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» When does a child start talking? Reasons for not wanting to speak. How to understand that a child is about to speak: the main signs When babies start talking

When does a child start talking? Reasons for not wanting to speak. How to understand that a child is about to speak: the main signs When babies start talking

Good afternoon When a child begins to talk, interested in almost all responsible parents. For some, a child speaks full-fledged words as early as a year, and some children do not know how to speak even at 2-2.5 years. Pediatricians, neurologists and speech therapists will not give you a clear answer on the terms when the child should speak, because this is an individual development of each human organism. There are average norms (or rather statistics), according to which it can be concluded that children begin to speak at the age of 2.5-3 years.

Stages of speech formation

  • Passive accumulation of words. The speech of the child is formed from birth. First, the baby listens to mom and dad and the so-called passive vocabulary is formed. It is very important at this stage to talk a lot with the child, read books for the appropriate age, play, sing. It seems that the baby is still very small and does not understand anything, but this is not true. Right now it is necessary to actively replenish the passive vocabulary of the child.
  • Active accumulation of words. At this stage, the child begins to reproduce words. At first it will be sounds, baby talk, then syllables and full-fledged first words will appear. At this stage of speech formation, it is necessary to continue to engage with the child: books, plasticine modeling, communication with peers, and so on.

At what age does a child speak their first words?

First you need to understand what the "first word" is. If we are talking about a child under the age of 7-8 months, then “agu”, “ma-ma-ma” will do for the first word. A child can consciously pronounce the word "mom" or "dad" after the age of 1 year (""). And it will not be just a babble of syllables, but a conscious appeal to a specific person.

Below I will give a table of approximate terms for the development of speech:

Child's age Speech skills
Up to 3 months Quiet humming, sounds like "ahh", "guu", "wa" begin to appear
4 – 5 months Laughter, squeal
6 months The first words "ma", "ba", "pa" appear
7 – 8 months The child understands the meanings of many words and fulfills simple requests “bring the ball”, “give me your hand”. The stock of consonants and vowels is expanding. The sounds of animals “bow-wow”, “muuu”, “ko-ko” appear. The kid recognizes objects by name and looks for them with his eyes.
9 – 11 months Simple words "mom", "woman", "uncle", "give" and so on.
1 - 1.5 years The vocabulary consists of approximately 20 words. A child can, at the request of an adult, show animals, plants, objects in the picture.
2 – 3 years The child understands simple questions, can independently pronounce a word with an interrogative intonation. Performs more complex requests "take a bear and put him on a chair." Knows and names all his body parts, surrounding objects. Vocabulary expands to 100 words. Understands the meanings of the words "up", "down", "big", "small" and so on.
34 years Simple answers to the questions “Who? What? Where?". Builds sentences of 4 or more words. Actively communicates with people around.

Before you run to the doctors and panic about a silent child, you need to find out: is the child unable to speak or is he just too lazy to pronounce the words, but understands everything? If your baby tries to speak in an incomprehensible language, incessant babble and sounds come out of his mouth, he understands everything and fulfills your requests - there is no reason to worry. The child is not stupid, he is developing, but his nervous system has not yet matured to reproduce full-fledged words, and even more so sentences.

If a child has obvious deviations in development, he is constantly silent, does not understand what you are talking about and is very different from his peers, then this is evident. And, most likely, such a child is registered with a neurologist.

Possible reasons for a child not wanting to talk:

  • Poorly developed fine motor skills. It has long been proven that fine motor skills affect the part of the brain that is responsible for the speech of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fine motor skills of fingers with the help of games, activities that any caring mother can organize. For example, modeling with plasticine, shifting beans from one container to another, attaching clothespins to cardboard. Plenty of options!
  • Family members speak several languages. In such a team, the child has a very difficult time. He gets confused in words and cannot build sentences for a long time.
  • Overprotective parents. If mom and dad understand the child from a half-word, just by one look, then why strain to explain and say something?
  • Lack of attention and communication. As a rule, children under 2 years old do not attend kindergartens and are constantly next to their mother or nanny. The child simply has no one to talk to. But the children's team especially stimulates the need to communicate, the child wants to repeat after others.
  • Stress. If there are conflicts, quarrels in the family, the child withdraws into himself, he is constantly in a stressful state.

How to quickly teach a child to talk?

  • Talk constantly. The child must hear speech around him. Let it be your monologue, or communication with your spouse, it is not so important. If children grow up in silence, then they start talking later.
  • Always keep your child interested. New impressions stimulate the development of speech. Tell your child about everything you see: about the sun and why it is not there at night, about rain, about flowers and insects. Freeze a bag of water in the freezer and explain why the water turned into ice.
  • Read books. Children are very fond of listening to how mom reads, looking at colorful illustrations. Try to read with expression, with intonation. Children love to listen to the same poems and fairy tales several times.
  • Make time for music, dance, sing songs.
  • Don't force your child to talk. Thus, you will simply kill all interest in speech. Encourage any attempt to repeat a new word.
  • You can not speak "baby" language. If the child says “ko-ko”, then you, in turn, say that this is a chicken. Speak the words clearly and slowly.

ZRR - delayed speech development

Unfortunately, now more and more often children are diagnosed with "ZRR". The following facts may indicate a similar developmental delay:

  • Child speaks very slurred
  • Hyperactivity and sometimes inappropriate behavior
  • Active refusal to communicate (protest)
  • The child does not know how to chew food well
  • Lack of eye contact with other people
  • Always open mouth

If any of the above bothers you very much, then contact a specialist and start working with your child. The sooner you start training, the sooner you will achieve the desired result.

Classes for the development of speech with a child must be carried out daily. The more effort you put in now, the faster you will get results! When a child begins to talk and his speech becomes more beautiful every day - this is a reward for parents!

All the best!

Surely, every young mother is concerned about the question “What time do children begin to pronounce their first words?”. Parents are looking forward to such a coveted "Mom" and "Dad", and begin to worry if the child is stubbornly silent or utters only incoherent sounds. Each individual child develops language differently. Some start talking earlier, some later. Do you want to know at what age the baby should definitely start talking? What can a long absence of coherent speech indicate? Then read this article to the end. Here you will find many useful tips and practical advice from experienced pediatricians and speech therapists.

The first year of life for a baby is very difficult. He is just beginning to get used to the new world and gradually becomes part of it. At this stage, the support and care of the closest people - parents - is very important for him. If the brain of a little man and his nervous system develop correctly, then very soon he will begin to speak correctly and coherently.
The speech apparatus of the baby is formed gradually. The child does not begin to speak immediately. There are two key stages in language development:

  1. Passive accumulation of words. The kid gradually remembers new sounds and words, learns to understand them, but he still cannot repeat them exactly.
  2. Active accumulation of words. The child learns sounds, repeats them, puts together new words and whole sentences.

Each phase of development corresponds to a different age of the baby. Passive accumulation of words begins much earlier. If your child tries to repeat the sounds he hears and understands you well, but does not yet speak, there is no need to panic and worry.

When to expect the first word or phrase from the child?

Want to get an answer to the question "At what age do children start talking?" and make sure that the baby is all right? Then be sure to carefully read the information about the correspondence of the age of the child to his speech skills.

  • 1-3 months - The child knows how to scream, cry loudly, gradually learns to repeat simple monosyllabic sounds - “a-a”, “a-gu”, “a-woo”, etc.
  • 4-5 months - The baby laughs, squeals, "sings" - makes lingering sounds with different intonations and emotions.
  • 6 months - Baby recognizes the familiar voice of mom and dad. He starts to babble, sounds a little like “ma”, “pa”.
  • 7-8 months - The child understands words and simple requests (give, take, etc.). He already knows how to imitate the barking of dogs or the sounds uttered by other animals, knows the name of this or that object, but does not yet name it.
  • 9-11 months - The baby learns to pronounce the first simple words - "mom", "dad", "na", "give". No more than 10 words in stock.
  • 1-1.5 years - The child knows how to compose phrases, knows what certain animals, people, fairy-tale characters look like, can easily show them in the picture.
  • 2-3 years - The kid understands and learns to ask questions, knows different concepts, fulfills complex requests, makes sentences, learns and tells fairy tales and rhymes.
  • 3-4 years - The kid is already actively communicating not only with his parents, but also with everyone around him, peers, composes complex phrases and sentences.

This information contains generally accepted indicators that are considered the norm. If your child should start talking but can't clearly pronounce the word, it's best to visit a speech therapist, neurologist, or psychologist. The doctor will examine your baby and evaluate his speech and mental development.

What indicates a delay in speech development?

You already know what time the child should learn to pronounce the first words and make sentences out of them. However, sometimes a baby's speech development may lag behind the norm. It is worth contacting a defectologist if:

  • At 3 years old, the child does not pronounce words well, strangers cannot understand him.
  • The kid sometimes behaves inappropriately, is often hyperactive.
  • He chews food badly.
  • You often notice that the baby's mouth is open and saliva is excessive.
  • The child categorically refuses to communicate with others.

The sooner the doctor determines the exact cause of such deviations, the sooner it will be possible to get rid of them, without any consequences. Proper treatment will allow your child to quickly catch up and learn to talk coherently. At school, he will no longer be different from his classmates.

At what age does a child speak their first words?

Even attentive and loving mother may miss the moment when the child begins to speak. The thing is that the first words of the crumbs only slightly resemble those familiar to us. For example, “grandmother” is “ba”, porridge is “ka”, fell is “bang”. Perhaps this seems insufficient for you, but speech therapists unanimously claim that for a child these are normal words that indicate the full development of speech.

By the 1st year of life, the baby must know 10-20 words, including simple syllables, imitations of animals. The first word from your child can be expected as early as 7-8 months. Most often it is "mom" or "dad". Such monosyllabic words consist of simple sounds and the baby remembers them very quickly.

To understand that the child is naming certain objects or actions, and not making random sounds, pay attention to his behavior. He will repeat the same "words" in the same circumstances. While the baby speaks indistinctly, you can teach him the correct pronunciation by constantly voicing the correct names of objects.

If the child says “Aw-Aw” to the dog, confirm that it is “Dog”, and then ask him “Where is the dog?”. If the baby points to an animal, then he understands your speech. To your question "Who is this?" the child will already want to answer not “Av-av”, but “dog”.

If your baby is actively developing, ahead of his peers, he can pronounce the first words as early as 4-5 months. Mom is a very easy word to pronounce, so at first your child can call all adults by it. However, after a few months, he will realize that each person has his own name.

When will the baby learn to make phrases?

After a year, the child already knows how to pronounce individual words. However, for many mothers, the question “What time does the child begin to speak out with phrases and sentences?” remains relevant. Experts say that at 2 years old, a baby should already be able to compose phrases and full-fledged phrases consisting of 2-3 words. By this time, the crumbs have already formed a fairly extensive vocabulary - 250-300 words. The child begins to speak verbs and prepositions, and this new skill allows him to form the correct phrases.

At 2.5-3 years, speech is almost completely formed. He can still poorly pronounce individual complex sounds (p, z, sh, etc.), but he already correctly composes long and complex sentences. When the baby goes to kindergarten and will begin to communicate regularly with peers, his vocabulary will increase, and his speech will improve. At the age of 4-5 years, the child will begin to ask you a huge number of questions, and you should try to answer them as completely and fully as possible. So the child will quickly form a large vocabulary and in the future will not experience inconvenience during communication.

What to do if the baby does not speak well?

Every mother should know what time the child begins to pronounce the first words. If your child is already more than 2.5 years old, and he has not yet learned how to make simple phrases and short sentences from individual words, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The specialist will be able to assess the level of speech development in the child, and, if necessary, prescribe effective developmental exercises. If you do not pay attention to the problem in time, in the future it will be very difficult for the baby to communicate with peers, the baby will feel insecure, complexes will begin to develop in him.

Do you want to help your child? Then follow these recommendations:

The beginning of the formation of speech in a child is a very important stage in the life of a small person. Parents should be responsible for the first words and phrases of the baby. If you have any concerns or concerns, it is better to consult with a defectologist or a speech therapist.

What to do if a child does not speak at 2 years old? How to react to parents? Are there teaching methods aimed at developing speech? When does the child say the first word? Which specialists to contact? Read about it in our article.

What time do children start talking?

Usually, by the age of one, babies confidently pronounce the simplest words: “give”, “mom”, “woman”, “dad”. This is the time when the child says his first word, even if unconsciously. By the age of two and a half, the child, in theory, should not only replenish his vocabulary, but also learn how to put simple sentences out of words: “Give me a bear!”, “Let's go for a walk!”, “Buy a ball!”, “Give me a pen!” etc. But what if a child at 2 years old does not speak at all or utters indistinct sounds understandable only to his mother? Why does the baby have "porridge in his mouth" when his peers are already "chirping" with might and main? Is it worth talking about some kind of backwardness in this case, or is such stubborn silence just an individual feature? And most importantly - how to teach a child who has reached the age of two or three to speak?

Reasons for silence

There are many reasons why a child does not speak at 2 years old.

    Hearing damage. When the baby does not hear very well, then, accordingly, he will perceive the speech of others poorly. In more severe cases (up to deafness), the baby may not speak at all or severely distort sounds and words in general.

    Heredity. If, for example, you yourself uttered the first intelligible words late, then there is nothing strange in the fact that a child at 2 years old does not speak. Although, if the baby has not mastered simple sentences by the age of three, it is worth worrying and examining the child.

    Relaxation of the body. Prematurity or a serious illness, for example, can cause a delay in the maturation (development) of the nervous system and, therefore, speech itself.


    Injuries (including birth injuries).

    Severe intoxication.

  1. Postponed operation.

    Wrong upbringing (for example, excessive guardianship, when the desires of the child are literally foreseen).

    Developmental disorders in general.

There are rumors between parents that girls supposedly start walking and talking earlier than boys. In fact, this theory has no substantiated evidence. It happens that a child does not want to speak for two or even three years, and then he suddenly “breaks through” into whole, correctly composed sentences. If the baby perfectly understands what his parents and others are saying to him and at the same time even follows some simple instructions (“come”, “take”, “put”, “sit down”, etc.), then it is likely that about nothing.

Active speech may come on suddenly

If the baby repeats after you the words that you tell him, this does not mean at all that he really learns them. Do not torture, do not force him to say what you want to hear. In some children, imitation may be delayed. Try to invite the baby to talk. For example, ask your child questions more often, do not rush to fulfill wishes (let him voice them). Children have their own rhythms of development. Of course, there are so-called "norms", but one should not forget about individuality. Someone shows teeth later, someone skips the crawling period and immediately starts running. Therefore, if the child does not speak much, do not panic. Just give the little one time. Do not hurry. Do not do for him what he could do on his own (put on slippers, or drink milk, or eat). Does not work? Help. But only in such a way that it is unobtrusive. Encourage your little one to be independent.

And many psychologists also advise turning on the TV less often, since your speech practically merges with the sounds from the TV, respectively, your child perceives your voice as general noise. Therefore, in most cases, it depends on the parents at what time the children begin to speak.

What experts can help?

If a child does not speak at two years of age, find out the reason for the silence. What specialists will be required? First of all, a pediatrician. He will not only conduct a general examination, but also give directions to narrow children's specialists: ENT specialist, speech therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist.

The speech therapist, after testing, will determine the correspondence between the levels of speech and mental development. To confirm or refute, he may send the baby for examination to a neuropsychiatrist.

The task of the lore is to check if there is a relationship between speech delay and problems with the articulatory apparatus (for example, a shortened hyoid frenulum) and hearing. The doctor will examine the oral cavity, make an audiogram.

The sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to deal with it. But what if the baby is healthy and intellectually developed? Some experts say that parents should wait up to three years, since this is the age at which there is a sharp jump in all development, and after a long silence the child can speak not just in separate phrases, but in whole sentences. By the way, such children not only do not lag behind their peers in studies, but sometimes even surpass them. Of course, if a child does not speak at 2 years old, one cannot simply wait for this wonderful leap. It is necessary to help him develop according to simple and rather exciting methods.

When should you start teaching your baby to talk?

Definitely do not answer this question. Actually, the learning process, in fact, begins in the womb. It has been proven that the child perceives sounds and reacts to them while still in his mother's tummy. He calms down, “listening” when a woman sings a song or, on the contrary, “fights” when she swears. Psychology is a subtle science, and what is laid down before birth will definitely manifest itself after. Active activities with the baby should begin when the baby:

    tries to explain something with sounds (or gestures);

    not only hears everything, but also understands speech;

    alone with himself, he speaks rubbish, but he pronounces almost all sounds quite clearly.

Relationship between speech development and fine motor skills

Up to six months, the child enthusiastically repeats the facial expressions of the mother who is talking to him. However, this imitation has been weakening since seven months. The kid is actively exploring such a rich outside world, and his attention to his parents is no longer so focused.

It is noticed that speech development runs in parallel with the development of motor skills. Of particular importance lies in the opposition of the thumb to all others. Let the baby roll the ball, teach him to work with plasticine, buy him multi-colored wooden beads (bigger). By the age of one and a half, begin to master more complex manipulations:

    fastening locks and buttons;

    tying knots;

    lacing (not yet about the ability to tie shoelaces on shoes, teach your baby to put shoelaces into small holes), etc.

The movements of the left hand are responsible for the development of the right hemisphere and vice versa. Those are very helpful joint games, which contain the elements of bending the fingers.

Critical periods in the development of speech function

Doctors distinguish several periods:

    Between the first and second years in speech development, clear prerequisites for speech can be traced. This is the time of "babble" words: "la-la", "nya-nya", "la-la", "ba-ba", etc. Already at this time, you need to think about how to teach the child to speak correctly. Often ask the baby to show a bird, horse, cow, dog, cat, etc. Encourage him to pronounce (sound) actions. The ideal role model is your own. Teach your baby new movements: "sit down", "give", "lay down", "take". Use games in which actions are performed on the command of adults: "Patty", "Magpie-Crow", "Top-Top", etc.

    Between 1.5 and 2.2 years, children try to connect two or even three words. What can a baby usually say at this age? For example, such phrases as: “De woman?”, “Give me a pee”, etc. By this age, the child learns generalized concepts. The word "no", for example, is used in all sorts of situations. Begin to increase the number and narrow the meaning of the words understood by the baby: name the details of clothing (hat, sock, blouse, tights, etc.), furniture, toys. It is important to comment on the actions used: “take a toy”, “put on a shirt”, “fasten a button”, etc. It is desirable to accompany any action of the baby with an appeal.

    By the age of 2.6, the vocabulary of the crumbs begins to grow rapidly. He is already asking himself, pointing his finger at an unfamiliar object: “What is this?” It is difficult to say what time children start talking. If we mean already conscious speech (not a period of imitation), then, perhaps, it is at this age. The child does not pronounce the words clearly enough, often distorts them. And adults, trying to "go down to the level" of the child, also begin to distort their conversation, slowing down the development of the baby's speech. Indeed, why should a child learn to pronounce words clearly and correctly, if they understand it like that? Remember: the baby must hear all the words in the correct pitch! Then by the age of three - three and a half years, he himself will speak quite well. By this age, words will change in cases and numbers, and sentences will become more complex. However, it is impossible to overestimate the requirements, otherwise the child will simply close. By the way, this is one of the reasons why the child does not speak.

    Three years is the time when the child moves to contextual speech. It already requires consistency of attention, memory, analysis, speech and motor apparatus. The mismatch of the central nervous system can cause stubbornness and negativism on the part of the baby. This system is still quite vulnerable, therefore, against the background of stress (even a small one), so-called mutism and stuttering are possible. By the way, disruptions are possible even at 6-7 years old, when the time comes to start development. At this time, the central nervous system is subject to heavy stress and is on the verge of stress.

    If the delay in speech development is not associated with diseases of the central nervous system ...

    If a child at 2 years old does not speak, if he refuses to repeat words after you, if he does not seek help and solves his children's problems on his own, help in the development of speech is definitely needed. Some parents attribute this behavior to obstinacy or early independence and do not hear the “first bells”. Ignoring leads to a lag in speech development. This, in turn, is fraught with aggravation of stubbornness and self-will. Hysterical reactions may also intensify. If a child does not speak for 2.5 years, and adults endlessly pester him with a request to “repeat”, “say”, you can also wait for an increase in negativism. As a result, your child will not only not want to duplicate words, but will also shut up altogether. Forget about such requests. At least for a while.

    What to do?

    First, create the conditions in which the child will be forced to communicate. A great option is playgrounds, ideal is a kindergarten. Children there develop faster, because they are not only forced to take an example from peers who are already communicating with might and main, but also somehow express desires and needs. Many children, who were silent for up to three years, suddenly begin to “give out” such complex words as “armored personnel carrier”, “synchrophasotron”, etc. By the way, they often begin to speak alone with themselves, completely refusing to communicate with adults.

    And be sure to keep busy. The development of speech is a painstaking process that requires perseverance, regimen, and patience. Get ready for the fact that you will not be limited to classes with a speech therapist.

    Responsibilities of parents

    Take care of the baby. But turn the lessons into a game. Say the names of the objects that you will see together. If the baby does not repeat them - do not insist, let the training be inconspicuous, unobtrusive. Sincerely rejoice if your child pronounces a new word. Praise him. Do not anticipate all the desires of the crumbs, put leading questions: “What color?”, “Do you want to eat?”, “What is the cow doing?” Moreover, the complexity of the answers increase gradually, starting with a simple one. Read nursery rhymes, fairy tales, sing songs to your baby. And be sure to reproduce sounds (meow, buzz), encouraging attempts to repeat what you just said. Do not lisp - the words should be pronounced correctly, clearly. Comment on the actions (both his and yours). Teach the baby to grimace (stretch your lips, stretch them into a tube, click your tongue), this is an excellent exercise for the articulatory apparatus. If the baby expresses desires with some gestures, correct him by voicing his desires in an interrogative form: “Do you want to drink?”, “Did the toy fall?” etc. Keep a diary in which you will make all the changes: new sounds. This will make it easier to track the growth of speech development.

    Talking games for kids

    This is another significant coin in the piggy bank. This type of activity will appeal to children who like to watch TV. If a child does not speak at 2 years old, pick up discs with such games for him. Learning will turn into real fun!

    Games are designed taking into account the characteristic here and the development of speech, and the expansion of horizons in general. Each age has its own program, which is also divided into topics: pronunciation (“Buzz”, “Tick-tock”, etc.), development of horizons (“Pets”, “Wild animals”, “Who said “mu” here) etc.), development of attention, memory, hearing (“Riddles of sounds”, “Visiting a bug”, “Magician”, “Fairy”, etc.), development of breathing (mainly games with a microphone: “Helicopter”, “Bee ”, “Cake and candles”), speaking and even joint creativity (you can invent big and small stories, compare, name, repeat). Children perceive such activities much better, because they really take place in a playful way. On the one hand, adults do not press, on the other hand, the baby is given independence (of course, under your supervision, but he does not even know about it). There is and which to some extent can replace a speech therapist. This entire collection is called "Learning to speak" for children from 2 to 7 years old.

Until complete “mutual understanding”, when the child begins to speak, a lot of time will pass, where the first “agu” will be followed by the first “mom”, and the speech will take shape ...

From the first minutes of a newborn's life, a mother learns to understand his desires. They are still very simple and predictable, but even now it is not easy to guess what worries the baby. After a couple of weeks, parents will receive a worthy reward for their work - the first smile and the desire to communicate. Until complete “mutual understanding”, when the child begins to speak, a lot of time will pass, where the first “agu” will be followed by the first “mom”, and the speech will take shape in sentences. At what time the child will speak, not a single pediatrician will say, but every parent should know how to speed up this process.

No speech yet, but it's time to practice

The first sounds made by the baby are an important part of preparing the vocal apparatus for speech. This is humming, flute and babble. They are rather reflex in nature and are associated with the needs of the baby. What time should that “aha” appear?

Auxiliary exercises:

The baby starts to walk from about 1.5 months. At first, these are drawn-out vowel sounds (a-a-a, u-u-u), closer to 3 months, combinations “abu”, “agu”, etc. appear. Then the baby will please his parents with “songs” in which these syllables and combinations will be chanted (7 months). And by 8-9 months, babbling and the long-awaited "mother" will appear.

You can hear “aha” only when the baby is comfortable. After making sure that he is full, he is warm and dry, bend over him and clearly pronounce sounds. The child will be happy to answer you!

How much communication, so much should be smiles. What child wants to walk if the mother is gloomy and does not answer him. Respond to any desire to communicate, even if you have important things to do. Repeat “aha” and other combinations with the baby, insert new easy-to-pronounce sounds.

Why exactly "aha"

Due to the imperfection of the articulatory apparatus, the vowels [a], [e], [y] are more like “g-gu” or “g-ha”. This is how the first guttural sounds are born. Their reproduction is easiest for the baby, because only the larynx is involved. So he gets an involuntary “aha” on exhalation. At first, the peanut himself does not understand how it turns out, but after lengthy training, he learns to give his “aha” an emotional coloring and inserts it into conversations with his mother.

Mom is the first word

Mothers are waiting for this word especially strongly. At what age does a child begin to pronounce the long-awaited 4 letters? Children reproduce the first babbling "mother" after 7 months. While this word does not mean anything, it's just that these combinations of sounds are easier for the baby.

Consciously, the little one will call his mother only after a year and even 1.5 years. Although most children begin with the word "give". It is understandable. Knowing how to say “give” is much more important and useful, and mom and dad can wait!

In order for the child to quickly consciously turn to you, he must be taught this. When doing something, comment: "Mom goes to the kitchen", or "Mom cooks porridge". Hide and seek games will also help. Hiding behind a diaper or covering your face with your hands, ask the baby: “Where is mom?”.

The formation of conscious speech

There are no single calendar dates and norms that say how many months a child should speak. However, the formation of speech usually happens in stages for everyone: each baby starts with a funny “aha” and, ultimately, comes to correctly formed sentences.

Up to 2 - 2.5 years, the child is usually understood only by relatives, at an older age (about 3 - 4 years) the baby becomes a full-fledged interlocutor, uses common sentences, correctly coordinates words, tirelessly asks questions “Why?”, “When?” .

Why is the child silent

Many parents have probably heard of such cases when the child begins to speak immediately in sentences. At the same time, until a certain age, the baby was completely silent. It's more of an exception than the rule.

If a baby under 3 years old has not spoken, it is necessary to look for the reasons for “silence” in order to correct them in time. Among them, there will not necessarily be medical problems - delayed maturation of the nervous system, birth injuries, hearing impairment, etc. There are other factors that cause children to start talking late.

Poorly developed fine motor skills

The hand is the second organ of speech, and how much children's fingers work directly depends on what time the child will speak. Already from the first months, you need to do a massage to the little one, then you can play finger games (for example, "magpie"). From the age of 1.5, master creative activities - modeling, drawing, applications.

Lack of motivation

Sometimes parents overprotect their child, guessing his desires on the fly. Why learn to speak if everyone understands you anyway! When the baby points with a finger at an object, do not rush to serve it immediately. Let him have a need for the ability to speak, and even if not everything immediately turns out right, he will soon learn to name the objects he needs.

Persistent learning

Some parents are very hard at teaching their child to speak. Tirelessly demanding to repeat the word after them, they get annoyed when the baby does not pronounce it correctly, and correct it. Such methods can only close the baby.

An overabundance of emotions

But the reverse situation happens. The baby said the word, mom and dad are happy. He noticed their reaction and repeats the word again, but its meaning has not been fixed in the mind of the little one. To make it memorable, you need to associate the name with the subject.

Lack of attention

Busy parents completely forget about the child, paying off with toys and leaving him to himself. And if the baby still does not go to the garden, the lack of communication leads to a lag in speech development.

If the child is left-handed

Why is it not worth retraining a left-handed person and how can this affect his speech? Forcing the baby to work with the right hand, mom and dad shift the innate functions of the “commander” of the right hemisphere of the brain to the left, which is not ready for this. As a result, the speech perceived by the ear "does not know" in which hemisphere it should "settle". Overtrained left-handers will not only speak later, but their other abilities are not fully developed.

When it's time to worry

Touching upon the topic - when a child begins to speak, Komarovsky, like other pediatricians, admits that up to 3 years old a preschool child is allowed to develop without regard to his peers. But if by this age children still remain "silent" or have problems in sound pronunciation, it is worth contacting neurologists and speech therapists in order to correct the problems as early as possible.

Komarovsky himself believes that one should think not about how much and how correctly the child speaks at this stage, but about how this skill is formed in dynamics. If a child at the age of 2 knows only 10 words, this is not as scary as when at the age of 3 his vocabulary has not been replenished.

And, before sounding the alarm, calls Komarovsky, one should adequately assess the development of the crumbs.

What to do to make the little one speak on time

Most parents come to their senses too late and start looking for ways to “talk” their child. Meanwhile, work must begin from birth. What recommendations do psychologists and speech therapists give?

Moms' favorite pastime, says Komarovsky, is the constant search for non-existent "irregularities" in their child. Let him develop his own way and you will not have time to notice how he will speak and catch up with his peers.

Educational program for parents

The task of parents is not only to organize favorable conditions for the successful acquisition of speech by the child, but also to ensure that it is literate. In addition to fiction, the language standard is the parent's own speech. This is where many questions arise, because in order to teach a child to speak correctly, you yourself need to know how words are used.

Thematic material:

"Vacuum" or "Vacuum"?

The little "why" will definitely ask this question, do not hesitate. And how to answer when you yourself doubt both options?

And "I will vacuum" and "I will vacuum" will be a mistake. The verb "to vacuum" is limited in the formation of some personal forms. In Russian, he is not the only one, for example, the words win, kink, etc. also cannot be conjugated in this way.

It is correct to say: “I want to vacuum”, “I want to win”, etc.

Need or need?

"Should" and "should" are synonymous. There is only a slight difference in their use. “Need” speaks more of a duty and is associated with action, while “need” is a desire or need (need). “Need” is more rigid and strong, “need” is less urgent.

These are just a few examples. In any case, never be afraid to seem ignorant to a child. You just need (or need to!) Always have a spelling and explanatory dictionary at hand, where you, along with your inquisitive offspring, can find how to speak correctly and competently.

When did your child start talking? Share your experience in the comments!

Each new action of the baby for parents is a whole event. His movements, laughter and words become the subject of discussion and admiration. Caring and attentive parents understand by behavior what children feel and what they want. And yet, the whole family is looking forward to the moment when the child begins to speak the first words.

At what age does a baby understand everything? When do children start talking? What combinations of sounds or words can be heard even from eight month old babies? And is it worth worrying when the baby does not yet pronounce full words at the age of one? Let's try to understand these issues.

When a newborn is born, the foundations of future speech are laid in him. When does a child begin to understand the language of his parents? What time do babies start to crawl? At what age do the first combinations of sounds appear? These processes, as a rule, occur before the year. Consider what an approximate set of sounds and words looks like that a baby utters at different periods of his life - from birth to 2 years of age.

From birth to year:

  • Up to 4 weeks, the little one can be frightened even by hearing a slightly raised tone of one of the parents. And already from a month he reacts to the conversation of an adult;
    At 2-3 months, when the baby starts to cower, he "responds" to the conversations and gestures of mom or dad. The baby at this age also masters the sounds "k", "n";
  • By the 5th month, the little man turns his head towards the sound;
    Already at 7 months, the baby is characterized by the pronunciation of two letters at the same time, this happens consciously (for example, “ma”, “pa”, “ba”). He recognizes the voices of loved ones;
  • After eight months, children voice several identical syllables, for example, “pa-pa-pa”, “ma-ma-ma”, etc. They can pronounce “b”, “e”, “a”, “k”;
    At 10, closer to 11 months, the same syllables are combined into short words. Often it is at this age that the child begins to say mother;
  • A one-year-old child knows a few simple words (no more than 2 syllables). He also begins to understand when he is told the word "no" (or "no") and fulfills simple requests.

One to two years:

  • After 3 months, after your baby is one year old, he already knows about six to seven words. This is the period when the children begin to show the objects and pictures that you are talking about;
  • At 1.5 years, the vocabulary becomes larger. The child pronounces 7-17 words without difficulty and points to some parts of the body;
  • Closer to the 2nd year of life, the son or daughter knows almost all parts of the body, makes up phrases, for example, “mom let's go”, “dad let me”, asks questions - “where?”, indicates “there”, “here”, etc. e. Now for the crumbs the norm is 20-25 conscious words.

At 2 years old:

  • A two-year-old toddler freely uses several dozen words. He also fulfills the requests of family members;
  • A kid who has reached the age of 2.5 remembers up to 3 digits, comprehends several-word sentences spoken by relatives;
  • By the 3rd, a small person is able to speak in sentences, he can tell a lot: his name, age, names of loved ones, asks a lot of questions.

Why children are not in a hurry to start talking

You already know approximately at what age little girls and boys pronounce the first sounds, words, phrases and at what time they begin to speak in whole speech structures. And yet it happens that the child does not want to move on to meaningful verbal communication for a long time, although it would be time already.

Experienced pediatricians, including the well-known E. Komarovsky, argue that it is worth worrying if the child does not start talking after he has reached the age of 3 years.

The reason that the baby may start to learn words late may not be a problem with health or mental development at all.

We list other factors that affect the age at which children begin to learn speech.:

  • Motor skills of the hands are not sufficiently developed. It is from this process that what time children begin to speak may depend. The part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating hand and finger movements is also responsible for language development.
  • Therefore, infants, whose fine motor skills are poorly developed, master speech skills late. Start doing massage on the hands and fingers from the first month of life, and then engage in special games and exercises with the child that are advised for the development of motor skills (sculpting, drawing, etc.);
  • Mom, dad and other family members with whom the baby lives speak different languages. This is a serious reason why a child lags behind in speech development. He simply does not yet know how to distinguish between languages, and it is difficult for him to decide on a specific one. Under such conditions, it is not strange why children begin to form a vocabulary and use it sometimes not earlier than at the age of 5. Confusing words, the baby will not be able to understand their meaning and make sentences;
  • Father and mother give the baby not enough time and attention. If at the same time the little man still does not attend a children's institution (kindergarten, early development school, etc.), he is completely deprived of full-fledged communication, which should contribute to the development of speech. If you have to leave the child for a whole day with a nanny, or he is constantly at home with one of the family members, he is unlikely to know the words in the required amount;
  • Unhealthy guardianship of close people (mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, etc.). This seemingly positive moment will inevitably lead to the fact that the boy or girl will be understood by gestures, crying and looking, the baby will understand this and will not want to learn verbal communication. Such circumstances lead to late development of vocabulary. The first word can only be spoken at the age of 5, when children begin to communicate with their peers;
  • Another reason why a child is in no hurry to communicate can be a state of stress. Conflicts between adults, in which a boy or girl has to be present regularly, lead to the fact that a small person closes in on himself. This is followed by a lack of desire to speak and learn new things. It is difficult to talk with such children, because often even at 4 years old they are not able to pronounce intelligible words.
  1. During joint walks with the baby, point to the objects that surround you - buildings, plants, benches, etc. Explain what the object is called and what its purpose is.
  2. Visit parks, zoos and places where your son or daughter will see a lot of new things. Talk about how beautiful it is. This will be the best start to learning new things - the sounds of the river, birds and insects.
  3. Answer all questions and in any case do not "brush off". Name the terms, objects correctly. Let the baby peer into things and processes carefully and make attempts to characterize them. So you will definitely be able to talk to the baby, you will teach him to be observant.