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Miracle Center - Women's Portal

» Married the wrong one. How to get away from an ideal but unloved wife without hurting her? “I didn’t get married out of great love” ... That’s how it happens ... I didn’t get married out of great love

Married the wrong one. How to get away from an ideal but unloved wife without hurting her? “I didn’t get married out of great love” ... That’s how it happens ... I didn’t get married out of great love

I did not marry out of great love. It happened. My wife knew about this, so she didn’t get stupid questions, didn’t get into her soul, and she was an excellent hostess. She gave birth to my daughter. The house is clean, comfortable, and the soul is empty. I filled it with what I could: work, friends, football. It doesn't matter where - just not home, especially if you knew that your daughter was spending the night with her grandmothers. That day, I didn't want to go home. Park, beer, friends. An hour passed, two, three ... Zhenya did not call, did not consider it necessary.

The phone was switched off so that it would not ring. Now the guys began to disperse, but they still didn’t feel like going home. I don’t remember how I wandered into some cafe, sat down, ordered myself another beer. He closed his eyes in anticipation.

Guess who?

My eyes were covered with soft female palms. I would recognize this voice from a million others.

Lesya! What are you doing here?

Well, that's not interesting at all! - Lesya pouted her lips and lowered her green slanting eyes, - I stopped by for a bite to eat. I'm on a business trip!

Lesya is my first love, passion, my madness. I knew her since childhood, our mothers studied together. In general, until the age of 14 we were just friends, then her father got a promotion and they moved to another city. For three long years we corresponded and called each other several times a year. She was visiting her grandmother for the holidays as a different, grown-up, prettier seventeen-year-old beauty, with slanting green eyes and rebellious curly dark blond curls that smelled of apples and cinnamon. Half the summer I could not decide, and then just kissed her. She answered me ardently, passionately. Since then, we have hardly parted.

But the summer flew by unnoticed - Olesya left for a long 10 months. Autumn always brings melancholy. The thought firmly settled in my head: “Is she alone? Maybe she has someone?!” I went crazy. I dreamed that some unknown guy was hugging her, twisting her curls around his fingers and inhaling the aroma of apples and cinnamon. And she gently and languidly whispers in his ear: "I love ..."

This thought was unbearable, it seemed to tear my soul to shreds and was ready to switch to my mind…. Therefore, when a former classmate Marina invited me to a birthday party, I agreed without hesitation. I just honestly thought I could take a break. I drank too much, woke up in Marinka's bed and she was there, so close, so warm.

Since that time, I periodically dropped in to Marina. She was always glad to see me, she didn't demand anything, she didn't ask for anything. She just gave passionate nights, looked at me with her warm brown eyes, gently held my hand, said that she loved .... It was the cure heartache which the separation from Olesya caused me. Selfish? May be. I didn’t think about the state of Marinka at all then.

As time went. Olesya arrived in mid-June. She has become even prettier: slender, stately, tall with dark blond curls, still smelling of apple and cinnamon. She said that she passed the session ahead of schedule, that she was ready to transfer to the correspondence department. I was happy. After work, I was recently accepted as an intern at a car repair shop, I went to her and we wandered aimlessly around the night city. She kissed me either tenderly, or with passion, I was shaking with desire, but I was waiting ...

That night I walked Lesya to the gate.

I don't want to go home... - She clung to me with her whole body, - I .... I ... love you.

Lesya led me into the yard. There, on the grass, under the night starry sky, what I dreamed about happened. It was not the satisfaction of an animal instinct, as with Marina. At that moment I felt happy. I loved her, she loved me and this moment became unforgettable ....

Listen, Les, can we apply? I looked into her green eyes.

Are you asking me to marry you? Lesya got up and threw back her long dark hair. - Why not! Let's fall! Parents need to be informed...

Life went on as usual. I didn't think about Marina. My conscience was silent. It was only in mid-August that an SMS came from her with the following content: “I am pregnant. Term 14 weeks. I hope you care about our fate." My state was close to panic. Marina is pregnant! I couldn't work. His head was spinning, his tools were falling out of his hands.

Would you go home! - Mikhalych, the shift supervisor, looked condescendingly at me, - Otherwise you screw up more, and then I have to clear up.

I didn’t go home, my legs brought Olesya to the house by themselves. I saw her through the open gate, so thin, fragile, graceful in a bright blue dress just below the knees .... Her curls were gathered into a tight braid, and only at the temples were funny, cute curls. Olesya was hanging clothes in the yard and humming something under her breath, so she did not immediately notice my appearance.

Kirya, did something happen? Yes, you have no face!

Les, here's the deal.... Just listen to me to the end ... Don't interrupt, okay? I lowered my head and began the story.

Olesya listened to me silently, biting her lips. Eyes filled with tears. I saw that she was in pain, but I simply could not remain silent any longer. I swore love to her, said that I would help Marina if she decides to give birth. I wanted to hug Olesya to me, but she pushed me away:

I need to think... Don't call me today.... Go home.

Lesya walked me to the gate and smiled condescendingly, and then I sincerely believed that everything would be fine with us.

The next day I ran to her full of determination and enthusiasm. For some reason, my entire consciousness was filled with the confidence that Olesya had forgiven me ....

Lesin's grandmother opened the door for me.

Lesya went to her parents. Go in peace! - the gray-haired woman shook her head reproachfully - Forget your granddaughter.

I tried to call, but a monotonous female voice invariably repeated: "The subscriber is not answering or is out of network coverage." I screamed into the phone, but this voice did not care what I feel and it infuriated me even more.

I started cursing them: Marina for coming into my life, for her caresses, for her message; Olesya for not being able to forgive and understand, for leaving, for not explaining herself. Then he realized that he was to blame for everything and hated himself.

Gradually resigned to the idea of ​​the upcoming fatherhood. Seeing Marina again seemed like a test to me. Pulled to the end. We only met in October. She looked touching and defenseless. And I decided to get married. Marry the evil Olesya.

They played a wedding, despite the fact that Marinka was eight months pregnant. And exactly one month later, Marina gave birth to a daughter, a little ahead of schedule. These were my 48 centimeters of happiness! Yes, I did not feel love for my wife, but a daughter is completely different.

And only at night now I dreamed of Olesya either in a blue dress just below the knees with eyes full of resentment and tears, or naked in the light of the stars with dark blond curls scattered over her shoulders, which invariably smelled of apples and cinnamon .... And then I woke up in bed with Marina and thought about how everything could have turned out if .... Oh, it's "IF" ....

Liza grew up, began to stay overnight with her grandmothers, and I increasingly began to stay at work, with friends. Marina waited, did not express any complaints, did not complain about life, and that suited me.

However, I did not stop searching for my beloved. And some time ago I found Olesya in one of the popular social networks. The status read: “Happy again!” It became embarrassing. I thought over the text of the letter for a long time, wrote to her that I was happy, that I was fine with Marina, that I was madly in love with her. He wrote about Liza that we want a second child! Lied!

Lesya answered quickly: "I'm glad for you!" And that's it, silence...

And today I again heard her voice in reality, so clear and sonorous. Heard for the first time in eight long years. Olesya hardly changed, only her dark blond curls now cast bronze. She looked at me and this look drove me crazy, excited my mind, awakened memories.

What are you doing here yourself? Where is Marina? Olesya asked with unconcealed curiosity.

And then it broke me! I talked about how I married her for evil, that I didn’t love Marina, and I don’t love it, that I don’t want to go home, that I turned off the phone ... Everything was in good spirits. She listened in silence, twisting a strand of her beautiful hair around her thin finger. The smile disappeared from her face. There was no more joy in the eyes, it was replaced by a storm of indignation.

Gomakov, did no one tell you that you are a bastard? - Olesya's voice became cold and somehow alien. - Poor Marina.

Olesya got up and went to the exit.

to guide you?

I reproached myself for being frank.

Look, it looks like you can only love yourself…. And yes, - Olesya turned around, - Gomakov, you never knew how to appreciate what you have ...

I lived alone for two weeks. It was unusually quiet in the rented apartment. No one met me from work, did not ask how things were going, there was no smell of pies, no children's laughter was heard. I began to miss everything that I had recently ... And the last words of Lesya did not go out of my head. I realized that I really never appreciated what I had: at first I jeopardized my relationship with Olesya, then I brazenly used Marina, then I got married and did not appreciate either my wife or our family .... I realized that I am an egoist, a miserable narcissistic cretin!

Now I constantly dreamed of Marina. She looked at me reproachfully with her tired brown eyes. Sometimes I dreamed of Liza, some kind of not childishly reasonable and strict. In these dreams, the daughter sometimes silently looked at me, sometimes, shaking her head, she said: “Dad, how could you!” And I didn't know what to say to her.

Then, two weeks ago, I got home after midnight. The apartment was cold and empty. I called Marina, in response - silence. I fell on the assembled sofa face down, I thought I would fall asleep - it didn’t work out. Lesya's voice insistently sounded inside me: “You can only love yourself…. You never knew how to appreciate what you have ... "Is it really true? I got up and went to the kitchen - silence. Marina is not. There's a note on the table! Only 3 words: "I'm not iron." I sat down on a chair. Thoughts were confused. I turned on my still sleeping phone. Eight unanswered calls from the wife. With a shaking hand, he dialed Marina's number: "The subscriber does not answer ...". I got dizzy. I found my mother-in-law's number in an old notebook. While typing - almost went crazy. Dude, one more...

Marina is with me. Just fell asleep. Do not call! - Olga Vasilievna switched off.

“Mom, Liza with mom in the country!” - flashed through my head. The mother answered immediately. She spoke dryly, sternly, not sparing my vanity. Don't skimp on expressions. Most importantly, I realized that Marina had called for her daughter, explained everything and got into a taxi with Lizonka.

I was left alone, alone with my thoughts, feelings, memories. A clear picture formed in my head: I am a bastard, Marina is patient, loving, gentle .... Yes, I had to carry her in my arms, thank her for the comfort, warmth, affection, for the daughter she gave me. Appreciate her dedication and patience. And I didn’t just not appreciate ... I scoffed ....

For two weeks I lived in a fog. I realized that I want to see Marina next to me always, and Olesya is just a bright memory. My wife is my love, true, beautiful, bright. The one that was always there, but I stubbornly did not notice her ....

I decided - come what may, and went to Olga Vasilievna. I couldn't come empty-handed. I understood that it would not be sweet, so I decided to myself that a good bouquet for my mother-in-law would help soften the blow ...

Press the call button ... For about twenty minutes I could not even decide on this. He stood like a fool under the door ....

What do you want? - Mother-in-law said with a heavy sigh, - Liza is walking!

I'm to Marina, Olga Vasilievna, - I held out a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums to my mother-in-law.

Suddenly! Okay, come on in! You still need to talk!

The wife was busy in the kitchen. It smelled of apples and cinnamon, but this smell no longer beckoned me as before.

Why did you come? Marina asked, wiping her hands on her checkered apron.

Behind you! Marina, I love you! Forgive me for all!

There was a warm sparkle in her brown eyes.

Marinochka, you hear, I will never hurt you again! – my voice trembled. Marina sat down on her haunches and began to cry. I stood and looked at her, so sweet, dear, close. I no longer needed Olesya's chiseled beauty, I needed my wife with her warm brown eyes, with dimples on her cheeks, with her light brown hair. I wanted to make her happy!

It was in the fall: I entered the railway college. Since I lived in the village, I had to travel every day by train, and then by tram to the place of study. I spent two whole hours on the road, sometimes I fell asleep in transport. Once on the tram a girl woke me up: “Wake up, we’ve arrived.” When asked how she knew where I should get up, she said that she had seen me in college.

So we started talking, her name was Anya. It turned out that the girl rides the same train as me. We started driving together, often playing cards or talking along the way. I felt sympathy for Anna, and she for me too. But no one dared to take the first step. We have remained friends. Soon Anya started dating a guy, in my heart I was jealous. Realizing that she was busy, I also found myself a girlfriend. But we didn't stop talking. Two months later, Anya broke up with her boyfriend, I supported her as best I could. Soon I broke up with my girlfriend, but Anya already had another. And this happened all the time, if Anya did not meet with anyone, then I met. When I broke up, Anya already had a boyfriend.

Three and a half years have passed. And finally, the moment came that we were both free. And once in the train suddenly Anya kissed me. It was our first kiss after three years. We started dating. Now I was truly happy. And after three months we finished the training, and the practice began. Due to constant employment, I rarely saw my beloved - I was always busy. And we grew apart. They began to correspond less often, saw each other extremely rarely, and stopped communicating altogether.

Two years later, I found out that Anya got married and was expecting a child. Opposite feelings mingled in my soul: I was happy for her, but at the same time I did not want to see her with another. And a year later I saw her, she changed, became more serious, the sparkle in her eyes disappeared. She said that she had a daughter, she lives with her husband.

Realizing that I was superfluous in Anya's life, I met Vika. My parents liked her, we started living together. A year later, he proposed to her, and we got married. Vika cooked deliciously, but every day was monotonous: I came home from work, we had dinner and went to bed. Although Vika was an exemplary wife, there was nothing to talk about with her.

I increasingly began to remember Anya, with whom every day was new, they could talk for days. And so I decided to write to her, just to ask how things are going. It turned out that Anya divorced her husband, he drank and did not bring money, he treated her like a housekeeper. Now she is alone with her daughter, but at the same time she is happy that no one else reproaches or points her out. At that moment, I wanted to return to Anya, because only with her I was happy and only she truly loved. But I have a wife and I cannot part with her, because Vika loves me. And I know how painful it is to lose a loved one. Now I'm torn between my unloved wife and my beloved ex. And in my head there is only one thought: I married the wrong one.

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Everyone in life has witnessed a situation where, after a long relationship, the couple broke up, and then the man made an offer to the “first comer”. Such behavior is surprising and raises a completely logical question: why does one woman not receive the coveted ring even after years spent together, while the other acquires the status of a bride literally the day after they met?

We are in website we tried to comprehend male logic and understand the issue that has been tormenting more than one generation of women around the world.

1. There is no suitable woman. The main thing is to be at the right time next to a man

In one of the social networks, an opinion was published that men do not marry at the moment when they meet the “love of their life”, but when they are ready to start a family. A Twitter user was interested in this theory, and she asked representatives of the stronger sex to comment on it. And almost unanimously, the gentlemen on the net admitted that Everyone has had a relationship that they regret breaking up., but this did not prevent them from marrying when a suitable candidate for the role of wife was nearby.

Eat another popular situation that pushes for marriage: if the woman the man was trying to woo marries another. In this case, there are no more chances, and if loneliness becomes unbearable, then the unfortunate groom chooses from the available options. It turns out that men do not wait for a meeting with the “same one” and the marriage proposal will be received by the girl who will be at the right time next to the person who is psychologically ripe for marriage.

Best age to start a family scientists called the interval from 28 to 32 years. After this trait, the chances that a man will want to marry will begin to decline, and after 42 years they disappear.

2. You can’t build a family on physical attraction

Even if a man looks very independent, then the choice of the chosen one will be directly or indirectly influenced by the opinion of people close to him. So, friends play an important role at the dating stage, and their opinion can speed up the process of falling in love with a girl, and parental approval can be decisive for a marriage proposal. Needless to say, there are often cases when the image of the daughter-in-law in the fantasies of the parents does not coincide with the girl that their son brings to the house?

4. A man is sure that everything suits a woman

And to be more precise, it is women who pretend that everything is in order and they “do not want” to get married. If this is true, then fine, but if not, then the chosen one will never guess that some step is expected of him, because men are bad at “reading between the lines”, but they are good at drawing conclusions. Therefore, when at some point the girl’s patience will burst, she will pack her things and leave, the man will analyze the situation and, having met another who is not afraid to clarify the relationship, will not delay and offer her to get married so that she does not leave, like the previous one. .

Psychologists warn women that they should be especially wary of the idea of ​​living together outside of marriage. Most men propose a hand and heart 22 months after the start of the novel, then the chance begins to decrease by 20%, after 3 years this figure will increase to 50%, and after 7 years of relationship, the probability that you will get married is zero.

And do not forget about the difference in perceptions: women believe that living together is the first step towards marriage, while a man, on the contrary, “forgets” about the need to register a relationship and believes that they “already have a family”.

6. A woman is convenient for this period of time, but not for the future.

It also happens that a man wants to get married, but only when he reaches certain heights: he will be promoted at work, he will buy an apartment, a country house, and so on. He does not want to be alone in this not the easiest period of time on the way to goals, so he is looking for a woman who will support him. But this is only for a while.

From childhood, the girl is taught to think that any boy who pays attention to her automatically becomes her "groom". Often relatives joke about this topic and ask when they will already take a walk at her wedding. But every year this issue becomes more and more serious. And the girl grows up with the installation: if the relationship is long, then they can only have one final - the creation of a family. Only in men such a stereotype rarely exists, which is why there is a misunderstanding between the sexes.

Of course, it is a pity for the time spent and you can even try to keep a person, but then you have to live with the realization that he is not next to you of his own free will. It is worth remembering that it is difficult for a man to give up his goal, and if he is confident in his choice, he is unlikely to waste time and avoid serious conversations. There are no convinced bachelors (really, George Clooney?) - there are women whom men do not want to marry, but do not dare to say it out loud.

Perhaps you have your own observations on this topic and in your environment men did (or did not) propose marriage for other reasons. Share your thoughts in the comments.

But in life, this is how it happens: we begin to understand more about love when there is a chance to lose it forever!

I did not marry out of great love. It happened. My wife knew about this, so she didn’t get stupid questions, didn’t get into her soul, and she was an excellent hostess. She gave birth to my daughter. The house is clean, comfortable, and the soul is empty.

I filled it with what I could: work, friends, football. It doesn't matter where - just not home, especially if you knew that your daughter was spending the night with her grandmothers.

This happened all the time. Even the very thought of the house aroused in me a kind of disgust, I felt that my life was heading into the abyss.

That day, I didn't want to go home. Park, beer, friends. An hour passed, two, three ... Zhenya did not call, did not consider it necessary. The phone was switched off so that it would not ring. Now the guys began to disperse, but they still didn’t feel like going home. I don’t remember how I wandered into some cafe, sat down, ordered myself another beer. He closed his eyes in anticipation.

Guess who?

My eyes were covered with soft female palms. I would recognize this voice from a million others.

Lesya! What are you doing here?

Well, that's not interesting at all! - Lesya pouted her lips and lowered her green slanting eyes, - I stopped by for a bite to eat. I'm on a business trip!

Lesya is my first love, passion, my madness. I knew her since childhood, our mothers studied together. In general, until the age of 14 we were just friends, then her father got a promotion and they moved to another city. For three long years we corresponded and called each other several times a year.

She was visiting her grandmother for the holidays as a different, grown-up, prettier seventeen-year-old beauty, with slanting green eyes and rebellious curly dark blond curls that smelled of apples and cinnamon. Half the summer I could not decide, and then just kissed her. She answered me ardently, passionately. Since then, we have hardly parted.

But the summer flew by unnoticed - Olesya left for a long 10 months. Autumn always brings melancholy. The thought firmly settled in my head: “Is she alone? Maybe she has someone?!” I went crazy. I dreamed that some unknown guy was hugging her, twisting her curls around his fingers and inhaling the aroma of apples and cinnamon.

And she gently and languidly whispers in his ear: “I love ...” This thought was unbearable, it seemed to tear my soul to shreds and was ready to switch to my mind .... Therefore, when a former classmate Marina invited me to a birthday party, I agreed without hesitation. I just honestly thought I could take a break. I drank too much, woke up in Marinka's bed and she was there, so close, so warm.

Since that time, I periodically dropped in to Marina. She was always glad to see me, she didn't demand anything, she didn't ask for anything. She just gave passionate nights, looked at me with her warm brown eyes, gently held my hand, said that she loved .... It was a cure for the mental pain that separation from Olesya caused me. Selfish? May be. I didn’t think about the state of Marinka at all then.

As time went. Olesya arrived in mid-June. She has become even prettier: slender, stately, tall with dark blond curls, still smelling of apple and cinnamon. She said that she passed the session ahead of schedule, that she was ready to transfer to the correspondence department.

I was happy. After work, I was recently accepted as an intern at a car repair shop, I went to her and we wandered aimlessly around the night city. She kissed me either tenderly, or with passion, I was shaking with desire, but I was waiting ...

That night I walked Lesya to the gate.

I don't want to go home... - She clung to me with her whole body, - I .... I ... love you.

Lesya led me into the yard. There, on the grass, then the night starry sky happened what I dreamed of. It was not the satisfaction of an animal instinct, as with Marina. At that moment I felt happy. I loved her, she loved me and this moment became unforgettable ....

Listen, Les, can we apply? I looked into her green eyes.

Are you asking me to marry you? – Lesya got up and threw back her long dark hair. - Why not! Let's fall! Parents need to be informed...

Life went on as usual. I didn't think about Marina. My conscience was silent. It was only in mid-August that an SMS came from her with the following content: “I am pregnant. Term 14 weeks. I hope you care about our fate." My state was close to panic. Marina is pregnant! I couldn't work. His head was spinning, his tools were falling out of his hands.

Would you go home! - Mikhalych, the shift supervisor, looked condescendingly at me, - Otherwise you screw up more, and then I have to clear up.

I didn’t go home, my legs brought Olesya to the house by themselves. I saw her through the open gate, so thin, fragile, graceful in a bright blue dress just below the knees ....

Her curls were gathered into a tight braid, and only at the temples were funny, cute curls. Olesya was hanging clothes in the yard and humming something under her breath, so she did not immediately notice my appearance.

Kirya, did something happen? Yes, you have no face!

Les, here's the deal.... Just listen to me to the end ... Don't interrupt, okay? I lowered my head and began the story.

Olesya listened to me silently, biting her lips. Eyes filled with tears. I saw that she was in pain, but I simply could not remain silent any longer. I swore love to her, said that I would help Marina if she decides to give birth. I wanted to hug Olesya to me, but she pushed me away:

I need to think... Don't call me today.... Go home.

Lesya walked me to the gate and smiled condescendingly, and then I sincerely believed that everything would be fine with us.

The next day I ran to her full of determination and enthusiasm. For some reason, my entire consciousness was filled with the confidence that Olesya had forgiven me ....

Lesin's grandmother opened the door for me.

Lesya went to her parents. Go in peace! - the gray-haired woman shook her head reproachfully - Forget your granddaughter.

I tried to call, but a monotonous female voice invariably repeated: "The subscriber is not answering or is out of network coverage." I screamed into the phone, but this voice did not care what I feel and it infuriated me even more.

I started cursing them: Marina for coming into my life, for her caresses, for her message; Olesya for not being able to forgive and understand, for leaving, for not explaining herself. Then he realized that he was to blame for everything and hated himself.

Gradually resigned to the idea of ​​the upcoming fatherhood. Seeing Marina again seemed like a test to me. Pulled to the end. We only met in October. She looked touching and defenseless. And I decided to get married. Marry the evil Olesya.

They played a wedding, despite the fact that Marinka was eight months pregnant. And exactly one month later, Marina gave birth to a daughter, a little ahead of schedule. These were my 48 centimeters of happiness! Yes, I did not feel love for my wife, but a daughter is completely different.

And only at night now I dreamed of Olesya either in a blue dress just below the knees with eyes full of resentment and tears, or naked in the light of the stars with dark blond curls scattered over her shoulders, which invariably smelled of apples and cinnamon .... And then I woke up in bed with Marina and thought about how everything could have turned out if .... Oh, it's "IF" ....

Liza grew up, began to stay overnight with her grandmothers, and I increasingly began to stay at work, with friends. Marina waited, did not express any complaints, did not complain about life, and that suited me.

However, I did not stop searching for my beloved. And some time ago I found Olesya in one of the popular social networks. The status read: “Happy again!” It became embarrassing. I thought over the text of the letter for a long time, wrote to her that I was happy, that I was fine with Marina, that I was madly in love with her. He wrote about Liza that we want a second child! Lied!

Lesya answered quickly: "I'm glad for you!" And that's it, silence...

And today I again heard her voice in reality, so clear and sonorous. Heard for the first time in eight long years. Olesya hardly changed, only her dark blond curls now cast bronze. She looked at me and this look drove me crazy, excited my mind, awakened memories.

What are you doing here yourself? Where is Marina? Olesya asked with unconcealed curiosity.

And then it broke me! I talked about how I married her for evil, that I didn’t love Marina, and I don’t love it, that I don’t want to go home, that I turned off the phone ... Everything was in good spirits. She listened in silence, twisting a strand of her beautiful hair around her thin finger. The smile disappeared from her face. There was no more joy in the eyes, it was replaced by a storm of indignation.

Gomakov, did no one tell you that you are a bastard? - Olesya's voice became cold and somehow alien. - Poor Marina.

Olesya got up and went to the exit.

to guide you?

I reproached myself for being frank.

Look, it looks like you can only love yourself…. And yes, - Olesya turned around, - Gomakov, you never knew how to appreciate what you have ...

I lived alone for two weeks. It was unusually quiet in the rented apartment. No one met me from work, did not ask how things were going, there was no smell of pies, no children's laughter was heard. I began to miss everything that I had recently ... And the last words of Lesya did not go out of my head.

I realized that I really never appreciated what I had: at first I jeopardized my relationship with Olesya, then I brazenly used Marina, then I got married and did not appreciate either my wife or our family .... I realized that I am an egoist, a miserable narcissistic cretin!

Now I constantly dreamed of Marina. She looked at me reproachfully with her tired brown eyes. Sometimes I dreamed of Liza, some kind of not childishly reasonable and strict. In these dreams, the daughter sometimes silently looked at me, sometimes, shaking her head, she said: “Dad, how could you!” And I didn't know what to say to her.

Then, two weeks ago, I got home after midnight. The apartment was cold and empty. I called Marina, in response - silence. I fell on the assembled sofa face down, I thought I would fall asleep - it didn’t work out.

Lesya's voice insistently sounded inside me: “You can only love yourself…. You never knew how to appreciate what you have ... "Is it really true? I got up and went to the kitchen - silence. Marina is not. There's a note on the table! Only 3 words: "I'm not iron." I sat down on a chair. Thoughts were confused. I turned on my still sleeping phone.

Eight unanswered calls from the wife. With a shaking hand, he dialed Marina's number: "The subscriber does not answer ...". I got dizzy. I found my mother-in-law's number in an old notebook. While typing - almost went crazy. Dude, one more...

Marina is with me. Just fell asleep. Do not call! - Olga Vasilievna switched off.

“Mom, Liza with mom in the country!” - flashed through my head. The mother answered immediately. She spoke dryly, sternly, not sparing my vanity. Don't skimp on expressions. Most importantly, I realized that Marina had called for her daughter, explained everything and got into a taxi with Lizonka.

I was left alone, alone with my thoughts, feelings, memories. A clear picture formed in my head: I am a bastard, Marina is patient, loving, gentle .... Yes, I had to carry her in my arms, thank her for the comfort, warmth, affection, for the daughter she gave me. Appreciate her dedication and patience. And I didn’t just not appreciate ... I scoffed ....

For two weeks I lived in a fog. I realized that I want to see Marina next to me always, and Olesya is just a bright memory. My wife is my love, true, beautiful, bright. The one that was always there, but I stubbornly did not notice her ....

I decided - come what may, and went to Olga Vasilievna. I couldn't come empty-handed. I understood that it would not be sweet, so I decided to myself that a good bouquet for my mother-in-law would help soften the blow ...

Press the call button ... For about twenty minutes I could not even decide on this. He stood like a fool under the door ....

What do you want? - Mother-in-law said with a heavy sigh, - Liza is walking!

I'm to Marina, Olga Vasilievna, - I held out a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums to my mother-in-law.

Suddenly! Okay, come on in! You still need to talk!

The wife was busy in the kitchen. It smelled of apples and cinnamon, but this smell no longer beckoned me as before.

Why did you come? Marina asked, wiping her hands on her checkered apron.

Behind you! Marina, I love you! Forgive me for all!

A warm sparkle flashed in brown eyes

Marinochka, you hear, I will never hurt you again! – my voice trembled. Marina sat down on her haunches and began to cry. I stood and looked at her, so sweet, dear, close. I no longer needed Olesya's chiseled beauty, I needed my wife with her warm brown eyes, with dimples on her cheeks, with her light brown hair. I wanted to make her happy!

P.S. And why do people not notice and do not appreciate the happiness that is under their noses! Why only shock therapy sets the brain? Take care of your spouses! Love them! And be happy!