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» What to do if an Armenian fell in love with me. What do Armenian men like in bed?

What to do if an Armenian fell in love with me. What do Armenian men like in bed?

To the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians are very fond of the Russian language. I even have one admirer who seems to hang out with me just to practice speaking Russian. Well, God be with him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that they first of all speak Russian with any tourist, even from Guatemala. Such a bizarre instinct works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But more than anything, Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
Who doesn't love, you ask? But Armenians - any Russian girl who has visited Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
back in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the sex industry in the USSR. But that was a long time ago, so what if it's true?)
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or rather “move” along the lines of liberal-democratic standards. In short, everything is according to the plan of Heraclitus "Everything flows, everything changes." Only the love of Armenian men for Russian girls remained unchanged. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. Reading and thinking:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2. Shave in all places every day
3. They smell good
4. They have a beautiful ass
5. They have long legs
6. They are mostly blondes
7. You don't make any effort to get them into bed.
8. They also like people of Caucasian nationality (he said)
9. They are good in bed
10. They have no complexes

The whole tragicomic nature of this “sublime” love and irrepressible passion lies in the fact that Armenians are attracted to Slav women, but few people dare to marry a Slav. Here it is necessary to say a few words about Armenian girls too, because everything is known in comparison. Ithax: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (as well as Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are a lot of girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men like it very much. (God forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European views, open, cheerful, sociable, incendiary ... at club parties. In order to find just such, it is not necessary to strain much. Just go to the nearest club.
It is clear that accessibility is inherent in both some Armenian women and Russians ... And there is hardly a people where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma, which some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voices, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, because we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), good housewives, etc. etc..
You might think that the Russians do not have any traditions and customs, they behave like pigs and the house is an eternal mess. And then, if we are talking about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the mouths of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole point of the fictitious paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love is, of course, good, but depending on when the girl gets married. What if no one wants to get married? After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit it) in a relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. What if the guy is unlucky? And in response, silence ... ..
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal is much more attractive not in the form of housewives with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, smart and interesting woman, and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, this is not mentioned. However, I have already said!
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the truest sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who leave to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No gag - naked statistics. So there is a reason to support the "domestic manufacturer")))))
Please, to all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Do not judge strictly my cynicism.

It so happened that happiness (or misfortune) descended on me))). My Armenian man. This is of course, that little thing, I'll tell you, but I like it (so far).

A certain stereotype of this kind of males has developed in our heads, as hot, reckless, temperamental men, greedy for women.

So, I want to reveal this stereotype, based on my more than one year of experience. I hope my experience will be useful to you, push or, on the contrary, warn you in time against that avalanche of emotions, which is called relations with an Armenian. Let men of other nationalities, very respected by me, forgive me, as they say, what I have studied, I am writing about.

Acquaintance, or how to understand he or not he.

So, you met an Armenian man who gives you signs of attention, how to understand who he is and what he is represents itself. He wants a serious relationship or just an adventure for the night.

First, take a closer look at him, what he is talking about, what he is thinking about. It may seem that the Armenians are similar in worldview, but this is absolutely not the case. And among them there is a cattle, there is an elite, part of which differs little from the cattle, and there are quite intelligent, educated individuals. Mentally, they are similar, but the behavior is completely different. In any case, an educated, well-mannered Armenian does not hang noodles on his ears, does not swear and does not hit.

A layer of educated Armenians has a very respectful even chivalrous attitude towards a woman (any), so with such a person, or in the company of such people, you are absolutely safe.

How to determine who is in front of you? My criteria are the following:

A smart, penetrating look, in appearance and manners should be different from a seller of tomatoes in the market, the style of clothing is European, and not a semi-Asian semi-gopnik outfit,
Knowledge of languages: an Armenian more or less suitable for you speaks excellent Russian, moreover, not only Russian,
Topics of conversation and manners: try to talk to your boyfriend, the individual that suits you should understand everything a little bit, be able to support any topic, and most importantly, talk calmly, without showing temperament out of place.

We pass to you. And how do you behave?

In principle, as usual, without straining, the Armenians are still not Ethiopians, the topics for and manners of behavior are similar. But there are some differences:
Sounds trite, but behave a little more modestly. A story about your achievements, about how cool / talented you are, how many people you have under your command and what a high salary you have will not bring you dividends, but rather scare you away,
Do not drink too much, the sight of a drunk woman talking nonsense can scare away your potential soul mate. Especially if your boyfriend himself is not a lover of alcohol, which is quite possible (for a year of my relationship, I have not seen my man and his friends, not only drunk, but also a little drunk)
Do not slow down, try to enter the topic, joke. Armenians are very cheerful, humorous people (although the humor is a bit specific, such English humor with a Caucasian accent).
If your man is from Armenia itself, try to speak as literary as possible, remember that he studied Russian from books and our slang can hurt his ears. The most harmless phrases like "kapets", "go nuts", etc. for him the height of bad manners.

What ischaracter, ifArmenian man

The myth about voices and gestures was created by people who have nothing to do with the Caucasus. Those Armenians with whom I have communicated, on the contrary, are distinguished by philosophical calmness. As far as I understand, boys are brought up from childhood to hide their emotions, neither joy nor sadness can be shown in public, society brings up stoics.

What is actually true is a sudden change of mood, it can happen absolutely at any moment. From a phone call, from an awkward situation and the worst thing, from the wrong word that you could say at that moment! A Stoic philosopher can explode over what seems to you a small thing, and then be like a volcano for hours during an eruption. So that, here the phrase “Think what you say” does not just work, but think, think and think three more times, preferably analyze what HE might think if you are you say, and only then say.) With him you should be not just a woman, but a smart, wise woman, at the same time, remaining gentle, caring, fragile.

Do not forget that he should feel the main thing in your relationship. This does not mean that you should not have your own opinion, even very much, otherwise he will not be interested in you. Just correctly, clearly, briefly and most importantly, calmly and on time convey it. Everything must be done so that in the end, supposedly, he himself came to this. Such a fine line!

It is useless to engage in heated arguments with him, since childhood they have been accustomed to disputes and showdowns (they call them bazaars), so for each of your arguments he will have ten “smart” arguments. He will easily prove to you that milk is black and the earth is flat! Don't prove, just ask. Give him a chance to honorably yield! Never use phrases like "tired", "zadolbal", "went to ...". They take everything literally, then they will load themselves for weeks with how he could get bored or “gouged”, he is so good.


In no case do not provoke jealousy - this is DANGEROUS !!! Firstly, he may not understand (this is at best). Secondly, it can completely break off relations. This does not mean that he is not jealous of you, he is jealous, he just does not show it, it's checked !!! For example, when you walk together, it may seem that he does not pay attention to you at all, this is not so. Your man is Armenian this time he is busy with the most serious work, he is watching who else is paying attention to you!) At this moment, a storm of emotions boils in him: on the one hand, “yes MY woman, look, she is beautiful, smart, etc.”, on the other - “how dare you even look at MY woman, she is ONLY MY TREASURE”. That's jealousy...

If you're jealous You, try to do it softer (without wild tantrums and inappropriate words, emotions, of course, need to be shown, but do it with dignity, you are a woman!) Just explain that you have some things are unpleasant or even admit directly that you are jealous, but calmly!

His friends…

An Armenian man, as a rule, has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. Moreover, it is his pride, his vital capital (in any case, he thinks so). Let it does not scare you, in any case, he will communicate with friends, have his hobbies, do not interfere with this. Just accept it and that's it! Don't be jealous that he did not take you with him, if he said that he would go to drink tea with a friend, believe me, he really drinking tea. Just a conversation can be about work, using some exclusively masculine expressions, etc. By the way, it was very funny to watch serious, respectable men in Yerevan, drinking tea or coffee with cakes in the evenings, talking with a very smart look.

You and the man are Armenian

Praise your loved one. Men of this nationality are mostly and especially in their younger years earners and workaholics, one cannot be indifferent to this. It is very important for him to realize that all his actions, deeds, achieved goals are not just self-realization. He must feel that everything he does, he does for you, thus showing what he is man. It is important! Appreciate any of his efforts, successes, tell him about it, reassure and support when something does not work out. In return, you will receive a huge return, you will be his muse, for the sake of which he will be ready for anything. Of course, this is nice for a man of any nationality, but for an Armenian ESPECIALLY!!! By the way, the Armenian man is very attentive, he will also pay attention, even to the little things that you do for him and say that it is for him nice.

And of course, do not forget about your appearance. You are, first of all, a woman, and a woman must and must be beautiful and well-groomed (I'm not talking about a painted doll with a ton of makeup on her face). If you already use cosmetics, then try to do it correctly, emphasizing your natural beauty!!!

And most importantly, your weapon, if an Armenian man is femininity (feel behind your back a man, a warrior, which he is), calmness (remember, your man is, in fact, very emotional, although he may not show it at first, but inside he always has a raging volcano. your duty to calm him down), give him tenderness, kindness and ALWAYS smile.

Of course, each person is unique, but the general features are approximately the same. Remember, you definitely won't be bored! Good luck lovely girls! Love and be loved!!!

To the question of why Armenian men prefer Russian girls.
Armenians are very fond of the Russian language. I even have one admirer who seems to hang out with me just to practice speaking Russian. Well, God be with him!)
Armenians love the Russian language so much that they first of all speak Russian with any tourist, even from Guatemala. Such a bizarre instinct works - if not in Armenian, then in Russian. But more than anything, Armenians (we are talking about men) love women. Sorry, Russian women and girls.
Who doesn't love, you ask? But Armenians - any Russian girl who has been to Armenia will tell you - love them in a special way. Here you have temperament, hospitality, Caucasian character, and the ability to appreciate beauty. Turns out,
back in Soviet times, Armenia was considered the center of the sex industry in the USSR. But that was a long time ago, so what if it's true?)
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot of new things have been built in the country, society has begun to develop, or rather “move” along the lines of liberal-democratic standards. In short, everything is according to the plan of Heraclitus "Everything flows, everything changes." Only the love of Armenian men for Russian girls remained unchanged. This is how the hot Armenian macho explains this paradox. Reading and thinking:
Why do we like Russian girls?
1. Because they know how to take care of themselves.
2. Shave in all places every day
3. They smell good
4. They have a beautiful ass
5. They have long legs
6. They are mostly blondes
7. You don't make any effort to get them into bed.
8. They also like people of Caucasian nationality (he said)
9. They are good in bed
10. They have no complexes

The whole tragicomic nature of this “sublime” love and uncontrollable passion lies in the fact that Armenians are attracted to Slav women, but few people dare to marry a Slav. Here it is necessary to say a few words about Armenian girls too, because everything is known in comparison. Ithax: Armenian girls are a very special kind of girls (as well as Armenian guys). The girls here are mostly modest, well-mannered and quiet. It often happens that you spend many hours in companies where there are a lot of girls, but you never hear a single word from them. Some men like it very much. (God forgive them). With all this, you can meet a completely different type of girl: European views, open, cheerful, sociable, incendiary ... at club parties. In order to find just such, it is not necessary to strain much. Just go to the nearest club.
It is clear that accessibility is inherent in both some Armenian women and Russians ... And there is hardly a people where they are not easily accessible. And the dogma, which some Armenian men and women like to trumpet at the top of their voices, about the superiority of Armenian women over everyone and in particular over Russian women, is complete nonsense and I would say the result of low mental development.
Judge for yourself, because we constantly hear the same thing - Armenian women adhere to traditions, know how to behave (?), good housewives, etc. etc..
You might think that Russians do not have any traditions and customs, they behave like pigs and the house is an eternal mess. And then, if we are talking about traditions, then what exactly are we talking about? As far as I understand, the word tradition is used in the mouths of many precisely as a symbol of innocence before marriage, and this is the whole point of the fictitious paradigm about Armenian traditions. And before marriage, exclusively platonic love is, of course, good, but depending on when the girl gets married. What if no one wants to get married? After all, you marry someone without knowing about one of the most important things (admit it) in a relationship between a man and a woman, and you hope that everything will be fine in the future. What if the guy is unlucky? And in response, silence ... ..
And the fact that today for many Armenian men the female ideal is much more attractive not in the form of housewives with an apron in the kitchen, but in the form of a modern, smart and interesting woman, and that there are very few of them among Armenian women, this is not mentioned. However, I have already said!
Armenians, do not forget that many Armenian women stay at home (sometimes in the truest sense of the word), because 30% of all Armenians who leave to work in Russia marry a Russian, and only 5% of Armenian women marry Russians. No gag - naked statistics. So there is a reason to support the "domestic manufacturer")))))
Please, to all Armenian men who read this post, do not forget that there are a lot of beautiful Armenian women who are waiting for you))))
p.s. Do not judge strictly my cynicism.

Hot Armenian guy won your heart from the very first sight? Yes, Slavic women are often dizzy with the temperamental sons of the Caucasus with their “wah-what” accent and the ability to look after them extraordinarily beautifully.

The only question is how to attract his attention and win his heart.

There are several strategic moments that will make it possible to fall in love with an Armenian man. Just be careful. What if he wants to steal you and take you to his home in the Caucasus?

If you're ready, let's go!

A man - he is a man in the Caucasus

At first glance, the Armenians are more temperamental, passionate and cheerful than the men of the “domestic manufacturer”. It seems that they are ready to drink wine for days, while pushing long toasts and dancing at the sounds of lezginka.

But, be sure, any man permanently wants home warmth, comfort and tranquility in the first place. And a woman for whom he will always be the most courageous, strong and reliable.

An Armenian, like everyone else, falls in love not with the woman herself, but with his state next to her.

Therefore, in a relationship with a man, it is important to ensure the latter first. Show that it is better than with you, he will not be with anyone.

Thank him for the gifts (and Eastern men are very generous), admire his deeds, compliment him, be gentle and understanding.

I'm telling you, he won't resist. And he wants to be with you for the rest of his life.

Don't play with fire

It is believed that one of the ways to win a man's heart is to flirt with jealousy. As soon as he sees that someone else is taking his woman away, he will immediately ignite with passionate love and will win back. So, this is complete nonsense!

Most likely, he will think that you are a windy and unworthy traitor, and your favorite is an insolent who dared to hurt his pride. So he decides to figure it out...

At best, the case will end in a massacre, at worst, in a stabbing. But be that as it may, you will fall in his eyes and lose the chance to fall in love with him.

Don't turn on the feminist

While charming, do not forget about the characteristic highlights of any Caucasian man. He is impulsive and dependent on the opinions of his family and traditions.

In addition, he is always a leader and will want to dominate in relationships. Never let a woman pay on a date, so keep your wallet and your impulses to yourself.

And do not try to intercept the restaurant bill, because "you are not like that and for equality." For an Armenian, this is tantamount to an insult.

Interestingly, with all these advantages, such a woman often cannot arrange her personal life. Or he finds someone who doesn’t mind sitting on her neck and occasionally washing dishes.

In the East, things are different. Armenian wives are charismatic, capricious, but at the same time they recognize the supremacy of a man in the family. They too have the right to work and wear trousers. But they always take into account his opinion.

It is noteworthy that marriages in the East are stronger and more durable.

If you want an Armenian man, be gentle. Show that you respect him. Do not start arguments, do not prove - be a woman.

If you do not agree with him, connect the female cunning - support him in his conviction, but then gently push him to the right decision. And this, by the way, is not manipulation - this is elementary female wisdom.

Don't go against the family!

Another feature of any Caucasian man is devotion to the family. They always listen to the opinion of their father and mother and almost never go against their will.

Especially when it comes to It is not uncommon for an Armenian who is in love with a Slavic girl to leave her just because her mother or grandmother did not like her.

Trying to win the heart of a Caucasian man, never speak badly about his family. Do your best to please them. Otherwise - no chance, no options.

Moreover, most likely, his parents are people of the "old school". Therefore, they are unlikely to be delighted with your new mini or translucent blouse. And watch your communication style.

Be modest, at least in their presence, try and, of course, avoid obscene language.

You will be treated: food, wine - eat, drink and give thanks. But do not lean too heavily on alcohol, although this is not easy to do among Caucasians. And then the right strategy will quickly disappear from your head.

At some point, you will realize that you are complaining about the fifth to his mother and flirting with a hundred-year-old grandfather.

When you meet your mother, watch her. Men, and especially Caucasians, often idealize their mother. If he sees in you at least some resemblance to her, he will become attached even more.

Fix effect

It really doesn't matter at all. Everyone wants to see specific qualities and manifestations in a woman.

An Armenian, like any other representative of the stronger sex, falls in love with a woman with whom he feels good and calm, with whom he feels like a real man.

Act according to the plan, and very soon he will not be able to live without you. If I missed something, tell me in the comments what you caught the Armenian man yourself.

Good luck,
Ksenia Litvinova, FazaRosta psychologist.

"Our parents in Baku and Yerevan will never give their blessing."

The editorial mail of the website Armenia.Az received another letter from a reader who introduced himself as Anarom.

Oxu.Az presents the material of the above site regarding the received letter:

We thought for a long time whether to publish this letter or not - too frank, intimate, but at the same time, it seemed full of pain and despair even to us, worldly-wise journalists. However, in the end, we still made a difficult, but, in our opinion, the right decision. Although, we are more than sure that the story told by Anar will not appeal to many - both in Azerbaijan and in Armenia:

“Hello, dear journalists. I learned about the existence of a site in Armenian in Azerbaijan quite recently. I learned from my beloved girl - Rita. You will probably be extremely surprised to learn that she is Armenian by nationality. Yes, yes, you heard right, my beloved Rita is an Armenian. And I am a purebred Azerbaijani. My ancestors come from the Krasnoselsky region of Armenia. True, they moved to Baku back in the early 80s, when posters about the friendship of peoples hung on every street in the USSR.

Tell us about yourself. I am 21 years old, I am a 4th year student of one of the Moscow technical universities. I don't see much point in naming it. Not because I'm afraid of something, but simply because I don't see the point. I have always considered myself a patriot of my country and could not imagine life outside of Azerbaijan. However, it so happened that I could not enter the Technical University in Baku, and when I was offered to submit documents to a Moscow university, after a long family council, I agreed. To my surprise, I passed the exams at this university without much difficulty and was enrolled in the first year. By the way, I was the only Azerbaijani in our stream. True, three Azerbaijanis studied there in the 4th year, but we almost never met, as we studied in different buildings, I lived in a student hostel, and they lived with their relatives in Moscow. But it's not that. And the fact that already in the first week I had a conflict with my fellow Armenian students.

When they found out that I was from Azerbaijan, they began to deliberately provoke me into a conflict. I tried my best, but one day I could not stand it, and with a classic uppercut I sent one of the offenders into a deep knockout - my boxing lessons in my native Baku came in handy.

It would seem that this conflict could be settled. But after classes in the courtyard of the university, a dozen Armenians were already waiting for me - my classmates decided to call their relatives from the senior courses. What to do in such a situation? Run? But it would be a shame for me personally. To take the fight, knowing in advance that with so many people I can not cope? The answer was prompted by the Armenians themselves, who, taking me in a circle, began to strike with their hands and feet. I resisted, defended myself, knocked out more than one tooth of my offenders, but the forces were unequal. They threw me on the floor and started beating me. I don’t remember how long the beating lasted, because I lost consciousness for a while. I woke up from the fact that someone was wiping my face with a damp cloth. Opening my eyes, I saw Rita, my classmate, bending over me. I knew that she was Armenian, and we hardly spoke during our studies. After all, even before my trip to Moscow, I promised myself not to communicate with the Armenians - with the enemies of my state and my people.

It turned out that she saw a crowd of her relatives beating me, and tried to intercede. Can you imagine - an Armenian woman wanted to stand up for an Azerbaijani. But the bastards who beat me did not even listen to her. Rita waited for the villains to leave, and began to bring me to my senses.

You can probably guess that Rita and I became friends. It turned out that she was from Yerevan, and that her uncle fought in Karabakh against my country. He never returned from that war. Therefore, Rita hates war and dreams of peace reigning between Azerbaijanis and Armenians. But in her heart she understands that this is impossible as long as the lands of Azerbaijan are under occupation. She turned out to be such a pure and innocent soul that she did not even try to argue with me when, in the heat of the moment, I began to scold the Armenian people for what they had done to my people in Khojaly. At the same time, she expressed categorical disagreement with the fascist thesis of the ex-president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan that Armenians and Azerbaijanis will not be able to live together, since they are ethnically incompatible.

But one incident changed everything. When I once again began to scold the Armenians and say that if a war starts, then with a weapon in my hands I will go to defend my native land, Rita suddenly covered her face with her hands and began to cry. "I understand exactly what u mean. You love your country and are ready to go to war with my people. But I already lost my uncle in that war, and now I don’t want to lose you, ”Rita said sobbing. And only then it dawned on me - the girl is in love with me. And I didn't notice it. But the worst thing for me was that I fell in love with Rita. This confession to myself had an effect on me like an icy shower - how can I love an Armenian? After all, we are enemies. Nothing like this can happen between us. That evening I didn't say anything to Rita.

After that, I began to avoid Rita. She tried to talk to me, but I answered her rudely and with all my appearance made it clear that I was not interested in her either as a girl, or as a friend, or as a classmate. I saw how our Armenian classmates looked at her, how they incinerated her with their eyes when she came up to me and tried to speak. I know they even scolded her for being "too warm" towards me. But she was not afraid of anyone or anything, and she ignored all their instructions.

So a month passed. We already had to prepare for the summer session, when suddenly Rita stopped coming to class. But it was a very important time - the session was on the nose. For a couple of days I was still strong, but then I could not stand it and went up to an Armenian classmate to find out what was happening with Rita. He reluctantly grunted that Rita was sick. “She had an attack, and her aunt won't let her go to class yet,” he said through gritted teeth. I knew that Rita had asthma since childhood, but she hadn't had any attacks lately. And then it was like I was changed. For the first time I broke from classes and, having caught a taxi, rushed to her. On the way, I bought her a sumptuous bouquet of red roses. Literally taking off to the third floor, I pressed the bell. Pressed and did not let go. The door was opened by a disgruntled Aunt Rita. She knew me by sight and guessed that her niece was in love with me. Stepping aside, she let me through, pointing to the room where Rita was. When I saw her, pale, lying on the bed, I knew that I would never leave her again.

Since that time we have been together. She moved out from her aunt. With scandal. Although her relative was not against our relationship, nevertheless, she wanted us to observe customs and decorum. But will the young listen to the instructions of the elders?! We rented a room - there was not enough money for an apartment. That summer, I never went to Baku. I lied to my parents that I found a seasonal job in my specialty (although it was so), so I won’t be able to come. Rita told her parents in Yerevan the same thing. Fortunately, her aunt, reluctantly, did not betray her niece. Since then, I have only been to Baku once - for Novruz Bayram last year. And Rita visited Yerevan for the wedding of her elder sister.

We do not have tea in each other. But somewhere, in the depths, we are afraid. We are afraid that a war will start between our countries. And Rita knows that I will go to fight for my Motherland. We understand that neither she will be able to visit Azerbaijan, in my father's house, nor I will be able to visit Yerevan. We are afraid to tell our parents about our relationship. After all, we are well aware that they will be categorically against such an alliance. They will never give their blessing. Maybe when we have children, the strict hearts of our parents will melt and they will forgive us. But for now, we're not counting on it. But the most important thing for us is that we love and respect each other. Yes, it is not easy for us, yes, it is difficult, yes, sometimes it hurts. But after all, love, in principle, cannot have borders and nations, so we believe in the best.”