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» Clay for hair. Clay hair masks - recipes

Clay for hair. Clay hair masks - recipes

To give the hair the desired shape and fix it, a number of different means are used: foams, sprays, gels, varnishes, waxes and others. Each of them has its own purpose. Even similar products can differ significantly in composition, because some have chemical components, while others, on the contrary, are more natural. Among this variety, a unique tool stands out, not yet very well known for home use, but quite popular in professional circles. This is cosmetic clay, but not as a component of masks, but as an effective and natural styling tool.

Features and types

The composition of such a product contains natural clay, which has many useful substances. Using it, you can strengthen the hair and further nourish them. But still, the main task of the tool is to model the strands and fix them. All types of fixing clay differ in composition and properties.

  • blue Ideal for oily hair. Among all varieties, it is considered the most useful due to the presence of aluminum, calcium, silicon and iron in it. Under its influence, the strands are cleansed, the hair follicles become stronger, dry and split ends are nourished. In addition, this type of clay promotes the release of toxins and helps to remove dandruff.
  • White a kind of clay perfectly moisturizes dry strands, and also helps to recover dyed and chemically curled curls.
  • Green Designed for oily hair. Drying the roots, it moisturizes them. After applying such clay, the level of skin sweating is significantly reduced, and dandruff is also removed.
  • Gray promotes good hydration of the strands and helps restore split ends.
  • Pink suitable for thin strands. It prevents the appearance of tangled hair and promotes easy combing. It showed itself well in the fight against brittle tips, and also prevents irritation of the scalp.
  • yellow ideally matches weakened and brittle hairs, eliminating their damaged structure. Thanks to this, they get a healthy shine and smooth texture.
  • Black promotes the growth of strands, favorably affects the condition of the skin and hair follicles. It also heals small wounds on the skin and regulates blood circulation. The composition of such clay contains many useful minerals, including iron, nitrogen and magnesium.
  • Red works well on the condition of oily strands. Removes sources of irritation, soothes the skin and restores the supply of nourishing vitamins and minerals.

In addition to the variety of species, cosmetic clay also differs in consistency.

  • Solid similar in density to soft plasticine, suitable for use on all types of short hair, even very tough and naughty. Use it only on dry strands. This styling tool has a very strong fixation.
  • waxy gives curls shine, but at the same time they look a little greasy. Apply it to fix, on medium and long hair.
  • Powdered it is applied in pure form, does not mix up with water. When applying this type, you can adjust the degree of fixation. It is used on any type of hair, including naughty, gives the curls some haze. Removal method - warm water.

When using clay, several effects can be achieved simultaneously:

  • additional volume;
  • stable fixation;
  • firmness and elasticity.

In addition, cosmetic clay cares for the scalp and helps to cope with problematic hair conditions, which other products are not able to do.

How to apply correctly?

Clay for hair with the right choice will help to make curls more beautiful, and the hairstyle brighter and more spectacular. Before applying, be sure to wash your hair with shampoo and balm. Dry hair completely or leave slightly damp. In the palm of your hand, apply a small amount of the product and warm it up slightly, then slowly apply the warm clay to the hair with gentle movements, modeling the styling. You need to distribute it evenly and in a thin layer so as not to weigh down the hair.

To give a healthy look to the ends of the strands, clay must be applied directly to this part. A significant advantage of using this tool can be called the fact that it is absolutely not visible on the hair. Clay has its own prohibitions. Do not use it on heavy and too dense hair, no means for fixing can cope with them. If you have never used clay, do not take risks and style your hair on your own, the result may not be what you expected.

Do not use the product too often, so as not to damage the structure and appearance of the hair.

Thanks to simple manipulations, a stable styling is obtained, and at the same time, the hair is provided with useful vitamins and minerals. The strands will be voluminous, although they look absolutely natural.

It happens that they forgot to close the jar of clay and it dried up. The question immediately arises whether it can be used and how to do it. This happens due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface, especially in winter. If the clay has hardened, you can carefully remove the top dried layer and continue to use it, it has not lost its qualities. The required amount should be well warmed up with your hands before application.

How to apply matte clay is described in the following video:

Rules for men's styling

This type of styling is also suitable for men's hair, two specially designed for them. type of this tool:

  • for the effect of wet hair;
  • matting.

These two types of cosmetic clay are quite different. The first option is more oily in its consistency, reminiscent of a wax product. Easily copes with styling strands that differ in length. Matte clay is designed for styling on short hair. Such a tool is denser, similar to hard plasticine, it gives the hair a matte finish and a pleasant texture.

Clay is great for men's hair because it doesn't need a lot of styling. With such means, only the tips of the strands are processed mainly.

With their help, the shape of the hairstyle looks somewhat careless and at the same time natural, the hair does not stick together.

Popular brands

Despite the relatively new appearance of such a product in cosmetology, many manufacturers have adopted it, and clay-based fixatives from well-known brands have appeared on the market.


Mattifying agent. It is characterized by normal fixation, keeps its shape well, while not fastening the hairs together. Helps strengthen hair, stimulates growth, and also relieves inflammation and reduces the amount of sebum released.


It also gives the strands a matte finish. The main component is white clay. Thanks to the soft fixation, the hairstyle can be easily shaped into any shape, and the strands will have a natural look.

Designed for short hair - both male and female, because it does not have a bright, specific smell.


This clay is made for dry hair, the nutrients in its composition further saturate the hair, giving it a healthy look. The tool also protects the strands from negative external influences. It is light, does not burden the curls, the degree of fixation is medium.


Belongs to the line for men. Works well with styling any type of short hair. Thanks to the moisture-resistant components of this product, the styling will hold even in adverse weather conditions with high humidity. Has a medium hold. It has a light texture, due to which it is effortlessly applied to the strands.

Has no sticky effect, hair looks natural.

With the right choice, cosmetic clay will help not only create a spectacular hairstyle, but also provide quality care to the strands.

When styling hair at home, women (men) use products such as foam, varnish, mousse, gel, wax, etc. Each of them has its specific purpose and action.

But despite this, even goods that are identical in description may have a different chemical composition.

To date, in professional circles, such a tool as cosmetic clay for styling hair and fixing curls is known. This product is suitable for both men and women.

It is mainly used as a component in the preparation of homemade and natural masks, but today we will talk about how to properly use the styling substance.

Benefits and effectiveness of the product

There are several types of cosmetic clay, each of them is rich in useful substances, vitamins and microelements.

With the right choice of product, you can achieve a certain result:

  1. Blue and white clay is used for cleansing, removing harmful and toxic substances. Strengthens hair follicles, has an antifungal effect, reduces hair loss and restores the structure of curls from the inside. Suitable for normal, oily hair.
  2. Green, gray, red - dries the roots of the oily type, regulates the sebaceous glands, reduces flaking (dandruff), and normalizes sweating. It is recommended to use for dry type of curls.
  3. Pink clay is used to fix thin and unruly hair, smoothes and prevents tangles, relieves irritation and protects the ends of the hair shafts from splitting (brittleness). Permitted to use for all types.
  4. Black, yellow - gives curls a natural shine, restores and saturates hair follicles with particles of oxygen, relieves inflammation of the scalp, improves blood flow. Suitable for all types.

Having analyzed the species diversity and the benefits of a cosmetic product, it is important to know what consistency it is necessary to acquire clay:

  • Hard - very similar to children's play dough. Use it for short hair of any type, even for coarse and naughty. Apply exclusively to dry curls. The fixation with this tool is super strong.
  • The waxy state of the product - gives the curls gloss. But despite this, the effect of greasiness appears. Recommended for styling medium to long hair.
  • Powder - used in its pure form, it is not necessary to dilute with a pure liquid. This clay option will allow you to regulate the effectiveness of the product: from weak to strong hold. Can be applied to any type of hair, including thin and naughty. Gives a matte appearance, can be removed with plain water.

After applying cosmetic clay at home, you can achieve the following results:

  • get volume;
  • elasticity of hair shafts;
  • secure fixation;
  • visual thickening of curls;
  • the ability to create beautiful and unusual hairstyles.

Unlike other styling products, clay allows you to not only fix, but also provide proper care, solve problems with curls and scalp.

Instructions for using the styling product

By choosing the right clay for hair styling, you can easily make your image brighter and more beautiful.

According to the application technology, the substance is similar to wax, but it is more plastic and not so oily.

To fix the curls, you need very little money - the size of a pea.

The result is a simple, but at the same time unusual styling, albeit sloppy.

Today, clay is used not only by women, but also by men. For the latter, there are also many different ways and options for fixing hair: office, romantic, careless, etc.

The myth that the representatives of the stronger sex should not take care of their appearance is long gone. You can look beautiful, courageous and brutal at the same time.

Negative aspects of a cosmetic product

Clay laying is not for everyone. It must not be used in the following cases:

  1. Heavy and dense hair. Basically, no fixing agent can cope with this type of curls. It is impossible to achieve the desired result.
  2. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself if there is no experience with cosmetic clay for styling. Otherwise, you can spoil the image and the upcoming festive evening.
  3. Often it is not recommended to use a clay product, as it can cause significant damage to the structure and appearance of the hair.

Overview of popular styling clay brands

In the cosmetic market, the substance is considered new. Despite this fact, many manufacturers have taken such an original idea into circulation, and several styling products based on the clay component have already appeared.

Let's take a look at some of them.

Schwarzkopf Texture - clay for men

It is used for short men's hair. By action, the fixing component is considered average.

Thanks to the included water-repellent ingredients, the hairstyle will retain its original appearance, even in bad, cloudy weather.

It is easy to distribute over the hair, so the texture of the product is light. There is no gluing effect, the hair acquires a natural radiance.

The weight of the product in 1 box is 100 grams.

Londa Professional modeling

Matte clay with normal hold. Cosmetic is one of the most gentle options.

Thanks to the unique composition, it preserves the natural appearance of curls. It does not stick together, style well and protect the hairs from the negative influence of the environment.

After application, the following results were noticed: growth improves, inflammatory processes of the scalp are eliminated, the secretion of subcutaneous fat decreases.

Wella Styling Dry Texture Touch - for dry curls

Replenishes the lack of moisture, gives the hair a healthy and radiant appearance. In addition to the main action, clay has a protective function from sunlight.

In the article we discuss clay for hair. We talk about its composition, types, benefits and harms. You will learn how to make hair masks from different types of clay.

Clay for hair is a natural cosmetic product, which is a powder-like consistency when dry, plastic when moistened.

The main types of clay used to care for curls are blue, green, white, pink, black, and red.


The composition of the cosmetic product contains the following components:

  • kaolinite;
  • silicon oxide;
  • water;
  • aluminium oxide.

Benefit and harm

Useful properties of clay for hair:

  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of the process of loss;
  • getting rid of seborrhea;
  • growth stimulation;
  • reduced fragility;
  • cleansing the scalp;
  • thickening of the hair structure;
  • nutrition;
  • restoration of damaged strands;
  • giving volume, smoothness, shine;
  • increase in elasticity;
  • split ends treatment.

The harmful effect of the product is the absorption of a large amount of moisture. As a result of this, curls become heavier. Therefore, women with thin, dry hair should use clay masks with caution.

You should refrain from using the product in case of serious damage to the scalp.

In some cases, clay powder can cause an allergic reaction. To avoid this, perform a simple allergy test. Apply a small amount of product to the elbow and check for redness after 15 minutes. In their absence, the use of clay is allowed.

How to use

In order for the use of blue and other types of clay to bring results, you must strictly follow the instructions below:

  1. Buy clay based on hair problems, their type. When buying, pay attention to the release date, the integrity of the package. Clay powder should be of a uniform consistency, without impurities and lumps.
  2. Take the amount of powder, taking into account the length of the curls. If it is not enough, then increase the dose by 2 times.
  3. To mix the components, take dishes made of ceramics, plastic, glass, mix with a wooden spatula.
  4. Apply clay masks to clean, slightly damp strands. First, treat the scalp with the composition, then the entire length.
  5. Use only freshly prepared solution for masks.
  6. Dilute the product in warm water. The finished solution should be similar in consistency to thick sour cream or slightly thinner.
  7. After treating the curls with the composition, make sure that it is well absorbed. Be sure to keep your head warm.
  8. Keep the mask for 20 to 40 minutes, then wash off with shampoo and conditioner. If you keep it longer, then the clay will harden, it will be difficult to remove it.
  9. All types of clay have a cleansing effect, so after applying the mask it is not necessary to use shampoos, rinsing with water with lemon, herbal decoction is enough.
  10. For women with light curls, after using the mask, you can use a tint tonic to remove yellowness.
  11. Make masks no more than 2 times a week. The course is 10-15 procedures.

Blue clay

The composition of blue clay contains the following components:

  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium.

This type is universal, it can be used for any type of hair.

Action on hair

Blue clay acts on the hair in a certain way:

  • returns shine, volume;
  • stimulates growth;
  • strengthens the roots;
  • eliminates seborrhea;
  • moisturizes;
  • stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

For oily hair


  1. Clay - 30 gr.
  2. Lemon juice - 20 ml.
  3. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  4. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water, pour in lemon juice, add finely chopped garlic, mix vigorously.

How to use: Treat the curls with a solution, insulate, rinse after 30 minutes. Do this twice a week for 30 days.

Result: Reduced shine.

From falling out


  1. Clay - 30 gr.
  2. Lemon juice - 20 ml.
  3. Honey - 20 gr.
  4. Yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Dilute the clay powder with water, add the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Treat the scalp with the mixture, the entire length of the curls, rinse after an hour using shampoo.

Result: Stopping the fall.

For hair growth


  1. Clay powder - 30 gr.
  2. Dry mustard - 20 gr.
  3. Yolk - 1 pc.
  4. Honey - 10 gr.
  5. Lemon juice - 15 ml.

How to cook: Dilute dry ingredients with water, add other ingredients, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Treat the scalp, the entire length of the curls with a solution, insulate, rinse after an hour using a cleansing cosmetic. There may be a slight burning sensation while wearing the mask.

Result: Accelerated growth.

With yolk


  1. Clay - 100 gr.
  2. Burdock oil - 60 ml.
  3. Yolk - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Pour the clay into a container, pour water, stir until a thick mass is formed. Pour in the oil, yolks, stir.

How to use: Treat the scalp, curls with the created mass, insulate, rinse off after 30 minutes.

Result: Hydration.

green clay

Green clay contains:

  • silicon;
  • aluminum;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • calcium.
  • cobalt.

The tool is great for oily type of curls.

Action on hair

Green clay has the following effects on hair:

  • eliminates oily sheen;
  • deeply cleanses the scalp;
  • controls the production of subcutaneous fat glands;
  • eliminates seborrhea, irritation.

To strengthen


  1. Clay - 100 gr.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.
  3. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water, pour in the vinegar, stir. Make sure there are no lumps.

How to use: Divide the curls into partings, then gently rub a small amount of the composition into the scalp. Distribute the rest of the mask along the entire length, rinse off after a quarter of an hour.

Result: Strengthening.

with mustard


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.
  3. Dry mustard - 8 gr.

How to cook: Dilute the main component with water, supplement it with the rest of the ingredients, stir.

How to use: Treat the hair roots with the prepared composition, rinse after 25 minutes using a cleansing cosmetic, spread the tips with conditioner.

Result: Strengthening, accelerated growth, normalization of the sebaceous glands.

White clay

The product contains the following components:

  • calcium;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon;
  • zinc.

This powder substance is great for dry, tired, damaged curls.

Action on hair

The product has a certain effect on the hair:

  • cleanses;
  • restores;
  • eliminates excess fat;
  • dries;
  • gives shine.

For dry hair


  1. Clay in powder - 60 gr.
  2. Olive oil - 10 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with water to the consistency of sour cream, pour in the oil, stir vigorously.

How to use: Treat the strands with the composition, insulate, rinse with water after half an hour.

Result: Hydration.

To strengthen


  1. Clay - 50 gr.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.
  3. Colorless henna - 20 gr.

How to cook: Dilute clay powder in water, pour in vinegar, add henna to the composition, stir vigorously.

How to use: Apply to the scalp, spread the remains over the entire length, put on a shower cap on top, rinse off after half an hour.

Result: Loss prevention.

pink clay

This type of clay powder perfectly cares for weakened curls. It combines the beneficial properties of white, red clay. With regular use, the structure of the strands is restored.

  • iron and copper oxide;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Action on hair

Pink clay has the following effect on the strands:

  • eliminates dryness, peeling, brittleness, split ends;
  • gives shine;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • stops falling;
  • relieves seborrhea.

For shine


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Castor oil - 20 ml.
  3. Milk - 100 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the ingredients in milk.

How to use: Treat the curls with a milk-clay mixture, insulate, rinse with water after half an hour.

Result: Giving shine.

black clay

Clay powder of a black shade effectively copes with split ends, dry strands.

Composition of the product:

  • strontium;
  • quartz;
  • magnesium;
  • iron.

Action on hair

The product has the following effect on curls:

  • accelerates growth;
  • prevents falling out;
  • strengthens hair follicles.

For dry hair


  1. Powder clay - 60 gr.
  2. Warm milk - 200 ml.
  3. Vitamins A, E - 3 drops.
  4. Cinnamon - 5 gr.
  5. Honey - 40 gr.

How to cook: Place all ingredients in a plastic container, stir.

How to use: Treat the curls with the composition, rinse with water after 2 hours.

Result: Nutrition.

red clay

The product contains:

  • copper;
  • iron.

Most often, the powder is used to restore curls after perm, as well as to eliminate seborrhea.

Action on hair

The effect of the drug on curls:

  • stabilizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates split ends;
  • stimulates growth.

For dry hair


  1. Clay - 40 gr.
  2. Kefir - 110 ml.

How to cook: Dilute the powder with a fermented milk drink.

How to use: Treat the strands with a solution, put on a shower cap on top, insulate. Rinse your hair after 40 minutes.

Result: Adding shine, moisturizing.

Have you thought about what our ancestors washed their hair with? After all, shampoo as a detergent is not even 150 years old. Nevertheless, ancient statues and paintings by Renaissance painters demonstrate that women of that time had luxurious hair. How did they take care of them? Lye - the basis of any soap - was already known then. But this chemical removes more than just dirt and grease. Because of its aggressive effect on the body, lye was rarely used. And the role of an ordinary hair cleanser was played by ashes. It was mixed with other ingredients, mainly of plant origin, that cared for the curls. And despite the fact that in the old days the length of women's hair reached the knees and even the ankles, no one had split ends! Clay has no less restoring effect than ash on the strands. Not every, of course, but cosmetic. In this article, we will tell you what clay is for hair masks. What problems can be solved with these spa treatments?

Clays - what are they?

Basically, this healing component, bestowed on us by nature itself, is distinguished by color. But the shade of clay is influenced by its origin (sedimentary or volcanic), as well as its constituent substances. It is the minerals that give clay its color. White, yellow, pink, red, gray, blue, green, black - almost the full spectrum! Based on the mineral composition, different clay for hair masks has a certain effect on curls. And clay is good not only for hair. It is widely used in cosmetology as face masks, as well as in medicine as applications for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, arthritis and arthrosis. But back to hair care. Various types of clay treat oily seborrhea, dandruff, fight hair loss, excessive dryness, split ends, irritation of the scalp. It is easy to buy this cosmetic product. It is sold both in pure form and as part of ready-made masks. Which one to choose?

How to use clay hair mask?

You can even have a pleasant spa treatment for curls at home. You just need to make sure that the clay for hair masks you choose is suitable for you personally and will not cause allergic reactions. To do this, the composition is first applied to the inner bend of the elbow or wrist. If there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, redness, burning), you can proceed to the procedure. You should first wash your hair and pat your curls with a towel. Clay must be diluted with warm water to a state of slurry of medium density. There are recipes where other ingredients are involved in the mask. Recipes for such compounds will be given below. The mask is first applied to the wet roots of the strands. Lightly rub into the scalp. Then a thin layer of the mask is applied along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting the tips. You must wear a plastic cap on your head. It will prevent the product from drying out quickly. It will be even better if you wear a terry towel over the shower cap. After all, if the hair is warmed up, the effect of the mask will increase. So you have to wait about twenty minutes. Do not keep a clay mask on your hair for more than half an hour. Then the product must be washed off - without shampoo and soap, just warm water. Then you should rinse your hair with an infusion of herbs or a solution of lemon juice / vinegar. Let the curls dry naturally this time, without using a hair dryer.

How often can you use a clay mask?

This is a very pleasant procedure. Hair after it really changes. The volume of hair increases, dandruff and other problems disappear. But do not abuse this spa treatment. Clay for hair masks is good when it is used no more than once a week. And if you do not have pronounced problems, then for the prevention and basic care of curls it will be enough to apply it twice a month. You can alternate clays using different masks. So the body will not get used to the components of the cosmetic product.


Soapstone, keffekilite or simply kil, is the name of blue clay. Hair masks with it can be made both with plain water and with the addition of other components. The blue color of this clay is due to cadmium and cobalt. The composition also includes phosphates of potassium, calcium, aluminum, iron and magnesium. Blue clay is mainly used to prevent hair loss. It normalizes metabolism and improves blood circulation in the scalp. With its help, you can get rid of all forms of seborrhea. But it should be noted that blue clay is more suitable for oily hair. And if you have dry and brittle strands, you need to include additional components in the mask. Here is the recipe for this mixture. Dilute three tablespoons of blue clay with warm water to a thick slurry. Add honey. If it is thick, it needs to be steamed. Add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the mask. And owners of curls prone to oiliness can dilute the keel with mineral water and apple cider vinegar.

This substance also has an incredibly rich mineral composition. A beautiful emerald shade of clay is given by copper, gold, zinc, silver, magnesium, cobalt and calcium. A mask from such a main component normalizes metabolic processes in the scalp, strengthens the follicle. But the most important property of green clay is to eliminate pollution and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Along the way, it helps to overcome seborrhea, relieves itching. What needs to be done to get a mask for oily hair? Clay (one tablespoon) is mixed with the same amount of milk powder. Powders are ground to a homogeneous state. Instead of water, we dilute the dry ingredients in two tablespoons of mayonnaise. At the end, add some lemon juice. With a mask, you need to sit for 20-30 minutes, thoroughly warming your head. Naturally, to wash off the mayonnaise and cream, you will need shampoo.

gray clay

This is sedimentary material. Moreover, gray clay is mined in the sea, in the shelf. It has regenerating, moisturizing and toning properties. Therefore, gray clay masks are suitable for those whose hair is damaged by thermal styling, perms or long exposure to the sun. The spa treatment will not only moisturize the curls, make them shiny, filled with vitality, but also restore dehydrated and dry scalp. It would be nice to connect a nutritious one to the earth component. And what moisturizes curls better than fermented milk products? Clay + kefir (hair mask) is very easy to prepare. Half a glass of yogurt or other high-fat fermented milk product requires one and a half tablespoons of an earthy component. And add a little more liquid honey. Again, apply the mask to damp, unwashed hair, and wash it off with shampoo.


Rare white clay is used not only for the manufacture of fine Chinese porcelain. For hair, kaolin masks are very useful, because this substance is rich in silica, magnesium, zinc and potassium. The composition of white clay is such that after contact with it, the curls become strong, shiny, filled with vital energy. Kaolin is used when they want to give volume to thin, faded and sparse hair. But the mask with white clay regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, prevents excessive secretion. Therefore, it is desirable to apply it to owners of oily hair. White clay strengthens follicles, heals split ends. If you want to quickly grow curls, also use white clay. It is no exaggeration to say that it suits everyone. And the desired effect (drying or moisturizing) is achieved with the help of related components. Here is a recipe for a mask for overall hair health. Grind sweet pepper without seeds in a blender. We mix two parts of this puree with the same amount of kefir and one part of kaolin.

yellow clay

The sunny color is given to silica by potassium and iron. It also contains silicon dioxide and manganese. Home hallmark yellow clay are its cleansing, bacteriological properties. It removes toxins, saturates the scalp and follicles with nutrients. Yellow hair clay is also used to effectively combat dandruff. Masks (reviews are unanimous in this) help to cope with seborrhea in a few sessions. To prepare the gruel, you need to take two tablespoons of clay and dilute it with a decoction of chamomile (for blondes) or nettle (for brunettes) to the desired consistency. Then you should add the yolk and a little apple cider vinegar to the mask. Stir until smooth, apply gruel to the root zone. Warm the head and hold for half an hour or forty minutes. After you need to wash your hair with shampoo. Be sure to use a balm after clay masks - the strands become stiff. You need to rinse the curls with the rest of the decoction of herbs.

red clay

Copper and iron oxide combined with silica give the mineral such an interesting hue. And if manganese is also present in the clay, it acquires a purple color. If you are allergic and not quite sure if the clay hair masks listed here are right for you, feel free to choose the red kind of silica. It will definitely not cause any unwanted reactions. Not only that: red clay and masks from it are prescribed for psoriasis, eczema of the scalp and seborrheic dermatitis. Such spa treatments also help those who have problems after painting or perm. For allergy sufferers, in order not to tempt fate, it is recommended to simply mix the clay with mineral water. You can also dilute the powder with bread kvass.

pink clay

This view is doubly useful. After all, it mixed the positive properties of red and white clay. Therefore, it can be used by allergy sufferers. Since this species has a disinfectant property, it can be taken as an ally in the fight against dandruff. And if you need an express repair of damaged hair, pink clay for hair can come in handy. Masks with it are suitable for weakened, dull, brittle and dry strands. In this case, you can dilute clay with kefir or yogurt. And if you want to strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, try the following recipe. Mix pink clay and colorless henna in a ratio of 2 to 1. Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and water to get the consistency of gruel. The mask must be distributed over the entire length of the curls. Warm your head and hold it for half an hour. And then wash your hair with shampoo, not forgetting the conditioner.

Black clay for hair

Masks from this type are often used for cleansing. Black Moroccan clay is rich in iron and carbon compounds. It perfectly absorbs dirt and sebaceous secretions, so it is used for oily hair and in case of dandruff. It also relieves inflammation, but since it has abrasive properties, such masks should be used with caution. In cosmetology, Moroccan clay is valued as a peeling. It is also used to combat cellulite. If you want to use black clay as part of a hair mask (after all, the curls after it become clean and without greasy sheen), mix it with some smoothing ingredients - for example, oils.

Universal Recipes

Having tried at least once such a spa treatment, you will no longer be able to refuse it. After all, there are many recipes for masks with clay. And they can be alternated to achieve one effect or another. In any kind of clay there is silica (about 75%). This substance strengthens the roots, accelerates the growth of strands, and also absorbs dirt. To nourish the curls, there is a clay + honey hair mask. It also accelerates the growth of strands. These two components can be diluted with water or herbal decoction to a state of slurry. And if you have dry hair, mix egg yolk and a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil into the mask. Mayonnaise as a component will make your hair look like laminated. Dairy products will moisturize curls. Colorless henna will strengthen the roots and protect the hair from falling out.

Clay is widely used in cosmetology, almost every woman knows about its beneficial properties. Clay is used to care for problematic, oily, aging skin, it is an excellent remedy for cellulite, and clay is also actively used for hair. Clay masks are suitable for almost everyone, the main thing is to choose the right type of clay and a suitable mass for hair.

What is useful clay for hair?

Clay has a number of useful properties, it is rich in minerals, which help to cope with many problems of the hair and scalp.

Clay has a positive effect on the bulbs, nourishes and strengthens the hair roots. Clay hair masks help regulate the sebaceous glands, add volume to the hair, and help reduce hair loss and brittleness.

Any clay contains several main components in its composition:

1. Silicon- is the basis of any clay (about 45% of the total composition). This mineral is very useful for human health and beauty, thanks to it, clay can be used in cosmetology. Useful properties of silicon for hair:

- helps to normalize the production of sebum;
- deeply cleanses the skin and hair from various contaminants;
- helps to synthesize collagen in cells;
- strengthens hair and stimulates their growth.

2. Aluminum- has a drying property.

3. Iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, etc.. (the color of the clay depends on which of these minerals predominates in the clay).

The composition of the clay and its purpose depends on its type, so first let's figure out what clay is for hair.

Clay for hair - types

Hair clay varies in color and composition, and its color depends on the minerals it contains. Also, the properties of clay depend on the place of its origin. Used in cosmetology blue, red, black, gray, pink, white and green clay.

Each type of clay has its own specific properties, so before using clay for hair, you need to know which type of clay is right for you.

White clay for hair (kaolin)

White clay Great for dry, weak and damaged hair. White clay contains zinc, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, calcium and other minerals.

Useful properties of white clay for hair

White clay has a strong cleansing effect, it is able to deeply cleanse the pores on the skin, thanks to which the skin can receive more oxygen and nutrients.

White clay is a kind and building material which strengthens the hair. That is why it can be used to care for dry hair.

Drying properties white clay allows you to use it for oily scalp, clay penetrates deep into the pores and cleanses them of sebum, helps to eliminate excess oiliness. Also, white clay gives volume to the hair, and they stay clean longer.

Hair mask with white clay

For prevention, a mask with white clay is enough to do 2-3 times a month. With visible problems, the mask can be applied once a week.

Preparing a mask with white clay is very simple - 2-3 tbsp. dilute with white clay with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. If you have oily scalp, then you can add 1 tsp to the mask. lemon juice or a few drops of essential oil (bergamot, tea tree, orange, etc.).

For dry hair, you can add a little to the mask base oil (olive, almond).

We distribute the finished mask through the hair, wrap it with cellophane and a towel and leave it for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.

blue hair clay

Blue clay is universal for any type of hair. The unique properties of blue clay allow it to be used for the following purposes:

Deep cleansing of hair and scalp. Blue clay absorbs oil, cleanses pores, and helps regulate the sebaceous glands.

Stopping hair loss. Thanks to the "rich" composition of blue clay, the hair roots are strengthened and receive the necessary trace elements.

Stimulation of hair growth. The content of silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium and titanium in the composition of clay allows you to positively influence not only strengthening, but also hair growth.

Strengthening hair, reducing brittleness.

Shine and volume.

There are a lot of blue clay hair mask recipes. The basis is clay powder, the remaining components are selected according to the type of hair, or depending on what effect you want to get. Hair mask only with blue clay

Dilute a small amount of blue clay with warm water until a slurry is formed and apply to the scalp and hair. The scalp should be lightly massaged. Then we cover the head with a plastic cap and a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. The mask should be thoroughly washed off and use a balm.

If the hair is dry, then before applying the mask, apply any cosmetic oil (olive, almond, burdock) to the ends.

Nourishing mask with blue clay

1 tbsp blue clay;
- 1 tsp honey;
- 1 yolk;
- 1 tbsp olive oil.

Mix the components thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency and apply to the hair. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, while do not forget to wrap your head with a towel. Wash off the mask using shampoo. Blue clay mask for oily hair

Dilute the clay with water and add 2 tsp. natural apple cider vinegar, rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, then leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Clay mask for very dry hair

In half a glass of warm yogurt (kefir), add 1-2 tbsp. blue clay and 1 tsp. honey. Mix and apply to hair. This mask contains a large number of nutrients that can strengthen the hair and protect them from brittleness.

Green clay for hair

Green clay is actively used in the care of problematic oily scalp prone to dandruff. The minerals contained in the green clay (iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium and silver) have a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the scalp, help regulate the sebaceous glands. It is rightfully considered the most useful clay in hair care.

Properties of green clay for hair and scalp:

Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores;

Strengthens hair roots, makes hair stronger;

Beneficial effect on hair growth;

Helps to solve the problem of dandruff, itching and irritation;

Deeply cleanses pores, has a light peeling effect.

Green clay, like other types of clay, can be used in its pure form, we wrote about this above, consider the variations of masks with green clay.

Hair mask with green clay and herbal decoction

Dilute a small amount of clay with a decoction of herbs (it can be nettle, string, burdock root, etc.) to a mushy state. Apply to scalp with fingertips, followed by scalp massage. Wrap your head with polyethylene and a terry towel, leave for 15-20 minutes. You can wash it off without using shampoo, as the clay perfectly cleanses the hair. Rinse your hair with apple bite water or lemon juice.

Mask with green clay and vinegar for oily hair

Dilute the clay with water in a 1:1 ratio and add a small amount of natural apple cider vinegar. Apply the mask on the scalp and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with water.

You can add other nutrients to green clay to enhance the effect.

Red clay for hair

Red clay is suitable for damaged hair and can restore balance to the scalp. It is hypoallergenic, so it suits almost everyone. Red clay is rich in iron and copper, thanks to these components, it improves blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens hair roots and accelerates growth.

Red clay can be used in its pure form, but usually girls use pink clay, which includes red.

Pink hair clay

Pink clay is obtained by mixing white and red clay, so it has the properties of these two types of clay. Pink clay is used for:

Strengthens the bulbs, thereby reducing hair loss;
- gently cleanses and soothes the scalp;
- great for dry, fine hair, helps prevent breakage and split ends;
- ideal for unruly hair, makes them more supple;
- gently eliminates dandruff;
- has healing properties.

Pink clay is considered the softest, so it is a godsend for owners of problematic hair and scalp. Masks with pink clay are recommended to be done 1-2 times a week. Pink clay can be used in its pure form, but the addition of other components will only enhance the effect of the mask.

Pink clay can be diluted with a decoction of herbs, nourishing oils, honey, yolk and other nutrients can be added to the mask.

How to apply clay hair masks correctly

1. For the mask, you can use only freshly prepared clay solution.

2. Do not mix clay in an iron bowl; use a glass or ceramic container for this.

3. The consistency of the clay mask should resemble sour cream, so it will be easier to apply to the hair.

4. If the mask is intended for the scalp, then you should massage it well with clay. If the mask is distributed along the length of the hair, then the hair should be well saturated.

5. After you have applied the mask to your hair, you should wrap your head with polyethylene or put on a shower cap, and warm it with a towel on top.

6. Keep the mask with clay should be from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

7. The clay mask can be washed off without shampoo, as clay perfectly cleanses the hair, but if there are other components in the mask, it is better to use shampoo.

8. Hair must be rinsed until the water is completely clear.

9. After the clay, the hair can be stiff, so apply a hair balm to the ends or the entire length.

Clay hair mask recipes

Blue clay mask for hair loss

2 tbsp blue clay;
- yolk;
- 1 tsp honey;
- 1 tbsp olive oil.

Dilute the clay with water and mix with the rest of the ingredients, apply the mask on the scalp and distribute along the length. Keep 30-40 minutes.

Green clay mask for oily hair

2 tbsp dilute green clay with water, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Rub into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply balm to the ends.

Mask for damaged hair

1 tbsp mix white clay with 1 tbsp. blue clay and add: yolk, 1 tbsp. castor oil, 1 tbsp. almond oil. Apply to hair for half an hour.

Clay mask for strengthening hair

2 tbsp dilute blue clay with water and add 1 tbsp. onion juice. Massage thoroughly into the scalp, wrap hair and leave for 20 minutes. After the mask, it is recommended to rinse your hair with water and lemon juice.

Mask for weak and thin hair

Soak a few pieces of black bread with water or a decoction of herbs, then mix well to get a homogeneous mass. Add to the mixture 2 tbsp. l. blue or pink clay, 2 tbsp. olive oil. The mask should be kept for 30 minutes.

Clay can also be an alternative to hair shampoo, read how to properly wash your hair with clay.