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» Congratulations on the rear day of the Sun of the Russian Federation. Funny congratulations on the rear day Comic congratulations on the rear day

Congratulations on the rear day of the Sun of the Russian Federation. Funny congratulations on the rear day Comic congratulations on the rear day

February 18 in the military calendar is the Day of the food and clothing service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Providing food and the necessary clothing sets for military personnel, it would seem, is a completely utilitarian task that does not require the dedication of individual materials, and even more so calendar dates. However, in fact, we are talking about activities, the level of quality of which largely determines the quality of the attitude of the army itself and each of the servicemen individually.

The date of February 18 was not chosen by chance. On this day, back in 1700, Peter I issued a decree establishing the position of Provision General. This position is occupied by a roundabout named Yazykov. From Peter's decree:

"... to manage all the grain reserves for the dacha of military people, as well as their collection and dacha, in Moscow and in other cities ...".

The so-called Provisional Order appears, whose area of ​​responsibility included providing the army with food.

As the well-known proverb says: "A hungry soldier is a bad soldier." However, he opposes this saying - "a full belly is deaf to learning" (learning in the military sense of the word). That is why the very fact of choosing a balanced diet for the military personnel of the Russian army is far from apparent utilitarianism. In fact, the calculation of the calorie content of meals and the overall assessment of the daily intake of calories by a soldier is a separate calculation, if not science, which is an indispensable function of the official responsible for providing military personnel.

From the paragraph "Food and clothing provision of military personnel":

The food supply for servicemen is carried out in accordance with the norms and within the time limits established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law), in one of the following forms:
- catering at the place of military service - for military personnel undergoing military service by conscription, and certain categories of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
- distribution of food rations;
- payment of monetary compensation in exchange for the prescribed food ration (food) in the amount of its cost - at the request of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, and for military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, only for the time spent in the places of use of leave;
- payment of food and travel money to conscripted military personnel for the time they are en route, as well as for the time they are at business trips, if there is no organized meals for military personnel at these points.

By modern standards of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the average daily ration of a Russian army soldier serving on conscription is 4,300 kilocalories. This is higher than in a number of armies of NATO countries. So, in the American army, the average daily norm for a soldier is 100 kcal less, in France it is about 3950 kcal.

Of course, measuring a soldier’s diet exclusively in calories is very similar to the essence of a bearded joke about international exercises, when an American officer boasted to his Russian colleagues that his soldiers received 4200 kcal per day, and the Russian answered him: “no need” la -la "- your soldier will definitely not master a bucket of barley a day."

And therefore, when the food service talks about bringing the average daily ration of a Russian soldier to a level exceeding that of NATO, it would be better to add that the ration in the RF Armed Forces is not limited to “bolts” alone, and where are those “bolts” anyway ... Today, in the vast majority of military units of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, servicemen are offered a choice of dishes (a variant of the buffet), which even 15-20 years ago could have seemed fantastic.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Defense, at present more than 850 canteens have been transferred to catering with elements of the aforementioned "smorgasbord". About 1,500 so-called salad bars are equipped in army canteens.

All military formations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation annually consume more than 700 thousand tons of various types of food, using for this an astronomical number of items of utensils and household property - more than 44 million.

The attitude towards nutrition of conscripted servicemen has changed significantly. In the presence of a sane and responsible commander, there are no a priori problems with food in one or another military unit. Of course, there are enough of their excesses. One of these is the system for identifying a serviceman at a distribution by fingerprints, which the Ministry of Defense was going to introduce almost everywhere, but then, for a number of reasons, such a large-scale spending of funds, which was not expressed by a clear need, was abandoned.

An equally important role is played by the clothing support of military personnel. On February 18, 1700, a Special Order appeared, which was in charge of providing the army with uniforms and equipment. It was the creation of the Special Order under Peter I that made it possible to dress the Russian army in a truly uniform manner with the regulation of the timing of wearing certain uniforms. A special role in this matter was played by the Minister of War, Field Marshal D.A. Milyutin.

Returning to the current era, one can recall how much more recently there were talks about how the unforgettable Anatoly Serdyukov introduced into armed forces military uniform from a famous Russian couturier. These conversations have gone to . Today, the Russian army has a high-quality and recognizable uniform with a decent appearance, the creation of which finally took into account the wishes of the servicemen themselves.

In December 2015, the transition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the wearing by all categories of servicemen of an all-weather functional set of field uniforms was completed. This kit allows you to perform combat and special missions in various climatic and temperature conditions.

"Military Review" congratulates all military personnel and veterans of the food and clothing service on their professional holidays.

To the rear and glory, and praise,
After all, the army diligently helps.
And let your work be hard
But you are irreplaceable!

We wish you a long and prosperous life,
To pay bonuses regularly.
Work, value the team,
To be grateful for your service!

Swim in the sea, relax in the summer.
So that everything is as it should be in personal life.
So that you don’t know the war in your life,
Peace on earth is a worthy reward!


On the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia, I wish you health and good luck. May the supply of moral and physical strength be replenished every day, may the character remain strong and strong-willed, may good luck and courage accompany everything, may the rear of the Russian armed forces be famous for courage and courage!


The army is strong in the rear,
Everyone knows it
And today the rear service
We all congratulate.

Shoe the army, dress,
Feed the soldier
Complete combat set
Need to provide.

We wish to serve
You didn't know the problems
So that on time and everyone
The army was supplied.


This holiday is not easy, everyone knows that
The combat-rear order does not violate.
From head to toe will dress you according to your certificate,
Shchi and porridge will deliver to you, to the evil of the adversary.
The rear of the troops will not let you down - the army will go forward;
He will overcome the crossing, and he will build bridges!


On the day of the rear of the armed forces of Russia,
I wish you peace and good
For support to surround
The trouble is to pass by.

To have prosperity and patience,
The house was welcoming
To have happiness, mood,
Leave your problems for later.

I also want unity
So that the soul is in harmony,
Fortune will not be superfluous here,
Never know pain!

Russian Armed Forces Logistics Day


While there is order and supply in the rear,
Calm army and the whole country,
And the spirit of fighting is not lost,
And no trouble is not terrible.

So we wish all the rear
Stability, tranquility and peace,
Probably to be sure
What can stand up for the honor of the uniform!


Congratulations to all the rearmen,
We wish you successful service
Works efficient to you - always.
Worthy service of respect,
After all, our supply army -
Requires a lot of work.
On the day of the rear of the glorious troops of Russia
Send knowledge and strength,
To strengthen the defense.
When the rear in the troops is reliable -
You can serve and live in peace,
Such an army cannot be defeated!


A reliable rear is a guarantee of victory.
A reliable rear, today, should be for everyone.
In past years, our grandfathers experienced
How much is a pound dashing, and when success awaited us ...

After all, the rear service of the Ministry of Defense,
Always and on time must deliver to the regiment -
And cabbage soup, and porridge, and newspapers and cartridges,
And only then will this service be useful.

Today the holiday is celebrated by our service,
So we wish her hot success ...
Let revenue and friendship help in the service,
In military affairs - there are no trifles!


Our rear is always a support for the troops,
Ammunition and provisions -
Will deliver to the front line soon
Showing great talent.

Congratulations to those who provide
The strength of our forces
Who clothes, feeds, heals -
Our combat reliable rear!


Everyone who works behind the lines
For the benefit of the military forces,
We want to congratulate you on this day
Let us tell them frankly:

Your work is not easy
But so important to life
We wish you good luck
Serve the Motherland!

When is the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia 2019 - August 1


And in war as in war,
In the rear, everything is on fire there too.
The work is in full swing, the work is hard,
And his name is feat.

Who works in the rear of the troops,
Worthy of such honor
After all, our army without a rear,
Weak as a wingless butterfly.

Who will feed the soldier well?
The buffet is not visible in the trench,
But behind the rear,
What will dry rations prepare.

And if a strong rear is at the front,
Enemies - leave us, please, -
We are from the border with the breeze
We'll give you a ride under the guns of thunder.


Hello Armed Day
Glorious our forces!
I congratulate you today
Our army rear.

Reliable rear means
Defeat all enemies
May it grow and grow
With each new day!


I congratulate you on the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia and wish you always to cover and keep your rear safe, to have an advantage in the rear of your enemy. Health, strong strength, courageous deeds, bold decisions, brilliant ideas and far immodest victories!


The generals know for sure:
No matter how small the forces
No occupation is more important
How to protect the rear.

There are tasks in the rear -
Clearly supply the army,
After all, working together
Helps fight.

Home front even a special day
Our calendar gave
I congratulate the rear today
As the basis of our forces!


Home front workers, you have beautiful days
And the joys of light, and happy destinies!
Your work is so hard, but you can cope
You are with this task, the support of Russia!

After all, our Army cannot break through without you,
Without glorious help, where should she go? !
This day, let everyone congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
The glasses are raised high for you!

Poems for the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia


Work is in full swing in the rear,
Without a rear, the army is nowhere,
Even Monday, even Saturday,
Provision is always needed.

Clothing shoes, vending machines,
Thank you for this work
And may all the soldiers be on your holiday,
Honor to you, glory will be given.


You saw the world through the scope
You are a real officer.
And let you serve in the rear now,
Your work is greatly appreciated by your colleagues.


You are in peacetime and in war,
Give all your strength doubly,
Protecting the country and protecting the people,
And the villain will not penetrate into Russia.

I wish you peace, goodness and health,
Hearts warmed by pure love,
Good luck and light, warmth for years,
And may your family always be waiting for you!


I will tell you a secret
Secret you name:
combat capability of the army,
Of course, in the rear!

After all, to tell the truth,
Reliable, durable rear
Always help in battle
Who would not beat whom.

Let it grow and grow
He's up and down
Then go to war
The enemy will definitely not risk it!


We hasten to congratulate the rear workers,
For the army, all of you are support, support,
We value you and your work.
Dress up soldiers? No talking!

You will feed our army together,
We are always ready to supply them with fuel!
Deliver everything the soldiers need
Thank you for everything we want to say to you!


And there are heroes in the rear,
After all, without a rear, nowhere,
Loyalty, courage and honor,
They are always accompanied.

Provide rear troops
And clothes and food
Probably without it
There is no hope.

So you, rear guards,
Congratulations, don't melt
What merit is great
Yours, work not in vain!


On the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia, I sincerely wish moral stamina and brave strength, wonderful ideas and invincible courage, courage of the heart and courage of the soul, faithful comrades and excellent service, brilliant success and reliable protection.


Strong rear of our Russia.
That is the happiness for the country.
Accept alluring congratulations,
He is full of my love.

Be always so sweet.
But with me, not with the enemy.
Forever you are my favorite.
You are a support, dear.

My real husband
I love you very much.
And now so beautiful
I will give a gift.


Reliable rear - success in battle,
After all, there is support behind.
And all past accomplishments
Double with the head.

Let's celebrate the beginning of August
Let's collect the glasses together
Let's notice the past exploits
Congratulations, let's sing a song.


Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia,
Gathered friends, colleagues, soldiers at the table,
You are so strong and beautiful and beautiful
A big bow to all employees in the rear!

We are so proud of you, respect,
And we wish you much happiness in life.
Let problems, troubles not touch you,
And let some awards and victories await you!


They reliably protect the rear,
Behind them is like a wall.
These people amaze me
May they always keep our peace.

May their strength be immeasurable,
Let health not let you down.
Happy Russian Armed Forces Day,
My heart will sing.


The war is not only on the front line, first of all, the war is in the rear. Where supplies and new people are sent from, who can take weapons from the weakened hands of comrades. Happy Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of Russia, may it always remain powerful and unshakable in order to serve as a support for its soldiers.


Behind the rear of the armed forces
Let's raise a toast today!
With the rear, the army is mighty,
Enemies run with their tail between their legs!

We will hear stories
And watch patriotic films
The future generation will not beg
And open your mouth, listen and watch!


We want to say "thank you" now
To all those who work in the rear.
Without you, beautiful guys,
Do not win the war for the troops.

Bow to all of you low today.
I wish you strength and happiness.
Your support to all soldiers -
A blissful balm for the soul.


Today is a holiday - the day of rear of the armed forces!
And we give a sweet gift for everyone to try!
We wish you all the best, good mood,
And pleasant with relatives, cheerful communication!

Let everything in life be "ok",
Friends come to you more often
Take with you to hockey
And you are lucky!


you in the rear
Life is not bad
There is no miracle
To greet
With your day


So that in the quest for victory
The ardor of the military did not fade away,
Everything you need will be provided
Their, of course, a modest rear.

All deliveries are the business of the rear:
To always have a weapon
Both clothes and food
Soldiers have always had

Congratulations today
Valiant rear guards,
We wish them good health
We send a lot of congratulations!


I hasten to send congratulations
For those who can recognize everyone
Who always sits in ambush,
Who will save us all without looking.

I wish you wealth
And love. To be happy.
So that there are always friends around
And a loving family.

This is the most important thing in life.
The hugs are getting stronger.
I have to be silent
And the desire to guess.


Behind the rear of the armed forces
Let's make a toast today!
Everyone congratulates from the heart
And by the way, he brought a gift!

Thank you for your courage
We are sure of your reliability
Live well and brightly
The rear of Russia is entrusted to you!


The army has infantry
Tanks, fleet and planes,
And dear to any heart -
There is also a toothy rear.
He roughly serves the country,
With any misfortune, it will suffice,
And so, friends,
Without rears, it's impossible!
Happy holiday!


For a peaceful sky over their own Fatherland,
Stand up for your mother.
You protect your wife, though not close,
And you give everything for your father.

This is what is worth the encouragement,
A worthy list of unearthly awards,
On your holiday among thousands of congratulations
And I'm overjoyed to congratulate you.

Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia is celebrated on August 1, this holiday was approved in 1998 by order of the Ministry of Defense. The year 1700 is taken as the starting point for the history of Russian logistics, when Peter I signed a decree on the creation of the post of Provision General. A high-ranking rank was supposed to be in charge of the "bread stocks of military people", and the Proviant order, which was responsible for supplying food to the army, became the prototype of the modern rear service. Today, the rear is an integral part of the defense potential of the state, it is a well-coordinated and effective mechanism that provides the army with everything necessary. The rear of the Russian Armed Forces includes headquarters, 9 main and central directorates, several services and other structures, associations and military units. Date, we celebrate the day of the rear of the armed forces of Russia - August 1.

What is an army without a rear,
Let's be honest, just nothing.
The service goes quickly and beautifully,
When she has a reliable rear.

And I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let you always respect everyone
But only good friends meet on the way.

If the army is strong and strong,
The warriors are dressed according to the charter and the trough is good.
Looking at all this, you can only say one thing,
The conditions here create a powerful link for the rear.
I congratulate you on the holiday of the rear,
I wish you prosperity in life.
Good health, love, kindness,
Good luck and family warmth.

Rear for all in the answer:
Camouflage, footcloths, boots.
At first, all the soldiers are like children,
Give, teach and show.
On the day of the rear, I congratulate you,
I want to wish you a clear sky, good health.
Go through life proudly, without losing a sense of duty,
And never be discouraged.

The rear is reliable, so the army is strong,
For the country, after all, a peaceful environment is important.
Provide the army with clothes and rations,
The rear, like a pioneer, is always ready.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday
Wish you good and happiness.
To always be a drummer at work,
And in your personal life, do not lose heart for anything.

Service days pass without interference,
So our rear is not for fun.
The army is supplied for great victories,
The rear is trying to create comfort for everyone.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday of the rear,
Wish you success, happiness and warmth.
Let your possibilities coincide with desires,
And let love bring happy dates.

Who supplies the army from trousers to camouflage,
And aging, so that the service was more beautiful?
We will say words of gratitude to the rear,
To our glorious supply leaders.
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
May today be clear.
The fact that the rear is reliable - I know,
May you always be a guarded angel.

The Russian army is reliable and strong,
The Russian army is powerful, great.
There is merit in this, and not a small one,
Our well-deserved rear.
I congratulate you on the holiday
May true friends surround you.
May you have a lot of health and prosperity,
May your family live with you in peace and love.

The rear guard keeps the life of the army,
Nobody is forgotten here, trust me.
He supplies the army with trousers, boots,
To adjust the size, consult with them.
On the day of the rear, I congratulate you,
I wish you Siberian health.
May good luck and happiness be with you,
Without looking back, let bad weather flee from you.

Army life we ​​know, we are friends,
Should be comfortable and modest.
This is what the rears always do,
We are given plenty of rations.
Happy holiday to you
And I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
Let luck be written in life forever,
And sadness and bad weather will go away.

An army without a rear is very difficult,
Let's be honest, it's not easy.
We know, the rear, you can be proud,
And it’s not for nothing that everyone calls him a reserve.
I congratulate you on the holiday
I wish you career growth.
May the reward always await you
And let luck never leave.

Our army, like air, needs a rear,
Thanks be to God, peace and tranquility surrounds us now.
And today everyone is in a hurry to congratulate the rear friends,
And it's time for the awards to be handed out to you.
I want to congratulate you on the holiday of the rear,
Wish you health and wellness.
Let the plan always come true
And luck will not keep you waiting long.

You are the support of the Russian army,
You are defenders and warriors of the home front.
It's not easy for us without you, believe me,
And we appreciate your abilities highly.
Logisticians are celebrating a holiday today,
And I hasten to congratulate you.
I wish you a long and happy life
And I want to wish you beautiful love.

Congratulations on the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces


Congratulations on the Home Front Day! The struggle that brings victory is in full swing not only on the front lines, but also in the rear, which has the difficult task of supplying the entire army with provisions, weapons, uniforms and much more. Today I wish you, rear soldiers, hard work and personal peaceful happiness!

A huge task has been entrusted to the rear - to supply the armed forces with everything necessary in the required quantities and of the best quality! Therefore, in the rear, every specialist and ordinary worker is in a special account! Congratulations on the Home Front Day! I wish you labor and peaceful victories!

You can't do without the rear of the army. They will feed, deliver weapons and uniforms, as well as medicine and a thousand more things needed for a speedy victory! On the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces, I wish you to always maintain the strength of the rear and its reliability, and also honestly work at full strength and live in peace and prosperity!

The success of a military company depends to a large extent on the strength of the rear. Day and night, work is in full swing to supply the frontline fighters with the most necessary things, and if the rear is reliable, victory will not be long in coming! Congratulations on the Armed Forces Logistics Day!

At first glance, it seems that everything is peaceful and calm in the rear ... However, serious labor passions are boiling here, and every day as much as possible is produced that can only help the army resist, not give up, and even better - move forward! Today, on the Day of the Logistics, I congratulate all the workers of the rear of the armed forces and wish them a long, peaceful and happy life!

A wide variety of work is going on in the rear without delay and interruptions - from the production of hearty canned food for lunch for fighters, to the development of new types of weapons! On the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces, I congratulate all its employees and wish them brilliant labor success! May the native flag and victorious spirit always proudly fly over the rear!

Congratulations on the Armed Forces Logistics Day! The front cannot be without a rear, because all supplies tend to run out so quickly! Your work is invaluable for every soldier, and today it is your turn to receive warm congratulations from the whole country and best wishes!

The rear guard never sits idle, he fights with honest work, and even if a shot does not burst over his head, the struggle for the best production of everything that can only bring the triumph of the troops of his native country is in full swing in his soul! Please accept my congratulations on the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces and best wishes!

The rear of the Russian armed forces will ensure any victory, the whole army will not know the need! And all thanks to them - thousands of specialists and ordinary workers, real patriots, ready to give their all to the Motherland! Congratulations on the Day of the rear! Live in peace and tranquility! Always be ready for hard work!

If there is no rear, where can we get provisions and new boots for soldiers, cable for signalmen and cartridges for rifles? The rear is the second front on which there is a struggle for fast and high-quality production! Happy Holidays, backers! Your job is to secure the fastest victory! I wish you success, long years and strong happiness!


Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for all military personnel and civilian personnel related to units and subunits of the rear of the Russian Armed Forces. Celebrated annually on August 1st. It is not a non-working day. "Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" was approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of Russia No. 225 dated May 7, 1998. The choice of the day of celebration of this date is not accidental. Despite the fact that the history of the rear units begins on February 18, 1700, when the Emperor of the Russian Empire Peter the Great signed the Decree “On the management of all the grain reserves of military people to Okolnichi Yazykov, with the name of him General Provisions for this part”, the actual self-determination of the rear troops Russian armed forces took place on August 1, 1941. It was then that Joseph Stalin put his signature under the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Semyon Timoshenko No. 0257 "On the organization of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army ...". This document united the headquarters of the chief of logistics, the road department and the inspection of the chief of logistics of the Red Army, the VOSO department, the Main quartermaster department, the fuel supply department, the Sanitary and Veterinary departments under a single command, for which the position of chief of logistics of the Red Army was introduced. The first head of logistics in the Red Army was appointed Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Lieutenant-General of the quartermaster service Andrey Vasilyevich Khrulev. According to the plan of the “leader of the peoples”, the management of the entire set of supply, medical and transport structures under a single command was to most effectively establish the complex process of logistic support for the Red Army. Also, a new post of chief of logistics was introduced on all fronts and armies.

A reliable rear is a guarantee of victory.
A reliable rear, today, should be for everyone.
In the past, our grandfathers experienced
How much a pound is dashing, and when success awaited us ...

After all, the rear service of the Ministry of Defense,
Always and on time must deliver to the regiment -
And cabbage soup, and porridge, and newspapers and cartridges,
And only then will this service be useful.

Today the holiday is celebrated by our service,
So we wish her hot success ...
Let revenue and friendship help in the service,
In military affairs - there are no trifles!

The rear of the army is strong,
Everyone knows it
And today the rear service
We all congratulate.

Shoe the army, dress,
Feed the soldier
Complete combat set
Need to provide.

We want to serve
You didn't know the problems
So that on time and everyone
The army was supplied.

You are in peacetime and in war,
Give all your strength doubly,
Protecting the country and protecting the people,
And the villain will not penetrate into Russia.

I wish you peace, goodness and health,
Hearts warmed by pure love,
Good luck and light, warmth for years,
And may your family always be waiting for you!

I congratulate you on the rear day,
Rear of the armed forces!
And I wish it was
What joy he brought!

The one who serves in these parts,
Let him not know the problems!
Let everything come true in the world
To the envy of all!

Today is the day of the rear of the armed forces
We are happy to cancel together with you.
You are insanely immersed in work,
You are useful for the army of the country!

Let everything go well in life and in the service,
Let there be more free minutes.
With colleagues, let only friendship grow stronger,
Honor and respect let them wait.

The Day of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia is a holiday of those soldiers
Who will eclipse all people with care for their neighbors!
May, seeing your hard, endless work,
New successes will enter your house with good luck.

May they bring more goodness with them,
So that it sprouts in the garden and in the heart,
Filled the air with hope, showed the way,
In which you cannot turn away from happiness!

We will say to the rear: more strength!
Today is a very important holiday.
Let the rain sometimes drizzle -
Passed all only the brave.

We want to congratulate you on this day
Let there be no more attacks!
And let all wars become a dream.
After all, the world is beautiful and so bright!

To fight was always easy,
You need to have ammo nearby.
And you need to have as many of them as possible,
To fight for as long as possible.

You will provide the strength of the troops, we know
Workers of the rear, we congratulate you.
We wish you to have high shoulder straps,
And in life do not meet obstacles.

Good luck will ensure your progress,
And a lot of plans, a calm decision.
Let life surprise you, give you surprises,
And we want to hear your only mottos.

The grip is strong and businesslike,
Where is harder, and where is softer:
Your service, albeit a rear one,
But sometimes all other things are needed -
Are you capable of any questions
Decide with your personal charisma!
Her prose is close to you in life -
You are comfortably trained to live;
I want to have enough today
To you my usual praise:
I congratulate you today on the Day of Home Front!
And let your rears grow stronger!

Congratulations on the rear day
Peaceful, joyful days
I asked fate
To have a world without loss.

So that the home front worker
Haven't heard of the war.
And in the peaceful profession
You have found yourself.

Be healthy and successful
Never get sick
And then all the problems
You decide easily.

Today is the holiday of the rear - invisible protection,
Reliable for the Motherland and devoted people!
After all, you are always on guard for providing troops,
Today, the rear is held in high esteem, and there is no more important you!
Accept congratulations on the holiday of all alignment!
Health and goodness to you and hundreds of different blessings,
Let wives get younger and children rejoice,
And let the enemy scatter from the festive fireworks!