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» How to make chimney at home. Perm technology with large curls for hair of any length

How to make chimney at home. Perm technology with large curls for hair of any length

Yes, a perm is a completely feasible procedure at home, which will help you save a lot on going to a beauty salon. It does not require special skills, all that is needed is a number of necessary chemicals and a few special devices. Curling can be of several types, depending on the active substance:

The algorithm for performing these curls is slightly different, because they end up with a different shape of curls. Therefore, you should decide on the shape of the curls and their size:

  1. soft waves (braiding method);
  2. small spirals (lamb) - spin on papillots;
  3. medium curls (on curlers).

It is also necessary to take into account your type and length of hair, as well as the type of face. So, gentle soft waves will look spectacular on long curls, and small curls will decorate a medium-length hairstyle.

In addition, it is simply contraindicated for owners of thin and brittle strands, because curls in almost all cases are obtained in different shapes, sizes and without basal volume.

Treatment kit

If it was decided to do a perm at home, then you should definitely ask your mother, girlfriend or sister for help. After all, in one hand this procedure will not be able to be carried out accurately and safely. To perform curling, the following devices are needed:

  • plastic hair curlers with rubber bands (diameter up to 2 cm, depending on the intended hairstyle) - 40-50 pieces;
  • plastic pins and clips;
  • a pair of combs - wooden, with a sharp end and rare teeth;
  • 2 foam rubber sponges (can be used for washing dishes);
  • plastic film or bag;
  • latex gloves;
  • beaker;
  • 2 bowls ceramic or plastic;
  • two towels and a cotton tourniquet;
  • ladle for rinsing;
  • old t-shirt or robe.

You will also need special substances and care products for curls:

Before the procedure, you can not dye your hair for 3 weeks. You need to determine your hair type (normal, dry, oily) and choose a product according to your type.

You should also do a test-check of the skin reaction to the action of the chemical - apply a little on the elbow or the area behind the ear, wait a couple of minutes and track the reaction - if there is no redness, burning and itching - you can safely apply it.


  1. It should be ensured that the chemical composition does not get on the scalp and face.
  2. The procedure is performed exclusively with gloves.
  3. It is forbidden to use any metal objects during curling.
  4. In no case should you overexpose the chemical composition and fixative on the hair.
  5. For bleached curls, the fixer concentration should be 3 times weaker.
  6. After curling, a hair neutralization procedure is required.

If chemicals get into the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek professional help!

Step-by-step instruction

Performing curling at home involves the following algorithm of actions:

How to make big curls?

Large curls look most natural on a cascade hairstyle, so it is advisable to cut your hair before conducting "chemistry". They are also perfect for several types of faces (oval, square and trapezoidal). As for the type of hair, large curls will look good on normal, dyed, oily and hard strands.

The technique for curling large curls does not differ from that presented above, the only caveat is that you need to choose curlers with a large diameter (2 cm), and also do not tighten your hair tightly.

Note! But there is another option for curling - braiding, in which case curlers are not needed.

And all you need is:

  1. divide the hair into identical strands and braid even, not tight braids;
  2. then impregnate them with a chemical reagent;
  3. further - the algorithm is the same as for a regular curl.

Common Mistakes

So, the errors in the procedure include:

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to make a perm at home:


After curling, the hair needs special care, because it becomes drier and more brittle, loses its color and shine. You should make every effort to ensure that the curls play with their former colors:

  1. use shampoos without sulfates, parabens and silicones;
  2. use nourishing oils and masks;
  3. rinse hair with herbal decoctions (nettle, burdock and chamomile);
  4. do not use styling devices (hairdryer, curling iron, iron) and products (mousses, gels and varnishes).

All this gives its result - returns the curls to their former beauty and health.

There are a lot of jokes about when girls with straight hair want to become happy owners of curly hair, and vice versa. Today, beauty salons offer a perm service, which allows you to make curls voluminous and lush for a long period. The technology cannot be called simple, so the pricing policy for it is appropriate. Wanting to save the family budget, many ladies tend to do a perm on their own.

Precautionary measures

  1. Before use, carefully read the information for the drug. Make sure the expiration date has not expired.
  2. Do not use metal tools during the perm process, they quickly oxidize.
  3. It is forbidden to perm during menstruation, as well as during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Do perm with caution while taking antibiotics, as well as on an empty stomach.
  5. Before you wind your hair, decide on the length. After the procedure, the hairstyle will become shorter, this fact must be taken into account.
  6. Do not apply the composition to the scalp if it has wounds, abrasions, purulent acne, dandruff.

Necessary tools and materials

Before proceeding with the procedure, take care of all the tools, materials and fixtures that you may need in the process of performing a perm. To get started, ask a friend for help, you will need an extra pair of hands.


  • foam sponge (2 pcs.);
  • elastic bands for fixing bobbins;
  • polyethylene gloves;
  • hairdressing cape;
  • a shower cap or a special warm cap;
  • a comb with a sharp edge and sparse teeth;
  • hairdressing clips;
  • curlers or bobbins (diameter 5-22 mm.);
  • a syringe without a needle or a beaker;
  • ceramic or glass bowl (2 pcs.);
  • terry towel (2 pcs.);
  • napkins;
  • jug.


  • means for a perm;
  • fixer (fixer) of the final result;
  • table vinegar (9%);
  • shampoo;
  • fat cream or petroleum jelly;
  • spray for resuscitation of hair after a perm.


  1. In the shop professional cosmetics and beauty salons sell special chemical products for curling. Choose a drug taking into account the characteristics of the hair (fat, dry, normal). If possible, consult with a specialist before paying money for a particular product.
  2. The fixative serves as a fixative of the final result. You can purchase the mixture right away with the chemical composition for curling, or you can prepare it yourself. In the second case, purchase hydroperite, grind 16 tablets into powder, add 35 ml. shampoo. Mix everything thoroughly, pour into a closed container, use for half an hour.

Preparing for a perm

  1. Do a test to evaluate your skin's reaction to the chemical composition. Apply a drop of the composition on the side of the neck or wrist, wait a quarter of an hour, rinse. If you do not notice irritation or itching, feel free to start curling. Otherwise, choose a more gentle composition that does not cause allergies.
  2. Girls with dyed hair are advised to conduct a test in order to prevent further changes in the shade of hair. Cut off two thin curls on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head. Place the first strand in a curling agent, the second in peroxide (3%). If after half an hour the curls lose their color, it means that there is still a coloring pigment in the hair structure. In this case, you need to wait 3-4 weeks without coloring your hair during this period.

  1. Set aside the whole day for the procedure. Wash your hair in the morning, but try not to lather your scalp to save subcutaneous fat. It serves as a barrier that will not allow the chemical composition to dry the epidermis and hair. If desired, you can use laundry or tar soap instead of shampoo. These products contain lye, which will loosen the top layer of the hair so that the perm mixture can penetrate into the core.
  2. After washing your hair, dry your hair with a towel, comb from the tips to the roots with a comb with rare teeth. Also at this stage, you can cut the strands if the final hairstyle involves this step. However, it is important to consider that you need to leave an additional 3-5 cm in order to maintain the intended length.
  3. Now part your hair reverse side comb (sharp edge) to make thin strands. Take 1 curl, stretch it and comb it. Attach a papillot or bobbin to the end. Observing an angle of 90 degrees, begin to wind the hair towards the roots, while simultaneously bending the free edge of the curl in the direction of winding. Do the manipulations with each strand, fix the curlers with rubber bands.
  4. After the entire shock of hair has been processed, apply a greasy cream (anti-frost or children's is suitable) on the skin of the temples, forehead, neck, area behind the ears, then tie it with napkins. Put on a hairdresser's cape, rubber gloves, start diluting the composition.
  5. If you have short hair, you will need about 60 ml. chemicals for perms. In the case of hair to the shoulder blades - about 120 ml., For long strands - 150-180 ml. Prepare a glass or ceramic bowl, measure the composition with a syringe or beaker, send it to the bowl.
  6. Scoop some product onto a foam sponge or coloring brush, begin to apply intensively on strands twisted with bobbins. First of all, the occipital part and the crown are processed, then the temples, the hairline at the forehead, sides.
  7. Put a plastic bag, shower cap, or cling film wrapped in several layers on your head. Next, wrap yourself in a terry towel. Optionally, you can use a special warming cap, which is sold in stores for hairdressers.
  8. After application, leave the mixture on the hair, the exact exposure time is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions (for each it is different). In order not to burn your hair or, on the contrary, not to overexpose the composition, clearly follow the recommendations.
  9. After 20 minutes after applying the drug, make a preliminary examination. Put on gloves, remove the towel and film. Unwind 4 strands (at the crown, back of the head and temples). If the curls are just beginning to twist, endure the maximum period, periodically removing the bobbins.
  10. When you achieve the desired result (elastic twisted strands), rinse off the chemical with warm water. In this case, you do not need to remove the curlers from the hair. Then blot your head with a terry towel, removing excess liquid.
  11. Now you can start applying the fixative. The finished product is used as needed, but if you did the fixer yourself, it must be used immediately.
  12. Beat the fixative in a convenient way to get a dense foam. Divide the product into two parts, spread one of them with a clean sponge over the entire surface of the hair with bobbins.
  13. The exposure time is 7 minutes. After the specified period, you can remove the curlers, most importantly, carry out the procedure carefully so that the curls do not lose their shape. When the curls are released, distribute the second part of the product over them, wait 5 minutes.
  14. Rinse the strands with slightly warm water, apply a rinse to neutralize the chemical composition. You can prepare the product yourself: dissolve in 4 liters. warm water 130 ml. table vinegar, mix, pour into a jug.
  15. Next, remember the curls with your hands, gently blot them with a towel to collect water. You can’t dry it with a hairdryer, otherwise the hairstyle will look like a dandelion. Spray the curls with a restorative spray, style with curlers.
  1. If you have short hair (up to 10-15 cm), give preference to bobbins of small diameter. In the end, you will get volume at the roots and lush curls.
  2. To make waves on long hair, use large diameter plastic curlers.
  3. To get even curls, divide your hair into sections so that their width corresponds to the length of the bobbin.
  4. During the winding process, do not tighten the hair around the bobbins, otherwise the chemical agent will not penetrate into the lower layers of the hair.
  5. Secure the curlers with African braids. At the same time, put them on crosswise or in parallel to ensure uniform fixation.
  6. The width of the hair in the twisted state should not exceed the mark of 0.5 cm. Make sure that the indicator is equal on each bobbin.
  7. To do a perm on a very short hair, use hairdressing clips to fully fix the curlers.

  1. When you do a perm, give up the dyeing procedure for 1-2 months. If you neglect the advice, the pigment will not hold well in the hair structure, washing out in spots after each rinse.
  2. After curling, wear your hair loose or braid it in a loose ponytail. Do not use metal bobby pins or elastic bands that break the shape of the hair and weaken the curls.
  3. Within 3 days after the procedure, the hair will smell like ammonia, nothing can be done about it. You can not wash the hair during the specified period, otherwise the composition will be washed out of the structure and the curls will partially fall apart.
  4. Owners of permed hair are prohibited from using a straightening iron and curling iron. At the same time, it is not recommended to dry your hair with a hairdryer, so as not to disturb the styling.
  5. Do not comb wet strands, gently blot them with a towel, then dry naturally. Don't go to bed until your hair is completely dry.
  6. For 24 hours after curling, do not comb your hair with a massage brush. Use a flat comb with teeth spaced 0.2-0.4 cm apart. Knead the curls with your hands to keep the curls in their original form.
  7. In beauty salons and professional cosmetics stores, permed hair care products are sold. Use only such products, it will not allow curls to weaken.

If you follow step by step instructions and strictly follow the recommendations, you can easily make a perm at home. Choose a professional chemical composition, prepare a fixative, choose the optimal diameter of the bobbins. Follow the rules for hair care after the procedure.

Video: perm and hair biowave

It's no secret that "chemistry" is harmful to hair, but how it transforms the appearance! It is for this reason that the procedure is in demand. Beautiful curls last for several months, eliminating the need to twist curls with curlers, irons or curling irons. You can perform long-term styling on strands of almost any length. How to make a perm at home and choose a drug, as well as other nuances of the procedure, are detailed below.

How to make a perm at home

At the same time, although it harms the hair, it is much less than the drugs with which our grandmothers did “chemistry”.

The essence of the procedure is the creation of curly strands. In cross section, straight hair is a circle, and curly hair is an oval. To change the structure of the hair shafts, persistent chemical compounds are used.

Note, it is not easy to perform a high-quality perm at home, especially for owners of long curls. It is necessary to properly wind the hair on curlers, treat with the preparation and fixative, and after a certain time, quickly remove the rollers. It is important not to overexpose the composition on the head, then the harm from it will not be too strong.

Ways of arranging products

You can make long-term styling using different types of curlers. You need to choose the right ones, taking into account the length of the hair, the shape of the curls and the appearance of the future hairstyle. All this depends ways of arranging products for winding:


The smaller the curlers, papillots, the more elastic the curls are. The technology is quite simple to master and apply at home;


In addition to the composition for creating curls, you will need a fixative that will extend the “life” of the curls. It can be concentrated, then you will see the marking "1 + 1". This means that the liquid must be diluted with water. The proportion is 1:1. The absence of a mark indicates that the fixative is not concentrated and is completely ready for use.

Preparations for fixing the results of home perms are usually produced in two consistencies:

  • foamy- before use, the product is well foamed and curls are treated;
  • not foamy- they are applied to each curl from the spout of the bottle.

You can make a fixative yourself, based on hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite tablets. But it is better to buy a finished product, where the proportions of all components are guaranteed to be met. The main recommendation when choosing is that the product should be from the same line as the chemical composition.

The options for "light chemistry" include carving, the effect of which lasts 1-2 months. The procedure is recommended for soft hair of medium length.

Instruments and preparations

Prepare everything you need for the procedure in advance. Then the crucial moment you do not have to feverishly look for this or that tool. Careful preparation will make the difficult process of winding your hair more organized and save time.

Curlers, hairpins

Most often for chem. perm plastic (plastic) products are used. They are lightweight, easy to attach, do not absorb the solution. One popular variation is bobbins, which create bouncy vertical curls. Flexible boomerangs (papillottes) are also suitable for the procedure, which form soft curls.

The larger the diameter of the curler, the larger the curls. Beautiful styling is formed by cone products: curls come out voluminous at the roots and smaller at the tips.

Advice. A convenient addition to the classic forms of curlers - needles or curling plates. They are slipped under an elastic band that fixes the twisted curl. This avoids creases.

For lovers of original solutions, manufacturers produce such unusual models of curlers:

  • hairpins or U-shaped- for stylish "broken" curls. They look like a stick bent in half, the ends of which are slightly twisted outward. Strands are wound on them with a “figure eight”;
  • Olivia Garden- to give the hairstyle additional volume, the formation of natural curls. These curlers are attached without clips, like a designer, so the curls are obtained without creases;
  • wide coils with clamps-clothespins. Suitable for girls with hair of any length;
  • retro wave curler- look like wavy plates. Such curlers are used in tandem with bobbins.

Depending on the length, thickness of the hair and the desired effect, an average of 50 to 80 curlers is required per perm.

Applicator or foam pads

They are used for applying and distributing chemical composition and a fixing preparation through the hair.


It will help to fix the result of the curl. It is applied to curlers after the curl has seized. It is optimal if purchased together with the chemical composition.

chemical drug

The basis of the procedure, the quality of which determines the future result. For home use, you can purchase a composition from Londawave, Estel, WELLA, and another cosmetic company. The main thing is that it fits the type, structure of the hair.


You will need to wash your hair before "chemistry". Some manufacturers offer special shampoos recommended for use before the procedure.

Such products not only cleanse the hair of impurities, but also soften it, making it more supple, and also restore the structure of the hair shafts. As a rule, they are not cheap, so if the budget is limited, you can take a regular shampoo.

Two bowls for drugs

In one of them you need to place the chemical composition, in the other - fixer (if you need to whip the foam). It is optimal if the dishes are made of glass, plastic or porcelain. The volume of each bowl is about 200 milliliters.

Warm cap or hat

It is put on the head after all the hair is wound on curlers and moistened with the composition. Creates a thermal effect. Most often used for acid curling. An alternative would be a terry towel.

Protective gloves

Help prevent chemicals from getting on the delicate skin of the hands. They are mandatory even if the test for sensitivity and allergic reactions went great. Gloves can be polyethylene or rubber.

Special paper

Protects hair ends from damage. Facilitates the curling process. Instead of professional pieces of paper, ordinary parchment paper for baking will do.


With a massage brush, you can comb your hair before curling. The process will require another tool: a comb with a tail. With it, it is convenient to divide hair into zones, capture thin strands.

Crab hairpins

In the process of work, it is convenient for them to hold individual strands prepared for winding. They can additionally fix large curlers if they are not included with the products.

Attention! The only restriction for tools is that they must not be metal. This applies to curlers, combs, hairpins and dishes. Metal will reduce the quality of the curl.


Prevents eye contact. Most often, cotton plaits can be found on sale. Also for these purposes, a towel rolled up with a roller or a piece of cotton fabric in which cotton is wrapped is suitable.

It is important that the device reliably absorbs the flowing liquid from the hair. At the back of the head, the tourniquet is tied in a knot, fixed in front, clinging to the curlers located on the back of the head with a crab.

Special bandage

Protects the scalp from chemicals. composition along the hairline. It is applied to the skin before the tourniquet.


Absorbs excess moisture after shampooing.

You may also need a caring hair balm, table vinegar (for rinsing), fat cream or petroleum jelly, a peignoir (a cape made of waterproof fabric to protect clothes), a special bowl for the neck, where the remaining liquid will drain, a timer and a measuring cup.

Procedure steps

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding directly to a perm at home, use the formulations to test for allergic reactions. This will save you from possible unpleasant surprises during the procedure. First, take a good look at your scalp. If there are no wounds, cuts, abrasions on it, proceed as follows:

  • apply 1-2 drops of the composition to a piece of cotton wool or a cosmetic disc;
  • lubricate the area behind the ear;
  • leave for 10-15 minutes.

The selected drug can be used for "chemistry", if during this time the skin does not turn red, does not itch, there is no swelling, burning sensation. If at least one of the signs of an allergy on the face, wash off the composition with hydrogen peroxide (take a 3% solution), and then with water. Refuse the procedure or buy a new remedy. Test it in exactly the same way.

The next step is to check the composition of the reaction of the hair:

  • separate a small part of the hair at the back of the head;
  • apply a chemical preparation;
  • after 2-3 minutes, check: if the hairs are torn, the concentration of the composition is high for you. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1/2, repeat the test, choosing another strand.

It happens that as a result of the test, the hair becomes brittle, covered with a gray coating. In this case, long-term styling is contraindicated.

Attention! You can not do "chemistry" on bleached hair, even if dry hairs break after tension. Also, as a test sample, you can put a small strand in the composition. Hair that lost its strength and began to tear after 10 minutes needs treatment, not a perm.

After successfully passing the tests, wash your hair. Do not massage the skin: sebaceous deposits will prevent overdrying. You can replace the shampoo with tar or laundry soap. Alkali, which is present among their components, makes the outer layer of hair loose, susceptible to solution. Lightly dry the strands with a towel, comb with a comb with rare teeth.

“Chemistry” looks beautiful on hair cut in a cascade. But when shortening the strands, remember: the curl will additionally “take away” a couple of centimeters of length.


How to do a perm on prepared hair:

When doing long-term styling outside the salon, it is best to involve an assistant.


Attention! If the hair falls out, is very weakened or has recently been dyed (including henna or basma), the procedure should also be postponed.

Perm at home - a risky undertaking, especially if you get down to business on your own. The procedure is long and laborious. When starting it, it is important to take into account all the nuances: choose the right composition, prepare the necessary tool, carefully wind the curls, do not overexpose the solution, do not forget about safety rules and much more. Of course, professional masters are also not immune from force majeure, but without the appropriate experience, the likelihood of making a mistake increases.

If the budget allows, it is better to entrust the creation of curls to a hairdresser. Many of them go to the client's home and charge less for work than in the salon. If you still decide on an independent experiment with "chemistry", prepare and test your hair, skin well, perform all the steps in stages. Take a gentle composition to start. Let the curls not last as long as you want, but the hair will suffer less. And do not forget that after chem. Curling hair needs special care, with which you will take care of your hair and prolong the effect of the procedure.

Useful videos

Curling hair step by step.

How to do perm hair at home.

Perm - curls for a long time. What types exist?

Reliable fixation, for a long time, use acid. It can be used by almost everyone, except for those who have weak, brittle hair. Alkaline is more suitable for such hair. She is more forgiving. Curls look natural and last a long time.

For liquid and weakened hair, you can make wavy hair amino acid. It restores, heals and nourishes them. There are other types, for example:

  1. basal, volume is created at the roots;
  2. American, with this form, special curlers are used;
  3. kavring - a temporary perm.

If you want to get a corrugated result, then you can use hairpins.

Perm should not be done by pregnant women, allergy sufferers, nursing mothers, sick or using any drugs and after staining with henna and basma.

ATTENTION: First you need to conduct an allergy test and wait a day. You can not do a perm on recently dyed hair, at least two months should pass.

Of great importance is the reagent that will suit your hair. Pick up bobbins. For long hair, the bobbins will be longer, for short hair - less.

The simplest perm, at home, is horizontal, it is easier to wind it yourself.

A set of tools needed to create curls at home


  • 70-80 wooden or plastic bobbins and elastic bands, for setting;
  • glass or plastic dishes (2 pcs.);
  • plastic comb (metal is not allowed);
  • foam rubber, for wetting;
  • a towel or rag to wrap your head with;
  • latex gloves;
  • cape;
  • specialized paper.

First you need to prepare a workplace.

The whole procedure will take you about two hours.

We choose bobbins, depending on which curls you want to get, approximately 5 to 15 mm in size (the smaller the curl, the longer it lasts).

If you have weak hair, then you can not wash them for about three days.

We prepare the composition before application and apply it evenly, spread all over the head.

Before twisting the curls, we also process the bobbin.

If you want to make chemistry more gentle and not long-term, then it is better to choose a neutral or amino acid composition. In other cases, choose acidic and alkaline.

IMPORTANT: In any case, it is necessary to use special shampoos, restorative masks after the procedure, and it is not recommended to use a hair dryer for several days. Coloring is also best done two weeks after the procedure.

Solution safety

Precautions must be taken:

  1. protect skin and eyes;
  2. do not keep an open bottle with a solution for a long time in the open air (close the lid tightly);
  3. put on gloves;
  4. do not use metal objects (combs);
  5. be sure to ventilate the room.

Step-by-step instructions for performing the procedure

How to wind strands on bobbins?

Watch related videos:

How should the composition be applied?

  1. We apply a little composition before winding, and after winding we carefully moisten.
  2. Do not forget to remove all taming before this so that a chemical reaction does not occur.

If the hair is long:

  • we apply the product before twisting on each strand, otherwise the curls will be weak and not last long.
  • To prevent the solution from flowing over the face and neck, it is necessary to twist the tourniquet from a towel and wrap it around the head.
  • We are waiting in the warmth, you can drink hot tea.

How to properly neutralize the composition?

  1. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons of 8% vinegar or 2 grams of citric acid per liter of water.
  2. Rinse with the resulting mixture and dry the curls.
  3. In conclusion, you can apply a remedy for recovery.

How to make big curls?

Large curls are most suitable long hair. They are wound on large curlers. If you hold the product for a long time, you will get tight, strong curls, if you hold it for a short time, you will get a light wave.

REFERENCE: Large curls look good on a haircut cascade. The twisting procedure is exactly the same as in the previous case.