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» The meaning of a panda tattoo or what does a panda tattoo mean. Panda tattoo - meaning and designs for girls and men

The meaning of a panda tattoo or what does a panda tattoo mean. Panda tattoo - meaning and designs for girls and men

Tattoo over the past decades has become very popular in our country. Each person who wants to distinguish himself in some way leaves a drawing on his body as a sign of his dissimilarity to the rest.

Those who want to decorate themselves face several important questions - which image to apply and which part of the body to use. Majority
people choose the image of animals, since such a tattoo will indicate the internal and external qualities of its owner.

More recently, the panda tattoo has come into fashion. These animals are a symbol of friendliness and joy. Known as "bamboo bears", they live in the vastness of China, and since the middle of the 20th century have become its national emblem. However, it is very difficult to meet them, since this species is considered very rare, and therefore it is listed in the Red Book. Despite the fact that pandas are carnivores, their diet is vegetarian, which includes bamboo and some other plants.

What can a panda tattoo mean?

The image of a panda tattoo can be completely different, which is why its meaning also changes.

  • Bamboo bear has a good disposition, therefore, in combination with bright colors, it symbolizes joy, friendliness and sets people up for positive and good.
  • The black and white panda is the emblem of the World Wide Fund for Animal Protection, calling on people to fight for the environment and motivate them to do good deeds.
  • The combination of this image with other important Asian symbols, such as bamboo or lotus, evokes in people memories of a serene childhood, makes them smile. They indicate the wisdom and openness of the person who applied such a drawing.
  • Considering that pandas eat exclusively plant foods, the meaning of the tattoo may be the desire to support vegetarianism.

Choosing the place of application is no less important process than choosing a pattern. It is most convenient to get a tattoo on the back, as there is a lot of space for creativity. The surface of this part of the body is even and less prone to age-related changes.

The second most popular place is the hand. This option is the most painless of all. Most often it is chosen by men. The stronger sex loves to demonstrate its beauty, and the drawing on the hand is always striking.

A tattoo on the shoulder blade can be applied to people of any age. This place has advantages - the least susceptible to age-related changes due to the fact that the skin is close enough to the bone. For the same reason, the process of applying a tattoo will be quite painful.

Due to the absence of a large number of muscles and the predominance of bones, drawing on the leg is rarely done. The process is accompanied by severe pain and long rehabilitation.

The panda tattoo looks good on any part of the body. It will suit a cheerful, good-natured and extraordinary person. The image causes a lot of positive emotions and leads only to good thoughts.

Panda tattoo: photo

Several photos, different versions of the panda pattern on the body.

The panda tattoo has come into fashion relatively recently, it is not yet common, mainly in Asian and European countries. Recently, it can be found in Russia. But the animal itself, which is known in China as the "bamboo bear", can be seen live even less often. This is a rare species listed in the Red Book. A beautiful black and white bear has a cheerful, friendly disposition, so his images are always positive and set up for good.

There are several variants of panda tattoo designs that are common. One of them is the famous black and white drawing, the emblem of the World Wide Fund for Animal Protection. The meaning of the panda tattoo in this case is help, good deeds, the struggle for the environment.

The image of a panda for many people also symbolizes openness and friendliness. This is due to the Chinese diplomatic tradition - to give this expensive animal as a sign of trust and special disposition. This gesture is also called "panda diplomacy". As you know, pandas eat plant foods, so the meaning of the tattoo is also to support vegetarianism and veganism.

The panda tattoo goes well with images of other Asian symbols - bamboo, lotus. It brings a smile, is a reminder of childhood. A panda sitting on a pink lotus flower is a sign of openness and wisdom.

This tattoo is considered suitable for both men and women. She suitable for a person childish, good-natured and cheerful. The image will emphasize the style of the owner, his passion for rarities. Panda tattoos are chosen by extraordinary people, with an interesting inner world, independent and calm.

For young people, a good choice is the tattoo of Kung Fu Panda, the hero of the famous cartoon. This is a picture for fans of the series, it will tell about the courage and humor of its owner. The meaning of the tattoo is courage, resourcefulness and friendliness, symbolizing this character.

Small colored tattoos are popular among young girls: a panda with wings, a flower, a bow or a sleeping panda. Fluffy, touching little animal resembles a soft toy, makes you want to pet it. A panda tattoo with wings symbolizes lightness and spirituality, enjoyment of life, carelessness and play. Small sketches of a panda tattoo can be placed on the lower leg, calf or wrist.

Below are more photos of panda tattoos from different masters.

Today we offer to understand the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a panda. Such a wearable pattern means openness and friendliness. And this, first of all, is connected with the Chinese tradition of giving this special animal as a sign of trust and special disposition. Such gestures are often referred to as panda diplomacy. It is known that these animals prefer plant foods and therefore the carriers of such a wearable image can be followers of vegetarianism and veganism.

I became fashionable not so long ago. Mostly it is chosen by residents of Asian and European countries. In recent years, a tattoo can be found even in Russia. But the animal itself can not be seen so often. The panda is considered a rare species and is even listed in the Red Book. The black and white bear has a very kind, cheerful character. Therefore, wearable images with this special animal are always very positive and kind.


Spectacular wearable drawings in the form of a giant panda are often chosen by both men and women. Both genders prefer realism and watercolor tattoos.

The black and white image of a panda is the emblem of the World Organization for Animal Protection. In this case, a panda tattoo will mean help, kindness, the struggle to maintain the environment. A wearable drawing with a bear, first of all, can suit a good-natured cheerful person. Such tattoos are most often chosen by extraordinary people, with a special inner world.

There are many different variations of panda tattoos. One of the most interesting is the image with a sad bear. It will mean good nature, optimism and hope for the best. A wearable pattern with a cheerful panda will suit a balanced and calm person.

The owner of such a tattoo is very optimistic and not prone to manifestations of anger or aggression. Panda tattoos often evoke positive emotions associated with childhood, spontaneity and kindness.

Significance for men

A tattoo in the form of a giant panda is often the choice for the stronger sex. Men often choose wearable images in the style of realism and new school. Such tattoos for them mean:

  • optimism
  • cheerful character
  • childlike spontaneity
  • kindness
  • desire to fight for the environment
  • rich inner world

A spectacular wearable image with a panda will tell about the cheerful and kind disposition of its owner.

Such a man is always ready to help everyone. Most often, the owners of such special tattoos have a rich inner world and want to support the environment.

Sometimes men choose panda tattoos because of the originality of the image.

Significance for women

The fair sex is not so often, but still sometimes they choose beautiful images with a panda. Often, ladies prefer original underwear images in watercolor and realism. For women, such a tattoo means:

  • optimism
  • good nature
  • rich inner world
  • childlike spontaneity
  • cheerful character

A beautiful wearable image with a panda will tell about the optimism and good nature of its owner.

Such a woman has a rich inner world and a cheerful character.

Sometimes women choose a tattoo with a big bear, not because of the special symbolic meaning, but because of the beauty of the wearable pattern.

What image for a tattoo to choose?

There are many interesting options with the image of a bear. It can be a tattoo with a geometric panda. Such underwear drawings are chosen by both men and women.

Looks no less interesting. Such tattoos are made on different parts of the body.

Wearable images with a little panda are often chosen by older girls and women.

Often, representatives of both sexes choose images in the style of realism as a spectacular tattoo.

What thoughts come to mind when we see such a cute and rare animal as the Panda? The appearance and behavior of the black and white bear literally radiate warmth, kindness and some softness. Like large plush toys, pandas represent a positive attitude and childish spontaneity. Such an attractive image has predictably become an inspiration for many professional tattooists. In almost every salon you can see sketches of a panda tattoo in a variety of performance techniques.

The birthplace of the panda tattoo.

The reason for the popularity and universal love for the bamboo bear in China is extremely simple: the animal is a symbol of this country and occupies a special place in its national culture. In the eyes of the Chinese, the panda is associated with unpretentiousness, modesty, calm disposition. A hidden meaning is seen even in the black and white color of the animal - many see it as a kind of reference to the concept of Yin and Yang. The panda symbolizes harmony, the balance between the energy of a woman and a man. The most popular panda tattoo areas are on the arm, neck, back, and calves.

The value of tattoos in world culture.

The Chinese vision of the panda is significantly different from the global one. Europeans who choose this animal as a body pattern explain this choice by the desire to express friendliness and openness towards others. The fact that the panda is the official symbol of wildlife also contributes to the spread of the tattoo. The endangered species, depicted as a tattoo, is a kind of call for the protection of the environment and endangered animals. That is why panda tattoos can often be seen on the bodies of activists for the environment. The Chinese bear also inspires many vegetarians: it is known that the animal's diet consists of plant foods.

The specifics of tattooing.

It is quite logical that most of the Chinese bear tattoos are done in black and white. Some masters add variety and complement the sketch with symbols inspired by oriental and Asian motifs. Most often, the panda is depicted with pale pink lotus flowers and bamboo. Such additions are not at all meaningless: a bear sitting on a lotus personifies wisdom, truth, knowledge. Fans of simpler sketches, devoid of deep meaning, often tattoo the famous cartoon character - Kung Fu Panda.

Who is this tattoo suitable for?

Sketches depicting a cute black and white bear are especially popular among the fairer sex. This is quite natural - the love of girls for teddy bears has long been known. And yet, it is a mistake to assume that the panda tattoo is relevant for girls and nothing more. In fact, the image of this animal is fully suitable for guys. Do not worry that the tattoo will look ridiculous, inappropriate or "out of age" on you. Agree: kindness, wisdom and compassion have no gender. The Chinese bear tattoo is designed to emphasize originality, spiritual fullness, determination, the ability to sympathize and trust.