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» What does a lightning bolt tattoo mean? lightning tattoo tattoo on arm

What does a lightning bolt tattoo mean? lightning tattoo tattoo on arm

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


With lightning speed- very fast

Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing

Astronomical dictionary


a giant spark discharge of atmospheric electricity between clouds or between clouds and the earth. The current strength in such a discharge can reach 100 kA, the duration is 10 -4 s.

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. and. A giant discharge of atmospheric electricity between clouds or between clouds and the ground (usually in the form of a luminous sinuous strip).
  2. and.
    1. Type of urgent telegram.
    2. Urgently published wall newspaper, information leaflet covering important, topical issues.
  3. and. Clasp in the form of two strips of matter with teeth attached to them, capable of quickly interlocking with each other.

Bible encyclopedia arch. Nicephorus


a physical phenomenon well known to everyone, especially in the East, and often mentioned in Holy Scripture either as a symbol of the judgment and wrath of God on the ungodly (Ps 10:6), or as an image of an extraordinary illuminating light (Mt 28:3), or as a likeness of an extraordinary penetrating speed. “Just as lightning comes from the east,” says the Savior about His second coming, “and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of man” (Matthew 24:27).

Dictionary Ushakov


lightning, lightning, female Discharge of atmospheric electricity in the air, usually in the form of a fiery zigzag. Lightning flashed. Lightning struck the tree. Killed by lightning. With the speed of lightning. Ball lightning (in the form of a fireball). "What's the rain like? What are lightning? A.Turgenev.

Telegram lightning ( neol.) - a telegram sent to the addressee very quickly, out of any queue. Throw thunder and lightning - cm. .

Ozhegov's dictionary

M ABOUT LNIA, And, and.

1. Instantaneous spark discharge in the air of accumulated atmospheric electricity. Sparkled m. Linear, zigzag m. Sharovaya m. (a spherical body formed after a linear lightning strike). Dry m.(without rain).

2. An emergency issue of a bulletin, a newspaper, a book, as well as an especially urgent telegram. Wall newspaper-m. The brochure is zipped. Telegram-m.

3. A type of metal or plastic fastener. Jacket with a zipper.

| adj. lightning, oh, oh (to 1 value) And lightning, oh, oh (to 1 value).

encyclopedic Dictionary


  1. a giant electric spark discharge between clouds or between clouds and the earth's surface several kilometers long, tens of centimeters in diameter and tenths of a second long. Lightning is accompanied by thunder. In addition to such (linear) lightning, ball lightning is occasionally observed.
  2. a series of artificial earth satellites for rebroadcasting television programs and telegraph, telephone and photo telegraph communications, as well as for experimental television and radio transmissions from a near-stationary orbit; the program of their development and launches (since 1965). Artificial earth satellites "Lightning" are part of the space communication system "Orbit".
  3. a metal or plastic fastener consisting of two rows of cloves connected and disconnected with a lock. It was proposed by engineers at the end of the 19th century. as a possible replacement for buttons or hooks. G. Sandback's model was patented in 1913.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


This is the name of an electrical discharge between two clouds, or between parts of the same cloud, or between a cloud and the earth. There are three types of M.: linear, vague, or flat, and spherical. 1) Linear M. has the appearance of a dazzlingly bright winding line with many branches, which can be clearly seen in photographs (for the first time in 1883; Ganzel and Krov). The reason for the tortuosity lies in the different resistance to discharge of various parts of the atmosphere, and this depends on the different distribution of temperature, humidity, raindrops, dust, etc. Sometimes M. forms a knot or loop (Abercrombie, Endeman, Reiman), sometimes it is divided into two, and more branches, which then converge together (Nicholson, Kemtz, Lepel, Leist), sometimes consists of two parallel bright lines, separated from one another by a narrow dark strip (Esse), sometimes it is clear-cut (Dagen, Joule). Usually M. falls to the ground, but it happened to observe one that rose from the ground into a cloud (Tippin, Simons); such M. are distinguished by special strength. M., passing through the air, scatters its particles to the sides and forms a void. The color of linear M. is different, most often red, less often white; apparently, it, among other things, depends on the distance, i.e., on the thickness of the layer of air absorbing the rays. In the spectrum of M., nitrogen lines are clearly visible; they claim that, in addition, continuous colored bands are visible in it, which are attributed to rarefied oxygen and a small admixture of carbon dioxide (Kundt, Herschel, Vogel, Schuster). Observers often point to the sulfur smell heard after M. This is ozone formed from atmospheric oxygen under the influence of an electric discharge. It is partly due to the decomposition of organic and mineral substances that are on the surface of the earth and contain sulfur and sulfur compounds. M.'s duration is small. Wheatstone, on the basis of experiments with a rapidly rotating circle consisting of alternating white and black sectors, came to the conclusion that it is less than 1/1000 sec.; the latest observations have shown, however, that it is sometimes much larger. It is very likely that M. is not a simple, but an oscillatory discharge (see this word, as well as a lightning rod) with a very large number of changes per second. Recently, thanks to photography, in addition to the usual types of linear M., three more have begun to emerge: ribbon, tubular, and vortex. In the ribbon some physicists see a resemblance to the wide ribbons of auroras (see); others believe that it is a double linear, between the trunks of which intermediate discharges occur; some, however, think that the ribbon-like image is due to the movement of the camera during the exposure, or due to the influence of the window pane through which one usually shoots. Tubular has the appearance of a light tube with several fiery jets, from which many side branches are separated (Kaiser, Pilchikov). Vortex is a fiery whirlwind (Pilchikov, Center, Muzet). It is possible that any ordinary linear M. belongs to one of these three types, but it seems to the eye and most often appears in a photograph in the form of a line due to the remoteness of the distance. The length of M. can be approximately determined by knowing the distances from the initial and final points of M. to the observer, found by the time intervals between the appearance of M. and the beginning and end of thunder (see), and the angle of view corresponding to these points (two sides of the triangle and the angle between them are known, we find the third one). D "Abbadi in this way determined the length of M. at 19 km. Frank found a length of 49 km in a somewhat different way. It is not difficult to explain the formation of such a long M.. According to the currently generally accepted view, first expressed by Erman and Peltier, the main phenomena of electrification in the atmosphere are the result of the induction of the earth, which is negatively charged. As a result of the induction, the earth and the thundercloud have a certain potential difference, and the lower part of the cloud is charged with electricity of the opposite sign compared to the earth. With an increase in the density of the cloud (see Thunderstorm), its water particles merge and, consequently, decrease their surface, which leads to an increase in the potential difference between the earth and the cloud by several tens and hundreds of thousands of times.This difference is quite sufficient to produce a series of discharges between raindrops located between the cloud and the earth, which is called M. - 2 ) M. of the 2nd kind, vague, have the appearance of an instantaneous flash, without definite contours, and represent a discharge between parts of the same cloud that have a significant potential difference; the vagueness is explained by the semiconductivity of the cloud. The color of this genus M. is mostly red, sometimes blue or purple. According to Arago, for one linear M. there are hundreds and thousands of vague ones. The latter also include some lightning bolts, which, in general, mean M. without thunder. 3) The third kind of lightning - ball - is the most dangerous. During a strong thunderstorm, a fireball sometimes appears between the cloud and the earth, most often of a reddish-yellow color, surrounded by a light atmosphere without definite contours, which usually moves very irregularly, sometimes quickly, but mostly so slowly that you can keep up with it at a quick pace. Approaching the building, he heads along the roof; having met a lightning rod, it often disappears without a trace with a strong crack. Spherical M. can penetrate inside the house even through a narrow hole, while narrowing, and when leaving the hole, it takes on its original dimensions. Sometimes it disappears without noise, but more often it explodes with a loud crack. Flying near a person, she contuses, and often kills him. Most often, spherical M. occur in tropical countries, where they are constant companions of hurricanes (see Storms). Plante produced a number of phenomena that are very analogous to spherical M. and somewhat explain this mysterious phenomenon. He connects the negative pole of a very strong battery of several thousand volts with slightly oxidized water poured into a vessel, and brings the end of the wire going to the positive pole closer to the surface of the water; a luminous ball appears between them, which, when the end of the wire is raised, increases to 1 stm. in diameter, while moving the wire to the side, it moves itself along the surface of the water, rotating; then explodes with a bang. Spectral analysis indicates the presence of oxygen and components of water vapor in it. A similar fireball, rotating rapidly and moving irregularly, was obtained by Plante between two moist horizontal cardboards connected to the poles of a very strong battery. According to Plante, a similar phenomenon, but on a larger scale, should also occur between the earth and a thundercloud, strongly electrified by opposite electricity, if the latter comes close to the former. Another condition, which, apparently, must be observed for this, is the absence of rain, which turns the discharge into a linear one.

In 1895, A. S. Popov arranged a device (electrograph) that marks each M.; it is based on the discovery made by Branly in 1891 and confirmed by the studies of Laj and Popov, that the conductivity of a metal. powder increases many hundreds of times under the influence of an oscillatory discharge occurring near. The device consists of an ordinary lightning rod, near which a glass tube is placed horizontally, half filled with soft iron filings. The latter are introduced into one circuit with a small galvanic battery and a bell. The battery is taken so strong that under normal conditions the bell does not work. Lightning, even if distant, induces a discharge in the lightning rod, the conductivity of the sawdust increases, and the bell rings. The hammer of the latter is installed in such a way that, during the reverse movement, it hits the tube with sawdust and brings them to their original state, which causes the current to immediately stop. An electromagnet is also attached to the device, to the armature of which a special pen is attached; with each discharge, it makes a dash on a paper tape, slowly moving with the help of a clockwork. The device, firstly, confirms the view that lightning is an oscillatory discharge, and secondly, it often detects electrical discharges in cases where they were not expected, for example. in a cumulus cloud, before a downpour, not accompanied by a thunderstorm, and so on. He can also give useful instructions for predicting a thunderstorm (the phone also indicates a distant thunderstorm: a characteristic crack is heard in it).

M.'s blow is always directed to the body that presents less resistance - to metal objects, to wet soil, etc .; hitting dry soil indicates proximity to the surface of its soil water. Clay and sandy soils are more susceptible to impacts; more rare - calcareous. When hitting sandy soil, the latter melts and then hardens in the form of long (sometimes up to 10 m at 5 cm latitude), vitreous tubes pointed downwards, called fulgurites. Passing through the body, M. heats them the more, the greater their resistance. Thin wires melt and evaporate, flammable bodies ignite, liquids evaporate; dry M. trees ignite, fresh ones split, and she rips off their skin. This is probably due to the steam generated from the juice. Most often, blows are directed at oak, least often at beech, which, apparently, depends on the different amount of fatty oils in them, which present a great resistance to electricity (Jonesco's experiments). It probably depends on the difference in the content of fatty oils in winter and summer that in winter blows to trees are less frequent than in summer, under the same other conditions (Gelman). Sometimes M. affects people and animals due to the so-called. kickback: in the body, under the influence of an electrified cloud, electricity of the opposite sign is induced, and electricity of the same sign goes into the earth; when a cloud is discharged by the action of another cloud, or by a blow to the ground somewhere aside, the electricity accumulated in the body instantly goes into the ground, which produces a mechanical and chemical action that often leads to death without any external trace. Magnets under the influence of M. change their magnetic properties, often remagnetize; pieces of iron and steel, on the other hand, become magnetized; chronometers often change course. Sometimes M.'s actions are very strange, for example. the fusing of coins in a purse that remains intact, or the transfer of metallic vapors from one object to another, where they give the imprint of the first, etc. Many similar facts are given in Arago's work "Thunder and M." (translated by Khotinsky, 1859), as well as in the "Proceedings of the Network of the South-West of Russia" prof. A. V. Klossovsky. Recently, these facts began to find an explanation for themselves due to the discovery of special properties of oscillatory discharges. The frequency of M.'s blows in Europe has been increasing in recent decades (Goltz, Bezold, Lang, Kasner and others.). The cause seems to lie in the deforestation, in the increase in the networks of railways and telegraphs, in the laying of sewer pipes, in the increase in the number of factories, etc., and also in the increase in the amount of dust in the air. For the same reasons, it is greater in cities than in uninhabited places. References other than those indicated: Plante, "Electrical Phenomena in the Atmosphere" (translated by Anisimov, 1891). Many articles about M. are published in the journals: "Zeitschr. der Oesterr. Ges. f ü r Meteorologie", "Meteorol. Zeitschr. der Deutsch. Meteor. Gesellschaft", "Ciel et Terre", "Symon" s Meteorological Magazin ", "Meteorol. Herald of the Empire. Russian geogr. gen.", "Comptes Rendus des séances de l"Acadé mie des Sciences". In the May book "Meteorological Bulletin" (1896), instructions for photographing M. prof. N. D. Pilchikov, to which three interesting photographs of M.

P. Brounov.

Lightning strike (med.). M. can kill a person without leaving any signs of damage on his body. Sometimes they find burnt wounds, singed hair and superficial burns on the skin. In stricken M., phenomena are sometimes noticed that are no different from an ordinary concussion. For several minutes or even a whole hour or more, the victim is unconscious; he breathes slowly, the pulse is hardly noticeable, the pupils are dilated, and cyanosis often joins all this. After some time, sometimes there are permanent disorders, for example. paralysis of the extremities, mainly lower, or a disorder of individual senses: blindness, metallic taste in the mouth, tinnitus. In some cases, after a lightning strike, delirium, mania and memory loss were observed.

M.'s passage through a body is followed by many objective phenomena. First of all, these are phenomena of a mechanical property, sometimes more, sometimes less pronounced. So, the places of entry and exit of M. can be marked on the body with wounds, as if from a blunt or stabbing instrument. Even bone fractures and a rupture of the eardrum were observed. Then, erythematous and nettle spots, superficial bruises and burns are noticed on the body. Tree-like ramifications are often visible on the skin, the so-called patterns lightning. The origin of these red bands has not yet been clarified. Liman observed a real rupture of an internal organ in a person killed by lightning, without external damage. It was at the top of the heart in the septum that a hole with unequal walls, 2 stm, was formed. across, connecting both ventricles. The hole was made with a black blood bundle. The damage to the eyes produced by the impact of M. has been most carefully studied. The cause of the cataract caused by M. is explained, however, by unequally different scientists (Leber, Fossius, Knies). After M.'s blow, temporary blindness was also observed, which can last for several months. In other cases, blindness remained incurable and was due to inflammation of the optic nerve or outpourings of blood in the area of ​​the macula and papilla. Among other disorders - most of them quickly passing - drooping of the eyelids, dilation or constriction of the pupils and paralysis of accommodation were observed.

Treatment victims of M. should strive to revive and maintain breathing and blood circulation. Cold souls can be of great benefit; rubbing of the limbs, warming of the extremities, and administration of stimulants by mouth or in the form of enemas may also be recommended. Private injuries should be treated accordingly. Cases of death and defeats from M. are frequent. Statistics of Prussia for 1854-1857. shows 511 people affected by M., of which 72.25% were killed and 27.75% suffered severe injuries. In France for 1835-1865. there were 2431 cases of death from the stroke of M., therefore - an average of 72.7 annually.

Sentences with "lightning"

Few agreed that these were ball lightning and not line lightning.

But the reason there were mice in the hut was not that the crooked-legged cat could not cope with them: she, like lightning, jumped into the corner after them and carried them out in her teeth.

That is, precisely from those points that were struck by default lightning.

Nowhere in the country, and in the world too, there was and is no place where there would be so many traces of ball lightning at once and in a small area.

But lightning flashed one after another, and in their bluish light I saw Mila and Yura swarming on the other side of the gorge.

Although the zips on the box that wrap around the name suggest high voltage, in fact, six AA batteries will be enough to power the construction kit.

Apparently, with a fright: the news about the grocery store flashed like lightning through all the outlets.

And one can also assume the existence on Earth of some lines of force of electric fields, along which ball lightning fly.

The fact is that in the summer right above the tunnels at a height of half a meter to two meters, like fixed-route taxis, ball lightnings fly almost every day.

In Moscow, in various institutes, where Chernobrov happened to show photographs and video recordings of the Slope of Furious Lightning, it was precisely the explanation of the burns that caused the most doubt among scientists.

Even in the photo, the lightning tattoo looks very energetic and powerful, giving the impression of speed and vigor. When contacting a real specialist, this drawing will become a true decoration of the body and the envy of quite a few people. We will pick up beautiful sketch both the girl and the guy.

Cultural associations

In hoary antiquity, lightning was already understood as a manifestation of divine strength and power, any sufficiently developed cult has the image of a supreme god who is “responsible” for lightning discharges and uses them as a weapon (and sometimes cannot exist without them at all).

What does this say about a person

Lightning, especially in combination with clouds, may indicate a person's conviction of divine intervention in his life. On the other hand, an even discharge without flashes declares the firmness and steadfastness of a person, his physical and spiritual power. The zigzag course of lightning can be a talisman against the evil eye (that is, it betrays a person's faith in the evil eye, after all).

Now important

If the picture is pricked on the male body, then such people:

  • energetic;
  • possess great strength will;
  • have a strong character;
  • moreover, by this very strength of character, they dominate all those around them;
  • intend to stand firm to the end in the event of a threat to their loved ones and friends.

For girls, a zipper is stuffed on the calf on the outside, on the neck or shoulder, which is intended to show:

  • fortitude of character;
  • impregnability for the intrigues of enemies;
  • ability to make quick decisions;
  • willingness and ability to take full responsibility for them.

There are no black lightning bolts, they are painted only in red or blue. As for the places of the heels, the general theory of the tattoo does not indicate them for lightning, you can be guided by the dictates of fashion, your own preferences and pain threshold.

Places not so remote

Criminals also inject lightning, and always on the thumbs. The meaning is the same as on the other side barbed wire. With the only emphasis that the tattoo wearer can not only make a quick decision, but also make the most difficult choice just as quickly. Other possible meanings are the readiness to stand up for oneself, or the feeling of justice of the punishment that has fallen.

A little about styles

Arrow lightning (like the one that flaunts on transformers) first appeared just in tattoos created by sailors. They used this image as a charm. Lightning can be depicted in a watercolor style, in a classic, realistic, new school and old school. Today we are ready to offer lightning tattoos for women, with inscriptions, which means maximum scope for imagination and the realization of your ideas.

The famous tattoo wearer is Amy Winehouse.

In all ancient cultures, lightning serves as an expressive sign of strength, speed, movement and is an attribute of the god of thunder, the king of the gods. Lightning, connecting heaven and earth, personifies the divine will, the creative impulse that is transmitted to the earth and becomes the driving force of people and events. In lightning they saw signs sent by the gods; places struck by lightning were considered sacred, and people struck by lightning were marked by a deity.

Being an expression of divine anger and an image of the destructive "heavenly fire", lightning is at the same time beneficent, personifying the awakening of inner vitality. Psychologically, lightning can be viewed as a crisis and at the same time as the ability to see new horizons in the darkness, to find a way out. Cognition of the Truth in its suddenness, strength and shock is like a flash of lightning. “The instant of spiritual insight has been compared to lightning in many religions. Moreover: a sudden flash of lightning that breaks the darkness was regarded as mysterium tremendum (lat. “terrible secret”), which, transforming the world, fills the soul with sacred awe”(Mircea Eliade).

IN ancient india it was believed that lightning serves as a symbol of the power and greatness of Brahman - the impersonal Absolute underlying all things. Brahman is known instantly, with lightning speed, and in the Vedic and Upanishad texts, the moment of illumination is compared with lightning - "truth in lightning."

The Vedas mention Trita, a very ancient deity, believed to be the personification of lightning. It is associated with water, fire and sky. Lightning as heavenly fire is one of the incarnations of Agni; it is also associated with the destructive fire of the "third eye" of Shiva (Vedic Rudra). One of the feats of Shiva was the destruction of Tripura, the capital of the asuras, with one arrow: “Then the three-eyed Shiva quickly fired a destructive arrow. The firmament was painted red, as if molten gold mixed with purple, and the sparkle of the arrow merged with the rays of the sun. The arrow burned three fortresses like a stack of straw. The symbol of lightning is closely related to the vajra, the mythical weapon of the thunder god Indra. Vajra (Skt. “diamond”, “lightning”) is called the “thrower of lightning” and is considered a force that destroys enemies and all kinds of ignorance.

Vajra is also one of the most important symbols of Buddhism and denotes the spiritual power of the Buddha, splitting the illusory realities of the world. Tibetan Buddhists call the vajra "dorje". It symbolizes the strength, clarity and all-conquering power of the teachings of the Buddha.

IN ancient Chinese mythology the origin of natural phenomena is associated with Pan-gu, the first man on earth: with his breath, wind and rain are born, with his exhalation, thunder and lightning. According to legend, there was a heavenly council of thunder. It included the god of thunder, the god of wind, the god of rain and the goddess of lightning. Leizu, the head of the heavenly council of thunder, was depicted with a third eye on his forehead, from which a stream of light poured. Dian-mu (“lightning mother”) held two mirrors in her hands raised above her head. Standing on a cloud, she either brought the mirrors closer together, or spread them apart, as a result of which lightning appeared. It was believed that Dian-mu illuminates the hearts of sinners with lightning, who should be punished by the god of thunder.

In the symbolism of the ancient Chinese treatise "I Ching", lightning is the image of the hexagram zhen, "excitation". It marks the moment when life begins anew, it is impossible to go back, it is necessary to go forward. In this situation, a person may feel fear and lose confidence in their own abilities. But if you do not change the principle of steady action and striving forward, such a movement will lead to the highest success.

At ancient greeks lightning was owned by the head of the Olympic pantheon of the gods Zeus. During the fight against the Titans, the Cyclopes forged lightning for Zeus - a magical weapon with which he struck Kronos. Having won these battles, Zeus gained power over the earth and sky, and thunder, lightning and thunderbolts became his integral attribute. The lightning strike of Zeus is credited by myths with the first of two births of the "twice-born" Dionysus.

According to Pliny the Elder, the great god Etruscans Tin commanded "three sparkling red beams of lightning." There were sixteen deities under his command, but only eight had the right to throw lightning, and these lightnings differed in color. All these features were taken into account by the haruspices, soothsayers, who interpreted heavenly signs.

IN ancient rome Jupiter, like many other ancient gods, originally did not have a human appearance, but was depicted as a stone arrow, in which they saw a symbol of lightning. Subsequently, the thunder arrows that he holds in his hand became a symbol of the power and invincible strength of the king of the gods. The three lightning bolts of Jupiter symbolize chance, fate and foresight - the three forces that shape the future.

According to Aztec myths, The universe has gone through four stages (or eras) of development. In the third era, which was called "Four. Rain", the supreme deity, the bearer of the sun, was Tlaloc, the god of rain and thunder, who was depicted with a lightning staff. The element of this era, which ended in a worldwide conflagration, is fire, and its sign is lightning.

IN Christian era lightning is associated with the revelation of God, as, for example, in the book of Exodus, where thunder and lightning foretell the appearance of God to Moses on Mount Sinai. In addition, lightning is a symbolic expression of God's judgment (on the day of the Last Judgment).

In the famous Muslim story revelations to Mohammed in a cave on Mount Hira, lightning precedes the appearance of a divine messenger - the Angel Jibril.

To receive a lightning strike, according to shamans, means immediate initiation. “The people who were killed by lightning are thought to have been stolen from Heaven by the gods of thunder, and their remains are revered as relics. The one who remains alive after the experience with lightning is completely changed; in fact, he starts new life becomes a new person(Mircea Eliade).

Images of natural elements and phenomena are often found in the art of body painting, but the lightning tattoo is perhaps one of the most beautiful symbols. This powerful sign has a strong energy, and each person puts his own meaning into such a drawing. What is the true meaning of a tattoo, what can it tell others?

Facts about lightning

Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that can even kill a person. The physicist Franklin unraveled its nature, but to this day this phenomenon causes trembling and fear in many people. Analysts from the United States have calculated that about 50 people die every year from a lightning strike, which is 10% of all victims. Only timely provision of medical care and the absence of cardiovascular diseases can prevent a fatal outcome. The most dangerous is considered to be during a strong thunderstorm in open areas. In this case, a powerful discharge of hundreds of thousands of amperes passes through a person directly, leaving drawings in the form of tree branches on the body. Sometimes, by darkening on the skin, you can determine the place of entry and exit of the current. To avoid an accident during bad weather, you should stay away from water, lonely trees (especially oak, pine and poplar), and also get rid of all metal objects. It is noteworthy that lightning is found not only on Earth, but also on other planets: Saturn, Venus, Uranus.

Our ancestors believed that lightning is the punishment of angry gods. This natural phenomenon was a powerful weapon in the hands of higher powers. For example, the ancient Greek god Zeus was depicted with a rod in the form of lightning, as well as the Slavic god Perun. The son of the sun god Helios died from the elements, because he almost destroyed the Earth, taking his father's chariot without asking. At the same time, lightning symbolized fertility, as it was the companion of rain and thunder.

For the first time, sailors began to apply a drawing in the form of lightning as a talisman against dangerous natural phenomena. They have such an image symbolized danger. In the Christian religion, lightning was associated with power and energy. Together with thunder, she appeared before the meeting of God and Moses on Mount Sinai.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

In a lightning tattoo, the meaning largely depends on what meaning the person himself puts into this drawing. The owner of such a tattoo can be described as a self-sufficient, energetic, impulsive and honest person. Sometimes excessive straightforwardness prevents him from building harmonious relationships with others, because not everyone is ready to hear something unpleasant about his person.

At the same time, the owner of a lightning tattoo should not be afraid: despite harsh statements, he does not hold evil and is not able to stab in the back. Everything that a person thinks at the moment, he will say honestly and openly. Such a tattoo in the form of a stunningly beautiful natural phenomenon can serve as a reminder to its owner that one should control emotions and curb one's ardent temper. This applies to both men and women.

Lightning tattoo is justice and retribution for sins. A similar tattoo was distributed after the Great Patriotic War as a sign of victory over the Nazis.

Lightning in the form of a zigzag usually acts as a talisman. If there are no flashes in the picture, and all the lines are even, then the owner of the tattoo has a persistent and hardy character, monitors his physical form. The meaning of a tattoo in the criminal world is similar to the usual interpretation. The drawing suggests that the owner knows how to fend for himself. Usually a tattoo is done on the finger.


Lightning tattoo looks very beautiful and impressive in the style of realism, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a color sketch or black and white. The drawing is as close to the original as possible and looks like a real photo thanks to the detail and rich palette. Usually the composition contains other characters (mythical creatures, deities, animals) or natural landscapes. Such large-scale tattoos are best done on the back or on the arm.

A tattoo in the form of a lightning-zigzag can be schematically depicted in the style of minimalism, which is characterized by simplicity, conciseness and clear geometric shapes. A miniature tattoo will look stylish on the leg, ankle, wrist or neck. Photos of finished works, as well as sketches in different styles can be seen in the gallery below.

The process of applying a lightning tattoo

Photo selection

A selection of sketches

Lightning is a powerful sign that is primarily associated with strength and impulsiveness. Such tattoos can be done in various variations, add details that emphasize some meaning of the picture. Also, a lot of color solutions help to make a real masterpiece out of a sketch. Although, even an inexperienced master can make the initial version of the image. The tattoo itself, which contains lightning at its core, is a powerful sign that has references to both pagan Gods and Christianity. Therefore, this kind of image is used by people who are different in religion, gender, character.

Lightning. beautiful natural phenomenon

Lightning is an electrical discharge that often accompanies such a phenomenon as a thunderstorm. In addition, thunder is also considered a satellite of lightning. It is interesting that such a natural manifestation exists not only on planet Earth. Lightning has also been recorded on Venus, Saturn and Uranus. This very fact makes this phenomenon rather unusual.

Thanks to a famous physicist named Franklin, the nature of lightning was revealed. But, despite the fact that scientists know a lot about this phenomenon, lightning has not ceased to attract attention. This is not only beautiful, but also dangerous discharge. When lightning strikes a person, there is a possibility of death. The lightning tattoo, whose photos are varied, is also popular among those who managed to survive after this phenomenon.

Lightning on the girl's shoulder

lightning and people

As mentioned above, lightning discharges are extremely dangerous for humans. According to the US statistical departments, about 10% of the victims die from a lightning strike. And this is about 40-50 people a year. When struck by lightning, the victim loses consciousness, the heartbeat and breathing may stop. With untimely provision of medical care, with existing problems with the cardiovascular system, a person dies.

Tattoo girl on the side of the body in the form of a small lightning

Did you know? During a lightning strike, when the victim is in an open area, the discharge passes directly. At the same time, so-called “lightning marks” can be found on the body of the victim. Often these are branched darkenings of the skin, similar to tree branches. There are also labels indicating the places of entry and exit of electric current. A lightning bolt tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, can also depict a flash striking something.

Lightning tattoo on leg

Lightning tattoo meaning

A tattoo depicting this natural phenomenon is quite popular. However, some put different meanings into it. The main semantic references are listed below:

  • Short temper. This surface value directly related to the type of lightning. Such a person quickly reacts to offenders, can say a lot of unpleasant things, but he quickly repents of his deed. These are difficult to deal with. However, a person who has chosen a lightning for a tattoo, a sketch of which is drawn up by a master, will never act behind the backs of others. He will express everything directly in the face. From him one should not expect vile deeds;
  • Anger. This meaning originates from ancient times, when lightning was considered a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. Taki in the sketch this phenomenon can mean both the anger of the owner of the image, and the gift of fate;
  • Authority. A person who chooses such a tattoo is prone to command, he strives to seize some kind of power, to become the first;
  • Fertility symbol. This meaning also comes from the times when a long drought could lead to the famine of the people. That's why lightning, like a messenger and a companion of rain, met joyfully;
  • Truthfulness. Lightning is often associated with sincerity, like the truth, it can be quite harsh, sometimes frightening. A person with such a tattoo is not inclined to hide anything. But he expects the same from others.

Small twin lightning tattoos on the leg

Lightning Tattoo Options

There are several types of tattoos, the basis of which is lightning. The first one includes the simplest designation of this phenomenon in the form of a zigzag. This kind of image is found in the literature. For example, JK Rowling made Harry Potter a scar on his forehead in the form of a lightning bolt. Such a tattoo can be made in one color, or can be supplemented with elements. Close to this is a lightning bolt tattoo, with many elements. For example, a tree that has been hit by an electric discharge. And the third type of tattoos is paintings. In this case lightning is only part of a larger image, which can be everything from the sky to animals. Accordingly, such a tattoo will take a lot of space. Most often, such an image is applied to the back and trusted only by a proven master.

Full back lightning in the form of a tattoo

I made a tattoo with a small lightning bolt as a reminder. I've always had an explosive temper. However, I understand that it is very difficult to live like this, you can’t throw yourself at people. Now I have a small bright red zipper on my wrist. When I get angry, I look at her and remember that she can destroy trees, maim people. After that, I restrain myself without offending others. My tattoo helps me a lot.

Natalia, Kaliningrad.

Sleeve with zipper

Lightning and mythology

Lightning is a frequent guest of various myths and legends. It is with these phenomena that many deities are associated. For example, Zeus used lightning to punish the undesirable. So, it was from lightning that the son of God died