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» What does a crystal tattoo mean? What does a diamond tattoo mean?

What does a crystal tattoo mean? What does a diamond tattoo mean?

People are obsessed with crystals for a number of reasons, with a couple of them being their healing properties and magical aesthetics. The symbolism of the crystal is closely connected with the depth of the Earth, the Nature and history of our planet.

Crystal Tattoo Meanings: wisdom, purity, spirituality and magical power. Since no crystal is like another, crystal tattoos are also symbols of uniqueness.

Crystal body art draws in those who want to always carry good vibes with them.

Crystal Properties

The properties of crystals vary from stone to stone. For example, one of the most popular is a transparent quartz crystal.

pure quartz considered one of the most versatile crystals as it is known to help balance all the energy centers or chakras of the body. A tattoo can mean a person's connection with the metaphysical energy that surrounds people. The crystal can also symbolize positive energy.

Another type of crystal is amethyst. The chakra represented by the amethyst is the crown or purple area. This is the highest chakra and is associated with the brain or thoughtfulness. The amethyst tattoo represents mind control over the mental state, as well as a penchant for philosophy and knowledge.

Bioenergetics believe that amethyst also affects the "third eye" chakra. Amethyst crystal is especially good at balancing our emotions, promoting calmness and gently dissolving emotional blocks.

jade stone is another crystal that attracts many people. The stone is usually a green chakra that is associated with the chest area. This includes the lungs, heart and respiratory system. The tattoo may be associated with a collection of personal memories. Jade harmonizes, helps in love and gives warmth.

Crystals have fascinated people for thousands of years, and crystal tattoos continue that legacy. Get inspired!

The appearance of crystals has fascinated people since ancient times. In nature, they can grow to unimaginable sizes, to this day they find entire caves, all surfaces of which are covered with crystals. Depending on microcracks and various inclusions, they can have a different color, shimmer in hundreds of shades. The image of a crystal is also found in tattoos, but quite rarely, so this work almost always looks original. Let us consider in more detail the meaning of a crystal tattoo.

Symbolism of crystals and esotericism

People who are fond of esotericism believe that crystals are endowed with some magical properties. Some are even sure that these are living organisms, interacting with man and the Universe in their own way. It is believed that they have powerful energy, which can be directed both for good and for harm.

Crystals are used as amulets. They can be aimed at anything: attracting good luck, career success, mutual understanding in the family, gaining wisdom. For example, amethyst (a blue or purple variety of quartz) is set in silver and carried around, hoping that it will bring good luck and love. It is believed that quartz, placed for some time in drinking water, improves its quality, and if you put a crystal next to house plants, they will grow faster. Traditional healers often use crystals in their work.

Naturally, magical properties are a matter of belief in the supernatural. For people who believe in the mystical nature of things, a crystal tattoo can become a talisman for life.

So, what does a crystal tattoo mean?

  • Strength of character. Crystals are extremely durable. A person who has chosen such a tattoo is principled, has a strong will, and is balanced. Self-discipline is important to him, his principles are unshakable.
  • spiritual growth. Crystals play a special role in Buddhism. It is believed that they are decorated with the throne and scepter of the Buddha.
  • The image of crystals is intended to promote spiritual growth and transformation of the individual.
  • exclusivity. It is impossible to find two identical crystals, nature has created each of them unique. No matter how similar we are to each other, no two people are exactly the same. Each of us is endowed with a certain set of qualities, inclinations, we have different desires and abilities, we look at the same things differently. Therefore, each person is unique and unrepeatable.
  • permanence. Crystals can remain intact in caves for thousands of years. Therefore, they are considered a symbol of calmness, harmony and constancy.

Crystals in tattoo art

The image of the crystal has no gender, so such tattoos can be seen in both women and men. The drawing usually has a small size, so a crystal tattoo on the arm, for example, looks very neat. For such tattoo fit almost any place on the body, because the work does not involve a large number of details. Most often choose forearms, thighs, calves. You can find very small works that look great on the neck or wrist, there are also crystal tattoos on the finger, but remember that this place is considered the least successful by the master. The fact is that tattoos on the fingers blur over time and turn into solid spots or completely erased. After all, we do almost everything with our hands: we wash ourselves, say hello, clean the house and so on. Therefore, it is almost impossible to keep the original appearance of the tattoo on the finger for a long time.

Crystalline tattooing is the highest form of changing the energy processes in the human body due to external influences. This is a certain scheme for the implantation of crystals and symbols, which has an ancient history. It is based on an energy transmission and generation system and is a form of geometric power, a conductor and resonator for high vibrational energy.

Nowadays, a session of crystal tattooing is quite comfortable, as far as it can be said about the tattooing process in general. As in a regular art tattoo, the work is done with disposable needles and nozzles, sterile pigments and several types of machines that suit the individual characteristics of the skin and the tattoo site.

There is always the possibility of anesthesia with modern anesthetics, but most often this is not required. In the process of work, it is possible to make anesthesia with temporary signs, which are applied at certain points or zones of intersection of energy flows. Applying even temporary signs on the body can not only anesthetize the process, but also help in any task.

Temporary tattooing also includes the method crystal taping. In this case, a symbol and a mixture of crystalline powders are applied, all this is fixed with a teip (elastic patch).

This is the introduction of crystals under the skin, that is, into the blood, and therefore into every cell of the body. According to the task, one crystal or a mixture of crystals, already permanently ground into powder, is selected.

With such tattoos, we change the energy background of the body, the symbols link the external and internal space. Being selected for a specific task, crystal tattoos enhance energy or dissipate excess, harmonizing and healing a person.

Those who intend to get a crystal tattoo, or have already done it and plan to continue to crystallize and improve themselves, will be interested in our conversation with, who was one of the first in Russia to explore the topic of crystal tattooing. Bit by bit, he collected knowledge of Ayurveda, Tibetan and Chinese medicine, alchemy, combining them with personal experience, forming a well-functioning system of one of the areas of integral medicine.

- Yargo, how do you define the symbol and the mineral needed to solve the problem?

It is very important that a person who decides on an additional effort in the body understands the goal and the means to achieve it. It is important that this develops into a coherent scheme, primarily in the head. The so-called temporary, initial symbols are selected according to their relevance to the person at the time of the appeal and require his personal awareness. And the crystalline and mineral compositions are selected according to the state of the human body at the time of treatment and depend on the degree of imbalance of its system.

- How do crystal tattoos work for you and your space?

In different ways, I have such a tattoo is not the only one. The first experiments were focused on the structure of body fluids. After that there was already a very successful experience in structuring the external forms of space.

Many years of work were carried out with hands and methodological material, and in the course of this work, a need was formed to find a high-quality crystalline energy. This made it possible to get out of dependence on external nutrition of the body. I treat the tattoo body system like the ancient Maori or Atlanteans. The vector of movement in development is the improvement of the existing one and the acquisition of additional effort.

- Yargo, please tell us about the prenatal code, about the reality that everyone comes with. How does it work in the tattoo system?

This is a very serious and rarely covered topic. If without deepening, then every living being from birth has its own individual quality, which determines its capabilities. And this is important, since understanding these individual conditions allows us to determine the most favorable path of development for such a person.

It should be deeply and very qualitatively immerse yourself in the study of the issue. Tactility is important, not the illusion of tactility. If a person has been practicing yoga for many years, and treats migraine with citramone, then this is the illusion of tactility. We live in an amazing time of changing the matrix of space and its filling, when the "Heavens opened". So now to each his own. And everyone is responsible.

- Is a crystal tattoo for everyone? Or are there contraindications?

For everyone who is ready. But it is difficult. The mechanisms of “lowering” the frequency are so strong that, in combination with some prenatal tones, the only and correct way out is rebirth, but in a higher tone.

In general, to be the bearer and conductor of any "living" tradition or system is a huge, and for many, overwhelming responsibility. After all, it is much more profitable to be accommodating and obliging to everyone. Now, in the process of living the experience in alchemy, I really realize the words of the ancient Taoists about the "seal of silence on the heart" or about "closing the systems." If interaction with space is important, then you will have to devote yourself to this flow entirely and without a trace. And this requires many years of patient study.

Since ancient times, diamonds have been valued by many nations for their luxurious beauty and hardness. To this day, many influential people cannot deny themselves the pleasure of decorating themselves with this unusual stone. Jewelers, on the other hand, appreciate a diamond - a cut diamond - for an interesting and bewitching play of light.

Pictured is a blue diamond

Who should get a diamond tattoo

Such a tattoo is most often chosen by people who want to emphasize the following traits of their character: firmness, determination, fortitude, fearlessness, the ability to withstand any test.

Basically, these character traits are inherent in the strong half of humanity, but this symbol is not deprived of female attention either. Women, on the other hand, believe that the diamond tattoo, the photo of which is below, carries a completely different meaning. Diamond can also mean purity, refinement, majestic beauty, spirituality and purity. These qualities are more appreciated by young girls.

If newlyweds or just lovers decide to make this tattoo, then in this case it takes on the meaning of loyalty, devotion to a partner, the eternal union of two loving hearts. After all, as you know, time does not affect diamonds. In this case, the tattoo is done on the ring fingers of the right hand of both the man and the woman (less often, on the wrists).

Interesting fact: It is worth noting that the importance of luxury fades into the background. First of all, a diamond symbolizes the qualities listed above, and the stone itself is valued for its unusual properties.

Elegant diamond in a rose

Using a tattoo as a talisman

As many legends say, a diamond has a protective power and can protect its owner from an accident or malicious intent of ill-wishers.

A diamond tattoo has special protective properties (see sketches below), if the Sun is placed on the image next to the gem itself. It is believed that the bright brilliance of a diamond in the sunlight is capable of defeating any evil from the outside.

The diamond itself symbolizes protection from those phenomena over which a person has no power. For example, from spirits and ghosts, or from a natural disaster.

If the tattoo is applied to the body of a pregnant woman, then the image of a diamond will protect the unborn child, pregnancy and childbirth will be easy.

Red diamond and inscription on the chest

We emphasize individuality

A diamond, because of its value, is not available to everyone. And in nature, such a stone is quite rare. Those who want to emphasize these particular qualities should definitely get this particular tattoo. Its owner, as it were, says to others: "I am so alone, I am an individual." Many believe that a tattoo can have such a meaning: “I am still a treasure. I have to be earned first." Those who want to emphasize their exquisite taste will also like this tattoo.

Beautiful diamond with pink hues

Reasons to get a diamond tattoo

Consider the main reasons for deciding on such a bold act as a diamond tattoo, the meaning of which we considered earlier.

  • Emphasizes your individuality.
  • Attracts attention.
  • Can act as a guardian.
  • Looks luxurious.

Other reasons include the fact that this tattoo It will look good in both color and black and white. And what is not unimportant - you can depict a diamond on the body not only as part of complex compositions, but also alone (it is in no way inferior in beauty). If you are a beginner tattoo artist, or if you want to go to a session with such a master, then a simplified diamond drawing would be a suitable option (see photo below).

It took me a long time to decide on a tattoo. I heard a lot of contradictory statements about diamonds, but I could not draw a clear picture for myself. I asked all my friends who already have something to brag about. For myself, I decided to beat the diamond all the same. Then I'll send what I got :)

Alexandra, Tver

Diamond with a beautifully dressed crown, wealth and grace

The most current sketches

A diamond surrounded by a rose and a crown (the crown can be worn on top of the stone) is one of the most common designs involving a diamond. This pattern symbolizes beauty, power and wealth.

The sketch depicting a winged diamond is not inferior in popularity. Variants of tattoos can be from the simplest (a schematic representation of wings) to the most sophisticated (the wings look like real ones, it seems that they can be touched by hands). This sketch has the meaning of freedom, independence from other people's opinions, disobedience.

regular big diamond

And how could you forget about red or pink diamonds?! The image of these beautiful and mysterious stones can be found on many people. And again, it doesn’t matter if it’s on a woman’s body or on a man’s, a diamond tattoo will look great in any design.

Of course, you should not assume that all diamond tattoos are of the same type. You can always come up with something original, for example, add new fragments to the sketch. In this case, the tattoo will have a slightly different meaning. Think about what you would like to tell others about yourself. You can order a unique sketch from a specialist.

Important: before you decide to go to the salon and get a tattoo, you must, first of all, be one hundred percent sure that your choice is correct. It is better to consider as many options for sketches as possible, or ask the tattoo artist to draw a sketch, so that later you can go to your master for a tattoo session with full confidence.

Diamond with inscription, heart and crown

Never would have thought that my tattoo has such a good meaning. To be honest, when I pricked, I didn’t really think about the meaning, I just liked it and that’s it. Got a tattoo over 2 years ago and very satisfied. Decide, you won't regret it.

Mikhail, Ryazan

Video: diamond or diamond tattoo

Sketches of a diamond tattoo

First of all, the image of diamonds is used by people who want to draw a parallel between their character and the properties of this stone. In particular, this one emphasizes the firmness, steadfastness, perseverance, fearlessness of its owner, his ability to withstand any test without “breaking” at the same time.

The value of luxury, rarity, wealth in this case fades into the background. That is why a diamond tattoo is often chosen not only by women, but also by men. However, it is suitable for both sexes.

Thanks to its amazing radiance, the diamond has acquired another meaning: it is spirituality, the pure light of the human soul, sincerity, virtue, and for also invincibility, leadership, readiness, it was the “king” just as the diamond is the “master” of all stones. To emphasize this meaning, the diamond tattoo is complemented by rays, symbolizing its bright and pure radiance.

Often it is a diamond that is chosen for paired tattoos. In this case, it symbolizes sincere and pure love, over which time has no power. The classic sign is a tattoo with the image of this stone of a man and a woman who want to emphasize the inviolability of their connection.

Tattoo in the form of a diamond as a talisman

According to legend, the diamond has tremendous protective power and symbolizes the infinite power of the universe, capable of doing what seems impossible to a person. That is why such a tattoo is chosen for themselves by people who want to protect their dream and achieve the fulfillment of desires.

To enhance the meaning of the diamond, it is often depicted with the Sun. Such a tattoo, according to popular belief, protects not only from the bad intentions of other people and from malicious intent, but even from accidents.

The diamond symbolizes protection from any evil force that a person cannot handle on his own, from ghosts to epidemics. A tattoo with the image of this stone can become a powerful amulet. In this case, it will mean the purity of the diamond, which no dirt can spoil, as well as great strength and power.

A tattoo depicting this stone on a woman's body has a special additional meaning. She symbolizes fertility and offspring, and, according to legend, she protects the child in the womb and promotes conception and easy childbirth.