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» The designation of the tattoo is a treble clef. What does a treble clef tattoo mean?

The designation of the tattoo is a treble clef. What does a treble clef tattoo mean?

Some wearable designs have become popular only recently, one of these tattoos is the treble clef. His image was invented about a thousand years ago, and the first drawings on the body began to be made only in the last century. For this reason, the interpretation of the symbol is just beginning. However, even now one thing is clear - people associated with music strive to portray the treble clef, thereby saying "music will forever remain with me."

What does a treble clef tattoo mean?

This tattoo is rarely seen in an ordinary person who is not associated with the art of music. Nevertheless, some of the inhabitants, far from creativity, use the symbol as a reminder of their turbulent youth (usually they stuff the treble clef on the little finger or on the other finger). For other people, the treble clef is a symbol of longing for the old days. If such a tattoo is applied during a person's stay in prison, it can mean a cheerful and carefree life in freedom before getting to places not so remote.

Musicians know that, in addition to the violin (the most common), there are two more types of clef:

  • alto (works for string instruments such as violas and chamber orchestras are written on it);
  • bass (used to write notes for the double bass, cello, bassoon, bass or baritone vocal parts).

Some people, in an effort to emphasize their originality, depict any of these keys on their bodies.

Who is the tattoo for?

The treble clef is a very clear, harmless, simple and elegant tattoo. It looks perfect on the female body, but is also suitable for men. It is not necessary to be a professional musician to earn the right to wear this sign on yourself - just love for music and its performers is enough to perpetuate this feeling on your body.

There are thousands of musicians who have treble clef tattoos. For some, the drawing is depicted in a conspicuous place (neck, forearm, hands, fingers), for others it is hidden under clothing. Sometimes the key is used with other musical symbols (most often - notes), due to which the composition acquires a certain completeness.

For many people, music serves as a support, support, hobby, passion. For others, it is the main profession and a means of earning money. But it does not matter. If you want to become the owner of a treble clef tattoo, feel free to implement your idea. Harmless and understandable to a wide range of people, the symbol will remind you of music - the most beautiful creation of mankind.

The value of the treble clef tattoo on the zone of girls

In prison, the treble clef was stuffed for girls who had previously engaged in oral pleasures; men could also find such a tattoo with exactly the same meaning.

The image of a treble clef as a tattoo has recently diversified the range of underwear designs. The meaning of a tattoo is clear even to people who are ignorant of this area - this is a manifestation of love for music. People who are passionate about music and creativity are carriers of such drawings. Very beautiful tattoo in the form of a treble clef, possibly with the addition of others that complement and enhance the effect of musicality, suitable for girls. Often, next to the treble clef, notes or an instrument played by the owner of the tattoo are depicted. Men also choose the image of a treble clef, but in the form of a more masculine and strict design. It is possible to apply a musical picture: a treble clef against the background of a page of a musical album or an instrument against the background of a treble clef with notes, as if issued by an instrument and flying in different directions.

Of course, the pattern of the treble clef is chosen not only by musicians, but also by simple people wishing thus to express their reverent attitude to the musical world. Moreover, the place of application can be any part of the body, and the treble clef will look not only appropriate, but also very beautiful and harmonious. Men prefer to apply the pattern on the shoulder or back. And girls can choose any part of the body, because a treble clef tattoo will emphasize a graceful ankle, a gentle curve of the neck, a thin waist or a good shape of the arm. The treble clef tattoo can be seen on the body of many famous music performers and composers. Stars who are not related to music, but who feel like a creative person, are also chosen.

The complex shape gives the pattern of the treble clef a certain zest. The intricate shape with spiral elements draws attention not only to the drawing itself, but to the person who immediately stands out from the crowd. According to the prevailing stereotype, people related to the world of music and art are perceived as gifted and extraordinary. A bright color scheme can enhance the meaning of the “Treble Clef” tattoo - the love of music will manifest itself in all colors. Or, conversely, only black to make the lines appear clearer.

The meaning of the treble clef tattoo is widely known - the love of music. Less well known is the treble clef as a symbol of turbulent youth, a riotous lifestyle. So in a way, the meaning of a treble clef tattoo means sadness and sadness about the fun, but bygone years.

But not everyone knows that there are several types of keys. Or rather, three images directly related to musical instruments for which music is written. The key "sol" is chosen by the owners of violins, pianos, most of the percussion and wind instruments. The bass and baritone vocal parts, as well as the double bass, cello and bassoon, are written on the bass clef or “fa” clef. Melodies for trombones and violas are written on the “do” key.

It should be noted that, unlike most popular body designs, the treble clef appeared among tattoo pictures only in the last century. Therefore, such a tattoo can safely be called modern.

The treble clef in tattoo art and its meaning is not easy to describe, because this tattoo is relatively new and very modern. Although the treble clef symbol itself originated in Italy in the middle of the 11th century, the clef tattoo did not appear until the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, the meaning of the treble clef tattoo is now only being formed. The treble clef in a tattoo, as a means of self-expression, is very well suited for creative people whose life and work is closely connected with music.

The meaning of the treble clef tattoo mainly tells that its wearer has devoted his life to creativity, and states that "music is always with me."

In music and in tattoos, there are three types of treble clef, which have a different image:

Key "sol" on this key notes for violin, piano, most percussion and wind instruments, vocal female parts are written. As a variety, you can call the old French key (no longer used).

Key "fa" or bass clef, cello, double bass and bassoon parts, bass and baritone vocal parts are written on it.

The C clef or alto clef is used to write music for violas and trombones.

Another purpose for the treble clef tattoo was a reminder of the past cheerful life, of the past years of youth and joy. Therefore, for some people, such a tattoo can also become a sign of longing. In the tattoo zone, the treble clef also means a cheerful, wild life in freedom.

This symbol in the tattoo has become an expression of the boundless love for music, and can be perceived as a call to action.

The treble clef can be a good female tattoo, it is often drawn in decomposition with other female symbols, although it also looks good on men. This tattoo has already been done by famous musicians and many stars of domestic and world show business.

It's no secret that "in the zone" each tattoo is not fiction and has a strictly defined meaning. Next - deciphering prison tattoos

1. The devil and the woman - "a woman pushed for a crime", "I will bypass the law." It is applied to the chest, thigh, less often - to the forearm.
2. The head of a cat is a symbol of good luck and caution. It can be depicted with paws, in a hat or top hat, with a bow, etc. This is the thieves' suit of a person who is firmly and forever connected with the criminal world, prone to robbery, robbery, theft. If applied on the forearm, shoulder - "indigenous inhabitant of the prison" (abbreviation CAT), if under the arm - "prison - home", if on the legs - convicted of robbery, eternally convicted, if on the stomach - "thief".
3. Torch - partnership in places of detention. Often found with the initials of the person in whose name the tattoo was made.
4. Knife in hand, shackles on the wrist - "cormorant" (in jargon - a bully). It is applied on the calf of the leg, on the forearm.
5. A dagger entwined with a snake - the leader of a thieves' suit. If the snake's head is raised - "began to steal, rob", if lowered - "tied up with theft" (very rare!).
6, 7. The burning of a woman crucified on a cross or a woman sitting on a penny - a woman pushed for a crime or love for a corrupt woman, "he intends to avenge the evil done." Apply to the chest or front of the lower leg.
8. A seagull on the background of a shield with a stripe - a sign of friendship before a criminal record, "Kents at will." Apply to the hand, forearm.
9. The burning of a woman chained to a pole is "the revenge of the one who betrayed me." The number of logs is the received term of punishment. Apply to the thigh.
10. Tulip in hand - turned 16 years old in an educational labor colony. Apply to the shoulder.
11. Rose in hands - turned 18 years old in an educational labor colony. Also applied to the shoulder.
12. The head of a woman, a knife and a rose - an oath of revenge. Apply to the top of the forearm.
13. Sailboat - a touring thief.
14, 15. A running deer and a soaring eagle with a suitcase in its claws are prone to escape. Apply to the chest. If the eagle has a sheep in its claws, he committed a crime under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (rape).
16. Madonna with a child in her arms - "prison is a native home", "child of prison". Apply to the chest.
17. Wolf and woman - a caricature image of police officers. The wolf is sometimes in a police uniform, with shoulder straps, in a cap with a cockade. Apply to the abdomen, thigh.
18. A woman, a torch, a snake, a skull, an ax, a crown, a cross, a lattice, money - "everything in life is transient." Apply to the chest. Only authoritative convicts are allowed to wear a tattoo, because the thief in law worships two "saints" - "kiche" (prison) and the cross.
19. Interlacing of capital letters of the phrase "Love, comrade, will." Often tattooed at a minor age in special. Vocational school, special school, VTK. Apply between thumb and forefinger.
20. The devil with the bag - "it was happiness, but the devil took it away." The owners of such a tattoo have a long criminal record for committing theft of state and public property. Apply to various parts of the body.
21. An abbreviation of the Latin expression "Dum spiro spero" ("While I breathe, I hope"). Can be applied with a brush and under artistic tattoos-pictures.

22. Girl's head - 17 years old in VTK. Apply to the shoulder.
23. Lattice, dagger, rose branch - judged for hooliganism, met 18 years in prison. Apply to the shoulder and forearm. (The number of bars in the bars is the term of punishment.)
24. Skull, dagger, snake, rose branch, money - for a long time he was engaged in thefts, robberies, robberies; judge repeatedly; "a thief in law". Apply to the chest.
25. Church in the palm of your hand. The number of domes indicates the number of convictions or the term of punishment for a crime committed. It is applied on the thigh, on the calf of the leg, on the forearm. On the chest - only a church or a cathedral. Shackles - the right to a tattoo is acquired only by those who have a term of imprisonment of at least five years.
26. Executioner and woman - judged for the murder of a woman or a relative. If one executioner is depicted - "respect the law of thieves." Apply to the chest or front of the thigh.
27. Gladiator (Hercules, superman with a gun ...) - tattooed prone to sadism and impudent hooliganism. Persons with such a tattoo in places of deprivation of liberty are called "fighters". They commit reprisals against "guilty" prisoners and citizens at large. Apply to the shoulder or back.
28. Shaking hands in shackles is a sign of friends in places of detention. Apply to the hand, forearm or upper arm.
29. The head of a monster with fangs, horns, a beard - a "grin", negatively disposed towards the employees of the police, the court, the prosecutor's office, the administration of correctional labor institutions, who have changed the thieves' traditions. It is applied to the chest, often next to the portrait of Lenin - the leader of the October Revolution, which also has a certain sign (abbreviation - VOR!). This tattoo was adopted from the underworld rockers. Came to us from the West from the movie "Hell's Angels".
30. A genie flying out of a jug is a characteristic tattoo of drug addicts or drug addicts. It is applied on the chest, shoulder, forearm, on the front of the thigh, between the thumb and forefinger.
31. Spider in the web - drug addict tattoo. A spider without a web is a "pinch". The tattoo is typical for thieves. Both are applied to the hand between the thumb and forefinger. In addition, the spider is applied to the left and right sides of the neck, which means "crushed the regime", that is, it was repeatedly punished in places of deprivation of liberty for various violations of the regime of detention: punishment cells, PKT, lost dates, etc.
32. Cross, head of a saint in a crown of thorns, card suit "peak" - judged for hooliganism. It is applied to the shoulder, forearm, front of the thigh. (Tattoo of convicts who visited the Baltic ITUs.)
33. Dagger, revolver, cartridges, bottle, glass, woman's head, syringe, ampoules, cards, money (in various combinations) - 1) "Mess" - "that's what is ruining us"; 2) "Decided to lead a criminal life." Apply to various parts of the body. Everyone is allowed in the criminal world.
34. The head of a tiger - "angry to power." The wearer of this tattoo is hostile towards law enforcement agencies, persons who have broken with the criminal environment, as well as all employees of the ITU. Ready to rebuff encroaching on his dignity.
35. Opposing bulls - a tattoo means a struggle for leadership among criminals. "Not burdened with an idea." "I'll take care of myself." Apply on the shoulder blades. The same meaning is for the fighting knights.
36. Camera window, skull, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, together with the snake's head, pierced with a dagger, sentry on the tower, barbed wire - "revenge on the prosecutor." The number of thorns on the wire (as in other tattoos) means the term received for the crime. Apply to various parts of the body.
37. Capital Latin letter "D", a tiger, a skull pressed by a tiger's paw, a crown, a spade card suit - we are convicted of robbery. Cruelty, antisocial orientation of interests, desires, aspirations. Apply to the shoulder, chest or forearm. Punks and rockers are tattooed on the chest.
38. A woman crucified on a cross - a "thieves' cross". Thieves, authoritative among convicted thieves, impale him. The place of the tattoo is the chest, forearm, front of the thigh.
39. A naked woman entwined with a snake (options can be very different!) - denote a passive homosexual. The tattoo is applied by force or to the loser of cards, but sometimes at will. The place of the tattoo is only the back!
40. A crown with red card suits (hearts, tambourines) - "the king of all stripes", a passive homosexual, a person engaged in all forms of debauchery. I'm weak-willed. The tattoo is rare (applied on the back), but which is known to most people who have been in prison. Persons with tattoos Nos. 39 and 40 are called "combs", "roosters" or "blue". These are the most offensive nicknames in prisons. A convict, even jokingly calling another convict by this nickname, may pay for it with his health or life.
41. A pirate with a knife in his teeth, an earring in his ear - symbolizes a threat. In this tattoo, the main meaning is carried by the inscription on the knife. It usually has the name "IRA" on it. In fact, this is an abbreviation - "I'm going to cut an asset." Prone to sadism, negatively disposed towards persons who have embarked on the path of correction. Applied on the shoulder, on the chest. The earring is a symbol of thieves' luck.
42. Jesus Christ crucified on the cross; the crucifix is ​​in shackled hands - "I believe in the thieves' idea", "I will not change the law of thieves." Apply to the chest, front of the thighs.
43-46. Airplane. Anchor with a lifebuoy, etc. - professional tattoos of a pilot, sailor, etc. They are applied to various parts of the body, usually visible: arms, chest.

47. Boar or his head - a tattoo of female criminals who have been imprisoned for a long time and engaged in lesbian love. The boar is a symbol of strength, masculinity, it is tattooed by a woman who has taken on the role of a man.
48. Tattoo treble clef or violin. "Violinist" - the antonym of "Boar", a weak-willed woman. She is tattooed by men with whom the "violinist" is engaged in blowjob.
49, 50. A symbol of threat, revenge. Happens with date or initials. "I swore an oath - I will avenge."
51. "Scribe" - stands for translation from a slang dictionary: "a bandit who is good with a knife, a razor."
52. Thieves' symbol of good luck, strength. Apply to the chest. For this tattoo you need to be an authoritative criminal in the criminal world.
53. The star of the "cool" - solidarity with the negative, loyalty to its laws; a gambler who plays "for interest" (one of the commandments of a "thief in law" - he must play cards perfectly). The tattoo is applied to the corners of the collarbones. In recent years, many convicts who are fond of tattooing have begun to prick her.
54. Tattoo - "Offended by the injustice of Soviet legislation." Its carriers can be classified as asocial individuals.

Deciphering tattoos on the hands: rings, crosses and dots

A kind of business card in the criminal environment are ring tattoos. Applied to the phalanges of the fingers, they immediately catch the eye and give a knowledgeable person extensive information about their carrier.

1-A. Was in prison.
2-A. "Lost Youth"
3-A. "I served my term with a call", that is, according to the verdict of the court, I completely served the term of punishment,
4-A. Tried for murder or grievous bodily harm.
5-A. We're on trial for robbery.
6-A. We're on trial for robbery.
7-A. We're on trial for theft. Inclined to create criminal gangs.
8-A. We judge for hooliganism. Not good for re-education. Tends to be negative. Sometimes the tattoo is applied to the earlobes.
9-A. "denied". Close to the prison elite. He is hostile towards police officers, representatives of the court and the prosecutor's office, activists from among the convicts or convicts who have embarked on the path of correction.
10-A. A "man" is a convict who does not belong to any groups. Under the guise of neutrality, indifference, non-intervention hides fear for his life. He does not refuse to work in production, he lives according to the principle "my hut is on the edge."
11-A. "Wafler" ("rooster", "blue", etc.). The most despised, lowest rank in the hierarchy of the underworld. He is not considered to be a person, it is "dead" to talk to him, to sit down at the same table to eat, or to give him at least the slightest help. This is a persecuted caste for life. "Waflers" are young, physically weak convicts who could not stand the "registration", seduced or raped (often with perversion) by stronger ones, or who did not pay the card debt. Tattooing is often done by force or under threat. In freedom, it is almost always reduced or altered under a 3-A ring.
12-A. "Six". Such a ring is worn by convicts who are in places of deprivation of liberty in the role of petty executors of the will of authorities, morally broken, trying to survive in the created conditions and not be lowered to the caste of "roosters", "wafers".
13-A. "Passage through the Crosses" - those who have been in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). The crown says that its owner violated the regime of detention, was in conflict with the administration, and claims leadership in the criminal sphere.
14-D. "Four towers and ZK" - served his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty. It occurs in almost every tattooed convict.
15-B. "Point" (large, 1-2 mm in size). May be replaced by a rounded cross. Applied after escaping from places of detention. The number of dots indicates the number of shoots. Persons with such a tattoo require enhanced control during escort. Not to be confused with a dot or "fly" at the outer part of the eye or at the corner of the mouth - a tattoo of homosexuals!
16-D. "Alone in the circle of friends." The decoding is similar to the ring No. 14-D.
17-A, 17-B. "I am a killer". "Memory of parents" who died while the convict was serving his sentence.
17-G. The ring is applied by convicts who are hostile to the administration of places of deprivation of liberty, to police officers and to convicts who have embarked on the path of correction. Means that the owner has sworn to take revenge on MTU activists, social activists or police officers. If there is a shaded mound under the cross, then the offender has fulfilled his intention.
18-A. "In the footsteps of a beloved father." It is applied in memory of convicted parents.
19-A. We're on trial for rape. The tattoo is rare.
20-B. "Walkers in the zone." The number of crosses indicates the number of convictions. The size of the cross is approximately 3 mm.
21. Eight-pointed or six-pointed stars are tattooed on the shoulders or collarbones. "I don't want to work for the owner" - the objector, who does not want to work in places of detention, does not intend to embark on the path of correction. Similar stars on their knees - "no one will put them on their knees", "I will not change ideas."
22. Tattoo of a person who committed a crime against a police officer or a people's combatant. Apply to the calf of the leg.
23-A. "Chushok" ("Parashnik") is a slovenly, downtrodden and therefore despised convict by those around him. But still, it is one step higher in the hierarchy than the "wafer". They don’t sit down to eat at the same table with the owner of such a ring, he can’t touch the things of other prisoners, even cigarettes can’t be taken from his hands. He is tattooed fraudulently or under the threat of reprisal. Subsequently, at the first opportunity, the image is reduced or shaded under the ring No. 3-A.
24. Tattooing of persons who do not want to work.
25. Locations of tattoos on the hand.

Rings in minors

1. "Shine the thief, not the prosecutor"
2. Was tried under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
3. "Alone in the circle of friends" - a minor was in prison.
4. "Gop-stop" - a ring convicted under Art. 145 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
5. Thieves suit
6. Was in a special school for two years; libertine.
7. He served his sentence in the "bitch zone"
8. Looking for a girl for sexual intimacy
9. "I will not shake hands with the cops"
10. Thief's house - prison
11. Tomboy, thieves, associated with the criminal world
12. Kid or cormorant
13. Female ring - was judged
14. She was in places of deprivation of liberty, and the term (number of dashes) is indicated.
15. Convicted under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
16. Ring brought from the Baltic States: fidelity, happiness, life, freedom
17. He served his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, and the term (number of dashes) is indicated.
18. The ring of the Polish thief The figure above - the term, below - the number of convictions.
19. Ring of a thief and a robber
20. The ring, which is applied by minors during their transfer to an adult colony, if they had a certain weight and authority among negatively-minded convicts.
21. Prone to relationships with women of easy virtue
22. 1st conviction for women
23. 2nd conviction Both men and women tattoo.
24. She was convicted and served time in the VTK

Consider a number of ring tattoos of minors and not only:

1. Was convicted (or judged) The tattoo is applied to the index finger.
2. Thief Tattoo is applied on the thumb.
3. Dissatisfied with the verdict Applied to the ring finger.
4. Passage through the "crosses" and the "zone" (usually for those convicted more than once).
5. "Hello thieves"
6. "Mokrushnik", tried under Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
7. Card player, swindler
8. Ring of minors: authority, was twice in prison.
9. Passage through the Muslim zone With a cross - through crosses (?).
10. "Anarchy" - a ring, applied by convicts who are negatively disposed towards the regime and discipline.
11. A symbol of power, authority among criminals.
12. Combined ring, usually only for an authoritative convict.
13. "Destroyed Youth" He was convicted as a minor.
14. "Death to the mounds"
15. "The third walker in the zone" (?).
16. Kumovskaya ring
17. Judged (or judged) by a minor (Two flowers on one branch - a champion of bloody revenge.)
18. Passed "crosses"
19. Was judged
20. "Anarchy" or conviction under Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
21. Women's ring - "denied", I will not shake hands with the cop.
22. a) in men: beat activists; b) in women: I devote my life to women. Kobls are tattooed (see the dictionary of slang words and expressions).
23. In the circle of thieves (female ring).
24. Ring of underage girls: "They are not judged."

Several characteristic images and secret signs (see the last picture) 1. Drug addict
2. Drug addict (the letter "F" stands for - "free".
3. Thieves' authority Stab on the thumb of the right hand.
4. Luck in life
5. A symbol of revenge, unrequited love
6. Sharpie Symbol
7. Sign of the distributor of the stolen (us.).
8. Symbol of a thief-burglar (used).
9. "Bearbear" - a symbol of forest ITU.
10. Thief The same symbol can be applied to the finger of the hand. The meaning is identical.

Secret signs:

1,2,3. Saber, bayonet, pitchfork - symbols of threat, danger, warning. They come from pre-revolutionary symbols that were left on the walls of houses, in public places, etc. for information, members of a gang, gang.
4. Ring "registration" in the zone
5. Personal account Tattooed on the index finger, palm or wrist.
6.7. Identification finger movements of thieves or gamblers to find "one's own" in order to jointly beat the intended victim.
8. The symbol of "fraternization": by joining two right hands in a shake, they receive the word "BROTHER".

As you know, the treble clef is a symbol of musicality and harmony. Therefore, first of all, a tattoo with a photo of a treble clef will be an excellent body decoration for musicians. At the same time, a symbol of love for music and art will be a wonderful inscription for all creative natures. Therefore, the treble clef can become an ornament for the body of any person, regardless of gender and age.

With the help of this sign, be it small or large, a person strives for self-expression. This person shows his endless love for music. Along with this, the musical sign has such qualities as:

The meaning of the symbol in various cultures

The treble clef sign was first introduced in medieval Italy. Most often, the sign was depicted in addition to various notes and musical instruments. Just as now, beautiful images of the treble clef were associated with music. Subsequently, this musical sign adorned the body of those musicians who were fond of chanson.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Tattoos with the image of a treble clef are usually done by girls on such parts of the body as:

  • Ankle.
  • Neck bend.
  • Waist
  • Hand shape.

But the guys prefer to have such an original painting in the following places:

  • Behind the ear
  • On the back.
  • On the neck.
  • Shoulder.

Most often, the treble clef is depicted in a classical style.

Various variants of the treble clef tattoo

Both guys and girls sometimes get a tattoo with this picture on their finger, which has an important role in playing the guitar or violin. The treble clef also looks original on the wrist. If the representatives of the female half can diversify the picture by adding pictures of birds or flowers in various shades to them, then the representatives of the male half prefer the image of a treble clef in classic black.

The treble clef was also stuffed as a tattoo on the zone, which means that the owner went to jail due to theft.

Often the treble clef appears in a sketch with other notes, which makes tattoos a real masterpiece.

  • A treble clef in the form of a note "sol" reveals the owner's attitude to musical instruments such as piano, violin or wind instruments.
  • The complemented clef "fa" symbolizes love for the cello or double bass.
  • But the key "to" has a special meaning, as it characterizes people associated with the alto or trombone.

An original tattoo with a treble clef and notes adorns the curve of the neck of the famous Russian singer Keti Topuria. Popular singer Selena Gomez got a note on her hand.