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» Lied to the guy pregnant what to do. To prevent her husband from leaving, she lied that she was pregnant

Lied to the guy pregnant what to do. To prevent her husband from leaving, she lied that she was pregnant

By Masterweb

28.09.2018 11:30

Colombian passions.

Colombian resident Antonella Milena Santiago Padilla faked pregnancy so that her husband would not leave her, and when the time for “delivery” came, she invented a confusing kidnapping story, Televisa reports.

Milena told her relatives that she had gone to the neighboring district to collect a debt from her friends. There, unknown persons forced her into a red car, put her to sleep and removed the baby from the uterus. Milena understood this only when she finally came to her senses.

The attackers allegedly wanted to sell her child on the black market.

Milena's family became alarmed and took her to the hospital, although she did not want to be examined by doctors. When the doctors found out that she had gone to collect the money, they were surprised - after all, according to Milena herself, she was supposed to give birth that day.

The police interviewed possible witnesses to the abduction, but they did not confirm her testimony. And the doctors who examined her did not find traces of a soporific substance in her blood.

At the same time, they found out that Milena was not pregnant.

The woman simulated pregnancy with the help of a false belly. According to her mother-in-law, although her belly was quite small, no one was suspicious of it. The woman put rags in the false belly to enlarge it.

She also printed out a snapshot of the ultrasound results from the Internet and showed it to her relatives as proof of pregnancy. And all this - to keep her husband!

Now Milena faces punishment for deceiving the authorities...

One question: how could a husband not notice anything ?!

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Lika, 29 years old:

“About three months after the wedding, I decided to “please” my husband. I prepared for the April Fool’s joke in advance: I bought booties and a postcard “To the future daddy!”, Left it on the kitchen table along with breakfast and calmly went to work (then my husband got up later than me).

Sentiment waited all day. Sasha - zero reaction. Came home in the evening and cooked dinner. I'm waiting, but my husband is still no and no. At about 9 pm I started to get nervous: did something happen? I call him - he does not pick up the phone, I call my mother-in-law - she does not know where her son is. 22.00, 22.30…

At 23, I'm already starting to tear my hair out. Was he really so scared that he decided not to come home? I hear the key turning in the lock. Sasha comes in, covered in snow and with a huge stroller in his hands. "Beloved!" - shouts. There is a blush on his face, his eyes are burning: “I bought us a stroller! Look how beautiful!“

I certainly did not expect such an outcome. I stand and keep silent, and then I’ll take it and give it out: “Yes, I was joking, Sasha ...”

The husband immediately changed in the face. He didn’t talk to me for several days, but then he walked away and carefully placed the stroller on the balcony. For seven years she has been waiting in the wings. I waited a year ago. Now we carry our daughter in this same stroller. And every time we put a child in it, Sasha tells Alice about an evil mother who comes up with very evil jokes and mocks daddy.

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Arina, 23 years old:

“Once I decided to teach a lesson to one tongued guy ... He loved to beautifully describe his feelings, promise mountains of gold and swear eternal fidelity. When we first met, I, like a naive girl, fell for sweet speeches. I believed that he is the one that I have been waiting for all my life!

Six months of sick relationships and a bucket of noodles eaten from my own ears ... In the end, I broke up with him, but after that it turned out that New Year we met in a common company of friends and ... you understand!

For the next three days, I listened to what a gift I was in his life, that there was no forgiveness for him ... At first she was silent, and then she gave out: “Darling, I have a delay of several days. I don't want to scare you, but if it's confirmed we're having a baby, I'd like to keep him. What do you say?"

Suddenly, for some reason, I became an egoist who makes decisions alone, and he is not ready for a family, and even more so for children. Who would doubt that? But I stood my ground, wanting to make him nervous.

"Papa" found out the truth about a month later. They say he was overjoyed. But without condoms, she no longer goes on dates. Fears!"

Alexandra, 22 years old:

“One of my mom’s friends was trying to keep an unfaithful boyfriend. There were few options, but she decided to choose a proven one - an imaginary pregnancy.

Everything was done masterfully - 30-year-old Alena M. bought the hCG hormone, or Chorionic Gonadotropin, in a pharmacy. It is in liquid form - this made it possible to dilute it with urine and conduct a test in the presence of a stunned "groom", who did not know about his new marital status in the morning. Alena could have been awarded an Oscar for directing and acting - surprise and tears of happiness were absolutely realistic. True, this did not save the union - the guy immediately offered money for an abortion. But Alena was not at a loss here either - she arranged a demonstrative visit to the doctor, who took tests behind a closed door, and did not remove the unexpected fruit of love.

True, it didn't help. The ship of love eventually crashed on the rocks of everyday life. The couple broke up, but ... Alena left an impressive amount of money that she spent on shopping and cosmetics.

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Ira, 25 years old:

“We were just starting to meet, and Lesha just got his first job - he became a junior specialist. I was also a student. There was a lot of time, so I actively spent it, rattling the nerves of the faithful.

Once I doubted that Lesha loved me, and therefore I decided to arrange a test for him. Without thinking twice, she sent him a text message: “Honey, I’m pregnant!”

I don’t know, from an overabundance of feelings or from surprise, but my beloved decided to faint at work. And since at that moment he was sitting on a swivel chair, he thundered right with the chair!

Five years have passed since then. The husband could have forgotten everything for a long time, but colleagues ... no, no, yes, and they will remind you of an unpleasant incident. And everything would be fine! Only my Lyosha is no longer an errand boy, but a deputy director. It's a shame, though."

Sveta, 33 years old:

“I had a pretty long delay. I went to the doctor for tests. My man knew that I was running to doctors. Somehow I decided once again to inquire about my health, and I foolishly say that I am pregnant.

Alas, he was not happy ... Then I admitted that I was joking, there was no pregnancy ... And he was offended. Doesn't want to talk to me at all. He says that I acted meanly by deceiving him. Doesn't want to forgive me. He teases as much as he can. I love him, I don't know what to do."

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Fedorova, psychologist, coach, leading sex trainer in Moscow and author of educational books:

Many girls have a great sense of humor, but do not always understand what witty jokes can lead to. The man is offended, but you don’t understand what happened - it’s like you didn’t say anything offensive. There are taboo topics that are better not to joke about, and one of them is pregnancy. Of course, every girl wants to know how ready the stalls are for such a turn of events. However, the standard phrase "honey, I'm pregnant" can very much and permanently undermine a man emotionally. This is comparable to a joke: “Darling, I kept wanting to tell you that I am married!”

In addition to emotional undermining, a man can be upset by the fact that you are testing him for strength, which means that you do not trust him or simply decided to spoil his mood. There is such a type of guys who are enough for one such joke - and they are already able to part with a girl, and not even because they are not yet ready to become a father.

Pregnancy is a serious topic, and it may happen that after the second such statement, the man does not react in any way, and you really are expecting a baby. Everything will turn out like in the old parable “about the shepherd and the wolf”, and it will be a shame not for the guy, but for you.

Of course, if you believe the endless series that are constantly broadcast on our TV channels, all men must believe in such a legend. But these are just serials, and far from being of high quality.

But what do we really have? After all, it is easy to deceive him by saying that you are pregnant from him, but will this lie entail exactly the consequences that you expect?

Firstly, if a man does not want to stay with you, then he is no longer set up to have common children. Perhaps he is simply not ready for this, or perhaps he simply does not want to start a family with this particular woman. That is why, the news of pregnancy will rather make him quickly pack his bags and disappear in an unknown direction, rather than repent and swear eternal love.

Well, if we assume the option that he still believed and stayed? In this case, a person will definitely try to check. Of course, you can get a fake certificate, but guys are often not so stupid as to blindly believe a piece of paper. Most likely, he will go with you to the doctor, and, perhaps, he will take you to a specialist he knows, and then the truth will definitely be revealed. And your grievances and the words "how can you test me?" won't work because he doesn't care. If he leaves you, then he no longer loves you. And offending an indifferent person is much easier and easier, while his conscience is unlikely to torment him.

But even if we assume the option that he still believed, who will guarantee that he will stay? A man can simply promise help and alimony, but not the hand and heart that a woman naively hopes for. Judge for yourself how many guys disappear when they find out that the girl is really pregnant. So where did you get the idea that yours is not like that. Of course, women tend to idealize their chosen ones, but sometimes, nevertheless, it is worth facing the truth. If a man does not need a woman, then most likely he does not need a child either. He can, for example, simply give money for an abortion. And in this case, you will only receive some kind of small material compensation, and not what you are counting on when starting this scam.

But still, let's say that your man is a romantic and naive idealist who believes in universal truth and goodness. Therefore, without any checks and suspicions, he takes your words on faith and remains nearby. What will you do next? Try hard to get pregnant, just to confirm your words? Are you ready to raise this baby, take on responsibilities, give up freedom? Most often, women who make such decisions do not think at all what will happen next. And then a family is built in which hatred and irritation reign, and a child grows up, completely unnecessary to the mother. The result of this is distorted destinies, inappropriate behavior and anger at the whole world. Are you ready to take responsibility for the fact that your son or daughter will be deeply unhappy? Of course, all people sometimes act immorally, but there should be a limit to everything.

If a woman does not plan to give birth, then, of course, after a while she tells the story of a miscarriage, in this way hoping to kill two birds with one stone: to hide a lie and tie a man. According to the scenario of such ladies, the guy will stay near her to regret and comfort. But this is fundamentally wrong. This only happens in soap operas. And in real life, most likely, the guy will just breathe a sigh of relief, turn around and leave. And then what to do, what other legend to invent?

To deceive a guy and say that she is pregnant, in the hope of his return, is naive and completely illogical. It is better to keep silent about the moral side of such actions. It is foolish to think that in a family built on lies, someone will be happy. Even if the guy after all this stays with you, it’s foolish to hope that he can fall in love again. If love is gone, then you can’t restore it, at least not in this way. In fact, this is violence against a person. Above his needs and desires. But none of us likes to be forced to do something. That is why, for a man, life with you will be slavery, which he hates and simply does not know how to get rid of. Usually such marriages end in divorce and constant infidelity on the part of the husband. And the wife, over time, simply begins to hate him, realizing that although he is physically close, mentally he is somewhere very far away.

So think about it, is it worth it to achieve such ephemeral happiness for yourself? Do you need a person who will never be able to say "I love" sincerely? Are you ready to survive with the thought that you have deceived a loved one and are simply paying for it?

Love cannot be returned by force. Therefore, it is better not to stoop to such low-grade ideas and just let the person go. Of course, it will be painful and insulting, but these sufferings cannot be compared with what you doom yourself to by choosing a lie. To deceive a guy is to instantly doom the relationship to collapse, to a complete failure. You can't do anything serious with a lie, because a lie always pops up, leaving you with an unpleasant feeling, as if you were standing naked in the middle of a crowded street.

There are things that cannot be changed and feelings that cannot be revived. Not a single man has ever truly been able to tie a child. Even real, not to mention invented. Even if the father of seven kids wants to leave the family, he will do it, and his beloved daughters and son will not interfere with him. Of course, everyone has the right to choose their own path to achieve the goal, but sometimes, it is worth admitting that the plan is simply naive and meaningless, and abandon it in time. After all, every lie pulls another one, and then another and another. And when there is too much untruth, it will definitely be revealed. That is why, think a hundred times before deciding to take such a step.

Love can do terrible things. Sometimes women, because of love, forget about all values, moral standards and other things, because love is always difficult to keep and keep. If a man begins to move away, then a woman is ready to go to various measures to keep her beloved. Girls are trying to change their appearance, paint, cut their hair, improve in bed, cook new dishes ... If all this does not help, but some decide to take more serious measures. For example, they tell a guy about pregnancy. Do you need this method to keep your loved one, does it help?

If you watch TV shows, you know that all young people there believe in such legends. Fooling them is easy. But after all, all these are fairy tales, in life everything is completely different.

How does everything really happen? It is very easy to deceive your loved one, but what will happen next? What consequences await us after such a lie?

Firstly, if your loved one does not want to be with you, then this means that he does not want to have children with you. Maybe he's just not ready to become a father, or maybe he doesn't want to have a child from you. For this reason, if he finds out about the pregnancy, then there is a high probability that he will abruptly wash off and disappear from your life forever. It is unlikely that he will immediately fall in love with you and marry you.

Let's say that a miracle happened, and your young man stayed with you. Now he will want to check by any means whether you have lied to him. Of course, you can get for a lot of money any piece of paper on which it will be written that you are pregnant. But your boyfriend is probably not such a fool as to believe all this. He will probably want to go with you to the doctor. Perhaps even to his familiar gynecologist. There, your lies will definitely be revealed. And even if you tell the guy how he can test you, all this will not work. He won't care because he doesn't love you anymore. It's much easier to hurt someone you don't like. After this, even his conscience will not, for sure, torment him.

If your young man still believed that you were pregnant? What guarantees are there that he will remain after this? He can simply promise you to pay alimony and provide all possible assistance. He probably won't want to marry you. And you are naively trying to hope for it. A huge number of guys constantly leave their girlfriends when they find out that they will soon be dads. Why do you think your boyfriend is not like that? Even though women usually idealize their loved ones, try to face the truth. If a man does not need a woman, then he will not need a child from her. He, for example, can give you money for an abortion. You can, of course, receive such material compensation, but this is not at all what you are going to this lie for.

Imagine that your man is a romantic and idealist. He believes in truth, goodness and love. For this reason, he will not test you and will take your word for it. So he stays with you. Well, what will happen next? Will you struggle to get pregnant so that your lies are not revealed? Are you ready to take this step? After all, these are parental responsibilities, the lack of free time. Women who lie that they are pregnant simply do not think about what will happen next. And then there will be only a family built on lies, in which hatred for each other will always reign. The child will grow, but no one will need him. This is how destinies are distorted, anger at the world appears. Are you ready to lie if your child is unhappy later? Of course, it often happens that people commit immoral acts, but not to the same extent?

If a woman does not want to give birth, then later she will tell that she had a miscarriage. So she counts on the fact that she will hide her lies and keep a man near her. She believes that the guy will stay with her to comfort and pity her. All this is not true at all. All this happens only in movies and TV shows. In fact, the guy will just breathe a sigh of relief and leave such a girl. What to do in this case? How to lie again?

Saying that you are pregnant and hoping that the guy will return is the height of naivety. Also, it is very immoral and completely illogical. No one in such a family will ever be happy and satisfied. Lost love can never be returned, especially in this way. Indeed, in fact, this is all violence against a man, his desires. Nobody likes being forced to do something. Life in such a family will become a real slavery for a man. He will hate her and constantly try to get rid of her. All this will someday end with constant infidelity on the part of her husband and, ultimately, divorce. The wife will simply begin to hate her husband, as she will understand that although he is near, he is very far from her spiritually.

Think about whether you need such false happiness? Do you need a man who can't even sincerely say that he loves you? Can you live with the thought that you once deceived a loved one?

Do not try to return love by violence. Just let your young man and do not stoop to such baseness as deceit. This, of course, will be very hurtful and painful, but this is all trifles compared to what awaits you if you go for such a lie. To deceive a guy by saying that you are pregnant - this immediately means a complete collapse and failure of all relationships. Nothing good can ever be built on lies. All this will only leave unpleasant feelings and memories inside you.

There are things that can never be changed, and feelings that cannot be returned. No one has ever succeeded in tying a man to himself with the help of a child, even if this is not a lie. Even if there are seven children in the family, the father can leave at any time if he wants to. Nothing can stop him. You can choose your own path to achieve your goals, but this plan just doesn't make any sense. One lie necessarily leads to another. Then all the lies will be revealed. Think many, many times before you deceive your young man like that!