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» Unhappy life. Lyrics of the song (words) Vasya Oblomov - Long and unhappy life

Unhappy life. Lyrics of the song (words) Vasya Oblomov - Long and unhappy life

The mouthpiece of conscience and the oppositionist from the world of music, Vasily Goncharov, released the sixth album in a row as part of the Vasya Oblomov project, naming it quite succinctly: "Long and Unhappy Life". The artist dissects modern society, cuts off the superfluous, sometimes even bleeds, so that later the epicrisis for society can be brought into the title of a longplay.

Oblomov is a prolific artist: since 2011, the year of the release of his debut album, he has managed to release a full-length recording every year (besides 2015) ( "Breaks" cannot be written off, although they certainly draw on a mini-album, and the narrative canvas is not monumental). It's time to skim over the record.

Intro Order- a short summary of what, in sum, is an unshakable picture of what is happening in Russia: everything is bad, but, in censorship terms: "Neglect, we waltz!". Mentally preparing for a tub (no, not slop) sobering, like ice water, "marginal notes."

In internal emigration resonates too much with my reality and work at the factory, where every second person manages to say "to bed", and Let's Get Married is a great program to pass an evening or two.

Vasya continues the concept of "friend or foe" in the next track, obscure glade, but this time the narration is being conducted on behalf of an inexperienced and not the most educated layman.

Well, in On a wide range of issues a concise instruction is given: how exactly to nurture an inexperienced layman in oneself. Conformism as a comprehensive phenomenon is ridiculed in the best traditions of "Bad Advice" Grigory Oster: listen and do the opposite.

The scourging, filled with sarcasm, is replaced by a straightforward Long and unhappy life done in tones Joy is given to the rude from "Multi-move"(2014). The piercing and biting title track of the album leaves the listener alone with himself and with painful thoughts: I scold others, but am I really that good myself?

"Remember death" - this is how the name of the track is translated from Latin memento mori. Life-affirming composition, soundtrack to the film Spiritless 2, is a powerful message based on an overly Western sample that is uncharacteristic of Oblomov's work.

Fucking man opposed good man from the same "Multi-move". The text of one song mirrors another, only permanent antitheses come to the fore.

Long-playing (literally) composition Repair, performed as a theatrical sketch, in faces, captivates with sincerity, and the musical accompaniment evokes associations with old satirical couplets "on the topic of the day." The eternal problem of housing restoration, but in the scenery of the 21st century: here you will find underfloor heating, a shumanitor, and a well-known construction hypermarket. The track is a monolithic monument (or rather, a tombstone) to statics (repair) in dynamics (finishing work).

Remember baby show ABCDyke? If this name is still associated with something informative and nostalgic for you, forget it. Oblomov will teach you to select situational synonyms for the words “neighbor”, “deputy” or “colleague”.

It's OK- these are the words a person says when he accidentally stepped on his foot. Well, or when something didn’t work out, but in fact I really wanted it to work out fine. The track is a picture from the present: the agony of society, the substitution of concepts and indifference. A video was released for this composition in September 2016, where, with sadistic calmness, the hero of the video, filmed from the back, cuts out/burns out the eyes of the toys. The visualization of an elementary metaphor turned out to be too spectacular. Exposing the vices of society, Oblomov / Goncharov sums up: “We are not on fire yet, but it seems that we are in hell.”

live forever- collaboration with Gleb Samoilov, which, thanks to (or because of?) Samoilov's timbre, rather amused. The manner of performance of the ex-participant Agatha Christie was like white noise, like something alien. Doesn't suit the frontman The Matrixx to sing about something other than the suffering of a restless soul, much less about the social sphere, so loved by Oblomov for six albums.

Having driven on a popular topic in 2015 (and now subsided) - Islamic state, forbidden to be mentioned on the territory of the Russian Federation - Vasya Oblomov does not say anything new, he simply illustrates the statement that has become a meme: "Obama is to blame for everything." Description at the level ABCDeyki. Nothing remarkable.

The shortest track on the LP Adequate answer, in its capacious form and rhetorical question in the denouement, it looks more like a poster D. Moora 20th year of the last century "Have you signed up as a volunteer?". A set of absurd sketches, ending no less paradoxically. The poet was right Tyutchev, writing iconic lines: “Russia cannot be understood with the mind ...”.

The song about opportunists is a variation on the theme: what if?.. About pocket honored and folk artists and corrupt morality. IN carry bullshit there are references to specific cultural figures who have chosen the "trough". But in the lines of Oblomov they appear as completely caricatured characters

Goodbye in duet with Pavel Chekhov resembles another fruit of their creativity, Rhythms of windows. But it should be noted that the composition of 2017 is significantly inferior compared to the older collaboration. Chekhov's melancholic chorus evokes bouts of yawning and takes you to the waves of Retro FM radio. Thanks, I'm not that old yet.

Closing Live with a children's choir in the background is truly beautiful. She inspires, inspires and gives strength to live among the typical heroes of Vasya Oblomov's songs. Among the ball, dog, silent and other grotesque people.

Yes, the arrangements are still uncomplicated, they are something in between a chanson (like Vasya Oblomova, who made famous Going to Magadan) and folklore motifs. The deliberate primitivism of the musical parts is designed to make the work of the group and Goncharov closer to the people and at the same time focus on the texts.

This album is for those who are called "white ribbons", it is the distillate of politics passed through a musical sieve. Someone will say that songs should be good, positive and pleasing to the ear of the layman. That “every g ... is full on TV”, and calling the news digest for the time period from album to album creative is strange. Let them talk. And let Vasya continue to sing about the country in which the poem V. Mayakovsky“What is good and what is bad” only deserves a new reading through the lips of the artist Efremova.

The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors needs its own minstrel.

unhappy life

Before you can figure out how to become happy, you need to understand what is the essence and root of all the problems that ultimately make you unhappy. Usually we know very well what we want: health, money, beauty, love, more free time, creative fulfillment... And of course, all this at the same time. That is, the essence of the problem is that someone owes us something for some reason. Someone has money, but I (unfortunate!) don’t, so I have to sit in a stuffy (or cold, or both stuffy and cold at the same time, because, alas, we know that one does not interfere with the other) room. Or someone was born happy - look, how lucky the neighbor is, not like me! And after all, she is no better than me, but happiness has come to her!

So let's figure out why HER is lucky, but you are not. And is it really so. Keep in mind that an unhappy life, so to speak, misfortune, in other words, a permanent feeling of being unhappy is nothing but a disease. And the disease is not only possible, but also necessary to be treated.

Essence of universal energy

The root of unhappiness is not in yourself, as psychologists will most likely explain, that is, not in your view of yourself and life. If this were the case, then everything would be much simpler, and any psychotherapist would make the world an earthly paradise, entirely inhabited only by happy people. In order to understand what is the root of non-happiness, that is, the lack of joy of being, we must understand how the Universe works and how a person interacts with it.

A long time ago, physicists discovered that the universe has a wave-like nature. In other words, the Universe is nothing but energy that is constantly in motion, and this motion is undulating. Actually, this is understandable and known to everyone: the energy of the seas moves in waves, the energy of light moves in waves (light waves are a concept known to everyone from the school bench) and, of course, the energy of the Universe moves in waves.

Everything in the world vibrates. All living and non-living objects vibrate; it is connected with the transmission and reception of energy-information by them. We perceive reality with our senses only because its objects are in a constant state of vibration. Vibrations of one kind allow us to see objects, another - to hear, a third - to smell, a fourth - to touch, etc. If a thing is invisible, inaudible, intangible, has no taste and smell, then it does not emit any vibrations, therefore, does not exist.

We ourselves, of course, also vibrate. And if our vibrations are in harmony with the vibrations of the Universe, then everything is fine with us, that is, we are happy, in other words, internally harmonious and calm. Only now, no beliefs will help here, because no matter how you convince yourself that you are happy, you won’t become happier because of this, everyone understands this. There are people whose vibrational rhythms coincide with the rhythms of the Universe, but this is by no means all. However, attuning to the Universe is quite possible, and not even very difficult. Moreover, initially all people are born happy. You pay attention to children: they are happy, unless they are made unhappy by adults. The same can be said about animals: they are happy if we do not interfere with them.

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Friends! Please note: in order to correctly correct the lyrics, you must highlight at least two words

We want happiness, we want to be loved.
We want those whom we have long forgotten not to take offense at us.
We betray friends and try not to notice it.
When it is not necessary - we say. When necessary, we prefer to remain silent.

Politeness and kindness are often mistaken for weakness.
Our neighbor's failures bring us the most joy.
It seems that all the best in life is left far behind.
And now we have more hate than love.

We do not love those like ourselves, we do not love others.
We do not like the burden and the presence of ourselves in it.
We discuss how to live others and give advice,
When skeletons no longer crawl into your own closet.

When the time comes, we die.
And our loved ones sit silently in the evenings over strong tea.
And in silence, they do not feel anything to ache in the chest with pain ...
Because we have more hate than love.

Our life is at odds with words, and words with deeds.
We attribute everything to fate. And so clumsily
We pretend that everything is clear to us for a long time,
That we have everything under control, and that our life is so beautiful.

We have adapted to everything and never get easier.
And we wildly rejoice at the emergence of military power.
Another volley, and the rockets go up.
Our long and unhappy life goes on as usual.

About the song

  • Vasya Oblomov writes: “The song that gave the name to the whole album. Sad, depressive, but not the most hopeless on my scale. I can write darker. It's not about politics, it's about us, about the hell of everyday life. On each of my albums, in addition to songs about social problems, there are two or three such lyrical ones. At concerts, they are often asked to sing exactly them. The presentation of the album "Long and unhappy life" will be held in the Red club in Moscow on March 16. Lyrics on our website!