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» Handout Medvedev: one-time payment to pensioners evaluated by experts. A pre-election trick is being prepared for pensioners - “a one-time handout. When will the handout be thrown to pensioners?

Handout Medvedev: one-time payment to pensioners evaluated by experts. A pre-election trick is being prepared for pensioners - “a one-time handout. When will the handout be thrown to pensioners?

Yesterday, at a meeting with members of the government, Dmitry Medvedev said the following: " Based on the results of today's discussion, I believe it is right to carry out indexation in the form of a lump-sum cash payment, it is determined in the amount of 5 thousand rubles and will be paid in January 2017". At the same time, he said that in 2017indexation of pensions will be carried out atequal to actual inflation. While this level is predicted by the government in the amount of 6 - 6.5%.

Let's figure out what this means and how the decision will turn out for pensioners.

First, a lot of questions immediately arise. Will all pensioners receive a supplement? Is it only for the unemployed or for the employed too? What about those who receive social pensions? There are no exact answers today, as well as legislative documents, government decrees or statements by officials explaining the procedure for making a one-time payment. So far, there is only a verbal statement by the head of government, which alarmed the media and citizens. Nevertheless, we will proceed from what has been said.

As for working pensioners and recipients of social pensions, for example, TASS cites the words of an unnamed federal official "familiar with the situation," who, in response to a question- whether a lump-sum payment is provided for working pensioners and recipients of social pensions - said: "It is planned that all pensioners without exception will receive a lump-sum payment."

Now on the merits of the decision. The pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed by 4% in February, despite the fact that the official inflation for 2015 was 12.9% (and, according to polls, 20-25%). In this regard, the government promised to return to the issue of additional indexation in the second half of 2016 in order, if the situation allows, to carry out additional indexation of pensions to the level of 12.9%. And yesterday the decision was made - the additional indexation was replaced by a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to everyone without exception.

Note that this "everyone without exception", regardless of the size of the pension received, does not mean indexation, proportional to the size of the pension received, but an obscure, albeit pleasant, lump sum payment.

Secondly, although the payment is "pleasant", since in terms of the year it isa monthly increase in pensions for each pensioner in the amount of 417 rubles, however, the delayed result of replacing indexation with a one-time payment will not be in favor of pensioners.

Let's take as an example a pension of 10,000 rubles, which a citizen received at the beginning of January 2016, and consider two options.The first option is a one-time additional payment, while maintaining the size of the pension indexed by 4% for the whole year. Option two - additional indexation of pensions from the second half of the year to the level of actual inflation (12.9%).

  • Option 1. After indexing on February 1 by 4% (instead of 12.9%), its size increased by 400 rubles and amounted to 10,400 rubles. According to the decision taken today, additional indexation is not carried out and is replaced by a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles. Then by the end of 2016 (beginning of 2017) he comes with a pension of 10,400 rubles.
  • Option 2. In the event of additional indexation (as planned), from the second half of 2016, the amount of the pension should have increased to 11,290 rubles. Therefore, his pensionby the end of 2016 (beginning of 2017) will be higher - 11,290 rubles.

In February 2017, as the prime minister promised, pensions will be indexed to inflation by 6%. Then the pension in the first government version, indexed by 6%, from February 1, 2017 will be 11 024 rubles (10,400 rubles x 6% = 11,024 rubles). In the second option, with additional indexation, the pension would increase to 11 967 rubles (RUB 11,290 x 6% = 11,967 rubles).

Thus, losses in the amount of pensions will amount to 8.6%, and in annual terms in rubles, the "loss" will reach 11,321 rubles(for 10 thousandth pension).

Pension at the end of 2016

in the indexation option by 4%

+ one-time surcharge

Pension amount

at the end of 2016

in the version with additional indexing

Pension amount

in 2017 after indexation by 6% (option with a one-time surcharge)

Pension amount

in 2017 after 6% indexation (option with additional indexation)

10 400 ₽

11 290 ₽

11 024 ₽

11 967 ₽

Annual pension payments for 2016

Annual pension payments for 2017

129 800 ₽

(12 months*10 400 +

5 000)

130 140 ₽

(6 months*10 400 +

6 months*11 290)

132 288 ₽

143 609 ₽


1. Calculations are made for situations in which the government "could go" and "went". In fact, judging by media reports, neither additional indexation nor a one-time surcharge was planned, and the most likely and real outcome was “refusal of additional indexation,” since the situation with the budget simply did not allow it. In comparison with the last option, the decision on a one-time surcharge is beneficial - an "unexpected joy" that gives a "gain" compared to "doing nothing" (refusal to re-index).

2. We add a video of the speech of the head of government.


The indexation of pensions is, however, the way that the authorities have chosen this time surprised many. Pensioners were promised a single one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, which will be issued by the New Year. The "unprecedented generosity" of Dmitry Medvedev's government outraged bloggers in Runet.

IN There will be no second indexation of pensions this year, as the government of the Russian Federation decided. Instead, pensioners will be paid 5,000 rubles each in January 2017. Moreover, according to experts, this option is initially losing for pensioners, and winning for the state.

Moreover, all pensioners will receive a compensation payment - both working and not working, Natalia Timakova, press secretary of the Prime Minister, explained to RBC. This is more than 40 million people.

According to Dmitry Medvedev, compensation will allow pensioners to compensate for losses from rising prices, and will also require more than 200 billion rubles from the treasury. The necessary funds will be found in the budget, provided that the parameters of the budget will be preserved.

Blogger Irek Murtazin comments on the news about the lump sum payment: “43 million pensioners will receive 5,000 rubles each in the form of a “lump sum” instead of indexing pensions. There is no doubt that this payment is a banal pre-election sop. It doesn’t matter if pensioners manage to get 5,000 rubles before September 18, voting day, or not, United Russia, there is no doubt, will try to present these 5,000 as a “royal gift” almost personally from Dmitry Medvedev, the leader of the United Russia election list. Russia". And in the regions, I think it is quite possible that pensioners will begin to whisper that the receipt of these 5,000 rubles depends on how pensioners vote in the elections.

By the way, against the background of the information about the “one-time payment”, the poll of the Levada Center about the readiness of 23% of Russians to sell their vote does not look random. It is quite possible that this survey probed the amount to be paid in order not to offend pensioners, so that they hobbled to the polling stations in high spirits and voted “correctly”.

Of course, it is unlikely that all 43 million pensioners in Russia will vote for United Russia, but very many, I think more than half, on the voting day "will not forget to remember" the pre-election kindness and care of the government and Dmitry Medvedev personally...

If a "lump sum" is not bribing retired voters, what is it?

“So the die is cast. Crimeanashism and wars, hot and cold, begin to devour Russia. The Russian authorities today robbed 40 million pensioners by refusing to index pensions. Blatantly breaking promises.

When will a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles be paid to pensioners in 2017?

    A lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles will be paid to pensioners in January 2017. Each pensioner of the Russian Federation will receive compensation for a non-indexed pension in 2016 at the time of receipt of his pension at post offices, Sberbank branches or from a person delivering pensions to the house. This payment will be made once and in 2017 the pension will be indexed in accordance with the law and in full.

    According to published information, pensioners will receive compensation for the second indexation of their accruals that has not been carried out in the form of a one-time payment, the amount of which will be five thousand rubles. Since there is not enough money (two hundred billion rubles) in the budget yet, pensioners will be able to receive the promised only in January next year ().

    The government made, as they say in chess, a knight's move. It seems that all pensioners, except those living abroad, will receive a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles, instead of the additional indexation of pensions provided for. What is the trick of the Government here, the fact is that this amount as a lump sum payment will not affect the pension base and, accordingly, the next compensation of pensions will be from the level of pensions without taking into account 5,000 rubles, and this is, if not a step back, then not forward.

    The payment of 5,000 rubles will be in January 2017, which all categories of pensioners will receive.

    Now there is already information that, according to the government's idea, this amount will be paid at the beginning of the year, i.e. in January 2017. Both groups of pensioners, those who work, as well as those who do not, will receive it. A specific decade is not indicated, which means that everything will stretch for a whole month.

    People will receive such compensation instead of the usual indexation, which they have always received.

    For a pensioner, such a move in terms of money is not profitable, if we recalculate the indexation, it would be more in total. And that means the state wins.

    And they say that this amount of 5000 is supposedly covered by the indexation, in return for which it was charged.

    It doesn’t matter to me (the bailiffs take 50% of me, poked my head into working as an individual entrepreneur, it didn’t work out, I was too lazy to close and counted so much that: don’t worry, mom), but in general, someone will call me a country with pension indexation? If there is no indexation, then the government, having increased it in 2 years, once receives gratitude from the population, and here we have only indignation ...

    • I consider this provision redundant, really requiring the abolition and only one abolition of this compensation - inflation will decrease by 2% at least
  • A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles is scheduled for January 2017.

    As always, the government headed by Dmitry Medvedev calculated everything very correctly.

    This payment will be a one-time payment, and the pension of pensioners as a result will remain at the same level. That is, if, for example, a pensioner had a pension of 10,000 rubles, in January he will receive 5,000 rubles. And for January 2017, the indexation of pensions is again planned. So, it will be indexed based on 10,000 rubles.

    And if, after all, there would have been indexation in September-October 2016, and not a lump sum payment, then the size of the pension would have increased by 1,000 rubles, and the pension would have been 11,000 rubles. And then in January 2017, the new indexation would be calculated not from 10, but from 11 thousand rubles.

    We have a smart government ... everything is for the people ...

    In 2017, a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles must be paid to absolutely all pensioners, regardless of whether the pensioner is currently working or not. As Dmitry Medvedev said, the payment should take place at the beginning of 2017, or rather in January. By this time, the Ministry of Finance should find money to pay, the amount is simply huge.

    Such a measure was taken by the Government, since in the 2nd half of 2016 no indexation of pensions is planned, and a lump sum payment should replace the damage to pensioners.

    Our state again decided to save money on the elderly.

    Instead of raising pensions by 7% from October (the increase would average 1,000 rubles a month, we get 12,000 rubles a year), they decided to pay pensioners a one-time handout of 5,000 rubles.

    Pensioners will receive this one-time payment only after the New Year. (January 2017).

    The postman will bring this money to someone's home, someone to the post office, others to cards, along with the basic pension).

    This is how it is before the elections.

    Our authorities are not afraid of anything; they are called thinking about the people.

    And if there is no home when this payment will be brought, then it can be received?

    Since there was no 2nd reindexation for 2016, and our government saved quite a bit on this, we decided to re-index in 2017 by paying pensioners 5000 rubles each. one time. These payments will be made in January 2017. But this payment will not increase pensions themselves. Now this one-time payment needs to be legalized, so everything takes time. Pension incomes have fallen, the price of oil is not holding up, but the government will keep its promises.

    Payment to pensioners in the amount of 5,000 rubles is planned to be paid only in January 2017.

    The money will be paid one-time and it is not worth counting on an increase in pensions in the near future.

    This is just a small compensation, thanks to which the Russian government decided to reassure people at least a little.

    No comments….

    Due to the fact that at one time there was a confusion with the indexation of pensions (some were indexed, but some were not) and we decided to give our pensioners a New Year's gift and pay compensation in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

    Such a payment is expected immediately after the new year, in January 2017. All pensioners will receive this money, regardless of employment. I do not know what such attacks on the Government are connected with, but 5 mowers once are better than nothing at all. My parents were delighted with such a bill, there would be more such projects and more often.

    The lump sum payment is planned to be issued in January 2017. The amount of the lump-sum payment is 5,000 rubles. Payments will be made together with the basic pension. You don't have to go anywhere to get your pension. You will receive a pension in January and with it a payment.

    Dmitry Medvedev, our far-sighted prime minister), said: A one-time payment of 5,000 rubles will be made in January 2017. Most likely, the federal law will indicate that the payment will be issued to each pensioner along with the pension. And since pensioners (in large cities) receive pensions at different times, according to the schedule, then almost all of January 2017 will be issued and transferred this lump sum payment.

    By the way, this payment is a replacement for the second indexation of pensions prescribed by law in 2016.

    This is how the government decided to save on indexation ...

Pensioners are one of the largest social groups in the country, so their well-being is very important for the government, it affects the statistics of the welfare of the whole country as a whole. In addition, compared with last year, the level of security of citizens as a whole has become much lower. Prices in the market for food and household goods are rising, and the indexation made with pensions in January 2019 did not cover this difference between income and expenses.

We are talking about a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2019 is quite active, since it is this year that the election of a new president of Russia will take place, and this move would be a great support for the election campaign of the current president. As already mentioned, pensioners are a large part of the population, more specifically, at the moment, about a third of the citizens of the Russian Federation are pensioners, and therefore their voices are very important.

However, it is worth considering the fact that at the moment the country's foreign policy is in a rather controversial state, the country is experiencing a certain crisis, and it is not known whether the country's budget has the funds for these payments. The Ministry of Finance, on the other hand, has been declaring since last year that the part of the budget allocated for pension payments is gradually being depleted and it is worth spending pension reform, which will reduce the cost of this item.

The question is ambiguous, and it is worth considering it in more detail.

This operation is important for both parties - both for the state and for pensioners. And more positive than negative.

In 2017, the same operation was carried out, and many pensioners were satisfied, and therefore hopes were expressed that the same would happen in 2019. In 2017, the CAP amounted to 5,000 rubles for those citizens who receive the so-called minimum pension payment, which turned out to be a rather pleasant gift.

It also benefited working pensioners, because their pension is not subject to indexation, but they received this money. However, those citizens who receive a pension above the average believe that this payment did not cover the costs that have increased due to rising prices, and would be more satisfied with indexation. Although indexation implies a slight increase in the pension, it is a guarantee that the pension increases in accordance with the requirements.

The state, understanding the current state of the economy in the country, says that, in principle, pensions should be indexed. Although the indexation of pensions was already made in January 2019, it is clear that the increase was insignificant and is unlikely to cover the difference that is gradually growing between the subsistence level and the cost of the “average shopping basket”. When producing the EDV, the state saves significantly, because spending will be one-time, not periodic.

Who can apply for EDV

Now let's find out what specific categories of citizens can generally count on payment, if it is nevertheless implemented:

  • People who retired by age (for men, the current retirement age is 60 years, for women - 55 years) or by output seniority(sometimes due to special working conditions, citizens retire more often than retirement age).
  • Working pensioners. Their pension is not subject to annual indexation, but they participate in such programs, the condition for paying all necessary taxes is important.
  • Military pensioners, such people retire before retirement age and, quite possibly, continue to work after retirement.
  • Citizens with a confirmed disability, they include not only disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, but citizens with the status of children with disabilities, whose disability group is not determined.
  • And finally, citizens who have lost their breadwinner and also receive monthly payments - benefits for the loss of a breadwinner.

That is, all categories of people who officially receive social support from the state in the form of monthly cash payments - both pensions and benefits. The exception is persons who are served by the Pension Fund, but live outside the state, since such people are not in the environment of the internal politics of our country.

It is worth mentioning that due to the fact that military pensioners are not served by the Pension Fund, they were not initially included in this list, however, this category of citizens was also indicated by a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Lump sum payment amount

It is difficult to say exactly what the lump sum payment will be in 2019, as different sources report different information. Let's consider all possible scenarios.

1. Monthly supplement

Most experts say that payments will take place, but they will not be one-time, but monthly. Pensioners who have come into financial care of the state in connection with the onset of retirement age can count on payments in the amount of 300-500 rubles every month; social pensioners for 170-500 rubles, in the second case, the amount of the payment will depend on the disability group or other reason for which the citizen acquired the status of a pensioner.

2. Payment in the amount of 7000 rubles

Not all pensioners will be able to apply for such a payment, but only certain categories of pensioners:

  • Home front workers.
  • Former adult prisoners of concentration camps and prisons.

Unfortunately, the number of people falling into these categories is getting smaller every year, and such support from the state may be able to improve their standard of living.

3. Payment in the amount of 10,000 rubles

But they look at this EDV from two positions - some sources claim that before the elections all the above categories of pensioners can count on 10,000, others say that only some categories can receive such an amount. This is about:

  • WWII veterans.
  • Prisoners of concentration camps and prisons who at the time of their stay had not reached the age of majority.
  • Persons who worked at military facilities within the rear borders of the active fronts and in front-line sectors.
  • Widows of military personnel who died in the wars with Finland, Japan and during the Second World War.
  • Widows of deceased disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
  • Citizens with the sign "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad".

4. Payment of 5000 rubles

And, finally, the most anticipated scenario according to all forecasts - all categories of pensioners will receive, as in the past year, a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles.

Such a EVD will affect the majority of pensioners, which should ultimately increase their turnout in the elections, as this measure will prove that the current government cares about pensioners, both those receiving social and insurance pensions.

How to get EDV

This procedure does not require any additional paperwork. It is only necessary to have the status of one of the categories of persons that were indicated above. And it doesn’t matter at all how a citizen receives a pension - the postman brings it home, the citizen personally comes to the post office for it, or the pension is credited to a bank card. In any case, the surcharge, whether it will be one-time or periodic, will be charged to the citizen.

So, the issue of lump-sum payments worries many pensioners. Everything is treated differently in such payments, someone believes that it is better to carry out indexation, as this will lead to a general improvement in the state of pension payments, others believe that paying a one-time large amount of money will allow you to spend money on a major purchase.

One way or another, it is not yet possible to speak about this unambiguously.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the second indexation of pensions in 2016 will be replaced by a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017. He justified this by the fact that a difficult economic situation is developing in the country. Medvedev expressed confidence that this decision would help pensioners compensate for losses from rising prices. "Based on the results of today's discussion, I believe it is right to carry out indexation in the form of a lump-sum cash payment, it is determined in the amount of five thousand rubles and will be paid in January 2017. This decision will require an additional more than 200 billion rubles," TASS quoted the prime minister as saying. Payments will be received by both working and non-working pensioners. Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Finance to find the necessary 200 billion rubles. "At the same time, it is necessary to try to maintain the parameters of the budget for 2017 in order to prevent an imbalance in the financial situation," he said and noted that the budget deficit of the Russian Federation in 2016 may exceed 3% of GDP, but the government will do everything to keep it in within three percent. The Prime Minister also said that the income of the Pension Fund was below the expected level. "According to the Ministry of Finance, the reduction is about 174 billion rubles. Therefore, it will be necessary to increase the size of the transfer from the federal budget in order to pay everything as it should be," Interfax quotes him. At the same time, the February indexation of pensions in 2017 will be carried out in full - at the inflation rate for 2016 - and will require more than 270 billion rubles. It should be noted that Valery Ryazansky, chairman of the Russian Union of Pensioners, has already approved the government's decision to replace the indexation of pensions with a one-time payment. "This is an interim solution. This, of course, is better than nothing, because before that we were worried about the position of the Ministry of Finance, which stated that there was no money, and that there would be no indexation," he explained on the radio station "Moscow speaking". According to him, a one-time payment will cover the losses of pensioners in 2016, and the next indexation, which is scheduled for February 2017, will extinguish inflation. "From the point of view of real payments to pensioners, this replaces indexation. But why is this not a full-scale indexation, because these payments will not be included in the recalculation base for the next indexations. And the next indexation will be in February, and it will be full-scale, as the Prime Minister said," he added. Ryazan. In 2016, pensions were indexed by 4% instead of the inflation rate prescribed in the legislation for the previous year (in 2015 - 12.9%). In addition, since January 1, 2016, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been canceled. The idea of ​​the government to replace the second indexation of pensions in 2016 with a one-time payment was reported in the middle of August by the Vedomosti newspaper. Sources of the publication said that the payment will be made before the elections by early September. In June 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev called the restriction on indexation of pensions a "temporary measure". He admitted that inflation indexation could appear as early as 2017. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed similar hopes last December. “I would really like that we could at least be able to resolve this issue based on the actual inflation of 2016. I don’t know if this will work or not,” he said. In May of this year, during a trip to Crimea, Dmitry Medvedev uttered the famous phrase. In response to residents' complaints about low pensions, the head of government said that the state had no money to increase pensions. "There's just no money now. We'll find the money - we'll index it," the prime minister promised, ending the conversation with an awkward parting word: "Stay here, wish you all the best, good mood and health!" Medvedev's phrase became the occasion for numerous jokes on the Web and topped the rating of Runet memes. On June 20, Rosstat reported that the real income of Russians in May 2016 decreased by 5.7% compared to the same period last year. The average nominal salary increased by 6.2% in May, while the real one fell by 1%. According to Rosstat, the number of...