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» How beautiful to propose to a girl on New Year's Eve? How to propose to a girl for the new year I want to propose to a girl for the new year.

How beautiful to propose to a girl on New Year's Eve? How to propose to a girl for the new year I want to propose to a girl for the new year.

The exciting moment of a marriage proposal can become even more romantic, solemn and touching if it happens on the most magical night of the year. But then everything needs to be done beautifully so that the beloved believes in a fairy tale.

The most successful purchase

December 31 is no longer the time to run around the shops in search of gifts or ingredients for salads. But to look at the holiday fair is a whole adventure! Agree in advance with some seller to hide a ring among his goods. For example, with the seller of gloves.

During a walk, bring your beloved to the desired tent and offer to look after yourself a new thing. Then say what you choose to your taste - and buy the ones with the ring inside. When trying on, the main secret of the purchase will be revealed.

If you are afraid to trust the jewelry to a stranger, then you can put it on yourself, lingering longer with the packaging of the goods.

Christmas balls

Boxes for rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including in the form of Christmas decorations. Buy this one! Then, on a festive evening, tell your loved one that you bought another set of toys that you definitely want to hang on the Christmas tree. Among the ordinary balls, she must find the one with the ring.

It will be funny if the girl does not guess that the toy is with a surprise. Then all the cards can not be revealed at once, but closer to the chiming clock, to show that she did not notice the main gift!

Vivid impressions

New Year's Eve is full of moments when the already overwhelming feeling of festive joy is doubly overwhelmed. This is the first shot of a cork of champagne, the chiming clock, bright fireworks. Any of these minutes is suitable for whispering the most important question in the girl's ear.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to prepare your speech ahead of time, otherwise a confused, awkward silence can ruin all the magic of the moment.


For the first time in its history, the “For the Love of Love” team decided to organize a romantic night on the roof for lovers on New Year's Eve for just two!

You get the opportunity to give your loved one a unique New Year's Eve on the highest roof in the center of St. Petersburg with a stunning view of the whole city!

The most memorable night of the year will also be your personal, magical night. The two of you, the whole world, the starry sky, decorated with fireworks, is yours and only yours. The most romantic city is under your feet. The words spoken that night will be remembered for a lifetime, and the feeling of the holiday will be prolonged with every memory of this evening.

Note to men: if you propose this night, you will definitely not forget when and how it happened 🙂

All you need is a desire to come, and the professional team of “For the Love” takes care of the entire organization of the event.

New Year's Eve Package:

– A unique opportunity to propose to your girlfriend at 00:00 or just spend the most romantic New Year on the highest and most beautiful roof in the city center with a panoramic view, where you will be only TWO!

– Event time: from 23:00 to 3:30-4 hours of rental, no extra charge for night time

– A souvenir gift certificate from “For Love”

– Rent a rooftop with the best panoramic view. Overview - 360 degrees

– Red rose for a lady

- Event organisation

– Banquet table setting, two chairs, beautiful candles

– Exit to the panoramic roof overlooking the city

– French or Italian champagne

– Box “Rafaello”

– Fresh fruit basket

– Soft, fluffy blankets

– Warm room with a panoramic view and access to the roof

– The roof will be strewn with rose petals

- Decoration with candles and lanterns

– Water, hot tea

– Dessert for two

– Live music – violinist performance

– Decoration with balloons (red or white hearts)

- Decoration with LED balls as a gift for the New Year!

- Launch balloons into the sky and make a New Year's wish

– Heart of candles and rose petals

The cost of a New Year's romantic date: 34,500 rubles

Additionally you can order:

– Professional photo shoot (1 hour) – 6,000 rubles

– A bottle of champagne – 1000 rubles

– Romantic dinner (three courses) by candlelight – discussed separately

– Chocolate flavored fondue – 500 rubles

– Fragrant hookah – 3000 rubles

– Bouquet of flowers – from 3000 rubles

– Electronic hookah – 500 rubles

- Poster with an inscription to order 2x1.5 - 5000 rubles

– Sushi set for two – 2,000 rubles

– Showing a slide show on a projector – 10,000 rubles

New Year is a time of miracles, magic and fulfillment of the most cherished desires. For some, the most desirable will be to receive a gift, for some, a successful end to the session, and for the most romantic girls, this is a marriage proposal from a loved one. Surely your girlfriend dreams of such a gift. But for everything to go flawlessly, young people should have the courage and patience. If you decide to take such a responsible step, then this article will help you make an offer to the lady of the heart so that she will definitely say “Yes!”.

The classic option is a marriage proposal under the chiming clock. However, you need to prepare for such an event a little more carefully than for the New Year's Eve. Take charge of the holiday.

First of all, decide where you will celebrate the New Year - at home, in a cafe or restaurant, visiting your parents or friends. It would be better if it was a joint decision. Therefore, ask your soulmate where she wants to celebrate New Year's Eve and find a compromise solution.

If you are alone with each other

If you decide to stay alone with each other at home, then you should work on a romantic setting.

1. First of all, decorate the Christmas tree. Decorate it with toys, garlands and tinsel, and above all the decorations, hang these five exciting words: “Will you marry me?”. Thus, you will not only create a romantic atmosphere, but also add confidence to yourself. If you do not want to reveal the intrigue, then you can use a ring box in the form of a New Year's toy. It needs to be placed on the Christmas tree and ask a friend to find a "special" decoration. Or, at the right time, simply remove the desired toy from the New Year's beauty.

3. To ensure that the moment of the marriage proposal does not remain behind the scenes, set the camera by selecting the desired shooting point in advance. Thus, you will have captured the very first exciting moment in your life together, while extra people (photographer or operator) will not interfere with you.

4. Think in advance of the words of love that you will say at the time of the marriage proposal. Rehearse well, so as not to forget the words at the right time. Remember, even if not everything is perfect, your girlfriend will tell you the cherished “Yes!”.

You can propose marriage not only at home. Invite your girlfriend to walk around the evening city. As a rule, there will be few people in the evening, and you will be calmer. The light of evening lanterns, which gently dissipates in large snowdrifts, will add a romantic atmosphere. Ask the girl to close her eyes and look away. Write the words of the sentence in the snow and present the ring.

An unusual offer can be made at the cinema. Invite the girl to any New Year's melodrama or comedy. Arrange in advance with the staff to launch your marriage proposal at the end of the film. Shoot the video with the proposal in the studio with the help of professional operators. Calculate the minutes when the movie will come to an end. Warn your loved one that you need to leave. When the movie is over and she sees your proposal, approach with a bouquet of roses and ask the question: "Will you agree to marry me?"

If you are visiting

An unusual offer can be made even if you are not alone on New Year's Eve. In this case, you can turn to friends or parents for help. They will help you organize and carry out everything at the highest level.

1. On New Year's Eve, when everyone will be counting the seconds, you need to tell your girlfriend a few reasons why you love her so much. To avoid awkward pauses, write the text in advance. And when the clock strikes midnight, say in her ear: "Will you marry me?" (to the joyful exclamations of friends and relatives, she will not be able to refuse you).

2. After the chiming clock, as is customary, everyone exchanges gifts (here are a few ideas). Give a box-matryoshka, and in the very last - a ring. While your beloved will open all the boxes, offer your hand and heart. This New Year will be only yours and will be the beginning of your life together. Be confident in yourself, and she will definitely say the desired “Yes!”

When a man decides to combine two destinies into one and create a family, this is an extremely important, one might say, turning point in a couple's relationship. A guy is ready to give a girl an engagement ring? This means that he is ready to lose the most precious thing in his life for her sake - freedom. Ladies, appreciate such a truly heroic deed! But the path to the heart of a beauty is not always smooth. The rule works here - the more romance and fantasy in the way the proposal was made, the higher the chances for a potential husband to become real. As well as possible in this case, New Year's Eve is suitable. What could be better than a marriage proposal for the New Year? Any girl will melt from a romantic confession on the most magical evening of the year. After all, the New Year is a fairy tale, it is a dream come true, let's say more - it is the beginning of a new life. So, let's look at the ways that the most spoiled princess will definitely like.

This method of offering a hand and heart for the New Year is the easiest. Any young man, even one who considers himself completely pragmatic and looks with slight contempt at various love follies, can easily take him into service.

A cozy room in his (her) house where no one else is. Candles are burning, the garland on the Christmas tree is flickering. The usual humming of the TV in the corner.

Or like this: a restaurant, a separate table, just you and her - and no one else is nearby. The complete illusion of privacy.

Your actions:

When there is a lull in which the President solemnly delivers the much-anticipated speech by Russians, get ready. Girls usually half-heartedly listen to the head of state. At this time, they are relaxed and immersed in their dreams, which are directly related to personal happiness. And then, with the first (or last) strike of the chimes, you solemnly say: “Beloved! I want you to be my wife!" And give me a ring. There will definitely be an effect! A girl who is in a state of joyful anticipation of a miracle will certainly answer: "Yes."

On a romantic walk

You can try another option. How to make an offer so that it falls exactly on the New Year, although the chimes have already struck? It's simple: you invite a friend to walk together to the city Christmas tree.

The night park (or the streets of your beloved city brightly lit with New Year's lights), there are a lot of people around, but you feel in complete solitude - after all, you go hand in hand and are still excited about the beginning of a new period in life. So let everything be different from now on!

Your actions:

Near the Main Christmas Tree of the city, you stop, gently kiss the chosen one and offer her a hand and a heart. And immediately - a treasured ring on her finger so that she does not think that this is just a New Year's dream that will end soon ...

Unusual Christmas tree

How do you usually decorate a Christmas tree? That's right - garlands, toys, sweets. And today you will have a slightly different tree.

On the Christmas tree in your house, let small surprise gifts that a girl has ever made to you flaunt: postcards, hearts, small chocolates, cool pens. And also - objects "with a hint":

  • houses;
  • angels;
  • puppet figurines of girls and boys (there were many such New Year's toys in Soviet times - ask your parents to rummage through an old box).

Your actions:

Take the girl to the Christmas tree. Does she like jewelry? Does he recognize his gifts? And what does she think about when she looks at this dollhouse in the style of a Swiss chalet? .... After leading questions, get down on one knee and beg her to become your wife. And then she will have everything: her own house (and maybe even a cottage), and many gifts, and a whole dozen children - both boys and girls. You are ready to provide for everyone!

romantic week

How to propose to a travel lover for the New Year? Easier than simple - of course, on a romantic trip!

The Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Eiffel Tower, the Roman Colosseum or the Crimean Cape Fiolent, the garden of Tsarskoye Selo or the Hare Bridge near Palace Square…. Yes, in the end, even the Museum of Angels in the village of Vyatskoye, Yaroslavl Region, or the Arboretum in Pereslavl-Zalessky! Any trip - any country, city or village where your girlfriend has not yet been.

Your actions:

A declaration of love and giving a ring in a hotel, on a walk, in a museum, in a park, outside the city ... Everything will do!

The roof was blown off

New Year on the roof

If your potential spouse is not afraid of heights, negotiate with the travel agency of your city and ask for a rooftop tour.

The ambiance is obvious. Your actions: hold the girl tighter to you and then shout about love for her to the whole world! Only it is better to give the ring on the ground - otherwise she will drop it from excitement, then you will have to buy a new one.


There must be gifts under the tree. What is the New Year without them?

Christmas tree, under it a lot of tinsel and rain. And somewhere among this splendor a box (or a bag, or a boot) is hiding.

Your actions:

Tell your loved one that you can't live without her. And tell her that you prepared a special gift for her today. It's a surprise. You can say nothing more: she will guess everything and quickly find everything herself. And agree to be yours forever!

If you are celebrating a holiday with friends, you can add a touch of theatricality.

New Year's table. Champagne. Guests.

Your actions:

Just say at the right moment: “I love you. Be my wife". And let your friends repeat in chorus louder. Then she will definitely believe that this is not a New Year's fairy tale.

Santa Claus as an ally

Surely, as a child, you happened to recite poems to a white-bearded grandfather who came to the house and receive a gift from him. Let's ask for his help!

Your apartment (or her apartment). After the doorbell rings, you open it. Santa Claus is standing on the threshold and says that he has an assignment for your chosen one. It could be yours best friend. Read about it in our dedicated article.

Your actions:

Call a friend. She, of course, thinks that Grandfather was mistaken: he probably went to the neighbors, they have two children. But no! Grandfather assures that he was going exactly here. And he gives the beauty a gift - a box with a ring. And inside is a note from young man, who stands right next to him and blushes with worry ...

For those who have pets

If a girl has a four-legged friend - a dog, then she will definitely take him for a walk. It doesn’t matter to the dog whether the New Year has come or something else happened to people - she always needs to walk.

Dog, her collar.

Your actions:

Slowly tie the box with the ring to the collar and observe.

When a girl is about to go outside with a dog, she will certainly pay attention to a strange decoration. She certainly did not buy this for a dog! Come on, let's see what's inside ... Next will be a cry of joy! You can even not make an offer - and so everything is clear.

Important note: you should make friends with the dog in advance. She, after all, does not know that you want to commit a noble deed, and may prevent the implementation of a romantic plan.

For morning coffee

If you want to arrange a real surprise, wait out the New Year's Eve. It is better to survive it calmly, without the active use of alcoholic beverages. And in the morning, when you go to brew coffee and bring it to a girl, on a tray between cups she will find not only delicious cookies, but also a treasured box. Words: "I love you! Marry me!" - what could be more beautiful than such a beginning of the first day after the New Year? ...

These are the methods you can use for a non-standard declaration of love on New Year's Eve. Try any one you like, given your capabilities and the nature of your girlfriend. Let your family life will start happily and will always be happy!

If you decide to propose to a girl, then - New Year the best time for this. On this day, every word is filled with romance and love, and the fabulous atmosphere will make the New Year's Eve unforgettable.

Where is the best place to propose to a girl?

Even a simple declaration of love is not easy, especially if a man is indecisive and timid. Before a responsible step, everyone at least once slipped the thought “what if it fails?”

The chances of hearing the cherished "yes" in the new year increase significantly - after all, on a holiday shrouded in a fairy tale, everyone believes that the cherished wish will come true.

Even if you have been dating a girl for a couple of months, it is not so difficult to find the key to your heart if you think a little.

The best place to propose a hand and heart is a cozy house somewhere in a snowy forest. A fireplace, Christmas socks with figured candies inside, a smart Christmas tree.

Instead of balloons, you can make confessions on small cards or cut out hearts. Even though you are no longer children, the New Year's tree is a symbolic attribute that creates a fabulous atmosphere.

You can rent a house for a day inexpensively if you book a place a couple of months before the new year. In the last days of December, prices skyrocket, but it's not even about money - you just don't have time to prepare a surprise.

If it is not possible to leave for a New Year's bungalow, then you can spend an evening in the countryside or create a New Year's atmosphere at home.

Do not be lazy on such a significant day - one of the most pleasant surprises is a dinner prepared by the hands of a man. Do not force your beloved to stand at the stove in the new year.

It is not necessary to cook 5 dishes and the same number of desserts - baking chicken in the oven with potatoes and chopping a salad is not at all as difficult as it seems. And if you bake cookies (like gingerbread) or muffins, then you can hide a wedding ring inside.

Original ways to propose to a girl

Everyone remembers the sparkling glass of champagne, when the girl takes a sip and realizes that the treasured ring lies at the bottom. This method has long become boring and does not cause the expected storm of delight.

Although, a woman will be happy with any submission if the marriage proposal comes from her beloved man.

And yet, originality does not hurt.

Tree with confessions

Thread a silk ribbon through the ring and hang it among the Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree. Toys can be replaced with a garland of love notes or with just one sentence "marry me."

sweet surprise

Gently insert the ring into the cupcake or cookie. It is better if the sweets are prepared by you personally.

Christmas ball

Now they sell special opening balls-caskets where you can hide the jewelry.

Offer to decorate the Christmas tree together and ask to carefully examine the toy when she "accidentally" takes it in her hands. If you don’t guess about the surprise, then give the ball after the chiming clock during dinner.

Snowball game

Hide the box near the house, and invite the girl to take a walk in the yard. For fun tomfoolery, quietly lead her to the place where the surprise is hidden.

After opening the box, do not forget to confess your feelings. An offer to marry in verse will be accepted with delight.

Unexpected purchase

You can connect strangers to your plan, it all depends on your imagination. Choose some small, cozy souvenir shop, negotiate with the seller and hide the wedding ring in a wallet, figurine or other purely symbolic thing.

Invite the girl to go shopping and "accidentally" respond to the seller's offer to look into the souvenir shop.

Having found a ring in one of the little things, the girl will be amazed and will remember this day for the rest of her life.

Calendar with a surprise

Buy or make a calendar with closed pockets. In each, put a note listing the tasks for the day (for example, on December 15, buy gifts, on December 16, write invitations to guests).

On December 31, put a box with a ring in your pocket. The main thing is that the girl does not look through the entire calendar a month in advance. To prevent this from happening, add gifts every day, not all at once.

Walking in romantic places

Make a route in advance - it’s good if all the places are connected with the first acquaintance. For example, walking along the bridge where the first date took place, you can open a bottle of champagne and, watching the snowflakes swirl, hand over a box with a ring.

flower composition

Do not give a standard bouquet of roses, better order a composition - put the flowers in a box in the shape of a heart, and place a box with a wedding ring in the center. Ask the girl in advance what kind of flowers she likes. It is better to find out about preferences long before the holiday.

Romance by candlelight

A classic of the genre that will always remain immortal.

As soon as the clock strikes 12, fill the tub with water, light the candles, turn off the lights. Rose petals in water, a few drops of aromatic oil, quiet romantic music, fruits and a glass of wine on the side of the bathroom - a woman will be delighted.

Inflate the balloon in advance, inside which put the ring. Let him into the water. The ball can be replaced with a boat or any other trinket. Rest assured that the surprise effect will work in your favor.

Box with surprises

Collect a lot of boxes and put them one inside the other (like a nesting doll). In each place some souvenir or sweet gift.

The very last, small box should contain jewelry, for example, earrings. While the girl is putting them on (enable the parent to help), hide the box with the ring behind your back and get down on one knee.

When the girl turns to you to show the earrings, say the words "marry me" and hold out the ring.

Street wedding hints

A time-consuming, but very original way is to order banners on vehicles or posters on poles with the inscription “I love you”, “you will get married soon”, “marry me”.

On the banners there is a photo of your beloved. The inscriptions can be made in a foreign language, then the girl will first need to find a translation, which is already much more interesting.

Not for the faint of heart

You can build a whole scenario and connect friends. But be careful, because some scenes can cause a strong shock (applies to pregnant girls).

Play a car chase - you can be chased by both bandits and policemen - who exactly will depend on the availability of uniforms and the right car.

You are slowed down, searched and threatened. Everything should happen in a raised voice and as believable as possible.

When the situation escalates to the limit, the evil uncles suddenly turn into kind ones, pull out a bouquet of flowers from nowhere, and the groom falls to his knee and breaks into a happy smile.

Another option is to make a cast of a human hand from plaster, solemnly “cut off” it to the sound of the chimes and present it along with the ring and the words “I give you my hand and heart, marry me” (this option was suggested by a creative subscriber).

Messages from strangers

Encourage friends throughout the day to send messages to the girl from unfamiliar numbers "marry him", "he loves you", "get ready, something will happen today." Discuss what kind of messages to write in advance.

Under the chiming clock or after (if you decide to spend New Year's Eve in the bath), make a formal proposal.

morning surprise

You can do the most important act in your life on the morning of January 1 during breakfast. Next to a cup of coffee or cocoa, put the treasured box and place the tray in front of your beloved.

The most banal marriage proposals

  • A glass of champagne with a ring at the bottom;
  • recognition in a restaurant by candlelight;
  • handing the box to the family at the set table;
  • a standard bouquet of roses (often men give 5-10 stems and this is limited).

When not to propose

If there is tension in your relationship, and you are on the verge of a break, then you should wait until everything settles down. To get married, the girl, of course, will agree, but quarrels will resume as soon as the enthusiasm and sense of novelty subside.

Not every girl will like the proposal to marry in the company of friends or on the street. Hear the words "Will you marry me?" hooting and teasing friends is not always a good option.

After all, confession of feelings is an intimate matter that should not take place in noisy places among a crowd of people. In addition, the girl may be embarrassed to refuse - who knows, what if the next day you get your gift back?

Try not to get drunk at such a crucial moment, even if your nerves are on edge.

And, most importantly - think well, is it worth making an offer to a girl in the new year? After all, if something goes wrong, then every year you will remember your failure.

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