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» What tattoo does Pavel Priluchny have. Barcode tattoo meaning

What tattoo does Pavel Priluchny have. Barcode tattoo meaning

The barcode as a drawing for a tattoo appeared in this art relatively recently, so it is one of the newest and most popular tattoo designs. And every day the number of people who want to fill their body with a barcode is increasing, therefore, its popularity is constantly growing.

In fact, the familiar, linear barcode, which looks like a sequence of black and white stripes of different widths, is a system for presenting information for reading by special scanners. At the bottom of the strips, as a rule, there are numbers. Today, the barcode is found on all goods that can be bought, and carries certain information about the product, such as the place and date of its production, price, etc.

But in principle, absolutely any information can be encoded in a linear barcode, but of a limited volume. In this case, the meaning of a barcode tattoo will depend entirely on the meaning of the information encoded in it, which can be read using a scanner, even in a store. Often, when applying a barcode, they use their date of birth or some symbols that are significant for a person: numbers or letters as numbers at the bottom.

On the other hand, a barcode tattoo can be some kind of challenge to the consumer society.. A sign of the selection of a person as a person and a protest against the formation of the same type of human biomass, a protest against views of a person as a commodity. This is a sign of separation from mass culture and the desire to preserve their own individuality. Or such a tattoo may be a warning that if we humans are not careful and cultured, we may soon become a subject of trade ourselves.

The meaning of a barcode tattoo can be different. So for the actor Pavel Priluchny, the barcode with the inscription "DOC" became a reminder of the role in the film "On the Game", which brought him popularity, and gradually became part of Pavel's individual style.

The most popular places for barcode tattoos are the back of the neck (like a hitman) and the wrist. Not infrequently, the recently appeared QR code is also used, from which information is read using digital cameras. Sometimes there are barcode tattoos that are visible only in ultraviolet light.

But the meaning of a barcode tattoo is not always positive.. Here it is necessary to recall the possible danger of a barcode on the human body. The fact is that with the help of a barcode on the wrist and a microchip for each person, it is possible to establish control over the entire human society and voluntarily enslave the human mass for the formation of a world government. But this theory may be real in the future, but not today.

But in any case, a person needs to be fully aware of the essence of the tattoo and the reason for applying it for himself. After all, a barcode is one of those tattoos that are applied more to distinguish oneself from the crowd than for beauty.

In the new series of Channel One, Major, the favorite of the viewers, Pavel Priluchny, played the spoiled son of an oligarch, who, by the will of fate, fell into the ranks of the police. Service will make a real man out of a hero. But the actor does not need such turns of fate - he has already shown himself to be a brave person. After all, for the sake of roles, he had to ...

... Break the table with your back

“For me, tricks are not a problem at all - I am a prepared, trained person, a candidate for master of sports in boxing, after all. If necessary, I will work out any scene without question, ”Pavel boasts. And indeed, he easily does different tricks. On the set of the series "Dark World. Balance ”in one of the episodes, his hero had to land in a fight with his back on the table and break it. “And now everyone is shouting: “Let's get a stuntman, let's get a stuntman!” - and I understand that while they prepare everything, there will be no time left for shooting, - says the actor. - I managed to convince the director that I can handle it myself. I just did a back flip and that's it." But the most memorable moment for the actor was shooting on a real plane. True, he was not forced to fly. “We filmed this scene in the park, where there are different planes, both old and new,” says Pavel. - Filmed at night, and, apparently, there was no permission for this, because for some reason everyone spoke in a whisper and tried to finish as soon as possible. The scene was romantic, and it looked really beautiful: my partner and I were standing right on the nose of a huge plane, and at that moment it really felt like flying. True, it was wildly cold (and we are in summer clothes) and hellishly slippery, because the plane was covered with a thin layer of ice. It was especially fun to climb it - my partner was also blindfolded. After all, according to the plot, this is such a romantic surprise that my hero makes to the main character.

... Go to the tattoo parlor

In the film "On the Game" Pavel got the role of a computer game lover who gained superpowers. The actor himself is not fond of virtual life - he has enough impressions from the profession. “And while preparing for the role, we plunged into the life of gamers: we went to cyber competitions, watched their frenzied excitement,” he says. - I joined, began to understand the intricacies: I know what mods to put on World of Tanks, how to make armor in mainekraft, which team config is required in FIFA 14. And then physical training, OMON trained us to run and shoot in reality. I felt that this role would be significant for me. And just as some actors lose 30 kilograms or shave their heads for the sake of a film, I also decided to change their appearance... The tattoo design with the gaming nickname of my hero was invented together with the director Pavel Sanaev - as a result, I stamped the word "DOC" with a barcode on my neck... This tattoo has already become like a birthmark for me. I like tattoos with meaning, besides, they require keeping the body in shape. And I once knocked my wife Agatha to visit a tattoo parlor with me ... "

... live on edge

In the film "Bad Blood" Priluchny portrayed a scoundrel and a rapist. According to the plot, his hero is also an extremely nervous person. And if meanness had to be played, then the actor himself was nervous at that moment. “I combined shooting with the project“ Dancing with the Stars ”and with several other film works,” recalls Pavel. - But most importantly, Agatha was pregnant, and I went crazy, I couldn’t find a place for myself. And I couldn’t take a break to be with my beloved, because I had to earn money: replenishment in the family is responsible in every sense. In general, I chronically did not get enough sleep, lost weight, was on edge all the time. But this excitement helped me to play the temper of my hero. Priluchny came up with a recognizable habit for his character: when the villain was nervous, he twisted the ring in his hands. “The offer was supported and they bought me a rather spectacular wide white gold ring, which I didn’t take off all the time of filming - I’m used to it,” says the actor. - After that they offered me to buy it out, but I flatly refused: I don’t like tsatski. A man can have only one ring - an engagement ring, and I have it.

…sleep in a yurt

The drama "Waiting for the Sea" was filmed in Kazakhstan - where the Aral Sea used to splash, which then rapidly became shallow. “I have never had such a difficult time on any project! Pavel admits. - Naked steppe, scorching sun, plus 50, or even plus 60 degrees - people fell in piles. I arrived there a month before filming, just to understand how they live in such conditions. And I never understood how you can get used to it. They took me to the Kazakh yurt and said: “This is where you will live!” Of course, not only about the air conditioner - there was no talk of even a fan. And here you are sitting, dying from the heat, and under your feet scorpions run in flocks ... But such is our work!

... get hit on the head

For the series "Major" Pavel had to recover by 10 kilograms. “I had to eat on a schedule, while I don’t like to spend time on food at all: I consider it too long an activity that also requires sitting in one place!” the actor complains. But the difficulties did not stop there. Stunt coordinator Vladimir Orlov had experience in Hollywood and brought some tricks from there. “And now I’m getting ready for the scene in which they hit me with a baseball bat with all their foolishness on the head,” says Priluchny. - It is supposed to beat for real - it's just that on one side the bit has a soft lining. I go up to Volodya and ask: “Listen, how do you shoot such scenes in Hollywood?” He replies: “Yes, we shoot it the same way! Can you stand it?“ And what if there are no options? For the sake of business, you can endure. ”

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In the material we will analyze barcode tattoo meaning, the meaning and history of tattoo design. If you are going to make yourself a tattoo with a barcode, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following materials in our catalog with photos of tattoos:

  • Photo tattoo barcode
  • Sketches for a tattoo with a barcode

Today we will talk about tattoos. The focus will be on the tattoo in the form of a barcode, which appeared in the salons relatively recently. The barcode is considered to be a popular, literally the latest tattoo design. Its popularity is growing every day, naturally, there are more and more people who want to fill themselves with a similar pattern.

Barcode tattoo meaning - examples of ready-made tattoos in the photo

The meaning, history and meaning of a barcode tattoo

If you remember, the linear barcode that we are familiar with looks like this: a simple or complex sequence of white and black stripes. The width of the stripes can be very different. A barcode is a unique system that provides special scanners with encrypted information. In most cases, there are numbers under the bands. A barcode can now be found on any product in a supermarket. It carries various information - the place where the product was produced, the date of manufacture, and the like, the meaning of a barcode tattoo may be similar.

If you think carefully, then you can “shove” information of any kind (absolutely any) into a linear barcode. True, the volume is significantly limited. If we talk about the meaning of the barcode tattoo, then it will depend on what information will be encrypted in the code itself. This applies not only to tattoos, but also store barcodes, because scanners can do anything. Returning to tattoos, we note that the “barcode” tattoo often uses dates of birth and other symbols that, one way or another, are significant for a single person.

There is another side. Some use the barcode as a tattoo in order to show their resentment of the consumer society. It may be a protest against the fact that a person is looked at as if he were a commodity. Also, a tattoo in the form of a barcode can tell about a person’s opinion about the formation of the same type of masses from humanity. This is literally a sign that a person is separated from mass culture and seeks to preserve his individuality. You can also say that the meaning of a barcode tattoo is a warning, they say, our negligence and lack of culture can lead to the fact that in the near future we ourselves can become a product on the shelves.

Where is it most often customary to apply a “barcode”? Most often, the back of the neck is used as a place for applying such a tattoo (remember the famous Hitman and his bald skull with a tattoo), as well as the wrist. Tattoo artists do not forget about the modern QR code, which can be read by digital cameras. Sometimes there are even unique tattoos in which the encoded information is visible only under the influence of ultraviolet light.

Interestingly, a barcode tattoo can also have a negative meaning. Immediately, the fact that a barcode on the human body is quite capable of being dangerous comes to mind. For example, with the help of microchips on the body (just like barcodes), you can establish control over society and enslave humanity. Such ideas may come to the mind of, say, a world government. And if this theory seems absurd today, it is not a fact that our great-great-great-grandchildren will not find themselves in a similar situation.

Watch video with barcode tattoo:

barcode tattoo

On the goods of any supermarket, you can find a barcode, which is a set of vertical strips of different lengths and widths, often with numbers below. It encodes a set of information that characterizes the subject according to various parameters, it is read by a special scanner.

Relatively recently, a barcode tattoo has gained popularity, both among men and women. As a rule, it is stuffed on the neck, just below it, as well as on the hands. It is noteworthy that the true meaning of this tattoo is known only to its owner.

barcode tattoo on neck

After the release of the film "On the Game", where the main character had the image in question on the neck (on the side), the barcode began to be ordered in tattoo parlors more and more often.

Over time, not the classic black permanent drawings gained popularity, but also colored tattoos. In addition, the masters improved the usual barcode - they added other images and symbols to it, creating a unique tattoo design in a single copy. You can also change the style of drawing, instead of straight, clear lines, give them curvature. In many sketches, there is a transition technique, which involves a smooth “flow” of one picture into another. In the case of a bar code, vertical lines turn into drops, tree roots, branches interweaving.

Barcode tattoo on the wrist and other parts of the arm

Perhaps, on the wrist, tattoos are most common. This is due to the fact that this area is usually open, and the pattern is always clearly visible. At the same time, it is easy to hide it by wearing long sleeves, a wristband or a wide bracelet.

It is worth noting that the ability to read a barcode, even if it is a tattoo, involves its application on the wrist, which is convenient to bring to the scanner.

Other areas on which the described image can be stuffed are near the elbow, both on the inside and on the outside, the forearm.

What does a barcode tattoo mean?

In most cases, this type of tattoo is perceived as a simple decoration of the body. The drawing looks neat and even elegant due to straight clear lines, has a small size.

But you can also assign a special meaning to a tattoo in the form of a barcode:

  1. Memorial sign. The letters or numbers added from below allow you to imprint on the body some important date (birth, wedding, family replenishment), an event, a word that has a personal meaning for the owner of the tattoo (name, oath, life motto, goal).
  2. Information. Initially, the barcode was intended to encode information, so many people use such a permanent pattern for similar purposes. In a tattoo, you can encrypt any desired data, however, in a small amount, which are easily read by a conventional scanner.
  3. Belonging to society. Sometimes a deeper meaning is embedded in the barcode on the body, the recognition that all people are equal, as they are representatives of the same species.
  4. The transience of life. As you know, each product has an expiration date, information about which is often contained in a barcode. The execution of such a tattoo serves as a reminder that human life, unfortunately, is not eternal, and you need to cherish every second of it, try not to waste time.
  5. Protest, challenge to society and government. The barcode also has a rebellious meaning. Stuffing this permanent drawing in such cases means challenging the modern system of values ​​that promotes the "dissolution" of individuality, the personality in the same type of biomass, the humiliation of a person to the level of a commodity, an object of trade.

What does a barcode tattoo on the neck mean in prison terms?

In this case, the numbers mean the date of birth.


But it doesn't mean anything! This is a tattoo from new times, fashion trends, so to speak. And for this bluing, the owner of it will have to answer to the inmates for its purpose and significance. In general, partaki can be beaten only with the permission of the beholder, so as not to be formalized (it’s easier to say not to get into an unpleasant situation), and not to offend other decent inmates.

Such a tattoo is made by non-sitting skinheads. And those who have served time become respectable citizens and bring it down.


I have never seen such a tattoo on the inmates. But I saw another character - the hero of the famous computer game Hitman. It's so popular that it's even been made into a movie. So, Hitman (Agent 47) is a clone of a super killer grown in a test tube. Since their production was put on stream, everyone had their own numbers and barcodes on the back of their heads. It sounds, of course, idiotic, but it could well be that a fan of the game filled himself with such a tattoo, and did it before the “landing”.

This is just my guess.

Vladimir apchel

As mentioned above, it really does not mean anything FOR THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT, in a simple life it IMHO, it seems to me that it should insult the person wearing it, involuntarily comparing it with a thing that you can buy. So what is a tattoo, it does not emphasize individuality (what is the main purpose of the tattoo), but just the opposite, regardless of what numbers there are.

Help to

It seems to me that the barcode is a protest against the current system.

Prisoners are most susceptible to the influence of the system - they are obliged to live for some time according to clearly established rules.

Conscious people make such a tattoo in order to show their displeasure. As if with a claim: "Apply a barcode on the body, since for you I'm just a unit of the system!"

But in most cases, such a tattoo is done simply "from the bulldozer".


this hero from the series gamers and a closed school) I also wonder what this tattoo means and why they do it

Tattoo - a barcode on the neck with the inscription DOC

milady tory

Pavel Priluchny made the first tattoo in his life - a barcode on the neck with the inscription DOC - specifically for filming Pavel Sanaev's film "On the Game".

The actor says: “I always wanted to get a tattoo, and for the film “On the Game” the director was looking for a twist in the appearance of the hero. I came up with something like this.

I do not think that the tattoo tied me to my character, it is suitable not only for one character. The tattoo turned out to be memorable, not like everyone else, and at the same time ambiguous ...

The word DOC - can be deciphered in different ways. Each letter can mean something special, there are many subtexts in my tattoo, it has long become my birthmark, I don’t want to get rid of it, because I perceive it as part of myself.

And anticipating the question of whether a tattoo in classical or historical projects will interfere with me, I will answer: it is easily smeared with makeup.

Tattoo of Pavel Priluchny. What does she mean? And what does it show?

What is depicted on the tattoo of Pavel Priluchny, which is on his neck?

What is the meaning of Pavel Priluchny's tattoo?

Natalia Sokolova

This tattoo was made by Pavel after long deliberation, made specifically for the filming of the film "On the Game". It has become an integral part of the actor's image and a reminder of the shooting.

Tattoo-barcode is a new fashion fad among young people. This tattoo means that some information is encoded here, known only to the owner of the tattoo, this tattoo is a sign of distinguishing a person from the crowd, of some opposition to society.

By the way, this is not his only tattoo.

Solnce lychik

I recently watched the TV series Major consisting of 12 episodes. Everyone tried to find on the neck famous tattoo Pavel Priluchny but did not find. Looks like she's been bullied.

Here's what the actor and director themselves say about Tatu

That's how this tattoo on the neck remained.

It was fashionable tattoo in the form of a barcode. She adds coolness to the actor or something.

Doc is written because in the movie at the game his hero's name was doc. Type of nickname he had this word.

Now I can’t even imagine Priluchny without this tattoo.

I was very upset when I didn’t see a tattoo in Majora. This is his personality.

I also noticed a tattoo on my arm in the form of a cross.

The tattoo of Pavel Priluchny in the form of a barcode on his neck was made before the filming of the film "On the Game", as it was planned according to the script. The decision to make this particular tattoo was spontaneous, and only Pavel himself took it. The inscription doc on the tattoo, according to Pavel herself, can be deciphered in different ways, and each letter individually has its own meaning. It seems to me that the owner of the tattoo wanted to add riddles to his appearance, and therefore placed some coded information on his neck. And the inscription doc means professionalism in any business.

Pavel is not going to get rid of the tattoo on his neck, as it symbolizes his first success in the world of cinema.

Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo on his neck and more. On the neck, it looks like a barcode and an inscription on it. doc. Due to the fact that it was made only for the filming of the film "On the Game", it was assumed that then it would wash off. But apparently, Paul decided to leave her forever. Why this particular word? Perhaps it means that he is a pro in his field. After all, "doctor" denotes not only medical topics, but also a number of others. I wonder what it will look like in 20 years.

Barcode labeled "doc"

Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo with the word "doc" on his neck, which is stylized as a barcode.

This tattoo was made for the filming of Pavel Priluchny in the movie "On the Game".

I think that even Pavel himself does not know the meaning of this tattoo, at least he does not speak about the specific meaning of his tattoo, preferring to call it "his birthmark".


In my opinion, Pavel Priluchny is a very stylish guy, and this tattoo perfectly complements his image. Pavel Priluchny filled the tattoo specifically for filming the movie "On the Game." And apparently he decided to leave it forever.

The tattoo is a barcode with letters DOC. This was the name of the hero of the film "On the Game", whose role was played by Pavel.


Now people have a special interest in Pavel Priluchny, and all this is due to filming in the TV series Major. His tattoo looks like a barcode with the word dos. He made it for the film "On the Game". Probably many already know that such tattoos are very fashionable. They help you stand out and be different.

Well, everything is clear with a barcode, now it's cool when a person makes a tattoo in the form of a barcode, which means, in my opinion, marked or the only one. But with the inscription DOC it’s more complicated, this abbreviation has a lot of different meanings and I don’t think that Pavel Priluchny himself doesn’t know this ...

Maybe ask this dude

The Russian actor Pavel Priluchny already has several tattoos at the moment, but as I understand it, in this matter we are talking about a tattoo on the actor’s neck. The tattoo is a barcode and contains the inscription "DOC", this tattoo was made for the movie "On the Game", and later became the actor's calling card.


Pavel Priluchny has a very prominent tattoo on his neck in the form of a barcode. By the way, the actor got a tattoo during the filming of "On the Game". But it seems to me that such a tattoo is not very well suited for all roles and images. For example, in the series "Major", this tattoo was covered up and masked by make-up artists.

Made myself new tattoo. Not so long ago, Pavel let slip in an interview that the tattoo would be in a place closed from human eyes, only for his own people - and the fans had already decided that this place would be very intimate, but everything turned out to be much more humane.

Recall that the first tattoo in his life - a barcode on the neck with the inscription DOC - Pavel filled specifically for filming in the film "On the game". This tattoo, according to the actor, has long become a part of him, like a birthmark, and he is not going to get rid of it. Although constant jokes like “Well, how much are you worth?” Pavel is already pretty tired.

Such an important thing as the creation of another "birthmark" on the body, the young actor entrusted the master Volodya Multu from the tattoo studio Tattoo Studio Angel, a well-known Moscow tattoo artist and organizer of specialized festivals Pasha Angela.

The new tattoo is located, albeit not in an intimate, but in a rather piquant place - right on the thigh bone in front: “The place does not matter! Let there be an understatement effect - only a couple of letters will be visible, and the rest can only be guessed at, ”says Pavel.

Priluchny's new tattoo consists of three words located one below the other, and means "keep balance." “I lack balance in life,” Pasha commented, “throws from side to side. I make this tattoo only for myself and for people close to me, so that it would not be visible to everyone in a row.

With the balance of the actor, in recent years, indeed, there have been problems. He even lost sleep - difficult shooting in a mystical project affected: “My hero accidentally kills a man with a gun. Maxim almost goes crazy on this soil. I myself with difficulty abstracted from the situation - and smoke, and blood, and the atmosphere itself ... AAA, very scary! I lost the feeling that I was acting in a movie, that I was playing a role. It felt like everything was really happening to me right now! I don’t know what it is connected with, but something strange has been happening in my life lately. I live on the 2nd floor and in my bedroom there is a small window, a bed and a computer. And that's it. I don't have curtains, and moonlight comes through a small window at night... This happened for the first time about 2-3 weeks ago. I went to bed, closed my eyes and could not sleep for a long time! I felt something strange. I even recently did not turn off the computer at night. Yes, since childhood I have not had such that I was afraid of something! It all started only on the set of "Closed School".

The tattoo has already begun to have its "healing" effect - the actor immediately began to feel better, and the balance is gradually returning to his life, as well as sleep. Well, the mysticism in the series continues!

Tattoo barcode meaning

A tattoo in the form of a barcode is a very interesting way of self-expression, which suitable for people, confidently looking into the future and cannot imagine life without new technologies. Usually in tattoo barcode meaning the masters do not contribute much, here everyone can come up with everything for himself. Probably the only problem with such an image is monotony. Whether it is on a man or a woman, on a young or old person, such a picture will not be original.

Symbol history

The story of the barcode will be short and very simple. Once upon a time there was a simple American guy named Wallace Flint. He was a student at Harvard University and worked on a project related to the automation of industrial and private sale of products. It was a harsh year of the Great Depression, so the idea of ​​​​the young man was simply forgotten.

His idea was that each product could be associated with a miniature unique drawing-diagram, which Flint called a punch card. The idea at that time was far ahead of the possibilities, and she was able to realize herself only in the mid-70s. The first product on which the punched card was punched was a package of Juicy Fruit sweets.

Use as underwear

Barcode tattoo meaning can vary greatly. For example, a part of society carries out such a symbol as a sign of the struggle against the system of consumerism. Based on this, the whole world around is sold and bought, but you put a stigma on yourself so that others do not. The other part of society, on the contrary, hands and feet for a bright transhumonic future, therefore their barcode often contains information about the date of "manufacture", place of "production", price, etc. Particularly careful people work on tattoos so reliably that any reading device in the store will read their "story".

However, do not forget about moderation. If you are 15 years old and you madly want to fill yourself with a barcode from your favorite game, for example, then you should not do this. Why? Because this is at least strange, and in a couple of years you will blush and scoff, I remember this act. The same applies to especially amorous girls: you don’t need to stuff the barcode of your favorite perfume or shoes on yourself. After a month or a year, tastes will change, and the tattoo will remain for life.

There is one wonderful thing about this symbol - its interpretation is very complicated. It intrigues and gives you an edge. Such a simple, at first glance, drawing arouses as much interest as a great artistic dotwerk, for example. And this should be used, gentlemen.

What means barcode tattoo for the third group? Nothing, oddly enough. There are a large number of people who, seeing something on someone, immediately want the same for themselves. For what? Just because someone has. You should not choose a tattoo according to this principle, since this will definitely not bring joy. Repeat after an actor or musician is just an imitation. Try to add at least something of your own to the image.


It is important to know: barcode tattoo meaning it can surprise you greatly if you just came to the master and poked your finger into a sketch book with the phrase, water: “This is cool, I want this on my neck / wrist.” Many masters have unbearably dark humor, and therefore your barcode can be copied from a package of pork cutlets or toilet paper. Agree, not the most pleasant discovery ?!

In older people, such tattoos can cause just a terrible reaction, and they should be understood. Surely everyone has seen photographs of people released from the Auschwitz camp, which were marked with digital values ​​​​on the wrist. The terrible memory of those days can serve as a cause for conflict, so it is important not to get into lengthy disputes and immediately explain your barcode tattoo meaning.