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» Essay on what I understand by a decent life. What does the concept of a decent standard of living include?

Essay on what I understand by a decent life. What does the concept of a decent standard of living include?

This concept entered pedagogical theory and practice along with the name of its creator, Nadezhda Yegorovna Shchurkova.

Professor N.E. Shchurkova defines upbringing as a purposeful, organized by a professional teacher, the ascent of a child to the culture of modern society, as the development of the ability to live in it and consciously build a life worthy of a Human.

The purpose of education- this is a person who is able to build his life worthy of a Human.

Fundamental principles:

1) the principle of orientation on social value relations, which instructs the teacher to reveal the objective everyday situation, revealing behind events, actions, words, deeds, as well as objects and things, human relations and values ​​at the level of modern culture;

2) the principle of subjectivity, which implies the steady assistance of the teacher to the development of the child's ability to be the subject of his own behavior, activity, and as a result of his life;

3) the principle of taking the child as a given, which means the recognition of the student's right to respect for his personality, life history, recognition of the characteristics and level of development at this stage of his individual life, and, consequently, the recognition of the child's right to this behavior and the choice he makes.

Philosophical education is the upbringing of supra-situational thinking, the ability to generalize, so that the child can see the phenomena of life behind the fact, patterns behind the phenomenon, and “recognize the foundations of human life” behind the patterns.

NOT. Shchurkova names five methodological directions that ensure the implementation of the ideas of philosophical education.

The first is the discovery of value (meaningful for oneself) behind objects, things, actions, events, facts and phenomena.

The second is the presentation of socio-cultural value to children so that it is perceived by them "in its captivating and deep meaning."

The third direction is to find such forms of interaction with children that intensify spiritual activity for a valuable understanding of life, teach the art of searching for the meaning of life, when young citizens think about their destiny.

The fourth methodological direction is the exercise of children in the generally accepted forms of value relations to truth, goodness and beauty. This is a necessary step from “know” to “can”.

And the fifth direction is the constant comprehension by children of their connections with the world, their "I" and objects of interaction.

Dialogue education is a style of pedagogical interaction, if you like, a lifestyle. Dialogical education is the organization of such a pupil's life when he is in constant dialogue with himself, with a picture, book, music, another person, etc. and so on.

In the implementation of ethical education, the teacher " rises to the level of the student", to that high ethics, when the perception of the child, interaction with him are built in a broad way "man - man" and the student is accepted by the teacher as "equal to himself": not equal in life experience, level of education and etc., but equal because the student is a Human being and value-semantic unity is possible with him.

The main directions of thought and pedagogical actions in the ethical education of schoolchildren:

1. Respect for the personality of the student, regardless of his position, success, external portrait, status in the team, family affiliation, physical and mental characteristics.

2. Reliance on the personal dignity of the individual. Always proceed from the fact that in small or large these virtues are in everyone.

3. The general acceptance of individuality, human otherness, because not the same as me does not mean bad.

The Program defines pedagogical tasks-dominants in working with students in accordance with their age, as well as the content, forms and methods of interaction that contribute to their solution. These tasks are the following:

Formation of a value attitude to Nature as a common home of mankind;

Formation of value relations to the norms of cultural life;

Formation of ideas about a person as a subject of life and the highest value on Earth;

Formation of a value attitude to the social structure of human life;

Formation of a lifestyle worthy of a Human;

Formation of a life position, development of the ability for an individual choice of a life path.

Formation mechanism a way of life worthy of a Human is a gradual, step-by-step movement (the ability of awareness, evaluative reflection, the definition and acceptance of a way of life require a certain intellectual, spiritual and spiritual maturity, which results in life experience).

The first step that the primary school teacher and his first-graders take is the formation of an attitude towards nature as the common home of mankind. Students in grades 2-4, accompanied by a teacher and with his help, rise to the second step in order to understand and accept the norms of cultural life. The third step is the one that students of 5-6th grades rise to. In order to raise children to this level, the teacher, apparently, needs to be able to stimulate schoolchildren to a valuable understanding of a person's life, his destiny.

Rising along with their teacher to the fourth step, students in grades 7-8 acquire a value attitude to the social structure of human life. Solving emerging life problems, realizing, mastering the values ​​of social life in the experience of real interaction with peers, teachers, parents, other people, there is a real formation of a value attitude to the social structure of human life, and adolescents are ready to rise to the fifth step (grades 9-10). ) and synthesize everything in a way of life worthy of a Human. The sixth step is 10-11th grades. There is a formation of a life position, the development of the ability for an individual choice of a life path.

The individual ascent of the child to culture occurs, according to N.E. Shchurkova, thanks to the successful completion of three interconnected processes:

1) development as the accumulation of knowledge about a person and the world around him;

2) assimilation as a child's mastery of a set of cultural skills and abilities necessary for life in modern society;

3) appropriation as an internalization of the values ​​of human culture.

The author of the concept designates the result of the formative influence of these processes as a triad: I know - I can - I love. To develop a lifestyle worthy

In practice, this means, according to N.E. Shchurkova, the successful implementation of three main functions by the class teacher. They are the following:

1) arrangement of the child's life at school;

2) organization of the subject activity of the child and the student team as a whole;

3) organization of spiritual activity to comprehend life.

Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the educational process- it is necessary to compare the achieved results with the goal. The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational process can be the upbringing of students, its changes from year to year.

Indicators for determining a holistic and detailed analysis and performance evaluation:

The appearance of the child;

Physical and mental development of children;

Their behavior;

The quality of various activities;

The abilities and well-being of children;

value preferences;

The attitude of the child to his I.

How do you understand the characteristic "decent lifestyle"? Grade 6 is the age when the guys begin to reason, are ready to keep up the conversation about important issues related to the life of a modern person.

Characteristics of Right Behavior

The first thing that is associated with this definition is material wealth. It is difficult to imagine a full life for those who do not have enough money to buy food, medicines, clothes. If you have to think about how to feed yourself, your family, pay utility bills, you have neither the strength nor the time to engage in the realization of creative potential.

Perhaps only individuals are ready to engage in high art, forgetting about pressing problems.

Formation steps

Let's try to answer the following question offered to sixth-graders: "How do you understand the characteristic "decent lifestyle", offer and justify your position." Such a task is offered in the course of social studies, it assumes that schoolchildren have certain knowledge.

For example, there are several stages in the "ladder" of arranging the correct behavior. The first step is to get the skills to meet your daily needs. If a person does not need to solve numerous everyday problems, he is sure that he has food, he understands that this is clearly not enough for a happy life.

Signs of a decent person

Only a well-fed person turns on creative activity, the desire to find a hobby to his liking. If a person is engaged in a business that he does not like, he will never achieve a high result. Only in that case it is possible to talk about happiness when people are in complete harmony with others, nature, love their profession.

About the one who treats the people around him positively, benevolently, leads a healthy lifestyle, has good health, they say that these are worthy citizens.

If a person lives in poverty, is forced to go to an unloved job, he gradually ceases to respect himself, loses his dignity. The loss of self-respect turns him into an envious creature who is devoid of any moral principles. It is respect for oneself, one's behavior, appearance, occupations - all this is the characteristic features of a worthy person.

Features of a decent lifestyle

People intuitively understand that their mission in the world should not be limited to reproduction, they should strive not only for a prosperous and well-fed life, but also for harmony and self-realization. Currently, a healthy lifestyle is a fashionable trend. Many attend gyms, enroll in dance studios. People try to repeat the lifestyle of their star idols, because they consider them to be absolutely happy people who lead a decent lifestyle.

An example of reasoning about a decent way of life

To the teacher's question: "How do you understand the characteristic" worthy way of life ": offer and justify it in your own words", the sixth grader composed a short essay.

"Each person has his own way of life. Someone wants to always be in the center of attention of other people, and someone dreams of solitude, looking for an opportunity to leave the noisy city for nature. Someone absolutely does not care about their health , and someone is looking for any opportunity to go in for sports.People are all completely different, so each of them will have their own answer to the question of how you understand the characteristic "decent lifestyle."

I believe that a person in that case leads the right way of life, if he does not humiliate other people, does not offend their dignity, rights and freedoms.

Modern tendencies

Unfortunately, some people are in constant pursuit of material wealth, while they simply forget that there are also spiritual values.

When asked how you understand the characteristic "decent lifestyle", they answer that this is material well-being: the presence of cars, summer cottages, bank accounts. The pursuit of money leads to the fact that a person forgets about the development of his inner world. In society, attention is paid to the external appearance of a person, and his inner content remains closed.

When asked how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”, many schoolchildren answer that this is a life without worries and troubles. None of today's schoolchildren consider spirituality and morality to be the qualities that a worthy person should possess. Discussing how you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”, the guys point out material values, no one even remembers the inner world. The reason for this attitude is the state of modern society, in which material goods are considered as priorities, and not spirituality and morality.

People have forgotten that in difficult times, the one who is strong in spirit survives, and not the owner of millions of fortunes.

Characterization of "worthiness" through the eyes of modern children

The question “How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”, offer your thoughts on this matter” is increasingly common within the walls of the school. What can be put into the meaning of this phrase? First of all, it is necessary to mention respect for elders, care for pets, honest and sincere communication, sacrifice for dear people.

The main features of a worthy person are care and respect for the older generation, love for the living world. Teenagers who are brought up in complete families, among the hallmarks of a worthy person, name love for their relatives and friends.


If you are asked "How do you understand the characteristic "decent lifestyle", justify your position", you can safely say that we should talk about those people who are honest in everything. It is sincerity that can be considered as the main quality of a worthy person.

Giving examples of life characters leading a decent lifestyle, let us dwell on the situation when a person lives in a village, far from civilization. He has a favorite job, relatives and friends do not get sick, there are no problems with food, and the assortment in the store is not so rich that it is unreasonable to spend money.

Having met a homeless kitten on the street, he will definitely shelter him, feed him and warm him up. This is a manifestation of worthy behavior towards those who need care. He does this not to be praised or encouraged, but simply because a person must help those who are in trouble, needs protection and understanding. If for residents of rural areas such words as "spirituality", "morality" still matter, then for many city dwellers they have long ceased to exist, people think only about making material profits, forgetting about the inner content.

How to write several suggestion (mini-essay) on the topic "a decent way of life"?

    Depending on their worldview, their goals and their vision of the meaning of life, each person understands the expression Decent way of life in his own way. Some may consider it a worthy way of life to have a huge amount of money, expensive entertainment and the opportunity to do nothing. Another will say that such a way of life is just unworthy for a person. A worthy life is to be honest and polite, not to sacrifice your moral principles. Someone is closer to spiritual perfection, someone prefers the material. But in fact, a decent way of life is when a person lives in harmony between the outside world and the inner worldview. It is worthy for a person to feel happy, but how to achieve this is another question.

    A worthy lifestyle, in my opinion, is led by one who understands and accepts the postulate that life (any) is the highest value, that each of us has only one chance to leave his mark in this world. Unfortunately, the concept of dignity has somewhat devalued recently, giving way to such surrogates as wealth, power, success and fame.

    Throughout his life, a person faces various problems, conflicts, moral dilemmas, sometimes it depends on the way they are solved, what he will bring into the world - good or evil, what seeds he will sow. It is this unique potential for moral choice that defines a worthy lifestyle.

    You need to be strong enough to be in a fuss modern world not to stray from the road, so that, respecting the dignity of others, to be able to defend one's own in certain situations.

    In order to write something about a decent lifestyle, I suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the definition of the word worthy:

    This is a dictionary entry from Ozhegov's dictionary.

    Thus, a worthy lifestyle is a life that is worthy of praise and respect from other people. A life worthy of a person with a capital letter, who is fair, kind, hospitable, polite, friendly (here you can list a lot of positive qualities and dwell on some of them).

    A worthy life can be called a life of such a person who lives not only for himself, but also for others (if you know such people, you can give examples, from Jesus Christ to other famous people who became famous for their good deeds, some doctor, for example, - what and who is closer to you).

    A decent lifestyle also includes another aspect - health. This is the absence of bad habits, sports, walking, proper, healthy eating, etc.

  • Decent lifestyle

    He went to study at a vocational school at the age of 14. After 3 years He came to the factory. He worked well, won awards, was not hypocritical, had his own opinion about everything.

    At the age of 26, he met Her and went to her, because a good job at the factory did not give him the right to get an apartment from the factory.

    Having moved, He simply changed factory to factory. A daughter was born, and the family continued to live in a family hostel. Then, for the sake of an apartment for the family, he went to work at a construction site, and the apartment creaked, but they got it. There was almost no work, he had to feed his family, and he went to work at the mine. It was scary, in those distant 90s, the mines often lost miners, but there was no other way out. After all, He had His girls, and they deserved to live with dignity: calmly, in abundance, without any problems.

    I haven't written an essay for a long time... I'll risk it.

    We talk and hear a lot about a decent way of life, but, alas, things don’t go beyond talk.

    We simply do not know how or do not want to live correctly, or maybe we simply do not understand what it is about?

    My thoughts on this are as follows: a decent lifestyle is respect for elders, the absence of bad habits, the desire to study and work, this is the behavior for which you are set as an example, the ability to endure and not break down in a difficult moment and not let another fall.

    We must always remember that life is one and it must be worthy!

    If the blizzard will delete the answer ...

    Pasha from childhood wanted to live with dignity.

    He heard this phrase at the age of 4 from his dad, who gloomily lit a cigarette in the kitchen under TV news programs and burned all the faces on the screen.

    Pasha was a good son, he closed his ears when necessary, covered his eyes when he shouldn’t have looked, he didn’t contradict adults, he was exemplary .. but he really wanted to live with dignity.

    20 years have passed.

    Pavel gained independence, largely forced. He remained the only member of the family. He buried his mother and father almost in succession when he was only 18.

    He studied and worked, shunned peers leading a cheerful lifestyle .. Yes, a lifestyle.

    For all 20 years, the question of a decent life did not come out of Paul's head - how is it? What will happen and what is needed for this?

    I did not consider my work and academic life worthy. As he did not consider the behavior of his peers worthy of imitation. However, there is he, this worthy way of life! How to understand it and how to come to it?

    Here it is worth pausing and remembering that a mini-essay was required. Then the continuation next time, we will dwell on the key moment of the search for it)

You know the question How do you understand characterization? something ... ”most often sounds within the walls of the school. But such a concept as worthy lifestyle", should be significant for us - people who no longer sit at school desks in painfully familiar green shades.

Characteristic "decent lifestyle"

Let's start with the fact that a lifestyle (including a decent one, but in general - any) is a kind of your life arrangement (way of life).

When they say “A worthy life is material and spiritual benefits”, they are mistaken. You understand, the worthy is not the one who has billions or a mansion in the capital, but the one who considers it important in life not to have money in his wallet, but:

  • respect for elders;
  • animal care;
  • helping children and people in general;
  • honesty in promises;
  • sincerity in communication with loved ones;
  • sacrifice for those we love.

Respect for elders and caring for them is a trait of a worthy person

Caring for animals is the behavior of a worthy person.

Therefore, when you are asked "", say "I understand this as honesty in everything!".

Sincerity in everything, as a worthy way of life

This, perhaps, is the only correct retort in response to a similar question, because to think like this - “I am a well-known businessman, I live with dignity, and at the same time I drink, I don’t sacrifice anything for the sake of those whom I supposedly love, I walk past a kitten freezing on the street, I don’t I feel sorry for the sick and hungry people”, this is wild and funny.

A decent lifestyle - how is it? Example

Let's move on to the analysis of life examples of characters who lead a decent lifestyle - in other words, a decent one.

We will not look for characters in books and magazines, because the meaning is not in the reality of the character himself, but in what and how he did in life.

Look, imagine that you live in a village remote from civilization. Everything is fine with you - you have a job, your loved ones are alive and don’t even get sick, and you don’t think what to eat, because the refrigerator is “bursting at the seams” from the food put into it, the assortment of which is dizzying.

One day you go out into the yard and see a kitten crammed into a corner and shivering from cold and hunger. By the way, how he got there is not really a significant question. He could be thrown, or he himself wandered to you in search of at least a small piece of bread or a drop of water.

How will the average person react? That's right: "Damn it! Where are you from and why are you sitting in my yard?! Get out of here!" Or like this: “Yes, little one, you are cool, but why are you here to me? Go to the neighbors, maybe they will throw something for you. That's all.

Remember, at the beginning of the article we gave significant features of a person, which show what is valuable to him and who he is in life? So, a worthy person will show love to an abandoned kitten, giving him, though small, but his piece of bread. And not because he will do it to be praised, but because his heart aches at the sight of a defenseless animal looking at you with bottomless eyes filled with inexhaustible hope.

No bread? Pour at least some water. Isn't she too? He will warm the baby in the barn by putting a rag or hay on him.

Understand that you can always do good, if the soul wants it!

Okay, now questions like " How do you understand the characteristic “decent lifestyle”?» should not be scary for you. And if you are honest and a kind person, then you can be sure that you live with dignity.

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