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» How to send a girlfriend who betrayed. How to take revenge on a friend: for betrayal, in Vkontakte, at school, for setting up and who took the guy away

How to send a girlfriend who betrayed. How to take revenge on a friend: for betrayal, in Vkontakte, at school, for setting up and who took the guy away

Burning pain in the heart… The desire to act… You can’t leave it like that, you need to urgently avenge yourself, otherwise you can lose self-respect… Such thoughts visit each of us when we have to face betrayal by the best friend you trust like yourself. But these are the first thoughts that go only on emotions. And then - it will be easier to drive them away, weigh everything and think about whether it is worth taking revenge at all. Maybe it's easier to make peace? To answer the question of whether to take revenge or go to the world, you need to find out the motive for the misconduct of a friend. Perhaps you yourself are to blame for something, perhaps you began to pull the blanket over yourself, put pressure on a person devoted to you, which became the cause of the rebellion. A friend is simply tired of you, so she rejected or preferred communication with another, less intrusive person.

Is it worth it to take revenge if a friend betrayed you or found a replacement for you?

It depends on what you yourself consider betrayal. For some reason, in childhood, girls manage to be friends with cheerful companies, and not necessarily just the two of them. When you become a teenager or an adult, then it should be all the more clear to you that friendship allows any number of friends - even a whole team of a small company. Therefore, the appearance of another friend of your close friend should not be taken with hostility. Unless, of course, they go further and ignore you. In this case, we can talk about betrayal. In the meantime, you remain on your rights as your best friend, then you have no reason to take revenge for something. whether to take revenge, it's up to you. The revenge of a jealous person can be terrible. You should always remember that no matter how they offend you, you should not go to crime. Your counteraction must be equal to its action or be weaker. And there is no point in your revenge if it does not prove to be instructive for the traitor. Perhaps both your boyfriend and girlfriend are faced with a dilemma: remain faithful to you or give in to strong feelings. What if they have strong love? It is impossible to resist her. You can't tell your heart to stop loving the one you love. But the relationship could be abandoned for a while - out of respect for you. At the very least, do not advertise them with your mutual acquaintances. If the meetings become demonstrative, and you feel like a complete loser, then you should think about how to teach this couple a lesson.

Ways to get revenge on a friend for betrayal

Being a vindictive person is not good. Mumley and a mattress - too. So, you need to choose a compromise and turn your revenge into an educational process. Quarrels are different, and do not always lead to a complete break with a friend. If she is dear to you, then why aggravate the relationship even more? Sometimes it’s better to forgive and make a bad peace, and then make peace altogether. But at the same time, the one of you who is guilty must repent of his misdeed. Otherwise, there may be relapses.

Get revenge on your ex-girlfriend if she stole your boyfriend

A fairly common situation: you have a boyfriend who likes your girlfriend. And so, the day came when they “accidentally” stayed together. Result: you have neither a boyfriend nor a girlfriend. Such betrayal looks disgusting, both from her side and from him.
And there are many ways to restore justice:

    Find a guy who is ready to seduce her. It is very good if there is such a Casanova in your environment, ready to help with this difficult task. To help him, you can give some advice, what she loves most, her secrets ... The main thing is to just ask him to leave a couple of photos where they are together, or correspondence. Throw off evidence of betrayal to your ex, and that's it: she will no longer have a boyfriend or lover. Do you have any shameful secret of her? Spread her out to everyone, and you'll see how slowly but surely her reputation will go to the bottom. It is quite possible that after that the new boyfriend will leave her, and she will remember you with hatred for a long time to come. Be careful: such a measure leads to a complete rupture of relations with both the girlfriend and the boyfriend.

Revenge if a friend slandered you

Gossip, envy and slander are known to poison people's lives. And when your ex-girlfriend starts to poison your life, this is a reason to take revenge very strongly. And here's how: try to answer the same! Do you know any embarrassing story about her? Why not tell everyone around her. The downside of this method is that you have to stoop to her level and act extremely ignoble. But it is instructive. If you cannot cross this line yourself, and it is completely unnatural for you to spread dirty rumors, then do not do this, but simply expose her to everyone as a gossip and dreamer.
If a friend insulted and offended you, it's over, a theatrical slap in the face in this case will be most welcome, however, there are other ways of revenge:

    SMS flood. Order the sms flood service to her number. In this case, nasty and insulting things will come to her number every minute. Make fun of her. Today, in big cities, there are many cosmetic companies that invite customers to their place through promoters. Introduce yourself to each promoter in the name of a friend and give them her phone number. Soon she will go crazy from the calls of representatives of beauty salons.

How to disgrace a person in contact

    Create a fake account in her name, with her photo, and run it. Meet guys (especially strangers) on her behalf and make them unambiguous offers. Expose her as a girl of “lightweight” behavior, and that’s all - revenge is ready. If there is no photo, then you can just write a couple of her most shameful secrets, or at least just nasty things, moreover, to all her friends.
The author warns of criminal and administrative liability for such acts.

How to teach a friend a lesson by substituting her Organizing setups is also a very ignoble method. But sometimes you don’t have to shy away from such actions. For example, if she took away a guy with whom you haven’t really started dating yet, but shared with this friend that you love him without memory, then you definitely need to punish for this. For example, appoint a date on behalf of this girlfriend for a guy, and accidentally appear there herself. At the same time it will turn out to find out how much he loves her. Sometimes it's cruel to know the truth. Sometimes you can get a pleasant surprise in the form of an invitation to take a walk and talk, go to a cafe, and so on. Do not waste time in vain if the "deceiver" did not come ...

What to do to punish a lying girlfriend

Get her lies out in the open! Here you need to act, surprisingly, but as it was said in the Gospel. First, expose her lies in private. If she does not let up, then do the same with close friends. And in the most serious case - in front of the whole team: at work, in the institute group, in the classroom.

The best revenge on a friend is to completely ignore and exclude her from your life.

If you come across a completely “impenetrable” girlfriend, from whom, apart from betrayal and lies, there is nothing more to expect, then you should not continue friendly relations. You need to boycott her, or Ingor, and see how she reacts. Refusal to communicate is also a punishment, and if she is not a completely lost person, then she will have time to think about her behavior, correct herself and make peace with you.

The heroine of our story was a quiet and inconspicuous girl, they usually talk about such a “gray mouse”. Mashenka at school was a solid “C” student, she was not friends with the guys, and her friends were not seen at discos. She was friends with Olya from the next entrance, they never had any quarrels and didn’t even think about how to take revenge on her friend. There was simply nothing to avenge.

School years flew by very quickly, then the golden student days began. From session to session, students live happily, and between sessions, girls fall in love, and boys drink beer. Our Masha also fell in love with a senior Kostya, a tall and sociable blond. Love was very strong and mutual, and they were constantly together, thinking about the wedding.

Masha was trusting and did not know that such happiness must be protected and her friends kept at a distance. Olenka studied at another university and saw her friend very rarely, but there were days when they went to each other to chat and learn new gossip about their classmates. On one of these evenings, Mashenka invited her old friend to some event, where Kostya was also.

The guy immediately appreciated the figure of his girlfriend's lover and could not tear himself away from her gaze. And her eyes were really filled with some kind of power that the guys did not have the strength to resist the desire of the temptress. Our Kostya could not resist either, the wedding had to be canceled, the wedding dress should be handed over to a thrift store, and the invited guests were informed that there would be no holiday.

Masha hardly endured the grief that had fallen on her, sometimes she thought of laying her hands on herself, but during another attempt to commit suicide, an idea dawned on her. You can’t go to another world without paying off your best friend. She sat on the world wide web for a long time, but she could not find how to take revenge on her friend. One evening, on a new website, she found the answer to her question.

An unknown man approached the new couple in love and made a scandal. He accused Olenka of infecting him with syphilis while performing paid sexual services, and he would demand money from her for treatment. Our razluchnitsa tried to deny this fact, but attacking is always easier than defending. Then there were invitations through the dean's office to the venereal dispensary, Kostya was also invited.

The results of the tests were uncertain, and it was necessary to donate blood again, the examination process was delayed. And at that time, only the lazy did not talk about this event. The girls, when Olya approached them, immediately fell silent, avoided her in the classroom. Everyone tried to stay away from her, and Kostya too.

Mashenka celebrated the victory - she took revenge on her friend, though with the help of her mother's friend, the old gossip Varvara Petrovna. She knew a lot about this, especially since she worked in this dispensary.

Maybe you know other ways of revenge, write in the comments. We are grateful.

If you were offended by a now ex-girlfriend, having treacherously broken the relationship, you can take revenge on her in a very original way.
We will not touch on the ethical side of this issue now.
I am not a supporter of rabid revenge.
But for an insult, sometimes it simply “tempts” to reciprocate.
In the event that your girlfriend beat off her beloved man, then this is the most betrayal committed behind your back.

The revenge plan consists of the following steps:

1). Tighten your brains to remember all the frankness that was between you. It can be purely feminine secrets and tete-a-tete conversations.
2). Take revenge on the sly, not openly. The best model would be the decision to persuade someone for an allied goal.
3). Put "spokes in the wheels" at the most unexpected moment when a friend is not ready for defense.
4). Remember one important rule. Methods of revenge must be chosen so that the punishment matches the crime.
Your main task is to teach your friend a lesson so that she connects all the inconveniences with her treacherous insult.

Here are some tips to show you.

If your girlfriend stole a boy from you, then you must admit that he is not a heifer who can be harnessed. Apparently, the girlfriend decided to go on "overtaking", seducing him with her charms. So he "pecked".
In this situation, you can only call the former for a frank conversation, taking revenge by draining the information that you have.
Inspire your man that she allegedly specifically decided to “use” him after a quarrel with you. And that he will certainly betray after he wins back.
Lying in this case is quite appropriate.
Of course, not every self-respecting young lady will dare to sink to such a “threshold”. But revenge involves some kind of deceit.
Surely your friend is planning to spend the night with a former missus. Try to convince him that, as a result of a drunken revelation, she told you that she is a carrier of the infection. In what area, I think you have already guessed.

If you have been shamefully insulted, trampled on trust and caused heartache, again, think about what you can “prick”.
Learn to avenge by word, not deed.
A well-chosen intonation and confidently unperturbed speech can program a friend for a negative set of circumstances.
In one of the previous publications, I already gave specific examples of a certain “firmware”, which will begin its development after an evil utterance.

You can try to use this dialectic in practice.

You have to pay for everything in this life. For every carelessly spoken word. And God will surely punish you.

Anyone who hurts me begins to suffer. And I've never been convinced of this.

Thank you, my friend, for the “kind word”. The time will come, and you will remember this moment being severely offended.

By insulting me, you take revenge on yourself with future illnesses. Now you know why they will overtake you.

You will soon choke in your poisonous essence, but no one will be able to help you.

You have a girlfriend traitor and she specifically threw you? In this article, Sovetbati will tell how to get revenge on a friend for betrayal, insult and gossip, we will consider several scenarios and draw up a detailed plan for revenge.

Situations due to which you want to take revenge on your girlfriend are different:

  • Guy withdrawal.
  • Sitting at work.
  • Spreading gossip.
  • Set up.
  • I threw in a difficult situation.
  • Non-return of the debt (we know how to properly refuse when asked for a loan).

How to get revenge on a friend

Turn her fears, secrets and dreams against her. If a friend set you up in front of the authorities at work, wait until she messes up and, having recorded the facts, inform the authorities. If she sends nasty things about you to your friends, find an ally and post it on your wall, let everyone see that she is a rat.

Damaged door lock

If you know where your girlfriend lives, you can mess up her castle when no one is home, we have a bunch of methods for damaging the castle.

Dirty things in the apartment

Make peace with your girlfriend or pretend that she did not betray you, apologize, all this in order to get into her apartment. If everything worked out and you are going to visit her, take with you a few small pieces of meat and fish (1 piece of 10 grams) and throw it all into hard-to-reach places (behind the closet, behind the refrigerator, on the closet, under the bath). In other words, to the most inaccessible places, the main thing here is not to sleep. After a couple of weeks, the meat will stink, the stench will be so wild that mom don’t worry.

Another very smelly way is pour brine from sauerkraut into hard-to-reach places. Cabbage brine smells of hydrogen sulfide, the stench will be terrible.

Dirty things in the car

If you have a car, then you can fill the glass with glue, seal the muffler with mounting foam, cram liquid welding into the locks,

Revenge Vkontakte

You can morally crush your girlfriend, but without gossip. Tell us about how a friend set you up to her relatives and friends, if you have mutual friends, just post it on the wall of Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or other social networks.


If a school friend, then you can set her up in front of the teacher, lay it down so to speak (we do not recommend doing this, in the eyes of the teacher you will fall low), or you can use 20 methods of revenge on a classmate.

Revenge for gossip

If your girlfriend spreads gossip about you through social networks and sends compromising photos, you can file a complaint with the police under the articles of slander and protection of honor and dignity. If you laid out in a group of chickens see what to do.

Sometimes even the best friendships don't end well. For this reason, it is necessary to figure out how to take revenge on a friend who offended a girl and hurt her.

What do you need to think about first?

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Of course, friendship is sometimes not strong, it ends at the moment when a quarrel hurts both friends. However, it is far from always necessary to begin to take revenge on the person who was previously dear. Sometimes it’s better to act like an adult, try to forgive a friend despite all the problems and troubles. In this case, the girl will show the top of her self-control and prove to her friend once again that she was wrong in the situation that had developed before.

Of course, not every girl is capable of forgiving her friend for all her extremes and nasty things and doing without revenge. In such a situation, it is very important to think over a plan that is competent and intelligent enough so that revenge is not direct, but indirect, so that the girl herself does not incur unnecessary suspicions and unnecessary hostility.

No need to take revenge immediately, with a heart burning with rage. It is better to think over a plan in advance, because in this case, a person’s behavior will be much more competent and correct. Also, you should not carry out such actions that will affect not only your girlfriend, but also her relatives and friends. Still, it’s mean to take revenge on loved ones when the problem lies only in the conflict of two personalities. It is better to solve the trouble so that strangers do not enter into conflict.

Revenge methods.

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It is worth thinking about how to take revenge on a friend, and why revenge is so desirable and necessary. Most often, friends quarrel over the peculiarities of their personal lives. For example, if a friend took young man you need to try to get close to him. As soon as this happens, it is worth making an appointment with him and writing to a friend about where this meeting will take place. As a result, both the friend and the young man will find themselves in a very difficult situation. The girl, however, will be fully avenged for the betrayal on both sides. Of course, this is not entirely fair, but it is very fair.

If a friend sat a girl at work, and eventually took her place, and maybe even achieved the promotion that her friend dreamed of, you need to act in a professional manner. All that a girl needs, in this case, is to be patient and wait until her friend makes a mistake. No one works perfectly, so sooner or later it will happen. As a result, it remains to inform the boss about this and return the rightful duty station.

How to take revenge on an ex-girlfriend, if there was just a serious quarrel, after which it is impossible to restore relations. In this case, you need to take advantage of the fact that the girl knows a lot about her friend. When two girls are friends, they tell each other everything. You can direct such trust in the right direction and feel really avenged.

For example, you can tell the whole company about the mean things that a friend said about friends and acquaintances, about all her shortcomings and inappropriate behavior. Of course, such revenge will be open, but you won’t have to hide and you can get real pleasure from the result. It is likely that the girl will be able to ensure that all acquaintances and friends will renounce her friend, that she will no longer be popular in the company and will understand her mistake.

In fact, the question is how to take revenge best friend- not the most important of those that need to be solved. You need to think about whether the girl is ready for revenge. In the event that she begins to take revenge, it will be impossible to restore friendship. Therefore, such a wonderful and bright relationship will be forever interrupted. It may be much easier to do something for the sake of restoring relationships, to show yourself as an adult and independent person, ready to compromise for the sake of a loved one.

Revenge will never show the character of a person, his maturity, readiness to change. Meanwhile, an attempt to maintain friendship is the best indicator that the girl has matured and perfectly understands how important friendship is in this world. In fact, it is very difficult to find a true friend, so it is better not to risk these relationships. It is better to try to revive them for the benefit of both girls, because this will preserve their incredible connection with each other.

You can talk endlessly about how to take revenge. It is best to choose the method that the girl herself likes. Then revenge will really succeed and will cause satisfaction in the girl’s heart.