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» Wedding candles: from preparation for the sacrament to family concerns. The sacrament of the wedding of the employees of the temple of the Candle was performed after the wedding what to do with them

Wedding candles: from preparation for the sacrament to family concerns. The sacrament of the wedding of the employees of the temple of the Candle was performed after the wedding what to do with them

The wedding process is a beautiful, memorable act aimed at concluding the union of two lovers before the Lord. It is necessary to consciously approach the decision to get married.

There is no need to pay tribute to fashion, you need to come to such a decision on your own without anyone's pressure. Many believe that it is the wedding that will help save the marriage for many years, and the family will live happily and not know grief.

During the wedding process, special rituals and rituals are performed, wedding candles are used, illuminated rings are put on the fingers of the newlyweds as a sign of love and fidelity. That's just the same wedding candles you need to take care of for the rest of your life. It is believed that they have supernatural power that will protect the family of all its members from illness and other misfortunes.

Like candles, wedding towels should not be left in the church, they should be kept at home, as a symbol of the common path that a married couple walks. The dress that the woman was wearing at the wedding should also be kept. It is best to buy a simple, but your own dress, rather than rent it. The clothes we wear are charged with our energy. So the white dress of the bride absorbs the energy of the wedding, and then the woman begins to transfer her happiness from hand to hand to each owner of her dress. There is a mixture of energy.

Wedding suits, dresses, icons, candles, rings - all these attributes are carriers of powerful energy. It is to their help that you need to resort in case of misfortune in the family. If the spouse, wife, children get sick, you need to put on a suit, pray for wedding icons, light wedding candles. What to do with them then? After asking for help, they need to be extinguished and put away in a safe place. It is believed that in this way a person is able to change the line of his destiny in the right direction or return to the path of well-being and health. All these wedding things should be carefully stored and no one should be allowed near them, they will come in handy in many difficult life situations.

It is not uncommon when magicians and sorcerers ask people who turned to them for help to bring wedding items to a magical session. The bride and groom should not give their dresses to measure to another person. This also applies to wedding rings, which are considered a symbol of marriage and its well-being. Golden rings of spouses are talismans, guardians from the evil eye and damage. Therefore, they must be worn without removing. Wedding rings cannot be inherited, because this is how a person passes on his fate.

During the wedding ceremony, candles are lit one from the other over the heads of the newlyweds. Thus, the chakras of the spouses merge together. The candles are then lowered down to connect all the other chakras together.

It is necessary to keep candles until death and then put them in the coffin of the spouse who died last. It is believed that the birth of the first child will be safer if you light wedding candles. It is best to light them in front of the icons, which also participated in the ceremony. And just looking at the burning candles and remembering the moments when the union of two loving hearts was sealed in heaven is very reverent.

There are even wedding love spells using candles. I need to buy two wedding candles on Friday morning. In your head, imagine the image of your chosen one or chosen one. Then tie the candles with red thread and set fire to it. The flame must be one. This should be monitored carefully.

Wedding candles - a talisman for the whole joint married life. If there was some kind of discord, conflict, or the husband left for another, you need to learn how to burn church candles at home. The flame of fire will make the spouses remember all their happy moments life together to re-experience that great love for each other.

During the wedding, you can follow the burning of candles. If the flame is calm, then life will be smooth. If a crack is heard, then troubles cannot be avoided. The candles went out - the imminent collapse of the marriage or the death of one of the spouses.

Vika Dee

The sacrament of a wedding is a serious, responsible step, one of the church rites that unites spouses in life and after death. You should prepare for it spiritually and physically, because this is a step towards family life until death separates the couple. However, recently some couples recklessly decide to get married without realizing the seriousness of this action. Such relationships are often short-lived. Unfortunately, marriage often breaks up. Divorce statistics in Russia are very disappointing - more than half of registered relationships end in divorce.

How to get a divorce if the spouses were married?

In practice, debunking does not exist. Spouses get divorced in the registry office, according to the laws, and live separately. If one of the spouses wants to marry again, then he needs to apply to the bishop for permission to remarry.

This procedure is called "debunking", although in reality it is receiving a blessing for a subsequent marriage.

Thus, the answer to the question is it possible to get married a second time after a divorce - yes, you can, with the permission of the church. You can get married up to three times. But the reasons for the dissolution of a marriage, according to church charters, must be weighty. An excuse like “they didn’t get along” will not work.

Sep 12, 2018 at 12:27 PDT

The church is extremely negative about any divorce, considering it a tragedy and a kind of death for the family. Especially if it's a married couple. But in any case, if family life is impossible for one or both spouses, then divorce is inevitable.

The consequences of such a difficult decision can be severe, but this is a matter of conscience for each of the spouses. The Church does not impose any contempt or punishment on the divorced - it's a private matter for everyone and they will answer to themselves and to God. An important question that people who are about to get a divorce should ask themselves is whether it is possible to save a family or not.

How does a church divorce happen?

Since there is no such thing as a church divorce after a wedding, there is only the concept of obtaining permission to remarry, this issue should be considered from the point of view of receiving a blessing.

The reasons for for the church to invalidate the marriage:

  • betrayal of one of the spouses;
  • change of religion of one of the spouses;
  • entry into another marriage;
  • abortion of a wife without the consent of her husband in the absence of medical indications for termination of pregnancy;
  • sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, syphilis and so on;
  • an attempt to encroach on the life of another spouse;
  • the disappearance of one spouse for more than 3 years;
  • inability to have children due to self-mutilation;
  • severe form of drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • if the spouse is sentenced to imprisonment for serious crimes.

Cause must be proven relevant document or other evidence or certificate.

Spouses must be divorced at the registry office before getting permission

To apply, you need to contact the local Diocesan Office, where they will tell you how to make a request and in whose name.

The application must be accompanied by a certificate of divorce and other documents confirming the reason for the divorce. If the bishop considers the grounds for divorce valid, he will give permission for a second wedding. However, if the spouse, through whose fault the divorce occurred - treason, entering into another marriage, and so on - wishes to get married again, then he will most likely be denied such a request, since he is guilty of the collapse of his past family. You need to understand that just like that, they don’t give blessings for a wedding.

If you have any doubts about the best way to proceed, you can always consult with your confessor or with the same priest who performed the wedding ceremony. In the case when this is not possible, you can contact the nearby temple and talk with the priest. Most likely, he will answer all questions and help with advice on what to do in this difficult situation.

What to do with wedding candles after a divorce?

Candles that young people hold in their hands during a wedding are called wedding candles. After performing the sacrament bring home and keep along with the icons with which they blessed the young for marriage.

Wedding candles are not a shrine, so no special rites need to be done.

Candles can burn for prayer or take it to the temple. It is not forbidden to leave them and store them in a box or next to the icons. Do not throw them away or give them to someone else. Although the omens and superstitions associated with candles are mostly fiction, they should be put to better use.

Towel (towel) you can also donate to the temple if it unpleasantly reminds you of a broken marriage.

Towel left after divorce

What to do with wedding icons after a divorce?

wedding icons are called paired icons depicting the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ, with which the spouses are blessed during the sacrament of the wedding.

Icons can be donated to the temple, indicating that they are wedding. But the icons do not depend in any way on when and under what circumstances they were acquired. Nothing prevents also praying in front of them and lighting candles.

If wedding icons do not cause any sad associations, then let them remain in the house, along with other icons, if any.

As for the wedding ring and dress, then again, you can keep them or donate a ring to the temple, alter the dress or give it away, or maybe even throw it away. A dress, a ring are just things, memorable, but not possessing any mystical power. They in no way affect a person's life after a divorce.

You can donate a ring to the temple

Divorce is always a tragic event, even if it frees the spouses from an unhappy family life. Before legitimizing repeated relationships, you need to weigh everything and take remarriage seriously. Despite the fact that the church allows you to marry more than once, you should not use this permission lightly, especially if this is not the first wedding for the newlyweds.

May 31, 2018, 21:06

Hieromonk Seraphim (Kalugin), Astrakhan, answers questions from readers.

I have a question for you. How can you influence your husband with the help of wedding candles or prayers (and what kind of prayers). My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we are married, our families are very religious people. I was his faithful wife, a year ago he cheated on me, I forgave him, but the problem is that he filed for divorce (threatening me), because he wants to leave me for that girl. But I love him very much and want to live only with him, I see from him that he also hesitates, we have been toiling for a year already. I suspect that she somehow bewitched him, he loved me very much, and now he is leaving and crying. So, something still remains for me ... How can I help our falling apart family, if I really want to save it, no matter what ... Tell me, please, to me.

Hello Victoria. Indeed, in our damned days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep a family together. Corruption and moral decline reach the point where there is no restraint against crimes against the closest, dearest people.
It is impossible to influence a husband with the help of wedding candles, because actions with objects consecrated during the sacrament of the Wedding (candles, footstools, other objects) are witchcraft practice, blasphemous and unacceptable for an Orthodox Christian.
Wedding candles are a family relic. A pious custom involves the careful storage of wedding candles as a memory of the Sacrament of Marriage. Sometimes they are placed in the kiot of the icon, which they received as a blessing from their parents for marriage. Wedding candles can be lit for a short time during separation or family discord. It is only necessary to remember that their kindling has power only under the condition of fervent prayer to God for their lost loved ones.
It must also be remembered that a person is mistaken not always because of his malice or hardness of heart, but because of the loss of moral guidelines, which are based on the Gospel commandments. Then he can become an easy prey for evil people, a ridicule for the devil.

The Divine commandment says that only self-sacrificing love leads to happiness: “live in love, as Christ loved us… fornication and all impurity and covetousness should not even be named among you… Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her.” » (Ephesians 5:2, 3, 25). You just need to believe that there is a solid wall that protects us from worldly troubles and the eternal death of the soul, that the yoke of Christ's commandments is good and light.
One rather smart person recently told me: “I have a wife, a child, I love them very much, I take care of them, but I got lost. This is a pain that cannot be compared with physical pain. If I were a believer, how easy it would be for me to resolve this situation.
It is customary to pray to the Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv to protect the family from all kinds of misfortunes. They are known among Orthodox Christians as the patrons of matrimony, marriage, a happy family, they are prayed to "if the husband innocently hates his wife."
And you, pious women and children, save your souls with patience, because only “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Mt. 24:13).