer, not everyone thinks about how much daily effort the ballerina took in order to achieve the desired result. The ballerina tattoo, whose meaning is associated with two main points: grace and hard work in the name of beauty, symbolizes:

  • striving for the ideal: a ballerina's dance can only be truly beautiful when every movement is worked out and rehearsed in detail;
  • femininity: the ballerina embodies the best qualities of the fair sex: external attractiveness, ease of movement, romance;
  • diligence and perseverance: staging a ballet requires a long and diligent preparation;
  • sense of taste, elegance: a ballerina costume and all the elements of her clothes, hairstyle, makeup - everything should look beautiful and harmonious;
  • firmness of character: in life, a ballerina must follow a strict diet, constantly train, carefully monitor her body;
  • musicality: the dance of the ballerina is associated with the rhythms of music, its tonality and timbres;
  • harmony: in ballet, every element is significant: music, dance, and words - everything is interconnected and symbolic;
  • loneliness: All participants in the ballet independently and daily train on their role. Ballerinas understand that career success depends only on themselves, on their hard work and desire to work on themselves.

Who suits a ballerina tattoo

Images of ballerinas are most often applied to the body of the fair sex, but this tattoo is not exclusively female. Love for beauty is characteristic of all people, regardless of fullness, age and profession. Men make a ballerina tattoo (see photo below) in order to express admiration for the fragility and grace of dancers, to show that a woman is one of the most beautiful creatures in the world, but her external beauty must be combined with noble inner qualities.

A ballerina tattoo may suit those who:

  • appreciates everything beautiful;
  • loves classical art;
  • understands that beauty requires sacrifice and is ready to follow this principle;
  • possesses perseverance and perseverance, strives to achieve success with his own work;
  • likes to dream;
  • prone to loneliness;
  • believes that real art should bring us closer to the comprehension of the ideal;
  • understands the meaning of the proverb without difficulty you can’t pull a fish out of a pond;
  • I am sure that we came into this world in order to create, not to destroy;
  • believes that beauty will ultimately save the world.

Did you know? A tattoo with the image of a ballerina and the inscription Anastasiya adorns the body of actor Vladimir Vinokur, who made this tattoo as a sign of his love for his daughter.

Ballerina tattoo options

In the image of a ballerina, an important role is played by the pose of the dancer, her costume and the color scheme of the picture. The tattoo can be made in the form of a contour or be a three-dimensional image, reminiscent of a painting by Edgar Degas. The most common sketches are:

  1. Spinning ballerina. To express the idea of ​​rotation, drawings of ribbons flying in a circle, birds, flowers are used. In such drawings, it is as if a moment of a dance that lasts in time is fixed, the image seems to say Stop, moment, you are beautiful! Such tattoos are made by romantics, people who admire natural beauty, those who can watch the sunset for hours or watch the play of sea waves.
  2. Ballerina in a jump. Such a tattoo symbolizes lightness, romance, subtlety. The drawing shows a dancer who, as it were, soared above the ground, overcame the gravity of gravity and rushed up. Sometimes thin threads and butterflies are added to the ballerina's arms and legs, which seem to carry the girl to heaven. Such images are applied to themselves by people who believe that art and beauty give us the opportunity to touch the eternal, that which lives outside of time and space.
  3. A ballerina standing on the ground. Similar drawings show the dancer at the final moment of the dance, when she freezes in the last graceful movement. The ballerina seems to be telling the viewer: You have touched the beautiful, but everything in this world comes to an end, the performance is over and the beauty of my dance will dissolve into space with the last note fading.

In addition to sketches depicting a beautiful young girl, sometimes there are tattoos that make a mixed impression on the viewer. For example, drawings of fat ballerinas or a ballerina cutting off her leg with a saw. Men sometimes put on the body an image of a ballerina's skeleton, but such tattoos are rather an exception and are quite rare.

Advice. The size of a ballerina tattoo, the sketches of which can be chosen from a fairly large number of options, is determined taking into account the wishes of the future owner of the image, but nevertheless, most often such tattoos are made small. Too large sketches cause a feeling of heaviness and heaviness.

Most often, girls, of course, decorate their bodies with such a pattern. Tattoo is common in the theatrical environment. Sometimes the parents of a ballerina or dancer apply such a drawing to express their love and faith in the child's talent. As an example, we can cite the famous Russian showman Vladimir Vinokur. On his daughter's (who is a ballet dancer) birthday, he got a tattoo of a ballerina and his daughter's name (Anastasia) on his left arm.
A tattoo depicting a ballerina is most popular in Western countries. Despite the fact that the symbol itself is less than 100 years old (which is relatively young for symbolism), many people adorn their bodies with a pattern of a graceful dancer.

Symbol meaning

The complexity of the profession and the specifics of work in the theater determine the meaning of the symbol "ballerina". A light, gentle, “fluttering” ballerina across the stage is what the viewer sees.
Daily workouts, sprains, injuries and behind-the-scenes intrigues are what remain outside the scene.
The tattoo shows belonging to the world of dance art, culture. The main meaning of the symbol: readiness for hard, exhausting work for the sake of art.
Such a tattoo is suitable for a person with a firm, unbending character. A person who does not succumb to intrigues and "under the carpet" struggle. A person who firmly decided to go towards his goal, improving day by day.
Also, the "ballerina" is a symbol of grace, fragility and grace.

A tattoo depicting a ballerina can be made as a separate small drawing. For such a tattoo, it is better to choose small areas of the body. For example, the wrist, feet or shin of the legs.
If you decide on a large tattoo, you should not limit your imagination. Together with an experienced master, you will be able to come up with a unique tattoo sketch that will reflect the essence of the meaning that you put in.