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» Where do eyebrows start? What should be the ideal eyebrows

Where do eyebrows start? What should be the ideal eyebrows

The shape of the eyebrows is the "golden rules" of professionals. Every woman dreams of having beautiful eyebrows. The role is played by 3 basic rules that you need to know when building an eyebrow shape.

First rule

Defines the brow start point, brow bend point and brow end point. To determine the point of origin of the eyebrow, you need to draw a vertical line from the extreme point of the wing of the nose. The line connecting the extreme point of the wing of the nose and the outer edge of the pupil will give us the bending point of the eyebrow. And the line connecting the extreme points of the wing of the nose with the outer edge of the eye will give us the point where the eyebrow should end.

Second rule

An eyebrow is essentially 5 points connected by straight lines. Two eyebrow start points, two eyebrow bend points and an eyebrow end point. We already know how to determine these 5 points, thanks to the first rule.

Third rule

Correct chiaroscuro. The darkest place of the eyebrow should be in the area of ​​​​its bend. The beginning of the eyebrow and the end of the eyebrow should be lighter. Thanks to this rule, the eyebrows look soft and voluminous.

Another important point. In order for the line to be as clear as possible, hold the pencil either with the tip down or “butt” (Perpendicular to the plane of the skin).

We will paint over the upper line of the eyebrow with small strokes, moving between our hairs. Be sure to follow the direction of the strokes - it must coincide with the direction of growth of natural eyebrow hairs.

And of course, do not forget about the second rule - the eyebrow line should go in a straight line from the starting point to the bending point and in a straight line from the bending point to the end point of the eyebrow.

Correctly arrange chiaroscuro

For this, we will use shadows. First, preferably matte. Pearlescent shadows on the eyebrows are completely useless to us. Secondly, they must match the color correctly. Eyebrows in color should match or be half a tone lighter than the color of the hair.

Therefore, if your hair is dyed a bright red, light blond, or any other color that is different from your natural color, your eyebrows should also be this shade.

Pencil choose a color in color to the natural color of the eyebrows. And the shadows are chosen according to the color of the hair. With these shadows, we paint over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bend of the eyebrow. (Remember the third rule).

We also need matte light shadows (approximately in skin color), with which we will lighten the beginning and end of the eyebrow a little. If you want a more defined brow line, you can do the following.

Take the corrector in the color of the skin tone, and with a brush, go through the corrector "butt" to the line of the pencil. So the eyebrow line will become even clearer.

The natural shape of the eyebrows, given by nature, is best suited to your face type, not counting the hairs in the bridge of the nose.

The outer eyebrow should not be lower than the inner, otherwise you will have a sad look.

Eyebrows, fused at the bridge of the nose, very round or with strongly lowered ends age the face.

Slightly shortened or wide apart eyebrows will make you look younger.

Thick, very wide eyebrows go only to young women with a very lush hairdo. Even wide eyebrows make men think that they have a passionate woman in front of them.

If you round face wide eyebrows will NOT suit you.

If you have an oval face, in any case, do not make your eyebrows “spread”.

Eyebrows - the strings look unnatural and add five years to your age.

After eyebrow correction, chamomile and oak bark compresses are necessary.

Remember the rules

1. Starting point. If we draw an impromptu line (using our wand) up from the wing of the nose, through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow, then the point where the wand points will be the starting point.

2. The outer edge of the eyebrow. To determine the end point of the eyebrow, place the stick so that its lower tip touches the wing of the nose, and the upper one, passing through the outer corner of the eye, points to the eyebrow.

3. Bend. To determine the highest point of the eyebrow, where it should curve, but in a natural and beautiful way, put the wand on the wing of the nose and draw an impromptu line up through the iris right to the eyebrow.

We wish you beauty and youth!

Before you start creating perfect eyebrows, you need to choose a time and place, stock up on tools and prepare your face for the procedure.

1. Pick a time, place and tools

Choose a day when you will not be in a hurry to go anywhere. Keep in mind that eyebrow shaping takes an average of 30-40 minutes. In addition, the skin will take some time to recover after plucking. Therefore, it is better to schedule the procedure on the weekend, when you do not need to apply makeup.

It is preferable to pluck your eyebrows in daylight: this way even the finest hairs will be visible to you. For maximum comfort, it is better to sit in front of a wall mirror, dressing table or find a mirror on a stand. This will keep both your hands free.

The mirror should be large enough so you can see how symmetrical your brows are.

To remove the smallest hairs, use a special magnifying mirror.

In addition to it, you will need:

  1. Good tweezers. Choose it depending on the density of your eyebrows and the characteristics of hair growth. Well, remember that the tool should lie comfortably in your hand.
  2. Eyebrow brush to gently comb the eyebrows before choosing the shape.
  3. Long thin object: orange stick, pencil, pen, brush, etc. Useful for marking the beginning, bend and end of the eyebrow.
  4. White eyeliner to mark guide lines and dots.
  5. Manicure scissors to cut too long hairs.
  6. Disinfectant, paper and cotton pads for cleaning tools, hands and skin, as well as for removing torn hairs. Alcohol-based lotions or salicylic acid (alcohol solution) work well.

Before you start plucking, disinfect tweezers and nail scissors, wash your hands.

2. Prepare your face

Remove makeup so that excess makeup does not make it difficult to pluck. Wash thoroughly, and then apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to clean and dry eyebrows. This will help soften the skin.

Wait 10-15 minutes and remove excess cream with a paper towel. To avoid redness and swelling, and to prevent infection, wipe the area around the eyebrows with a disinfectant.

Find the perfect brow shape for you

  1. Remove hairs strictly in the direction of their growth to avoid creases, microtraumas and the appearance of ingrown hairs. Pull sharply, in one confident movement.
  2. Do not pull out hairs in bunches.
  3. To reduce pain, try to grab the hairs as close to the root as possible and slightly stretch the skin.
  4. The cold narrows the pores and makes the receptors less sensitive. Therefore, wipe the skin with an ice cube.
  5. Do not forget to remove the removed hairs with a cotton pad and periodically disinfect the tweezers.
  6. Tweeze your eyebrows in parallel to avoid asymmetry: a few hairs on one side, the same number on the other.
  7. Do not get carried away: growing eyebrows is much more difficult than plucking.
  8. To get rid of irritation and redness after the procedure, wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them with a decoction of chamomile, mint or sage.
  9. Don't forget to keep your eyebrows in shape and groom them. Pluck out regrown hairs, nourish your eyebrows with oils (castor, burdock, almond or olive are suitable), and also correct the shape of your eyebrows with cosmetics.

Make up your eyebrows

Decorative cosmetics will help emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and correct imperfections. With the help of a minimum set of tools and competent application, you can achieve excellent results.

1. Prepare cosmetics and tools

  1. Brush.
  2. Two eyebrow pencils in similar shades.
  3. Brush with beveled pile.
  4. Shadow palette.
  5. Eyebrow gel or pencil.

It is best to choose cosmetics designed specifically for eyebrows.

2. Apply makeup

Pluck and trim excess hair if needed. Comb your eyebrows with a special brush in the direction of hair growth. Then smooth out the individual knocked-out hairs.

With an eyebrow pencil, draw two neat, smooth lines under the lower and above the upper eyebrow lines.

With a special beveled brush, carefully fill in the empty areas of the eyebrow using the matching shadow from the palette.

Blend eyeshadow and liner thoroughly, then set with brow gel or brow pencil.

With the help of light matte shadows from the palette, hide all the flaws and make-up errors. And to make the look more open, add some shimmery shadows.

How to create perfect eyebrows in a nutshell

  1. Catch good lighting and prepare a handy mirror and tweezers.
  2. Cleanse your face, disinfect your hands and tools.
  3. Determine the three main points: the beginning, bend and end of the eyebrow.
  4. Draw the outline of the eyebrow and pluck out everything that goes beyond it.
  5. Tweeze your eyebrows periodically and take good care of them.
  6. Eliminate imperfections with decorative cosmetics (the minimum required: an eyebrow pencil and a blending brush).

After a while, you will fill your hand. Then plucking and makeup of eyebrows will take much less time. We hope you will be pleased with the result.


December 20, 2019 09:59

By Fabiosa

Men are different. If some are very decent in nature, then others like to beat around the bush. Women, especially when they are in love, love with their ears, so it is very easy to lead us into the candy-bouquet period when we do not see the obvious.

Often men hang the same noodles on our ears.

We give a kind of cheat sheet on which men's phrases you should pay close attention so as not to be deceived.

1. "I'm only looking for a serious relationship"

George Rudy / Shutterstock.com

It is commendable if this is true, but often men say this for a red word in order to quickly take possession of a woman. At the beginning of a relationship, look more at the actions of the boyfriend. They speak louder than any words.

2. "When I saw you, I immediately understood - you are the one I have been looking for all my life"

Dima Sidelnikov / Shutterstock.com

Another phrase from the lexicon of a pick-up artist. Of course, you are a wonderful woman, but how did he manage to see it? It happens that people live for years and learn something new about each other every day, and then a fleeting acquaintance, and already fate? Take your time, take a closer look at it.

3. "We will always be together"

Too arrogant, reckless and hasty. How many ladies has he said that to, I wonder? Here you don’t know how the day will turn out tomorrow, but he throws such serious phrases after a couple of days of dating.

4. "Before you, all women were somehow not like that, but you..."

Kate Kultsevych / Shutterstock.com

The very fact of comparison with another woman is already ugly behavior on his part. Most likely, he is an ordinary womanizer. A smart man, even if he makes a comparison in your favor, will not voice this.

5. "I want a baby from you"


This phrase is dreamed of by many women who are in a serious relationship. But if you are familiar with just nothing? Perhaps this is one of the tricks to get a woman as soon as possible.

How do you observe that men still deceive us? Tell us in the comments!

The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace the advice of a certified specialist.

The shape of the eyebrows is no longer subject to the requirements of fashion, but it must correspond to the "architecture" of the face.

Olivier Echaudmaison,
house creative director Guerlain

Eyebrows make a face!
All makeup artists in the world agree with this. When I start makeup, I always start with the eyebrows. Eyebrows are the starting point for all makeup in general.
I always advise my clients to go to the salon for correction. This service is inexpensive, but instantly transforms the face!) But not everyone has the opportunity to go to the salon due to the catastrophic lack of time. Or sometimes we just do not trust the masters))))
Below, I will describe the eyebrow correction procedure based on theory and my own experience.
1) We remove hair from the face.
We are preparing the "operational field", that is, we are disinfecting the tools and the brows themselves. It is better not to wipe your eyebrows with alcohol. Change it to chlorhexidine.
2) Just rub the hairs with your fingers, pinch them. This procedure will help old hairs fall off. Do not be afraid to do it intensively enough - you will not be left without eyebrows))
3) Comb them with a brush: first up, and then along the hair growth.
4) Determine the shape of the eyebrow.
In training, they gave me a classic scheme for determining the ideal eyebrow
I found an example picture on the internet.

Over time, I realized that she did not suit me. Firstly, not everyone suits when the eyebrow starts from an imaginary line crossing the outer edge of the nostril. Secondly, not everyone suits the "kink" of the eyebrow, which is indicated in the picture.
Therefore, do not "force" the natural form! Start from it, not from the shape in the picture! Just make it neater, thereby you revive your face, but do not lose your individuality.
So, for starters, we determine where the eyebrow should begin and end.
I really liked Ray Morris's approach, which she describes in her book. "Makeup.Detailed guide"
"We all have different sizes of noses and nostrils, so the eyebrows should continue an imaginary line coming from the wings of the nose (and not from the edge of the nostril).

The picture was taken directly from the book))
Next, from the line of the nose, mentally draw a line crossing the outer far edge of the pupil. It will cross the eyebrow at its highest point. Here the eyebrow should be curved.
The final step - from the line of the nose, mentally draw a line crossing the outer corner of the eye. The point of intersection of the line with the eyebrow is the place where the eyebrow ends.

From myself I just want to add that if your "kink" is in the "wrong" place, then do not try to "twist" or "move" it to the right place. Everything should match the natural position of the eyebrows as much as possible!

Go ahead!)
Lower brow line. Look at the pictures. Ideally, the eyebrow from point A to point C should be as straight as possible and of the same thickness.

But again, don't go to extremes!
Draw with an eyebrow pencil the shape that you have obtained, according to all of the above rules. Look carefully. Adapt it to your eyebrows, think about whether you are comfortable with this shape? Maybe you should walk around in it for a while and look at it from different angles?
And only after you have exactly decided on the shape, start plucking the eyebrows.
5) Pull out the hairs in the direction of growth. Less irritation and pain.
6) Eyebrow tinting.
First, let's decide on the color. The color of the eyebrows should match the shade of the hair. If your hair has warm pigment, add warm pigment to your brows too! It always hurts my eyes terribly when a red-haired girl makes herself black or dark gray eyebrows.
If you are using a pencil .
pencil is better to choose it for eyebrows! It is more pigmented, the lead is drier and harder, and the texture is more powdery. Some contain wax.
Draw small short strokes, as if you were drawing additional hairs for yourself. At the end, comb them with a brush.
If you are using a special brow powder or pigment .
Take a thin brush with a bevelled edge. The main thing is that the brush has a hard bristle!

Work with a brush in the same way as with a pencil - with strokes.
at the end, comb out excess pigment with a brush.

If the hairs of your eyebrows are naughty and stick out in different directions, go over them with a special fixing eyebrow gel or use a wax pencil.

I hope I explained clearly)
If you have any questions - please contact!)

Creating the right proportions is one of the most important tips when working with eyebrows, but if you want your eyebrows to look beautiful, then you need to know a lot more about the shape of the eyebrows. Choosing the best tools and using color the right way are just some of the pro tips to help you achieve the brow shape you've been dreaming of.

Start using the best brow shaping tips to make your brows part of your gorgeous look. Taking advantage of their shape can greatly rejuvenate your face, so here are some tips on how to get it right.

Start with a good set of tools and the right attitude

Before you can shape your brows properly, you need to make sure you have all the tools you need to do a good job: sharp, bevelled metal tweezers, brow brush, grooming scissors, brow pencil, and/or brow powder.

A magnifying mirror always increases the risk of over-plucking, so it's best to use a regular mirror in very good light. Find a picture of the brow shape you want to make and attach it to your mirror to increase your chances of getting the perfect shape. One of the best tips for shaping your brows is to create them with an brow pencil so you can pluck your brows like a template. Tweeze your eyebrows when you are relaxed and in a good mood. If you do this after a shower, your hair will come out easier, but your mood is even more important.

Outline eyebrows

Don't pick up tweezers until you figure out which shape suits your face best. Once you've tried the traditional curl, you can experiment with other shapes, however, the following important rules will help you achieve brows that are guaranteed to look great in relation to your eyes and nose.

Where Should Eyebrows Start?

To improve the natural shape of your brows, you should let your brows grow for at least one month before tweezing. The easiest way is to use either a pencil or an eyebrow brush. Position them vertically in relation to the nostril to determine where your brows need to start in order to look natural.

The highest point of the bend

The next step in finding the right shape for your brows is to determine the highest point of the curve where each brow should drop down. Then line up the pencil or brush with your iris. Aligning them with the inner side of the right nostril, position them so that they coincide with the outer edge of the iris of the right eye, and mark the place where it intersects with the line of the eyebrow. Repeat this maneuver for the left brow before continuing on.

eyebrow tip

Using the tips for creating the right eyebrow shape, you can also determine where the eyebrows should end. Simply align your brush or pencil to the outer corner of your eye to find where your brows should end naturally and attractively. The highest point of the brow is usually about two-thirds from the inner corner of the eye, but the secret to a perfect brow tip is to make sure it is no lower than where your brows begin. If it is lower, the eyebrows will appear drooping instead of being attractively raised.

Tidy up your brows before plucking

To make the plucking more accurate, you should always comb your eyebrows up and tidy them up before plucking. You will be able to work more effectively with their natural shape if you tidy them up before combing your hair back.

Plucking tips from the pros

The best way to pluck your eyebrows - do this in a well-lit room, at a distance of about thirty centimeters from the mirror. One of the best brow tips is to always start at the bottom and pluck your brows from nose to tip. Plucking in the direction of hair growth is less painful and may also reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

Use the right pencil

Eyebrows tend to get thinner with age, so if you're going for a youthful look, try to make your brows as full as possible. Use a brow pencil to fill in the sparse areas with just the right color and complete the beautiful shape. As with plucking, always use the pencil in the direction of hair growth.

Use Color Correctly

One of the best tips for shaping your brows is to use color to your advantage. Remember that the correct brow color is a shade or two darker than your hair, but you can use two colors. You can use different shades of brow powder and pencil to get the perfect look. Leave it to the pros for a more permanent brow shade change.