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» All about how to use a hair mask correctly: how to apply, how long to keep and how often can you do it? Homemade hair masks Is it possible to wash your hair after the mask.

All about how to use a hair mask correctly: how to apply, how long to keep and how often can you do it? Homemade hair masks Is it possible to wash your hair after the mask.

Mustard hair mask is an excellent stimulant that allows you to accelerate their natural growth and density.

There are many recipes for mustard masks, but the main component in each of them is mustard powder, which you can buy at any pharmacy and even a grocery store.

severe redness

How to wash mustard mask from hair

The mustard mask should be washed off with not too hot water. It is advisable not to stand under water, but to tilt your head over the bath so that the mustard does not get into your eyes. Use your regular shampoo.

Advice! If you have dry hair and you made a burning mask, then after washing your hair, be sure to use a balm. This will protect your hair from drying out and make combing easier.

Useful video

We offer you to get acquainted with the technology of applying the mask in more detail in this video:

The beneficial properties of mustard masks have been noticed for a very long time. It is worth noting that mustard-based recipes are much more effective than any purchased cosmetics, as they are aimed at activating natural processes. At the same time, all the ingredients that make up the mask are available and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

In contact with

Results of use cosmetics for hair (both “store-bought” and homemade) depends not only on their composition, adherence to the recipe and cooking rules, but also on the correct application of the mask composition.

How is it right and what hair should put on a mask for hair?

Consider the general rules for applying hair masks:

  • Before application masks need to be tested, whether there is an allergy or individual intolerance to the components of this mask. So, you need to take a little mask and spread on inner part wrist. According to the reaction of the skin on the hand, it should be concluded whether you can use this mask or not. Especially it concerns masks with honey, pepper, various essential oils.
  • If the mask is diluted with hot water or heated, then its temperature before application should be no higher than 35-37 ◦ C.
  • When using various means for applying masks attention should be paid to their hygiene and safety(both hair and scalp are easily injured).
  • If the mask is bought in a store and to it attached instruction, then you should follow it. Creativity in this case is hardly necessary.
  • The rules for applying homemade masks are often determined by their composition and therefore may vary(before or after washing the hair, on the entire length of the hair strands or on the roots, etc.).

Which masks are applied before washing the hair, and which after?

Before washing your hair inflict :

  • Oil masks. This is due not only to the peculiarities of the impact of oils, but also to the fact that the oil cover of the hair does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Except when oil is needed to emphasize the effect of wet hair or only the ends of the strands are smeared.
  • Masks with coffee and oil(, etc.).
  • Masks based on sour cream, kefir, yogurt and mayonnaise. This is also due not only to the limitation by washing off the exposure time of such masks, but also to the appearance of the hair.
  • Honey masks. The reasons for applying masks based on honey before washing are also due to the above reasons. However, in some cases, such masks can also be applied to washed hair.
  • Hot pepper masks, onion juice (gruel and garlic), mustard masks. The need for such use of the listed masks is associated with the irritating effect of their components on the skin. In the case of garlic and onions, it is also necessary to eliminate the specific smell by washing.

Masks used after washing hair:

  • Most professional masks.
  • From home it is, first of all masks with the effect of light coloring, and so on.
  • Gelatin masks. These masks, which are very popular today, in addition to strengthening the hair, also create the effect of laminated hair, so they are applied to the hair washed with shampoo.
  • Toning masks. Compositions with chamomile, rhubarb and honey have this property. It is to achieve this results that such masks are used on clean hair.
  • Yeast masks. If purchased yeast-based masks are usually applied to the hair after washing, then homemade ones are usually applied before it.
  • beer masks. This is due to the fact that beer also performs well as a conditioner. An example of a beer mask applied after washing is with beer and black bread.
  • Most masks are based on rye flour. Since this mask itself has a good cleansing effect on the hair, subsequent shampooing is not required.

Applying masks to dry or wet (damp) hair

This, on the one hand, depends on whether it is applied before washing the hair or after, and on the other hand, on the very way of influence masks.

So, most masks applied before washing, are applied to dry hair, and after washing - to wet or slightly dried.

In both cases, dry in hair is applied oil formulations.

What parts of the hair should be masked?


This is determined by the composition of the mask and the expected result.

Application to hair roots

This method is recommended
in case of application and especially for weakened hair, since in this case it is necessary to act on the hair follicle.

This influence May be both nutritious and irritating.

For hair roots applied.

  • This funds based mustard, onion, garlic, pepper, using cognac, etc.;
  • mask formulations based on aloe (especially against dandruff) are useful specifically for the scalp and hair roots;
  • some oil formulations, for example, it is also recommended to rub into the scalp.

Application throughout the hair

This type of masking associated with the need their impact on the hair structure as a whole, usually these are nourishing and restorative agents:

  • masks based on different oils(olive, linen, burdock, etc.).
  • Kefir, sour cream, cream, yogurt and mayonnaise masks.
  • masks using essential oils(pink, lavender, ylang-ylang, etc.).
  • egg masks with various additives (cognac, oils, etc.).
  • clay based.
  • Based on bread and rye flour.
  • Banana nourishing masks.
  • Related masks with giving hair shine, smoothness, toning masks: gelatin; chamomile; based on henna; beer; coffee.

Application to the ends of the hair

This is how the means are applied, with the help of which they fight split ends. These masks are usually tasks "soldering" and nutrition.

More often This oil masks. To solve the problem of split ends, a kefir-yeast mask is also used in this way.

How to apply hair masks?

There are no special devices for this. Let's name the most common ways to apply masks on the hair:

  • Masks usually applied by hand wearing gloves.
  • At the roots of the hair rub gently fingers.
  • If you need to distribute the product along the length of the strands, then can be used for this brush, a flat comb with rare teeth.
  • For ease of application a number of homemade masks, you can use tubes from ready-made oil masks (for example, Golden Silk or Pure Line).

How can I enhance the effect of the mask?

Proper application of the mask- one of the important factors in achieving the expected result from it.

Enhance the effect it can also be “warming” (using a shower cap and a towel or a warming cap over it) of the applied mask for better penetration of nutrients into the hair roots and their structure.

In addition, as with any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary positive attitude.

Purchased, as well as homemade masks are applied to clean hair. As a rule, purchased masks are applied to freshly washed hair. You only need to keep them for a few minutes, and then wash off in the usual way. But homemade masks are made a little differently.

Why the mask is applied to clean hair

This is explained quite simply - dirty hair is a fat that envelops both the hair itself and the skin. If you dye your hair, this circumstance is only at hand - the fat protects the scalp from the effects of a chemical dye. But the mask, carried out at home, should also affect the scalp, root zone.

It is necessary to wash your hair before applying the mask not just well, but thoroughly. And in most cases, this should be done with a deep cleaning shampoo. It allows you to open the scales of the hair, let it open up and absorb the composition of the mask.

How to wash your hair properly

  • Wash your hair as it gets dirty, if it gets greasy quickly - wash it so often. But washing every day for styling is not the best option.
  • Before washing, the hair must be thoroughly combed, in connection with this, the dead cells of the hair structure will fall off, and the mask will work more efficiently.
  • Shampoo should be applied twice while washing your hair. The first time it is rubbed into the roots (do it with massaging movements), the second time apply shampoo to wet hair along the entire length.
  • Two minutes - and rinse, there is no need to keep the shampoo longer. This is enough time to clean up.
  • But rinse the shampoo thoroughly so that not a single gram is left on the hair.
  • Do not comb wet hair immediately, it injures them. Dry a little with a towel.

It is believed that masks are most active on slightly damp hair.

How to apply a hair mask correctly (video)

Do I need to wash my hair before the mask and do I always do it?

It is necessary - in almost all cases. Judge for yourself - the most active masks are based on root massage, massaging the scalp, you create blood flow to the hair follicles. And now imagine that you are massaging the skin, and rubbing into it not only the mask with all its wonderful components, but also dirt, grease and dust.

It is better to wash your hair with shampoo, and without using balms and styling products, immediately proceed to applying the mask.

The so-called dirty cocktail on the hair will create a protective film, but you don’t need this film - the mask will simply be inactive.

Hair mask for dirty hair: in what cases

No need to wash your hair if you are making a mask with aggressive ingredients. Aggressive components are irritants such as mustard, pepper, nicotinic acid, etc. Naturally, in addition to stimulating blood flow, such masks irritate the skin, as a result of which it often dries out, which can lead to dandruff.

Dirty hair - that is, a fatty film on the skin will be some kind of barrier that will smooth out this aggressive effect. That is why it is not recommended to wash your hair before applying the mustard and pepper mask.

What you need to know about irritant masks

  • You should never endure burning skin! And even if the recipe says “endure as long as possible,” don’t do it. And doubt the wisdom of the recipe in general. A strong burning sensation is a mockery of your skin.
  • Do not get carried away with irritant masks, they are not done more than once a week, do not do more than five masks in a course.
  • Do not exceed the proportion of mask ingredients, otherwise a healthy mask will become a factor in hair damage.

When washing off such a mask, be very careful - the components of the mask should not get on the mucous membrane, in the eyes, on the skin of the face.

Hair mask for clean hair with toning elements

A mask with such tinting components as honey, chamomile, rhubarb is always applied to clean hair.

The tinting components of the masks allow the hair to acquire a new shade, most often light. But there are also dark elements - cocoa, henna, tea, which tint the hair in a dark color, give more saturation to the color.

If, on the contrary, the hair color does not please you, after dyeing you got too dark a shade, you can correct the situation. Again - a simple homemade mask. To do this, you need kefir, which can be mixed with egg and honey and applied to the hair. Keep an hour. Several such sessions, and the hair will brighten - kefir is considered, albeit not a strong, but natural wash.


Rules for using homemade hair masks

Apply the finished mask immediately after preparation. Some freshly prepared masks can be stored in the refrigerator, but for a maximum of 1-2 days, so it is more advisable to prepare the mask at a time.

Choose masks strictly in accordance with your hair type (determine it from the table), an incorrectly selected mask will worsen your appearance. Before use, warm the mixture in a water bath or put a bowl of mask in hot water - a warm mask will work better.

If you apply the mask to clean hair, you can lightly massage the scalp, this will increase blood flow and help the absorption and distribution of nutrients (this is especially useful for dry scalp). If you apply the mask on dirty hair, massage is not recommended, you should not rub dirt, dust and styling residues into the scalp. Keep the mask on your hair for the specified time, and then rinse your hair well. If you applied the mask to clean hair, then you do not need to wash it off with shampoo, just rinse your hair well with running water.

One of the most popular ingredients in homemade masks is clay. Clay-based hair masks absorb impurities, cleanse the scalp and hair, stimulate microcirculation, and have an antiseptic effect. Clay-based masks can add volume to hair.

White clay - from hair loss and brittleness, green - from seborrhea, yellow - from dandruff, red - will soothe irritated scalp, blue will cleanse and protect hair, saturate them with oxygen. Clay can be bought at a pharmacy.

Homemade masks for normal hair

Take equal amounts of burdock oil and nettle extract, mix and apply to clean, damp hair. Wash off with warm water after 5 minutes.

Mix 1 teaspoon blue clay, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon butter and 1 teaspoon mustard. Mix everything thoroughly, rub into the roots of the hair and distribute along their entire length. Put on a plastic cap and towel and leave the mask on your hair for 1-2 hours. Then wash your hair as usual.

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of carrot and lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil. Apply the mixture to your hair for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Take vegetable and sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1:9. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots, put on a cap and after an hour the mask is washed off with shampoo for dry ears. The procedure is carried out at least 2 times a week. Course - 10 procedures.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of shampoo for dry hair. The mask is rubbed into the scalp, then insulated with compress paper and a towel. Wash off with warm water after 2 hours. After this wrap, you can not use shampoo.

Homemade masks for dry hair and scalp

This mask will require 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Apply to hair, wrap them with a warm towel and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Mix 1 egg and 6 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt without dyes. Leave on hair for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

150 gr. pass the zucchini through a blender and squeeze the juice, add 0.5 cups of milk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. All carefully move and apply to the hair. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Mix 1 egg, 1 teaspoon glycerine, 1 teaspoon vinegar, 2 tablespoons castor oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots and along the entire length of the hair, left for 30-40 minutes. The head is wrapped with a heated towel. Change the towel as it cools down. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Curdled milk, heated to 37 degrees, is abundantly applied to the hair. Then the head is covered with parchment paper and tied with a warm scarf. After 20-30 minutes, the hair is again smeared with yogurt and the scalp is massaged with fingertips for 3-5 minutes. Then the hair is washed several times with hot water without shampoo or soap.

Mix 2 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of arnica tincture (available at the pharmacy) or
1 yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 chopped garlic cloves.

The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots and along the entire length of the hair, left for 30-40 minutes. The head is wrapped with a heated towel. Change the towel as it cools down. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Homemade masks for oily scalp and hair

Grate 1 bell pepper, add 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of clay After mixing thoroughly, apply to hair for 20-30 minutes.

Pass through a meat grinder 3 tbsp. tablespoons mint leaves and ¼ cup rowan berries. Apply the resulting slurry to your hair and wrap your head for 10 minutes. Wash your hair.

Grate 1 apple and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Apply the mask and leave it on your hair for half an hour. After that, the hair must be washed.

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 chopped garlic clove, 1 teaspoon of agave juice. The components are mixed, the mixture is applied to wet hair. The head must be insulated with a special hat or a plastic scarf and a thick terry towel. Wash off after 30-40 minutes with warm or slightly hot water without soap. If after applying the last mask the smell of garlic remains, rinse your hair with mustard water, and then again with clean water. These formulations can also be used before shampooing.

Homemade masks for hair loss

Take 2 yolks, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cognac and a little yeast. All ingredients are mixed, heated for several minutes in a steam bath and applied to the hair. A plastic cap is put on top and tied with a towel. The duration of the mask is 1-2 hours. After that, it must be washed off with warm water. The mask can be used 2-3 times a week.

Take 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and cognac and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peach and cabbage juice. Mix, apply to hair for two hours, then rinse. If you do this mask once a week for 3 months, it will noticeably stop hair loss.

Take colorless henna and dilute it with warm kefir. Apply this mixture on your hair and leave for half an hour. Such a mask will not only strengthen the hair, but also make it shiny. Apply this mask once a week.

Take 2 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of garlic juice and 1 teaspoon each of honey and aloe juice. After mixing, apply the mask to damp hair and wrap your head in plastic and a towel. Leave to act for 20 minutes, then rinse off. To remove a strong garlic smell, rinse your hair with dry mustard water.


The mask recipe is very simple and is based on the fact that mustard "bakes"
warming the scalp and causing a rush of blood to the hair follicles:

  • 2 tablespoons dry mustard powder (sold in the spice section) diluted with hot water
  • 2 tablespoons hot water
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons of olive (peach, burdock and any other cosmetic oil)
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar (the more sugar, the "angrier" mustard)

Apply to partings, trying to get on the scalp, without affecting the tips, especially dry ones (you can lubricate the dry ends of the hair with any heated cosmetic oil for a better mask effect). Wrap your head with a plastic wrap or bag, put on a warm hat, scarf or tie a terry towel on top. Who is used to it!

You need to wait from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how much it “bakes”. If tolerable, then it is better to walk like this for 1 hour, dreaming of a long luxurious braid. And if you really have a “fire” on your head, then only 15-20 minutes.

ATTENTION! You have to sit for 15 minutes for the first time, even if it seems that an atomic war has taken place on your head. In 15 minutes, there will be no harm to the scalp and hair (tested by many), and once you get used to it, you will then sit for half an hour and an hour.

The mask should be done once a week, a maximum of 2 times for very oily hair (the mask slightly removes excess sebum).

Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water, then shampoo your hair. You can apply any balm or ready-made mask-activator of hair growth for the best effect. The Golden Silk line is very good. Growth-promoting components are even better absorbed into the heated scalp.

If you really want to quickly grow long hair, then make a mask for at least 1 month. In addition to the fact that the mustard mask really accelerates hair growth, strengthens them, gives more volume and density, it also solves the problem of oily hair, since the hair is less likely to get dirty. Be sure to lubricate the ends of dry or dyed hair with oil or a ready-made purchased mask.

In many men, after regular use of this mustard mask, new hair began to appear on the bald patches, the hair became thicker, even if it was sparse before.


How often can you make a mask with mustard for hair growth?
It all depends on what kind of hair you have.
With normal oily / dirty head, the mask should be done once a week.
If you have oily scalp and hair, then you should do it once every 5 days.
If you have dry hair, then the mask should not be done more than once every 10 days.

How much can you make a mask with mustard and what kind of break should you take?
It is advisable to use the mask for one month, observing the intervals between mask applications.
It is necessary to take a break for 6 months after one month of using the mask. Then you can repeat the procedure.

How much hair will grow after one month of using a mustard mask?
Everything is very individual. But the results are quite good and for 1 month of using the mask, you can achieve a growth of 6 cm.

Where to apply the mask? Which hair is clean or dirty? wet or dry?
Apply exclusively to the scalp. The mask dries out the hair. You can apply it to dirty hair (taking into account the fact that washed hair in the morning is already considered dirty), but not greasy. And preferably wet.

Why is the mask not warm?
Alternatively, you have expired mustard, or some manufacturers have such mustard that it heats very weakly (we won’t tell which ones exactly). You have very low skin sensitivity. Or you should add a little more granulated sugar.

Silky and shiny, delicate and fluffy, chic and mystical, healthy and well-groomed hair are awarded with such epithets. In order for them to live up to their purpose, to decorate a woman and give a respectable look to a man, they need constant and thorough care. Speaking about women's hair, since it is for women that appearance is a determining factor, I would like to give some simple and effective care recipes.

Fast and effective hair masks

Not everyone finds enough time to give their hair enough attention. But even simple, at first glance, cosmetic procedures will significantly improve the appearance of the hair and keep it in a healthy state. It's about quick masks for short and long hair. They are applied either immediately before shampooing, or simply on dry hair, to give them volume and shine.

Quick pear mask

For such a mask, you need a very ripe, rather large pear, from those varieties that have more juicy pulp. Dip the fruit for a few seconds in boiling water and remove the skin, the dense core with seeds is also removed. Then the pieces of pulp must be turned into a homogeneous paste-like mass (preferably with a mixer or blender) and add one teaspoon of gelatin dissolved in advance. Apply to hair fifteen minutes before shampooing. Repairs damaged hair chic volume.

Creole coffee mask

Very useful for restoring structure and color saturation for brunettes and dark brown-haired women. Coffee is taken natural, ground, it is advisable to take expensive varieties with finely ground beans. But cheaper ones are also possible, but then it is more difficult to wash out the remnants of coffee grounds. Coffee is brewed in such a way that there is a fairly large layer of sediment (thickness) and a warm even layer is applied to the hair half an hour before washing. Hair will not only acquire a soft pearly sheen, but also a pleasant “delicious” smell. The mask works healing for weak hair.

banana mask

Enough one ripe banana of medium size. Peel, grind the pulp until smooth and add almond oil, just a few drops are enough. Apply fifteen minutes before shampooing. After applying this banana mask, no shampoo is required when rinsing. Good mask for blondes, gives a soft, natural shine and soft cream. Hair, even bleached, looks alive and airy.

Attention! According to reviews, a banana mask is poorly washed off.

Tropicanka avocado mask

For this mask, a not very large, ripe and soft avocado fruit is suitable. Cleanse, using a mixer, grind thoroughly and apply for half an hour, on dry hair. When washing your hair, it is better to use a mild shampoo. Gives hair volume and vitality shine.

Rice mask "Geisha"

Mash the boiled rice to a puree state and add half a glass of kefir and a teaspoon of natural honey. Half an hour before washing, apply evenly to the hair, then rinse with a mild shampoo. This mask is good for oily hair, perfectly nourishes and gives lush, thick appearance.

Asia yogurt mask

You will need half a glass of white, without fillers, yogurt and a slice of ripe melon. Grind the melon to a paste-like state, and then, mixed with yogurt, apply to the hair fifteen minutes before shampooing. After such a mask, even thin hair is perfectly combed, acquires elasticity and shine.

Mayonnaise mask "Lecithin"

Apply only to weak, brittle and dry hair. This mask is more therapeutic than cosmetic. If your hair is oily or normal, skip this recipe. Mayonnaise for such a mask needs only natural, egg-based. Immediately before shampooing, apply for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo. Very reliable healing recipe, but the cosmetic effect is not pronounced.

Rum mask "Eg-leg"

The famous Scottish egg cocktail can be successfully used as a quick hair mask. The recipe for a drink and a mask has few differences, but it will bring much more benefit from using it for hair. It is necessary to beat the yolk of one egg and pour about four tablespoons of rum into the resulting mass (cognac can be used). Apply the resulting mixture to the hair and wrap it warmly. After twenty minutes, after application, you can rinse with warm water. This mask is good because it not only nourishes the hair, but also completely eliminates dandruff. Hair becomes voluminous, lively, lends itself well to styling and combing.

Not only care, but also care

None of the most effective care products will give the expected effect if you do not take care of maintaining the health of your hair. Hair needs to be protected, then they will look as we would like. That is, shiny, healthy and beautiful. When washing your hair, you must use only high-quality shampoos from trusted manufacturers. Detergents, balms and rinses should be selected according to the type of hair. It is better to first consult with a professional cosmetologist. You can not comb wet hair, combs should be with rare large teeth and made of natural materials. Metal combs are categorically contraindicated, preferably wooden or made from neutral, environmentally friendly materials. You should not test your hair with direct sunlight, and in cold weather it is better to cover it from the influence of low temperatures with a hat or scarf. Extreme temperature changes are not good for the appearance and health of the hair. Take care of your hair, it has the mystical power of beauty.

While washing your hair, using a conditioner and a mask at the same time is almost pointless: both products restore and soften the hair. Indeed, they operate differently. So, the conditioner works more on the surface, and the mask works more on the structure. That is why we wash off the first product after 1-2 minutes, and keep the second one for 5-10 minutes.

Ideally, you should use the products like this: after each shampooing, apply conditioner, and apply the mask only every third time instead of the balm and keep it longer. Then the effect of the use of funds will be maximum.

What hair to apply the mask on

  • Ready-made, "purchased" products should be applied to wet hair. It is advisable to lightly blot them with a towel after a shower and wrap them in it for a couple of minutes to get rid of excess water. Then you can apply care. The exact time is indicated on the product packaging, as a rule, you need to keep it in the region of 10 minutes.
  • On which hair is it better to apply a homemade mask? Most often, you should apply a natural mask to dry hair, and then wash it off with shampoo. In addition, home remedies take longer to work: about 30-40 minutes.
  • It is important to remember that products made from natural products are most often not designed for reusable use. If you prefer to make such care cosmetics yourself, you will have to prepare a new solution each time.
  • What is the best way to apply a hair mask? Spread it along the entire length, paying special attention to the tips. Most products are not recommended to be applied to the scalp, so avoid this area. After applying the product, put your hair under a cap, and wrap it with a towel on top.
  • Homemade egg masks should be washed off only with cool water, otherwise they will be difficult to remove.
  • The procedure should be repeated 2 times a week, unless the manufacturer recommends otherwise.